Part 1 - Pantheon with Dirk Nowitzki, Pau Gasol and Tony Parker | The Why with Dwyane Wade

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[Music] [Music] what's up everybody Welcome to the first episode of the why with Dwayne Wade now I wanted to start this podcast because I'm retired from basketball and I have nothing to do that's the first lie I told I have so many things going on and so many things to do but I thought it would be very important uh for me um as someone who's curious and someone who wants to learn to have an opportunity to learn from people that I admire uh people that I I feel like are goats of their Sports um people that are goats in their field um but just people who have interesting inspirational um things going on in life and so I'm used to being on that side but now I'm on this side and so I kind of get to control the conversations and I want it to be exactly that I don't want it to be interview I want it to feel like a conversation some with friends um some with people that you might see me googly out over or meire um but just really a conversation that goes back and forth um about what it takes to be successful about what motivated you uh about what your dogs eat anything that we want to cover I want to be able to talk about it so as you guys see behind me I was able to have a lot of successes in life and I highlight my three MBA trophies not because I'm only a narcissist um but because when you understand what goes into winning one trophy um and then you get to see two you get to see three I think you have a little bit more uh respect for you know the individual that individuals that are part of that team and so hopefully some of these conversations that we have with some greats some great minds can give you a little bit more insight and a little bit more background on what it takes to have a trophy and not just in sports um in life how do you get to that that level that that top level that we all try to find so when I first went to my team and sat down and said hey I think I'm ready to start having conversations um I want to start my own podcast um I had an idea in my mind at the time of what the name was going to be and my first name that I came up with was pany and I I I came up with Pantheon because I was like I want to sit down with with with great minds I want to sit down with goats and you know the people who are at the top of what they do and we went with that my first episode I got a chance to sit down with those individuals that to me are pantheons I got a chance to sit down with Dirk Tony pal um at the hall of fame and talk about being a Pantheon but as I as I kept going I I I started to think I was like ah man I want this to be more conversation and so I went with you know what how about conversation with Dwayne Wade that was my second name a conversation with Dwayne Wade I was like that's easy that's Point Blank That's period but it didn't feel like enough it didn't feel like something that I wanted this podcast to represent and so we end up going with the why with Dwayne Wade and the reason it's called the Y is because my name is spelled dwy a NE e but for some reason no matter if I was in grade school or no matter if I was at the hall of fame I still see my name spelled dwa a y NE and so I want everybody to get the Y right U but also outside of that I want to talk about your why I want to talk about why you get up every day to do what you do um I want to get into people's reasoning and they why and and some and it goes all over the place sometimes my why is my family sometime my why is because someone said something to me or they yelled something to me whatever your why is I want to get to that and so the why podcast with dwine Wade it fits not only everything that I've grown up dealing with with the misspelling of my name and the misplacement of the why but also really been int intrigued to why we all do the things we do episode one was very special to me we recorded it back in August and it was the day before we were inducted into the Hall of Fame um as you guys understand and know about that time it's an emotional time you have all your family in town it's a lot going on and to be able to sit down and have this conversation with Tony Parker um Pal Gasol and Dirk nowinsky um about our battles versus each other um about our family about what makes us and what and what made us great about what we're doing after the game uh about those competition those moments uh whether we were talking about the Olympics in ' 08 whether we were talking about the ' 06 finals and y'all know Dirk and I had to get a little personal on 06 finals um or whether we were talking about just moments that we've watched as fans of each other and um and also too sharing moments about our brotherhoods throughout the NBA not just on our team but throughout the things that connects us um and so conversations that has never been discussed with ath was discussed on the Y podcast I really hope you guys enjoyed listening to this episode as much as I did making it episode one of the why with Dwayne [Music] wait it is Hall of Fame weekend we are live at the Mohan sun and I'm honored to be joined by three of the greatest players of all all time everybody thank you four time NBA champion NBA Finals MVP six-time NBA Allstar Tony Parker welcome to the pon thank you two-time NBA champion six-time NBA Allstar Pal Gasol welcome thank you to the panon thank 14 time NBA Allstar sixth on the NBA all time scoring list one time NBA champion we'll get to that later that's DK welcome thank you to the P that doesn't sound good all right fellas let's get into this as we sit here um we're one day away from getting those Hall of Fame jackets pal I'll start with you first okay what does this moment mean to you I guess it's a culmination right it's kind of like um the icing on the cake which you know is crazy