Every Banjo Tooie World RANKED

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Hey everyone, I recently replayed Banjo Tooie and decided to do a ranking of all the worlds. I don't love every level, but there's definitely more good than bad, and it's worth playing if you've never tried it.

Let me know what you think and let me know how you'd rank the levels of Banjo Tooie!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SEAProductions 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
banjo-tooie is one of the most ambitious sequels of a video game ever created from the sheer size of its worlds to the increased complexity of its missions this n64 title pulls out all the stops to try and create a universe that is bigger bolder and better than its legendary predecessor by expanding on the excellent framework that banjo-kazooie created banjo-tooie manages to capture the spirit of the original while developing its own unique identity that's as polarizing as sequels get while it may not have the universal acclaim that its precursor enjoys its creatively thematic levels are so densely packed with content that fans are still debating which world is number one even 20 plus years later so today we will explore each level and try to give our own answer to which world is best and which world is worst welcome to every banjo-tooie world ranked [Music] [Music] before i get into what makes grunty industries the worst of the worlds in banjo-tooie i want to first talk about some of the areas where it succeeds weldar the boss of grunty industries is among the best fights in the game and my personal pick for the world's best jiggy turning into a washing machine is a nice bit of fan service for fans of banjo-kazooie who remember the easter egg that would pop up in mumbo's hut occasionally and stands out as the game's most memorable transformation although it can be easy to get lost in i respect how interconnected grunty industries is by the time you reach the end with numerous ways to move between each floor and i love how its music track conveys the mundanity of factory life with slow brooding notes that have a hint of danger sprinkled into the background however that's just about where my positives end as i can honestly say this is one level i actively dislike grunty industries can be best described as annoying as many of the ideas they try to implement are frustrating and time consuming more than anything else whether it's the endless backtracking as you search for batteries as banjo and bunnies as the washing machine cleaning up crud in the first person breagal blasting section we're constantly having to deal with getting caught by security cameras this six world has a way of getting under your skin for example grundy industries is the only world in which you can't actually do anything but press a switch upon first entry almost immediately you were forced to backtrack to a previous train station that you visited and only after you've hitched a ride inside does the level truly begin it's unnecessary and pads out a level that's already the longest in the game another poor decision made by grunty industries includes forcing the player to exit the quality control room for each time a toxic barrel is hit when going for the conveyor belt jiggy it ruins an otherwise fine mission by wasting time for seemingly no reason they easily could have had kazooie just lose some health for each toxic barrel hit which would have severely cut down on the amount of time spent running back and forth between rooms while also allowing players more opportunities to succeed instead the toxic gas that floods the room with each mistake rapidly drains kazooie's health and will quickly kill her if she doesn't leave immediately this is especially annoying because it highlights how pointless dying in banjo-tooie is to begin with as the lie system from banjo-kazooie is long gone and because none of your collectibles are reset upon death dying only serves to aggravate by making you trek back to where you were from the start of the level i don't know if it's because of the lame leg spring ability learned here by kazooie or the fact that you must come back for three jiggies when going for 100 but i just don't see a lot to love about banjo-tooie6 world i could honestly spend an entire video talking about the many issues of grunty industries because of the way this world grinds the flow of gameplay to a halt in a lot of ways it's surprising that this isn't the final world in the game due to how complex it is but i'm glad it isn't because it gave banjo-tooie a chance to recover so as to not end on such a low note if you're a fan of grunting industries i would honestly love to hear why you enjoy it because if not for the moves learned in this stage it would be a world i would skip entirely which is why i've placed it at the bottom of my list [Music] the title of most polarizing world in banjo-tooie has to go to the game's water level jolly rogers lagoon while most people generally agree that the world is on par with any other stage in the game thematically the divisive underwater gameplay is what makes this a prime example of a world that you will either love or hate for some the ability to explore a vast underwater world without fear of losing air is a dream come true as you plunder for treasure and battle deep sea monsters for others the sluggish controls of the water-based gameplay and lack of distinct visuals make exploring a frustrating and confusing process as you stumble around the underwater caverns trying to find your way unfortunately despite appreciating jolly roger's lagoon's