Armies, Units, Heroes and Lords - Warhammer Lizardmen Lore DOCUMENTARY

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When the Lizardmen marched to war, the very earth  shook from their thunderous advance. Jungles   came alive with slithering serpents and feral  behemoths, the skies above roared with flying   packs of ravenous predators, and the air was thick  with an ancient, cosmic magic. If their foe were   not warmbloods fated for feasting and sacrifice,  then their fate was annihilation… for the glory   of the Old Ones! Welcome to the second in our  Video Series on the Races of the Warhammer World,   where we will cover the Lizardmen armies. If you prefer your fantasy worlds a tad more   human, we’ll also highlight our sponsor Tainted  Grail: Song of a Dying World, a new table top rpg.  Somewhat like how the warhammer world ended up,  Tainted Grail is a world that is coming to an end,   only this time it’s a realm arthurian and celtic  legend. Still, it remains equally steeped in   magic and mystery, and of course your goal in  the game is to prevent the world from ending.  The game comes with a beautiful hardback  book that explains the setting in detail,   and provides pre-made characters so that  you can try out an adventure in the world   of Tainted Grail right away - a world you  actually might have adventures in already   if you’ve played the Tainted Grail  video games or the older board games.  Anyway, whether you’re new to Tainted Grial or  a veteran, the Song of a Dying World table top   book has all the rules and systems fully  explained. And it provides a step by step   campaign to play through, with all the challenges  and branching paths for your players to explore.  You can take a closer look at this new  twilight fantasy adventure on gamefound,   where you can purchase the game, and you  can even get a delux version that comes   with all kinds of game aids like dice and a  battle map. Just check out the link below. Chapter 1: Army Composition The core units of Lizardmen armies were of Saurus   and Skink variety, with the occasional posse of  hulking Kroxigors. The Saurus warriors primarily   brought swords, spears and shields into the fray,  while the more mobile Skinks kept lighter weaponry   with them, such as javelins, blow darts, or short  swords. Chameleon Skinks were exclusively ambush   missile infantry or hybrid melee stalkers, and  the Red Crested Skinks were strong enough to   tote larger weaponry into a fight, much  like their Saurus brethren. Elite Saurus   of the Temple Guard would occasionally march into  battle, always to protect the Slann Mage-Priests. Lizardmen Cavalry needed mounts that could  bear their massive Saurus soldiers into   battle. Certain Saurus warriors were spawned  with the instinctive ability to tame and ride   the perfect predators for the job, known  as Cold Ones. They were swift reptilian   predators with an insatiable drive to attack any  warm-blooded creature that came near. Naturally,   they hunted in packs and were capable of felling  a target many times their own size. An extremely   rare subspecies of Cold Ones called the Horned  Ones, was fielded by Lizardman armies as well.   Virtually extinct, they spawned from the  Pools always at the same time as their   riders and were adapted for fighting duels  with their large horns and spiny crests. But not all Lizardmen cavalry were bound to the  ground. The lightweight and clever Skinks had   mastered the art of riding Terradons, no easy  feat considering the hazards of approaching a   lair of these flying reptiles. Skinks would cling  to their backs and either wield poison javelins or   slings of fire-leech bolas. The Skinks trained  their mounts to carry stonemason spheres with   them into battle. Troops of Terradon riders  would fly in formation and cue the beasts to   let go of their payload atop a selected target,  unloading a deadly avalanche of crushing stones. The Skinks flew beasts called Ripperdactyls,  even more bloodthirsty than Terradons,   into battle. The ravenous creatures attacked  anything that moved and could not be stopped   once they identified prey and plunged down upon  them. The talons alone could decapitate enemies   with ease, and Ripperdactyl attacks scarcely left  behind anything but strewn limbs and innards. Lustria was a thriving ecosystem with  countless creatures, large and small,   in which the Lizardmen were tamed for war. The  species that could not be ridden as cavalry were   trained to hunt in packs alongside the army.  