to to think about um but um to me what's really special it's I mean basketball is a team sport we wouldn't be here you know if our teams that we were a part of our teammates our our people around us didn't help us um and do our job and and perform at the highest level so uh you know to to to go to go together in in a class with four guys or three guys here that I've my my career has been very parallel to to all of yours in in in a way um you know it's super special super special I'm ready I'm ready to put that hopefully it will fit that the jacket you know to have my my parents here uh you know I wanted them to to to put that jacket on me they they brought me to this world and uh you know that'll be very special um so you know just try to take it all in as I told you earlier today on the golf course uh try to take it in enjoy it share it with you know with amazing people that uh you know we're we're going we're we're tied Forever at a higher level I mean this doesn't get much much better than this yeah Tony kind of the same thing um going through the process right now and writing the speech uh it it's been a a crazy um mix of emotion uh I feel very nostalgic um I'm having my my whole French Mafia you know they all came you know I a lot of people so sorry for all the French people it's going to be a lot of them this weekend they all flew and just like to see like all the love all the people that supported me uh through my whole career and uh to basically uh celebrate all together one more time uh I feel like a it's like um like I feel blessed um we've been watching like old games and watching finals games and it's funny to go through those memories again and uh and to be all together and and to share that with them that's very important to me I'm like youa I'm very close to to my family close to my to my brothers and everybody uh everybody is here and I have a lot of connection with all of you guys uh Durk I went to your jersey retirement and P we played together and the Spain Spain France rivalry D way we played twice in the finals and uh I'm going to say it again can't believe you the favorite player of my little brother but it's okay you know what I mean uh but uh it's just been an unbelievable journey and I feel very lucky to be here and I've never thought somebody like me will experience something like the Hall of Fame I dream about the NBA I dreamt about being the first European point guard to make it the NBA but the Hall of Fame is a whole another level yeah so you've been watching old fam to see how good you are is that is that no no I was I just no I knew I was good but I still get mad when I miss shots and tear drops I was like it's funny like you watch games and like my dad you know my dad when he watched games he's like a boxer you know he's like moves like this you know he watched the game and like you know we can't do anything about this game too late happens already it was funny though to go through those feelings definitely dark yeah just super super excited Super anxious now a little bit the last few weeks were leading up to it now you know I feel little at night I wake up I got certain things go through my mind I reflect I got parts of my speech you know I'm trying to all of a sudden in the middle of the night and I can't sleep for an hour so I'm ready to get this going uh get this weekend going everybody's arriving today I have huge crew huge family coming from from Germany as well so yeah just uh just excited really uh to get this going and and have some fun with with everybody that's here and it's it's an honor this is an amazing class as all you guys said and I'm so uh so humble to be a part of it so uh let's let's get this started I know I know it's your show D but I have a question right away I have a question I'm sorry uh do did you realize do you realize that you're a of frer and if not when do you think you're going to realize you're a of frer uh I think it's going to take a while to set in um I mean I'm sure we all right we all had a dream to play the game of basketball we wanted to play in the NBA because it was the it was the best league a favorite players um in in America for you guys and here for me we're playing and I was having a conversation with my father and my father told me he was like you know I always dreamed of my son going to the NBA but I never dreamed of greatness how do you how do you dream of greatness and to be able to sit here and to be here this weekend like this is a level of greatness that I never imagined that I would be able to experience um and so yeah I'm going I'm like you guys I've been going through all emotions I ain't been sleeping this speech has been the bane of my existence like I can't wait to get this speech out the way so we can move want to have a good time but uh never thought I'd be sitting here being called a Hall of Famer I feel like uh like uh when I'm going to walk the steps and be in front of you guys then I'm really going to realize okay I'm a Hall of Famer yeah that's the moment like just walking those steps it it puts me back when I was uh uh like just drafted you know you walk those steps and you just got drafted and you're like man I'm going to the NBA I I got drafted uh that's how I hope it will make the same same feeling you know when I walk those steps and become a Hall of Famer yeah that's that's when it gets real that's when this get real all right listen so we started at the hall of fame I want to take it back to the beginning so young Dirk who did Young Dirk wnab be well first actually my first role model was my dad he was a sports guy he's played handball in in Europe uh so I I started actually playing handball ever since I can remember uh then I played tennis was a decent tennis player so I wanted to be like Boris Becker you know boom boom Becker you guys remember him a legend uh shout out to my guy um and so