Dwyane Wade Discusses His Final Season | NBA on TNT

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down here wait County right you heard it wait County check out my dog the way talk about these endless battles we used to have we're here yet today how the body manner you feel it yeah yeah buddy talk from the morning to get to the lay up my journey then when you get to live like appreciate man I'm just trying to enjoy this last little dance just quite all the noise enjoy the process enjoy everything because I know imma miss it you want your setup let's do it [Applause] [Music] it's plane way it might be one of those nights for crazy waves respect right there take me to that expect thank you for letting us see him man seriously man listen you have a palace in this is beautiful my pleasure man I will not start off in the beginning everybody knows you're from the South South Chicago and you went to Marquette attracted by the heat after that but what we helped you develop over the years in high school to college in college that's a great question because it's so many people come into your life and in a in your life for a reason I think what I did differently than most kids of rama's I took advantage of the people that was put in my life when I was young when I first started playing it was my father right my dad was the one that gave me the ball to say hey you gonna do this and once I got to high school it was actually my assistant coach in high school his name was Gary Adams and Gary Adams used to coach Quinn Richardson so he came with that kind of respect from everybody because cue at the time was at DePaul you know his future was looking bright so I listened to everything Gary Gary Adam said I remember that the summer celebration for me I was a sophomore in high school and I didn't play varsity I was like you know I play sophomore two years in a row because our varsity team was good so that summer comes in and Gary I said listen you want to get better I said yes he said what do you want to get better in the summer gonna be a gym everyday that's all are you at this point for my sophomore year to my junior year I grew from five seven two six two so now I started I'm getting a little height okay getting look I'm not really athletic get yeah yeah it was a point guard okay so actually when I first started I couldn't shoot okay and I can have these steals right but I was like when I got bigger everything changed my form change my size the strength of my shot change so I went from shooting down like this to being taller and like changing my shot so he was like we got to spend a lot of time in a gym and he was saying he was the one who kind of started me with loving working on my game and understanding they are I'm not just playing like it's like this time I wanted to I want to go to college like I start having dreams is like okay I'm gonna play the d1 school I want to you know this dream with one of any NBA like I want to be an NBA at this point at this point I'm 16 do you have a buzz at this point were tribal around the neighborhood so my cousin's lived in the city and they like yo D such-and-such down the street he called you out he said coming to gym you ain't this right that so I got to go down there I got to go to now what market comes knocking at your door they do bigger school to cover coochie well yes a lot of schools that was interested because of they see me on the circuit and a you once they found out I was talking about my test score and the school's backed away watching you and Marquette man I like to say that you took your game and went to another level at the time arcade basketball wasn't it wasn't known since they won the championship in 1977 but out today was a lot going on know when I first got to the school like we was didn't even make the NIT tournament you know that's kind of where we was at so we had to build the tournament was another one of those steps for me because I played in Conference USA it wasn't like the other conferences so it was kind of the same thing as like the suburbs like yeah you're good but you ain't planning miss college so when I got to the tournament it was like okay here we go [Applause] rejected by way to serve damage that's gone home of Jordan [Applause] for only the so whenever I got a chance to get on that stage I got on that stage you know and I woke people up the world's most famous arena is Madison Square Garden hosting the 2003 class for the NBA Draft you come in with a crazy class with LeBron Melo Chris Bosh what's the synergy always there yeah they want day one I'll tell the story sometime but it's crazy so I don't heard of the brown I don't know right and I'm you know we all come together in Chicago for the pre-draft yeah and I remember I was in his room waiting for the doctors to come in and check out your hinges because I had knee surgery in college so they brought the community take mine all right so I'm sitting there and this loud kid coming around talking real out right in front of me all right LeBron dumps in that wait so they take him denied the words we just get a chance to talk hey what's up doing I own the bar Hey look man I seen you in the tournament so we just talking you see them play I've seen him play because he was only SP and they bought a game so I so that when I seen a game of the hockey special the Miami Heat select Dwyane Wade from Marquette University I get a picture about of heat right and I'm going to the back and the sixth pick is Chris Cape man Chris Kaman says oh I'm glad I get picked up Miami so I say what's reason and I heard about Pat you know what he do it isn't it I come from the school of hard work so like I just left more Kevin Tom Crean I'm like it can't get no worse than what I just would do I started smelling this I guess I'm like this is exactly what I want already to learn at this level and try to do the best I can I got here for the first time I was like what what is this this is like paradise this is what I dreamed of the years before you got here people don't want to come down here hi Riley was known for taking years off of your career when I came into the Pat Riley craisins I was used to it see this is what I needed if I didn't have this I don't know if I would be where I am I don't