War machines came upon the backs of massive   monsters, while the more feral beasts were  unleashed as unstoppable killing machines. The smallest of these special units was the  Jungle Swarm, which was actually one mass of   slithering reptiles ranging from tiny poisonous  lizards to large pythons. In a typical engagement,   these swarms almost always preceded the  main lizardman army and attacked their   foes in a frenzied entanglement  of suffocating coils and biting   fangs. They naturally gathered near any  shrines and temples dedicated to Sotek. Often found covering the Lizardmen  army flanks were the Salamanders,   giant amphibians with a belly that belched  a liquid so volatile it would immediately   burst into flames. They were trained in packs by  Skink handlers who would goad them into position   with jabbing spears and then annoy them to the  point of spitting fire. When fortifications were   encountered during times of war, the salamander  packs were particularly effective at burning out   garrisons through embrasures. Much like the  Salamanders, the Razordons were prodded with   spears to elicit the creature’s defensive  reaction: an ejected hail of barbed spikes.   The spines were tough enough to pierce through  both shield and armour and did not easily break. The larger creatures of the jungle fought  alongside the Lizardmen, such as the dreaded   Carnosaur. They were the ultimate jungle hunters  and could attain a size as tall as two-story   buildings. Just a taste of blood would send the  behemoth into a frenzy, tearing through any living   being, warmblood or coldblood, to satiate their  bloodlust. They marched with Lizardmen armies,   either feral or as the ferocious mount of  Saurus Old Bloods or Scar Veterans only,   for enormous strength and skill are needed  to even begin controlling a Carnosaur. Much like the Carnosaur, the Troglodon were feral  beasts trained to seek out high-value targets.   Also called the Pale Death, they were entirely  blind and relied on whiskers to track motion,   as their natural environments were  subterranean grottoes. It was able   to spit toxic bile and listen for sizzling  flesh to triangulate its prey’s location.   The Skink Priests claimed that these  twin-tailed giants were marked by Sotek   himself and were untamable except only by the  hand of a similarly twin-tailed Skink Oracle. The Lizardmen’s treasured weapons of  war were lugged by the tough Bastiladon,   a hulking species of armoured reptiles that  were regarded as walking fortresses. Even   the most powerful Carnosaurs had trouble cracking  the shell, and instead, the biggest threat to the   Bastiladon was its own gargantuan weight. The Arc  of Sotek was a sacred stone artifact that had the   appearance of a basin engraved with Sotek glyphs.  As the Bastiladon thundered towards enemy lines,   the Skink crew activated the glyphs and raked  hot coals beneath the basin to aggravate Jungle   Swarms. When a Bastiladon was deemed blessed  by Chotec, the Solar Engine would be mounted   upon its back instead. When activated, it  would radiate golden rays that invigorated   nearby Lizardmen or blast a sunlight beam  of intense heat. A Revivification Crystal   could also be mounted to allow wounded warriors to  rejuvenate their wounds and spare dying soldiers. Stegadon were bulky creatures with heads crowned  in thorny crests and renowned for their stubborn,   territorial behaviour. Amongst the oldest  of their kind were the Ancient Stegadon,   and they were the only creatures  that had the correct temperament and   sufficient strength to bear the revered  Engine of the Gods. Upon activation,   the device thrummed with arcane energies  to protect allies and devastate foes. Chapter 2: Lords and Heroes The armies of primeval glory   needed leaders of equal greatness who were  able to direct the ferocity of the Lizardmen   and prevent disorganization in the ranks from  out-of-control bloodlust. Without a firm hand,   instinct would quickly overcome reason to  the detriment of the army. The oldest race   had many lords and heroes fit for the task,  hailing from every part of the caste society. "Amid the darkness and horror of a world  splintering apart, the armies of the true   creators, we who were ancient at the dawn of  time, will march forth once more. We shall   sweep away all that is chaos and disorder, for  ours is the true path, and none shall defy us."  Translation from ancient plaques  attributed to Venerable Lord Kroak. Of the generals of the Slann, none were older than  Lord Kroak. So old was Kroak, in fact, that it was   said that he was of the first generation of Slann  created by the Old Ones themselves. At the Defense   of Itza during the Great Catastrophe, he succumbed  to the attack of a dozen Bloodthirster demons of   Khorne, but his spirit refused to surrender.  