those were some of my first uh Sports Heroes and then I didn't start really basketball till I was about 12 13 a little late and then that was just around the 90s uh when when Michael Jordan took over and so I was Die Hard Bulls fan you know back in the days there was no internet you couldn't really catch that many games so all the the the league was promoting was usually the bll so we caught like one or two games live once a week or twice a week and it was usually the bow so I was a DI hard Pippen fan loved his versatility uh and loved MJ I mean he was he was the goat uh for me of all time and then uh those were yeah I was a Die Hard Chicago Bulls fan and U love love Charles Bartley later on too he's actually the reason uh I played with number 11 when I started basketball uh cuz my dad had 11 in handb ball and then when I saw Charles in the '92 Olympics had number 14 I actually switched my number to 14 cuz I loved I love Charles as well so so those were some of my first uh first Idols when I got going so if I'm thinking about Charles Barkley game I'm thinking athleticism I'm thinking post up you know banging people not thinking about me why WHYY I don't know I loved his intensity man I love he was undersized but what what a beast man he was a beast unbelievable how he how he got it done there and so so explosive I mean I love watching athletic players even though that wasn't really my game but uh that's that was definitely something that that caught my eye and he was just so so explosive it was fun to watch yeah he was he was pal who did Young pal want to be well uh my I think my guy growing up was Tony kuko um you know I I was able to you call him and he accepted the honor to be my presenter um you know growing up in Europe he was the kind of the guy that stood out for me he had he was very versatile even though he was a lefty I was I played small forward until I was 18 19 years old CU I was so skinny and um you know I kind of I felt more comfortable out outside and I didn't fully grow up to the you know to the 71 frame that I that I turned out to be so Tony was you know the guy obviously then he went and joined the Bulls the 92 Olympics had a big impact he was the the guy the European guy you know that uh was up and coming and um you know so he had and then obviously the Bulls and MJ and all that also had an effect but yeah Tony was kind of like the guy that I wanted to emulate and kind of follow the steps and um you know inspired me to you know to to to try to be another get to the NBA and and and follow that path yeah Tony your dad is from Chicago shout out shout out to Chicago Chicago Chicago um town so who did young Tony want to be so me a little bit like you my favorite player was Michael Jordan my dad's from Chicago we were huge Bulls fans and so yeah I had posters of him my room I remember being 10 years old and being in Monaco and uh I went to the game uh the dream team they played the France uh for a friendly game before going to Barcelona for Olympics and I was one of those kids who will go down and and go watch it uh France lost by 50 but uh you know it was my first time not Toad and so I was just super excited to see uh uh my idol and that's why I wear the number nine because of Michael Jordan you know at the time in Europe you know you can only have numbers you know for the 15 so you couldn't get 23 so I'll be pissed when I was a kid I like why you can't get 23 why that role only 4 to 15 you know like I didn't understand that role I wanted 23 and so when he played in the Olympics and he had nine I was like oh I'm going to play with nine oh you were good you got to pick your number when you was young yeah oh I just got thrown a jersey I got lucky I got lucky but you're right but that's why some of my jerseys I is not nine you know growing up because then I was the little one I was the rookie so you can't choose your number so some of my jerseys are not nine but most of the time they were nine so we talk about Michael Jordan obviously I think all of us we grew up we we're roughly around the same age so we grew up in the era of you know who would probably be our goat who is the European goat Tony who would be the European goat for you what what was that player that you would look at and say this is a European goat either when you were young or either now who is that person my my European goat is Dirk nitzki okay I think I think he's the European goat you know then it's a very debatable with pal because pal won so much you know at the European level yes it's true D I wish sometime P gasau was not born I would have won a lot more gold medals and a lot sooner uh but to me is debatable and and and what you take in consideration if you take the NBA or or Europeans so I will go with one a and one B you know uh and I say that sincerely because no disrespect to the to the older guys but when we all came you know in the league that was the first time that with DK and pal you had NBA franchises started to believe that we can have a European player as our franchise player and Dirk was the first one to to to do that like to be the franchise guy yeah and then PO with Kobe then me with Timmy and Manu and then now we have a lot of European guys who are their franchise guy but Durk uh paved that way for for us as Europeans my thing was to become the first European point guard but franchise is that's darkk and uh and I'll see like in front of him like like like all the discussions every time we talk you know with Europeans like any interviews you'll see of me I always say Durk DK you agree with that I'm not sure no that's a tough question that's aough but DK my question is to you when I be if you agree if you're the goat but what are your feelings on I think I knew Tony was going to say that by the way I knew he was going to say he was the he was the go and I knew he was going to say he was second I don't