Dungeons of Drakkenheim Episode 1: The Rat's Nest

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welcome to Drakon hi my name is Monte Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin and we are joined as the dungeon dudes by our two very very good friends Joe or Gorman and Joe tinnitus and we are super excited to be kicking off our new live campaign dungeons the dragon hime not the least of which because we get to play D&D together in another nother not why not play every day of the week yeah actually that that would be my ideal life to play D&D like I think I would want to take like two nights off of D&D but would you talk about the India on those nights ah yes I would I figured would they be a Saturday and Sunday like you'd ever work yeah so welcome one and all to our fun little show and we are so so excited it's been a long road coming and we want to thank our patrons our YouTube viewers and everybody else who's given us feedback and helped us get to this moment from assembling our cheap equipment in the garage with rocks to make this happen in my basement but I am so excited and so pleased to be able to be able to kick this off we are going to be embarking on a brand new campaign we have finished our session zero and created our new characters start started to establish a little bit of bonds with each other talked about some of the past adventures but I think the best way to kick things off is our little introduction video that Kelly and Joe and our team have put together so awesomely so let's see that right now Drakken dimers no more struck by a falling stone the city bathed in Elders fire Ahmed wolf believed the tumultuous aftermath brought chaos families torn asunder and the kingdom shattered 15 years later monsters stalked the haunted streets of Dragon hybrid caught amidst rival factions struggling to rule the rumble three unlikely partners venture forth into the crumbling city in search of riches but now and revenge [Music] wasn't that cool house oh cool yeah you guys did a really great job on that thank you so that was made possible thanks to hand-drawn art by Kelly and Jill and thank you so much to our very good friend hundred years bore for voicing that amazing introduction and welcome to you to Drakken Haim as you heard in our little introduction Drakken Haim is a ruined City and it has been for the past 15 years but now after years and years of civil war and strife our three unlikely heroes are venturing back or in some cases having never left by going deeper into this ruined city of doom and whoa and so much misfortune every one of you searching for something as we begin we find our group gathering in the northwest fields outside the city of Drakon Haim by the old Ackerman mill a place outside the city which has become a gathering point for adventurers fortune seekers bandits and treasure hunters their last stop before heading into the city the Eckerman mill is this old wooden mill the farmhouse is long dilapidated and knocked itself over but this wooden mill still stands creaking in the wind of the overcast skies all around the mill and inside the machinery is broken down but the remains of dozens of campsites the prior adventurers who have come to the city before you can be seen all around all manner of graffiti has been left on the walls as names one by one have been etched names of previous groups of adventurers who have come into Drakon Heim some of which now bears deep scratches and gouges marked with the date that they passed away other groups the names are still intact perhaps because they all made it out alive or perhaps because not a single one of them did as we gather once again we have our three adventurers and which of you will start by telling us who you are I am Pluto Jackson of caspia I'm a prince and I come to Drakon hime form my dad and I'm gonna do royal Sun things and Prince things like kill monsters and probably get a bunch of money and sort of like plant a flag of caspia in this broken land to claim a chunk for my people indeed and tell us who is Pluto Jackson what class and what are you playing ooh what does blue look like okay so Luther Jackson is head-to-toe an armor he is a fighter specifically a battle master so you can tell that I'm kind of running the show here I'm gonna I'm gonna put on my ceremonial head garb I don't know if we can hear you and the mouth guard is down but all the better to protect yourself in battle widow Jackson yeah and when he's walking around he's showing off his handsome good looks he's like a young guest on computing the Beast guests are old he's even younger he's a guy you'd like at just over teenage Gaston he's like just into his early adult years he's riding the big wave big wave he's had a chance to prove himself back home and as a rite of passage it's it's time to do his like European adventure he's got to go overseas and and and backpack and before he settles down and runs the kingdom so he's getting some getting some miles on his on his shield and sword if you know what I mean what better way to gain knowledge of the world and by seeing all of it thank you and next beside beside you also meandering about the mill is our second character yes my name is Sebastian Crowe I am a shadow sorcerer half elf but that's not important I came to Traken hime drakon hime geez almost forgot the name I came to tracking hi him because yeah it's my first day yeah actually I grew up just outside of jaqen hime I grew up in ember wood village a small town just outside I grew up with my father who was a blacksmith and there was there was a lot of crazy stuff in my childhood I didn't really know how to control my powers there was a lot of issues or as I like to call them there was there was a few incidents and yeah I ended up having a very severe incident that caused me to wake up screaming in the middle of the dragon hime in the city and the southern wards I believe and shortly after that I saw I had this vision of a meteor striking dragon hime and woke up screaming and then the amethyst Academy showed up took me away and I haven't really been back since but well during my time in the amethyst Academy I I met some really cool people mainly River probably my best friend and it's recently that she kind of gave me a call and said hey we have some jobs for you in Drakon hime can you can you get your your crew together and that's that's how I know this guy me and him have fought monsters together in the past so we headed back into dragon hime and we've done a job in the past where River didn't go very well but yeah we'll get into that Sebastian is kind of tall kind of lanky he wears a brown overcoat button-up shirt some nice trousers he likes to think that he dresses well he's got red hair he wears goggles on his head for when he's practicing magic just so that he doesn't burn his face off because the goggles will protect his whole face right so that's that's magic logic I'm magic so that's kind of his whole thing he he thinks he's really clever and really charming really good-looking so that's who he is and he's here to help guide this party because they need somebody of intelligence so you two have adventured together before it didn't go so well last time but there's been success in the past yeah we have had very successful we're both alive yeah yeah there's a lot to show for it this is a dangerous world but the two of you are here at the Eckerman mill to meet with an old contact your friend River a mage of the amethyst Academy who you have been sent into Drakon hime on a few errands before Drakken hime has become a strange and haunted city in the 15 years since the falling star claimed it and now you have been asked a few times to head into the city by River to collect these strange stones the fragments of the meteor pieces of this mineral that it that people have started calling delirium a dangerous but magically potent mineral which it's not quite clear what it might do yet although people have people of the spell casting provisions have found just being close to it rather addictive and intoxicating don't have to tell me twice and at the request of your friend River you've been meeting here here periodically to bring what fragments of delirium you've been able to collect from within the outskirts of the city but now it's time to bring in a big haul something special for the pieces of delirium the scraps they might be useful for a spell a material component here and there but a larger trove is needed to serve the interests of the amethyst academy and that is where River will be introducing you to a new companion or an old friend hi so I am playing veo Sonia I'm a Tabac sea Ranger specifically gloom stalker Ranger and I grew up in the city so you guys mentioned they're gonna be leading this crew no I'm gonna be leaving this crew because the only way you're gonna survive in this city is with my help in order to collect the shards so you know I've been on my own for a long time in this city ever since that you know meteor came in and I got separated from my family and the only way I could survive is to do it I can to survive on the streets you know I made friends with some Rangers they taught me some skills but ultimately it's has to do with my own survival instincts that I've made it through and you know I don't want to think back to my dark days but I've had to eat some pretty interesting things while I've been on the streets of Dragon hime so you know anytime I can get a good meal around here I'm pretty happy about it but that's where River comes in she's actually giving me a couple of good jobs to collect some of this shiny stuff I don't know what people are all about with the shiny stuff but you don't think it's me a good sandwich like I'll give her as much of that Chinese seven she wants great yes so two of you are surprised to find River has not appeared yet but as you take your places in the Eckerman mill veio is there and the rafters above waiting for you to approach do we notice her that's up to her do we know this not yet I'm particularly sneaking I've been around here before so you'll notice me when I want you to notice me Pluto yeah we're supposed to be here on a pretty big mission but the issue is we lost our navigator it's just the two of us there used to be five I'm walking over to its it's in like a corner of the mill where I've carved some names from the past and I just start to scratch out what names are you scratching it well there's rat food yeah our navigator our navigator around food gimbal and chums Kimberlin chubs I read up the whole Jackson five I think that was the we were we were the five crows no we were I did not wear the teacher so we were Jackson five and I wrote that above it I it's boy there's actually several titles it says Jackson 5 which is crossed out and then it says five crows which is crossed out and it just repeats that over I I've crossed out rap food and and and chub chubs and gimble yeah we ran into some some sewers filled with rats and they killed rat food it was just so unexplained and unexpected they ate him alive we did not see that coming kind of like I I know we've got a little overwhelmed and I mean we've done a couple of jobs for River and that was probably the only one that really went sideways I mean I thought casting darkness would be a good idea until I realized I was the only one who could see and none of you could and that caused some major issues for the for the five crows Jackson 5 we're gonna move on from that I mean now we're the Jackson - I already asked the Royal persuasion it's ok you you can serve but whoever our new Navigator is I'm sure we won't get them killed no I jumped down on top of Sebastian carrot top oh my gosh smelly cat really you're here okay I'm a little bit smelly I mean when was last time you you bathe bathing what is bathing point I'm good I did not expect to see you here we're waiting for for a contact actually on a job do you still live around here yeah yeah I'm supposed to be here for a job to River why haha did she not tell you that I was gonna be the one helping you she told me she found us a new navigator I'm Dee navigator I mean that makes sense we used to sneak all around the city when we were kids you should know I know this place better than anyone okay fair enough yeah who's this guy he's uh don't don't worry about he's very nice he's the meatshield last few seconds of your meat shield I I hope you last longer than our hold navigator hey glasses what how many 25 years I've been I think so something like that yeah count I don't have five fingers so it's kind of like yep counting how do you know her oh yeah we're world child you know this cat i 100% know Maxie I haven't seen her since since I left track and I'm but like we were we were good buds back in the day we were we'd like to sneak around we were the only two kind of rebellious kids that nobody really liked cuz she was a tabacky and there weren't many to Maxie's so some people were like weird cat person and you were like NAT even less of them now yeah what did you say the Apple I'm just curving cat beside our names yeah the three crows do you want to be a pro they oh and the Pussycats guys oh okay I can [Laughter] as you finish carving the names in the in the wall you can see the rough maps of Drakon hein that have all been scrawled about all the various warnings of the various doom various forms of doom which have befallen prior groups to come into the city all sorts of warnings like saying has anyone ever made it to the crater or whatever happened to that old black/ivory in or does anyone found the treasure at the old vaults by the guild guild hall and others that say don't go to slaughter stone square and has anyone ever been inside the castle all scroll across the walls questions almost like a communal message board of adventurers over the past few years that have dared to venture into Drakon Heim trying to leave what scraps of information they can for each other or perhaps to mislead potential rivals to their doom I'm gonna add rats eat people because I'm a conscious observer just before that vo eats rats eats people the light scattered rain over the the building as you look out waiting for your contact river who hasn't quite emerged yet but you can see here the Eckerman mill is on a low hill overlooking the city of Drakon Heim from here you can see the rolling Charon Hills or the many graveyards burial sites and the people and the nobles that once lived in the city are and from there you can see the outskirts of Drakon Heim and the city walls looming in the distance Drakken Heim itself was built on this rising rocky hill that kind of borders the elbow in the dran River the major river that is the great way for trade that that was the real the lifeblood of the kingdom when it was still alive but now you look out at a dusky night sky as dusk begins to fall over the city over billowing purplish clouds the cast the city kind of in this iridescent light there's very rare moments when the clouds part in Drakon Heim these days and when there is daylight the sunbeams almost scorn upon the city like they don't want to shine on it directly there really hasn't been a clear day in Drakon Heim for 15 years since the meteor fell as night is beginning to fall you can see in the distance there's an oscillating corona of octarine light octarine the color of magic which blossoms around Drakken Heim and erupts