Dwarf Fortress - Lets Play - Bravebook Reclamation | 01

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in the early spring of year one the contested manner formed Brave book Brave book was a fortress intended to be a grand Library where all could come and study and live in peace in the early years a few Titans scrapped with the Fortress so there was a few issues getting the Fortress rolling but things went quite well for the next hundred or so years many elves and goblins and humans moved in and dozens if not thousands of books were written per season The Fortress was a grand place where many creatures lived from all walks of life from all places around the world but a dark Omen happened in the Years 675 and treaties on the Stars was authored by the elf sloam after a nightmare this nightmare would prove to be true as shortly after the bronze Oaks attacked the contested manner at Brave book and a dwarf damned Hunter led the attack and the Defenders were led by a goblet who'd been living there for some time and the competitive holes were hired as Scouts by the broads Oaks the bronze Oaks were a very dark Dwarven faction led by a maniacal Necromancer the next few years were dark times at Brave book many different people attacked and took over control of the valuable libraries until well let's just say everybody was struck down because an elven-led faction attacked a group of necromancers zombies and dark creatures moved in and everything was destroyed the books were burned and the rooms were crushed and that led to the end of Brave Book for a few thousand years in the year 2078 a roaming band of goblin prophets and religious figures moved into the place to study what was left in the holds and that is where our Story begins a group of Seven Dwarves move in with the hopes of claiming any Glory that is left in Brave book trying to discover the histories of their people and those that attacked them foreign [Music] dwarves embark calling themselves the Auburn ranks of paper with the intent to reclaim Brave book with three war dogs in assistance they strike the earth a Dwarven Outpost you have arrived after a journey from the Mountain Homes into the forbidding Wilderness beyond your harsh track has finally ended and your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all Bim OG There is almost no supplies left but with Stout labor comes sustenance whether by bolt power hook provide for your dwarves you are expecting a supply Caravan just before the winter entombs you but it is spring now enough time to delve secure lodgings air lorbam's demons get hungry a new chapter of Dwarven history begins here at this place at this stick out Brave book strike the Earth hello everybody and welcome to Brave book this is a brand new Dwarf Fortress let's play Brave book is a Reclamation project where we are trying to reclaim the Fortress of Brave book we've already seen the intro so I won't burn you with the details but what I will say is this Fortress is still very much occupied by hostiles over here we can see that there is a good number of experiments but all of these characters while listed as hostile are actually neutral entities they just simply live here and we're going to have to clean them out of course but they don't know that we're here yet we live over here in this little wagon so we do have a good amount of livestock as well as three war dogs and we're going to need to get our dwarves kind of appointed but the first thing that we're gonna do here is we're gonna dig down but before we do that we want to get to know are dwarves ever so slightly so our dwarf here ficot or Expedition leader she is very ambient vicious and always looking for a way to better her situation she very easily falls into love and develops positive feelings and can handle stress she finds helping others to be emotionally rewarding and she tends to hang on to grievances she often acts with compassion and she intends to assume that the worst of two outcomes will be the one that comes to pass she's often cheerful and she is somewhat uncomfortable around those that appear unusual or live differently from herself she tends to avoid any physical confrontations and works to square this natural tendency with her respective martial prowess she has a noticeable lack of perseverance and she enjoys the company of others and she tends to be swayed by emotional appeals and takes off her help and Gifts without feeling particularly grateful and generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity and has a greedy streak she runs her finger through her hair when she's bored and she clicks her tongue occasionally when she's bored she needs alcohol to get through the Working Day and likes working outdoors and only grumbles mildly a crappy weather so this Fortress is in kind of a boring spot it's pretty flat there's not a lot going on there's a 3X3 Embark and if we look at the Overworld map and click Center on Fortress you can see where we are located we are right here the Auburn Rags of paper of the sling of clubs now as you can see this whole once Grand Dwarven civilization is now quite dead although there are uh two interesting spots here that are linked to us uh the site of the admired towns a civilization of the bronze orbs as well as the Earthen covets also uh part of the bronze Oak sorry economically linked to us so there's two locations that look to our economics for their future Prosperity now if we look at these goblins that are here I'm kind of curious who are you a part of they're a part uh they're former members of the gray Terrors and a citizen of the Gilded of the Gory Terrors and a citizen of the Gilded Terrors so who are the Gilded Terrors one might ask well we should have a peek if we can we look at the local civilizations the Gilded Terrors are a goblin civilization that we are at peace with so these are actually peaceful entities that are living on the surface of this