Dunkey Streams Donkey Kong 64 part 3

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here we go [Music] this monkey wrap [Music] is he has no face he has no style he doesn't exist [Music] race [Music] like a balloon he's the first member of the dk crew fly real high with his balloon mode he can turn into a button just for you [Music] [Music] [Music] with relatives [Music] here we go cashews walnuts pecans pistachios peanuts yeah almonds cashews hey guys we're back now let's see did it save did it save the game [Music] donkey kong took all your bananas [Music] all right so we got all the cons 15 done we got 28 bananas been playing for five hours i think i could beat this and uh i probably beat it on this one i think oh thank you bumbling idiot oh my god thank you for the bones all right yeah i'll beat it i think i'll probably beat it down this time i got all the kongs now so it's pretty much all downhill from here thank you burrito dentist and dixie yep just a big famous jocks tattoos fan here i'm gonna stream uh mr hulo's holiday next i'm gonna do a play through donkey kong once came to my house and stole all of my bananas too bad they were plastic all right now let's talk to old donkey kong by completing donkey's blast i thought that was a camera oh [ __ ] i thought it was just better if you just saw it on uh arcade or somebody else's stream arcade has the good setup wow you can see all the little profiles light up when people talk what controller am i on well this is n64 i'm playing on keep that in mind but that being said i have a special uh xbox controller that i use that hooks up to n64 [Music] do you think you do you think you yeah i think that okay all right let's see what the deal is here there's one banana i still need on donkey kong still need the blueprint on diddy still need the blueprint i have nothing i have her blueprint but i have nothing else chucklecon i got nothing but i don't have enough bananas and tinycon to get any of her powers maybe i should go back to the first level how did i find the n64 pretty sure it was hd normally amore is an earthbound type game there ain't no earthbound type games the only earthbound type game is earthbound [Music] i was playing the old earthbound i was playing the mother one for nes that game is ancient [Music] say hi to your brother trevor hey trevor what's going on trevor hope dracula didn't eat you what do i think of anteaters wow that's nobody ever asked me that you know i don't know if i can put that opinion out there without uh without getting into trouble so i'm just going to not comment on anteaters for now all right work so i hate our drugs go and see cranky or you can't do [ __ ] thank you grandma kind thank you sailor goons what foods contain peanuts can i go over what foods contain peanuts [Music] peanut butter definitely that's an easy one i would be surprised if there's no peanuts and peanut butter definitely thinking that and uh that's probably it crackers crackers has peanuts right fritos no way i'm thinking of corn yeah just peanut butter what are my e3 predictions oh man i can't even get into that right now i'll get into that tomorrow [Music] or whenever what's that i think i think they're doing an e3 thing tomorrow jeff keeley's e3 thing i'll put my predictions out there tomorrow because i got a lot of predictions and i got a lot of info i got a lot of insider knowledge and i've been talking to a lot of the high up guys there's gonna be some big news that i'm gonna drop i'm gonna shadow drop it tomorrow let's just say i don't i don't want to say too much right now [Music] i'm just gonna say that if you like to play the if you like to play the uh brain age trilogy you're going to be in for a surprise tomorrow any news on the mr peanut game no haven't heard about that that might be fake actually [Music] yep i knew there would be a lot of brain age fans in here love your dunk and i'm just gonna say right now it's called brain age age of ultron you didn't hear from me [Music] do i have enough bananas i have five bananas wait no you need the coins any banana coins to get the guns oh wait i can go over there i can go into lanky's hut [Music] oh my god [Music] a new simpsons game ah it could happen we'll have to see what naughty dog where is the stuff for tiny kong ever don't they have like 100 bananas in every level for each kong [Music] i feel like that's how it works right where the hell is tiny kong stuff repair more respect on tiny con character oh my god i can't even pop this balloon oh whoa whoa this kong very strong yes kong is very strong oh look this level is huge this game this game you will never beat this i will never beat this game i don't think this game has an ending this game is bigger than red dead redemption 2. they should sell maps for this game right so chunky coins gotta go in there huh you dropped a bunch of points on a poo mode no way you activated winnie the pooh mode hey do you think you how do i check if somebody activated winnie the pooh mode lia's gonna check and if you didn't there's gonna be hell to pay for everyone in the channel can't wait for the everywhere keep up the dunkin donuts oh did it activate it all right we need we need the pool mode has been activated who activated it looking forward to hearing about the velveeta drama velveeta the cheese thank you so much for activating winnie the pooh mode one second let me set it up you guys are gonna love this nobody has ever activated it yet hi donkey please say hi to my brother [Music] and there's nobody home it's nice to be able to count on a friend [Music] all right we got winnie the pooh mode on for this stream it's gonna be a little more interesting of a stream this time all right let me set this up right all right all right all right thank you so much for activating winnie the pooh model what are your e3 predictions oh i gotta get over there now 30 seconds how the hell do you get over there go go go go [Music] what are my e3 predictions again oh [ __ ] humongous is in here thank you [Music] i already gave you guys such a big reveal you guys want more reviews first off i don't make e3 predictions i make e3 actual reveals because i already know what's coming out i know all the games that are coming out i don't just speculate [Music] so we got we got brain age age of ultron right and everybody is so excited for that and everybody is such a big fan now let me just say this i'm going to reveal one more thing and that's all i can reveal for now i'll reveal more tomorrow i'm just gonna say that i hope there's some people out there that still like to play um and i know this and i'm not just making this up on the spot i hope there's a lot of people out there that like the game huh what game do i say is coming out [Music] kung fu rider 2 they're finally doing a kung fu rider too and that is tecmo doing that tecmo's finally back back doing things the right way [Music] i've perfected another potion i think this is the one that makes me small ponytail twirl whoa her head got big time to do something with that silly hair of yours use it to extend your feeble jumping skills all right barlow sparta is not in this all you see is gifts no donkey kong is clearly playing in the center of the screen what are you saying this is winnie