from various points in the city the most prominent which of which is where the crater is the spot where the meteor that were landed in the city and in the city's southward 15 years ago and wiped out most of the people in the city leaving behind a twisted and ruined landscape but much of the city still remains in fact the towering buildings of the cathedral of the castle still loom over the city and the city walls for their most part are still intact their cobblestone streets that we threw crumbling stone buildings and slate shingle roof tops the city walls now are covered with ash and soot because most of the city was on fire for a quite a while afterwards and in time since places become overgrown as more buildings have collapsed and fallen over but of course like nothing else there are the three great buildings of the city that loom out over Drakon Heim a great castle perches on a cliff at the heart of the city the castle has imposing stained black towers topped by high steeples and spear points and the massive central spire of the castle you can see even though it's a few miles away it's decorated with intricate stone gargoyles that we're said to watch over the city Vail you've seen them every day that you've lived in the city but you've never seen the resting in the same place twice they're pretty great be so creepy yeah looming almost as high actually higher still than the castle itself is the shattered Tower of the amethyst Academy the tallest building in Drakon Heim which has a massive hole in the side of the tower yet the top side of the tower floats still in the air in defiance of gravity even after the it said a piece of the meteor crashed right through the building and yet it did not fall finally there are the great spires of the old Cathedral of the sacred flame which even now the bells still chime at midnight as you look out over on to the the city you hear a rough set of footsteps approaching over the hill there are two pairs one very light that only veio can barely pick up and one quite heavy like a pair of armored boots a short while later you can see in the flickering torch light that you have running around your campfire the person approaching she's a woman at a fling with her hood drawn up over but you can still see out of her hood this long kind of wavy blue hair hanging down and you just see at first her mottled brown skin as she pulls back her hood and you can see the familiar spectacles of River your old friend she smiles warmly as you approach and following up behind her is a looming figure clad in plate mail its face shrouded in darkness holding holding in its hands its shield and a flaming longsword River smiles warmly and says Sebastian Baio and Pluto it's good to see you all thank you for meeting me so late it's good to River yet do you veo do you have the last order I asked for yeah there you go because shiny I've seen her a long time she pulls out her hand and reaches into her purple cloak pulling out a very thick pair of leather gloves and she pulls them over herself and reaches out for the shard and I don't know I should be touching this with my bare hand but I mean it's it's a curious fact everyone else handles them with gloves but you're the only one that's actually picked one up she looks at the shard which is a small crystal no larger than a gold coin but even as the night begins to fall the purple crystal starts to glow and Sebastian you can actually feel the magic radiating off of it it's it's almost like someone is holding a delightful treat in their hands in front of you and even river kind of looks down upon it with hungry eyes as she very carefully puts it into a pouch and produces another very wet sopping and smelly bag and hands it to you eh oh yeah and inside are several fish this is why we do good business indeed indeed thank you very much for your patronage as as always around yeah dangerous gem yeah delirium that's what I do strange I didn't sense it on you anyway it's my feline aura maybe maybe you just overpowered it with your smell it happens sure that is I couldn't but yeah yeah that's not the building that was just dragging her no that's that's her unfortunate love to catch up but as usual I have to be on my way to the next meeting shortly but though it's been lovely that you've been able to collect these little shards of delirium for us it's uh it's been rather enlightening and it's good that we have one contact and now three good contacts in the city I'd like you to go after something a little bit larger this time we talking like baseball-sized or we don't know what baseball is that's a weird actually baseball was the national pastime of Drakon Haim there's a very famous baseball diamond on the outskirts of the city are we talking baseball sized um well a small diamond size are you talking like finger sandwiches or like submarines we're talking submarines yeah we're talking some big sandwiches here there so the word on the street is that there are several smaller craters throughout the city a few of them were plundered a very very long time ago they kept for larger shards of the Delirium but I heard about a group of bandits that wipe themselves out by an old tavern and I think there might be a crater in the ruins itself hmm what's the witch tavern it's an old place on the outskirts of town called the rat's nest it's actually really shocking that it's lasted this long no it's just called the rat's nest don't worry we dealt with rats last time it didn't go well I'm sure there's no rats in the rats nest I have a question yeah is there rats I mean the city's swarming with rat folk now but usually they're in the in the older parts of the city where the sewers are the rats nest is off one of the main roads heading into Drakon Haim proper it's on the outskirts on the west side of the city so hopefully there's no sewer systems out there and that means the rat folk are probably going to be pretty sparse but who's to say I mean it would be pretty ironic if the rat's nest was inhabited by actual rat links almost as ironic as rat foods death IIIi don't mind rats like I'll kill him cuz I love killing but I just I like to you know set my sights higher you know I like to have I look for the the trophy hunt it's very curious like our to Baxi friend here it seems like the rats and the cats of the city aren't as affected by the delirium as anyone else might be as you know deeper in the city the delirium actually is so thick that it emits a haze that is intoxicating and can kill you in a few hours if you go deep into the city and gods preserve you if you try to go close to the crater but we think that these deposit this crater further out from the city might be a large shard that we might be able to investigate or perhaps build into a magic item most importantly here normally I would just do this on my own really be honest do I have to share the cookie dough with these guys um I don't know if they like cookies yeah can we not get cookie dough can we get money yes yes the amethyst Academy can pay you for your troubles will pay you commercially with the weight of whatever delirium that you recover and of course normally you bring us shards but if you bring us a larger piece it'll be worth double what if it's more than twice as large well then we'll talk we'd prefer that you handle this with discretion and speed right now a few of the other groups that are coming into the city don't yet know that we've returned at the amethyst Academy and we have a few other goals but we'd rather other groups like the old city watch and some of the others from the church don't know that we're working in the city quite yet of course if we're gonna have a little discretion than this how do I say retrieval maybe you could give us offer us a favor when we return your continued discretion will ensure your continued employment caspia likes didn't dig that yes we know about your connections mr. Pulido Jackson or and oh yeah yeah we and we'd be very interested in continuing to work with your family we might have some interesting information as well to provide of course it would be a real awkward situation if say the illyrians found out that the Caspian were also starting to get involved in dragon high to have those illyrians alright I'll do your vetting I'm just happy to help I'm yeah I've always you've always been a very close friend anything that you need happy to help you with it's a shame that you were never able to continue working with the Academy directly yeah that's a that was there was an incident I I'll have to be on my way shortly I I need to meet with another old friend I think Elric's going to be heading to the city soon how is Alaric he's well he's well he's busy well always mm-hmm it's always been a little bit awkward ever since you were kicked out of the Academy yeah sorry about that but no matter in any case if you veo will be able to lead you to where the rat's nest is and take care when you're extracting the Delirium it's very important what we've discovered is that if it's cracked or damaged it leeks pretty dangerously and once it's cracked it seems like however large the pieces that's how much magic it will ever hold we've never succeeded in cutting it into smaller pieces and we've never succeeded in forging it together into one larger piece that's why it's so important that we get an intact large piece of delirium that way we'll actually be able to make some headway and figuring out what it's actually made of and where it comes from you just keep serving the sushi and I will serve you up that big shiny we'll have some salmon and haddock next time I know you've been getting sick of tuna but the addition doesn't hurt fantastic well Sebastian it was good to see you vapor you as well Pluto was nice meeting you again I'm going to be on my way and she turns and heads into the night I wave bye to the mysterious stranger to the big armour see ya it turned slowly and it kind of like tips its helmet I call him Georgie ah no I've never asked ya the the amethyst Academy is a strange bunch of people Sebastian you'd never been in any of their larger towers but the actual members of the amethyst Academy usually always have some sort of strange body guard like that did I when I was with them no because you were just an apprentice I didn't do very well with with that whole thing but anyway we got some names on a wall you've been added welcome to the three crows Jackson and are going to be on our way I guess to the rat's nest it's an old tavern right it is it's an old Tavern on the outskirts of the west side of the city of course being outside of the city wall proper in an area of the city known during the city's life as the sprawl it's a bit of a rundown ramshackle part of the city especially as soon as you get off the shepherds Road which it leads to the main gate it's not far from where the hooded lanterns the remnants of the city watch still keep their barracks at Shepherds gate which is one of the five main gates leading into Drakon Heim but still it's a violent area of the city and the mostly because it's crawling with scavengers because the hooded lanterns won't let anyone use the Shepherd's gate now they owe this has been part of your increasing problem is that it's very difficult to get into the inner part of Drakon Heim nowadays don't try to go over the city walls go over the city walls Pluto Jackson I bet you cannot make it over those walls I can probably make it over the city walls I think you could make it over when we get there oh oh scope it out there's no way you could do it I shudder to think of what I've seen with people that try to get over those walls all I'm telling you is you see the fun thing is don't do it just tell Pluto that he can't do something and then watch him try they still people and of course it's no easier to get into the in through the other city gates for in recent times many pilgrim pilgrim have come to Drakon Heim following a faith that has been an offshoot of the sacred fire called the falling fire coming believing that the crater and the meteor are a sign of changing times this group the cult of the falling fire as people have started calling them now control the gates leading into the southward and the other gates are filled with monsters making it very difficult to get into the inner parts of Drakon Heim nowadays and of course going through the sewers and the under tunnels all the dungeons beneath the city is possible but what's down there is even worse than what stalks the city streets sounds like a great place other rats yummy if you can barbecue them just the right way I mean like the one benefit that we have our previous navigator the last thing he said was I hope there's not rats down here and then he was eaten by rats at least veo has eaten many rats so we have that on our side yeah God do what you got to do the odds are better on this one I think they're pretty good with me just saying like alright abilities onward companion it is late into the evening and yet you still venture out into the city but not with a good reason for even though the city is dark at night it seems like the clouds only disperse at night and this is when you can see the moon and stars hovering over the city almost like they're mourning over the corpse of dragon hime but at this time the ghost lights the the soul lights for appear for the delirium glows by night making it much easier to locate where you're headed I love that do chakra as we call it the soul of the city is beautiful definitely is the only beautiful thing you will probably see in the city so be prepared for that is there like a a big glow coming from a particular part of by nighttime the glow coming from the great crater can be seen all throughout the city and it's kind of like the the way that you can orient where you are in Drakon hime is just look up and look for the bright light that's coming from that direction but by wheeling around the crater and facing away from it you can see other bits of light sometimes indicating spirits campfires other adventurers but in other cases you can see that distinct purple glow the octene back light of the of the Delirium and that is the easiest way to find it because during the day it is a it's more of a dull purple until someone until it's either exposed to magic or by the light of the moon itself cool beautiful it's alright how far is yeah it's gonna be a long walk won't Drakon hime itself is is about a city 4 square miles in size with the core of the city being the inner square mile and you're only maybe about 2 miles out from Drakken Heim right now from the mill you can see the city and you can take either the the North Road or the Shepherd's road leading you into the city proper with the rat's nest being kind of in the area between the North Road and the Shepherd's road on the on the northwest side okay I say that we just had straight there I mean do we want to take one of the main roads or do you guys think I mean you're the Navigator here necessarily take one of the main roads but luckily I can get you there twice as fast as anybody else all right yeah what ways best let's take there's a couple off sheets of streets that are good just can you see in the dark with this giant glow let the computer on but with magic by the by the light of the moon and with the background glow of the Delirium and the haze it's almost like erie street lights illuminating the city at