E4 Creo Parametric 4.0 - Basic Modeling 4 Tutorial

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exercise for creo parametric 4.0 in this exercise we're going to take a look at some of the functionality inside creo when it comes to more revolved features as well as we're going to take a look at the sweep feature you can see these spokes that are here we're going to see how to create that using a sweep so that's a free-form type of object and that's great for using on virtually anything that's very smooth and shape or organic and appearance so of and then also we'll take a look at the whole tool as well so you can see here I have a counter sink actually counterbore sorry and we'll see how that's done and then and so let's go ahead and begin start with a new part file and go ahead and name it efore for exercise for the manual with the instructions can be located online at the vert an a.1 dot-com forward slash instructional manuals and then it's just the creo parametric 4.0 basics and it begins on page 45 the first thing we're going to do is we're going to focus on creating the sub section that you can see here so three by one rectangle based off of the origin and then we're going to draw a circle one-inch diameter and trim that out as well as we're going to put a sketch Champaran okay so go ahead and go to the revolve button and click on the front plane to begin find the rectangle tools and make sure you select the corner rectangle move your pointer to the origin click and drag it to the upper left corner and then click again drop it and middle click to release the dimensions the width is going to be one inch and the height will be three inches so go ahead and apply those numbers double-click changes we'll go ahead and we'll put the sham for in now you'll see that there's the chamfer trim and sham / just go with sham / click in the vicinity where you'd like to see the sham / take place and then click on the opposite perpendicular line between the two now these two we could go ahead and we could just little click and double click on one of them and go ahead and type in point 1.25 and go ahead and change the one to point two five as well making basically a 45-degree angle the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and select the circle tool now you could use some of the other arcs and things like that but I want to go over the trim tool again and here just slightly to the right of that line on the left take careful note where my pointer is click and drag out a circle that intersects past the left line click again in middle click and it should bring up the dimensions you'll see this dimension is no longer it's a weak dimension so go ahead you could actually click on that lock it if you like and now over here let's change this to one this dimension right here actually we're going to tie that to the point two five so I'm going to show you a constraint that we could use to replace that dimension go to vertical in the constraints area select this point after the extension line on the right of the 0.25 Stamper and then the center point of the circle and it should align it and you'll see that dimension will disappear them now the next thing we want to do is go to the dimension tool and locate this center point of this circle to the bottom edge and then go over here to the left and middle click to drop the dimension and there's going to be one one point six eight now we're going to trim that geometry out so let's go over here to the delete segment tool and scribble through here and here you'll see whatever turns green will be removed release it and we'll click now this one inch dimension is is currently said it's a diameter and we may actually want to display that as a radius so you could click on it and over here you'll find radius it will toggle that to a radius point five okay now we're ready we could go ahead and hit OK and here you'll notice that I meant to draw in a centerline and my geometry disappeared on me okay so what we're going to do let's see we're going add here and go ahead and select the y-axis so you have to make sure you turn on all of your ear see sys display and then the y-axis you can just click on that little arrow head right there and it will revolve around that otherwise it would have been wise to draw a vertical centerline and then it would have automatically revolved around that so just be aware if you have any trouble with that maybe draw a center line first okay if you okay I'm going to hit apply the green checkmark and now I'm going to turn off some of those whoops wrong button entities there okay the next thing we're going to do is we're going to create the sweep now to create the sweep we're first going to start off with drawing a skeleton of essentially the path that we're going to use so let's go to the front plane and start a sketch zoom out of here and let's draw a center line we could get away without it I suppose but just go ahead and draw that vertical center line and now take the line tool and right somewhere near the middle here you won't actually snap to the middle be where you're just going to go ahead and click and drag to the left a horizontal line click again and middle click two times and we just want that to be 2 inches and then over here just make sure double-click on that 1.68 again and that if you remember was the dimension and the center point of the circle that we drew to create this hub in the middle now let's go over here to the arc tools hit the little arrow to the right of them and go a three-point arc now click on this endpoint and you can make it tangent by moving directly to the left and then up now it's you want you can't snap at a 90 degree angle here however just be aware later we'll have to delete that otherwise if you just are less than 90 degrees you might be a little bit better off but let's see what happens if we snap it 90 degrees so you click there now click on this and drag this up and to the left and you will be able to snap again that arc 90 degrees to the center click and now go to the line tool and draw a short little line off of there and middle click OK now we could actually see what's going to happen with our option that we went and we added this constraint which essentially gave us 90 degrees but it's a horizontal alignment it's probably going to be some trouble later on if we try and change this but let's first make this four inches wide okay now this one these should be one inch you'll notice you can't change it