E4 Creo Parametric 6.0 - Basic Modeling 4 Tutorial

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welcome back I'm Chris Sakura and I'm gonna step you through exercise for creo parametric 6.0 today's exercise we're going to take a look at again reviewing the revolve feature I know we've done that before a couple times but really the main thing we're looking at here are the sweets and you can see right here this is actually a sweep and then we're gonna pattern that and so we'll take a look at how that's generated now once you know and understand how to do sweeps there's really that's how you make freeform geometry so we're gonna start stepping into a little bit more advanced functionality at this point but still it's basic enough to where you're going to be able to grasp at those of you who are new to the software so let's begin let's the training guide if we just go to vert and e1v er T is and Tom pays in an Cu x1 calm and you could go to instructional manuals and the creo parametric 6.0 basics this lesson starts on page 44 and here you can see what we're gonna do goes through the process of creating the center profile we're gonna look at sketch billets for the first time alright actually this case gets chamfer sorry we'll do a little more trimming and some other entities as well and then we'll revolve it so go to new part and go ahead and label this capital e4 and hit OK select the front plane and let's go right to revolve now remember what the revolve the centerline needs to be put in immediately so go ahead and click on the origin dragon vertical centerline straight up now we could go to the rectangle tool and draw a little rectangle here and a middle click now that we have that go ahead and click on refit and let's set this up a little bit steeper so set the bottom go ahead and double click on that dimension change it to 1 and then change this to 3 and hit refit again and now there we have it okay we're gonna go ahead and add some features to this first of all let's go with the looking with the circle tool first we're gonna make this radius that's sticking out of the side here so just click them not in the vicinity where I just clicked if you could look at that drag out your circle a little bit like so so it's just peeking out a little bit change the diameter of the circle to one inch and I'll go to dimension and dimension the center point to the bottom edge and the middle click right here make that 1.75 and then from this edge to the center point you could drag that down here and middle click and make that point to five to locate the center now find the delete segment 12:00 and start scrolling from inside here to get rid of that geometry and now let's get this right now here we have an interesting phenomena that's occurring with this release I'm not sure I've seen it before but then other times it doesn't seem to happen as much not entirely sure why but we see a little red square now this is good that we're hitting this right now because the little red square indicates there's an opening or a gap or an extra line so we need to address that so let's zoom up to that and now to fix it you don't have to zoom up too close but I want you to go to the corner option and click on this and this entity here and all the Sun that should fix it so if you ever have something like that the corner might be a good option apparently somewhere there might have been a little opening when we trimmed it all right and now since we have that let's make this try again you could double click hit enter actually if you right click or just click one time see here a little there we go let's just lock it make sure it's 3 good enter okay now we're going to learn the Sham for tool inside of a sketch chamfer right up here and now this is a little different than the Sham for tool for the 3d features it will give us basically the same geometry when we're done some people prefer to put it in as a feature some people prefer to put it in this sketch I believe when you put it into a sketch it seems as though it's a little bit more work however it can pay off in terms of processing resources now if you have a lot of features listed on the model tree here each one of those features takes time when I used to work on these systems back in 90s we were dealing with very slow computers that had like 24 megabytes of RAM which we're talking was like nothing compared to today's computers and we were 3d modeling and every feature that we would have on a model tree which the model tree didn't exist on there but I know their CAD packages I would find if take five minutes to regenerate once we save it all and regenerate to make sure it all updates properly each feature might take five minutes on a slow computer like I was working on a spark station and then once we got to duck alphas those were much faster but they were very slow and so even today that is relevant because you do you want efficient modeling if you can but remember there's more work upfront involved with sketch geometry but and if you could remove that it might be a fraction of a second that it takes off the actual processing time of the model but imagine if you had a million models for like an assembly let's say your buildings an aircraft or something which might have a million different parts to it multiply that over the millions of parts and it will actually make a difference when you're opening the file of the entire assembly so it's still good efficient modeling to try using sketches went up when you can but remember it's tougher sometimes so for my new users I don't recommend doing this too often but once you get to be more fluent with the system you could go ahead and get