Dwarf Fortress - Your First Fortress Tutorial Lets Play | 14 (Baron Bub)

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hello everybody and welcome to weather mountains my tutorial let's play or my overly explained let's play whatever you would prefer just to get you caught up on the goal for this particular series as we would like to acquire a noble and once we acquire a noble I will consider this series complete up until now we've built a trap setup we've done above ground farming we've done below ground farming and we are now waiting for the dwarves to arrive to trade but something that we've been doing in the background this whole time is I've been producing lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of cloth fabric so let's just have a real quick look at how much of that we currently have because it seems to have become a rather large amount we have a decent amount of silk which I wouldn't want to use for much we have some cheap swell cloth as well as well some llama wool cloth and some unpockable cloth and some cave spider silk cloth and 576 rope breed cloth meaning we have 130 dwarves I think the next thing we're going to do is we're going to queue up some cloth clothing for our dwarves so the first thing we're going to do is we're just going to type in the word cloth and then we're going to see what our dwarves have available we can make caps cloaks coats dress gloves hoods loincloths mittens and uh robes as well as socks and shoes so let's just you know start at the bottom and we're going to start off with trousers we're gonna do 150. now this is going to produce some extras but that is fine um and then we're going to go from there to loincloths and we are going to produce 150. now this might take a little bit over a year to complete as they are going to exceed the amount that we have but frankly I like to just have a good amount sitting around uh because I generally in in my opinion I think it's a good thing for you to kind of have a surplus although I just realized IQ queued up alarm loin the wrong kind of loin cloth uh so let's do actually you know what let's let's make why don't we make uh just a hundred uh silk low end class because we do have several types of silk um and then cloth let's go to uh robes we're gonna make 150 of those we're going to type in cloth and we are going to make uh hoods which I'm a big fan of personally we're going to make cloth uh gloves we're going to make cloth um dresses we're going to make cloth uh uh coats we're gonna make cloth uh cloaks and we're going to make cloth we made hoods we don't we don't need caps so just to re retread we got cloak coat dress uh glove Hood robe loincloth sock trousers and then shoes are the last thing that we're missing at which point I think we'll just we'll do we'll do uh yarn shoes so I'm gonna do 80 shoes we're gonna do 80 cloaks we're gonna do 80 coats we're gonna do 80 dresses we're gonna do uh 80 gloves we're going to do um 100 hoods and then the rest are going to be 150 or 100 all the way up to the top and this is going to give just about every dwarf some form of new clothing item as well as just keeping them generally pretty happy we also have our aquifer here which is uh very effectively um sending stuff in and also there appears to be fish in here which means maybe we should set this as a fishing Zone but from the looks of things our dwarves have arrived to trade which is good news indeed so what we're going to do is we're going to jump down to our Trading now something they've been requesting from us for a little bit now is tools which means I have prepared a good number of wheelbarrows uh to trade with them we've got iron wheelbarrows copper wheelbarrows and uh well one peach wood one which we're not going to sell so we're gonna go to these copper ones which sell for a little bit we got these iron ones to sell for a lot um so we are going to queue up a whole bunch of those get all of that stuff brought up so that we can trade and uh hopefully the whole the trading in this whole process goes well and it looks like The Outpost liaison has also arrived so we're gonna have to do diplomacy right now and they say um uh they and uh bubness or mayor meets with the Outpost liaison in the mayor's office and they say I am your liaison from the Mountain Homes let's discuss your situation Merit deserves reward I come empowered to establish this Colony as official land of our Realm can you imagine the trade wagons there are of course responsibilities the nobility must live well do you have anyone suitable for this elevation so this is our goal to anybody watching this series the goal is to acquire a noble this is how you acquire a noble you trade with them enough that they're happy with you and then they give you a noble obviously mayor bubnas is clearly the most qualified so we're gonna find the mayor bobness on this list where are you bubness Bubsy boo um just let me just let me find just fine let me find the mayor of this list uh the day that we get a search uh function for this will be a grand day indeed bumpness there we go um so now uh there is much to share information has been added to civilization of World info um what would real we like to require from them uh or acquire from them I'm just going to ask for dogs since we don't actually have any ladies and some cats uh secondly I'm also going to ask for uh large cut gems of various varieties and uh for no particular reason other than I would like to and uh scrolling down scrolling down that's about it how about that because there isn't much that we really need to trade for right now and they would like anvils in return well that's look at you with your fancy tastes so now if I check this you can just see that we have a mayor we don't actually have the official paperwork signings yet we need to wait for the wait trade Caravan to head home before we will get the official paperwork stating that we are um of importance however something that I would like to note which I'm not really going to be covering too much in this series in order to trade once you have a noble uh the trade Depot needs to be above ground because they will be bringing in uh large amounts of stuff via wagons um wagons cannot go downstairs and require a three by three wide hallway meaning suddenly our hallways no longer work but what I