sometimes if you double click try and change it to one you may not be able to change it unless you made it extremely large to begin with and this is due to this constraint that we got by accident so middle click click on the actual a little box there for the constraint it should turn green like that and then you could hit delete on your keyboard and now let's try and change that double click type in one and because they were drawn that way we did achieve an equal relationship when we drew it that was one of the benefits of girona the way we did but we did have to delete that extra constraint so just be aware that and in this dimension will appear and let's go ahead I'm going to drag it out the back to the right here and that's just going to be one inch so just double click on that type in 1 inch and now we're fully constrained and ready to move on to the next step hit OK and now let's go to the sweep tool up here it should automatically locate your curve and give you an arrow from that point if not click on the arrow if it's over here you see you can actually flip flop it but we don't want to start it in the middle although we could let's start on the outside it's going to be a little easier to see as we sketch okay with it the instead go to the upper left here and find create or edit sketch now Michael to this perspective let's go ahead and flip that around and other saved orientations go to I think the right the orientation it's a little bit better ok and from here now we could go ahead and we're going to use Center and ends arc now this one's the toughest of all the arc tools actually probably the toughest of all the tools to master the first time once you get a hang of it it's pretty easy but I just know so over the years teaching this that it's a difficult one so don't get upset if it takes you a couple shots to get it right move your pointer to locate the center right here at the crosshairs click drag to the left just to make it look like see how the top of the arc kind of doesn't snap to it but just get it around that height there and click drag it up and around do not stop at the middle continue on to the opposite side when you get the center line click middle-click let's see the two red squares indicate it's open so that's good let's go to the line tool now and click on one of those vertices drag it straight down notice it's capturing tangency is that little sublet there which is perfect that's what we want to click drag this across and it should be able to infer to the opposite end click and close that by connecting little click two times and let's change some of the dimensions here let's change this to point five and this will be 0.25 okay we're going to go ahead and add some fill it's in at the bottom edges here so go to the filler tool and zoom up here as close as you can get use a scroll click right here to here and then from here to here little click two times let's first of all make those equal so click on equal and select both of those and then middle click and now you could submit a couple times you can now double click on the dimension and let's go ahead and change that to 0.125 and those it rounds it if you know if you don't like rounding it just right click on it and uncheck round display value okay and you'll notice this one turn week again let's just lock that middle click all right if you rotate you can now see really from a decent perspective what we're creating here we're creating the profile that is going to follow this path now we just hit OK and we should see a preview update if you don't see a preview you might want to start the sketch over somewhere unfortunately sometimes I'm not not there to see what you might have done but don't give up it's not too bad go ahead and hit the green check mark and now we're going to pattern this and we've learned a little bit about patterning with exercise 2 so let's go ahead and pattern this want three copies so we're going to go ahead and select the spoke as I call it go to pattern and select access now make sure you turn on your access display here and there should be an access right in the middle though you can select that and you'll see it by default gives us four at ninety degrees but let's go ahead and type it up here three and then over here which says 90 degrees click amer and type over it 360 divided by three which many of you could do the math in your head but just plug in 120 if you like otherwise there you go hit the green checkmark to apply okay now we're going to go ahead and select the front plane again and go to revolve and it threw me into a rotation that I didn't really like so I'm going to go over here in their state of orientation to go back to front just so it looks normal and from here let's not forget our centerline because let's revolve it needs a centerline internally to revolve otherwise if you remember you could select the actual y-axis okay so now let's go to the circle tool and glein up to this edge and find the midpoint on this left edge when you got it drag out a circle middle click and let's change that to one inch and now we could hit OK and there it is hit the green check okay let's put some blends in here so go to the round tool set the round to 0.25 and let's blend these edges in here between the spokes and the hand wheel mell click and rotate it around to the bottom side and now let's go ahead and we're going to put in a hole so using the whole tool versus before we've always learned how to draw a hole in with the sketch but if you go to hole here you could go and select use standard hole profile and let's go with a counter bore and from here let's go to placement and select this face you can see we have a very large hole appearing there which you do have libraries of different holes to work from in here let's go to shape and there you can see the actual shape we could set and I want to go ahead and bring up over here make sure you select this one the crate standard pull and now gives us like our UNC or ISIL and then we could go with a variant let's go with 1024 that's kind of small about 7 1/2 13 okay and from here you could put in additional variables if you like I think it'd turn out okay what I'm seeing here and now we have to position it so instead of linear though with coaxial and select the center unfortunately it didn't go the depth I was anticipating here maybe not coaxial let me remove that okay and let's get that position or flip it there we go okay I get that to the surface there that's