know why uh what do you guys feel about Giannis and joic and these these young guys because to me you guys are the first wave of European Superstars not not good players not even great players but Superstar players so what do you guys feel about and I'm asking this question because in America it's a different battle between the next goat right everybody's all no one wants nobody to surpass them sometimes how do you guys feel about this next wave of European players that are that are amazing players I'm actually more proud watching them honestly um you know I all we all know records are there to be broken and uh stuff always happens somebody always comes along who's better and and does better things or does more it's more athletic I mean it it just happens that's life so I'm actually proud watching these guys I mean I see Luca every day the stuff he does and he'll be in the conversation for a long long time uh what Yiannis is no DK no no sorry really no uh he's heal opinion his he he well on his way well on his way uh and then yic what he's been doing in this league and dominating and uh and now he won his ring so I'm proud watching these guys and hopefully they can uh they can have amazing careers from here on out and and the whole goat debate is always tough you know um we go back and forth all the time it's different eras you know I was a big shrimp was one of my idols who had a great career there was a draan Petrovic you mentioned kuko all these uh sabonis actually before he got hurt was was an unbelievable player and unfortunately he blew his knees out and we never actually saw the best sabonis but he would have been maybe even the goat of of Europe so it's always tough it's it's fun for debating but we unfortunately we we'll never know but it's it's amazing that i'm uh obviously we're all in this conversation and it's that's already humbling to me yeah Tony why is I mean obviously LC is very early in his career we don't know what the end results would be but why today do you say he's no Dirk why why that because for me to be in the conversation you have to win a championship W so that's just my personal opinion yeah but I love goat debate I have goat debates with my brothers with my friends all the time it's like boat conversation you know like like always like we debating and debating and to me because I won a championship I'm like if you don't understand what it takes to win a championship I don't think you should be in a go [Music] debate okay to me what what I would add to that is also um I think it's so much about the debating of who's the go or who's you know we we have played in there are different areas we I think what we can be really proud of is that we raised the level and I think that that's what you want to do with your journey you raise the bar yeah and then somebody will say hey that's the bar I want to raise it higher MH great keep raising it higher and then as as as as as dur was saying when you see these European players now Luca yanes also has done incredibly well you know they just you know they just you you're you're proud to see that proud yeah I know you're proud to see that you want him to the well you want him to to keep raising the bar you know hopefully you know uh obviously yic has won the championship with the Nuggets uh Giannis has won a championship with the Bucks we'll see if Luca can do that uh with you know a lot of great players haven't won championships in this in this game it's hard to win a championship as Tony was saying a lot of things have to come together um you know Durk has played many seasons we played many seasons he's won one you know I won two he's won four um it's hard right you have to have great teammates you know everything has to come together that season um so so again it's you know it's not so much about it's about have you done you know extraordinary have you raised the bar have you done your best have you inspired others have you opened doors that's why I I always give a little extra for the guys that came before us when things were not you know uh so normal for European players to be in this league uh to be respected to you know to fight through a lot of biases potentially too that had they probably had to fight you know so we kind of benefited from those guys that did that work uh before us and now hopefully the guys feel the current guys feel like we have contributed for them to have the the the life and the opportunity that they' have so that's that's what I like for for you is it is it weird like as an American perspective to go in the Hall of Fame with three Europeans you know like do you ever a minority of this like like as you not because I watch your documentary you know the redeemed team and congrats to that it was an unbelievable documentary I really enjoyed it like you was good with it I was great great with it I was so happy I was so marke I was one of the marketing tools documentary I was like I was a key I was a I was right there you report bro oh yeah I moved up but like like in your perspective you know and as you as an American and I know because of my dad is American I know how proud the Americans are to be the best you know in basketball and to show that the best like uh how do you feel like um like about European basketball the way it is now and and having a lot of top players there Europeans uh what you think and how you feel about that that's a great question um can you tell by the way he has a podcast too yeah yeah definitely definitely I can tell three years too three years around he's he's a betet at this um I actually I've never thought of thought of it in that way um you know I I think it's it's it's just so amazing for the game you know to to look at it and say you know obviously it's 12 of us you know going into the Hall of Fame but you know out of the guys in the ba that three out of four are international