what you want okay I'm gonna go to chamfer now I'm gonna click on this line worried about you actually kind of click where you think it would be so from here to here and you'll see it will put it in now middle click two times again we're hitting the middle wheel double click and go ahead and change this double click on this one make a point two five and double click on this one make that point two five as well and now we have our chamfer all right we're ready to go ahead and revolve this so I'm going to hit OK it will revolve immediately thereafter because we selected revolve is our feature of choice initially go ahead and hit okay now let's we're gonna put it on those spokes like the front plane and what you're gonna do because we're using a sweep we're gonna start with the sketch first as a sweep has a sketch of the path and then there's also a profile and they're usually perpendicular to each other so that's why we're starting off separately okay now find the spline to another splines will here so an issue based off if I believe of polynomial splines some of you might have been familiar with Bezier splines and things like that essentially now I believe it's using non-uniform rational b-splines or nerves which are better especially when you trim them they trim up truer and they seep their shape versus older types of curves but we're gonna go with the spline create a spline curve here now take your pointer and get right about here like in the middle of that hump you're not gonna be able to find the actual midpoint of it so don't worry about that we're gonna do a little free-form now now if you want you could follow the instructions in the book and the book actually has analytical geometry which are just lines and arcs and you can do it that way but I want to start introducing people who the spline tool because the spine schools what makes freeform object let's go ahead and click here now trying this out and connect to the actually somewhere near but connect to the center point first and then connect to this point this is gonna give us a straight curve right out of the gate I drag this up a little bit and remember this is freeform meaning that you have some freedoms here to draw what you want to see and so I'm gonna have this straight not really straighten out but I'm gonna get up there don't put too many points too many points actually make it more complex so leave it rather simplified like this and then middle click and you can see there are some dimensions and that's fine we're just going to leave it it's freeform so it's we're not gonna put the dimensions and ends up yet we could always put them in if you'd like but we're gonna keep them as is I mean like I guess suppose we could change these to even numbers like three point three seven five for that one okay now let's go ahead and we're gonna hit OK and from here find the sweep tool go ahead select sweep now either your arrow is coming off of the tip from the far left or over here make sure you click on the arrowhead if it's here to get it over on this side because that's where we want to start our sketch and what it's going to do is going to create a plane perpendicular than that point enabling us to draw a half-inch diameter and then we're going to sweep it along for our profile so that's good now once you get there you click over here to sketch and this is where you could sketch your profile now it rotated us and it's fine just so we could see it normal to and get to this intersection right here at the crosshairs click sure I got a circle whoops let me try it again middle click and then change it to 0.5 now if your curve is too dramatic it may fail to sweep it because imagine like you see it's perpendicular now if you have a very dramatic slope what could happen is it could roll in on itself and it's not going to allow that to happen so will error out so you have to smooth that curve out so you could always go back and move the points that that sketch if you need to all right so I'm gonna go ahead and hit okay and immediately we could see the preview you know it's pretty good let's go ahead and hit okay and I'm gonna turn on my shaded with engines here so we can see this a little bit better now we want to make a pattern of that so select the sweep one from the model tree and proceeded to go to pattern now one of the ingredients we need for a pattern first of all let's change it to axis it's just that an axis and click here to the right of datum display filters make sure your axis display is on you can then select that axis and you can see the four instances because right now it's defaulting to four at ninety degrees let's change that now let's put in five instances total I think it's inclusive of the one that you already made and then type in over here three six zero four 360 degrees divide it by the number that you just entered so five and that gives you the angle which is 72 degrees so they're evenly spaced go ahead and hit OK now by the way those little points on there we could have clicked on those if there were if there was one we didn't want so that's also a nice feature all right so now we have those completed I'm gonna go back and turn off my access display now go ahead and select the right plane not actually not outside the front plane again and go to revolve select the circle tool and get right on this vertex here it which is actually the center point click and drag on a circle middle click and make that point eight five and I know in the book I have one-inch diameter I'm changing it up a little bit here since I wrote the book so anyhow alright go to centerline and go to the point down here draw your vertical centerline and I'll just