Fortress well I guess we have some interesting guests that live here of course my initial concerns of oh gosh are we gonna have to fight these guys it's maybe a little bit alleviated here so these weird neutral entities that are uh unfriendly to you but also still kind of friendly to you do happen sometimes when you embark on a world like this so we now have an option we can either kill these religious creatures or we could try and be friends with them there is a baron here a baron of Honor portal um who is a member of uh what what even is this former member of the nomadic group of the rock of puzzling so maybe this is like some weird nomadic group I mean there are former members of The Nightmare of dwelling and uh a member of the doctrines of Earth which is a religion some interesting characters indeed nonetheless so what we're going to do is we're going to explore this Fortress I'm going to make a squad real quick for every single dwarf that isn't in or that isn't my doctor dwarf so my diagnoser down here Dolmas so we are going to move our Expedition leader to our militia Commander's role and then we are going to open up the squad menu and we're going to give the metal armor and uh we are going to assign everybody to this now these are going to pop up as ambushes regardless of if they are friendly or not um so it's going to take a little bit of deciphering to figure out who we need to be concerned about and if we need to be concerned about them I'm going to queue up a spot for my dwarves to go stand now they may just fight with these guys I'm not entirely sure so let's let's see how this plays out we tell the dwarves to move up they come around the corner uh we move up a little bit further and actually while that's all happening over here I think I'm gonna go down to our diagnoser here Moses and we're going to read about them briefly stingy with resources when working on projects and uh refuses to expand any extra effort is very polite and observes the appropriate rules of decorum when act when when possible and he and he is greatly pleased by his own looks and accomplishments so we were a little bit sneaky here and we uh embarked with some wood but I'm gonna deconstruct the wagon here and get him uh doing something useful essentially we're going to see if we can get this guy to grab a pick and start uh making us some beds here if possible so the dwarves come running around the corner in a moment and let's just move them up ever so slightly and does fighting happen nope it appears that we are casually optimistic in our fragile Alliance here although there is apparently another Ambush as we discovered another holy uh wandering Goblin character I wonder why they picked this particular place to live in this trade Depot we see plenty of food as well which is actually quite good for us as well as lots of weapons and armor well I'm going to um claim some of this shall we uh we're gonna see if my dwarves go and pick up the gear let's just uh set them to train and see what happens they're going to go and equip that gear let's go to the equipment screen and click update equipment because it might be flagged as mine it might also they might also just not be aware that it's there yet we may need a bookkeeper well let's move into the Fortress as we scroll down a little ways we're going to see these kind of frequent temples on the way down which we can take advantage of and we can run down to this Cavern layer so let's give it a look so because this is a generated Fortress we are on this road now these roads uh connect fortresses together and are generally used in adventure mode as a means of transportation but also connect to these pre-designed generated fortresses we're going to run down and along the road down to the base here and see what we can find they're going to run down and station and we're gonna see how it continues a couple layers down it seems to look and then we can see into the Fortress itself over here which may have more surprises for us and then we're gonna from there move up north and see what we can find up here well I was worried about those goblins initially I'm no less worried and just kind of cool to have a nomadic tribe of goblins that are living close by uh we move up to the upper areas up here and uh okay some more spaces and uh let's see the the final location that the road goes over top of this little walkway down here so I think we're gonna have to secure this road I think securing this road would be a good place to start for this let's play also it's good to see that there's plenty of wood down here I wasn't sure if I needed to build a hospital immediately which is why I was being so cautious and bringing wood with me but dwarves run down and do a little bit more explore exploration and uh we can see uh the spaces that we have access to now so let's follow this down into the Fortress a little bit so where does the okay so there's a layer here where things start let's run this way over and into the labyrinthine mess that is an AI designed Fortress we're gonna have to Chisel out a lot of this I expect the dwarves are gonna come booking it in where are they at currently not currently see them there should be up there they come looks like your vat is lead is leading the charge we move down and in all right let's begin claiming things I'm gonna this is gonna be a bit of a tedious process so I'm gonna explore this and uh if anything exciting happens I'll let you know so as we get a little lower we keep finding more of these holy goblins and we're also encountering a lot of Royal figures as well as this rather interesting realm a room with a few bodies on the ground filled entirely with Scrolls oh the knowledge we will learn here as we go further down uh we we find that the spirals continue we've encountered more Necromancer creatures and while they're all listed as hostile they do seem to be peaceful folk fortunately no fights