strengths i tend to fall into the second camp and feel this stage kills a lot of the momentum banjo-tooie had built up through its first three worlds what makes jolly rogers lagoon so disappointing is how impressed i was by the stage initially before its massive size and slow moving pace wore me down not only is the seaside town you start in one of the most charming areas in the game but the discovery of an entire underwater city is among the coolest surprises in any level both areas have terrific songs that create different but equally immersive atmospheres that capture the best aspects of life by the water each section is filled with rare references that help give the stage personality like discovering the developers names on the sunken lockers or helping tipped up the turtle from diddy kong racing and of all the worlds in banjo-tooie jolly roger's lagoon's cast of non-playable characters is among the most memorable to interact with but the gameplay is easily my least favorite in the game with much of the level requiring the use of kazooie's sub-aqua aiming to progress whether it's fighting off fish to protect the pig named crispy bacon destroying the teeth of the giant orange fish with grenade eggs or any of the other various uses throughout the underwater section it's a frustrating ability with poor controls much like the airborne egg ability the fact that you're constantly moving makes it more challenging to aim with kazooie's oversensitive sight coupled with a camera that moves too slow to keep up with you when you're turning and aiming becomes a disorienting experience movement in general is also not fast enough underwater as even with the knowledge of how to swim fast it feels like it takes forever to maneuver to where you need to go while the submarine transformation fixes this a large majority of the underwater section requires you to be playing as banjo and kazooie in fact the only jiggy that even requires the submarine is a jiggy earned in one of grunty's many point-based mini-games as you can choose to fight lord woo fuckfuck as the bear and bird if you want to to make matters worse the talon torpedo that you learn with kazooie highlights this lack of speed each time you use it it always feels like a slog to swim with banjo after jetting around at hyper speed with kazooie and have banjo retained even half of that speed jolly roger's lagoon would have been much more pleasant to explore what this amounts to is a level that feels wholly unsatisfying to complete while i understand why this level might bring a lot of nostalgia to people it's hard for me to overlook just how little i enjoyed this world's second half because of jolly roger's lagoon's poor controls and immense size it really highlights the downside of choosing to consolidate the notes into bunches and the mumbo tokens into globos as something that saves a level like clanker's cavern from feeling empty is how you were rewarded for swimming around and exploring the world's various nooks and crannies it would be boring to swim through the large underwater pipes or long winding paths if you weren't being constantly rewarded with collectibles which is how i feel during jolly rogers lagoon and even if the controls were fine and it was just my skill that made the gameplay a chore the fact that three of the 10 jigi's require backtracking is what solidifies this world as one of my least favorite in banjo-tooie [Music] the dinosaur-themed pterodactyl land that serves as banjo-tooie's fifth stage is a level that is too big for its own good likely designed this way to accommodate the gargantuan daddy t-rex transformation found in wumba's wigwam this world's main issue is that it feels empty much like jolly roger's lagoon before it pterodactyl land is hurt not only by the lack of collectibles in the level but by their placement as well too often treasures are lumped together like the two jiggies obtained up in scary terry's nest which creates vast spaces throughout the map where nothing is found while these big open areas certainly fit the prehistoric theme the level is going for they would have been much better off if they served as more than just a backdrop for banjo and kazooie as they travel across the stage sadly pterodactyl land seems determined to have the duo constantly crisscrossing the world to complete tasks almost as a way of showing off its massive scope as much as i enjoy the puzzle of using clockwork kazooie eggs to bypass the rocknut tribe's armor finding them all in this mammoth stage is the most difficult part of the mission similarly locating all the eggs you need to hatch with kazooie can be a chore and has the potential to waste a lot of your time if you're not sure where they are located and even when you know exactly what to do like taking scrap the dino to get cured by mumbo's magic pterodactyl lands missions can seem like they last forever this leads me to my least favorite jiggy in pterodactylland where you must feed burgers to the cavemen in oogle boogle cave the mission starts by having banjo and kazooie head over to mumbo skull to take control of the shaman so that he can use his magic to increase the size of wumba's wigwam you must then head back to mumbos to regain control of banjo and kazooie before heading back to the wigwam to transform into the daddy t-rex afterward you need to travel to oogle boogle cave to scare away the entrance guard with a loud roar before returning to wumba's wigwam once again so you can be turned back into the bear and bird you must then return to oogle boogle cave and melt all the frozen cavemen inside with fire eggs before