not usually what I do but I unfortunately it's not getting the option to go back let's see here maybe we could flip-flop that again okay so let's go ahead and right-click in here make sure you select clear or clear all then go ahead and select this face again now you do have the ability to go between linear radial diameter and you can see here place hold by using a linear dimension or an angular dimension there's diameter place hole using or and you could essentially snap this to different parameters as you see or you can just go with coaxial and get it centered go ahead and hit the green checkmark applying and you'll see that it actually does put in the note which is really nice and then we could see our counter bore okay and that concludes exercise four and the next thing again that we're going to do lab four and the manual and so let's take a look at that lab for actually there's lab three C and then lab four so lab three C as you can see here is an electrical receptacle cover so for that essentially notice it's symmetric I'll go ahead and I'll go through this oh it's 2.75 by four point five and let's go ahead and start on that so start a new pipeline l3c and go to extrude select the front plane and for this one find the center of rectangle tool and right at the middle click and drag that out now again it's very large so let's take a look at our drawing for point five by two point seven five so double click on this four point five and then this two point seven five okay let's put in our center line vertical and horizontal and we'll go ahead and we'll make another rectangle go with center rectangle or right over here somewhere make sure you don't snap it to the other center line there make it a little bit different and don't make them equal and now with this if we look back at our drawing we need to make that 0.85 by one point one two five point eight five point one two five so I get that right okay take a got them in reverse here let's see they with one point twenty one to five and then here is point eight five let's run one and that location actually I got that wrong so that needs to be 0.3 let me just verify this one see here turn around and play it one two five okay playing a five now there's a radius that goes over the top of 0.75 so we could go ahead and put that in so here's a little trick go ahead and go to the arc tools go at three point click on this point and Boop's arc that is correct okay click on this and this and then create this little arc that you see there then go ahead and change it to 0.75 and we're going to go ahead and mirror that over so middle click and then select that arc go to mirror and select the horizontal phone line now go ahead and click on this and let's change it to construction click on this toggle construction now we have our opening also we could put the through-hole in and go into the print that needs to be 0.125 through later gets a chamfer be where the meeting piece to this actually that point one two five I left off the drawing so I got to correct it okay so now that we have this let's go ahead and select the geometry one a mirror select mirror and select the vertical centerline now and there we have it we can go ahead and extrude it and the overall thickness of this will need to be point one two five as you can see right there apply now we need to fill it this so there's a radius it goes all the way around here of 0.1 and then also let's see is it used anywhere else now that's a sham / okay so go to the round twenty one twenty five select the four edges hit apply now the sham / selects tamper and it is set to point one two five make sure it's point one two five and this edge gets it it looks very large I actually think that might be incorrect 0.05 by 45 okay so my mistake okay and then this edge here oh they are point both okay so my mistake there here here there and I guess all the way around okay so this edge this edge that one in here could apply okay now we're going to go ahead and shell this and it says shell backside at 60 thousandths rotate this around go to shell point one six and select the backside face and you are done make sure you have to do a file save as backup and place at someplace safe as you will be great on okay now the next lab here l4 you can see this is a bit more complex this incorporates almost everything you've learned with the exception of the sweep into this one part and it's a very good part to work on this is more like what you would really see some of the complexities and unfortunately the drawing is so small it's hard to ascertain some of the parameters but let's go through this so we have a point seven five at the bottom up one point five at the top one inch angle at 23 degrees and another one at 115 one point two five so let's go ahead and build that it's our new part and this will be how for okay let's go ahead and go right to extrude on the front plane draw a vertical centerline and middle-click I would recommend drawing a line but in construction mode to give you some bearings so it's a vertical line middle click and just make that about two inches again that's just to scale it to size or so it comes together easier make sure you turn off construction mode when you're done now go to the line tool get to that bottom line there or where you see the little area click and drag out an angled line and another angled line that flares out even farther middle click okay let's go ahead and mirror that across so click on mirror and select the vertical cell line and should mirror across if it didn't try it again select those two lines go to mirror and then select the vertical centerline now let's go to the bottom arc needs to be a tangent arc so from here draw to there the top arc is not tangent so go across it's not doing it for me here let me try to get a little click you just got to click and release a move across very quickly there you go there's a couple other tricks and there if someone knows all those tricks post them please okay go ahead and have this bull out like that it'll click now let's change these this is going to be point seven five and you notice it didn't update if that occurs remember that is just because mathematically behind-the-scenes it's unable to either inflate or deflate the geometry with the tangency z' and things that are on there so try with the bigger 11.5 and then this is going to be 1.25 again we're having some issues at that one if you can't get these to work go ahead and go to dimension let's try putting