the pooh mode somebody activated winnie the pooh mode [Music] [Music] we how to get rid of it is the real question why would you want to get rid of it what the heck you guys don't like this mode [Music] to get rid of it somebody else has to activate it does anybody else want to deactivate it you need another 500k otherwise it stays like this permanently until the next time it's kind of like a war some people liked it in this mode others want to deactivate it steel bar [Music] see ya see it's barely a problem ek 64 is so c where is dk 65 [Music] nobody likes it what everybody is liking this i see so many comments right now saying this is so good i see so see that guy likes it and he doesn't even like winnie the pooh but he still loves the mode because he knows it's such a high quality model can you guys see lane keycard cop mode be at e3 all right we'll do a poll we'll do a polo if i should deactivate it when are you playing peta guy too what you should put a big timer on the screen leah's saying i can't deactivate it oh big timer all right well i'll see if i'll see how the people feel first maybe people like you know maybe it's the silent majority likes it yeah see a lot of people are saying yes no way a lot of people are saying no don't deactivate it most people are saying no see i knew it was a crowd i knew there was a crowd favorite [Music] once there was an ugly barnacle he was so ugly everyone died the end well this is such a sad story [Music] play a little winnie the pooh again all right i'll activate the timer leah came out with a good timer idea how do i put a timer um here we go okay all right i'm putting a timer at when the pro mode deactivates you guys are so mad about this mode okay [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh i think this is the one we need to put it ahead when i was little i think i had a vhs sit down oh my gosh it's only 10 more days then it deactivates well actually 10 days and 23 hours so it's more like 11 days but then it'll be over unless somebody activates it again i need the camera all right all right back to the old mode i can't show too much winnie the pooh mode otherwise people have no incentive to watch they have no goal hey if you guys are mad blame it all and let's see who can we condition blame it all on jake paul jake paul told me i had to cut it or he would dmca me put it all on jake paul oh thank you mousy i keep thinking lanky kong is purple because he shoots a purple grape i keep thinking his color is purple but he's actually blue all right wait i got time i got time to get this thing first and i'm gonna climb this first i have time you guys don't worry [Music] something about banjo-kazooie semi-colon but i love blue mode goddamn jake paul get all lanky i got this i got this don't worry i got this guys see way enough time in fact let me stay here what's the game gonna do about it that's right nothing [Music] that's exactly right that's exactly what i've done this game doesn't look at him look at him juggling look at him juggling on this game look at this [ __ ] this is one hell of a car hell yeah this game [ __ ] [Music] oh look at his funny swimming there you i go believe they never released the hd version of this thing banjo oh this is such a classic [Music] all right now lanky is blue so this is linky just gotta get all these bananas it's gonna take a while why is there a patch on the butthole area of his pants that's for him to go duty [Music] where am i gonna find all these damn golden bananas for lankycon where did this take me where am i kong am i right now thank you mark thank you flash monkey from the game donkey kong the famous character i found a lanky kong zone oh he pissed him off he pissed him off look at this this is why you don't ever [ __ ] with this game you'll pull this out you're dead look in the mirror and ask yourself what's going in my that's true what am i supposed to do i didn't read it huh what am i doing am i winning i'm up can i win think i'll win what's happening get up there oh am i is this good i got enough time am i doing it there we go oh alright i got this i got this welcome to bonus stage you're a real kong no way [Music] [Music] well done i'm a master of this game [Music] oh he's talking about fried okra thank you freaking cheese french people say that they go oprah what does it mean [Music] when something happens when something falls off the t leah's saying in france when something falls off the table they go that dead i guess he's being dashed that's real leo would know why did they say that thank you he's a french monkey well you know what's interesting is that donkey kong tv show is french so maybe there is something to them and that's one of the best shows it's a french show welcome to bonus stage destroy all the baddies 10 head for the checkered flag all right is he dead this is a good killing [Music] well done donkey kong was the first ever cgi show for france [Applause] even before i must have predated jimmy neutron it's a very very advanced show oh the first produced by a french company time to deliver a pizza ball okay i didn't i came to this level looking for stuff for tiny car and i found like nothing where is all tiny kong stuff i'm trying to upgrade my tiny card what is the hottest dk enemy whisper it so leah that's not here you guys hear me [Music] he is looking at me your is the beaver [Music] hey what are you saying about a beaver i didn't say anything about a beaver happy birthday dunk i hope you enjoy your pizza ball you are the best thank you so much mike you know how much i love to eat a pizza ball they should do that they should do pizza ball they got burgerito they got mango [Music] also happy birthday thank you [Music] for you hey so what's going on what was i saying about a pizza bar yeah they should do pizza ball as a restaurant get this get this now get this now don't get too crazy now just listen why did she get two or you can just hand them all in at the same time [Music] i found out that you don't need all the blueprints to beat the game what was i saying pizza ball yeah pizza ball we gotta i gotta stay focused here i'm gonna lose this great idea this original idea that i have come up with just wanted to let you know that it is also johnny depp's birthday and he would like to split a pizza ball with you oh johnny depp's birthdays today wow he's getting a pizza stream paul venus thank you fat boy all right so pizza ball let me explain let me explain let me explain it's like a slice of pizza first this is what we do this is how we franchise it out we cook a whole pizza take cut a slice then you just kind of crumple it into a little ball making it more portable than ever before then you hand it to the customer that's called a pizza ball [Music] i think a lot of people are gonna like that you fold it cheese way you fold it cheese way so the whole ball is made out of cheese pretty much so there's not really a place to grab on to it unless you want to get grease and cheese all over your hand and it might get really hot people will definitely get burned by the ball of cheese because of all the hot oil on there but if you wait for it to get cold seeing dennis good then we're good to go and this is why pizza balls gonna be such a big hit no you don't put it