Why you NEVER Talk Trash Tim Duncan - Told By NBA Players and Legends

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welcome to the reasons why you never talk trash to Tim Duncan these stories right here are some of the most hilarious NBA stories going around and when you think of Tim Duncan you don't think of a prolific trash talker but he shows in this video why you never talk trash to him and these stories definitely represent that now I hope you guys do enjoy the video and if you do enjoy it by the end of the video I'd really appreciate if you guys could hit that like button they really do support the channel these videos do take a long time to edit and piece all together with all the different interviews podcast clips and highlights all mixed in with this one video but I also want to give credit so all the videos clips and podcasts used in this video is on the screen and you can watch them in their entireties they're also in the description box down below I don't want to keep you guys waiting though so without further Ado here is the reason why you never talk trash to Tim Duncan did you have any experience when I know he was on the tail end of his career but yeah what did Timmy have for you [Laughter] it ain't many guys talking trash no more nowadays but one guy I couldn't get probably it was real early in my career I hadn't done nothing in the league yet and I tried talking drunk to Tim Duncan Timmy I don't want to hear no top five without Tim Duncan in it like I respect that bro ladies and gentlemen like that's that's just how I feel I think I think he's one of the most disrespected winners of all time like but why do you think I mean is it the Old Navy is it the baggy fits is it the Birkenstock is sexy yeah it wasn't sexy you know he wasn't you know as marketable as these other guys and he's not all I mean like he's not a guy that's going out of his way to be liked or to be on TV just goes and does his job he goes home we've been saying it for 19 years and he really only cared about doing the best job he could basketball wise and being who he was for his teammates you know everybody always talks about who they like to eat dinner with you know if you had one night you could go to dinner or go to lunch with someone so who would you like to do it with and and I can honestly tell you uh my dinner would be with Timmy [Music] and it would be because he's the most real consistent true person I've ever met in my life he is so genuine that it blows your mind and that quiet [ __ ] those are the scary ones I remember kg's interviewing all the smoke but he's like Duncan would still talk [ __ ] to you was there someone that you loved you knew that [ __ ] could back it up Andy was going to talk it to you uh believe it or not y'all uh Tim Duncan Timmy you smiled at you see me be killing you with smile holding all that cussing you did it Tim he never got it he never got out his element one thing I might laugh at you man you might be cussing him out of 100 miles he might sit there and laugh at you like ah and that's supposed to piss you off even more I used to get so frustrated playing against Tim Duncan because I could not figure him out is he the player you did not want to play like he was like the most difficult guard like he I couldn't figure him out and I was a baby too and he's well seasoned at the show but I couldn't figure him out and it was just like no matter how much strength I put into it or or how much I suffered or how hard it was it was just like glass yeah then on top of it he tell me yeah yeah backboard yeah hook shot anyway he likes so you know this ain't working no you know start you know doing a little you know the shoulder [ __ ] and he will react to that no gangster [ __ ] no real hardcore [ __ ] just to subtle leads to just back your ass up and put you back in like this over here I heard he would like Pat you on your butt like good remember bro that's like he was on irritation right like bro talk some [ __ ] bro that's meaner people would not see him verbally seeing stuff because he wouldn't talk in sentences to me will hit you in phrases got you almost right right good job you got a rebound just call me a [ __ ] or something bro I I finally had a successful night against Timmy oh that's very close to an offensive foul I can't believe it he's getting away with an offensive foul every time the ball that's just oh my gosh that's an offensive foul by any definition I mean bang I mean Duncan's looking like are you kidding me or what that's two times in a row go right at him again give it to big cousin uh having Rock and sock in there [Applause] this one and now he fouls cousins will get to the line and a chance to make it a three-point game like I'm having it's not even a great night it's just I'm having a decent successful night so my young dumbass decides to go talk [ __ ] to Timmy oh man [ __ ] yo I remember like backpaling down court and Timmy looked up at me he just looked at me [Music] I'm looking at Duncan who was smiling him at Demarcus is it to say hey you're getting away with murder as soon as you get on the court the [ __ ] you gonna do today he was gonna [ __ ] eyes oh no he ain't that [ __ ] ain't working on him like a strategy man he just looked at me yeah like number one are you who are you number two why are you talking to me and number three just shut up and didn't say anything just looked at me that's a terminatorship or he just looks down the stars like kind of laughing to himself so now you spending all this energy trying to rile this up you know I forgot about your own game you forgot about they coming to you that you're supposed to that's so scary this is the fourth quarter this dude ran off 16 straight [Music] there it is Tim Duncan he has 21. you know Tim Timmy put that hand on your shoulder right and then don't nobody ever see it and they don't stop and