the angles in and I believe that one is going to be it's let's see 23 and 115 okay and then this one come here to hear a little click okay now I think we might be able to add some of these dimensions in so go this center point here to this corner little click that it's going to be one inch and then that center point again to this corner little click and that's going to one point to be five now you may start getting some really strange phenomena occurring here but once we get it straighten out let's verify that drawing there we got a one point two five okay so we're let's change this five there you go make sure you change them all that there we go Oh point seven five and now we're starting to look more like what it should look like so middle click a couple times and then bring some of these dimensions out so that you can see them a little bit better now this one right here that is our center line that we drew should say the construction line so that one doesn't really matter but this one here needs to be locked in to the origin so we could actually use a coincident between that point and the origin this should snap right in okay I think we're ready let's see here actually does it look like it's correct here let me see what I might have done okay it looks like this dimension I was not thinking when I looked at the print click on this one go ahead and delete that it actually does need to be this dimension instead which is from the center point of that arc to the center point to the bottom arc and then that will be one point two two five and now it looks correct so just be aware that could happen from time to time remember this one isn't necessary that was just to get us into scale we can now go ahead and hit okay we need to extrude this and this needs to be a wall thickness of our thickness of a half inch and then there's a significant amount of Draft assigned to this so 25 degrees so let's go ahead and as a half inch and then up here we have to go to options and taper or what I call draft and that was 20 and actually put a negative in front of it negative 25 and hit apply all right now we can put the fill it's or the round on and the round is going to go right on this edge and that has an assignment of 1/2 inch like 55 ok we'll apply that and now there's a sham fir that goes along this edge so let's go to sham / and this one is going to be an unusual one it actually zoomed up a little here okay we're at 30 degrees and at 181 0.181 so here we could go to angle the distance 30 degrees and 0.181 and we should just like the top base and I'm yet and there we go hit the green checkmark to apply okay at this point I would recommend showing the object and the wall thickness is set to 60,000 so set your shell make sure is point O 6 which mine was preset for that click on the back face and you have it now let's put in those little cutouts they look like flower petals let's select this face and go to extrude and dry yourself a vertical centerline right at the origin and take the line tool and right up here don't touch any edges just draw a little angled line like so make sure it's still selected and you could go to mirror and then select the vertical centerline now go back to your arc tools and to tangent Rx one on the top and one on the bottom and it's going to be point two at the top and one at the bottom and then the distance between the two centers we'll go ahead and go to dimension and I believe it's point to then maybe not let's take a look Oh point five okay and then the distance to the center of this arc is what we're looking to put in so with that you could go to select this point here and I think we might be able to get a little select in this agency and there we go okay and that is going to be think point seven five but we'll go back in here and verify that it's actually on a bold circle that you see here so it's point seven so I was off a little bit okay and that locates it and it should look like it's tangent on that edge though it's not hello yeah we could have assigned a tangency relation I suppose if that's right on there okay at this point I'm going to go ahead and hit OK flip the direction and make sure you select remove material and hit apply now just go ahead and click on that side face and we should go to pattern and we want to go ahead and set this 24 degrees there split up by so we could go over here to axis and turn on our axis display we should be able to see a small one in there let's see okay and unfortunately I am not get one I thought I might get one but because the Siletz and this edge unfortunately that's not there so cancel okay we'll just leave that there for right now what we can do though at this point is put in a boss and in fact just so it ensure that it's going to be there before on this history tree over here the extrude let's drag this insert here up right below the shell and that little cutout disappears but that's good we want to go ahead and select this face and we go to extrude and now we could go to circle and wake up that center point by moving the pointer to this edge now there's our center point click and drag out a circle and let's verify parameters for that or point eight three five and from there the height of the extrusion is set to 30,000 so hit OK and point eighty-three hit apply okay now we could go back down here take your insert here drag it below it's true too and now we do have an access so otherwise it could have drawn one in and created one this is just this action part needs to be in there to begin with so I just use that instead okay now just if you're interested if you want to create one from without drawing a boss like that you could select like the right datum plane you would start a sketch and then I'm not going to go through the whole process but basically it's our sketch you could draw a center line there or a line and then rebuild and then use your axis and select that and z-axis okay now here we want to pattern this so let's select that extrude go to pattern axis select a little axis that's available and this is going to be 24 degrees and we just want to read tool okay and I think we could see can we add an additional one to the other side we might have to mirror this let's try this now that's not what I wanted our mind okay there are ways to do it feel free to post it okay anyhow I'm going to go ahead and apply that and now I'm going to mirror that across I'm gonna go to the beer tool and select this right datum plane hit apply there it is