Dungeon Masters of Reddit, who is the single worst player you have ever put up with? #1

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I'm ready for this train wreck are you Dungeon Master's of Reddit who is the single worst player you have ever put up with and what in-game consequences did they suffer if any part one I once rolled a character with stats solo the DM made me a carrot sad face I ran a campaign set in the Industrial Revolution but with a light steampunk twist there were numerous things this one player complained about why do I need to buy a train ticket I'm just going to sneak onto the train wait why am I being thrown off the train what do you mean I'm not allowed to build up peasant railgun what do you mean I can't call it an orbital strike why does the King's Guard want me to put my bombs in a secure store while I meet the king I won't do it why am I being taken to jail what do you mean I can't sneak out of a secured leprosy ward I was only bluffing that I was sick and many more my husband was the DM one of my friends was that guy I'll call him guy for short here guy made ridiculously overpowered characters but also made each one chaotic unaligned this meant when we met NPCs who gave us tasks missions advice or even gifts he would try to rob them it was annoying as [ __ ] it got to the point where every painting had to be directly painted onto the wall and every ungifted item was cursed because otherwise guy would just rob everyone blind we have another friend who has autism and a pretty obvious speech impediment that guy would often interrupt him while he was attempting to deliver dialog in character and then smirk at the rest of the group he'd boast about it afterwards but we'd ignore him he thought it would be cute to hit on my character I wasn't pleased or comfortable because guy insisted on it I was told to roll resist I failed husband was kind enough to say flatly she is mildly aroused and quickly move on guy tried to keep going but we all told him to knock it off he wanted to be DM very badly we let him once every NPC and enemy was overpowered and he took great delight in slaughtering us each round took forever because he had so many characters to get through and each time he got to a player one of Guise enemies had a special trick to stop us doing a bunch of stuff mean another player got so bored we brought out books to read at the table rude I know but it really was unbearable guys life wasn't very interesting outside of our games he was an unemployed high school dropout he didn't study he didn't have any other hobbies except anime and video games and he lived with his parents this meant RPGs were pretty much guys only source of entertainment and the only thing giving him a sense of purpose our RPG group was bombarded with text messages 24/7 asking when we were due for our next session he claimed it was his duty to remind us there was a badass moment where he showed my husband a character he rolled which included a bunch of mods of stuff he found an obscure magazines and websites and my husband just looked at him and said congratulations you just won Shadowrun how was it finally we told him we needed a long break from him we informed guy we no longer wanted to play with someone like him guy wasn't happy but he seemed to take it well there was so much crap he did that I really only just skimmed the surface he really was held to play with it sucked so bad eventually guy encountered his own that guy and learned some humility he still isn't exactly a joy to play with but he's much better than he used to be we have a that guy in our group not nearly that bad but frustrating in a similar nose and exploits the rules kinda way pathfinder campaign before I joined the group he had built a sorcerer designed as a frontline err by using enlarged person and other buff spells to be super beefy but early game as sources tend to be he was squishy and felled to a lucky crit from an enemy he was pretty bitter at the DM for losing his uber sort barbarian thing so he rolled an Oracle necromancer level 7 he had some six zombies two lizard men of flaming undead dog Hydra and a ghost all under his control through whatever methods min maxing further win my DM described it at one point as we're basically watching him play Pokemon because no one else in the party even needed to be there diem was new so he didn't know enough about rebalancing encounters and was just playing through a pre-written campaign we're starting a new 5 e campaign and he's playing a healer so he should be a force for good in this next round which will likely come with its own complications for our DM but at least we'll have other people actually doing things the worst I ever played with was a guy who cheated he was a one-upping me first min maxing rules lawyering murder hobo but then I can deal with as a DM what I can't deal with is cheating when I caught him and confronted him about it I probably would have let him keep playing with the group if he just confessed and promised not to do it again but he tried to blame shift and obstacle and all kinds of other things so I asked him to leave and not to come back I also posted his information on some forums which I admit may have been a bridge too far because I didn't want other people to have to play with him as for in-game consequences those are for in-game actions we had a guy roll a critical failure while another guy rolled in at 20 the net 20 guy dodged a boulder and carved his name into the boulder while the other guy got smashed by that same Boulder because his shield got caught in the tiny hallway he was in he still blames the other player for essentially sending him a boulder with his name on it to kill him still starting as a DM someone joined my game who was a massive anime fan he joined with a human warlock called Kira now I knew nothing about Death Note at the time to me it was just a human warlock with a name Kira he played the Warlock like an actual