have a lot of guidance I needed that Pat rowdy grip that he put on I don't know if you remember this it was very quick losing Minnesota I saw you and I told you boy are you with I remember you the next wow what a play by Dwayne Wade you belong here yeah you have an assurance about yourself and it's crazy you say that you start to play like that yeah I felt it right away I gotta ask you this because I've watched this matchup for years the dynamic with you and coke and you're going a little bit about just two back and forth I know y'all have a true friendship but I do know you all have a very spicy and competitiveness could you talk a little bit about it you know obviously coming into the NBA I wish I think Kobe was like gonna tune it out I wanted to be on the court all right so I went from like my rookie year like excited play against you know one of my idols to my second year we going at it right you know maybe getting scuffles and that's what Cole started to respect me when he realized like I'm not backing down and it's not that attention this is who I am one of the coolest moments for me my career was I'm out of the playoffs and Kobe's in the playoffs and he calls me and he say indeed they guard me like this I know you're great at picking roles you greater splitting what should I do so I give him my whole this is what I just worked on this one I look forward to so what I do is that now get on the phone I lost it oh my god just call you know that I mean me Cole we got into a little tussle in the all-star game a little bit and I end up hitting them the wrong way and broke his nose hard foul by way first flagrant solid history that was the first time I've ever seen that someone would say the thing at the all-star break we got the Lakers like three games out yes yes master but you know what I called him you know I didn't maliciously do it I called him and I said y'all called he was like bro I love it I'm like you what he's like I love it I seen in a couple of days I'm from oh he gave it to me to boy when I sat back and watched her game man he was a combination of when I receive would probably float something you finished that would have done what MJ would pull up you were finished that with a reverse layup those influences being able to put those into your game I see them I was a victim of one of them trash hero that was definitely one of my top gear roles of all time it's all good cuz listen what you guys know that's potty top five one of the most tired I was oh my god now you see me [Applause] all my moves yeah it's all instincts of how the body's moving so if I catch the ball and I'm gonna live dribble and the defender body is shipped in this way I got him because he can't go back that way clicking his name so it was just all about shifting the body a little bit and I got you to go that way now go back this way quick talk about plan with shag and what that was like right away from me it's do me right in the midst of hey you had a cute year to iose time to watch on yourself we struggled trying to get everybody to understand now you plan with somebody who demands the ball but also he demands a certain amount of attention because everybody woman glimpse of shot and then shot gave me a nickname flash and then people want to look glyphs of flash flash and it became like a whole nother beast when he gave it to me I ain't like that first but then he told the media and then it started catching on and I started to see what he saw because I started to see all like man I am fast I mean I was not always very elusive lead oh yeah and I started to see what he saw and then odds I bought it to it then I get another nickname it goes from Dade County to Wake County and that just blew my mind to be in the middle of that to be a big part of that it was crazy but at the same time never let it affect my work I had to grind more you start to go into a mode where you want more you win you tasted that what was the first championship like like I was not like if you go back and look at the moment while I'm on the stage with the guys and then give me any pictures I'm just like Chicago Haycock it was just like how did I get here you know I'm saying like if I hit you right there to him I was on stage man you I'm in the back and he like did go up to the front to get to any [ __ ] off him like what it'd be like Finals MVP trophy so I'm just in like this dais and like how did this happen you know I'm saying like I was just a couple years ago I would just I had three scholarship offers and now I'm setting up on the stage I'm gonna I'm the Finals MVP at this moment I'm the best play in the world right so I'm like this this is crazy speak on the Olympics what's the Olympics for you mmm I was the best it's a lot on you yes a lot oh you think about you're gonna work out anyway and you can't find better people to work out against but other than who you with you with the best of the best our practices bro I'm practice young guys you got the mellowed the d-wade the bronze right here but then you got the the Kobe's so it was like this mix right and coax cable play on that he knew that we had this respectful dislike for each other and we would go edit and practice we were talking there by toes together back and forth that's what it is and but you bring the best out of each other but it's like ain't none hard and getting a bucket in the living practice the family troops shawty and one point the job star said amen let's let's let's get together start doing it okay I want to hear this and I said this and the press conference in Boston I do meet us this will be my last first-round exit for a while I tell you that we heard there's laughs continue to beef up our roster you won't tell my going no way either no I want to talk my going-away was my first time being afraid so I was like yo but I'm looking this thing this ain't fulfilling me what fulfills me is continuing to advance the next round the next round we get a chance to compete for their championship no long I'm in Chicago about to figure everything out of my agent Harry Thomas he said hey you know LeBron and uh Leo I want to talk to us are you thinking about leaving at the same table I am I'm considering Chicago at that time they got they got Derrick Rose they got a