hit OK and it should revolve around 360 degrees good okay now go to round and we're gonna add our rounds of at point two five now again because I've given you freedom I didn't give you dimensions really for the the spline so yours might be really tight may not be able to fit these fill it's at the sides so if it's like a quarter-inch if it does not work point to five try lowering it to maybe point one two five for the pellets and that's fine in real-world scenarios sometimes as a designer you have the ability to reduce in size to fill it sometimes you have to make adjustments to the other geometry surrounding it so you might have to actually stretch out that spine a little bit giving it more space but there's a lot of little tricks to it so it's an art to adding fill it's actually go ahead and select these intersections here and then go ahead and add the ones down at the base all right now hit apply let's go to round now and add some additional smaller but once the point goes six and add some here there and we could add one at the bottom four to smooth it out okay so we have our hand wheel now we're going to learn how to use the whole tool now we've cut holes before the past three weeks have been cutting holes just by drawing the circle but the whole tool allows you to specify from a library of standard holes like even countersinks and count aboard so there's advantages to using it and we're going to put a big one right here so let's go to hole and you can see here you have user simple we're gonna go ahead and select this face because that's where you want to put the hole and immediately you can see the parameters of the hole let's change the length to two inches and the diameter to 25 all right now there's different things we can add to it we could actually go to standards here and look at that that opens up counter sink and counter bore let's go to counter bore all right now went with and also there's UNC ISO and then the screw size you can specify here let's go with let's go ahead and try one now let's good with three-quarter 10 and that gives you this backs alright also we could say counter bore you could go to shape and you can specify additional parameters here so like for example we want the depth here let's make it two inches and there's our drill tip angle we have three quarters of an inch here and the overall diameter we'll just now it has the clearance in there for that specific type of bolt that would go in there already so we'll go ahead just leave that as is alright now we go to placement and you'll see there's linear there's radio diameter coaxial I'm point we're you stupid linear now here's the thing go ahead and click on this and turn your plane display on and you'll see there's two little boxes here drag one to this plane here and drag the other to this plane here and I'll side you'll see it transition now these you can actually set these to zero to Center it between those two points oops and you fix them okay let's try that again zero zero okay now we've centered it so just make sure you have to grab those little handles and drag into the planes from linear positioning and you could drag them to edges as well but this was a cylindrical edge there's the other methods which will look in zoom feature classes or find a video that just goes over just the whole tool here okay go ahead and hit the green check and look at that even puts the specifications of that hole right there for us and that will appear on the drawing okay now I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the planes and we could go ahead and save this so again do a file save as do a save backup and locate I'm gonna drop in my creo directory don't even rename it when you do a backup you really can't rename it if you want to rename it do it a save as not as insane as backup there we go so if you wanted to rename it this which do you do save as you could just save as copy or so okay so now that we have that done we're gonna take a look at some of the other things to do alright so the C on page 50 we have the lab 3c which is a cover plate and then there's the lab for which is this one here now the cover plate it's just a rectangle 2.75 by 4.5 it's point one two five thick and you draw these little shapes out here I will just show you that really quick at this point as we're getting progressively more into modeling these things I hope you're doing a mind your own versus one relying too heavily on the videos watch the videos only if you get stuck so let's do this one really quick and like I said I don't think I'll put all the dimensions in like I'm gonna go ahead and download this and then I should be able to open it and rotate it so click on that let's get back to that page which is page 50 and here's rotate okay and then you could put this on your neighboring screen if you have dual screens so I'm gonna go to new part and this is going to be lab former actually this is all four oh actually this is all three see according to this so let's not sure how that got put where it is but that's okay that's a good one to practice so I'm gonna be C and I'm the front plane go to extrude and find center rectangle draw that out or make it really small and then you can zoom up to it and the height is going to be 2.75 and the width will be 4.5 and you can hit refit get that name closer okay now if we want we could add these right now as well they through-hole via say point 1 to 5 with a chamfer on it we'll go ahead and add these so to add this in you could do another rectangle then I'm just like that stay away from the edges of any geometry let's zoom up there and make this according to the print so the width it will make one on