warlock carrying around his tome in which he would take notes and make lists of names in character he said these people who I want to see to me that was just a character quirk so I let it be but then we encountered a villain again whose name he had noted he got mad at me he's supposed to be dead that's how the Death Note works I was a bit confused and for a moment I thought I had forgotten some obscure D&D role so I asked him to explain what his character could do he told me it was a homebrew magical item if he writes a name down they die which I thought was overpowered and told him that he got really angry said the whole point of D&D was to play the characters he once eventually he relented that part of his character but it kept going he would sometimes refuse to roll for a certain check I'm smart enough that I would just succeed so I had a one-on-one conversation with him about what he wanted to play and what was fair to the other players and myself as the DM he seemed understanding but the next game would fall back into his old habits annoying other players as well I removed him from the table after that his reaction was to take out a prop Death Note and dramatically write out my name still alive watch death note since good show now understand why he also dramatically ate his potatoes not that [ __ ] meme god I had a player who kept making dumb technical arguments to justify every little weird stunt he wanted to pull ran out of arrows and wanted to shoot rocks with his bows kept arguing that he'd seen someone do it so he totally worked couldn't make camp in the muddy grimy floor of the cave so he wanted to sleep on the ceiling upside down with his boots of spider climbing we pointed out that the blood rushed to his head he argued that there wasn't a source book that stated that elven biology was affected by gravity that way so a goblin ran around the corner and threw its poop at him he exploded and we pointed out that there wasn't a source book that stated goblin poop didn't double as volatile explosives when thrown at upside-down sleeping my friend was constantly trying to kill the other characters for their loot and ended up being left behind he died literally his next turn not D&D but a fate based game character was based on a gambler with a minor ability to alter chance the player was an absolute [ __ ] I'm all for open-ended storylines but we had all decided to play a campaign our DM had spent a ton of time putting together if he failed to throw he started trying to undermine the other player's actions so they all failed together he'd lead the location or quest and refused to participate because it fits my character but insist on doing throws for all of his random [ __ ] actions in my opinion we did an okay job finishing out the campaign but he wasn't invited to the next one which was awkward because all five of us lived in the same house he didn't talk to us for two months and then moved to Texas for a Michigan only one member of the party talks to him on occasion and apparently he just refuses to acknowledge that we existed this was a few years ago I had started up the age of worms campaign I contacted all of my old friends from high school and we were going to play like old times most of them I had kept in touch with the only one I hadn't kept in touch with turned out to be the troublemaker for the purpose of this story we'll call him Frank we start up the game game consists of six players including myself we get through the first module without much trouble Frank likes to talk shop and we'll talk everyone's ear off no biggie not like I'm any better he however started on the next session trying to push his weight around us like he did in high school see in our little clique of friends the person who is actually the voice of the group was him I thought nearly a decade of being out of high school and married that he would have changed into a sensible adult I was wrong well he started to verbally be a douchebag to one of our players this lasted a few sessions until the last one the last one he physically swung at the player it was something over the game on how something was role played and Frank got pissed swung I stood up to tell him that I would not put up with that [ __ ] in my house however I didn't get the chance to to this day I think this was so cool the only person at the table that didn't go to school with us was James James is six for a farm boy who worked nights as a bouncer before I could say a word he was up and restrained him he said something along the lines of how dare you do that [ __ ] as a guest in someone's house he told him to leave before he got physically thrown out of the house Frank left and we continued to play the campaign he was the first person I've had to ask to leave but sadly not the last everyone Brian here just wanted to do a little check-in before the video is totally done now I know times are getting rough out there and a lot of us are dealing with things we can't even begin to describe and some of us don't even want to admit are going on we have anxiety depression general feelings of being alone and just being stir-crazy indoors now while not everyone is affected by this quarantine and pandemic the same way I know we're all suffering to some degree so I'm going to be asking the big boss mr. Ripper himself to put something I made in the description below it's a pseudo meditation guide of sorts I made it just in case anyone out there needs a helping hand in relaxing during this crazy time so yeah it's there if you need it have a listen and let me know in the comments if it's any good I promise at very least it is calming anyway thanks for tuning in be safe out there ladies and gentlemen be happy and we'll see you next time right here same Channel have a good one you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 252,976
Rating: 4.8725548 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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