In the moment that his body was torn apart,   his freed soul sailed over the ruins  and banished the entire demonic army,   attacking Itza with a blast of light as powerful  as the sun itself. The Skinks diligently collected   the parts of his dismembered body and mummified  the Slann, who became the first Relic Priest. The   Relic Priest in battle would carry the Standard of  the Sacred Serpent, which would animate when any   foe came near the Relic Priest. Upon Kroak’s head  was the Golden Death Mask, used both to protect   his mummified skull and hypnotize opponents. Even  if Lord Kroak was unable to lift a weapon anymore,   he brought his Ceremonial Mace of Malachite as  he did in life. Just the residual magic alone   was powerful enough to negate any magic weapon  used against the Relic Priest in battle. Not   even magic spells could harm Kroak due to the  Amulet of Itza that decorated his preserved   body. An arcane Glyph of Potec was inscribed  upon the bindings that helped to preserve him,   and they markedly increased the damage  Lord Kroak could inflict upon Undead. "Woe to the warm-bloods who would despoil our  realm, for their craving for trinkets and baubles   drives them deeper into lands forbidden  to them. Cast them out, show them no pity,   feed their carcasses to the beasts of the jungle  and leave their bones to bleach upon the golden   shores of our land. Let them see that it is folly  to intrude upon the domains of the Lizardmen."  —Translation of the proclamation of Lord  Mazdamundi, from the chronicle of Hexoatl The oldest living Slann to lead the Lizardmen  in battle was Lord Mazdamundi of the Second   Spawning. He was the successor of Lord Kroak  and the guardian of Hexoatl, City of the Sun.   In battle, Mazdamundi’s palanquin throne would  levitate above his trusted Stegadon mount,   Zlaaq, who had served the Mage-Priest for  more than five hundred years. Like Kroak,   Mazdamundi brought with him many pieces of war  gear for magic and defence. The Cobra Mace of   Mazdamundi could animate with lightning speed  and bite down on the magical weapons of his   opponents. He held with him two stone tablets:  The Plaque of Tepec to counter spells and the   Plaque of Xoloc to power his own. This Slann never  went into battle without his gourd of Itxi Grubs,   insects known by the Lizardmen to possess  the ability to absorb raw earth magic from   the ground. By eating them by the gourd-full,  Mazdamundi received a boon of magical energy.   He closely guarded the Egg of Quango even in a  fight, a curious relic kept by the Mage Priest   that was said to hatch only with the return  of the Old Ones. Mazdamundi’s palanquin held   a banner to inspire nearby Lizardmen warriors:  The Sunburst Standard of Hexoatl. When enemies   looked upon it, the light from the  standard would result in blindness. Lord Mazdamundi himself selected a champion fit to  exterminate the races not part of the Great Plan:   a Saurus Oldblood from the ruined temple-city  Xhotl named Kroq-Gar. He was spawned with a   handful of other Saurus marked  for greatness at the same time,   a brood of mighty Carnosaur were reared.  The warrior claimed the largest and most   aggressive of the brood as his mount, called  Grymloq. Kroq-Gar was the only survivor of   Xhotl and was gifted the Hand of Gods by  Mazdamundi. It was an artifact of the Old   Ones capable of summoning a searing ball of  light to lob at the enemy and sear the flesh   from their bones instantaneously. In his other  hand he carried the Revered Spear of Tlanxla,   said to have been used by the Old One as he rode  his sky chariot into battle. When struck by it,   enemies are overwhelmed with visions of  doom that neutralize any will to fight. "The Great White Lizard is renowned for the  stoicism he displays whilst simultaneously   savaging his enemies in battle." —Gor-Rok. From the spawning pools of Itza  during the early years of the world,   an unusually large Saurus with albino scales  emerged. Gor-Rok, the Great White Lizard,   was among the most feared and renowned Saurus  commanders. In battle, he could always be found   where the fighting was most intense, bearing  the Mace of Ulumak and The Shield of Aeons.   The mace was said to have the guiding hand of  the Old Ones themselves, and the shield was   blessed with the unmovable resistance of the  volcano where the original slab was sourced. Hailing from the City of Mist, Chakax was a  Saurus warrior who was tasked with defending   the vulnerable Slann while meditating in the  Eternity Chamber. Chakax earned the title   of Eternity Warden, and no Mage-Priest ever  perished under his watch. He alone kept The   Key to the Eternity Chamber. In war, it granted  Chakax the same speed as his opponent no matter   how swift they were and made dodging blows  effortlessly. Upon his skull was The Helm of   the Prime Guardian that once belonged to the  first of all Temple Guard and was said to be   infused with the spirit of the long-dead Saurus  and heightened Chakax’s awareness of threats.   