taking a secret exit to witchy world here you can obtain the junk food they require from al's burgers before returning to the cave to feed each of the three cavemen inside thankfully this can be completed with no backtracking by killing yourself in witchy world to respawn at the pterodactyl land exit but if you weren't privy to that information it means you'll need to come back after you've learned the claw clamber technique in grunty industries if all that seems convoluted for one jiggy that's because it is even though i appreciate banjo-tooie's desire to make its world's objectives more elaborate this level of back and forth is absurd the game also gives you no indication that you have an infinite amount of food to feed the cavemen so if you're like me that means you repeated those last few steps three times each it's frustrating not just because of my mistake but because of how much more streamlined things could have been had you not been forced to transform into the daddy t-rex in the first place not only would it have opened up mumbo for other possibilities but the level's enormous size could have been shrunk all without compromising the core objective of the caveman feeding jiggy as there's no reason the small t-rex couldn't have scared the caveman away considering learning to roar as one of that transformation's tasks in the first place it might seem like i'm harping on one mission too much but it's because it truly illustrates many of the issues that i have with pterodactyl land even with a clever area like the stomping planes and an ingenious egg upgrade that expands the possibilities of puzzles in the game pterodactyl land is a classic example of wasted potential for as excited as i was to become a dinosaur i was disappointed when i realized that its only purpose in either form was to unlock blocked paths and not even in a cool destructive way that you would expect when playing a t-rex pterodactyl land is a world that made me focus on all its negative aspects while making it difficult to appreciate its fitting music track and other fun jiggies which is why it's firmly in the bottom half of banjo-tooie's worlds [Music] maya hem temple is a great example of how rare was able to respect the veteran players returning from banjo-kazooie while also not complicating things too much for those experiencing the series for the first time the simplicity of many of the stage's objectives is perfect to allow those who have played the original some time to adjust to the size and scope of banjo-tooie's worlds while being easy enough to allow new players to get comfortable with all the various features they'll be exposed to despite importing banjo and kazooie's entire moveset from the first title mayaham temple continues to expand the gameplay mechanics to keep things fresh which is also why a majority of the world's jiggies revolve around one specific ability however unlike mumbo's mountain from banjo-kazooie maya'hem temple avoids being a glorified tutorial level thanks to how its size and variety of missions make it feel on par with any of banjo-tooie's other stages jiggies like the one earned for retrieving a stolen treasure from a sleeping caveman showcase maya hems willingness to take the gloves off as it relates to complexity in its missions it requires you to complete a vertical platforming section which sees the use of several of the duo's abilities to reach the top you have to talent trot flat flip deal with enemies while grab gripping use a shock spring jump pad and then finish it all off with a stealth section that requires a surprisingly gentle touch to complete while in reality this is still not a very difficult mission as you can skip most of the platforming if you use the flypad at the beginning of the world it's certainly more involved than any mission found in mumbo's mountain and at least has the possibility of stumping less skilled or experienced players still even with a mission like this in mind there are plenty of extremely easy jiggies to be grabbed like the ones sitting atop and inside the massive temple the world is named after what this amounts to is a balanced level of difficulty that will keep you engaged throughout the opening world but that also hints at the direction the rest of the game will head in features like the warp pads foreshadow how every world will be big and the introduction of mumbo as a third playable character to go along with the wamba transformations show that the gameplay will continue to evolve as banjo-tooie progresses maya hem temple also displays the game's more cinematic nature as compared to banjo-kazooie as there are quite a few npcs to interact with and cut scenes to watch even the game's infamous backtracking is previewed here as all but one jiggy is able to be collected on your first run through the stage which is actually a large part of why i've raided maya hem temple as high as i have what maya hem temple has going for it that levels lower on this list don't have is a sense of flow it feels fluid to jet around the map grabbing all the collectibles you can find and even without the knowledge of what to do or where to go the map's design naturally guides you to important locations you'll need to visit mayhem temple is also not nearly as big as some of manja tui's later levels which makes it easier to quickly explore and commit the world's layout to memory this creates a satisfying sense of completion as you clean up the world's treasures which is a huge component of what made banjo-kazooie the timeless classic that it is ultimately why maya hem temple falls down the list is because it isn't