BAD BATCH Season 3 Episodes 1-2-3 BREAKDOWN - Every Easter Egg & REY PALPATINE Finally Explained

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there has to be a way out of here I'll find it the bad batch has returned and our Theory from the very first episode of the show has been confirmed now it looks like Omega is a distant relative of Ray Skywalker and I cannot wait to explain how welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan AR and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in the bad batch episodes 1 2 and three season 3 oh and also be sure to check out our Star Wars parody merch at our merch store screen Crush where we design all this merch ourselves we have our classic original trilogy te the prequel apologist somehow p return The Apprentice lives hello there say no to death sticks and many more the link is below so the title of this episode is confined because it's both about Omega being confined in this space but it's also about us the audience being confined in Mount tantis with her like Omega we do not get to leave this place during this episode We Begin the episode on the outskirts of the lab in the atmosphere and the action slowly pushes in showing us the layers of security that are confining Omega and Crosshair there's the storms in the atmosphere the monsters outside the facility the compound wall layers of force fields until we finally get to omega's small solitary cell now this is showing us how difficult it's going to be for her and Crosshair to escape the facility this episode reminded me of the great Crosshair solo episodes like the outstanding episode last year the Outpost where he frags his commanding officer he is Expendable as are you lieutenant the bad batch in my mind has always struggled to balance its huge ensemble cast in season 1 and think that the show is at it's strongest when we get to really dive deep into a single character and sometimes see the other characters from their point of view and I think it's very important that the first story in this season is to see Omega in prison because it establishes the stakes right now the team is trying to reform their family and retire to space gree but this prison is what awaits them if they fail the shuttle coming into the atmosphere is a republic attack shuttle like we saw all through the Clone Wars and it's a precursor to the emperor's Lambda Class Shuttle that we saw in Return of the Jedi here we see the clone commandos the more elite soldiers with glowing visors now I think that along with those Black Ops clones we saw last season these will be the last clones that the Empire retires and also the hardest clones for Rex to turn against the empire when it comes to the great clone Rebellion that I really hope is coming later in this season notice the officers calling in the shuttle where the same helmets as the Death Star super laser Gunners in A New Hope now in a new hope they Mass differentiated them from the other Imperials because this look was meant to mimic the look of a hangman's Hood because they destroyed alderon but here I think they pick the mask just cuz it looks cool yeah man that's the rule of C now you know we cover a lot of Star Wars on this channel but I especially love when we get to cover animated Star Wars I mean animation has a special place in my heart because you know it connects me with my childhood oh is that why you're eating a candy bar actually Doug this is not a candy bar it's a blueberry magic spoon treat and it's got 11 gam of protein and only 1 gram of sugar and this is Honey Nut cereal from Magic spoon they're the sponsor of this video so magic spoon's been our partner for every season of the bad batch and now it's become part of my watch tradition just like on Saturday mornings when I was a kid I get to watch cartoons and eat this fun cereal except now I also have to take notes when I watch the shows yeah but that cereal looks like it's real sugary is it bad for you dude magic spoon tastes like all the cereals from my childhood but it has no gluten no soy and there are zero grams of sugar but most importantly it just tastes so good choo choo choo with magic spoon you can build your very own custom box from cocoa fruity frosted peanut butter and maple waffle flavors plus other awesome flavors including Honey Nut blueberry muffin cinnamon roll birthday cake and chocolate chip cookie and now they've introduced two new treats we have double chocolate and blueberry muffin you can also add their marshmallow and chocolatey peanut butter cereal treats to your order and each one of these bars has only 130 calories I see sir magic spoon fulfills your need for childlike Nostalgia while also engaging with your on an adult level exactly but mostly it's just fun like we may be grown-ups but come on be the grown-up you always wanted to be when you were a kid eat fun cereal and watch cartoons it's perfect for a reluctant adult like myself magic spoon is actually so confident in their product it is back with a 100% happiness guarantee so if it is not for you they will refund your money and you guys can part ways as friends no one's feelings will be hurt so to get $5 off your first order click the link below or scan the QR code that's on screen right now and use the code screen Crush to get your $5 off or go to magic green Crush to get your deal today now back to what I was saying so wait where are they at again about this in a lot of past videos so I'm not going