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hey it's me McKenzie Murray and today I'm gonna dye my hair with scented markers it's about that time again at where my hair is growing out matter of fact I might have bleached my hair last night well my mom bleached my hair last night if you haven't watched my last video where I dyed my hair with sharpies when my mom bleached my hair she messed it up very badly and I told myself I was never gonna let her bleach my hair again well fast-forward so yesterday I let my mom bleach my hair and here we are again although it's not as bad as last time it's still pretty bad and I want to pretend like it didn't happen and I know I should stop letting my mom's bleach my hair but yet I do it every time I let her do it and I expect a different result even though I know it's going to get messed up and here we are again dye my hair wig markers never dyed my hair with mister scented markers what is this mr. sketch scented markers it's not your typical Crayola highlighter Sharpie this is like a friend I've never used before this is uncharted territory I don't know what chemicals are in this it's also got different stuff in it to make it smell like things do I think this is gonna dye my hair I have no idea so today we're gonna put to the test Han scented markers diet literally fresh bleached hair I did just recently die this part of my hair like a navy blue which as you can see it is faded and this is a teal I'm going to completely try to read I all of my hair teal today I don't know if the marker is gonna be strong enough to cover this navy color up really hoping it can I've been able to dye my hair with markers in the past so this isn't my first go we dye my hair with markers I got a giant pack of Sensen markers right here I'm gonna start with this neon green color which is mint smells like mint is the first color we're going to be using fruit punch Oh smells like for a bunch to me it kind of smells like moldy fruit that is what the next color looks like this is blueberry oh I like this one oh my god this is so good I can't believe scented markers aren't big like this I love this wow that is dark yeah we're gonna use it well definitely smells like Apple this is the color right here so since we tested two colors let's extract our ink from these markers and make some hair dye today I'm going to be using a cleaver knife because all other times I've tried to use scissors and it hasn't works properly so I've learned the proper way to extract ink from markers it's to just chop half of the marker in half and then just put a little egg thing out so I'm going to take oh I'm dropping things don't drop the knife that would not be smart hopefully I don't chop my finger off today I haven't so far so I'm just going to smacking I'm just gonna smack the knife I have the marker right here I'm gonna put it on my countertop and I'm just going to just like that Wow this is ginormous I have never expected ink that's been in such a thick container this is definitely gonna have a lot of ink in it I have two glasses right here one of them I'm going to keep empty and this one I'm going to be filling up with water now let's fill up with water I'm going to take my ink cartridge and I'm going to shove it into the water and I'm going to wait until the bottom of the container starts turning white if you can see my nails are all different colors it's because I dyed Bailey's hair neon green last night and I didn't use gloves once my ink cartridge looks like this I'm going to flip it over and I'm going to blow the ink into this container with my mouth yes I'm going to be using my mouth to do this these things hold a lot of it this is awesome oh my gosh I've never had this much ink come out of and cartridge before this is so cool I can smell the ink it smells minty and I believe this is the mint marker this is so weird now I'm just gonna repeat that process with all the other markers Oh this was the one I smell bad now that I've extracted all of my dye which I probably should put gloves on first I'm gonna put gloves on now now let's finish making this dive I'm going to be using a white hair dye deluder this is not hair dye this is just a white base so I can add the ink into it so it has something to stick to my hair now I'm just going to add all of the ink in there really dark so I'm gonna add some more of the dough looters but so far this color honest it looks bomb it smells so interesting I want you to think of a combination of mint Apple throw-up fruit punch and blueberry all mix together it ends up looking something like this although it smells really weird I kind of like it I don't know how I feel but it's so strange I ended up adding the whole entire bottle of deluder and it's still a really dark color but I'm not concerned though because I think the darker its gonna be the more it's gonna stay in my hair but they never come out like a really like bold color I think this is going to give me a more bolder color because it is darker usually they're a lot lighter than this but I'm gonna throw it in my hand we'll see what happens so let's get to dying my nasty hair wow that is dark oh my gosh I haven't feeling like my hair is going to come out very very dark I don't know though because it is markers they usually don't come out as dark as they appear when I put them in my hair I can't believe it's marker maybe certain markers is where it's at maybe that's what I've been missing this whole time I was really surprised I was not expecting it to cover my roots that much I have a feeling like this is going to take all of the Navy out of the side and make my entire head like a tea Olli green color and you know what I'm not going to be mad about it that would be awesome this is legit looks like I just opened up a bottle of hair dye and I'm putting it all over my head although I don't know how it's going to develop so far so good like I'm excited so far it looks so good so here is what the first side of my roots looks like completely coated real quick I just want to take the second to thank everyone who has been following me on my Instagram on my tick tockia on my youtube channel you guys we've grown so much in the past couple of months it's absolutely insane if you haven't follow me over on Instagram or tik-tok I highly suggest you go do that right now or after you're done watching this video those are the accounts that I'm most active on so if you want to talk to me here just say hi or see what's going on in my life that is where I am always active on every single day tick tock and Instagram recently I just started using an app called cameo it's pretty much a website where you can go invite me to send you a video message I can talk to you via video message so if you want your own personalized video message sent from me I'll have a link to cameo down below and you don't just go over there maybe we can talk if you want to so my hair is completely dyed this is what the color looks like right now I'm going to wait an hour and then I'm going to wash down my hair and we will see the finished results so I dyed my hair with scented markers and I cannot believe that my hair looks like this right now right at the root is the darkest point in my hair because obviously that's where I put the dye on first here's the teal side and here is the navy blue side this side still looks like it's got some navy blue on it I can definitely tell that these markers dyed my hair I think because there was so much ink in it daddy did seep into my hair and dyed it pretty much a normal color I was expecting it to come out a lot darker than this but like I heard this color like I'm really living for it I am Alive you think you're cool you use regular hair dye well I just dyed my hair with scented markers do I feel like my hair's gonna fall off not at all actually it does not feel like it's gonna fall off but it felt soft I was like confused today when I was selling my hair I was like why does it feel so soft like it normally doesn't feel that soft when I dye my hair with markers I don't know what they put in the formula but like I was touching my hair and I was like wow this is kind of nice I would say that this video was a success if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel below if you haven't already click the little Bell button so you can be notified the next time I upload a new video and if you want to you can follow me over on Instagram Twitter and tik-tok because when I'm not over here I'm definitely over there in UV - I love you guys so much and I will see you up here in my next YouTube video toodles
Channel: Mackenzie Marie
Views: 1,869,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dying my hair with markers, I dyed my hair with markers, can you dye your hair with markers, dying my hair with scented markers, I dyed my hair with scented markers, dying my hair with sharpies, dying my hair, how to dye your hair with markers, dying my hair blue with markers, dying my hair blue with scented markers, coloring my hair with markers, diy hair dye, making hair dye with markers, mackenzie marie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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