have broken out just yet we haven't encountered any forgotten beasts thankfully as we go deeper uh the threats do become greater though so I will report back once we find the third Cavern layer and or the magma C the dwarves have run down now to the magma sea and as you can see we have quite an exciting uh batch of space down here uh there are no uh strange walls encrusted with gems that I've seen just yet but I'm sure that they exist down here somewhere but uh we are as deep as a as the Fortress goes um we as far as layout go have a little bit to play with so as we scroll up throughout the central uh ramp setup it's it's entirely uh covered with those little layers with scattered pieces around we have this kind of bedroom layout a little further up which is going to be fun to play around with which I think we're going to be using almost immediately which is right here um so we're going to be spreading some beds around into here and this is probably going to be our meeting area but I think the first thing we're going to do actually is just dig this whole thing out and kind of open up this space here because this Cavern layer is definitely going to be where we're living so what I think we're gonna do is I'm going to make a little food stockpile down here in in this area uh maybe like in this room and we're gonna see if we can start getting our items counted and do a little bit of inventory this is going to be an interesting Fortress as it's going to be a combination of us and like these friendly religious goblins and Necromancer creatures that live here so we'll have to get to know our neighbors as well as get to know the dwarves that are moving into this fort so uh while we remove seeds from this food stockpile and get stuff moved in I'm gonna then uh get our first um I'm gonna get our first few meeting zones built and then we can really start exploring this Fortress is there still space that we have yet to see so the number of creatures in this area is truly staggering for such an old fortress after doing a little bit of looking up behind the scenes I've found that the faction that these creatures reside in is actually at peace with my dwarves so it seems to be currently kind of a somewhat stable Immortal alliance between this weird crowd of religious goblins and creatures from the Grim depths created by horrific necromancers as well as a few necromancers living in this in this space and I need to cancel this before it gets dug out or my dwarves are all going to get stuck so this feels like it's going to be a very fragile Alliance for a bit and I'm really kind of curious to see what happens especially when the moon Hits full because what if half of them are rare creatures so it should be interesting kind of seeing what what direction this Fortress ends up going in the next little bit but I think it's gonna be fun if nothing else we're gonna have to clear out a lot of space we're gonna have to remove a lot of doors and we're gonna have to do a lot of building in the next little bit we do actually have rain a range we are within range of our Dwarven civilization so we are going to get migrants we should be able to trade at the normal times as per usual but um item ownership and such is going to get a little weird here because we've got all of these crazy old important religious characters that live here we're going to need to get to know them I think a little bit and maybe dig into them a little bit also if you're just watching this let's play if you look at the description of this video there should be a link to this world if you would like to dig in and find this Fortress and read the histories of it yourself I'd be very curious to see what kinds of things you find as well as these characters around so it should be a fun time if nothing else now like I said one of the first things that we're going to need to do is we're going to need to get some a place for our dwarves to sleep so this area is going to be repopulated into bedrooms as it should be so we're going to rip these doors over here off their hinges uh and get this place a little bit more oh I'm seeing fighting happening and it's not between my dwarves what is happening it appears that there is some fighting going on between the goblins and uh a oh uh I see a troglodyte came in and uh the Goblins have dispatched him well that's nice at the very least we have these friendly Goblin guards here helping defend our space it's it's good to see them if nothing else and of course another Ambush uh it appears to just be more of the same goblins dwarves are a little bit jumpy it's kind of surprising to me actually that the uh goblins are so all right with letting us move in like this but you know it's they're Immortal they they don't really need or want for much so maybe we're just kind of a interesting little side activity for them I'm going to make a real quick meeting Zone down in this area right here just so that the dwarves have somewhere to go and hang out with I'm sure they'll be able to socialize with these goblins as well I'm sure that everything there will go just fine as uh our our livestock is probably going to come booking it down into this area uh so we're probably going to need to place them somewhere and it appears that there is a goblin damned Hunter here I don't know if you just uh if you just died here but um Goblin damned Hunter who were you originally I'm not sure but uh one could say this is going to be a fun Fortress a grand Library nonetheless with many um exciting things around the edges it appears my war dogs are fighting with something gosh knows what uh a troglodyte well that's probably for the best I'm sure the dog will be fine ernib right here is a digging through and doesn't feel anything at work but does feel and doesn't feel anything while improving Mining and is very upset about seeing a troglodyte's dead body there's going to be a lot of corpse uh removal in this