to dive too far into it Mount tantis is actually from the very first expanded universe series the heir to the Empire Trilogy by Timothy Zan it's a cloney facility inside a mountain where Grand Admiral thraw was going to create a new Clone Trooper Army to staff these lost republic ships that he found in hyperspace in the new Cannon it's become a Black Ops cloning facility that Palpatine created separate from Camino where he could begin Research into project Necromancer or what project necrodancer Necromancer it means to use magic to raise the dead like you all remember how Palpatine was cloned out of nowhere in Rise of Skywalker somehow Palpatine returned uh-huh so these episodes are explaining why that happened how that happened they're trying to create a cloned body of Palpatine that can actually sustain midic chlorians it's the same reason Gideon wanted Gru's blood in the Mandalorian I highly doubt we'll find a donor with a higher M count though in fact project Necromancer was also referenced in season 3 of that show project Necromancer is in place for that wow so this is just a lot of hours to explain one line from a movie I know but to be fair they did spell a lot of this out in Rise of Skywalker the emperor is dead dark science cloning Secrets only the Sith new anyways that's what they're trying to do with the cloning I'll go into more detail on it later so notice that Omega is back to wearing this arm patch the same patch that the cloner Dr persin wore in the Mandalorian and that the Clone traines War on Camino and you know what Star Wars Canon has never explained exactly what that symbol means but we here at the channel have always assumed that it was worn by members of a cloning Guild since like every profession in Star Wars works on a medieval system of like guilds but now I'm wondering if this is a patch that is always worn by clones and that persen was also a clone or as we theorized last season he could be the son of the Clone scientist emarie because persin did mention growing up in his mother's lab my mother was a doctor in the town where I grew up in the hallway we see an ra7 protocol Droid like we first saw in the J sand crawler and A New Hope and we also see these floating medical droids like az1 omega's favorite Droid who first appeared in the clone wars in the lab the Ares here reads biometric data status and that Omega goes to deliver samples to n who of course we first met in the Clone Wars episode shadow of malevolence way back in season 1 in her lab notice this hologram sound it's the same one we heard in the original trilogy Nal say deletes Omega samples to keep them off the books and at the end of episode three we get confirmation that indeed Omega sample was actually the perfect match to provide a stable mcount the Clone sample supported a positive mcount transfer with no degradation from the specimen so what this means is that Omega has this rare clone DNA that actually allows you to transfer midi chlorians and make a force sensitive clone now we predicted this all all the way back in our very first breakdown of this show after the camean hinted that Omega was a special kind of Clone the remaining clones of squad 99 have escaped along with Omega until the Empire's intentions are made clear say nothing at the time we said that maybe the camans were on the slide trying to learn how to clone Jedi so they could have their own Force sensitive clone army so right medoran yeah what is that again well I'll let Qui-Gon explain it medoran are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells without the medoran life could not exist and we would have no knowledge of the force now look I know we all hate the idea of midi choran because it makes the force so literal and physical but I do like the way that John favro and Dave Fon have used that concept to show how Palpatine's number one goal was to achieve what he promised Anakin he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying it's also fitting because the force itself itself is very natural it is a gift of life it's an energy field created by all living things it surrounds us and penetrates us it binds the Galaxy together while Palpatine is trying to usurp that natural way of things in order to cheat death and the dark side of the force draws its power from death and destruction so it naturally destroys living tissue instead of preserving it so cloning is the only way that Palpatine could ever use the dark side of the force to live forever you see Star Wars has always had this macro clash between nature and Technology even in A New Hope the Rebels have their headquarters in a green lush jungle while the Imperials are in a cold metallic battle station so extending this struggle into the realm of cloning of the force is a natural extension of this idea so when they say that Ry is Palpatine's granddaughter this is because one of his clones could not hold midi chorian but his daughter Rey could so it is possible that maybe in this series we're going to see the Empire acquire omega's DNA the DNA that will eventually create the non-force sensitive clone of Palpatine Ray's dad which then creates Ray now Ray being a Palpatine is still by far the worst thing in Star Wars and I will die on that Hill anyways notice how Nala is walking slightly bowed as opposed to gracefully gliding like ham Owens usually move it's like either she's getting older or imprisonment is really starting to affect her spirits notice how