in your pocket put it on a stick no no that defeats the whole purpose miko put it on a stick you gotta have it in it ball form with no assist i don't want any assists on this don't steal my idea no i came up with this from seeing somebody say pizza ball yeah it's not a pizza plan a stick damn it it's just a pizza ball thank you somebody understands my vision how do you get bananas put the pizza ball in your wallet where are her bananas wait a minute wait a minute i'm remembering brain blast i'm getting a brain blast she has like her own entire section on this level i think but i have no banana coins i think i need one more banana coin to get her gun i think the best topping for pizza ball would be banana peppers that's a good idea see the thing about pizza ball and i didn't want to say this before i wanted to wait for all the investors to leave chat before i talked about this but toppings are going to be hard to get on the pizza ball because it's it's a ball so a lot of them are gonna fall off so we're gonna kind of glue them on there oh we can get guns there we go the feather bow it's just two bananas put it inside it oh yeah but that's too much work [Music] i guess we could just put them inside like you bite to the middle of the pizza ball and it's just like 30 pepperonis in there people would definitely eat that a tapping fountain nathan i don't know what the [ __ ] that means but that sounds like potentially a good idea dip the ball in a topping fountain i still have no idea what the hell that means it's actually making less sense the more i think about it but i think that is the direction we're gonna go definitely thinking tapping the fountain is a good idea pizza balls exist no they don't we came up with this just now pizza balls exist i'm looking this up pizza ball here i'm on the pizza ball website [Music] how does it play that song on the pizza ball website all right i'm seeing i am seeing actually all right looks like some kind of clown trying to horn in on her idea see this is ridiculous though who is this the new joker it's too big it's too big you can't market this he didn't even make it right and this is where we're gonna make the money we're gonna make this the right proportion now when i was saying pizza ball i was thinking it would be one third of that size see what i'm saying one third of that size that's too big we don't make any money on this and why does it say this song on the website [Music] explain that all right back to the game [Music] now this will bounce me i'm going little mode oh look how little i am here i go i'm so little i almost beat this game now i'm going big [Music] these guys don't know [ __ ] about me oh whoa what you can slow down the aiming holy [ __ ] that would have been nice to know about like 30 years ago pizza cube yeah there you go choosing salt now that's not as thinking outside of the box see what i'm saying get it thinking outside of the box that can be the tag we can market this think outside the box pizza cube piece of bar such old fashion that's so truly uh truly very lame no guys don't make it more complicated [Music] stop making it look pizza cube is good and cool people are amazed by donkey i love you are you a big fan thank you robot thank you david now i'm in tiny kong's seashell hut this is cool this is like a shiny seashell in here how did they do this this is like such a fancy effect to have tell mr papa john to activate pizza cube mode this reflective stuff oh my god it's a big ass skater i'm the best pizza shaped pizza no that's just pizza pizza shell no guys no no no more pizza ideas we need other we need to branch out we draw them in with the pizza cube you guys are thinking and a lot of your ideas to be honest you have to think about our margins we need a food that is not necessarily food but can be sold at a food price like sand does anybody here like to eat a sand pie is that a good idea pizza jeans what do you mean you don't like sand guys to put the profit on sand if we can sell sand as a food this will be one of the best businesses to [Music] free i'll pick the plan of this [Music] all right i need to get the camera look at all this film rolls just giving me i forget how that works you have to like take a picture of the fairy or something sand man would sandman would make a fortune that's true oh i gotta go in here i gotta go in there i can just go in there without even shrinking just crawling there go ahead why is tiny calling so small [Music] idiot dad destroys kids mousepad is that a famous video that was it all right how many bananas do i got now okay four out of five all right that's pretty good but now we gotta switch to chonkycon [Music] minecraft youtubers told you to eat sand you would why are you saying that squid is it because you want me to partner up with all the minecraft youtubers from my restaurant and do uh promos with them [Music] because that's what i'm thinking i'm gonna do that see if dream will do a commercial telling uh see let's try to gauge how he feels about telling kids to eat sand see if you would be cool with that [Music] dream-shaped pizza all right now with this guy this is my favorite car look how much power he is look at this you're not going to get a more powerful car than this [Music] look at the power [Music] uh what happens if he jumps off a cliff let's find out nothing is invincible look at this [Laughter] the swimming animations in this game are the best this game has the best swimming animations of any game i've yet to see somebody do better swimming animations in this [Music] flight time is your tap on your top ten movies me too that's a classic it's such a classic movie oh wait a minute i think i got a new top 10 movies how is he gonna get up here he's too big you'll never make it up there oh this is messed up there's no chunky kong every kong gets a little pad but chunky kong doesn't that's love you don [Music] he can pick up boulders with relative ease oh oh my god oh my god he can pick up a boulder with relative ease thank you homie and native if joker wasn't donkey kong what would his power be if you pick joker you get funny jokes but watch out for his joker poke if joker was in donkey kong what would his power be all right let's get good [Music] i don't have this five where's the five the joker poke is him shooting a gun yep that's true there he goes you want to see my pencil move remember when he says that let me see what i can do with a pencil that's the joker poke [Music] where did they put all the chunky coins [Music] there's three now would they be so evil to put his coins up thank you here your buddy thank you cebu oh [Music] [Music] that's true that's his one fatal flaws that he can't find do his far jump why is it like that there we go oh here's this button there we go [Music] banana go chunky go go go go this part was so hard for me as a kid because i had no like i could not figure out how to get to where i need to get to oh i love this for me that's such a good swap all right i got this i got this oh [ __ ] oh wait oh [Music] how the [ __ ] do you do that [Music] how do you make it up here you gotta get to the two jesus what the [ __ ] who do they think i am running running kong what am i running for it's a [ __ ] joke i need this gun this is a