could very easily do here is uh give us kind of a alternate route or something into here which maybe we'll do in another series but not for this particular one because the goal for this series is simply to acquire a noble so we are now going to go through here and then the goal for the rest of this year episode is going to be satisfying the noble and building them everything that they need which is going to be a tomb it's going to be a throne room or an office it's going to be a big Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy bedroom and it's going to be a dining hall and uh we're going to give them everything that they want and desire on that front so let's just wait for these items to finish being brought up here and then we can trade also if you look bubness just got his uh promotion here so we're gonna need to uh definitely make sure that he's doing proper tasks instead of just simply being mayor manager broker and everything else also because we are now a place with a noble the Helix of admire whips right I too admire whips a short walk to the southeast uh looks to your thriving economy for its future prosperity and if we go over to the world map if you're curious about where that is it's This little light blue place right here so if we actually click on this if we have a messenger assigned I could request a dishmab book clubbers what a good name book clubbers very dwarfy we could request that dishmab who is currently living in admired whips come to our Fortress to work for us and instead of Simply living there if you would like to acquire more people quickly you can do that that way now uh we're going to sit here and wait we got two more items to bring up it's going to take a little bit it appears bubness has gotten very busy and that is okay is here to trade now and it looks like the last item's coming up right now bang done all right let's mark all that's way too heavy so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to unmark all I'm gonna go through here and I'm just going to see if I can mark all for them Mark all for us they get a massive profit they will be very happy I'm gonna remove some of these wheelbarrows here and then I'm going to trade my BEAST's burden cannot okay so it's too heavy is the problem well we're being too generous to them it appears so let's just simply remove some of these wheelbarrows so that we still have enough value to trade for the entirety of the the Caravan um and can also give them some gifts on top wow that's actually a really tight window let's see how much I can give them in return I literally can't give them anything I wanted to give you some gifts oh well that's unfortunate anyway we were able to trade with them and uh get the entirety of it so that's gonna give us some fish some food various other things uh which is very good for our Fortress and now if I look at this we have a mayor slash Baron now our uh mayor here uh does already have some stuff assigned to him however I'm actually going to go to the mayor's office right here this whole area for bubness and I'm going to leave vacant because they will eventually elect a different mayor uh because generally the uh Baron does not also get elected mayor so what we're going to do here is we are going to give our Baron a lovely lovely lovely well appointed um space here and this is going to be our our Baron's sleeping zone so we're going to cue that up first also over here uh we could you know maybe leave this as the as as the the the noble space for the for the for the um for for our Baron here however doesn't quite seem to be glamorous enough so how about we just remove that leave it vacant and uh expand our Tavern I mean like you know we do have uh some royalty or so almost royalty I guess um a Noble in this place now so why don't we just make this into a public space allow the dwarves to have a little bit more space to exist in in fact we'll increase the priority of this and get it done a little bit quicker and why don't we even remove this wall here not fortunately the dwarves won't mind the noise of the tavern it's it's just going to be a lovely space looks like they're telling stories as well they're quite excited I would admit I would imagine that the fact that we are a noble Fortress at last it's it's a grand grand day for weather mountains the city of weathermountain so something else we're going to need is we're going to need a tomb now what better place to build as a tomb for our uh Baron than down here in this lower layer and also we because we have a baron now we need to reassign some other people to do other tasks so Min clot here who is a talented Record Keeper how about you take over the record-keeping job and to uh our broker over here how about iteb who's currently a carpenter takeover the broker task and then um for the manager we don't need bubness doing that you're better than that now bubness we're going to assign this to the first dwarf who's got some skills in that so we're going to go and assign some offices and places to other dwarves who can get these tasks done so um I'm going to actually place a uh a throne right here uh which can just be that and I'm going to place a table right next to it this doesn't need a table but I like it when they have tables I feel better about it frankly I feel kind of bad when I give like just the war first offices to my poor poor dwarves so our manager here can have that space because the manager is a really important job um our bookkeeper I think maybe could have down here and uh we'll give them this cobaltite Throne as well as a table right in front of it and this zone right here is going to be a uh the office there it is and uh that's just my brain resetting don't worry about it and uh so this office is going to be assigned to our bookkeeper so now let's just take a real quick peek and it looks like uh our bookkeeper Suite as well as our uh as well as our um new manager are both satisfied which is very good um and of course you know mayor uh Baron up here is still doing their thing and these two rooms will be assigned to our new mayor whenever that gets acquired [Music] so I really would like to increase the priority on this and get this area done here faster so let's bump up the priority there and uh we're going to um set all of this to be smooth so these dwarves can use and