players I mean that just shows how amazing this game is and for for any kid in the world it just you know it shows that what can be accomplished you know I mean I think we all play this game because we love it but then at some point the Baton got passed to us to make it bigger than us right to make it bigger than to to make the game bigger and you guys are making the game bigger and so for me to be on this platform together um I'm honored you know because you know of how great y'all are to me it doesn't matter where where you from you know where you played we know the journey to be great and so I never thought of it that way I'm just honored to be in in the same breath as um as the greatness that's around this table so yeah amen amen amen you seriously so as athletes you know we we always um are asked questions about our motivation right like what's your motivation and sometime we like our family is our motivation and this is our motivation do you guys feel like throughout our journey do you feel like your motivation comes from pain like painful losses or do your motivation come from Joy like where do where do where's your motivation source as an athlete where do it come from pal go with you first okay um to me it's it's really you know kind of the challenge uh the grind that it takes you know trying to be exceptional trying to do something special with with our life yeah um um kind of take advantage of an opportunity that you've been kind of given but then you had to work for and earn everything about it um so that's kind of where it comes from obviously you want to utilize the pain the struggle the losses the defeats uh the shortcomings the rejection and all that uh you know we can think of growing up as a kid and you're the lanky tall kid skinny kid that everybody kind of makes fun of and points out and stuff like that and then that turned out into to a freaking blessing and an advantage in my life you know and um not so much that you know who's laughing now but it's not okay it's like you know it's life is life is good and then you you take advantage of that um and um and then obviously you revert to your family and you want to pass it along and you want to benefit your families and and and don't take stuff for granted you know cuz everything can be gone quickly um so so from from that standpoint you just trying to embrace your journey and maximize it yeah Tony you you've been in the finals how many times how many five times and you won four did you did you pull motivation from the four wins or did you pull motivation from the one loss A lot of people they always ask me what's your favorite championship and I always say 2014 and they like not 2007 when you were MVP I'm like no 2014 is my favorite because the way we lost against you guys um 2013 the way we lost when we were up five with 28 seconds and I can see the Rope I can see the trophy coming and pop is peing I don't even know what pop was saying I was already thinking about what I was going to do with that Trophy and I was like I don't know what he was saying and and the way that happens so fast you know with Ray Allen Shad obviously and then you won in game seven man that summer it was so long that summer it was so long and it's funny cuz that summer um I played with the national team every summer and I was still chasing that gold medal because of this guy still didn't win a gold medal and in 2013 after losing to you guys I was like really it was really hard for me to get motivated and to go play for the national team so I told the coach like I don't think I'm G to play this summer you know and and he was like you sure and blah blah and 48 hours after I was like you know what no I'm going to be stronger than that mentally like everything happens for a reason you know like we can't like I can like not go you know and so I decided to go and that year we win the gold medal and I was that close to not go you know that summer to go go some you've been chasing your whole life you were not and we win that summer summer and then so I arrived at training camp I was so happy cuz I was a goal you know I was like I was happy you know you know and I go back to the Spurs they were still thinking about you know our loss against you guys and so we start training camp pop the first uh first practice we go to film he puts the last four minutes of game six the last four minutes of game seven so I was like we're going through the whole thing that's Co but me I had so much energy that I built from the summer that I I carried it the whole season you know because I was like we can't finish our career and people was going to remember us like we lost in 13 like uh can't we can't finish like that you know and I think the character that we showed in 2014 and the way that we played is because of that loss that I think we played the best Spurs basketball in my opinion uh in the my whole career the way we move the ball and and the Beautiful game and all that kind of stuff it got created because of that and so for me like motivation it can come from Big losses or like you said your family like me growing up we grew up with nothing it definitely creates you know motivation to when people say oh you're too small you're too skinny you will never make it from France you know you have to put it in perspective you know back then it was like not a lot of Europeans you know so people were super negative you know and so I used that as motivation to get my whole family a better life and and try to make it yeah D well I think it's the beginning it's just the the love for the sport the love for the game and you're excited and working out and then you come in the league and you know you want to establish yourself it's all fun we had a fun style then you make your first hle game uh so that all motivated me and then uh then it was I got to say the losses you know I had to once you