bunch of bananas for me to get all right all right i got this i got a plan this time i got a plan first i only move with this this makes you go faster see now flap flap flap flap here we go boom here's the two bam check me out check this out see don't go in the barrel where's the door where's the door got it oh that's how you beat the game what does chunky kong's power do should i get his powers good i'll get this good the pineapple aren't you looking good chunky [Music] he consumes bonus with relativity [Music] he should do underneath [Music] slam the x think you need like a special power i think you need like a special banana slam at a slam or something [Music] who says this who says this chunky does yeah that's a true gamer [Music] i wonder if french people say upload do they say more stuff from donkey kong maybe they say other stuff too like welcome to bonus stage babe do french people go that's kind of the same thing how the [ __ ] do you do this this is impossible how am i even doing this what the hell is this the starfish is hitting me i can do this i can do this this is so [ __ ] weird all right i win [Music] oh wait i need a banana [Music] slam the x without a power-up nothing will happen finish the game raid who is that who's raiding us [Music] watch out guys watch out they're ratings [Music] quit the game now the anime girl is raiding us watch out guys anime girls anime girl is raiding us what am i doing [Music] thank you enemy thank you for the rain oh wait look this does do something i know that would work hello uncle dunk i'm hoping you have a fantastic day thank you tv abraham lincoln tv's most famous actor love you donkey chunky kind of went to hell i'm in here chunky kong is in hell i'm in hell oh get your banana chunky card i know i shouldn't have went down in this pit i went to hell thank you oh this is a pretty scary game you're in the scary factory now we're in hell now this thing look at how scary that thing is shouldn't lanky be in hell why should monkey kong be an l what did he do [Music] why is lanky kong in here chucky get off the rope stop no don't go to the next rope get off the rope no don't go to that rope no get no get down don't go to the rope no chunky get out of hell chunky chucky can't handle hell all right all right i'm leaving i'm leaving here [Music] tiny cone coins all right okay you guys want to hear my donkey kong impression i want us to hit my donkey kong all right here i go you guys ready here i go turn your volume all the way up volume all the way up for this i do this good okay that was me do the real one okay real one going in that's my other one i got two versions that one can be a little scary if you're not ready [Music] i love your videos and your streams glad i can support one of my favorite creators thank you [Music] are you allowed to cry tears of fear uh yeah [Music] that's what we need khan another golden banana for you who painted the do you think it was chunky who wins the nba playoff this year oh chicago bowls definitely definitely a famous team [Music] pause the game you gotta go pee all right [Music] what i didn't pause long enough how long do you need to pee yeah i'll do it one more time all right now i'm going to monkey kong island get the camera nhl well nhl i don't know if i can name a single nhl team i'm gonna say the bruins will win i'm gonna go with bruins on that [Music] is the bruins actually a hockey team because then we'll win if that is that's team yeah i'll win yep see that's how you know it's a good team [Music] hey donkey my dude i love you that's my favorite goal this morning i don't know there was a huge tremor and it scared my banana fairy so much that they panicked and flew away i reward anyone who manages to find them all and bring them back to me please help me i don't know what's happening calm down mrs ferry blame for things i didn't do is somebody singing the donkey kong song the only way to catch my banana fairies is by trapping them inside a special banana skin photograph banana skin photograph take my magical camera huh so i just got like 10 powers okay i can do this what the hell is that all right so now this is like pokemon snap it's like monkey monkey [Music] am i right on my right all right let's get out of here i just gotta i just have to trap the banana fairies inside within the banana skin photo oh look at this a little secret wow i might beat this today [Music] pretty much beating it already look at that look at the beautiful donkey kong island [Music] lanky kong lives on the ear donkey kong livestream just thought of a super funny comment cranky there are eight levels oh [ __ ] i'm going to the second one i think i can go to four levels now happy to see sonic team got their gosh darn poop together to make a great videos game like this years later whoa what is that hey tiny that's a special coin you've picked up oh that's a good way i should use chunky card for that [Music] no it gives five coins to each kong what that's insane [Music] see this game is a lot easier than banjo two banjo-tooie i would have to go through like uh a four-hour thing to get one coin [Music] this game is just giving me five coins in every car up i got this guys don't worry look at this this is cool huh don't worry i get i get to the zone i'm pretty sure i can just take a warp pad here but this is funny all right all right here we go [Music] let's just take the uh let's just take the work pad all right all right here we are [Music] am i presenting an award for e3 this year [Music] funniest game i'm presenting the funniest whoever makes the funniest game for e3 i give a big award to what do you do here you need chunko yeah we need chunko oh chunko's gotta get big i bet he has a big mode yeah he's gonna have a big mode definitely [Music] all right now let's see what's the deal oh they have five bananas in the hub world small is best for tiny when she can read it [Music] squid please don't say tiny kong's arches up here or six [Music] tiny kong is not on the hottest donkey kong characters list [Music] now lanky khan that's a different story [Music] what a price to pay what a price to pay look at this i'm gonna have so much of these coins now that i have this power look at that i got enough coins for the rest of life i gotta stop playing this game now i already got enough coins blunder is a member of the brother bears family in donkey kong country 3 dixie comes double trouble blunder's booth is found on the overworld map to the left of krimwood forest blunder is the least involved in the overall item [Music] all right so apparently there's a guy called blunderbeer i think if if the rumor is true that there's a donkey kong game i think that's the show stuff donkey kong one through 63 already i think that's gonna be the big reveal for nintendo [Music] ask the game where you're gonna go okay they won they beat out uh brain age age of ultron now look at this little kremlin head what's the point of going small here this just this just makes the enemy huge oh i can still kill him okay [Music] i remember being congo sopranos game yeah if they do a sopranos game that would be a big reveal what's an older tv show breaking bad i think they'll do a breaking bad game the wire don't do what the the wire game [Music] building