Dwarf Fortress - Your First Fortress Tutorial Lets Play | 04 (Traps and Weapons)

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hello everybody and welcome back to episode 4 of my tutorial let's play in this video in weather mountains we are going to be covering making weapons recently we got the basics of our metal working industry coming up and as we look over here to the north we can see that it is mid-summer meaning it is time to check what we need to sell to our civilization so if we go over here and highlight our local governments we can see that they requested seeds from us which we do have a good amount of for trade but we would like to harvest some more just to make sure that we have a good amount for trade instead of just a decent amount for trade we also want to get our middle smithing industry functioning fully last time we got Coke going as well as some charcoal so that we do have plenty of fuel however the thing that we really need isn't Coke and charcoal the thing we really need is weapons so we can begin digging down so what we are going to do is we are going to cue up some jobs here in fact I'm going to queue up a couple we are going to queue up smelting we're going to begin smelting lamanite ore which we have sitting over here in our stockpile this is an ore of iron which we found earlier we need to go find some more we're also going to start smelting magnetite ore which is also a ore of iron which um I thought we had some but I guess we already smelted it looks like we did because it's not sitting in our stockpile anymore well we'll have to definitely go to work on that uh we're going to be looking for more ore as well uh we found ore in various places around this map so far as you can see up here by our initial stockpile we do have a little supply of lignite so something I'm going to show you real quick is how to auto mine Auto mining is a very useful tool for Dwarf Fortress simply click on the advanced mining options or hit n on the keyboard and then click Auto and then I'm going to turn up the priority on this because I would like to get it done quicker and we are going to select all of the notice the notable lignite right there we are also going to dig down and just kind of check our staircase for any possible spots where we could go mine there is plenty of box side around here but well I mean it's not exactly useful it's just for building furniture down here close to our Tavern we can see that we have shale and various other forms of raw Rock and things that aren't super useful to us so we're actually going to expand our Fortress upwards a little bit after we remember to turn off the auto mining feature just so that we can kind of find and spot any other things that could possibly be on the layer that we are currently living on I can also erase this because we don't need to be smoothing the inside of our well and look around just a little bit more I think I've actually managed to make this Fortress a little bit too compact so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cue up a few spots to kind of dig around and maybe build some more bedrooms off of and then once I'm done doing that and most of these jobs are getting completed I will continue with the video also we're going to be in the background uh smelting the last of that ore so we have a decent Supply by the time we get back so now as you can see we have a couple iron bars getting started this means that I think it's time for us to queue up some weapons so down here we do have this one Workshop so instead of opening up the full manager screen and going to work orders and being all fancy we're just going to do some simple work orders right here we're going to jump into the metalsmiths Ford's work orders and we're going to type in Iron we're going to type in the two things the or the one thing that you really really need for military and that is a weapon we're going to do Spears so we're just going to start our Fortress off with iron Spears now we could be really fancy and work towards getting steel or some stronger alloy but I think for the sake of this here Fortress all we're really gonna need is iron we're gonna be doing full sets of iron for our future military and it looks like uh the uh traders that were up on the surface that we traded with earlier our allies have headed off on their way now keep in mind that was uh not our home faction that was of course somebody who we traded with in the last episode and something that has been requested a whole lot and I've now taken the liberty of doing if you're watching this video right now in the description is actually a link to this particular save file it has been pinned on the previous three episodes but since I didn't mention it it's not in the description so if you would like a link to download the save file for this game or for this particular run uh there is a link down in the description and it should be compatible with all versions of Dwarf Fortress 5.0 and above so just check it out download the save file and give it a try if you are so interested so now we have the beginnings of our metal working industry as you can see they're bringing two iron bars down and some coke and then they are firing that blasting it and making Spears now the spears that our dwarf here is going to be making kick roast may not be the best at first because kick roast is brand new to this this is something that as a dwarf they've never started before as we can see quite down here they're a dabbling weaponsmith that means like they've done it once like they're very much a hobbyist at this point and all we can really hope for is that our dabbling weaponsmith here carrying her baby on her back who still has the adult Sprites because the game doesn't have children's Sprites yet all we can really hope is that they do their best and make the best Spears that they can with the skills that they currently have which currently are null point when it comes to skills now earlier I did definitely mention that we're making uh stuff for trade and are the main form of funding here is going to be coming from these lovely little