Fortress I expect and I would be surprised if it was anything different I don't want to throw that out I just wanted to rip it off its hinges the orbs are all hanging out right here so what I'm going to do real quick is we are going to make ourselves a carpenter shop I guess like right here this is all gonna get moved uh and we're going to make a stone worker I'm going to start making blocks and hopefully this year galbin moves out of the way so we can get this constructed wouldn't it be kind of funny if like the goblin refuses to move and then it just gets forbidden which is definitely possible um the two bauxite spots here are putting stuff together for us there we go Goblin moves and uh so Carpenter is going to make bed and we're just going to put that on repeat until we run out of wood and then you over here you are going to start making blocks uh because we're going to need a lot of those especially if we're going to make this area look not terrible which right now it kind of does because this is a generated Fortress and generated fortresses um have the aesthetic sensibilities of a of a of a I don't know me when I was scribbling on paper as a small child so what we're going to do now is we're going to knock out some more of these walls and continue to dig and continue to widen this hallway and continue to embigen because fortunately this is a smaller Embark so we can kind of mess around with areas that I think are going to be crappy on pathfinding just by default because you know it's a it's quite a small Embark here and also all of these entities that are here um while they might be listed as hostile they're not really wanting for much now this guy here seems to be a little bit important uh full the Abbot full uh side part now full uh she doesn't stick with things even if mine are difficulties arise and she isn't partic she doesn't generally think before acting and she finds she just likes obligations and will try to avoid being bound by them uh she has a very calm demeanor and dislikes helping others and does not generally respond to emotional appeals interesting little character uh who is a Abbot now the reason I kind of want to look at them is I want to know what groups you're part of a member of the carillion faith and uh the Abbot of the carillion faith not a part of any actual faction how interesting it's also going to be really difficult I fear for us to um build up the outside of this without completely killing all of these things on the surface so we may have to uh do some sneaky things to not accidentally kill them all unless that becomes our our goal of course so something we're going to need to do pretty much right away is there are troglodytes walking in here constantly this is going to become a violent mess pretty quickly I would think so I'm going to do my best to seal off uh at least a portion of these Caverns for right now they will become operational again eventually and I will um bring uh or give access back to them but for right now I think we it's probably the best idea here if we just simply box this area up with some bauxite you can also see there's tons of magnetite here and because we already have access to the forges in the basement I'm not too concerned about our ability to produce uh Metalworks in the near future I have a feeling that there will be a lot of smithing going on in this Fortress [Music] another thing that we could do is simply build a trap door and seal this off that way which might also be a wise thing to do indeed indeed however because it goes through before it go before going down and into where we are staying in the Fortress here this is kind of the main entry hall here which isn't necessarily a bad thing it just means it kind of have to be choosy about where we go also see our dwarves have already started falling asleep and we do have a couple of beds made already so let's populate a couple of these as bedrooms now that I've got two bedrooms created hopefully our dwarves will can Will quickly begin claiming those and as you'll see most of these are filled with large uh clothing this must have been like the human block where the humans lived um on these upper layers there is more space that we still haven't fully explored yet um as well as many many many more of these bedrooms filled with large clothing the very least we're good for trade goods for at least a good couple of years I would I would assume um so let's see if we can uh grab this little trap door here and see if we can trap uh some some some spaces so that the doors aren't going down as much because I don't really it's not so much the stuff on this layer that scares me it's the stuff that could come up from below so I'm going to uh put a cork in that I think for right now and uh or maybe not right there maybe actually you know honestly what we really need to do is just build around this so we'll we'll do that we're gonna build a couple of bauxite walls right there uh block that block that and then go across the the front with the chart and see if we can get this area sealed in for right now throw a door in the middle because I just ripped a bunch of doors off their their hinges which means we should have a door sitting around somewhere there we go three of them and this will give us a little seal here on this road rather than having to just build around the whole thing so now I can just lock it nice and easy and that'll stop things from coming in for right now and then we can go back to mining before we you know begin to actually make a space for our dwarves to live down here now since there's bodies kind of stacking up in places we're going to uh make a little garbage disposal unit so what we're doing here as you can see this dwarf running past all of these bodies we're going to dig out a little Channel all the way down at the bottom now if I jump back down to the bottom most area and we scroll up ever so slightly you'll see this now