grace game that could be good it could be like a third person [Music] what i really hope though is that we see the new madden this year i just want to see what the new man will be like i think a lot of people benny thanks for letting me subscribe watch this what am i what am i what's the challenge playing like music like i'm getting challenged right now okay all of one color go in here [Music] music is playing like like this is a challenge [Music] oh all right that was the challenge [Applause] i'm pretty good at this game why am i still small [Music] all right all right i'm out of here i'm out of the zone all right now we're going back in there as lanky kong this time and thank you nikki there he gets pissed off you don't want to see this guy angry look at him look at what he's doing [Music] already [Music] your instruments awesome oh i already ha wait here's the trombone who is the triangle chunky don't say boobah guys don't say boober this is no booba allowed in my stream i'm the first streamer to not allow i'm going down in history as the first streamer to not allow booba no don't say sexy khan don't say that no don't say booby don't say boob key i'm the first streamer in history i will have to check that movie out smiley face i'm the first to say no booba this is what i go down in the history books for they'll look up in the dog teach this in school someday donkey he was the first streamer to say no blue button [ __ ] now check this [ __ ] check out what i got here wait i don't have the damn instrument yet we gotta go back to the [ __ ] booby gorilla oh my god he's got a triangle [Music] she has a picture at donkey kong wait is candy kong in the show is that the one who cuts his hair she looks different in this game [Music] all right here we go here we go play the thing yeah this kills everywhere see how i killed him get that banana what this is [ __ ] what is this oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is like being inside of a pizza cube i could have spawn kill okay i'll just do that oh we got a wise guess we're gonna wind this here i did it inception ripped this off that's true oh inception did kind of ripped us off i have deal i feel like there is chunky treasure this way for some reason i have a chunky sentence because i look like chunky kong in real life no it's not here oh my god thank you for being ash i see you watching me trying to be like you know me oh this is a monkey who's purple that's tiny tiny kong's room thank you evan [Music] please don't say chunky kong has that chunky please don't say anything like that you guys you're ruining the game if you say that [Music] this guy only eats green bananas this guy is a real sicko they're not even ripe yet [Music] oops [Music] what is this gonna be [Music] this is gonna be some kind of an impossible challenge hit this hit this like this no don't throw it there okay plus plus marks the spot oh no do the grenades blow it up no they don't know [Music] these guys wants to throw grenades who wants to throw grenades at me huh are you wet who's doing that [ __ ] boom he's out of there he's out of there hold still you're out of there okay back to business [ __ ] all right now this i gotta take over here i got this i got this almost done with the game guys i almost beat it just need one more banana i think can i win [Music] [Music] this game is unbeatable that's what they always said that's what they always said until i played [Music] thank you criminal i just hope that all those bones didn't come out from come from jail [Music] look at this scary face in there is why this is one of the best horror [Music] games i've perfected another potion it'll give you big mouth hunky chunky oh i can get another power i can get two powers primate punch all you understand is brute force chunky so this should be perfect for you that is true chunky that is all you understand [Music] look at this look at this you guys don't know how to do skips like that this is where i'm gonna be the first person to beat this game listen to the music oh he doesn't even get slower run speed he's just still as fast look at him go look at how fast he is holy [ __ ] hey what how come it went down cue this is awesome oh my god wait put it down put the boulder down chunky there you go yeah look at how much power this is yeah get kill these gators kill that dude all right why did the thing go down again i put the boulder on the thing why why is it why no why is this up here now chunky do it right this time don't worry guys i get this i get this there welcome to survive the onslaught you were hit that made him cry welcome to bonus stage oh thank you roberts thank you for the win i gotta just get [Music] this [Music] this is a fun [Music] face face get ready [Music] oh all right [Music] now what am i doing here we left all these bananas out in the desert [Music] oh this thing this thing is oh this no wait not that thing there's a really scary part on this one it's like a horror game this is going to scare a lot of people who just came in from the raid all those people are going to get spooked off when they see this part a lot of people don't know this is a horror game this whole pyramid here is the scariest [ __ ] in the whole world how do i activate it this thing will give you nightmares scarier than resident evil yep this this whole building is scarier than resident evil this is like the mansion from resident evil pretty much i don't even know how you get inside i think you have to fly to the top with diddy maybe thank you back again all right i'm gonna go up there you guys will see you guys think i'm playing right now but when i get in there you'll be like don't you wish i wish you actually give more of a warning here we go donkey kong hill oh [ __ ] it's already scary it's already scary that wasn't the scary part though that was just this is just unrelated that's not no that's not the scary part when he said that there's a scarier part not this thing there's just much scarier part coming does he like peanuts this isn't the scary part this is just feeding this guy peanuts [Music] it's hard to time this there you go okay now it's opening up this is the scary zone look at this a lot of people are gonna have to leave because they can't they're not gonna be able to handle this think of resident evil baby part but even scarier all right i don't remember if this is scary at all actually it might not be [Music] this is [ __ ] scary [Music] uh where's the crank listen to the scariest music i told you guys this is a horror game this was like the classic back in n64 you just put like this music and mario and donkey kong they gotta bring that back they gotta bring back the severe tonal shift see see it's gonna shoot me i only have 20 seconds to get out or it shoots me [ __ ] am i going the right way okay okay i told you it's scary it goes to get out and he's going to shoot you if you don't make it out in time i told you guys this is the scariest game when you're a little kid and you don't know how to get like anywhere you can't you have like no perception of like place that's so horrifying i guarantee i'm not even gonna i'm gonna get caught on one of these it's so confusing to memorize the whole maze it's gonna be like a super long ass base i guarantee