one side in the mirror to the other so 0.85 oh I'm sorry no that's not that's 1.125 height this will be point eight five and then it gets located 0.3 from center all right now we could go ahead we're gonna draw in some center lines I'm gonna draw a vertical set on line and a horizontal center line and I'll proceed to go with the three-point arc right here I'm gonna go directly across let's try it here okay there we go I just came off a little strange so click on that that's a radius of 0.75 and I see I snap to that so let's delete that that was an accident there we go now points on five here's what you might actually have the radius on all right have a location of that okay all right then click on this line here and Jada to construction you'll see it will open it up now we want to mirror this across just like this go to mirror and select the centerline Jumeirah to crunch now click on this one and change that to construction all right now we could go ahead middle click a couple times and we can hear that across I'm just going to click and drag a fence to surround it go to mirror and select vertical centerline and the room whole let's go ahead and put that in and that needs to be point one two five all right we're done we're in good shape let's hit OK and then the extrusion depth for this is point one two five and apply and let's proceed to put these things on here so we have some champers point zero five by forty five for those inside edges so this is going to sham for so we're gonna go ahead and do point oh five distance the distance is fine and we just need to chamfer all these edges all right and no on say with this one too okay there we gots all the same okay okay and now go to the round option and the rounds here are listed point one so select such here that is there this one and that one why rotate it around and then the says shell the backside it moves point Oh safe since go to shell 2006 and select this face here and you're done okay let's save that actually let's just save a backup that way no need to read you just directly you want it all right now let's go to new this next part is challenging for all right l4 is a bluetooth earpiece and I scaled it up a bit bigger than it actually needed to be just because of dimension purposes so we have to draw this out of shell body it's 60 thousandths wall thickness it very similar to III as well as lab 3 it has a little bit more detail on and see there's that 115 degree angle here and then we have 23 degrees here 0.75 and 0.15 and then a distance spread of 0.1 1.25 between both centers and then one inch from this corner to the bottom Center and then the overall thickness is 1/2 inch and that'll get us pretty far let's go ahead and do that so go to extrude select the front plane and with center line and then we're gonna draw a line here vertical line just for scale purposes and let's set it to 2 inches and then zoom up to it I guess we could delete that really we don't need them now all right now we take the line tool and down here in an angle and then you're gonna draw a secondary angle that 115 degree just like that ignore those dimensions go to mirror select the vertical centerline should be mirrored across I'll go to the 3 point actually tangent for the bottom and we'll use a 3 point for that top so click here and go straight across whether you have to go out this like little envelope right there click and then have this come out like that alright so a little bit more detail than before let's go ahead and change this 1.5 0.75 the distances let's put those dimensions and so we from this center point to the center point will be 2 and it didn't like that so um let's see okay and what it doesn't like it that means that there's other geometric conditions that would tie into themselves so it pauses what that probably is an indicator that we have to put in these angle dimensions first so right here here this is 24 and then from here to here I recall that was 115 we'll just double check that one 15 and 23 let's changer now let's try and change this one still doesn't like it okay I'll we probably have to get this on the center so we could go to coincident it's like this point to this point that will lock that down let's put in some of the other dimensions and so it likes this one so I believe already call yeah one inch oh it's only supposed to be one point two five so that was really close actually so from this point to this corner middle-click will be one inch middle-click 2 times 1.25 that's why I didn't like it it was just way too big for what I was trying to do and it would squeeze in on itself alright now we could go ahead and hit OK and this is a half inch thick however we have draft and the 25 degrees typical tracker and then there's going to be a sham from the front of 30 degrees so let's go to options and add taper that's tapers another name for drap - 25 all right kid okay now did that shampoo that goes out in there we're going to go ahead and set that that is going to be 30 degrees and by 0.181 so let's that angle the distance thirty point one eight one select this edge alright hit apply go to round and this next round is going to be point five we'll just drag it out for fun have a little fun with it these are great challenging little parts they're like puzzles think of them like puzzles those of you like puzzles all right looking good let's go ahead and go to shelves like this space it's supposed to point oh six there we go get in there let's select this space go to extrude and we'll put in those little openings so for that lets go to center line right off top here okay draw line up there at a slight angle middle click select that to go to mirror