night it's not bright by any means but it's enough to see your way and with a torture a hooded Lantern as befits the name of the hooded lanterns who carry them now you can make your way quite fine for the two of you with your shadowy abilities it's of no concern so you probably will still want to carry a lantern of some kind as you travel if you can't see in Java I'll have a torch going okay long as you can keep up so I'm guessing veo will aid the way and what about the what about the two of you how will you follow her into the city I I say we put Pluto in the middle since he's the most likely to get lost okay okay no I want to go the back you're gonna get solos you should just tie a rope around his wrists and you know like one of those like hey hey I'm a prince okay I like a baby leash I have a sense of nobility and honor and direction and you know what at least actually might not be a bad idea no III have too much pride for a leash I'd rather get lost and die then all right walk in the back okay before we travel into these deep dark streets is that if you see something that isn't shouldn't be there mmm you probably shouldn't go near it that's probably one be fair I've never been here before so everything I don't know what's supposed to be so don't go near any of it what if somebody needs help I mean people gotta learn to survive on their own out here why do you think I've survived so long yeah but what if they need help and what if I needed to learn how to survive on my own and that's why I need to go look at things I mean let's just play it by ear if there's a situation that arises we'll probably maybe try to avoid it unless we decide to get involved which we will I'm trying to impart my good old survival instincts on you you guys don't have those instincts naturally I'm sorry to say that I may not be able to do much for you realize we've survived this whole time we've only lost 17 crews statistically speaking our guides are more likely gonna die than access numbers they know that this is probably the exception to the rule yeah well little warning to you and I'm this isn't a threat I really hope that you survive but nobody that's ever traveled with us has survived I will say that sometimes it's Pluto's fault moving things in the dark Klunk Klunk whatever can we sing I think I would like to hear a good Pulido Jackson song anything anyway onwards we go killed okay with that you be make your way across the fields of the Karen Hills following along the Shepherds road to the outskirts of the city what were farmhouses isolated monuments Karen's and small family graveyard plots be break for the first outer buildings the warehouses the coaching Inns the stables and smaller homes that now are little more than dilapidated Timbers on the outskirts of the city well the old marble and stone core of Drakon Heim has held up well over the years the outskirts of the city are rotting away because they are mostly wood and the odd stone building most of the streets are not paved they're just mud but the main roads are the cobblestone highways leading into the city proper and as you get closer and closer to the city walls the the roads become stone the sidewalks get built up again but very quickly in the outer parts of the city as soon as you go to streets off the off the Shepherd's way you're into dirt roads and basically wooden homes that are sinking into the mud around the city it almost feels like the entire city might be sinking the as you walk forward you can smell the mud and the grave dirt and also here and there the the old smell of embers still hangs in the air from the fires that burned through Drakon Heim once in a while you pass by the carcass of an animal or another waylaid traveller and it's always a very unsettling thing to pass by this the these bodies because bodies don't decompose and Drakon high anymore not since the meteor and so as you pass by on the road where there's a dead horse bearing what could be wounds made in it only a day or two ago this is the dead horse of Drakon Heim people kind of kick it on their way into the city and it's been here for ten years [Laughter] I've seen people not kick the horse and not come back this way well that's that's ridiculous I and I kick the horse [Laughter] it kind of makes this lurching sound as you walk by it and of course there's there's always bits of blood mixed in with the mud everywhere else as you as you head forward into the end of the city deeper before you come to the the area where the rat's nest is supposed to be it's a section of the city that was known for many seedy warehouses old drinking establishments where the poorest folk in Drakon Heim could have a drink or two for only a copper or or two and but also the Shepherd's way is one of the busiest ways because it used to be the way that all the farmers brought the harvest into the city for the market so it's a it's a was rundown in its heyday and now most of the buildings which at one point might have been you know two or three floors hi I've just like completely collapsed in and they're filled with rubble but as you get closer and head off of the Shepherd's way into the side streets towards the rat's nest you can actually feel that feeling of ozone in the air that you felt when that single shard was held in front of you by River it's like this yeah like that feel it's like this slightly electric feeling and these smell of the air turns from ash to like the smell of a freshly struck lightning bolt and here and there although it's lightly raining right now you can see like that just slight fog and mist that kind of covers all the distant city streets and you come into this larger Square where as you as you round the corner there's a few in buildings that some of them are remarkably intact almost as if they are frozen in time and the building right beside it is a dilapidated mess and there across the street is what remains of the rat's nest it looks like a rib cage that's been burst open from the inside but made of wood it is this big it's it's the biggest building in the area which isn't really saying much it was a small tavern in its day and what's remains of it is the stone first floor the vague memories that you have a bit in the past kind of flash in front of you as being something that had a pretty seedy second floor that you were never allowed up to and but now what remains of that is completely gone and instead there is this blasted hole surrounded by broken Timbers raising up around it that sinks deeply into the muck underneath the city and it there's this kind of this rough haze that you recognize as bits of haze that are springing up from the hole and the only thing that you can see in the street in front of you is a torso right in the middle of the intersection by the rats nests there's a single naked male torso so where's the cutoff points no thanks looks like the arms and legs were the arms were ripped off as with a head where the rest of it is below the waist I'd uh I hate to say it but the rat's nest looks pretty much exactly how I remember it is there signage is there obvious like is there like a big sign that says the rat's nest looking around it's across the street embedded in the building across the street like it like flew off forward and like kind of like a ninja star landed in the building opposite guys this is the rest no I don't think so Bluto the the building across the street from it is like blasted the whole top of it is just blown away but the other building on the other corner is like perfectly intact except looking at it close it looks like it used to be made of wood and when you get close to it it's now made of solid granite are there shards around there is a light purple glow coming from in behind the mist that hangs around around the rat's nest and there's speckles in the granite of this building that's been transformed into granite speckles here and there like you can feel it in the air but any shards would be nothing more than pebbles that you might pick up and in fact they're quite valuable so you actually do manage to see that there's like two little pebbles of delirium that you pick up because even though they're like the size of like a PEZ they're actually still quite valuable before he picks it up though I'm like whoa whoa do you have some heavy machinery to pick that up with my hands they call it I call this 150 and this one's also fisty but he's like opposite are you wearing gloves or armor yeah yeah I got a reasonable maybe you they'd be leather underneath okay yeah they'd be gauntleted hands yeah but just to be safe so that way it doesn't touch you just in case that I keep a hold of them oh I see how this is the junkie wants to have his okay wait are we gonna get in a fight already about this I think I should hold on to them because I'm addicted to them I didn't say that out loud I'd like to hold on to them because I'm the most reliable party member well River knows me is the most reliable since she knows I always bring them back to work these are not the most important thing to me but I know they are most important to River they are most important and getting me fish okay so we've decided that everybody about Pluto should I feel like you guys are the closest to them I have I don't know what they do so I feel like I'm the safest I go over and I pick them up well there's that all right this is a test to see if you're worthy of carrying the big chunk well we're arguing about this I walk over to the torso I'm like guys you should just give me and I'm like leaning down and I'm like checking out the torso seeing maybe what what could have caused this situation I just avoid things like that when I see them yeah well I want to know what happened here you look down and examine the wounds how would you like to examine the woods um you take you along and no no I go Oh for good luck and I go and kick the toys another one of these traditional things and I just I roll incarcerating no no no I'm trying to figure out what killed it so I get really close to like the wounds and I maybe I pull out some like little tools from my belt and I'm like kind of moving the wounds around checking for like cool cauterization give me an investigation check first this is fun you get to just kick is this the first roll of the game the horse just horse oh that was that was average I got a 14 looking down the the wounds look like the man was pulled in three directions at once and in the mud and the dust of the cobblestone street you can see that there are droplets of blood leading back towards the rat's nest but droplets also leading out in several different directions towards a head in the street where you can see a sewer drain I thought we were hoping for no sewers around here hmm but I guess what what part of the city wouldn't have sewers where would people I guess they would throw their poop outside in buckets anyway we cleanly well okay not cleanly sewers but a solid sewage system sure it seems like this torso has been ripped apart in several different directions and there's blood trailing off in multiple ways any footprints leading to the sewer there are so many footprints in the mud in the cobblestone street some of various booted footprints some of Scratchy more animal-like footprints but that's nothing special in Drakon home these days I never said stay out of the sewers right I mean we we went in the sewers for our last job and nothing bad happened we lost three members but uh I would I would rather avoid the sewers is there gonna be shards and sewers I see there's glow I mean we're here to investigate the rat's nest and we were told that there's going to be a large meteorite in there so I say that we just stick to the plan there's no need to go wandering off yeah the so looking at the trail of blood that leads towards the rat's nest I specifically want to look for some footprints that go that line up with the trail of blood to see if there's footprints to go along with that mainly I want to try to find out are they human footprints or can I determine it looks like there are several bloody human footprints leading towards the rat's nest but there are other bits and splatters of blood and what and they kind of look around looking around give me one more investigation Jack I'm gonna roll my other dice I wish I hadn't I got a 12 looking around perhaps there was a fight here but who the assailants were and who came out on top it's difficult to tell probably not the torso probably not the torso they Oh have you recently not recently no I don't really come too far on this part but I've heard of some scummy people and up here well and I pull out my sword let's check it out and I start walking towards the entrance of the residence do I do we see any specific light coming from the rat's nest yes there is a glow of the soul light coming from the rat's nest say we go towards that let's just try to get this big shard and get out of here okay do you approach the rat's nest closer and now you can see what remains of the buckled stone floor that held up the main level of the tavern it is shot completely through there are splinters of wood everywhere burn marks and several comply as you as you look forward you can see on the opposite wall there is actually an ashen outline of several huddled human forms against the wall is why you don't mix drinking and magic I do it all the time but what is more striking though is the gigantic hole in the floor almost 30 feet wide which leads sensibly into what would have been the brew cellar or the basement of the rat's nest which is now a rough roughly hewn crater where both the wreckage of the like much of the wreckage of the building though isn't in the crater because it was flung all over the street right and most of it across the street and what remains though you can still see like the smoking haze and as you breathe in the ozone like air you can tell that your you are breathing in the delirium haze now which I'll take this time to remind you well you are affected while you are in an area where the haze is in place you will not be able to benefit from a long rest okay so and any areas in afflicted by the haze short rest sore fine long rest are not however a long-term exposure to the haze will cause successive exhaustion and is eventually fatal if you continue to operate in the exposure veil as we as we discussed you have advantage on checks to resist the hey the effects with the haze but not the deeper thicker Hayes's that are found deeper in the city yep and so it's a little bit hard to tell with the thick smoke what's below it kind of like flutters up and it's kind of like this weird when you feel it on your skin it like it's like that tingly feeling that you get when you put like a vicks vapor rub on you like that's how your skin feels on your face I think I just carry around a bit and well the haze itself isn't warm or cold it might use it the areas of your skin that are exposed to the haze feel like they're getting hotter do I notice the effects right away or is it it's a very it's it's a slow onset but you can feel the warmth kind of immediately it's not it's not painful but it's not particularly pleasant either it's not very often that I see a giant glowing hole in the ground and decide that it's a good idea to go in there but I I think that's what we're supposed to be doing this is the original crater this is like part of the event 15 years can