Jaspers however we also have seeds so I would like to acquire some more seeds and one way that we're going to do that is we are going to go outside and we're gonna go kind of see what's available it looks like there are quite a few plants available and we are going to grab a bunch of them now of course we did this before but we're gonna fly back down to the tavern and just take a real quick look at what everybody is cooking well currently we're cooking nothing we're also going to check what we're Brewing while we are Brewing drinks from plants so that part is pretty good we're also going to brew drinks from fruit and we are going to promote that up to the top and just get that rolling we're also going to make a couple of meals I'm going to queue up a work order on this one of the two shops because I don't kind of want it rolling on both and we're going to do fine meals which don't use as many ingredients as the nicer meals admittedly but that's what we're going to be doing we're going to be firing up 25 meals at the kitchen as well as meals over here and it looks like we've got kind of a bored child who is Grouchy on remembering being caught in the rain well what can we do to make you a little happier here kid do you want some toys is that something you would like us to make for you I'm pretty sure we already did that with this little here toy stockpile but you don't seem so interested well I hope that you're able to happy up later child now uh I did say that I wanted to begin digging down so while other jobs are getting going uh we are going to need to wait until these bedrooms are all dug out so once things are dug out or when Traders arrive I'll continue talking now you'll notice right here we've actually stumbled upon some more hematite we're just gonna real quick jump over to that and zoom in look at this it's sitting right here this is going to be very useful for our operations uh creating more weapons and also you'll notice that we received no new migrants this season well that's a shame we're gonna have to definitely make sure that we get more value over to our uh Caravan this year so that we get some migrants we're gonna get Mining and I use the auto mining system I also pushed it up to a higher priority just to get it done first to make sure that our smelting jobs down in the furnaces get done first and as you can see they've actually already been canceled because they completed everything they were working on so we're going to cue some more of that up in the background we're also going to queue up some more uh magnetites as well as some more Limonite and getting or lemonade I think actually is how you're supposed to say that so we're gonna get everything rolling kind of in the background I think that uh get well oops I'm queued up to the same job lemonite and magnetite that's the one that we wanted down here and also hematite um these various different ores I think are gonna do are gonna go a long way in keeping this fort fully functional and uh bring us closer or ever closer to the goal of becoming either a Barony or a Mountain Home watch that end up being an impossibility like maybe this faction just dies halfway through the video wouldn't or halfway through the series and then we just have to give up wouldn't that be like the most War 40 thing ever well in that case we'll just dig too deep or something and make it exciting uh as far as this tutorial series goes looks like we're hitting more aquifer that's kind of a bummer but I mean it's it is kind of what it is we what we could do here actually if we want to get this stuff out of the aquifer we'll do it with these gems just to kind of make it clear uh is I'm going to prioritize this all the way up with auto mining off and just let them cut that out and then I will grab a wall piece and just plop it down in its place now this is going to pull it out and give us those gems but also allow us to then fill it back in so that it's not going to uh you know cause any leakage problems so if you're digging into an aquifer like this just make sure that you're pretty quick to pop uh plugs back in so you don't have to and you don't have to worry about uh leakage everywhere um it can be a little bit tedious and requires some trick tricky fingers sometimes and quit clicking but it's not so bad and as long as you have a healthy amount of blocks around it's not too hard to just kind of get stuff uh finished and put away before uh the water starts spilling everywhere because you know it's kind of a waste to leave this perfectly good hematite ore right here when well I mean it's just an aquifer right and it's also just a light aquifer it's not even like it's a heavy aquifer so we'll just be quickly putting uh bits and pieces in there to stop the flow before it becomes a problem we're going to continue Auto mining over in this direction on this side too while we're at it so we just kind of need to make sure that they do get over here at some point because dwarves are pretty busy in this Fortress you know we do have a large number of children and the doors that are working are very very busy with lots of metal working and Mining and other things so we'll cue up uh those walls here to just kind of make sure this doesn't start leaking everywhere and mine as much as we can on this side until we hit the aquifer but we're gonna have to be careful about things as long as we just don't let it get out of hand I mean this isn't gonna flood my fort or anything and once again this is only a light aquifer light aqua offers a relatively non-consequential in their amount of danger heavy aquifers are the ones that you need to worry about we don't need to worry so much about dealing with those more complicated uh aquifer dealing with techniques because I don't think that they're necessary for these videos however just kind of dig around aquifers and make sure if you are going to dig into them for any reason that you just stick a cork in it and then they just generally aren't an issue now as you can see down here we actually have some Spears coming along and it's looking quite nice we've actually developed like