this is a little kind of Zone going up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up from the base of the Fortress itself and I want like my dwarves to go dig out those channels eventually although currently they are still a little bit busy hacking out this primary number one one area but once this is hacked out what we're going to do is we're going to assign all of these bodies at to be dumped and hopefully get rid of them in fact I think I might actually slightly change the priorities up here we're going to set this stuff to two and just make sure that they get that lower area done real quick so as you can see here Arab is running down to go dig a channel and so I'm making this a couple of Z levels above the kind of concerning layer we're also running low on drinks so we're going to need to get booze uh construction going sooner rather than later before our dwarves I'll start dying of thirst because you know that would be a a bad time indeed I think we're gonna need to have a super efficient all the way down to the the base kind of uh area eventually and then the other dwarf comes down here and cuts that out so essentially what I'm going to do now is I'm going to uh fill this in on either side with blocks and then this up here is going to be my garbage dump so it's going to be a bit of a temporary solution until we can uh get it a little bit nicer but what we're going to do is we're going to go over here into the stocks menu I'm going to go to uh bodies uh because that's what we need we need body parts we're going to get rid of those body parts and we're gonna go to uh the letter c which is corpses and we're gonna dump all of these because there's 44 it turns out around the map so I'm going to get all of those items dumped and as these dwarves are dealing with uh the current concerning zones uh they are going to uh begin removing stuff um so hopefully uh that'll deal with the the miasma sooner rather than later we can also get a couple more bedrooms queued up as you can see I do have a slow list of beds being placed and beds are still being made so we now actually have enough bedrooms for everybody which means this should begin to sort out these negative moods that my dwarves have ever so slightly another thing that we're going to need to do before uh things get crazy is we need uh food now fortunately we do have love this access to these lovely Caverns here however Caverns as many of you may know are not exactly the safest place to live uh there is gonna be plenty of little uh crotchety Critters that want us to stay out of their home in here so we're gonna have to be careful but we do have this benefit we have this water right here as well so I think the the the concerns of being in these Caverns are kind kind of outweigh uh the um benefits but we're still gonna try and use them if we can another big old Ambush notif it seems like oh well we appear to have um found a good pile of bodies this is gonna do a number so this is where all of the remains of the library were left it appears a very concerning space if you were to ask me and I'm going to see if the dwarves are gonna begin dumping items they they are in fact it's a thankless job our diagnoser is beginning it and it appears that there's even uh what is this a forgot nope this is a another creature strange what a what an odd place for dwarves to move in it'll be good once we are able to begin actually living here instead of just cleaning but uh one thing at a time I suppose so you might remember this little area right here well what I've decided to do is I'm going to try and block off the sides of this we're going to kind of dig through the back over here on a little higher priority than the rest of the stuff and this is going to be our kind of way in and out of the Fortress I really like this road and I really would think it would be really cool for this to be our Fortress and then we can have kind of two separate zones kind of the mixed area with the goblins and the necromancers and the creatures that live here and then the Dwarven space down here in the caverns I really like kind of open Cavern layouts for fortresses and I think that this might be a really cool one if I can pull it off so I'm gonna seal up this little Zone here we're gonna place a second doorway on this side and make sure that all of my dwarves stay in and then this is going to be where we're gonna do our farming at least for the near future fortunately when you are reclaiming a fortress everything is defaulted to forbidden so you don't have to worry too much about your dwarves running off into the caverns and getting lost and how causing themselves problems in the future and then we have this little space locked off which is perfect so this like I said is going to be where we are farming which means we are currently a little bit lacking in dirt but it should be good enough for now uh there is one more corner here that I do need to seal off as well to make it safe as safe as a cavern layer is going to be I suppose and we're going to also seal off that now down here one layer beneath you can see all of this tetraed right we are spoiled for resources we're gonna have more than we'll ever actually need which is I guess for the best more ambushes have been noticed and it appears that the Goblins are fighting with an elf Weaver hold on what just happened um the king bites the holy Crypt in the hand wait well I'm not actually sure what I just witnessed but people are we're certainly fighting there a moment ago that is a concerning spot I'm not sure I like that room very much at least none of my dwarves have died so I suppose that's a benefit but oh my God is that a troll that is a troll well good thing the door is locked friendly troll rolling by definitely not friendly but it's also a troll when it come popping in the bottom side here if that's the case I'm gonna need to queue up my military real quick and dispatch