we tell because of everything suspended their head there have not been second strikes okay since so throughout throughout the city there are smaller craters because pieces of the main meteor broke off during the bite before they hit the ground and some of them are larger and smaller than others like the the large crater itself the great crater is said to be perhaps even 500 feet wide or larger like it's it's gigantic but this this itself is a very small impact and we can't see the bottom you can see and the outskirts of it and you can see a bit of the depth to it to that it's probably about 20 feet down but the smoke around the actual impact site is quite thick and obscures your vision is it straight or is it like we can we can kind of walk difficult ly downwards it's like a difficult landslide down right wherever the staircase was that led downstairs is either buried under rubble or was completely destroyed if there was a staircase there might have just been a ladder that led down here do I see any animals around anything like rats or birds give me a perception check that was my I got a 21 you can smell wet rat do you let us know that I let you guys yes there's there's some some nasty rat smells and I mean I can smell it over my own body odor so it must be pretty strong of a rat now she's hoping to get one close by so I could grab it but I'm not really seeing anything around well is there anything to tie off a rope - absolutely there's tons of loose Timbers that you could tie a rope to to to lead yourself down into the crater because the crater seems to be the glow right yes okay alright compadres and I'm gonna tie off the rope to the sturdiest timber I can find and I'm gonna start to climb climb down into this pit okay no more than 20 feet you estimate I mean I try to climb down okay so you're gonna set a rope you're gonna climb down at the same time as Pluto goes down okay I'm gonna take Pluto's rope and kind of move down right in front of like next to him on the rope okay taking taking your time in your care there's a bit of a tumbling fall of rock as you slide down the wreckage and the rubble down to the bottom of a crater and if you couldn't feel the haze before now you absolutely can and you can see much more clearly now now that you're underneath where the smoke is coming up from down in this utter darkness of this basement where there's bits of broken glass there are the ruins of several kegs and spilt alcohol and that you can actually smell like the remnants of alcohol it's long since spoiled and gone but that's kind of what else would have been down here and in the center of the basement surrounded by rubble is this large crater that the the apex of the crater about ten feet in diameter it's still smoking as you as you head down and you can see the glow coming from from the crater itself but you can also see two things strike out immediately when you land down on the ground opposite you on the north wall the north wall has been blown open from the opposite side and there is a large earthen tunnel leading from the wall leading out from this hole in the wall the hole itself is about eight feet in diameter and it leads into a low muddy it almost immediately curves downward into a low muddy burrow and from there you can see gouged in the dirt in the mud at the bottom here and the pools of water there is a large drag mark about the size of a probably about the size of a two-foot gouge so that has been pulled along up from the crater and towards this hole in the wall is that do we see a glow coming from the hole in the wall the the hole in the wall leads into darkness but you can see in the gouge there are flecks of delirium that are glowing hey Sebastian can you give us a light in there you think I just have light smells up already yeah should talky mushrooms I think somebody stole this thing for you get to it oh so so there's no we don't see it there's no you haven't looked in the crater itself yet no okay what's a check out the crater you said that the reflects in there any anything else any inside the crater looking down are several skulls and inside the skulls is a what what looks to be a glowing orb inside one of the skulls that is glowing purple this is probably a bad idea but I'm gonna pick up one of the skulls to look at the orb closer you pick up the skull and it's a small orb roughly about three inches in diameter of polished glass and when you pick it up it goes dark I put it back down it stays in earth I take the orb out of the skull okay and I put it in my pocket feel like someone may know we're here now maybe but I also have a new orb to look at is there anywhere I can light like is there I don't know something I can light on fire to get them a bit more you have your toys you still have your torch and yeah I may be on the sides of the walls is there torches that I can light any sconces or lanterns that were down here are long destroyed okay I also never practiced any light magic because I can see in the dark so you know yeah you need it I'm gonna take away ok brag I'm going to take my torch cautiously approaching the opening mm-hmm and I'm gonna kind of toss my torch at the the opening yeah you toss it at the opening and it lands with a thwack in the mud and slides down and like kind of starts tumbling down this low low thing before landing and you hear a splash and it goes out I earn to you and I say you realize you could have just asked me I can see that there's a slope that goes down right there but now you don't have a torch yeah we're here now this is why we need the rope to pull you to the darkness how much more rope do I have like 50 feet and a bunch of it's going up like yeah you you'd need at least 10 feet to tie it off tough and it's gone down 20 feet into the into the pit itself now he's got more rope I ever hope it's use it I hope - let's keep going adventure essentials 101 bring rods of the Rope wait are we all just gonna tie ropes together and then like just leave them as one big tethered rope and well I mean we really only need to tether him to one of us oh you wanted to tether him I thought we were using it to you know we don't need to tether me fine let me find a new place to tie up - I can make my own way down you're fine slippery slope okay you're fine my best I'm gonna tie it off can I borrow your rope [ __ ] if I can't have your light can I have your okay in a rope just tying off - okay I'm gonna try to find something else if you lose my rope table or not a skull I'm not just gonna be looking through skull there's bits of the rafters and the and the like the foundations of the building okay there's enough that you could probably it'll probably hold success before I go down to I see when I look on the ground any big enough shards that will add to our collection these are like flecks it's more like glitter it looks great delirium glitter never comes off worse than regular glaze it's worse than regular glitter like it's it's super awful and like the the you the glove that the gloves that eventually people handle delirium with like eventually just turned into like a Michael Jackson glove alright are we descending in your case specifically like it doesn't stick to use that as badly yeah I need to know more about your fur and how you're more interesting than the glitter yeah well okay so the light the glow do we see any other because we saw kind of a bigger hue when we were outside so looking down the the Pat of the borough that is on the other side of the the broken in wall it descends sharply for about five feet then it turns sharply almost 90 degrees and heads further down how far down judging by the sound your torch made when it hit the bottom maybe another 20 feet who wants to go first they oh you're the navigator I can probably see the farthest too so yeah yeah so of course you should go first this is how we lost why don't you go first I hope there's not rats down there he said and it's fine as I'm going down I'm going down a bit slower than I normally would because I want to keep an eye out for any more of the glitter cool yeah we're gonna take the moment then we'll take two minutes to just change our scene out on our on our board and I'll get the next scene scene set so we'll just be back in literally two minutes okay thank you so we we are back back in action and when when we left a few minutes ago we had our little group assembled at the basement crater in the rat's nest about to head down into into this strange borough that has burst through and hold what remains of the crater down into the depths below so you are standing in the room the crater smoking behind you the smell of ozone in the air and the this darkened path leading down into an unknown darkness and I'm slowly nudging vail towards the entrance be like yes check it out okay okay and I whisper what what did you just say I didn't hear it neither did I don't worry about it so I slowly start to okay move forward keep it an eye for dust just to make sure I know where we're going so as you look down in front of you through your dark vision you can see that the the rain that has fallen of course has left puddles of mud and the burrow is raw earth and it's squelching and muddy underneath your feet and it's kind of sliding slightly downwards so the because of the rain and the rough dirt you can still see what might have been the groove by which whatever was carried down here was carried but it seems like the water might have washed away the remnants of whatever flex or here yeah hmm all right you guys coming these are new Greaves and this this is not good for I didn't put the right spray on them so I know they're just gonna be ruined welcome to track and just it's frustrating but I'm powering through but I the back of my head on my god what's wrong Pluto afraid of a little mud and I grab the rope and I start moving in I hope you fall yeah but with your dexterity modifier okay so you're wearing armor you you I catch it with the shield and I wear like not funny can you even see her a light source down well he dropped it or went out hey hey hey no no tomfoolery well oh yeah you did throw it down the tunnel what are you doing for light I use another gonna run a torch all right who's leading the way I am okay I'm going down so you you head through it through the Burrow and it as I said it immediately sharply turns and heads down deeper you can feel the this slickness of the mud and the and the earth as you head down and there's a bits bits of stone and rock that you can kind of get your footing on but this is really slippery I would like you to make for me a acrobatics check 21 sometimes I'm pretty much like just getting my footing yeah I'm achieving it yet you you re you're doing really well actually as you head down the the the borough it curves around and you're able to find the few bits of stone rock and a couple routes to grab on to and kind of like fling yourself from one to the next as you head down Sebastian what about you I'm holding on to the rope and as I'm kind of lowering myself down I don't want to admit that it's slippery and that I'm having trouble but I do let Pluto know I'm like Ludo it's a little bit slippery you might have trouble I'm fine all right your footing is very uncertain I'm gonna have you give me a dexterity saving throw 18 18 so your your left foot gives out underneath you but you grab the rope pull yourself steady and are able to lower yourself nothing - would Pluto how are you heading down frustrated by the goading okay I I've taken a couple of burrows before it so I just I grab on I just I do like the slide with like they just like like over it hold on let go hold like to really get down nice and quick give me a dexterity saving turn as well please natural one we should be stealthy right we're going down this rope quietly okay yeah your ear at the back so your footing completely gives out and you slide all the way down tada yeah your power sliding on your butt all the way down to the ground barreling past Sebastian and veo in the process and I need the two of you to make dexterity saving throws to avoid crashing into him in the process what do we got I got a 14 14 seven a seven okay so so Sebastian you see him give out and you like throw yourself against the side of the wall any slides past you and veo your landing gracefully at the very at the very end and all of a sudden your legs give out completely as pollute Oh Corrine's underneath you I go heads up a little too late I really do and and so pollute oh you you lay so there you landed prone and you kind of you were already at the bottom by this time but pollute Oh slips forward past you into this muddy and so it's Mescalero bottom and as he slides into the puddle with a splash there's this lurching sound and a tear like a canvas has just torn in half and all the water that was collecting at the bottom flows into a hole which has been dug dug there pollute oh I'm gonna give you one last dexterity saving throw to try to catch yourself as you fall into this hole is this a trap okay and you stop promoting you're like you're in this puddle it's like this seems fine and then you hear the wet tearing sound torch and you fall and in in the the whole process of which you take 12 points of damage as you land in a pit that has been lined with pontoon spikes Sebastian Sebastian walks out at the bottom and kind of brushes himself off and steps over Vale and it's just like where's well you you find yourself getting to the very bottom but as you come towards around as you start to pick yourself up veo you can hear this chittering sound this squeaking sound do I recognize it sounds like a swarm of rats it smells familiar Pluto wherever you are we have we have rats he knows because they're in the pool of the the hole with him I I didn't see this happen so I'm like looking around I'm like I'm just this stage I will have everyone roll for initiative which we've actually pre-rolled so what did you all get for your previous score scores 13 I got a 21 okay well done yeah I'm still not happy about this mud it's like to the point where I'm like it's not quite water but I'm wet and I'm not happy about it I'm doing okay okay I'm so you've slid down to the action shield here so you slide down to the very bottom you're quite quite injured and you can hear the chittering of a rats that are a media that are poised to swarm around you and start biting at the bottom of the tunnel it opens up into a larger chamber a burrow chamber which veers off in several different directions one to the west and in kind of another bulb is sort of way to the east as well and as you look to that you're left down to the west you see a small hunched figure it is roughly three three and a half feet tall and it is covered in the thick brown fur and it looks Lear's at you as it opens its eyes and you can see the eyes glowing in this dark crimson light that kind of in certain moments reflects in two shades of purple and in the dark you can see the creature with its rat-like face but it's walking on its let on its it's well you're walking on your hind legs and it's animalistic hands have contorted into human-like hands which grip a crossbow stepping up beside it you can see this dull growing glowing green light as another figure another one of these rattling x' thumbs a glowing jar of green liquid and they they raise their weapons to attack as from across the room another swarm of