he blocked you up top but you it stops you from getting that list block shot [Applause] [Music] well I'll tell you one thing this is the best I've seen Tim Duncan look in about two or three years yeah his body I mean is obviously looked like he's even lost a little weight his skill I mean his outside shot was on track obviously just a great performance from one of the all-time great players what did you do though what was you thinking like four at six at eight like I said I'm trying to get into a verbal like yeah ain't never said anything to me so we go back to that that butt top yeah like I said he's running off this 16 straight good job that's so condescending bro I'm like this [ __ ] we're really we're really we're really really really pissed me off was when the trash talking wasn't affecting him better shape and trying to play better Duncan gets very deep and scores on Kevin Garnett what a matchup we're gonna have tonight at Power Forward Tim Duncan doubles got fouled scored it big play by Duncan hey bump him he gets there now he's got a deal with jarnette and he scores shot clock at five Duncan's gotta go yeah actually you know Timmy got 20 20 15. so then I started changing that you know what I'm saying and then it was natural too sometimes you just you went to it you know two dogs meet in the middle and yeah and it'd be what it is so you know I didn't understand that sometimes with Tim he's I I used to come out of the game and pop just screaming at him I can be on him in the game and ask him why he's not rebounding in a relatively Stern way uh and really get on him in front of everybody curious in mind I'm sitting down there man how's you letting this [ __ ] talk to you like this you Tim Duncan and on the way back to the court he'll say thanks for the motivation pop uh you know thanks for the support Bob and then he'll turn away with his eyes up in the air uh and we'll both start laughing he's saying that so when Pop come to me I got to be like what the [ __ ] I say Tim Duggar taking it all right I gotta take it but it made me a better player it made me coachable you know what I'm saying but at first as soon as possible you better get the [ __ ] out my face you know what I'm saying but I see you going off on Tim I got to be able to take people don't see those things so but his teammates have and that's why his teammates love him because he's been the best teammate anybody could ever imagine so he usually go hand in hand [Applause] he just step right through both guys and bet the ball right through then to Purdue and then that's when I actually quit talking trash to Timmy because he wouldn't respond or he wasn't giving me the reaction I was in because I can't get really good hype obviously ain't even giving me nothing he said that you he said that she it would frustrate him the most that he would talk all his [ __ ] but she would smile and say like good job and stuff like that would piss him off the most why would you never engage in trash talk Tim uh with him because Cecily wanted two lice so you know it just ain't working I mean let me just stick the basketball with this one but so after that I kind of just left him dunking along like what's up man how you doing I left it at that point he learned his lessons [Laughter] [Laughter] Old Navy cheese of course I left Timmy alone bro I don't want no problem that's what he wanted he want he wanted to to get you outside of yourself he wanted to to to piss you off and kind of control the situation and I guess I recognize that it frustrates people um more when you just keep coming and coming and coming and just keep getting things done and no matter what they throw at you or no matter what they do you just could just um it it doesn't affect you and it kind of it ends up affecting them much more than it does you well really what really what really really really pissed me off was when the trash talking wasn't affecting him so that was my way that was my uh what I figured out to be most effective and it fit with my game like I didn't I didn't have to trash talk I didn't do the trash talk I wasn't I wasn't good at it so um I was just about to ask you if you were even good at doing it yeah yeah so my mind more things just like kind of poked there just kind of kind of poke him a little bit and bro piss him off a little bit and then they reacted poke him again but hey and I mean but at the end of the day I wasn't it wasn't where I was it was any ill will I'm like what's up yeah that was definitely one of my like welcome to the lead oh okay this might have been like year two if anybody will give it to you and it's Timmy dude that's not yeah I mean I don't think I had like started having successful games against him probably until like my third year third or fourth year was it that you got better that Tim was just getting older I got that yeah okay it might have been a confidential okay yeah yeah foreign [Music] let me know Down Below in the comment section if you did enjoy this Tim Duncan video please help me out by hitting that like button and subscribe if you are new here are two new videos I think that you will also enjoy and I will catch you guys next time take care
Channel: Nick Smith NBA
Views: 891,836
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Keywords: the complete compilation of greatest stories, nba stories larry bird, tim duncan trash talk kevin garnett, tim duncan trash talk kobe bryant, tim duncan trash talk michael jordan, why tim duncan never trash talked, tim duncan never trash talk, kevin garnett trash talk tim duncan, complete collection of larry bird stories, tim duncan ejected for laughing, tim duncan, The Complete Compilation of Tim Duncan's Greatest Stories Told By NBA Players & Legends, tim duncan trash talk
Id: w3A7wCOnUYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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