what happened to these guys we just gotta get past this scary part then it goes back to the funny part actually the level after this is kind of scary and i think there's actually a very very scary one later too also [Music] i think it just keeps getting scarier actually but there's funny parts too maybe all right here we go thank you plural i'm getting set i'm getting shot at don't shoot donkey kong oh [ __ ] oh no all right i'm i'm out the castle was insanely scary yeah the castle was really tense the castle is that it's what we just played but that over like a mid hour duration it's just an hour of like a timer counting down and like scary [ __ ] happening it's just like super nerve-racking not an hour i swear it's an hour i think you can get like an hour if you get all the blueprints or whatever it's really long it's really long and and it was too scary i never beat this game i always got to that part and i had to stand because it was too intense but this time i'm not scared of this game anymore so i'm gonna oh too scary i'm leaving check this trick out can you do a hanky impression i can do lanky [Music] look at this how the hell do you hit this hey again i don't think they got the band yellow for this game [Music] [Music] wait a minute you gotta go in the maze then do this big bug bash this is uh this is mario paint swat the flies this is mario paint except you don't get a mouse all right that was easy [Music] but wait what if i get shot get out i kind of want to see what happens if you get shot like what would even happen if it shoots me honestly because lanky will just deflect the bullet all right i'll leave uh right this is like some look at how little this little walkway is and then you're supposed to like be able to shoot this thing on top of it come on now right that's not big enough [Music] all right let's do this you can shoot it from the ground yeah you could but what if you want to shoot it from up there [Music] we [Music] [Music] i do the wasps [ __ ] limes well that's because and this goes back to the this is all built into the show you would know if you watched the show all right now tiny kong is not my favorite kong i'm gonna be honest and she's only in this game she's donkey kong she's a dk 64 explosive so i'm not really too attached to this character so i wouldn't mind just having a gun shoot her i guess we'll leave but what is the point of these little barrels here she's in dk country three no she isn't she's in diddy kong racing i don't think that's true either is she i feel like she's not in anything i feel like she's not even in this game when you'd be honest about it so this is just a film roll room she's in diddy kong racing on the ds [Music] she's diddy's wife i don't think that's right oh yeah here did thanks for the content did that work we got to get a pic with you at pax south all those years ago thank you [Music] thank you lane for the bones okay now what am i doing i got the fairy what is the fairy grant you need does that just give you a golden banana i love you there's a tall tiny coin that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense [Music] thank [Music] glad you liked it how you doing why am i so bad oh my god i'm not i'm really good [Music] i haven't died once this could be the world record on this [Music] i'm actually really good when you think about it whoa what's this look at this huh i'm bad i'm bad at the game then explain this i'm bad at the game huh and i can do this oh but i'm bad at the game oh but i'm not good huh not good at the game then how do i do this exactly exactly now watch this boom first shot look at this how do i know there's buried treasure here how did i know to burp on the dirt to get the buried treasure [ __ ] hit him chucky punch him chunky punch him hit him no don't get killed chunky no punch him no hit him no that doesn't kill him draw your name there you go explain that if i'm so bad explain this huh chunky kong is the most bloodthirsty of all the cars when he brings out his gun he goes oh wait i like this i like this animation this is nice welcome to bonus stage kremling cash hit as many kremlings as you can i know the red ones are worth ten all right all right now chunky he looks like he can absorb a [ __ ] doesn't he look like he could just take the shot and not die from it i'm pretty sure chunky can just get shot and he'll be fine let's see what happens because what if something really funny happens when it shoots you i don't want to miss out on the funniness let's just wait around let's just see what happens [Music] oh he's playing with a little butterfly see i knew he'd be fine all right he's powerful [Laughter] chunk is too powerful for this game give a [ __ ] about shoot him in the head that's why they banned them from counter-strike okay all right so i got all chunkies i got all the donkey kong missing the blueprints on these guys so that's all i'm missing on this level is blueprints i wonder where their blueprints are at oh i have an idea i have an idea where's the barrel i just came up with an amazing idea i'm gonna traverse this donkey kong only zone with diddy kong using the jet pick it's never been done before nobody's ever attempted to do this because they know nobody is skilled enough but only i am skilled enough to be able to do this check out my id here i'm going through i'm going through hey just [ __ ] this is dumb i did it perfect come on you guys saw that that was [ __ ] i did it exactly right i had the i had all the head it all down perfect i was robbed tiny khan what's she gonna do all right i'll do a tiny kung banana the ddi the d the d the why the d the i that it's diddy hold up it's diddy that is crazy thank you for that i didn't know there was any raptors in the chat thank you coward i didn't know there was a lot of different famous rappers watching this squawk what do you think i am an eagle you're far too heavy for me tiny [Music] oh i see [Music] now can you guys see what i'm supposed to do here [Music] can anybody see where i go [Music] all right go go here we go where's he taking to the tent whoa oh [ __ ] i remember this this is i'm pretty sure this is the hardest part of the game by like tenfold pretty sure this is like significantly harder than beating the donkey kong arcade cabinet he can punch her okay [Music] so i need 50 coins and i have to win the race i think is the idea how do you pass her up okay there we go there we go [Music] i hope this was a long race because i'm not getting any coins right now what the [ __ ] [Music] what what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here go go this is gonna be insane this is gonna be insane all right i have every coin so far i just have to not die when i get to the dive part [Music] okay so you have to jump also okay okay no no she's catching up i got this i got this jesus christ [Music] am i winning does she get game up on me all right just two more coins two more boom don't know what is this what am i racing a beetle why does she have a thanos helmet hello mr donkey i have been watching your videos for a long time and they are funny [Music] all right i got to check out this [Music] jesus all right all right here we go here we go look at this look at this i'm learning all the whoa that's a nice