rats so we have here we have two swarms of rats one is in the the hole with with polute oh and one is moving towards him and then we have a rattling with this glowing orb this glowing green vial and the one with the crossbow and then we also have two gigantic rats they are in in the room proper you are in the pit this is Grace's pit I've ever been in how many pits have you been enough to know what a nice pit looks like is my torch ah this is my George still up is your torch still up give me roll a d20 and on a 10 or higher it still is I did I hold it above water the initiative trackers too short for the camera but this is our awesome action shield initiative tracker so we have Sebastian going first how what do you roll I rolled an 18 so even with all the water in the pool and everything you've managed to keep the torch lit so I kept it not wet Sebastian you are the first to act well so many options alright so I see the the rat creatures the one with the glowing orb that looks like he's about to throw it in the would say it's a glowing vial that that is you see it closer it looks like an old beer bottle filled with this glowing liquid that's smoking out over the top alright I think I'm gonna pull out the big guns right away and I'm gonna cast scorching ray woo so I'm gonna aim the first one at the crossbow rat okay so holding out my hand I see it look at me and I'm just like I don't like rats and I point at it and shoot a beam and not very well it's hard to see down here I get 10 the the beam of fiery energy careens rate past it and lands in the burrows behind it with a crash I fire again being like that was a warm-up shot the second one follows on the exact same path you kind of lower your elbow and go oh in the exact same spot twice in a row those were warnings you better back off or else I'll hit you and then I fire a third time there's my big guns Oh No and and I say let that be a warning to you come no closer follow rats Pluto I need your help I stay where I am and try to look intimidating so pollute oh you're in the bottom of the pit and the the rats worm is just mounting up because the first one is already there and the second one clamors down in the pit and the rat of the rats kind of these small rats come to the edge of the pit and they like leap with joy at their next meal and so the two swarms of rats they start biting and biting it you're all over I'm gonna give them advantage because you are prone in the pit but the first one the bites they only get 1/8 to hit your roaming way nice back yeah and the second swarm gets a 19 that's a hat they start biting like in the cracks and dying on the leathers of your armor and you take seven piercing damage ok next up is veil where am i right you're just behind me and there's the two swarms now in the pit there's two giant rats on either side of us one on either side and then there's the two guys down the hallway now am I in the light invisible how far does the torchlight go the torchlight is coming out of the pit how deep is it so it's like it's like a torch going straight up oh right so the pit is illuminated in the red and you just saw the rats I'll dive into it so you are in an area of relative you're in an area of dim light okay I want to move to a crevice where it's away from the lights is there it's pretty crowded down here yeah yeah can you move me over behind so I'm gonna move behind with in the straight look of kind of that pathway that I see both the bigger rads sure and I say it as fashion this is how you take out a rat and I take my bow and I fire it towards the rat with the green okay the bolt lands squarely in the rat shoulder roll damage here we go finally yeah take that rat somebody did something correct it's damaged all right it takes the it takes the shot and it squeaks like a high-pitched but it's still standing but bloodied and I take my second shots thanks to your gloom stalker yeah dread ambusher yep and that goes for 12 that actually will hit yes 9 damage so this the second shot lands squarely in the rats neck and there's a gurgle it low gurgling noise as it drops to the ground dropping the vial out in the ground in front of it yay you got the first kill how you take out a rat the second rattling seeing its companion fall lowers its crossbow and says mutters something about damn cats and fires a shot back at you vo and the shot goes completely why since it only gets an eight to hit landing with a thud in the back of the burro next up is pollute oh okay so how deep is this pit the pit itself is only about five feet deep you could get up and climb out of it okay I I do that okay so that's gonna cut it so standing up from from prone and then if you want to spend your action climbing out of the pit that'll be everything but if you want to clamour out with your movement I'm gonna need an an athletics check that I can do okay the rats are gonna continue biting you and and I will grant them opportunity attacks if they chose to climb out yeah I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of the I pull one of the spear set of my lower back will you take a 14 X I will I you that you will clamor out of the pit and grab but as you do so the rats bite at you and one of them scores a critical hit and you take 14 points of piercing damage I don't make it out of the pit oh no I'm right near the top and it bites me and then I fall back into the giant rats one of them leaps towards Sebastian and gets a 22 hit yep for five damage and one leaps at veio getting a fourteen to hit leaps right past you and lands with a thud in the wall I'm a vet Sebastian you're up okay um okay here's what I'm gonna do Oh God okay I if I were to okay I'm gonna look into the pit mhm I see Pluto whoo it's just he's like he's like slumped halfway out the pit basically can i grab his body and pull him out absolutely but that will cost your action can i burning hands without hitting him into the pit hmm um I guess a he he got far enough out of the pit that yes you can I'm going to like stand over his slumped over body at the edge of the pit and just like flamethrower into the pit full of these swarms of rats and I'm going I'm gonna I'm gonna cast it as a second-level spell okay I just I want to I want to save my bud because they're in the bottom of the pit by any of the storms disadvantage on there saving throws and both of them fail miserably by airport all right we're gonna do four d6 damage and I'm going to actually use a sorcery point for empowered spell and re-roll those ones and twos okay oh that's much better nice thanks for fire 14 damage the swarms are obliterated yeah and the smell of cooked rat flies through the air makes my mouth water and I turn back to you and I say that's how you kill many rats I thought it was clever and yeah then I'm just gonna kind of stand there over top of the slumped over body and make sure no other rats try to eat my unconscious friend okay the swarms are very dead so vo it's your turn well at least one of you can kill the rats and I take my bow and I aim it at the crossbow rat all right take the shot 11 unfortunately it hits it looks like she might be wearing some leather armor and it's my rats it collides with her but she's she's still going cool next up is the surviving rattling seeing the all of her friends get roasted in the pit she takes one last shot at veo getting a 21-2 hit for five damage she she kind of aims for your leg takes the shot and then she scooches across the corner out of you Pluto that saving throw buddy nope I got a nine okay that's one death saving throw failure we don't have any Hewitt we have we don't have a healer we never do you all had a healing potion to start yeah did the rats eat it hopefully not the dream we're at exterminators yeah okay so now we go to the giant rats who continue the one who would leap past leap past Mayo tries to bite you in the heels getting a big ol 6 to hit and the one in front of Sebastian I gets big old 11 to it that's just rake like it's just like throw itself in your face and scratch all over you get out of my face rat we go to the top with Sebastian alright so the one rat with the crossbow scooted around the corner so I can't see it anymore no okay I'm just gonna cast fire bolt at the rat that's attacking me all right go for it that's an 18 that might be one seared rat roll damage that's that's money for fortunately for us all you need Oh God that Sears the giant rat yeah that's that's several rats down for me thank you nicely done Vale you're up next I as my bonus action I cast Zephyr strike because I don't want to let that big rat get away okay and I run through the swarms to go around the swarms are destroyed there's just the giant rat nipping at your heels so I'll give it an opportunity attack as you actually oh because you can separate by him you boost by him careening forward and as you Korean forward to where the the first two rats were that you hear another ripping sound under the another pit trap exam gives out in the alleyway ahead making a dexterity saving throw 9 so here's what's gonna happen you leap across the pit trap landing prone and but you don't fall in entirely you take 4 points of damage and you can see the rat running down the hallway running down the Burrow way you could take your shot but you're gonna have this advantage so my advantage on it ok from the spell so that makes it so I just get and I get a 19 that hits with the extra damage from my spell and I guess 15 shot hits the fleeing rattling in the back of the skull and she doubles over like spins and collapses on the ground wicked that's how you kill a big rat I just love with with that Sebastian is able to finish off the last giant rat with a fire bolt how are you going to stabilize Pluto so I grab blue toes body and with great effort all it more out of the pit I look for his potion because I don't want to use mine and I find it and I feed it to him okay Bluto you regained 10 hit points that's all I needed that's how you Sebastian you're a better rat killer than I thought you'd be yes it's really convenient when they all grew up into one pit it it's basically like barbecue like back in the good old days we used to chase little rats around the city Pluto never had those experiences so far has only two experiences with rats was the last time we went in rat food fell in a pit and was eaten by rats I will bear the scars of this emotionally and physically till the end of my days constantly still checking my body for rats like if they're in my armor is there is like a squish dead rat inside your armor like when you tried to climb out there was one like inside your box quick try to be more careful down here I had the worst I turn to Pluto though I'm like what's that on your shoulder all right guys you just keep going I try to like brush off like nothing happened I think I have to be very you are covered in mud and blood and there's like as you're walking on the other hand the burning hand spell seems to cook the the rats in the pit to the absolute perfect temperature and the spikes are make for perfect skewers gabab like that's a great snack for later you're welcome thanks man from really handy to have around this is kind of like trying like a kebab so if I eat one of these rats how how good is it remember the the movie demolition man is that a rat burger that's damn rat burger I've ever had okay I reluctantly enjoy it trying to get a sense of the new culture you guys like retreat take a short rest are you just eating rats while you're in the middle of this incredibly dangerous environment I think we're just walking and eating rocks so I guess we carry on down the path that veo had found and I assume you got out of there okay you didn't you're not hurt I'm a little bit hurt scratch on my paw all right we're fine we're fine so yeah we come into this other room and I'm clunking along I'm pretty hurt I'm pretty rats everywhere my armor these rats they keep on biting yeah so you come into a another room and rounding the corner the the smell of the rats now it's much drier here as all the rainwater that flowed down the hole and created that death trap in the in the entryway seems to have dispersed by this point because the the burrow kind of bumps up a little bit and you can actually see it at the stage where the the Burrow is much drier it looks like this is some recent tunneling and it kind of careens around in a very strange way like they're digging out in all different directions and very clearly like looking at the paw marks you can see that this has been dug by the rattling x' as you come around the corner you can see once again a purple glow emanating from around the next corner I want to sneak up to the corner being very cautious of what's on the ground because now I know there's a couple traps around here I want to be really cautious of them so as I I come up to the corner and kind of sinking by so I can peek around and take a look okay you peek around the corner and you can see that it leads to a central a large central chamber which the the pathway leads in and there are two more pathways leading out again to the west and now once more to the south north being away from me and in the center of this room carved out of granite is a massive statue it looks like it's about five feet wide and about eight feet tall and it is a rat but a massively obese rat that is sitting and it's been very roughly hewn and carved and it's sitting down almost like like a regular rat would kind of like if you would imagine rats sitting like a dog or a cat it's seated on its back legs and it looks like it's carved like it is shoveling humans whole like little tiny carved humans into its mouth we just like detached and open like its mouth has open way too far than it then it should be and it's just shoveling all these humans inside it and it's - eyes are little beady eyes about the size of coins and they are made and they're pieces of delirium which have been pressed flat into its eyes which are causing the glow in this room I go back around the corner and I let you know what I see there's these beautiful shiny things and this big huge rat eating human so I mean I'm not too worried he's not eating cats all right let's go check it out you didn't see any any more rats other than the statue rat all I can smell is the rats around here but I haven't seen any moving so hopefully we'll be okay I'm just worried about those two pieces of delirium I feel like we should get those back for ever agree we should get as much as we can any other glowing any other bigger chunks not that I saw yes all right I want to go I want to go investigate the statue told you there yeah I also go around the corner mm-hmm and I want to investigate the floor around the statue I want to just take a look at the floor actually in this whole room yeah before we walk too far into it yeah give me an investigation Jackie having seen my friends both fall into traps today I don't I get I get a ten there is a deep groove again you can see again it's not it sorry is not really a deep groove now it looks like whatever was passing through this way was being rolled along the floor because you can see the groove of it and it rolls right past the statue along the way to the west to the the way to the South Hill has many more rattling tracks we're not here to fight rattling x' plus I don't think Pluto's doing too well is that so I think we should just go for the meteor I