good core this thing in the same thing but that feel like he say you won't play the game play cuz y'all used to youngster baby baby I love my matches versus bro and Danny was I okay all right well mean you gonna do this but we can't do it alone who else can do it with us Bosh for real Chris was 100% in he was shocked first of all y'all was the sole reasons that we got together we can't compete with Paul Pierce coming around and Ray Allen and Rondo we got to get that toughness we got to get that togetherness if we don't get that we don't beat them right we met on the playoffs we feel like we prepared me ready so serious man it was the battles this is hand-to-hand fighting right now we're watching how y'all calling the place they pulling over it was a chess game now I just wish we was a lowly young I thought that when LeBron and Chris Bosh got with you you embedded a bit of toughness in both of them felt like the Miami Heat helped those two go to another level talk about what she was able to take from them I think the one thing I took from LeBron and I thought I worked it I seen him work step it up I gotta work even art what's Chris was just at the Calm factor Chris has wanted to Thomas cool his dudes ever featured how he prepares for games how he walks through like he floats I started picking up on his Bible there Ben was like you know what do you maybe you don't need to be as serious as you you know maybe need to relax a little bit you get ready to leave here was Chicago more about a negotiation going on and Miami not stepping up to the plate or was it a desire for yourself to go back home so it was it was a combination of both right when that summer came and negotiation wasn't going the way that I thought they should have went it gave me an opportunity to to look out there and at first its Chicago and even it wasn't even on my radar it was the new Denver which came out and Denver offered me a big deal to Dan I was like you know what reach out to Chicago see what the answer is because this is my opportunity if I am gonna go anywhere this is my opportunity to go back home and I took the opportunity to live a dream out that I've always had I didn't know about whatever get to or should get to but this was my moment I've been in the backyard I've been on the court I've been a boy combination knows that I will not take back anything that I've done here in this city because this is home and then they took me in but you gotta understand where I'm from you know you know I believe Chicago in here and their first game when I put that Jersey gonna come on their star lineup and hit my name it was special it was special for me almost a year life for you being back home it's cold the old say no the crass ain't greener you know it's like even though I can adjust anything I'm stuck in my ways to learn Who I am I believe in what I've learned my culture right but I got there it wasn't there if I was gonna have the career that Andy and I wanted it wasn't what I but yeah you know so I'm glad I did and I'm thankful today they did they brought me in and let me do it but I'm also you know thankful as well that you know when it was over they allowing me to leave you know gracefully allowed me to walk away and just say thank you for this opportunity she's a sophomore or junior what does he have at this age that you didn't have and my skill came us I got to name BAE I got you know my second year my 30 I started getting more skilled as a lot of kids now because of trainers and this and the matter what they watching like he's way more scalable he's a better shooter than I ever been and then he has my game too you know I mean like I see stuff we do I'm like that's my mom I want to switch gears a little bit I want to talk about your philanthropy man you speak about some of your passions and some of your favorite charities so for me man it was you know growing up in an estate in Chicago I seen a lot and depending on a lot of people you know like depending on the church dependent or the families to give us Christmas so holidays while depending on the kid in class to bring some extra some extra food in his lunch box hopefully I can get something to eat lunch right I always told myself and I always told God when I got the opportunity to have anything I will make sure that I give to the less fortunate so it just came from me being there myself and my family being there and then moving away from there but not forgetting where I come from so you know that just comes from my upbringing you know this goodness this is blessing in this this abundance and being able to to give back to you know to the one that hasn't been as fortunate yet as I have you've grown this this whole thing that they called the heat the system the culture you blown it all what would be the final tale at the basketball would you like to do this is mu D like this is our organization and hopefully you know when that next up come we can sit down and figure out the best way to utilize us to continue to move the culture forth with the next generations is coming in what is the perfect ending to a perfect story no one has a perfect ending the fact that I have an ending the fact that I have a beginning in the middle is perfect enough it's been out of this world special so however it ends it's perfectly right in my wildest dreams I could imagine this you know so for me it's perfect already thank you for letting me come here my do you know what it is prease a development I don't like the whole comparison of the greatest of all times like it can't be one great player of all times no is the greatest of generations all right but then it's gonna be another person that's gonna come a contested hit and he's gonna do something that we ain't never seen people and he's gonna be the goal of that era so it's not one goal right like I know and I mean I gotta go so Paris Rose go Paris knows how we're saying into these eras absolutely you heard it
Channel: NBA on TNT
Views: 2,177,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBA on TNT, NBA, Inside the NBA, Charles Barkley, Shaq, Kenny Smith, Ernie Johnson, Dwyane Wade, Kevin Garnett, Top Video
Id: _aXKpkLu7mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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