establish yourself you know there's really only one goal always that was winning the championship once once you have a few All-Star games you've done all the individual stuff their goal was every year to win the championship and every year year after year we fall short in ' 06 we're this close we fall short and so then in ' 07 which was even more frustrating to me my MVP year we won win almost 70 games and we lose in the first round I was I was almost so embarrassed that I let my teammates down the city and I didn't I didn't really feel like leaving my house and but at the end of the day after these tough losses um you know after a few weeks you're like okay what do I have to do you know you look in the mirror okay I wasn't great and final stages or whatever now I got to get better I got to work on my game I got to add something for next year I got to be a better closer I got to do this so to me it was but I didn't I didn't win four so I mean I couldn't draw anything out of out of happy times I had to had to draw uh motivation out of the frustration out of the uh out of the tough times and so all these losses uh every year kind of helped me to to always push me and and work hard in the summer only take a few weeks off then go back in the gym uh in Germany and and go back in the lab and and play German national team and and uh eventually that worked out for me in 2011 did you always believe like uh you had a time like you were not going to make it champ the Germans are more netive you I felt bad for you in 2007 oh like like usually like you know you look at other teams you like everybody's got their own problems I feel bad for you know honestly I was watching the games and they were on fire they were crazy Baron Davis made a buzzer beater from half court almost every game serious got to be kidding were they were so in' 06 we had the tough loss then in seven we felt like we had the Spurs were always our big brother you guys always beat us and like we finally got to figure out okay we beaten the Spurs a little bit this is fun I think that I think we went like three and one against you guys so I'm like we we we got this this year this is our year you know we learned from 06 and this is our year and then we ran in the hottest team you can imagine and they were a matchup nightmare for us obviously we were tall me damp we weren't the most you know the quickest guys and they would play Monte Ellis at the five I mean I was like what is happening here right there like small running around the beginning of small ball you know Nelly was there coach and he knew exactly how to play pushed me one way one I spun they were already three guys swarming me I couldn't even get my shots off and they were I mean they knew exactly how to beat us and they were hot and so uh that was that was one of the most frustrating losses of my you never but you never lost faith though I mean at the end of day you know the Germans that's what I was going to say they they're always a little negative so I think it's normal to have some doubts but you know you you work through it there's no other option you're frustrated for a couple weeks and then you you know after a couple weeks of not touching the ball and frustration you know you get the tingling back and and excitement and okay it's a time to show that the doubters you can do it and uh I kept uh I kept working at it and that's why you never know when it's going to come because I didn't think you going to win in 2011 and that's when you win yeah exactly you know after 06 I'm like I did I took 06 hard but at the end of the day I'm like you know what I'm just entering my Prime we just made the finals we had a great shot of winning it all we're looking good against the Spurs matchup wise so I'm like oh we going to be there for years to come now we're we're good and then 07 happens then ' 08 already start to go down we make the the trade for J klix you know we're barely making the playoffs so you can never take it for granted when you're on a good team uh that's winning uh you just want to kind of put your ego to the side because you never know I mean in within one year everything can change so uh it's it's uh I mean look at the Mavs just the last few years we went the Western Conference Finals two years ago and last year we didn't even make the playoffs so it's it's a it's a wild ride and and you got to enjoy while while you have a good team and uh but it's uh it's it's hard at times for sure um I'm going to I had another question but let's stay in 206 Oh no swe I got to go I feel like it's we own it let's let's stay in 2006 we we'll go to 11 later let's stay in 2006 when did you feel this series slipping away because you guys were up 20 yall were in control you up 13 in game three when did you feel the series slipping away yeah I mean in that in that moment honestly you guys have you guys stepped up uh the pressure there you know everything was a little harder you know the denies that the defense stepped up and and I felt like we just never responded to that um and then when when game three Slipped Away we're like oh we're good we're good uh and then we come game four and we just completely get blown out so uh that's when obviously we the panic button was was pushed but um I don't think we had the experience we had you know the the toughness at the time to to really respond honestly and you guys I mean you played unbelievable and and you guys had great role players making shots so uh that was that was super tough but yeah it was definitely there in game three we uh we had everything under control and um but you guys stepped it up and and we never found a way to to stop the bleeding and respond and we didn't have the the experience for it and uh that was uh that was a tough one I got to say how did you feel about me in 2006 well there wasn't a lot of love there I'd say uh there wasn't a lot