gained quite a few different Spears if you've made it this far in the video though I do recommend that you check out my twitch streams twitch.tv blind IRL I just want to say thank you to all of you who have swung by and just said thanks for the videos or at the very least just said hi it's been very nice seeing so many new faces around and actually having a crowd of people for a while has been a nice treat for a change but back to this so we do have these Spears now I've seen a lot of people asking me to talk about traps now up on the surface we did do a little bit of trapping as you can see up here we have kind of put these cage traps around but we don't have an actual like trap defense system right so something that I've kind of wanted to do up here we have all of this lemonade that we Auto mined in the last up in the last update and the last uh episode but we're actually going to finish all of this stuff here from Mining and let them go finish mining out the basement area and then uh fill in this right up here and then we're going to kind of go around the front and I think we're going to use this as kind of a trap tunnel we're going to keep this very simplistic and just show you a very easy way of setting up a quick Fortress defense in a pinch this isn't going to be anything fancy we're not going to be pumping water anywhere or doing anything goofy we're just going to be putting together a very very basic Fortress defense we've got more magnetite up here than we know what to do with we also have more lemonade up here than we know what to do with we built those Spears and we're going to use some of them in weapon traps and we also have plenty of rock around which we're going to use in stonefall traps both pretty not that dangerous on their own to enemies however you know they will definitely fend off a Siege or two in a problem spot so once the dwarves have kind of finished up their labor and have finished hauling everything down underground we will continue with the video now would you look at that it's that season again some dwarves have arrived to trade a caravan from kosov ID has arrived which is Grand news indeed we welcome them as they enter in through our front Gates walking past our our cage traps which of course are not a threat to them but are something that I'm sure that they recognize as a sign of success of our Fortress seeing as we already have some basic defenses set up we are now going to go over to the trade Depot and once again we're going to do the basic system of moving stuff over to be traded we do need some some seed bags which is definitely something that they want so what are things that we don't need immediately we don't need pear seeds we know that for sure and they want seeds so we don't need pear seeds we also um aren't going to be using Rock nuts anytime soon aren't we're probably also not going to use cave wheat and when we do we can go underground and get those ourselves we're not going to need apple seeds and uh last I checked I don't think we need Bay berries uh we'd also don't need almonds because I don't think we can actually do anything with those and we're not making flowers so Kenwood doesn't need to be kept either a long land grass doesn't need to be kept and most of these don't need to be kept since we just kind of want to give them some value as well I'm also going to jump over to uh cut gems which as we've been working on for quite some time uh that's just gonna be kind of our we're going to use those almost like coins for a little bit I think uh so if I look down here we just need to find our cut gems which I'm actually not seeing at all am I just my username right now or is there no cut gems on this screen so somehow mysteriously all of my cut gems disappeared I swear that I had some I don't think I accidentally turned on an encrusting job or something but uh perhaps I did I I don't know now I'm like perplexed about where all of my jobs went off to but uh huh regardless we do have a good number of gems sitting around or we did have a good number of gems sitting around and now they're all gone so I'll be honest I'm a little perplexed by that so we're just going to I was going to queue up another round but looks like they've cut them all so I guess we're just trading seats we're going to uh jump over here to diplomacy and uh read that the Expedition leader Colette meets with the El post liaison Tash can ill and Iden says I'm near liaison from the Mountain Homes let's discuss your situation there's much to share information has been added to the civilization and World info what requests do you have of our Merchants well certainly not large cut gems but uh let's take a real quick at your pets shall we uh we're gonna scroll around and just kind of take a look and see what they have as per usual and there's nothing that I super duper want however I'm looking here they do have ducks and Drake's I'm gonna get ducks and Drake's male and female ducks purely as breeding pairs so we're gonna ask for those and we're also as I I did say earlier we're going to request leathers and such now the reason for that that I said that I would mention explain later is for strange moods you kind of want to have at least one of every type of cloth and at least some leather lying around as well as some metal bars but we do already have metal bars so uh let's see what else can we request from them while we're here let's also request um gypsum plaster and the reason for gypsum plaster is it is a uh extra thing that can go into hospitals and is used as part of casts so if they are using gypsum plaster it means that they are using them for their casts now uh they want fingerings and bracelets well that's very easy for us so let's go up here and uh get to trading shall we we're going to request our broker at the Depot who's currently passed out and unconscious so we'll just let him snooze and then we will jump back down here and we are going to do the next most important thing over here we're going to unpause these smelting jobs and I'm going to jump over to our lovely metalsmiths here and I'm going to add a add a specific job