enjoy this area as much as possible also this tomb here has been dug out so whoops some migrants have arrived we're a popular place now uh now that the tomb down here is all set up what we're going to do is we're going to set that to be smooth which is going to run most of the dwarves down into the underground to go get that done and then we are going to uh place a coffin in here um just make sure you're not coughing on the coffin because that is very disrespectful so now that we've got the coffin placed I can actually set this up as a tomb and we can get a real quick idea of what kind of value this is going to have I'm going to assign this tomb to our Baron Baron bumpness after all uh and baron bubnas um do you approve Baron butness of the of the quality of this too no you don't well that's unfortunate we're going to need to increase the value of this and now the way we're going to increase the value of this is I'm going to remove this coffin real quick and we are going to put down some flooring I we of course would like it to um satisfy uh Baron bumness as much as possible because Baron bundes is very important to the long-term survivability of this Fortress and uh of course we would like Baron but miss to be happy with their space so we are going to give them how about some lovely lovely jet floors uh and then this front door here can be gold which I do have four bars of and uh we'll put a door on of course so we'll just wait for this uh lovely flooring to be placed and then we will check in with the other room that we have under construction we are going to of course replace that coffin a close one and we're going to jump over to statues we're going to place a couple statues in here of course you know any good uh Baron requires at least a couple statues in their tomb and something to note about uh Barons is they really really really like weapon racks now I I kind of forgot to put those in that uh that they're uh that Barracks from earlier but I fortunately do have these lying around now so I can just Place some of these in here as well I think we'll do three of each because I'm pretty sure they need five in total but I need to check under their requirements so let's just have a a real quick peek once they get that doorway piece placed um and I'm going to put an engraving of whatever the dwarves feel like engraving um right there on the front door so it's going to just give them a second and they're going to come over here and they're going to engrave that also worth noting if you would like to specify what kind of Engraving you're going to place before you unpause if you click specify image you could say bubness or um I guess we'd need to like look them up by their real name but we could say urist and then it gives us all of these fancy urists like this dwarf here urist in the dwarf born in 77 was the youngest son of the person of Attis uh let's just place a designed uh dwarfi image right there we're gonna unsuspend this unsuspend these last few get all this stuff together and then we're going to place a door in that front space right there as soon as this dwarf is done engraving that gold we will have basically everything that we need for this little tomb I think let's find out mudstone doors maybe and uh check the noble screen they are happy with their tomb a fine tomb nonetheless now we shall move up two layers uh over to this room this is going to be the Nobles uh sleeping space so we'll get that smoothing right there and then we will need a dining room for the noble which um how about a uh a space right here next to the kitchens so that our Noble can witness their meals being cooked in real time and we can double this up as an office uh ideally if the size ends up working out and I have kind of a neat idea of something that we could do for the bottom half of this as well once it's been dug out so now that this space down here is ready we're going to cue this up as a uh well a noble indeed bedroom so what we're going to do is we're going to place a bed now I'm curious about how many gems we have lying around because I haven't checked in a little while but what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump over to to uh constructions here I'm gonna try and make a couple gem Windows excellent we got plenty let's use black morians black morians we're gonna play some gem windows in this space which will definitely um make our Noble quite happy as well as some green as well then after that we're going to place of course the the thing that the things that every dwarf of any level of respect requires which is a couple of chests as well as well I mean they they require more because they are a noble but any dwarf uh self-respecting dwarf would require some chests and cabinets and looks like we're out of cabinets oh no well I'm not gonna remove cabinets from other doors because that would God be a goddamn crime cabinet Rock cabinet let's queue up uh 10 and that'll be plenty now checking under bet under this they do require two chests total okay or two more chests and uh they need one weapon rack and armor stand which means they're almost good to go so what we're gonna do here under military is I'm going to place an armor stand an armor stand I'm going to place another weapon rack and another weapon rack now that we've got all of this furniture in here I'm going to assign this as a bedroom I'm going to set it as paint and I'm going to place it down here and then we're going to assign it to Baron bugness now keep in mind this is going to end up with with Baron bumness having two sets of quarters which is kind of okay I I'm not really the sort of person to go through and worry too much about making sure that I remove their old one um but otherwise you'd have to figure out which one which bedroom was assigned to them and remove it an easy way to do that though if you do wish to is you could go into the places room and you could scroll down find their bedroom jump to it or in in this case scroll down find their bedroom so under bummedness where is Baron bubness there you are we could jump over and this is the other bedroom they have assigned still I thought I unassigned you from that one you little greedy bastard uh anyway we're gonna go over here and I'm going to just make sure that uh bubbliness is assigned to this okay let's see satisfied with