mean that's what we're here for yeah me just see if I can pick these out of the rat statue of course we got much better as you as you approach the statue make a perception check so you don't see as you go to pry the first eye off that there is a lash attached behind the eye and you pull it and you hear a click what do you do I jump back from the statue okay give me a dexterity saving throw with advantage do we hear the click yes you do 20 there is a gout of delirium poison gas that comes out of the rats mouth as you pull the eye off and two points of poison damage taste gross I suggest that we leave those there the room it's just like it's like the rat breathes it out of its mouth when it when you pull the eye out yeah not worth it let's go for the bigot both eyes or just one hmm I tried just one okay try the other one yes uh would you mind stepping back for a second way back I cast mage hand and I try the other eye from a safe distance it's really in there you need to pry it out with your your raw strength never mind I don't want to try that what's the statue made of granite granite I say we keep going yeah you always come back to this statues tend to I don't know don't need we don't need the little stuff we want the big one the big cheese jeez oh sorry yeah speaking of cheese and other smells you can the smell of rat is overpowering from this from the this from all directions but there is another Akron almost alchemical smell coming from the pathway to the so I'm curious but I also don't want to die I say we go I say we go to the the West makes rail the trailheads West the smell is so yeah we gotta go to West we gotta find this big rock and get out of here okay you head to the west into the next chamber this is it opens up into the largest chamber you have seen thus far and you can see the there's a very large glow coming in this up in this chamber because in the center of the room is a massive chunk of delirium embedded in a massive piece of the New York rock the chunk of the the rock itself might be about two and a half two and a half feet in width and and about kind of oblong and oval in shape and the metal of the of the meteor is very inconsistent in the pieces where you've seen pieces of the meteor itself because not the entire thing was made of delirium but you can see growing out of the meteor itself is this chunk of delirium about the size of a human head and it's formed into this roughly geodesic crystalline shape but in the center of the room knowing on the smaller piece of a delirium coming out of the meteor are our four gigantic rats and they are knowing on the pieces of delirium and as they cracked their their teeth are causing it to crack remarkably and as they do the delirium haze leaks out of it and the rats are eating it and as you see them eating and eating and eating you can see that several of the rats in this room while they're about the size of the giant rats you encountered earlier their forms are misshapen and their limbs are elongating and bits and pieces of their their like skeleton is kind of conjoining out of shape almost as if the act of eating the delirium is transforming them in some way and warping their flesh get that away from them now my god gross these are grosser than normal rats do they notice us you're coming into the room but they are just furiously knowing on the it looks like some of them try to bite the larger chunk and like it so their teeth snap off so they're going for the smaller bits of it as they they gnaw away on it I didn't know you could eat it let's get them let's get them dead yeah you want to do some some killing oh yeah we need to preserve that that's it's worth a lot of soup sheesh okay that's the she told us not to break it it's the moneymaker and easy chair that's breaking it well got my burning hands warmed up we have personal more barbecue I I'm down I'm always down for some barbecue yes Pluto yeah I think we should try to get the rats force them into this little uh yeah b-before we run in and like try to attack these rats I take a quick survey of the floor for any traps and it it dis ages you as you look towards the floor you see the groove but you take them on and over the nine give me a perception check I got a five you can hear a much larger breathing coming from the room coming off this chamber put this in the center to represent the meteor we need to put four giant rats around it feet in diameter yeah there lot of there they're wide enough they're not quite wide enough for someone to hostile to you to get around but you could get around each other that in the bigger piece I don't like rats delirium rocks alrighty roll for initiative please on it there she is 25 15 and 11 cool okay so 25 for Vail so she'll be first 15 15 11 okay you all of my not even five minutes okay so we kick things off with Vail how do we sell the torch you do yeah are there any areas in here that are in complete shadow the color the the other room off to the side but everything within close to close-up Alito is illuminated so I'm gonna stay where I am behind you guys okay and I'm gonna take my my shots using my long bow for the little rats because I want to stop them from breaking the shiny okay do it to it 22 you have one skewered rat there yeah it is definitely dead okay and I have second shots on the first I guess twelve that's enough and so very quickly you you pull out your weapon and take two quick shots killing the two rats will fall off the side of the creature Sebastian you're a doctor Sebastian moves up just into the room and he's gonna cast burning hands again on the other two rats alrighty I will give them dexterity saving throws they both fail now give me a spell casting ability check to aim the burning hands such that it doesn't hit the Delirium yeah I got an 8 okay roll a d20 please I got a 10 okay so delirium reacts to magic and your spell has you can see the delirium actually pulling in your magic as the burning hands come across it it still burns away the rats who both fail they're saving throws but you might want to be careful though aiming spells in the areas of delirium again should I roll damage or yes please I got nine they are incinerated by your burning hands and that is when as you come around the corner you can see the massive and hulking form of a gigantic rat she actually has several smaller rats climbing all over her and there are like nests of like small baby rats all throughout the room here this rat is massive she's larger than a horse she's six limbs and a massive mount a snow that comes out like an alligators snout with thrashing teeth and she growls at the sight of her young being killed Pluto Vail we have a bigger rat there's always a bigger rat there's always a bigger rat Pluto it is your turn so hearing I can't can I hear the right now I can hear it like breathing and I'm gonna drop the torch kit I'm gonna hold out my I guess I well I guess I didn't have my sword oh yes I have my story right now and I'm a coming at this I'm coming at mom or at all righty so the first thing I'm gonna do is attack it okay you take 16 I will indeed as you bring your sword down her height is so thick it's like armor but you do land the blow 9 damage nice I'm also gonna use this opportunity to what's a second wind or action second how did you know because old Pluto Jackson's hurtin and I'll take 10 more hit points and then I'm gonna stand in the way I'm gonna stand in that corridor okay and post up against really from your blow the mama rock kind of recoils backwards and she starts to like like horf and like agitate something and all of a sudden she just like kind of like her eyes roll back in her head and suddenly this gout of acidic vomit comes right out of her mouth towards you and it actually hits sebastian as well with the backslash you're supposed to be my maid shield and I need both of you to make dexterity saving throws smells worse than me okay six six twenty twenty so Sebastian you make your saving throw it all it all hits you so it's gonna be ten points of damage five for you Sebastian that's acid damage it it looks like even though he took the brunt of the damage it looks like his armors okay Hey in the circumstances it's but I mean you're always it is shiny your armor yeah I guess it's like acid blasts your armor like cleans it that's gone into the armor behind you that when it hits you it like it you take all of it but then some spray comes off of you and like hits me in the face and I'm just like my face your goggles on no I don't put them on no the goggles they do nothing all right we go to the top with veil I'm gonna swing around to the corner because right now I can't see there at all I see is I want to get it in my sights and I want to take another Zephyr strike so that way I can get advantage on my roll sounds good and take my longbow and I get a twenty one so you lower your bow and fire the shot and it lands squarely as she's as mama rat is closing her jaw the arrow shot like takes her rate in the bottom of the jaw like is yeah it's gross roll the damage oh that's a good shot 13 damage nice the the the savage shot hit hitting her in the jaw it leaves her bloodied I then go back to where I was around the corner splash zone alrighty it's the bastion you're up Sebastian moves oh no there's like this giant rock in the way I'm gonna move across so that I can get a shot on mama rat without affecting the Delirium yeah and I'm just gonna fire a fire bolt alrighty and that's gonna be Oh a creek nice so am i rolling damage twice yeah so recoiling from the the Asus flashlight you could have dived to the side scrambled to your feet and fire this fire bolt which catches her right in the mouth because like she's still reeling from veio shot right yeah so it catches her right in the mouth and just like there's it seems to react to something in her gullet I do 6 damage on to t10 no it's okay it's okay everything helps take everything you can get all right take it where you can get so yes that's it [ __ ] that's Micra nice it's still a good shot um next is Pluto I'm gonna go for the gonna go for the killing blow because I sent momma rats week and I'm coming after I'm going after the the same face go for the face don't even think about it I natural one so you go to like take your hand like shove your sword down her throat but she snaps her jaws shut and turns back to you and points us to bite again anything else you'd like to do I got an accent action search oh yeah and now I'm gonna I'm gonna swing back up and try to get her up through the nice boy there we go there's a roll 23 to hit for 14 damage is that max damage oh I got her so she swings back and she's like ready to bite and you take your strike how does it go down so she bites closed I miss and then I just swing it around and I just I go I go right up Main Street no I say it I got is that Main Street no that's like it's like French Street I go right up front Street and then I get her right through like the the neck and into the brain it's messy and the the massive corpse of the thing just slumps to the ground and almost immediately the young rats start eating it and so does van good job you did a thing you kill the rat finally didn't just fall in a hole and die okay guys I have one request before we leave here can we not bring up the falling in the pit it's gonna look bad on my credibility don't put that one on your resume yeah just like that's gonna be my favorite part to talk about don't you food and yes again food in delirium I'll never speak of it again wait depends on the food what do you give me well hash it out I think how much delirium eyebrowns Ash Browns I'll take it nice oh I was worried for a minute there but I I don't show it I slide the sword back in and I start walking away is it's like falling yep okay that's I think this is the rock we want how are we gonna get this out of here I was thinking about this actually so um how strong are you guys know I'm very super you're super strong okay so I was thinking that like cuz you can't really like just hold the rock I figured like I have my bedroll and we can put it inside my bedroll carry it like santa claus on your shoulder oh yes back in caspia we have that Santa Claus you'll you'd probably need to break it from the meteor part properly though because it's it's embedded in the actual piece of the meteor so you're thirsty the the Delirium yeah took a Algenol course who's to say how much the meteors metal itself is worth I took an optional course in college it was masonry I'm a certified Mason is that like did you actually yeah it was just one of those and I artesian tools I I want to carefully examine the pieces of the delirium versus the it's attached to like rock right like just embedded in the rock yeah I have encountered these types of things before I say confidently but not confident that I have I'm gonna try to remove the Delirium cool how much time do you want to spend on this well I I put my finger in the air and I check for the wind there's no went down here yeah it's gonna take a while you're gonna take at least 15 minutes yeah it probably will take at least that to get the work done to just break it out of the stone so it could even take reports of an hour to break it out care okay yeah me and fail we'll keep watch we can hide you haven't checked the southern passage yet but there's a bunch of small small rats that are easy that skirt many of them start scurrying away but they don't seem to be swarming or massing up otherwise most of them are like baby like literally baby rats I want to speak with animals to see if I can get one of them to go down the southern path and tell me what's there sure absolutely so you cast a spell to speak with the the little rat and it starts chittering as what do you want they get won't do me a favor and I'll feed you some fish I'll take what I can get now that Mama's dead yeah I need you to go down the path across from that big beautiful rat statue that I saw and I want you to come back and tell me what's there that's my brothers and sisters room I'm not allowed in there that's where they have all their fun toys what kind of toys Oh they've got lots of sharp things that they use to tear people apart with sometimes they bring it to us as dinner hmm well do you want to do me a big favor then we maybe not go into their room but do you want to hang out across and statue and come tell me if any of them come out of there I could go tell them that you're here no are you getting ready are you sure they love guests I pull out a big fish I'm like I will give you this big fish you don't even have to share it with any of your brothers and sisters okay make a make an animal handling check one two one okay the rat it's one of the larger rats like it's the weld about it takes the fish and like starts got and and walks away with it and says maybe see you again and walks down the hallway and heads back around the corner is she talking are we trusting rats now is that knowing she I just watched so hopefully he's not gonna betray us rats and cats working together what is this what am I really Drakken time is a crazy city for this so it better be worth it or else I'm gonna be kicking my butt at least I have two more fish I do you think this is a safe place to like set up set up a camp for a moment and uh well with the Delirium down here and that mist I wouldn't particularly do that well I could work quickly