to it and we are going to forge uh iron Shields we're gonna make ten of those now something else I'm going to do is I'm going to go to this stockpile I'm going to set this as a uh as a give stockpile we're going to be setting it to give to this so this uh stockpile is going to give it's going to choose which stockpile uh to choose sorry choose a stockpile from which the selected stockpile will take items from we don't want to take items from things we want to put them somewhere so we're going to take them from this stockpile using this button we're going to put them here not smelter we're gonna take items from this knock bottle here and we're gonna put them in that smelter and this smelter over here we are going to uh take items from that stockpile and put them in this Workshop choose once again which stockpile from which this uh this uh Workshop will take items so if they can't find them they will cancel the jobs however this is going to free up this stockpile uh or this these jobs a little bit because my dwarves have been running directly from the top all the way down so we're just going to wait for that stockpile to fill up and then we don't need to go halfway across the Fortress to make our basic items we have those Spears done and we are beginning our Shields now at which point we'll be able to get our military up and running now of course we all of our bill all of our rooms currently are taken up so we're gonna need to make a space for the military and uh oh well as you can see over here you might notice I still haven't managed to get that aquiferfully plugged up but we were able to get two tiles of it filled so we're just going to quickly go over here not with those bismuth bronze bars but we're going to go over here and we are going to finish up the last of it so we got those Shale blocks it's almost done shouldn't take too too much longer we're gonna fly up again and take a look and see where our Trader is at who is here ready to trade and now we do have these seeds available and uh they're not selling great because they're just seeds but hey it's at least what they asked for if you know what I mean uh we're going to pick up a uh barrel of Dwarven beer I think but or that's what I would normally but uh we're actually going to scroll down we're gonna take two pieces of leather and maybe a crate a letter if I can afford it which I appear to be able to and we're going to see if how much silk they brought for us now silk can get kind of pricey um so I can't afford a whole crate it's going to get mad at me so instead I'm going to buy as much of this silk as I can before it turns yellow there we go and that's what we're going to trade for as tempted as I am to buy that beer unfortunately it's gonna have to wait till next year we are now going to select the trade Depot again and say no more broker needed for trading which is true and then we are going to fly back up to the top as you can see we've just finished building a little wall here which is going to Safe in this area up a little bit not make it perfect but safe in it up a little bit we are now going to finish a wall on the other side as well which is going to give us full uh defenses sort of in air quotes along this side we're going to fly back down let's check in on that aquifer see if it's been fully plugged yet not quite two more blocks are needed but uh once those two blocks are needed the last of that little bit of water there will dry up in no time so now that we have this area up top Dugout we're going to dig a very basic trap tunnel now this is the most simple uh trap design is that you're ever going to see you may have even seen similar trap designs in other games that are inspired by Dwarf Fortress so I'm just going to real quick do a little Switchback pattern something like this and the point of this is it's going to be filled up with traps now if you'll remember over here on next to our front door we did uh fill like put some cage traps down we also have those two handy little doors now the point of a system like this is more to catch wild animals than actual Invaders if a rare creature shows up or if any kind of threat shows up that's on foot we can click on these doors and we can lock them now this is going to stop them from immediately getting into my Fortress and hopefully deter them long enough that uh they will I get caught in one of the traps however if there's an actual like we're here to stab you to death threat and there's more than one of them we want some way to defend ourselves so what we're going to do is we're going to make a line of stonefall traps alternating with weapon traps now weapon traps are a finicky thing they have a habit of breaking getting clogged and they also have a habit of uh just not functioning at all when you need them making them a risky proposition as a main source of Defense so I would recommend training up some military regardless however we are still going to make a weapon traps or a couple of weapon traps as well as a couple of stonefall traps now the problem with traps is they have a tendency to dodge them and jump over them so you kind of want to have something behind them as well you're going to need a mechanism to build it and then you're going to need to put weapons into it so I'm going to put this copper spear in it because we have it and then I'm going to add nine iron Spears that we've constructed so I'm going to jump up to my stocks real quick here we're going to go down to bars and we're just going to see how much iron we have we have 61 iron okay so that means we can make 30 Spears we also are down to four charcoal which is getting a little bit low so I'm actually going to go over the work orders here and we're going to cue up some more charcoal we are going to make uh 100 charcoal and we may need to chop down some trees to do that and I'm going to hopefully keep that iron cranking up then right after this trap we're going to place another trap so we want them to stumble out of the first trap and fall into the second trap weapon traps assuming they don't break are repeating so they will continue to stab things as many