and select the center line and now go to tangent arch from here to here from here to there and then they're going to be point one point two and let's verify the size a half inch across and then they're going to be located on a bolt circle here radius of 0.7 so let's put that dimension in here between the Centers like five and so that means we could dimension let's get a bolt circle under fraud that out change it to for construction and it's a diameter now here's a neat thing now right now its diameter if you want to change it to a radius you can put a new dimension because it's week rate now watch this by clicking once and then they'll click out here it gives you a radius all right now clicking twice will give you a diameter okay so let me show you that but let's get rid of this one now we do want the radius so we delete that so now watch this to place and then they'll click gives you a diameter pretty neat the way that does that some people might not think that's a big deal but remember a diameter is two times the size of a radius because it's going clear across versus two Center so I think that's what's kind of whoever wrote that in there there was some bit of brilliance right there okay anyhow let's now we want to get this poised right on that corner so let's go to coincident it's like this circle and let's set that circle 27 didn't update all right so now that's in position we're gonna hit okay we're gonna flip the direction and make sure it removes material and just make sure it goes through all and apply now we're gonna pattern I'm going to show you we're gonna do pattern on one side we could do it all the way around but then I'm gonna mirror to cross I'm going to show you kind of two for one here that's actually it notes that's two instead of normally be one but I just want to review some of these so that extrude I'm gonna selected I'm gonna go to pattern and I'm gonna go to axis and let's see if we could see our axis display and not getting it okay so let's cancel out there for a second let's do a little different something different here looks like this face go to extrude and let's put the boss in the center okay now that needs to be 0.8 3 5 and then it gets exuded 30,000th in height so here 0.03 hit apply now let's try the gun extrude turn on access display oh there it is there's the axis select extrude go to pattern you know a wrong extrude cancel hold on a second my apologies for that one alright let's select extrude to I was selecting the wrong extrude there okay go to pattern and since okay since that little axis isn't showing up I want to bring that back up there and what happened when I went to add this it kind of goes back because this is a chronological order it's a history tree and so let's try and drag the extrude up now some of you might know a trick as to getting that geometry in there for hand and definitely share that with me right now I'm drawing kind of a blank on how to get that but I want to bring this beyond as okay so here's what we're going to do I want to get this extrude 3 to exist before xq2 now if I drag it up I can do that but it reorders up you think so let's get now we see that extrude 3 still is not in the right place so let's bring extrude 2 down let's bring the shot there okay so I had it working and them it wasn't I've been trying to get this to reorder because usually you could grab these and reorder them now my extrude to keeps going above my extrude 3 and I want that to come afterwards so let's having some challenges with that so here's what we're gonna do instead I'm gonna click and I'm just gonna delete that feature now right here is a bar that kind of takes us back in time if we grab it we could drag it above the extrude to now the extrude to then it's just kind of floating there in space but whenever we put in here now will actually be added before extrude to so we'll go ahead and select this face go to extrude and go to circle locate this circle again and we're going with that that was 0.8 3 5 hit okay and we want that to go depth of 0.03 Deventer now the goal is to get that little guy right there now watch this let's take the roll back drag it underneath and now the extrude 3 exists before extrude 2 so we reordered on the history tree so we can actually take advantage of that little thing all right so now we're gonna go to pattern we're gonna select access and then select that rule sunrises all right what we're looking for though is as we can see here these are spread out 24 degrees so let's put 3 and 24 and there we could see them a preview right now we do have Direction 2 but let's watch what this does is hit apply no with that pattern we could go to mirror and we were across the plane - so the bright plane intersects right there hit OK and now we've added our patterning and again we could have gone all the way around and turned off certain ones there's there's actually a couple ways you could have done it this way I just want to show you a couple different tricks all right so now go to round and point over 3 I would like to put that in just yet sorry ok we've got that boss in there now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and put in there's a cut out and the cut out we could see is a little rectangle point 1 by 0.05 and it's located here let's zoom up it's located point three seven one to Center so let's select this face go to extrude and actually just so it rotates here I'm going to go to front there we go go to the center rectangle actually let's go to centerline first try vertical cell line now the rectangle we're gonna have this float just having some dimensions like that and then the this is me point one and we have equal and I