the testing equipment works the sample is operating clockwise which in episode 3 becomes a literal ticking clock for Omega to escape the facility before her sample is tested Jimmy Simpson returns to voice The Great Character Dr Hemlock walking n say through these barriers of Ray Shields with the red Rao of course symbolizing the evil of the Sith and the multiple barriers representing the multiple clones and copies of Palpatine that they'll be creating it's also a device to show even more layers of imprisonment in this facility to tell us how impossible it's going to be for Omega to escape Omega feeds the Lura and befriends it again Star Wars is always about the natural world overtaking the technological world so we see her making friends with animals the Droid working in the Stables is an se2 model like we first saw here in Rogue one and of course this is a mous Droid like we first saw in A New Hope and I loved how like later episode 3 we actually see Omega kick one of these things to keep her from following her into the elevator Crosshair and the other prisoners are wearing white jumpsuits now you will probably remember that we also saw these in the excellent prison Arc of the show Andor there is one way out and they were also seen in the show Star Wars reels but what you may not know is that these costumes are very similar to what the workers wore in George lucas' first feature THX 11138 in that movie human workers are drugged by robots until they essentially become extensions of the machines so Lucas's fascin with this push and pull between the natural and unnatural has been present since his very first film omega's capts forbid her to have any personal items which is also very similar to how in THX the humans are not allowed to have any personal attachments or possessions later in the episode we see that she has made a new version of her stuffed Tua cat Lula the Recker originally gave her back in season 1 Emory tells Omega how come I never saw you on Cino because I was sent elsewhere which means that as soon as the chaman started to create a clone army Palpatine immediately started his own Black Ops facility to continue his own research so he could achieve immortality in a way it's like part three of his master plan number one take over the Republic number two eliminate the Jedi number three become immortal he probably actually was grooming Anakin as an apprentice because he was conceived by the medoran and had such great raw genetic material sir pettin is Mr Sinister and Anakin is Scott Summers that's what Star Wars is going with so the medkit on the wall here in Ares Reeds first aid Omega still wants to rescue Crosshair even though he betrayed the squad but remember had a connection with him in season 1 that I thought at the time implied she was force sensitive I know it's not your fault now maybe that Force sensitivity is what allows Omega to feel a connection to the Lura but after she sets it free himl basically tells her that her efforts were pointless and she only weakened the animal with her cataly of course in a couple episodes we're going to find out that he was wrong but the episode ends with the beta howling outside a sign that the Empire cannot hold the Natural Forces at Bay forever and as we'll talk about later later in the video Omega ends up being set free by love a power that is antithetical to the dark side of the Force episode 2 is called paths unknown which refers to the search for Omega but also it refers to the young clones on this planet they don't know what's next they've been so preoccupied with surviving that they don't yet know how to really live the episode starts at the headquarters of Isa D's devonian crime syndicate now remember her son Roland Durant briefly took over Sid's operation in season 1 then he got in trouble with the Pikes who cut off one of his horns as punishment for losing their shipment of spice so the headquarters here is created very much to look like a European city with a cathedral or a castle at its Center on a hill surrounded by the walls and homes that kind of flow outward from it it's a way of telling us this is where true power lives so I know a lot of you saw the trapo here at the Durant Palace and immediately thought of [Music] this but actually the having an audience with an evil ruler with a trapo Trope goes all the way back to the Flash Gordon Cals that inspired Star Wars to begin with [Music] with wrecker and Hunter have tracked down the pike who took Roland's horn so we're kind of getting an interesting power Dynamic here the Pikes are a massive crime syndicate that controls all the spice minds of kessle presumably they're also the people behind the death sticks this guy was selling you want to buy some death sticks just like our St Nota Death Stick shirt at our merch store and in this episode we hear that the Durant family is also getting weaker this Syndicate has grown weak under your rule Lady D so maybe like in the background this season we'll see more of this war between the Pikes and Isa Duran play out but they also say the capture can't be traced back to the devonians so who really knows hey Isa dur sounds kind of familiar who is that well I'm glad you asked Issa Durand is actually voiced by screen Legend Angelica Houston oh that's so care it really is and you know seeing just wrecker and Hunter on this Mission really hits home just how much of a blow this team has taken Ekko is off with Rex helping other clones fight