Dwarf Fortress - Quick Tutorial - Building a Guild

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hello everybody and welcome to a short Dwarf Fortress tutorial in this video we're going to be talking about Guild Halls now in the grand scheme of things this is a relatively recent mechanic that was added to Dwarf Fortress not so long ago it is a mechanic that I think is kind of important to talk about it's very similar to zones or hospitals or taverns or temples or libraries aside from kind of one specific wrinkle they don't actually require anything and are probably just as if not more important than the previous now the reason Guild Halls are important is because that's where children can learn skills by default the only jobs that children can do is hauling and some cleaning and they're really not that uh focused on skilled labor however if you make a Guild Hall children can be trained kind of like a school so the way Guild Halls work is it's a Zone not too dissimilar to a Tavern or a hospital or even a temple for that matter however it's focused on one particular style of job so you can have a Woodworkers Guild Hall you could have in Metal Workers Guild Hall you can have a doctor's Guild Hall you could have a stone workers Guild Hall and you can set them to just like any other Zone public for anybody locked only members for the Guild Hall or citizens and residents only if you lock it to Citizens and residents only and not Guild members only then anybody in your Fortress can visit and anybody with skills in that particular class of skill can teach the other dwarves in your Fortress that skill making it extremely useful as a way to get a bunch of skilled doctors or maybe Train everybody on ambushing or perhaps give everybody some skills in crossbow early on without really having to do anything else aside from allow some dwarves to have free time so the way we're going to make a Guild Hall real quick is we are going to place a zone now we're making this of our own accord nobody's asked us to make this however indoor Fortress the dwarves will demand a Guild Hall if you make them wait too long and you manage to get enough dwarves of a particular skill set in your Fortress so what we're going to do is we're going to be making ourselves a little uh Stone Crafters haul right here it's as you can see it's kind of just in the corner of my uh workshops here and generally just kind of in the way of things but that's kind of the point I just kind of want to show you that they don't need to be anything fancy so now that we've made that zone real quick it's just said it's a meeting Hall we're gonna set this area to be smoothed up just so that it starts to look a little bit nicer we're going to open the Zone screen back up and give it our specifications so we're going to set it we're going to click on this little plus sign on the shield here after reselecting the Zone keep in mind you can select the Zone hotkey by hitting n um now that the or but sorry not by hitting n by hitting z uh once you've selected the zone and click the shield we're going to select it as a guild hall now we have several choices we can set as a binary Hall a woodworker Hall Carpenter Hall Boyer Hall Boyers for crossbows and Bows wood cutters for chopping down trees Stone worker is for Stones which is what I'm going to ask for now as you can see it says five workers no established Guild when that number goes up they will ask they will establish a guild on their own terms and they will request that you give them a Guild Hall at that point it's going to have specific uh value amounts and you're going to need to put some statues in there probably but because we are just building it we don't have any value requirements it's not going to stop me though we are still going to give it Furniture so we've now assigned our Guild Hall and suddenly these dwarves are going oh no we're not supposed to be here most likely because they're smoothing floors in an area that they're not allowed to be in once this meeting place gets up to a value of 2 000 uh it'll be allowed uh or it'll it'll be what a guild would request so now that we've clicked this little magnifying glass we can see our detail Tales so now only members can visit if Guild is established which is what happens when you get that certain number of dwarves of the guild um but I'm just going to set it so that citizens can visit so any citizen in our Fortress can visit this Guild Hall including children we're gonna need to add a little bit of furniture and there's a quick tip I want to throw in here as well I haven't made any yet but it's worth noting that children are attracted to areas where there are toys so if we make a little stockpile here and specifically if we want to train our children on the skill of the skilled Hall we can jump into this stockpile set it to custom go to finished goods and type in toys so now toys are allowed in this stockpile so as our Fortress gains toys they will all be allowed to be stored in this finished good stockpile right here now the next thing we want to do is we want to add a little bit of value to the room so we are going to throw down some furniture and by that I mean just some tables let's give these dwarves somewhere to sit while they work and learn we've run out of tables that is perfect and we're also going to throw in some Thrones for this little here room and I think that that is kind of the quickest little example of a simple Guild Hall keep on keep an eye on the value of the Guild Hall if it's requested by your citizens make sure you get that value up to 2000 otherwise they will be quite disappointed in your inability to create a competent Guild Hall uh Guild Hall's value is quite easy to write raise up rather quickly if you engrave the walls using the engraving tool and also quite easy to speed up if you just put a bunch of statues in there generally I would also recommend making them their own enclosed Zone but just for the sake of this video I wanted to kind of show you that they don't really need to be a whole lot to be a Guild Hall and as you can see this child is already hanging out here thank you very much for watching this video about Guild Halls very important way to train your children in skills that they can't otherwise train in if you want to see more videos like this there's a huge playlist of them and if you want to watch my face as I play video games on the internet you can go to twitch.tv blind IRL and watch me live on Twitch thank you very much for watching this video and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Blind
Views: 47,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, screenshots, Adventure mode, Legends mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, modding, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress for Beginners, Tutorial, quick tutorial, zones, Guilds, guildhall, dwarf fortress guilds, building a guild
Id: gS3PknSc8Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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