of him dispatch him I'd rather um hopefully we can get that dealt with sooner rather than later see if I can get a little piece of flooring right there so they can go build that corner wall because currently they can't get to it by putting a piece of flooring there might as assist with that we're gonna be placing some uh seeds down here because this is going to be where we're farming we're gonna need to have access to this so I'm gonna make a real quick seed stockpile we're gonna go into food and we're gonna go into seed and we're gonna go to food and everything and we're gonna say no and then we're gonna say yes to all seeds and under barrels we're gonna say zero so they they use the bags because those are better oh cool we now have this sealed off like I said it's a good thing that that troll is just wandering by and not actually a concern to our uh dwarves in this Fortress it's gonna take a little bit I think to um keep our dwarves satisfied in such a strange and old place such as this and it appears that early summer in the year 2078 some migrants have arrived which is a grand thing indeed we have apparently a wood cutter is one of the first to arrive as well as um well actually two wood cutters right off the bat which is beautiful let's see what else we're gonna get the numbers go up to 10 11 11 dwarves all right uh we now have um appears to be a wood crafter as well which is good we're gonna have to kind of go through and get to know them a little bit how about this here wood cutter where do you come from what groups are you a part of you're a citizen of the sling of clubs and a former member of the severe lances but you're now of course with us the Auburn Rags of paper the two woodcutters uh followed by a Mason um who personality why she has a tendency to go it alone without considering the advice of others well I mean I guess that's why you've arrived here relations wise you worship a god called knuckle and that is about it uh behind you we have you shot a Woodcraft after who says hard work is a true sign of character and you know what you're gonna have to work hard if you want to live here they appear to have brought some cattle with them as well and uh let's see we've got another engraver we've got a furnace operator well excellent and a peasant well ain't that Pleasant peasant at the end here does respect the development of his skill um but she dreams of raising a family personally she has neg she does not easily hate her develop negative feelings and uh doesn't try to get things done perfectly she is slow to trust others and she often feels envious of others and she has an active imagination and she tends to form only tenuous emotional bonds with others she has a greedy streak and she thinks that she is fairly important in the grand scheme of things well if that's the case there too long why don't you consider joining our military uh because I think that you'd be a good fit the dwarves continue to move in and uh it appears that we have a stray calf well we'll have to do something with that straight calf and we're also going to need to get all of our food and whatnot inside so it's a good thing that we have the extra hands now we can follow them into the Fortress itself and see what they think of this place you feel well right now but you won't by the time you're into the Fortress because you're about to be uneasy after you run by a bunch of dead bodies well I mean it is part of the way of things they go and pick up some equipment uh fortunately there is plenty of clothing around which means these dwarves are actually get a really nice start for a brand new Fortress you know you arrive you get to socialize with the goblins speak with the Hungry Horse and uh hopefully become a a member of The Fortress right off the bat serious it seems like we have a seriously injured dot well that's a little bit of a shame um so I'm going to queue up two buildings real quick now we do have this very Ram shackle thrown together kitchen here but I'm going to place a butcher shop I'm going to place a uh what's it called a uh Tannery right next to it and I'm going to place a still now I'm not sure what we have apps currently uh for Brewing but um what I would like to do is I would like to at the very least get started because our drink supplies a little bit on the low side so as we get these shops built I'm going to jump over here and we're going to jump over to pets and livestock we're gonna have a peek at what's a pet and what's a livestock well we don't need that calf I can say that right now we also don't need this Yak Bowl we don't need this horse so I'm just gonna get them slaughtered and uh we we're gonna keep that piglet though that pig could be useful in the future and uh we're going to just make sure that everything gets kind of squared away on this side of things and uh we're gonna get those animals slaughtered now we don't have anything that we can currently Brew so that means we do in fact need to focus on that gardening so I'm gonna get a few garden plots placed in here now like I said they're gonna be a little ugly but uh at the very least we'll have something uh we can also Harvest these plants that are in this area so there's some dimple cups there's some sweet pods which can be brewed and some cave wheat that can also be brewed so we're gonna get those those harvested as as we can and uh we're gonna start making those Farm plots so as for Farm plots um like I said we're going to kind of do this area and uh we're gonna do something like something like about that and something like about this they're going to be ugly looking but hey they will work um we're going to queue up uh pigtails we're going to queue up uh sweet pods we're going to queue up plump helmets and uh we're also going to just make sure that you know none of this causes any problems um we're just waiting for the dwarves to come and construct these uh plots so now that we