if you guys hold the light it'll take at least an hour probably to break out a shark okay cool what if they help if they help and they they instruct if you instruct them and they they help do you have tools to give them to help with yes I have thieves tools that includes a crowbar I have a scimitar weapon wouldn't do you need like a hammer at least I have a hammer and a crowbar okay with with them helping it'll take about half the time so I'm gonna give I do a little demo with both of us helping I think only one of us should help because one of us should be on watch I think it should be you I think I should be on watch cuz I can talk with the rat and I give you a quick like this is how you chip okay I'll do the crowbar I'm proficient in thieves tools so I know how to use a crowbar you can do the hammering and I'll do that like cool so you get to work breaking out a piece of the Delirium from the meteor proper and and Vail are you helping with this as well or you're keeping suggesting very intently to see if I can hear any rats guttering by cool give me a perception check 4:23 sorry you hear some skittering and chittering coming down the hallway and a short while later your rat friend comes back it's only been about 20 minutes or so and your riot comes back and says my brother and sisters say they're gonna come and eat you well we gotta get out of here uh the rats know we're here and I'm gonna and I step on this baby rat didn't really do me any favors I lost a really good piece of fish feeding him so how much of do we have no we want to get this home you ought to break the whole thing out and you know have use this thing the the whole thing the whole meteor probably is about 500 pounds okay this is like the biggest piece of delirium like it is the chunk that we yeah the chunk the in the meteor 500 pounds the chunk once it's out probably only weighs about 20 pounds if that right okay I have an idea trap we know where it is maybe we can do a quick run back let River know that we have we know where our pieces and then come empty-handed I I say that you go kill all the rats I'll finish getting this delirium out of this meteor and we're good I'm gonna die two rats nobody's ever died from rats okay that's debatable because that's our only way out unless we cover the south entrance do you have anything that can build a barrier I do I do what do you have I'm out of spell slots for second level so never mind I cannot put a web wall okay well that would have been handy do you have sorcery points enough to recover a small slot learning about sorcerer's because what if because that they're also they have our way of to sorcery points left they're coming the way that we need to go wow so they're coming from the south and we can block them in the south and then we at least have the east way of going that's true as long as they're not out of that south path yet what yep so if we just cover it a little bit he's too quick though how does how does that work with sorcery points to I believe it costs I think it's like I think you need more than two together second level spell slapback but I'd need to look it up I have a question yeah if I were to just cut our losses and sever it where I can yeah the meteorite how much am I gonna get okay if you if I just so the goal the goal is to bring back the whole intact shard if you with with your knowledge of this you could put the crowbar on the hammer in one place make a strength check and hammer it and that might break it out it might break the shard to and there's no way getting away with like a half chunk if I go up higher on it again this is one solid piece of delirium it's about extracting it not getting it's a it's an all-or-nothing thing with this piece yeah right so you could try to do the hammer shot take it out in one with what with the work that you've done now right do you can you web well it web I just found all the rules here I need three sorcery points to gain a second level spell slide and I use one sorcery point so I only have two left so I cannot get okay I say that we just get the whole thing and fight our way out so I'm gonna keep working away then or more with more haste okay you were away I wanna be out in the hall so I can see where they're coming so I can at least like can we like stealth out so that we can try to ambush them as they come through if you guys can judge numbers if you get somewhere that I can't be seen by his torch then at least I'm like essentially visible to them we both see in the dark let's leave him here to work on that let's go around the corner relax buddy try to set up an ambush maybe okay yeah I like that okay so you head around the corner as Pluto continues to work stick the torch in the mud giving me as good at light as I can get and I just I just keep chipping away okay as Pluto is finished finishing with the shard they oh you hear the low sound of several chittering footsteps coming from the South passageway here they come okay hide okay I wanna well I want to go beside the statue because if are they relying on dark vision yes so they can't see me okay you go behind the statue beside the station yeah up there and I'm assuming you're hiding in our last you first I'll check when it's appropriate Sebastian what about you I'm coming right to the entrance here and actually like before they get here I would like to cast darkness on myself using sorcery points and that way I am in complete shadow and they cannot see me but I see out of my own darkness yep I can veo see in that darkness I can't see in his door okay so you're gonna go over in the corner okay yeah so you can see coming around the corner come three rattling they are again you can see with these these ones these signs of mutation are much clearer right like almost like one of them almost has human-like eyes I know one of them is quite taller than the others as well and one and another two of them are carrying crossbows another carries another one of those smoking green vials and the first one kind of pokes its head up around the corner and pokes around and they look like they're actively looking and they they they cheater something back to each other that's it man things in the big round corner killed mother they did you can't see me I'm in darkness and I'm like trying to give you a sign that it's time to ambush but like I'm shrouded in darkness I'm gonna give them one last dish perception check to not be surprised but I both of you can give me stealth checks with advantage no I don't think it's I got a twenty one well alrighty let's roll for initiative and you the two of you will be acting with surprise Pluto because you're in the in the other room i I'm still gonna have your roll initiative because you're gonna hear hear what's happening but you are surprise for the first turn twenty okay so there's twenty Sebastian has six six I'm also twenty okay but I'll let you go first on all the times anyway so they just do you think I'll react it's gonna work in this moment I realize like my my my Mason teacher would be so disappointed I was going on about when I got a six six okay they'll you're up first all right I want to go with my room for the rats with the glowing bomb or whatever he has in his hands okay those glowing green makes me uncomfortable the river yep and they can't see you so you have advantage on your attacker oh yeah money okay 26 that is a hit that is 12 damage so you assassinate this rattling what happens oh I want to get him like through the green right into his chest like I am and I'm like clutches the bolt and drops it and as they fall to the ground the vial ignites sending out a bunch of splashing damage to the others and I got to make dexterity saving throws for the other two nothing gets a natural one and is corroded the other manages to leap out of the way and is fine what would you like to do now Kalitta BAE oh sorry I'm gonna take my second shots in the first turn yeah so yeah the second shot just foster what happens is he carrying like a cross cross boat oh I just want to hit him in in a nerve that like sentence is crossbow flying wow he died there okay all the writings have been slain but you can hear more chittering and footsteps coming from the whole of the halls beyond Pluto you're no longer surprised Sebastian it's your turn so all the rats that just came out are dead extremely dead yeah not wanting to waste my ambushed opportunity I'm a big ball of shadows right now I turn the corner and stand in this entranceway and see if there's any other ones rounding the corner your shadow envelops the the room and from from outside the shadow looking that way you can't see anything yet no nothing yet Oh what if I move further down you see a nother huge rat it would be a misnomer to call this one a rattling and there are two behind him he is the size of a human and he is wearing some very nice-looking studded leather armor and carrying a pair of pretty well made short swords and as your darkness envelops him he kind of goes what what is this rather shocked at the at the darkness in front of him and what would you like to do so as the shadow rounds the corner and envelops them they hear a voice from within the shadow say my name is Sebastian Crowe and I'm about to set you on fire and then I cast burning hands nice it's the rat wounds both the rattling to make their saving throws but they still might not survive does the rat prints oh he they all make their saving throws rat prints royalty he's maybe an envoy Oh 13 damage so even with their successful saving throws those two rattling czar vaporized and engulfed in flame but the rat prince manages he hears the sparking of flames and kind of hits the deck and rolls forward and rushing forward it was 13 points yes yes so he took half because he made a save anything else Sebastian after that I'm just going to back up here that's about as all my movements so that's about as far as I can get yes cool the rat Prince he says you hear the voice echo forward what's strange blackness you make manling I have another one of yours back with me you let me live I give them to you yes yes yes yes yes or we yes coming honest no okay make a deception check of course will will let you live if you lead us to the other survivors and we're gonna roll deception I get a 21 yes yes you hide in the shadows you are like rats - I'll lead you forward but you must reveal yourself I walk forward and I point towards the hallway okay you're completely invisible to them because you're a gloom stock in fact II can't see either I go up to him and I put my hand on him and he likes you ha are you spirits are you ghosts you are not manlings you're ghosts Oh still he's the red Prince's powerful I will tell you many secrets no show me where the human is follow you follow invisible spirit come fiery ghosts go go okay the the rat the rat Prince leads you down into a rather macabre chamber so that a Pluto you haven't extricated the stone now what do you want to do [Music] whenever I go you can you can hear this rat poison each other you can hear the two of them making and all I have is this 20 pounds of Dallaire but you eventually put two and two together and it sounds like they're pulling some sort of scam I look to the exit and look at the ghost sounds I look to the exit I look to the ghost sounds you're in the dark like you you're in Sebastian's darkness or in the end the rattling is like how fiery ghosts shadowy ghosts where you walk I can't see anything am i blind I'm gonna stop in the doorway and let Pluto walk past me so that I can like stay back so that my shadows don't how dark is it it spits complete darkness because of his darkness spell my darkness spell is pitch black it does my torch do any of it yeah I was gonna say now that he's bad not in my darkness man how far does your darkness ball go that's a great it emanates at least that part I think you clue in that Sebastian's there do you want to walk out of this area of darkness oh you don't stay in it yet okay to stay in it okay so all of you are basically hidden from from the rat Prince and you can and Sebastian you can see out of your darkness and you can come out of the darkness yourself because you're still hidden and you can see the rattling x' have made a makeshift laboratory in here and all of the chamber kind of it's a large oblong chamber with several other burrows burrowing off it that have been turned into rat nests and the number of burrows and nests roughly correspond to the number of full-size rattling x' that you've killed so they're all dead and what you as you come into this room over the acrid smell of like whatever alchemical stuff they're making here you can actually smell the smell of sewage because the far passage you can see there's a makeshift ladder that's leading up and the smell of sewage is coming from that direction and so this is like they're the remain burrow and as he brings you in and around in one of the burrows the rattling have with a hood and tied up is a human figure that seems to be that underneath you can see has a green cloak as wearing a green cloak and leather armor he's got the hood on him getting closer it looks like it might be a woman okay yep and issues her legs or arms bound she's she's completely bound yeah she's been she's been tied up and she's kind of like in the car she's completely silent though I'd like to with my shroud of Darkness move towards her and kind of lean down and even though she can't see me I put a hand on her shoulder and I and I say very quietly are you okay she hears your voice you say can you get me out of here my name is Sebastian Crowe and I'm here to rescue you is it safe it's as safe as it can be okay maybe the suction check to see if you can catch quietly talk while the rat Prince's nearby again an 11 and he only gets a 10 perception so he doesn't hear you speaking to her but he says here she was going to be dinner for mother but I give you her an exchange for my life I take out a dagger and I start undoing the bonds okay I say is there anything else here that's worth a while not to kill you he says just just the stones just the shiny stones give me the shiny stones there with mother I think any other any others in this room no no the others are out hunting they'll be back soon the other stones or the other rats the other rats my brothers and sisters we will mourn our mother by eating her hey I'm the other ghost a chain goes no no how do they wear do your brothers and sisters come from they take that ladder to the sewers it leads deep into the city yes we know the way cuz I wanted to take the ladder but now I don't wanna take the ladder I think we should go back out the way we came yeah cuz they might be coming in in the ladder and we don't want to come across them as we're trying to get out of here I know that we found this lady but we don't know anything about her you were to cut the I've got the bonds off yeah it's gonna I could carry her out okay I've got her okay you you killed the rat i I don't see her yet either it's just a whole lotta yeah darkness I'm gonna start like with her unbound I'm going to like sling her over my shoulder and start walking back out cool you leave the rat Prince alive as I'm walking past these two I'm like you guys you guys want to kill him I'm indifferent I mean one reference there be another reference at least he knows to be afraid of us I read the word rat Prince there's ghosts that