didn't want equal so here's how to get rid of that click on the equal symbols hit delete now the dimensions should appear and that is supposed to be point zero five and then this locator let's go to dimension this bottom edge to center that's spear fight with that it's supposed to be in this case point three seven one and now we could cut that head okay flip the direction and make sure your move material is selected and we'll do through all and apply now there's a Philip that goes in there and you might be same one I can't see all these little features in my apologies because that's why I try and keep these drawings simple usually because I need to put them on in a size sheet for the training guide so anyhow just bear with me on that all right so we can see here point one for this little radius that's there so let's put that into all right now we want a pattern mode so we could select both and notice the pattern tool doesn't show up so let's try geometry pattern and we're gonna put in axis select our little axis again and we're gonna put in number of instances let's take a look here take a hand somewhere we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and they're equally spaced with 15 here we could type in 360 divided by 15 which gives us 24 degrees and let's hit OK and there it is go ahead select this face and start go to extrude go to circle and this you don't really have to do I didn't even measure this out I just put what looks kind of like a little Death Star logo or something like that and okay and flip that have it cut point 0 1 deep just like a little engraving okay oh also there's a Phillip that goes around here now we could rule back and add that filleth a little later let's see come right after the round let's go around and it's point little three select this edge and apply and drag it down and then it updated all right let's get the inside now select this face go to extrude use the circle tool right at the center there's two and I'm getting some equal symbols I don't want those all right this one I'm going to delete that rule relationship and we can see if we look at the inside here we have a point five for the ID and point six for the OD so this is 0.65 hit OK and the extrusion depth for that if you look over here in this section view looks to be 0.13 can't apply all right select this face go to extrude we're gonna put the bosses on let's add a centerline reagan draw this one down below and then we'll drop on here to make them equal and supposed to be the same size and then that will control this and i believe this point once with five for the diameter but let's go back and verify that the 0.175 all right and this one could be mirrored over so I'll select that go to mirror it's like the vertical centerline and then we have a copy over there that's they're all equal now we're going to okay that proceeds to extrude them now the extrusion depth here again we can use this is 0.375 there does appear to be draft I didn't put the tape around there for the specification but we can put it in so let's put in point three seven five and then we can go to options and taper and we'll put minus one on there oops click the minus again there we go and hit apply now select these faces here go to extrude and we can use the concentric circle off the edge and in there like that middle click that one in there make it equal middle click this one make it equal as well and now this will control it and it's supposed to be point 1 and hit OK and those get reversed they only go point one deep flip it it's automatically cutting for us we could add paper again and put a minus in front of it and believe it looks like it's going blind in Richmond so it was going the right direction so minus again there we go okay [Music] all right and that finishes off now you could use a rib tool what the heck I'll show you let's uh select this face here and start a sketch now for the rib tool notice I selected the floor of that hundred thousands whole that's what we want the ribs to be to start and so we could go over here and add one right there middle click we could add one I don't want it to snap anything there and we can mirror those across I don't have a satellite ok select that go to a mirror it's like the vertical centerline now they're moving across and then this one here we'll just go ahead and add a little line there one here and one here notice I'm not touching the sides we talked about that before hit OK and we should be able to go to rib and then we can see the ribs and if you really wanted to straighten them you could put dimensions in I don't again just have a little fun with this alright now the rule of plastics when you're making plastic injection molded parts because of shrinkage you want there's a 60% rule the ribs should not exceed 60% the wall thickness of the outside so like if the wall thickness was a hundred thousands you need to have yours 60 thousandths from below for the ribs the actual groom side so for these since we are I believe 60 thousandths what will they should make these point three seven will a draft I'm sorry point zero three zero three something there we go all right we'll add draft you could round internal edges again creel probably has the most robust set of tools or even have round exposed edges and if you click on Matt which is pretty impressive what it does here go ahead and hit OK and there they are and that concludes exercise 4
Channel: vertanux1
Views: 4,209
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Id: uMJtMBMfToo
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Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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