their bedroom excellent and then this bedroom I'm just going to um make not available until we get another mayor elected which may or may not happen in this particular here episode now that the bedroom is satisfied and the tomb is satisfied we have one room left which I've already got them working on this bedroom or this room here uh is going to be set up as a dining room and a uh office area so I'm going to cut out these two walls I'm going to fill them up with gem Windows Just For maximum um fancy lovely Beauty here and um I'm going to place a bunch of tables and the tables I don't really care about the color and I'm going to place a table and a throne over here in the corner now this is going to be their uh office setup and this is going to be the dining room setup I I like them to be big and fancy with as much stuff as possible everywhere dwarves are leaving clothing everywhere right now because um they're all going and claiming new clothing they will come back and get their clothing eventually I hope um or they won't depends on the dwarf I suppose and whether or not they're a messy dwarf or not um I'm going to queue up some flooring in the middle of this as well because I just for some reason like placing flooring in places uh so we're gonna do ah what's a color I want to look at in here how about some I don't have enough petrified wood quite how about some dolomite um and then around the edges here I'm going to also Place flooring um let's do bauxite there and over here I'm going to do more bauxite um although I'm using boxite Boulders from one side I'll be honest um then I'm going to queue up two separate zones so that we can keep track of this nice and easily so the first one here is going to be a dining room and then the second one here is going to be did I set that up as a meeting hall or a dining I set that up as a meeting area what a dining area I can click the right button and then a office um now the office is going to be this kind of top side and the dining area is going to be this bottom side both of course are going to be assigned to uh Baron bumness which is definitely going to be the title of this final episode of this here series I'm sorry for assigning the wrong dwarf to that for a second they that dwarf just got very mixed signals from The Fortress and um then what we can do here is we can see how they feel about it well looks like they're actually satisfied which is kind of miraculous actually um but uh let's uh give them the gem Windows regardless I don't mind gem Windows being a little bit rainbowy so we'll just give them whatever gems are closest by and uh we're gonna unsuspend that and this is going to have a circle uh or a set of engraved images on the floor it's gonna be a very nice looking spot and uh then that's satisfies this Fortress we have overwhelmingly happy moods generally with a couple of semi-unsatisfied Wars but we're sorting that out the only pissed off dwarf is a child who frankly will probably never be fully satisfied and uh that brings us to the end of this let's play it's a bit Bittersweet I would say um but uh we have achieved our goal of gaining a baron now um I have attached save files to various different versions of this let's play up until this point but I would just like to note that um oh Temple complex and high priest well it's a task for you I suppose because of what I'm about to say if you would like to continue this let's play please do there is a link in the description where you can download it it's uploaded to my Discord server as well as the Dwarf Fortress File Depot so because for me this let's play is completed we've achieved our goal of acquiring a noble it's now up to you to finish it what are you going to do with it I would like to see what you would do please uh download the save file and then jump over to my Discord server and share any screenshots of what you do with this Fortress in there I'm curious to know if you go to war with the elves maybe you attack the humans or start a civil war or dig deeply and greedily I would be very interested to know of course there's many things left unfinished in this Fortress and uh maybe unsatisfactory but that wasn't the point of this playthrough the point of this playthrough is simply to acquire a noble the next playthrough I'm going to do uh I will start in a week or so maybe two weeks uh we'll see what we end up doing uh leave a link down or a comment down in the in the comment section of this video letting me know what kind of Let's Plays you would like to see me achieve or what kind of playthroughs you'd like to see me do maybe something a little bit themed don't worry about challenges I don't really consider many things in Dwarf Fortress to be a challenge per se but if you have a particular theme that you would like to see me tackle in a playthrough in this format where I try and just simply talk about everything that's happening in real time let me know down in the comments section of this video thank you very much for watching this series for making a good video on this channel by a long shot with over 200 000 views at the time of recording and thank you very much to everybody who watched all the way through and I look forward to starting more let's plays on this channel if you would like to see my face while I play video games on the internet you can find me at twitch.tv blind IRL and if you would like to hear my voice while I talk about video games that I enjoy check out my podcast links down in the description if you want to get your name on the screen right now and fund this channel directly you can do that via my patreon or the YouTube members option YouTube members is only two bucks and it will get whatever your YouTube handle is into the credits of this video into the videos going forward thank you very much for watching and I look forward to starting a new series
Channel: Blind
Views: 9,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WeatherMountains, Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, screenshots, Adventure mode, Legends mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Lets play dwarf fortress, Tutorial lets play, naming the mayor, protecting the caverns, Baron, Bub, noble, nobles
Id: o8C0yb9COc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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