DYING MY HAIR Half NAVY BLUE Half GREEN *my new hair*

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well hello there and welcome back to my channel it's me Mackenzie Murray and today I'm dyeing my hair not teal I am NOT dying my hair teal today I'm dyeing my hair a brand new color I have my hair teal for so long it's time to switch it up it's time to do something brand new I'm so excited by it so scared at the same time I need change I'm always gonna go back to having my hair this color but right now winter is coming out my birthday is coming up feeling a little crazy after all I did just pierce my ears at home and they are definitely infected but I'm not a little crazy as what I'm trying to say so today I am dying half of my hair Navy bright blue blue blue and then the other half of my hair is gonna be teal you know I can't just I can't just ditch the teal okay and who knows how that's gonna look because I definitely don't but that's where I want to do so that's what I'm gonna do today let's dye my hair this is the first time in a long time that I'm not dyeing my hair with like highlighters or markers or sharpies so I'm actually really excited to put some real hair dye in my hair for a change I'm going to brush out my hair and then I'm going to do a straight line down the middle of my hair surprisingly enough I do have a lot of hair left so many people are telling me that one day my hair is gonna fall out and honestly I don't really think it cares what the comments say I think the trickiest part about this is trying to find exactly where my hair splits down the middle that look good that look good I really just don't want to look dumb like that would be bad if like the line was so off my front pieces like who knows what's going on there now here's the problem I can't see the back of my head so I'm just gonna get oh that felt so wrong I can't see the back of my head at all this is what the back of my head looks like definitely need to dye my hair but we're just going to clip one side up oh my earring hurt in my last video that I posted I pierced my ears at home and let me just give you a little update on them they are bright red it's swollen or the other side is exactly the same no it was bad to pierce your ears with a piercing gun nobody told me that Amazon didn't tell me that I don't think I have an infection yet but I might it might be ineffective that is the teal side this is the blue side let's make this dye white conditioner I have two bowls down here I'm trying to evenly separate I'm also going to put a bond sustainer in my hair it helps rebound broken hair it's kind of like an OLAP light I like it a lot it keeps my hair pretty healthy a lot of people ask where my hair is it's falling all out and it's probably because I do use a bond sustainer contrary to popular belief I do take care of my hair I also have a little bit of my hair diet deluder it's like a little hair cocktail be using a genom blue hair color here's the second color and I just add a little bit of yellow here's the first color not mixed up here is the second color so this is what the colors look like side-by-side I have never done a royal blue color like this before I'm so excited oh wow this is so different of never done this before knowing me oh my god alright let's actually do this thing now I have a really bad habit of just forgetting gloves gloves are mandatory when dyeing your hair deep down I've always kind of wanted to have like a navy blue in my hair I just didn't want to stray away from the teal because I love this heel so much and I live it's literally all over my forehead already I have done split hair color maybe like twice in my entire life oh my god I literally got the blue on the other side of my head why it's sectioning my hair like a smart person would it's literally in my eyelash do you see that look at that color oh my gosh I'm probably only gonna be keeping my hair like this for a month so I don't want you guys get too excited see this is a part thing it's not when this fades out I'm gonna completely dye it back to you probably with some other type of marker maybe a scented markers or something I don't know I'm looking at my normal hair color and then I'm looking at this color right here and the dyes are so different people always say that I have green hair I'm like now it's blue like looking at it compared to this my hair is green it's teal it's not green I get offended when people say have green hair I literally obsessed with tick-tock like I can't get off tick-tock every single day I'm singing a new tick-tock song I made a couple tick tops too and if you want to follow me on tick-tock you totally should at Mackenzie Marie official-like I am actually in love with tick-tock it's it's so much fun I don't understand why people are saying it's a kids app it's not kids app if it was a kids hop I shouldn't be using it but I use it every single day oh it's so hard to get the back of my head is it is it even dyeing it right they're like I can't tell this is such a change oh my god oh I feel like a new person I feel like a switch out I feel like do I die all of my hair dark blue whoo I'm not gonna get carried away it looks so freakin good oh my god I just love colors that's my problem I just want my hair to be every single color like if I could I would have my hair yellow the yellow seems like an awesome color to dye your hair I would die half of my hair yellow half of it teal but I can't do that I'm not bleaching my hair no there's no way not going through it not going through it I don't even want to see comments saying you hack your hair yellow because I'm not I'm sure that down out it's not happening look at that color baby so different oh my oh this is gonna look so cool I'm so excited it is literally midnight right now did I even say that earlier that it's absolutely midnight right now why am i dying my hair at midnight why I think this side is about done now I'm going to try to tackle this side you're not calling about Instagram you totally should be I spent 90% of my time on Instagram like I literally love Instagram it's my favorite app besides tick-tock oh my gosh I can't wait to see how this turns out I think this combo together is going to be wild I earned a lot of so excited to see how except you anticipation is driving me crazy by the way he loves to all the new subscribers out there I see you guys welcome to the channel thank you for subscribing and joining the page I hope I don't look crazy with split hair dye like there's some people who can pull it off like Melanie Martinez she's got it on block me not so much it's midnight and I'm dyeing my hair and I look insane if you have any video requests drop them in the comment section the video right now I'm curious what kind of content do you guys want to see me make I do all types of things over here on my channel from waxing my entire body to giving myself a prison tattoo like you never know what's gonna happen next on my channel and I love that but I wanna know do you guys have any crazy video ideas for me I'm literally almost about just done one of my favorite things to do is dye my hair to all different colors I feel like it gives me different moves I've become different people I know I just dyed all my hair but the only thing I can think is I didn't bleach my roots so I'm gonna let this sit in my hair for about an hour I'm gonna go play some fort night at 1:00 a.m. in the morning because now it's 1 a.m. anyway you know my hair looks like tomorrow my hair has been washed it's been styled I'm ready to reveal my brand-new hair oh hello here is my brand-new hair there's a very big difference here's the teal side here is the blue side here's what the center part looks like [Music] all I did to my hair is curl it with a one-inch curling iron barrel thing and this is my hair it's so new to me it's so crazy at first it was such a big difference that I was like I don't know if I like this and now that I've styled it I got my makeup on I'm really feeling this like teal blue look I feel like I've never seen anyone who's ever had hair like this before I've never seen anyone that's had this hair color way before and I feel like it's really unique it's really original and I really like it although this is not going to be my hair forever I think it's a really cool switch up I feel like Coraline like if you don't look this way I feel like I love it it's new I can't stop touching it it looks so cute I can't wait to take pictures and like post them on Instagram like look at this but I don't even know who I am right now I feel like a whole new person I feel like a brand new me it's insane if you enjoyed today's hair transformation make sure to smash that thumbs up button if you're not already click that subscribe button subscribe to my channel click the little Bell button so you could be notified the next time I upload a new video because I want you to be here first if you want to you could go follow me over on Instagram at Mackenzie Marie I also have tik-tok and Twitter because when I'm not over here I'm definitely over there and you should be too I love you guys so much and I will see you here in my next video
Channel: Mackenzie Marie
Views: 1,947,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dying my hair, dying my hair split colors, dying my hair navy blye, dying my hair blue, dying my hair teal and navy blue, split dyed hair, split dye, split colored hair, coloring my hair, split coloring my hair, dying my hair at home, hair diy, half blue half green hair split
Id: 98AGBzwngQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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