you can turn off your planes now okay let's go ahead and add that 30,000 round so you go I have one in there nope bringing three select this edge and apply oh you know what it probably don't want that just yet let's bring that back up there let's round the access display we saw the putting out a pattern in here so select this face and go to extrude again if it bothers you to see it rotated you can feel free to go here to the front and then it will bring it up right again now go to Center rectangle and right on this edge here wake it up you could snap and drag out a little rectangle and the parameters for this are point oh five five point one whoops there we go let's go ahead and hit okay flip the direction remove material and just to ensure it goes through you can select it through all up hit apply okay there is a fillip that goes on this edge we could go ahead and put that in there or put it in later sometimes with the patterns it seems to slow it down a little bit but let's go ahead and put the round in and the round needs to be point one we just select that edge there gives it kind of a little bit of character here and before we pattern that lets put one more round in here of 2003 oh you know I had that one in there already so I can cancel that and I could just drag this deck down here and the round is in position let me still have a little axe as we could use there okay now we want to pattern this so let's select the cut extrude as well as just found let's see round three don't select the set this one we don't want that one now I could go to geometry pattern access select this and I believe it's 18 so 360 degrees divided by 18 and bring it up 20 degrees it looks good okay now there's a little geometry in here I didn't put any dimensions down the prints just too small for it but if you wanted to put that little logo in here you could select that face it's nothing more than a little extrusion and it's not meant to be really anything you just snap that in there and then I think I have little offsets kind of like a moon in front of a planet okay hit okay flip the direction and just set a 2.01 for the depth you do not have to do that if you don't want to okay so from here now we are done on the outside let's go ahead and flip it to the inside so this next one select this face and go to extrude and there's going to be a boss in here so use the circle tool and let's wake up that center there and drag that out as well as the second one on the inside and one of them I must have snapped to there it is yeah so stamp is here you don't get a dimension click on this little guy here and delete that now we should have two dimensions and let's look those up on the print 25.6 large one point six smaller ones point five so it's just an offset hit okay and let's verify that I don't think it's point O six but the height of that is 130,000 point one three hit apply okay select this face and go to extrude again and I'm going to go ahead and rotate this and we'll leave it okay so for this one we want to draw a circle right in here so wake that up and there's one that goes right about here we'll make it the equal size to that and then we'll draw a center line that's across here select this go to Mirror Mirror across there and let's put the dimensions in okay these are positioned let's see here put one two five from center and then 0.75 across so wait some five across and then this is not what we want so we'll go to dimension dimension from center point here to this point and between the two Oh drat didn't take let me hit delete that let's try it again so dimension unfortunate locked in let's move that over here okay so from here to here there we go one two five all right and finally the diameter is called out on the print that's careful there's a couple internal diameters this is going to be point one seven five so this one since they're all equal point one sub five and now we can extrude those and the height of those is called out here we can see one a cross-section right there is 0.375 there is a little bit of Draft I put on those but I didn't put it on the drawing so it's up to you if you want to put that in so point three some tries to make it look more realistic I would put the draft or what they call taper and put a negative oh it was already in there okay I'm just going to put one degree hit apply and now on these surfaces because select that face go to extrude and we draw a couple little circles in here we'll make them all equal could we Mirim absolutely this is just doesn't take by the minute 21 and then those get cut point 1 deep so select flip and point them and apply ok that pretty much completes this exercise if you wanted to put some ribs in here you could do that as well what I would do I would recommend here is actually use the floor of this pocket and we'll go ahead and create ok so from here you could select this face and I don't go to extrude you could actually just go right to sketch and you could sketch the ribs in and however you would prefer we could go in here like for example I could draw this out and maybe you might want to make a parallel to that see I could wake up that edge now I got parallelism could do the same over here I could mirror too but this is just good practice and then here vertical and horizontal now since you have those it's easy to just put in these little line segments don't have them touch though they should not touch the edges or anything like that have a good distance away I'm just middle clicking to end the chain and there you can see the line segments now in a minute I think I'll put one more here let's go back to yeah that's good enough let's go now to the ok and you should be able to just select the rib button and you'll see the ribs form there a little bit of a fixed side over others the 60% rule so if it's a hundred thousand small thickness it should be 60 thousandths for the rib so in this case we'll make it like 0.04 and you could add draft okay and if you want you could even add the rounds on the inside you could even add a full round over the top which is really a pretty neat feature set the green checkmark and there you have it that concludes all of exercise for material
Channel: vertanux1
Views: 29,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creo, 4.0, Sweep, tutorial, CAD
Id: zFnqc3Azrvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 21sec (2841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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