the Empire the Clones will need our help now more than ever I can't turn my back on them Tech is dead Crosshair and Omega are captured and so the team is really down to just two guys and then the shot of the marauder Landing in the jungle seems like it's a copy of a very similar shot in The Phantom Menace when the Trade Federation armies are landing on the bo Recker points out that the last time they didn't wait for backup they lost Tech and actually expect that we keep seeing Hunter make more and more Reckless decisions like this throughout the season as they try to find Omega Recker says it smells like R and jotz out here and a jotas is a monster on the planet zepo which you fight in the game Fallen order when they arrive on the planet they that it was hit by an orbital bombardment just like Camino was at the end of season 1 and then they find these Lord of the Flies clone kids who escaped and are now searching for their purpose in life and I thought this was a nice touch thematically with the rest of the episode these young clones no longer have a purpose like the bad batch they are free and no longer have to obey this clone Maxim good soldiers follow orders but the thing about freedom is in many ways it's more difficult than being trapped in a system of control when you're free you have to make your own decisions and decide what kind of man you want to be the Clones face a moral dilemma in this episode do they save themselves or do they help others this is the question at the center of this show the bad batch have to decide what will they do with their new found Freedom Live a happy life in space Greece fight the Empire or fight for the Empire the Clones say they thought they were getting additional training but they made us prisoners took samples of our and this is very similar to the prisoners in Andor where the inmates thought that they were working off their sentence when they were essentially slave labor and all those themes are shown with the kids in this episode so remember when the Clone kid gave this warning and don't touch the vines now these Slither Vines are not natural to this world the Empire cloned them as a potential defense mechanism again we're seeing how The Empire messing with the natural order causes problems for them and last season we also saw them kidnap animals like the Zillow Beast to replicate its armor to withstand lightsaber attacks so it's interesting to see that the Empire's Jean slicing isn't just limited to trying to give Palpatine immortality yeah but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think of they should Recker grabs gonky to use as a power source because remember gonk droids are essentially just large walking batteries that scream when you torture them what is my purpose you pass butter oh my God and I loved this sequence of them on the Bas like the Zillow Beast episode last season this is claustrophobic creature horror like the first alien movie in fact the little Vine monster even looks like a baby face hugger now the environment the gas mask and these creepy Vines even seem inspired by The Last of Us the game more than the TV show because in the game you have to wear a gas mask to prevent spores from infecting you with the corps fungus and of course this entire sequence with a monster lurking below and tentacles popping up also seems like a nod to the dianoga and a new hope the kids easily break onto the bad batch of because hot wiring expensive Machinery in Star Wars is always super easy what like it's hard and one of them says check this out a DC 17 so this is the standard issue Blaster issued to all clones that the cadets probably trained with when they were on Camino then we see the full tentacle monster and it's this love crafty and horror from the depths with no face and all teeth and no eyes and it proves that the sarlac was way scarier when it just looked like a dune popcorn bucket they say they narrowed the Bas search to a single sector which in most Star Wars video games like Star Wars rebellion a sector is just 10 planets that really does narrow it down for them and they take it down with an explosive to the mouth similar to how Boba Fett got his revenge on the sarlac and at the end of the episode Hunter sees Recker laughing with the boys now this connects to this shot from earlier when he saw omega's doll and he looked away cuz he was sad but now he's seing the ship filled with the sounds of laughter and children again so it gives him hope and now let's talk about episode three shadows of tantis first of all I love seeing how Imperial architecture look similar across like different eras like how the cone shaped structure here is very similar to the death star core in Return of the Jedi or even the structure that house the tractor beam and A New Hope now as I talked about earlier this episode does a great job of establishing a ticking clock Nal knows that omega's DNA can hold mic chlorians because that's what Nal say oh mind omega's DNA to do that's the point so as the machine rotates clockwise omega's sample ticks closer to midnight also check this out the reading here that measures the medoran count looks just like the one that Obi-Wan used to look at Anakin's DNA in The Phantom Menace and then the emperor arrives escorted by v-wing starf Fighters the precursor to the Tie fighters just like in Return of the Jedi he arrives on a single shuttle and not with like a giant massive Fleet now this is because both Mount