particularly memorable especially in comparison to other banjo-tooie levels bovina the cow and dilbert of the rat aren't exactly iconic characters that spring to mind when thinking of banjo-tooie and the stony transformation is one of the least interesting in the game with no special moves and a painfully slow walking speed the stoney's not very fun to use even when playing the kickball mini-game i also feel that despite doing a good job with the mayan theme its similarities to mumbo's mountain make it harder to stand out compared to the other unique world scene later on mayhem temple is somewhat forgettable in a game filled with polarizing worlds because while it doesn't do anything horribly wrong it also doesn't do anything truly exceptional either in spite of that maya hem temple remains a fine starting world that executes its theme well organically expands on banjo-kazooie's tremendous gameplay and starts banjo-tooie's worlds off on the right foot [Music] among banjo-tooie's best qualities is how it brings to life many unique and creative themes for its worlds glitter gulch mine is a shining example of this as it perfectly emulates all the tropes of a western to create an atmosphere fit for an old timey mine shaft complete with a steam engine a wild west prospector mine cart rides and a heavy emphasis on dynamite glitter gulch mine nails its theme as well as any other level in the game the level's warm and goofy soundtrack help to give the world a friendly welcoming tone while its level design serves to simulate the feeling of spelunking by having you explore many caves and caverns around the mine two jiggies that really epitomize this feeling are the ones earned in the power hut basement and the generator cavern respectively both of these collectibles are found in the darkest parts of the gloomy caverns and encapsulate the feeling of adventure associated with prospecting by requiring banjo and kazooie to navigate treacherous paths that sit atop bottomless pits what helps these jiggys further stand out is how you were given multiple methods of completing them ideally the game would have you light up the generators in the generator cave while splitting banjo and kazooie up in the power hut basement but both methods could be disregarded in favor of simply lighting the path yourself with fire eggs i love the sense of freedom this brings and in conjunction with other fun jiggies like the ones earned for speeding to the top of the waterfall and racing canary mary it makes me look forward to revisiting glitter gulch mine in the future that being said a few aspects of this stage that fall flat in comparison to other banjo tui worlds are its boss fight and wumba transformation though i understand that due to the train's requirement to complete other worlds in the game the developers didn't want to make king cole too difficult in fear of dissuading players from unlocking it but they certainly could have done more than have him just wander around aimlessly until you kill him it's a letdown after maya hem temple's fairly fun first-person boss fight and makes me wonder what cool ideas they could have come up with for a boss like king cole similarly the detonator transformation feels useless considering you learn to shoot fire eggs before entering the level my instinct has always been to try and light the fuses of the various tnt barrels with kazooie as a result and it's somewhat frustrating that you can't it makes the transformation feel like a waste and considering how they had to make it the only transformation that can swim because of the levels river it seems like an afterthought rather than something integral to the world also while i may not care for the first person collection mission or searching the flooded caves for its jiggy i don't think they actively harm the world and actually add variety to the gameplay the backtracking is minimal in glitter gulch mine and the build drill learn to complete it is one of my favorite new additions to banjo and kazooie's tool kit overall i think there is more good than bad in glitter gulch mine and similar to maya hem temple there is a nice flow of gameplay here it's a respectable second level that makes few major mistakes and demonstrates rare's ability to evolve the gameplay of banjo-tooie at a nice comfortable pace [Music] what i admire about cloud cuckoo land is how it breaks many of the traditions of banjo-tooie's worlds on its way to executing a theme that's all about being unconventional surreal and bizarre you have many random areas that are juxtaposed together such as a giant trash can a massive block of smelly cheese a castle made of red jelly and a rainbow that leads to a pot of gold there's a fake impostor mumbo jumbo with his own skull named minky jongo who serves as the boss of the level and nearly straight away you murder an ice block named george by pushing him off a cliff into a pool of boiling water along with off-putting details like the reduced number of warp pads found in the stage these elements help the world feel completely unique cloud cuckoo lands lack of necessary backtracking for 100 completion the absence of a chuffee train station and the inclusion of only one move to learn also contribute to its one-of-a-kind design you'll find that build drilling towards the beginning of the stage reveals magic beans that can be planted to grow bean stalks around cloud cuckoo land which is a brand new feature introduced only in this final level the papery looking enemies that pop out of the ground in the central cavern also drive home that this is like no other place in the game which is