The Eternity Warden also wielded The Star-stone  Mace, a massive double-handed weapon that had been   crafted before Itza was founded. With it, Chakax  was able to render magical enchantments inert. "Nakai earned his epithet due to his solitary  nature, for instead of pledging himself to a   single temple-city, he goes wherever the Great  Plan deems it necessary – whenever the Lizardmen   are in dire need; when catastrophe threatens  their existence. He is revered by the Skinks,   who adorn him with tokens of his many battles  fought in preservation of his race and the   furtherance of the Great Plan." —Description of Nakai the Wanderer There was only one Kroxigor spawned with a  clear purpose beyond mindless labour. Nakai   the Wanderer, regarded by the Skink Priests  as an incarnation of a powerful jungle spirit,   was known to appear when the Lizardmen were in  most dire need. Nakai was a Blessed Spawning of   Quetzl, which gave him an extraordinarily tough  hide and bore the Blessed Mark of the Old Ones,   or albinism. In wartime, Nakai was  enigmatic and would appear seemingly   out of nowhere in the jungle and disappear just  as quickly. He brought a single blade with him:   the Sacred Blade of Quetzl. It was  near-sentient and would guide Nakai   toward his foes. It was claimed to have been  the manifestation of the Old One himself. Most represented in the caste, when  it came to generals and heroes,   were the Skinks. Among them, Tetto’eko was  the most magically gifted and believed to   have been blessed by the Old One Tepok. The  astromancer was spawned when the true moon,   Mannslieb, was eclipsed by the cursed second moon,  Morrslieb. It was originally seen as an ill omen,   but Tetto’eko’s remarkable ability to foresee and  even change the winds of fate made him an icon of   good fortune. Like the Slann, he hovered above  the ground upon a palanquin and kept with him   The Eye of the Old Ones, which allowed him  to glean the future, and The Stellar Staff,   which was powerful enough to alter  the trajectory of passing comets. There were likely none more cunning  among the Chameleon Skinks than Oxyotl,   He That Hunts Unseen. The skink was the only  Lizardmen known to have been sucked into the   Realm of Chaos and escaped alive. In that dark  realm, he survived much like he did in the jungle,   shifting his scales to blend in with his  surroundings and constantly keeping his   scent covered with the blood of demons. The  torturous realm kept Oxyotl away from Lustria   for seven thousand years before his return,  and in that time, he had seen the fate of   all races should Chaos succeed in their  plans to bring the apocalypse. In battle,   Oxyotl’s weapon of choice was the Golden  Blowpipe of P’Toohee, a pipe wrought from   gold that could send a hail of darts toward  the enemy with just the slightest of exhales. From Hexoatl as the Master of the Skies was  Tiktaq’to, a Skink with no equal in the art   of aerial combat. He was considered the  greatest of all the Lizardmen’s Terradon   Riders and was a master of strategy and  flanking maneuvers. Upon his Terradon, Zwup,   Tiktaq’to led a squadron of flying reptiles in the  skies outside the temple city and would often be   the first to ambush trespassing intruders. His  wargear consisted of the Blade of Ancient Skies,   carved from the jawbone of some monstrous  flying predator, and the Mask of Heavens,   allowing his consciousness to blend with the  Terradons and fight with unmatched cohesiveness. From the surviving skinks of Chaqua, a  red-crested leader rose up to command   a massive host of his fanatic brethren.  Tehenhauin, the twin-tailed Prophet of Sotek,   rallied the plagued population and led a massive  migration of Skinks to establish the Cult of   Sotek and spread the prophecy of his coming. So  successful was his campaign to drive the Skaven   out of Lustria that even the reluctant Slann  acknowledged Sotek as a god equal to the Old Ones.   Tehenhauin claimed two treasures prior to the  evacuation of Chaqua that he carried into battle:   The Plaque of Sotek and the Blade of the Serpent’s  Tongue. The plaque provided Tehenhauin with a   protective ward whilst the sacrificial dagger  always dripped with enchanted, deadly venom. While the supremacy of Lizardmen faded as the  World aged and the younger races spread their   influence, their ferocity and savagery had  no equal. They frequently clashed with the   other factions, all in the name of restoring the  Great Plan, diligent in fulfilling their role as   Defenders of the World. More videos on the races  of the Warhammer Fantasy World are on the way,   so make sure you are subscribed and have pressed  the bell button to see it. 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Channel: Wizards and Warriors
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Keywords: WarhammerFantasyBattles, EndTimesSaga, ChaosRising, ApocalypticWarhammer, Warhammerlore, EpicFantasyStorytelling, GamingMythology, LegendaryHeroesandVillains, CataclysmicEvents, GrimDarkFantasy, WarhammerCommunity, GamingHistoryExplained, NarrativeGamingJourney, WarhammerEndTimesAnalysis, WarhammerFantasy Lore, ArmiesofChaos, FantasyStrategyGaming, RealmsofMagic, sigmar, empire, lizardmen, lustria, races, species, culture, religion, society, lord, units, roster, skink, saurus, elves, high elves, dark elves, chaos, archaon
Id: dToxD50c9Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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