skip i saw if i can just bounce up the [ __ ] falling off the cliff thing all right all right i got this this is all just for one banana if she touches you you lose coins who came up with this evil ass thing this is like 30 this is significantly harder than the minecart part look at the [ __ ] air time on the jump all right this partners have the best slides and i'm not even lying golden eye needs more slide levels yeah golden i should have a slide [Music] i will say this this works better than the slides from sonic games this part i hate this okay here we go [Music] okay now don't fall off the ledge go go go go go go how did she get so far ahead what the [ __ ] is that i was ahead the whole race i was ahead the whole race by so far what is this who came up with this part all right i got this i got this oh my god i just gotta gun it all the way down i wish there was a i wish you could drift around those corners i bet you can [ __ ] [ __ ] you're freaking amazing dunk simply the best of the best no 2020 victory 2020 victory 2020 victory 2020 victory thank you scrambler and have this all right i got this i got this i can't i can't lose to this beetle i'm pretty sure this beetle has now replaced k rool as the main villain thank you i'm beating this stupid ass people i hate this whoa what the [ __ ] huh [Music] what the [ __ ] was it i'm never gonna beat this this is insane you get like so much momentum going down the slide if the slide like overlapped like in mario 64 it could probably just jump to the end in like one second [Music] all right all right slide how do you go down that fast there's got to be some trick to go down the spiral part faster alright i got this i got this right wait wait wait i'm going a little faster here is that bounced off if you like bounce off the ball that gives you speed no all right i'm just gonna play i'm just gonna play it all safe and when i get to the bottom i'm just gonna punch the beetle i'm just gonna punch her in the head maybe that will do something good i'm just gonna gun it all the way down [Music] i got this i got this this is my moment this is my chance to win wait i took the wrong path oh that's not good that's not good that's gonna hurt my coins all right i think i'm at a spiral park oh this is a bumpered spiral though i could just gun it down this okay as long as the bumpers are oh [Music] [ __ ] i don't have enough coins go okay okay puncher puncher [Music] i win i win all that for one banana [Music] all right so that's how you get the beetle slide banana i just want to skip that one thank you crumpsley thank you for all the bones okay [Music] i didn't cheat i won fair and square you can punch the beetle it's a punching allowed punching a loud race so if it's okay to punch the beetle [Music] yeah the beetle punches you if you don't punch the beetle punch you all right i think i got all the powers on this level i don't know what else there is to do i think i'm just gonna get out of this level man that beetle never stood a chance so right now i'm under the i'm under the info that you need a hundred golden bananas to win the game i have 54. so i'm halfway through i guess is that how it works [Music] and i've only really played the first two levels the third level i've played a little i guess so i pretty much beat the game already without even playing any of the levels wait i have diddy kong's mango jump his uh where's his uh his uh you know there's 200 in total i think you only need 100 a window right i need a thing i need a thing i need this spring bounce ah chunky [ __ ] can go in here [Music] oh wait where's chunky kong's barrel even [Music] am i being scammed let's put chunky in we need a chunky barrel [Music] huh maybe tiny can get to that [Music] let's try this [Music] here we go with this this is easy swat the flies hit eight flash okay this is this one is a little harder i got this done yep i'm one of the big donkey kong please [Music] now everybody keep your eyes peeled for the chunky barrel [Music] you never know where it's gonna show up [Music] what color is the controller gray nintendo 64. controlling gray great content keep doing one actually [Music] yellow just changed my mind the controller is yellow thank you admiral i'm damn glad you're content with this [Music] content huh that's all that unlocks this better be a good hand i had to do all that just to get a hint match the symbols and put the jugs on the podiums yeah i already did that okay does banjo-tooie have any hint system like that i was always so confused in banjo-tooie what to do next [Music] [Music] [Music] squawk why do you have that banana we need lankycom here there is no secret sex scene in this what are you saying listen [Music] there's no secret wait the boulder is back how do you this dumbass game this game sucks i gotta go turn into this look at this [ __ ] they're making me do look at this look at how stupid this game is go to this [Music] go through the teleporter [Music] switch over to make [Music] if the boat is back i'm gonna be so mad okay [Music] huh where the hell is that all right thank you squawks for spawning a barrel on a place that i don't know where that is i wonder if there's any more levels up here oh what's this little x out here there's like an x platform press the power off button on the console for the secret sex scene okay donkey what is a good video game that doesn't seem to do anything actually that just turns the game off oh wait secret sex move no that's just yeah that just turns the console off oh wait a minute [Music] every now and again was that it ah that was a cool secret scene [Music] all right i'm going back to this scary factory oh wait this is a new level this isn't even the factory this is a brand new level i'll try this new this is the water level [Music] is donkey kong gonna have a good water level [Music] he sucks he has no power he has no power grace what's this tiny car barrel gonna do oh she's gotta go through this cranky hasn't taught chunky to press switches yet donkey kong learned to pull levers i misunderestimated those kongs their progress and that's unexpected i trust the blastomatic will soon be ready to be activated my men are all lazy he's lying sorry he was always sleeping that's such a good storyline gloomy galleon all right horror level here we go now this is definitely where you want the camera to not be doing what is that whatever it's doing right now okay that's nice that's nice that you can look while you're swimming see now this is kind of [ __ ] up to open this room i had to be chunky kong but in the room they put tiny kong's money come on come on now what is that it's all tiny kong stuff in here and there's a donkey kong balloon for some reason [Music] i guess you need to be a tiny car to get in here all right did i see what tiny kong looks like when she gets older she gets smaller she actually gets smaller look at how much health this guy has holy [ __ ] oh my god kill him kill him chunky yeah all right i'm going this way pirate [ __ ] all right all right let's see what's up here some bullets you can go in the ship this level is going to be enormous okay so i can throw grenades while i'm upside down on my head that's good to know this guy's [ __ ] here oh my god oh my god oh what you can