of love there um I think there were just things said on both sides uh that W and appreciate it um I think you took offense to and I said we kind of gave them the championship which is which I would have probably taking offense too uh cuz he worked extremely hard you played your butt off and carried them um I came back swinging in the media yeah and then then even even weeks later or or maybe I said something at the training camp the following year and and I remember in in the next year now I'm already moved on obviously uh some reporter comes up to me and shoot around me like hey did you see what Dwayne said and I was like what this is like months now later he's like yeah you weren't the finisher you weren't the leader and I'm like oh wow that came out of nowhere so I didn't appreciate that of course but now 20 almost 20 years later I see where both sides were were just not happy with with how the whole thing went down um but honestly I say this all the time there can always be friendships during the highest level of competition I mean it's just not how works we were I'm old school I always wanted to win um but there was uh there was no love loss there at the beginning and I remember in the ' 07 the allstar game was in in Vegas I think we were the only two all stars ever on record to Not Shake Hands uh pregame so there was definitely yeah there was definitely some some cold times uh and mind you we've never had a conversation to this point exactly we've never talked no we never talked about it it shows you the power of the and and how they you know they came back to me and they said well Dirk said this I was like oh really well watch this and then Dirk said and then Dwayne said that and and and then now it goes and now you don't even talk to each other we're the we're the biggest stage in our game right we we're two of the best players in our game and we don't even know how to just forget that move on and you know because because we played each other at the highest and that was a very intense emotional emotional series and then the the after effect was you know was a lot so yeah it's part part of the competition is as you guys you know you we've seen rivales throughout the the history of the game you know with a magic and bird you know where they hated each other and they you know and then then became friends later on and whatever it might be you know Larry Bird presented Magic Johnson into the Hall of Fame exactly exactly so it's just it's part of the game at the end of the end we all want to win you know and we hate losing and there's tensions in the competition the hit of the moment you know it's going to be you it's going to be me you know and it's it's tough to kind of separate you know okay now we're all good let's go have grab dinner you know after I'm trying to you know chop your head off you know on the game uh and then the media obviously does what they do and then um you know and that's what it is at the highest stages even more so U so it's just part of part of the deal but you know that's the beauty also about this moment you know all the competition is behind us right we can just share you know we're just four happy fellas just right and then it's it's it's h it's good to be able to to even talk about it and like you said laugh about it and understand that that's that's that's a moment and now we sit here at another moment where we all are we attached forever even though we already were we played each other twice in the finals got one got one played each other twice got one got one my brother Co Etc so it is good to be able to be in this moment and have these microphones and be able to tell our own story and talk about it our own way m so I'm going to stay on Dirk DK I'm going to so everybody I'm going to I'm passing these iPads around every guy would get one it would be one pitcher they will look at it themselves and then I would ask them to show it to camera and then we would talk about it so Dirk can you look at this and then I swear I'm gonna move on to the next person after this yeah okay I remember this I remember this can you show the cameras please yeah so this is uh this is Lebron and uh my guy dwade what we doing fake fake coffin uh in the 20 11 finals um how childish was that moment yeah I mean I you know actually so I was sick for that game four and then I ended up not seeing this until after game four so I saw this uh before game five I believe um I I didn't appreciate it uh um political sound I didn't I didn't like it um it's it's just to me it felt a little disrespectful um I felt like I I've never had to fake an injury I never had to fake an illness to to show anything you know I I wanted you know I didn't feel well that day had a little fever and and really that was it so uh I I thought it was it was childish and I think it was I think I I I think I said it that one of the press conference but at the end of the day that didn't add to the motivation you know honestly I was at this point we're game five we're two games away of my dream from my reaching my dream which when 06 we were two games away so I really didn't want this to be a big distraction for me and I think even coach Carla addressed it I said listen there this video came out we're not speaking about it as a team we're going to stay to business and we we here to win one or two more games you know we're not this is not going to Sidetrack us and and that's that's real I felt it so I went in a press conference I I said I didn't like it I thought it was childish but other than that I think I I kind of left it at that I think some of the 06 things set deeper uh that that bothered me a little more um but now we can laugh about it yeah um we didn't like like you said it was kind of one of those things that happened you don't know what it's going to become and and I remember walking down the hallway and we were coming