tantis and the second death star were secret operations and he needed to arrive with a small escort to preserve that secrecy that's why the president doesn't go to Area 51 it is how do you know that continue when his shuttle arrives we get this creepy Coral music similar to his main theme Return of the Jedi Emperor everything is proceeding as I have foreen except in the bad batch it sounds like it's the beginning to that light Motif like Palpatine's rule is just getting warmed up and later in this episode we hear the full theme it is imperative that this facil facility remain hidden and secure but Palpatine is greeted by a full division just like he was in Return of the Jedi and he is accompanied by his Imperial guards who we also first saw in Return of the Jedi remember when we thought we were going to get to see them fight in Revenge of the Sith and instead Yoda just did this B you B you God that was awesome now he is voiced once again by Ian mcder after Tim Curry voiced the character for a few seasons of The Clone Wars and man what a gig this has turned out to be for Ian mcder originally he was just hired to be in makeup to play the emperor and George Lucas planned on dubbing another character for the voice until he heard Ian MC's performance and ever since then Ian mcder has been palpating also here's a small detail the grading of Crosshair prison cell is the same shape as the map of the prison facility a subtle way of showing how the facility itself is like a large set of prison bars Palpatine says they lack the vision that we possess which is a pretty typical palpa burn that we heard him hurl at Luke Skywalker and pay the price for your lack of Vision Crosshair tries to escape by saying unlock this cell much like the Jedi mind trick that Ray used in the force awakens you will remove these restraints now notice how crosshairs hand has developed a slight trimmer your hand getting worse now for his special skill being a marksman nothing could be worse cuz a sharpshooter needs to have a steady hand now this could all be in his head I mean he's having a crisis of faith in himself or I think it's more likely that his clone DNA is beginning to break down like wouldn't it be a bittersweet ending for this show if Omega and end up safe and sound but the bad Batch's DNA begins to break down because they were never designed to Outlast the war him loock shows the emperor this cloning chamber which of course are all lit with like Sith red lighting and I got to think this is going to be really similar to the facility that we ended up seeing on exle and the rise of Skywalker maybe we'll see that one of his early clone subjects will actually be snoke finally explaining where the hell the jar of Snokes came from after Omega and Crosshair Escape he works out that to get away they can follow the emperor's flight path and I love villain irony like this where the bad guy carelessly causes their own undoing you played yourself dog had Palpatine not visited the facility Omega and Crosshair would have not been able to find the shuttle which might have led to Omega being captured and Palpatine being cloned much sooner in the Star Wars timeline when the Empire is scanning for them this sound getting an odd energy surge in sector 4 it's just like the scanning devices the rebel Speeders used on Hoth but the ship engines themselves sound like the Republic gunships and Troop transports we first heard an attack of the Clones hold on and as we discussed earlier Omega befriending Aura in other words trusting in nature ends up saving their lives so now we have an interesting situation here where Crosshair and Omega will be out looking for hunter in the bad batch when Hunter might end up on Mount tantis when Omega is not even there it may actually be the entire season before we see all these characters finally reunite and by the way the planet's hologram at the end looks very similar to the indoor hologram in Return of the Jedi di that movie takes place about 25 years in the future from here and it makes sense that the rebels would be forced to use odor technology and now the full force of the Empire is going to be brought to bear to hunt down Omega hunt at first I just thought NS was going to die and that would prevent the Empire from hunting down the bad batch because they could no longer use omega's DNA but now that they know about omega's mcount I think she's either going to have to fake her death or actually die oh no and once again thanks to Magic spoon for sponsoring this video just a reminder scan this QR code or click our link below and use the code screen Crush for five bucks off or go to magic screencrush to get your discount today so what did you guys think about the bad badge Premiere let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 184,830
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Keywords: bad batch season 3, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, bad batch season 3 trailer breakdown, bad batch season 3 trailer, bad batch season 3 trailer reaction, bad batch season 3 reaction, bad batch season 3 review, bad batch season 3 predictions, bad batch season 3 clip, bad batch season 3 spoilers, bad batch season 3 episode 1, bad batch season 3 episode 3, bad batch season 3 episode 1 reaction, bad batch season 3 release date, bad batch season 3 watch party
Id: I1HA5AM5vOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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