supported by the fact that it also happens to be the only world that's disconnected from the rest personally i love the aesthetic and atmosphere that this creates in cloud cuckoo land all the diverse islands in the sky stand out clearly from one another making it easy to remember where important locations are and with flying pads all over the place navigating to each of them is easy it also allows many strange unrelated ideas to serve as the tasks that you need to complete in order to unlock jiggies like beating in aardvark and several athletic competitions tracking down numbers to a safe combination and killing a certain number of wasps as the b transformation it gives the world a sense of variety and freedom while fitting the motif of randomness the level is striving for but i'd be remiss if i didn't talk about the two races against canary mary as they are what most people know this world for yes these infamous missions are as ridiculous as you've heard they are and it makes getting 100 in this world the single most challenging task in the game by far it requires a heroic amount of mashing speed and endurance and even then it may take you dozens of tries before you can complete it while technically not required to beat the game it still deserves to be criticized for its huge spike in difficulty as it's unforgivable how it has tarnished the reputation of what i consider to be an otherwise very good world cloud cuckoo land takes some chances and while they may not all be smashing successes some of banjo-tooie's most innovative ideas can be found here as a result many of the puzzles revolving around the split up pads in the central cavern come to mind with a level making full utilization of both banjo and kazooie's full tool kits it makes for a rewarding experience as we get to see a little bit of every technique we've learned over our adventure right before it comes to an end it's fitting for the final level and though i've heard that there were plans for cauldron keep to be the world's ninth and final world i'm somewhat glad time constraints forced things to end off on the high note that his cloud could land [Music] at times it feels like banjo-tooie's main objective is simply to push the limits of what you thought was possible with banjo and kazooie over the course of your adventure you will add 20 additional abilities to the moves established in banjo-kazooie with none more significant than the split up pads you gain access to in witchy world these not only make an immediate impact in witchy world itself requiring the ability to obtain four separate jiggies found in the stage but they also completely open up the gameplay to host some new mechanics that will be explored in later worlds in fact banjo-tooie's identity largely centers around this ability to split the duo up as every level moving forward makes heavy use of the mechanic alongside the game's bleaker more cynical tone it is perhaps the single most defining characteristic of banjo-tooie's design and what helps it stand out from its predecessor but speaking of the game's tone witchy roll also showcases the dry and dark sense of humor of banjo-tooie more than any other stage in the game from the conversation with the disgruntled and incompetent carnival workers to the general disarray of the park's rundown amusement rides witchy world is exactly what you would imagine a theme park run by gruntilda would be like its brilliant melancholy soundtrack is haunting and drives home that this is not a place for fun further evidenced by attractions like madame grunty's tent and while i typically don't see mothers openly abusing their children when i go to six flags seems like mrs boggy absolutely trouncing her child with a purse reminds you of how the frustrations of a theme park can bring out the worst in people on the other hand the level's reliance on minigames for many of its jiggies is a creative way to highlight just how fun carnivals can be using your various abilities to ring a bell atop a giant cactus collect twinklies while driving a bumper car and jump through hoops in a bounce house are just a few of the tasks you will enjoy as you explore the many sub-areas of the theme park you'll also man a spaceship for a target shooting game pop colored balloons with kazooie's new airborne egg ability and ascend a flaming spiral slide on your way to 100 completion in witchy world this is on top of a fun platforming section in the star spinner attraction and a memorable boss fight with mr patch in the central tent with that in mind the most important detail that allows these objectives to stay fun is how the level's design makes it easy to find important locales without getting lost each area is visually distinct with landmarks that make it simple to navigate and along with the convenient placement of the warp pads it makes traversing a level as big as we've seen in the game thus far quick and painless to that end unlike the low mobility transformation seen in banjo-tooie's first two worlds wiki world's indestructible armored van is fun to use and makes travel a breeze though it's not as thematically appropriate as some of wumbo's other transformations i can forgive that for how satisfying it is to crush the evil slot machines and theme park staff members that patrol the park in the end while witchy world may not be a perfect level it is one of the strongest in all of banjo-tooie and one of the few that i think matches or surpasses the quality of the worlds found in banjo-kazooie despite a slower pace it keeps building on the momentum that maya hem temple and glitter gulch mine created for it while