out of shoot around and I think at this point we're up 2 one we we l you guys came back that amazing comeback of Miami game two but we came to Dallas and we won game three so now in my in our minds we ain't controlling it we supposed to be up three 0 and so all the talk back to us is well Dirk is sick Dirk hand is this Dirk is this so we like like you know I think in a sense like in the moment of being young and and having a one of those moments he was like oh he's sick and did like a fake cough and boom it went everywhere you know what I mean and then our mind we were tired of hearing about dirt we like we're up two why y'all keep talking about him being sick or his hand is this or that and so it became I think bigger but then once you look at it you're like okay that was that was a moment a childish moment that was caught on camera um that you wish you can grab that moment back but at the same time knowing it didn't have any bearings on the series like it wasn't going to make you a greater player you were already great you know what I mean but yeah so I just wanted to yeah I'm glad never heard us talk about it and there we go yeah I'm glad this is all out I'm liking it I'm liking it we probably should have had these conversations a long time ago you know I didn't know about that you know oh really I mean no really no I was vacation somewh I you know once once you're done with your season for the most part you're trying to disconnect you don't want to watch that stuff you know you know where you wish you you were but you're not there you're somewhere else you know and especially For Us in 11 where we just came from winning back to back and we lost to them and in the conference semis and stuff I wasn't going to watch you guys going at it where I wish my team was at the time so I wasn't paying any any attention to to it at that point 06 you remember how we lost 06 remember how we lost oh we lost again against the Mavericks game seven our home we up three with 10 seconds to go we supposed to play you guys in the finals that's what I was thinking until Dirk goes to the basket Manu Manu fouls him and pop said 10 times in the timeout don't foul anybody if he goes lay it up we don't care we have we have free throws you we up three doesn't matter and Manu went to I don't know why he tried to block his shot go won and then we lose in overtime wow so yeah I didn't see that because I was still mad exactly I was still man like why went to Black Dirk we don't care let DK dunk we don't care wow crazy but you're right we all do get into our you know we wor about ourselves but I think for for Dirk and I and I'm thankful that on my podcast on my first episode we were able to have a conversation that like we didn't like I said man Durk didn't even have a lot of conversations until recently like because of what was portrayed through the media what you know actions and so it's good to be able to have that that conversation so I appreciate you nice Tony I have a picture for you okay all right so we played each other in the finals in 2013 and 2014 we both got the best of each other so when you look at this photo tell me what is the tell me what was going through your mind at the moment when all these things was happening cuz it happened so fast so fast so in this picture so that's the Ray Allen shot in game six in the corner and Tony Parker closed out I'm he closed out short he closed out short okay so like you said it happened so fast that I came so fast to him that I was trying to not to foul him like I was like Pop's going to kill me if i f him because we were up three yeah so I try to do the best I can to contest one of the best Shooters in our league and he made a hell of a shot going backwards and every time I look at it I'm like man how did he make that shot cuz I came fast on him and and he could have like tried to be scared too because I came so fast I almost fouled him and it was just one of the best shots in the NBA history and uh when you as you know you have this say in the US they say good defense better offense but that was better off look at your eyes you see your what what are you doing please don't go in Please Don't Go In You Begging like please don't oh yeah I was hoping so bad uh so just a Ray Allen uh he and I don't know if you guys heard the story but after practice Ray Allen would always sit on his butt um on the Block and he will backpedal to the three-point line and this was a drill that he did and so In This Moment The Reason he was able to backpedal and get there and not worry about being out of bounds getting his feet set without looking was because he practiced it out the he did it out the practice every day oh wow and so it was amazing that everything happened and it was Ray Allen cuz if it was me that would have been a whole different shot you know I mean it driven left yeah put a charge I charge you came right at you and so it's crazy that it was off his butt go backwards get up go backwards without into continue his repetition right he he did it every day and I heard he even did it in Boston and so that's probably the only time he got a chance to take that shot that's crazy everything happens for a reason crazy crazy great [Music] sorry so as you guys will see and also hear some of these conversations they do go a bit long and so we have to separate them within Parts some go one hour some go three hours and so we have a part one and we also have a part two so we're going to cut it off right here on part one but part two will be out very soon so please check your feed it might already be [Music] there
Channel: DwyaneWade
Views: 422,097
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Keywords: dwyane wade, dwane wade, dwayne wade podcast, podcast, dwayne wade live
Id: sw85LfGyJ8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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