times as they step on them however this second type of trap here stonefall traps are single use they only go off once and then need to be reloaded stonefall traps are less useful than weapon traps as they do not actually uh often kill the enemy that they're catching but what they usually do is force them to jump out of the way stonefall traps are at their best when they are really high up or above uh like maybe a moat or next to a lava pit so things step on it realize what they've done panic and then Vault out of the way and fall off the edge into onto spikes down at the bottom or alternatively get smacked to death real hard now the another trap here that we have which I can't actually show you right now because we don't have any upright spikes aside from this one spear it's gonna wait until we had 10. spikes are activated so we can connect them to levers so it's up to us to pull a lever to activate the spikes and they go up and down similar to weapon traps and stonefall traps except the player has a lot more agency in when they are going to be activated spear traps or spike traps which can be used uh which can use Spears or alternatively menacing spikes which can be made at various different workshops as if if I open up the manager here I will show you uh Menace or let's just say Menace uh I iron Spike I think yeah there you go Forge menacing iron Spike we could also make them out of wood we can make them out of steel we can make them out of various different materials so just kind of keep that in mind uh spikes and Spears are both useful for uh the the spike trap so ever you are going to need to make a lever to activate them so I am going to build a little lever I think down in our Tavern real quick which I'm gonna call spiky Spike spikes or something and that's going to um kind of act as our demonstrator for this Spike trap setup now another fun thing with spike traps is instead of using spikes you can also use something like um uh or instead of using a lever for the spike traps rather you can actually use pressure plates which maybe actually would be a bit you know I think I've just changed my mind I've tried to I've actually like written down a list of things that I would like to do for these tutorials but I I think that maybe this would be a good one to start with so we're going to actually place a pressure plate up here at the front and we're going to connect a couple of different traps to that pressure plate so we're going to go to machines and fluids and we are going to grab ourselves a pressure plate if I can find them unless they hit them in traps which I apparently they did okay so we are going to grab ourselves a pressure plate now there's a small little UI here right we can set it to reset or we can set them to single use only I don't think I've ever actually used these as single use I've only ever used them as resetting um so water does not trigger we don't want water to trigger we don't want magma to trigger although water and magma can be both be useful to trigger these things we can also do real fancy things for anybody who's been watching my other videos you can connect these to uh pumps we can connect these to Minecarts we can automate some really crazy try trap setups that can be quite vile if uh if done correctly but uh we we're going to use this to uh reset and we're not going to stop anything from triggering it but we do want creatures to trigger it we don't want citizens to trigger it because if my doors walk over it they will get stabbed to death then it gives you the list of all of the creatures that and weights of other creatures that could theoretically trigger it went all the way down with the exception of kobold's Batman rodent men and uh Gremlins but uh we do want uh lighter things to trigger it as well so we are going to place this down right here now this particular the um spot is going to be connected to those spike traps that I was talking about earlier so we're going to build weapon spikes right here and we're just going to use an iron spear now it's going to be a very simple Spike trap only one spear is going to come up it's not going to be the most dangerous thing it's not even going to be the most effective thing but I just would like to show it to you for the sake of you understanding hopefully how this these kinds of traps work so once again we have a pressure plate we have a weapon trap we have a stonefall trap and we have as a child like oh are you constructing that no you are uh you're playing make-believe on a in a future trap um what are you thinking about right now Blissful remembering sleeping in a very good bedroom and so the result is you um are playing on an upright spear well that's lovely uh we're going to link this plate over here uh to this Spike trap so this uh plate now that we've selected uh when it gets Stepped On by an enemy creature in the enemy creature steps forward they will then get hit by this knife trap trip over top of the boulder trap and then hopefully impale themselves on this Spike by the time their buddy hits it right behind them but you know keep keep in mind it's it's not a perfect science and these things tend to fail so I'm Gonna Fill This up with stonefall traps and uh then we will continue on with the video all right now you can see all of these uh traps are set up we have our single Spike trap setup we have the pressure plate at the front as well as that weapon trap and of course we're going to be wanting to connect other things to that as we go the one final thing I really would like to cover in this video is we want to attach a drawbridge to the front of this Fortress now we don't really have a moat or anything and we don't really need one and you don't really need a moat or anything in order to make a drawbridge but what we're going to do is I am going to dig a little trench and this little trench is gonna isn't really gonna do a huge amount aside from kind of look cool so we're going to dig this little trench right here and it's going to kind of get dug out a little bit and then over top of this we are going to build a drawbridge and we are going to connect