have the first uh Farm plot I'm going to queue up uh pigtails I think and then pigtails and then in the winter we're gonna do plump helmets and in the spring we're also going to do plump helmets the second one I think is just going to be year-round plump helmets and the third one is going to be a mix of plump helmets and uh let's say uh we'll do pigtails on the autumn in that one plump helmets in the winter and then in the spring we'll do sweet pods so now that those will get all planted up hopefully we won't run out of booze because we'll be able to brew some stuff sooner rather than later and uh seems like the the list of bodies is is taking a little bit to get hauled so I'm gonna see if I can uh fix that we're also gonna need to do some other things in standing orders anyway so it's about time we go here so we're gonna go to uh refuse and Hauling uh gather outdoor refuse because they might consider this stuff to be outdoors and uh gather Vermin remains we're also going to go over to harvesting and we're going to set this to only Farmer's Harvest I'm going to set up a job for that specifically in a minute here and I'm going to also uh double check if there's anything else I need to do in here right yes kitchens so we're going to back out of the labor and we're going to go to Kitchen labor and I'm gonna say please don't Brew plump helmets and um over here under drinks I don't want them to cook any drinks um at all which they do by default so I'm gonna make sure they don't do that now we do have a ton of food around which is actually going to be a real quick way that we can improve the mood of our dwarves but before we're going to do that I'm gonna have to make a farmer uh roll so we're gonna call we're gonna make a uh farming and related roll we could do it that way or I could be a bit more specific so I think what we're going to do is we're going to say um yeah we'll just do a generic Farmer's role I think so because we we have a couple of these dwarves here and they're all dabbling in these skills um I'm going to assign this to everybody in here and it's just going to be called farming so it's going to be set so that only they do this although the concern actually is is this is our original uh starting seven for the most part and I don't necessarily want them to be doing all of the farming tasks so I think I'm going to spread this out a little bit wider actually here we're going to give these Woodworkers these new migrants into this because they're all in our military and I kind of want them to stay that way so the dwarves begin planting up all of our newly set crops and uh down here uh in in the Fortress itself we are up to 14 dwarves now so we currently have what one two three four five six seven eight nine bedrooms available I think we're gonna need like four or five more so I will just cue those up real quick now I'm not entirely sure how I want to do this because I do already have all of these lovely bedrooms available I'm open to ideas in the comments section of this video as I'm going to be mostly making these in real time with you guys maybe an episode or two behind it most so if you have any particular construction ideas you think that you would like to see me do in this series please let me know down in the comments section of this video but that really does kind of bring us to the end of episode one of Brave book the Dwarven Outpost my goals for this Fortress currently I think are pretty firmly in rebuild this Library maintain this fragile piece with these hostile entities in the Fortress as hostiles they really are which is not very and then eventually begin to go to war with those that destroyed this place originally after we build a satisfying library and go to war with the local goblins which are you know quite literally everywhere and we have no contact with them but man there is a lot of them if you have a peek this entire area that was once a grand Dwarven sieve has been completely demolished although there are a few places here that are still populated by a handful of dwarves here and there our faction which is a little bit further south um is a little bit more uh built up than some of the other factions in this world um a lot of the a lot of a lot of the factions of this world shall we say are very dead these are our few Holdings down here but we do have 1300 members in our factions so uh many of the Dwarven sieves are like in the sub hundreds of members this one's a little bit bigger so hopefully we'll be able to kind of keep things uh under control at least for the first few episodes uh the next episode our goal is going to be to get Farming up and running properly and uh get our Nobles set up and our bookkeepers and all that and hopefully do a year of trading because we'll be getting close to fall something else that I'm editing out in this series that you won't be seeing are the very long load times I timed it and it takes about 15 minutes to do a seasonal save for this Fortress so I will spare you the pain uh for this particular world and once again if you would like to download this world a link is down in the description of this video and if you would like to support this channel directly you can go grab yourself a vile mug of Darkness or a t-shirt over at my merch store of course you can check out my twitch streams at twitch TV slash blind IRL where you can watch me play other fortresses live on Twitch thank you very much for watching this video and I hope to see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blind
Views: 29,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, Adventure mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Lets play dwarf fortress, Tutorial lets play, naming the mayor, protecting the caverns, Bravebook, reclamation, library fortress, colony sim, city builder
Id: K01bqDE8US4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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