go killing rats oh no rat Prince do you plan to stay here yes we will make more burrows here this will be a good home for us you said you know that your way through the sewers yes yes we do in exchange for your life I am taking this human but if the ghosts three should ever return perhaps you could guide us deeper into the city oh we will always fear the three ghosts the fiery ghosts the shadowy ghosts and the chain ghosts remember how many of your brothers and sisters fell here today to the three ghosts we will return and we will seek guidance further into the city alrighty let's book it out of here you book it out very carefully climbing up the muddy passageway in and as you emerge from tap into the city air you're shocked at this sight of torch plate surrounding the rat's nest there are assembled around 6 armored humans all of them wearing the library of the soda silver Order of Illyria and they write as you come up out of the pit say hail one of them comes forward a man he is still dark are you as I climb out of the rat's nest I turn the shadows off ok have you unmasked the your prisoner yet she was wearing her yeah she was wearing a hood yeah sure yeah she's a plain woman looking woman and you can see that she is dressed in the library of the hooded lanterns of dragon hein ok right and she she introduces herself as captain Petra Lang of the hooded lanterns hello captain Petra line she asked for your names and she's like well you got me out of one thing I hope you know how to get out of this one these are just paladins they'll be of no concern alright well I think we'll have to find out how this works out next week we got 15 minutes left we gonna play this one out we can have a conversation yeah yeah we'll see if we can bring this to an interesting end uh there's no need to point the sword at us sir where were simply travelers and we're investigating dragon hi I'm looking for a treasure what seems to be the problem we heard that there was a claim here to be taken that this is a nest of vermin the the man speaks behind his helmeted head all of them are wearing their helmets and you can't see their faces it kind of makes them all look like identical soldiers oh all of them some of them might be both men and women among amongst them but with their their armor that they're wearing as chainmail they're carrying shields they almost all look faceless behind the masks of their helmets and the the leader the steps forward and says what did you find down there a lot of rats a prisoner who was going to be food and just a few small shards of delirium that we've picked up a mama at a very large rat that was as big as a horse it took a little bit of work to slay it so you're scavengers Monster Hunters guttersnipes rat catchers that what you're here for I accept a couple of those as titles Monster Hunters yes I actually grew up nearby and I've come back to check out and see what the state of Dragon Heim is like and I'm not too happy with the way it's been and you destroyed all these vile creatures to the last one yes make a decision chick I want my guide oh no eight you know what about the yeah Pluto says what about the you left them alive well just one I left one as one who cavort with these vile creatures it was a warning to the rest of them so that they won't interfere with this territory again thank your persuasion check 20 hmm and what of this one are you she's a hooded Lantern one of the old city watch she a friend of yours we actually just met so I wouldn't go as far as to call her a friend but she wasn't christen er she speaks out they saved my life the writings were going to eat me exactly I enjoy helping people in need it's something that I think is important and I saw her in need and I helped her who are you we are the three crows one of those ghosts the three ghosts I don't we have many titles sir he takes his helmet off and he's pretty ugly dude he's definitely seeing his fair share of battle in his life he's he's an ally Rhian man and he's kind of grown as his beard out for quite a while as he pulls his hair off he's big was she like caterpillar eyebrows but otherwise is his head is shaven and he was that one of those big flat noses and he says says all right all right I am Durant the silver order we have no quarrel with you right now we had heard that there were monsters down here that were way laying several of the pilgrims making their way into the city we thought we would do the right thing and clear this path you seem to have done our work for us thank you you can count on us to do the right thing I hope so are you making your way further into the city uh that is yet to be seen where we're merely observing right now and seeing what the state of things are and going to plan our next moves accordingly I think our next thing that we have to do is we're gonna go back to this old mill and Mark that we are alive do you know the mill by the by the horse that you kick one of the soldiers she speaks up and she says yes sir Duran that would be the Eckerman mill where the many of the other cutthroats and scavengers have been gathering of late and he nods and kind of brushes the other other woman off and says the city is in no-man's land it's not under the control West Tamar doesn't exist anymore Caspian huh you know me could we recognize that livery you're a Jackson aren't you yes I know it's a little acid damaged and I'm itching still from the rat bites but yes as a prince of caspia I am humbled to make your acquaintance you seem like a well fine gentlemen you seem like fine folk we our mission has been cut short but if you would like we would travel back with you to amber what village we are staying in the chapel there where are where our other Knights are assembling for more sorties into the city you would be welcome to to work with us if you would like we can offer good food and noble work if you'd like to associate with us I don't know if we're quite going back that way but if you have any spare rations yeah there's no need for us to go to hammer wood village we can go to the mill so be it spare rations suit yourselves where could we find you there's a small chapel a small chapel in in amber wood village and the flame keepers there have graciously allowed us to use that for our muster it's a strange little place of sin and filth but the chapel itself is nice sure you guys will clean up the place time will we'll head by there at some point and maybe we'll meet up it was this absolute pleasure to meet you and if you have any more rat jobs we're probably not interested but other things to kill if you need someone to get a little get their hands dirty and I also don't like doing that do you have any like regular work it's not often we need the we work with mercenaries who are interested more interested in gold the call of faith and nobility motivates our cause of course noble causes noble I'm mad nobly that fills my belly right we will take our leave now but they're good hunting may God be with me would maybe be more than welcome to share some food with you may the gods be with you my god Caspian goodbye it's kind of like a fist bone okay I fist bump them all they salute and they turn off meanwhile Petra she says well that could have gone a lot worse we I was worried for sure that they were gonna turn on us the moment they they saw that we were vulnerable they could have taken everything you had see my thing about paladins is as long as you pretend that you're like a righteous and proper they'll be nice to you so you just fake it until they leave I don't know if I'd ever consider us vulnerable though let's be honest listen they've got a we we do have a presence in amberwood village but if you'd like if you wouldn't mind maybe you would mind helping me get back to the barracks it's at Shepherds gate and maybe I could put a good word in with you if the commander if you're interested in going deeper into the city we're kind of on a time crunch I think we can help her back that's along the way I think it's the complete opposite direction it's it's been a long time since I've been here well now that we're done with those arrogant jerks hey can I get a quick Jackson 3 meeting okay the crow Mayo in this crows okay come on vo in the crows all right huddle up can we get one minute sure hey guys I saw 20 pounds of load this my back's starting to get all tingly and weird and I think I'm having visions yeah but keep in mind that we don't really have a good way into the city right now I we're with the amethyst Academy can they get us into the city as far as I'm concerned the amethyst Academy should be able to get us anywhere we want not quite hmm this is an easy way to get in if we can get on her good side I knew a couple of the guys there but I mean not the means they'll actually let me in the city and my way is kind of getting a bit tighter to go through so where do we have to meet River back at the mill I believe did we give a time River seems to know when to meet you I guess it's very strange but the the amethyst Academy and their agents are the type of people that find you is the Delirium going to cause an ongoing problem if we carry it around with us can you phrase that in the form of a question that I can answer descriptively instead of as an omniscient godlike entity it reacts to magic everybody wants it this is the biggest chunk is people have found in a very long time does this piece of delirium seem to emit the haze crumpled up in the bag it hasn't been emitting the haze like this right now it definitely but you can feel like the effect of the ozone around it you're lucky that like not even like Petra doesn't know that you have it right right you haven't told her and it never came out with the others they just think you looted it for some shards so the fact that it's a huge piece is is is pretty big like have you ever walked around with like way too much cash because you have to like dump it at for like first and last rent or or to like buy a car or something and you're like I just want to get from point A to point B and dump this that's what I feel well we need such a choice we need to make a choice now do we I mean we can't just leave her here she's severely injured just does she appear that she could make it on her own she has no weapons and she looks at you and she's like I can try but if I you know that won't be necessary could I come with you like if you can bring me back here if you're not heading right back into the city I'd appreciate it maybe you could bring me to amber what village that would be way safer if you're not going deeper into the city just somewhere where I can get in touch with the rest of my people I think that we could bring her with a nice sight of Shepards bridge or Shepherd's gate it's I smell something funky and it's not the cat Zoey yeah she turns and says look at I know it's a dangerous Trek and it's probably safer to leave the city and head back if you don't mind I would rather leave the city with you and camp out then head back in on my own alone can we can I come with you at least it I've been through a lot and I just it's not the first time I've had to survive on my own in the city and it's not a pleasant experience we can make our way mostly there and we don't bring her too well we either we're leaking her to the gate we're taking her to the mill with us or we're heading to amberwood village with her those are the three options way to the mill one of the options we ditch her that's not an option for me she found her way like we got her we helped her Udo it Pluto which one of my three options do you like the best I say we bring what if I gave you an axe what ok we're heading to you we're heading to the mill you may come along with us that Pluto how do you feel about that I don't feel great about this River wants a secret mission and we're bound we found a tag-along but I'm saying that she doesn't have to come all the way to the mill she says she's gonna camp out so then we do our meeting and we we should did you're right we will have to find out how this works out next week ok thank you all so much for joining us for our inaugural episode of dungeons of Drakon hime this is my unique spin on hey there's rats in the tavern basement [Laughter] yeah so you went pretty well yeah are considering that please first Gary I fail you world max damage on I thought you were dead bikes I was like yeah I'll just start like make a new character game 1 lose Pluto Jackson that's actually really great yeah we've never had a guide survive one mission before so we've got a lot of folks to thank first of all just a few shadows right here we have we have Jill playing veo Sonia Arta backseat gloom stalker Ranger we have Kelly playing Sebastian are a half-elf shadow sorcerer and finally Joe playing Pluto Jackson our human battle master fighter we will be back next week here on Twitch starting at 6 p.m. and but I want to give a huge shout out to a bunch of our friends that have helped make this this show possible first of all right behind the scenes who you've been all interacting with on twitch chat right now is our very good friend Kyle who has been helping get keep everything running smoothly with all of the audio/video everything has been all this guy so he's done an amazing job shut up to our producer Clayton who has been organizing and putting so many things together behind the scenes a big THANK YOU to Chris at accent shield for sending us this an awesome initiative counter it literally arrived in the mail this morning so it was awesome to get to use it today he's also got some other fun toys for us to check out we did have some background music playing that was generously provided by a tabletop audio and in addition to some awesome voice work from hundred years borhu streams here on Twitch as well who did the voice work for the introduction is totally worth checking out who else we have to thank Kelly oh boy well I do also want to thank Jill for the artwork that she contributed to that in yourselves about we mentioned tabletop audio I also do we have anybody else to think well we did have an awesome set up by Doran forage in front of us as I said we we still haven't got a third camera set up for the for the overhead stuff we're kind of working out the logistics on that so if anyone watching tonight has any ideas or any leads on us for a good solution for that we'd really really like to know if you have any ideas but we have a cool door before it set up we've taken some photos of it so we will get that up as well so you can see what it what it looked like and we will try and figure out a solution for that in the future because it's a really big part of our game yeah we do really want to show off our awesome door of it Forge sets they've been such an awesome part of our D&D games and yeah thanks to them yeah so thank you all so much for watching we had a wonderful time and we'll see you next week in detention in the dungeons of Dragon Han the dungeons of dragons thanks so much see you next time twitch
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 972,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book, livestream, actual play, live, session, example, adventure, campaign, dungeon master, drakkenheim
Id: MNcpxqT_WsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 27sec (10587 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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