that drawbridge to a lever now we just want this Fortress to be safely defended we we don't really want things to you know have much of a chance of getting into the fort on the off chance that something tries to we're going to go down into here and we are going to channel out uh the front of this kind of around around the uh or rather we're going to channel this out and over top here we're going to dig out this side just so that our dwarves can get back into the Fortress because these traps aren't going to affect our dwarves we don't have to worry too much about that so we do have the ability to kind of knock out these uh this this kind of base area right here and then we can dig forward and uh obviously I've gone and trapped the dwarf in here now we can now dig forward word and also let this dwarf out so you right there uh we are you're just gonna real quick dig up here I'm gonna ramp yourself up so you can get out then you're gonna run around the front and dig over there and then we are going to make ourselves our entry drawbridge now our entry drawbridge is going to kind of go over top and he'll get back in once once they let in that side but we're going to kind of open up the drawbridge UI and there are these different areas so do we want it to raise and become a wall piece keep in mind wall pieces uh can be climbed over easier than normal walls so you do kind of want to have a floor or an alternative wall on top of it um or we could have it raised forward on the other side and leave an open hole or we could have it retract and just disappear entirely we kind of want it to raise back up and become a wall so what I'm going to do is I'm going to place it like this all the way on the inside and it's set was set to use the closest material but I would like to be picky so we're actually going to redo that I'm going to set it to select material after placement once again we're going to raise it towards us I'm going to go all the way in like this and we are going to zoom back in because I was uh rolling the mouse wheel when I shouldn't have been and we are going to make this out of shell blocks we do need four blocks uh so I will also just select a piece of shale to go with it and then at the end here because I'm looking at it and going well you can't really just have it like floating there's and when it does raise up it's gonna leave an opening so I'm gonna toss in uh two jet walls here because I think those will look quite nice uh and then the dwarves are going to put this whole thing together and then we're gonna be able to connect it to a lever and I think that's where we're gonna leave off this episode if you've been enjoying this series so far though I do recommend you give this channel a subscription on YouTube and definitely check it out and if uh at the end of the video you will see a bunch of shout outs those are my YouTube members and my patrons those people are the backbone of the or have been the backbone of this channel for a very long time my twitch channel has been doing extremely well recently and I'm very thankful for that same with this YouTube channel however I honestly wouldn't be here without the patrons because they are the ones who've given me stability over the last four and a half years that I have been covering this game if you do enjoy this game and you know you're interested in long-term coverage of it on this twitch Channel there are or on my twitch Channel I guess but also on this YouTube channel uh our archived interviews with Zack and Tarn Adams where we talk about all things about Dwarf Fortress and I'm going to be looking to do more of these in the future they're not going anywhere as well as on the first of every month I Do cover the future of the Fortress posts that Tarn Adams puts together all over on the bay 12 games forums I read through them and talk about the posts and kind of offer a little bit of commentary on top of some of the posts as well so uh if you take part in the bay 12 post you may hear your name uh mentioned on this channel we're going to remove this tree here so it doesn't kind of get in the way of things and then we are going to connect this bridge to a lever so the way we're going to do that is we're going to go all the way down here and uh we do have this lever right here that's this jet lever which is currently connected to nothing which I wanted to connect to a front door eventually and we're going to click link lever and we are going to fly fly all the way up to the top and we are going to click on this drawbridge that's simple and then our dwarves are going to run back and forth and connect this drawbridge to the front of our Fortress and in case of Calamity we can lock these doors and our enemies will have to run through this side and potentially die to our traps and if they don't die to our traps well then uh we at least we'll have a little bit more time because I'll have to run around a bunch of things before they could get in the Fortress you know um I think over here on the far side we're also going to put two extra doors so you know in case of emergency if they're not trolls and can topple doors we can lock the doors and make sure that they don't get inside but as we build up defenses for this Fortress slowly I just wanted to thank everybody once again for sticking around and watching this series um sorry for having to restart it but I think that it's turning out way better in the second run and uh once again I've already said all of this but just thank you very much everybody for watching leave a comment down in the script description if you like this video and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Blind
Views: 78,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WeatherMountains, Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, screenshots, Adventure mode, Legends mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Lets play dwarf fortress, Tutorial lets play, learn dwarf fortress, beginner dwarf fortress, Traps, weapon traps
Id: 6c2FEHnIebw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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