throw grenades in first person that's good to know where'd the melon go all right whatever so this is the puzzle for mario 64. obviously right what do you do punch him yeah it's a banana fairy where'd she go i gotta capture your soul hands hold still got her soul [Music] [Music] chunky kong can't experience true love yeah they all get balanced out somehow he's the most strong so he can't get through though let's balances out otherwise he would be too strong how would you pick any of the other kong stones that guy just blows himself up this level is ass i'm hearing i'm hearing poor reviews for this level what's the new power this is gonna be a good power come on chunky you don't get no powers all right [Music] it says i have 24 coins what the heck i got 24 green coins i need 15 more than that [Music] what that what [Music] look i got 24 banana coins maybe it's like showing me that i collected 24 coins i don't actually have that many to spend [Music] banana medals oh i need 15 banana medals isn't that to unlock the jet pack game thank you mega heads how many different collectibles are there well there's bananas grenades fruits gems banana coins film roll then there's a collectible that uh gets your instruments up you need instrument juice then there's golden bananas melons get your health up there's also blueprints and banana medals that's what this is there's also five golden bananas for each monkey on each level then also this you gotta get these fairies with the camera and also you gotta get the nintendo coin and uh and the boss keys and the crowns i guess you need these crowns also but once you get those oh big lighthouse it's playing scary music is there gonna be like a big horrible monster in here or something [Music] uh oh i see uh i see the swordfish oh do you get the swordfish in this i don't ever remember getting that i don't remember anything about this level i don't think i've ever played this level [Music] um [Music] down he goes what is what's the point of this oh here we um oh all right all right here we go here we go oh oh this is a big ass tower oh [Music] all right i got this i got this this time yeah this is the tower of hell oh kind of looked like i was going to grab on to that and then and then he did all right this time though i get this this time i get it i never fall on this part twice or three times see that wasn't a fall that wasn't actually a fall so it only counts as a fall if you take damage don't worry guys i got this here we go here we go boom that's a very easy part now to pull this lever yep that's gonna turn the lighthouse on yeah and that opens there so the pirate so the treasure yeah okay this level is pretty cool [Music] the lighthouse lured it out it's true it's all true i didn't mean to do that but all right now guys it sounds like this hurts donkey kong but he likes this actually just don't listen to the screams just ignore those oh [Music] you're just listening to the audio and it smells like torture no he's no he's doing good monkey he likes to happen look at this there's a secret way if i blast onto this thing watch boom if you blast up there you get a million dollars this is a million dollar show i just gotta make this game watch boom million dollars okay that's nothing you're not supposed to go there at all what happens when you activate robocop mode oh you don't want to see that you don't want to trust me you don't every other twitch stream don't have to shut it down once that goes on that's kind of like they'll play that for the end credits of twitch when twitch is over there's a website don't activate robocop robocop mode i don't know if i'm going the right way or not it all kind of just looks identical but donkey kong is loving it thank you thank you for your great tortellini recipe it made my year hey i'm glad you like the tortellini what what huh that one not that one not this one this one that's how you win [Music] and that lets the seal out of the cage yeah and he's a pirate that makes sense this all makes sense [Music] wait i don't get a banana that's [ __ ] actually [Music] what's the deal with this pirate ship how do i get on this i guess you gotta be diddy khan [Music] let's just oh wait barrel banana where did where he goes dang it come back come back [Music] all right i got this i got this now watch this [Music] it's the swordfish huh how do you get the swordfish this is a big ass level holy [ __ ] okay there's the underwater beehive this is a cave oh can we get an update on dream well dream put out a really good song i heard i heard you just put out a really good song i'm gonna have to give it a listen scared if you're gonna pick [Music] fantano gave dream song i hate what he gave minus seven and he gave dream song at eight this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] we can't no we can't donkey army we can't take this standing we get one last point in dream song that's [ __ ] up that's so [ __ ] up [Music] this is gonna start a big huge drum chucky no don't don't donkey nation rising can we get you to do your famous funny and guard the swordfish voice that you always do i do my on guard swordfish voice but i have to transform into him [Music] i'm a character actor i need to be playing against him to know what he would sound like if i'm not immersed in the role it won't be authentic all right well i'm confused what to do i did see a button on this thing that lowers the water level i think what is the point of this that lowered it by like three inches what's the point of that good luck on this minecraft speedrun among us wednesdays are my favorite [Music] i can get on the ship now no wait now i can't even get up there though i can't even make it under the platform now i have to go find like a teleporter [Music] it's really hard to see in this level the camera is insanely bad on this level all right chunky go over there 24 hour among us stream tomorrow yes that's true i am doing that there's the cage that i let the seal out of where's the seal whatever happened to the seal storyline [Music] all right i can make it onto this [ __ ] chunky corn you ass i am so lost this level is bigger than any level has ever been made ever i'm pretty sure i need like a power or something to turn [Music] this is just back to where i was before okay yeah i do need the power of a man that would be useful wait wait wait this thing look at this i don't have that this thing will bring me here [Music] see how good i am now i just gotta wait for the boat to go around for like an hour gotta get the box with the swordfish with lanky kong why lanky kong all right i'll go get swordfish with blankie come on how am i gonna review my uncle hello my name is brian i am in donkey basement the next movie i review is gonna be uh all right and you need diddy kong all right you know this that's i think that's gonna be it for tonight i think that's a good place to end for tonight alright guys i'm gonna go eat a streamer dinner go by everybody [Music] okay [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 70,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hZdiQx2yshM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 23sec (11063 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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