simultaneously helping banjo-tooie settle into its own unique identity its cheeky sarcastic writing helps it easily stand out from banjo-tooie's other worlds while it's instantly recognizable characters and locales make it an unforgettable experience and combined with inventive new gameplay and excellent level design and you get a world that deserves to be near the top of any ranking of banjo-tooie's worlds [Music] while i could do without the backtracking to pterodactyl land stomping planes and the coliseum's professional kickball championship everything else in hellfire peaks feels like a refreshing change of pace after the gauntlet that was grunty industries it's a 180 degree turn around in terms of tone and acts as a sort of palette cleanse for banjo-tooie in a lot of ways hellfire peaks actually feels more like it should be a banjo-kazooie world than a banjo-tooie world due to how drastically it changes up the game's feel the bright vibrant colors bouncy upbeat song and inclusion of two of banjo-kazooie's most iconic npcs all make hellfire peaks feel like it could have easily been that game's 10th world it's a welcome return to form that combines itself with the best elements of banjo-tooie's new abilities to create a breathtaking world that's filled with charm nothing illustrates that claim better than the pair of elemental dragons that sit atop a mountain on each side of hale fire peaks named chili billy and chilly willy these brothers will harass you as soon as you enter the level and won't stop until you reach their hideouts on each mountain's respective summit upon meeting either brother they mistake you for a pizza delivery boy and because you don't have their meals they try to eat you instead once you defeat them a jiggy is earned for your efforts as each dragon gives up their desire for pizza and decides to settle for some takeout before flying off while these extremely basic fights are fun it's the humorous cutscenes that come with them that give hale fire peaks its personality and that make these bosses so memorable likewise missions like the ones where you revive rare's classic saberman character or feed boggy of fish for dinner stand out for the self-aware humor and references in their cut scenes the same could be said about killing mildred the ice cube as performing a build drill is as basic a task as the game could ask of you in its seventh world but her dramatic final words are what make this jinjo a memorable one to collect and finally perhaps the best example of all is the jiggy collected in hellfire peak's train station that sees you link back up with gobi the camel it's satisfying to see him finally make it to the lava world he alluded to in banjo-kazooie after two years which is what makes it even more funny when the duo catches up with him again just to beat barge the water out of him one more time however even if hailfire peaks lacked these entertaining cutscenes it would still rank among banjo-tooie's best worlds for its fantastic platforming and terrific world design switching back and forth between the lava and ice sides of hailfire peaks couldn't be easier thanks to the many pathways that connect the two areas including a secret path in mumbo skull that simultaneously connects it to wumba's wigwam along with convenient shortcuts and strategically placed warp pads kazooie's ability to fly and glide also make this by far the easiest level to get around and the level's snowball transformation has quick speed and the ability to easily take enemies out giving it great mobility in the process this cuts out a lot of the downtime that you would experience in levels like pterodactyl land and jolly rogers lagoon allowing you to get to engaging jiggies like the one found in the waste disposal plant pipe faster all that said by no means is hellfire peaks a perfect stage but it is in my opinion the best that banjo-tooie has to offer from its excellent themes to its unforgettable characters hellfire peaks nails everything i love about the banjo-kazooie franchise and captures what makes video games such a great art form even though i know an official banjo-3 has no chance of ever happening it is worlds like this one that forced me to keep a small bit of hope alive that through some crazy miracle we might actually get it one day regardless i will still always enjoy going back to hailfire peaks for all its wonderful qualities and truly believe it to be the best world in banjo-tooie no matter how wildly the quality of the worlds and banjo-tooies swing there is no denying that this n64 sequel is an unforgettable experience from its massive cast of memorable characters to its interconnected levels banjo-tooie is a game that simply oozes personality by adding its own personal touch to the beloved qualities that gave banjo-kazooie its polish banjo-tooie has created a polarizing universe that still has fans and debate over 20 years later it'll always impress me just how high rare aimed with this title with every level designed to be more ambitious than the last and regardless of the game's reputation it's a title that any fan of banjo-kazooie should give a try one day you
Channel: MrDrBoi
Views: 67,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Banjo, Kazooie, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Grunty, Mayahem Temple, Glitter Gulch Mine, Witchyworld, Jolly Roger's Lagoon, Terrydactyl Land, Grunty Industries, Hailfire Peaks, Cloud Cuckooland, Cauldron Keep, Klungo, King Jingaling, Bottles, Banjo Threeie, RANKED
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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