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as many of you know I was not expecting much from Dune 2 I didn't particularly care for the first trailer and while the second trailer I thought was much better they've been showing the first trailer all the time that's the one that you see again and again and again so even though I did enjoy the first dune I had a couple couple of qualms with it uh which we discussed in my review back then I'm happy to say that I think this film much more Embraces the idea of the white savior trope as many of you many of you were like hold on Grace it's going to cook well how was I supposed to know it was going to cook with the sequel and I do think that the first two first dune did do a lot of damage with some people to the brand if people aren going to see Dune to it's largely because they did not care for Dune one which is a real shame because Dune 2 is so much better I'll just say it now it's like Batman Begins versus The Dark Knight that's the kind of glow up you're looking at here and you know the B Batman Begins was only okay I'll say it but I mean wouldn't you feel stupid if you miss the dark night because you didn't care for Batman Begins so that's how I feel about Dune 2 and I'm going to try without spoilers to explain to you why the movie is so much better because I feel that's really as I said the only hurdle that remains so yeah I thought it would just be kind of like more of the same as the first movie uh so imagine my surprise when the movie just absolutely blew me away sort of like the Dune 2 red carpet it's extra ah now when the movie started it reminded me very much of going to the Opera or a modern art museum right like you're not quite sure what you're looking at or what it means but it sure is bold and interesting and they spent a lot of money on it you're like wow look at that Set uh they even create a new type of firework here which I found fascinating so at first I thought that's largely what the movie had going for it right with lot with with more action I'm going to get to that in just a second but let me just say that there are actually two elements that I think significant ific L help this sequel the first is as I just said more action much more action I would say there's more action every like like it's really artistic for like 10 or 15 minutes and then artistic action and you're like oh excellent like the pacing is just much better uh to keep even casual viewers engaged which is crucial and that action is incredibly inventive sprinkled throughout as I said to keep people engaged it's not like hold on don't fall asleep for 2 hours and then we're going to go all out no there's cool stuff right away in fact I almost feel like when they were editing it they were like I feel we might be starting to lose some people put in an action sequence and you're like ah that was a good idea and then what I thought was also very interesting about the movie it's a fascinating discussion or I guess you could also say exploration because it's also very visual as to whether or not Paul at trates is the Messiah right of course that's the title of the third book doe Messiah and this is approached in this movie from two fronts Paul and his mother looking to use that to their advantage both to secure their safety and to and to get revenge right and then also javar bardam stillar who genuinely believes it and as you watch the movie or at least for me I found myself the most aligned with zenas Chan as in I wasn't quite sure what to believe and I think that was fascinating the ambiguity of it you were like he might be the Messiah but it might not but I'm having a good time trying to figure it out uh and I'll also say this is what surprised me the most and this is you know how everybody focused on the bag pipe player in the first dune hilarious we all noticed the guy and I remember these funny memes about guys being worried if the if the bag pipe player made it through the war because of course he's just he's just playing the bag pipes man and I got to tell you I was worried about him too hilarious that's like a whole like if they were really a little bit I guess you can't really do that with Dune because it's supposed to be so serious that would be hilarious like little short series to kind of maybe promote the film but anyway when I was watching this movie when we got to the third act which goes full on Lord of the Rings and fullon War movie and I saw the house of at tradies Banner flying once more I was caught off guard with how emotionally moved I was by seeing it I haven't cared about House of tradies that much certainly not after I mean I felt bad about what happened to them but by the end of this movie I was it I was was just like oh man yeah it just it it's hard to describe how I felt but I imagine it's the whole reason that they carry banners in war and I always wondered why they did I was like why make that dude carry that Banner it's similar to the bagpipe guy you're like he's just a Sitting Duck is it really that important and when I watched this movie I was like oh yeah it's like it's like when I finally understood the how Captain America's shield Works uh by seeing him in U Winter Soldier I was like oh yeah that is useful I finally was like oh I can see see why you have the banner it does make a difference it was incredible I'll never forget how I felt saying that Banner especially not only because I was so emotionally affected by it but I did not expect to be I was like Wow flapping in the wind I was like Wow also as someone who enjoys the study of history and current events I don't think I've ever seen such an organic and honest look at colonization before from the perspective of those being colonized usually Hollywood is very plating and condescending offering up a pipe dream fantasy alternative they're like but what if this happened and this though I felt even though of course it's the highest of sci-fi uh I still felt the struggle of the fman was incredibly well depicted and I found it to have honor and integrity also they've done a great job of casting this time around all the way down to the extras you know we've they've just um adding an Oscar for casting and I was like that's stupid we don't need an Oscar for casting but then when you see a movie like this and you see some of of the talent that you know gets an opportunity that maybe otherwise wouldn't with the way Hollywood usually goes and you see such strong uh Charisma down to the extras I'm like oh maybe there is room for a casting Oscar I think I might see the vision so that was interesting and I feel that that and then also to have those characters having such a uh open discussion about the white savior Trope I thought you know really worked and and made the movie get on finally get fully on track I mean I just really thought it was great and I think that it might help the film have even stronger Global appeal I also think that some groups particularly young men will be drawn to this film the way they were to Joker but whereas Joker was very much about the individual Dune 2 is about the group again looking at honor Revenge sacrifice fighting for something bigger than the individual and I also feel it reminded me a little bit of gangs and gang Warfare which I found fascinating how about the ladies well like House of the Dragon there's a big focus on how women are most valuable in a world like this and how they can extend the bloodline in other words have children also that religion and Espionage are other areas where women can flourish and Excel and of course Dune combines the two of them religion and Espionage and a very fascinating even more so way than they did in the first film and sure enough just like throughout history the world of Dune is not kind to women I felt well we we'll talk about it in the spoiler review but I was like I mean that that hit me too I was like woo yes Dune 2 is often archaic but in some ways it feels like going back to basics you know Star Wars some people argue Star Wars take place in the past or the future right uh and you had to have that thought with Dune as well right like um when Florence Pew is uh writing in her diary and she says the date you're like wait a minute is this like supposed to be far in the future or something uh and then you're just following the movie so much you don't continue to try and figure it out but this to me feels even more like that you know Star Wars although Star Wars is maybe perhaps you know you know more of a popcorn flick than Dune so maybe that's why Star Wars Star Wars is the Big Brand and dune isn't we'll see how this movie does I I I I hope it does well I would like to think that it would do well uh but I think when you think of all of our technology and advancements that are layered on top there are still some fundamentals so fundamental truths at play and I think that Dune very much explores those the good the bad right whether you like it or not to me what I like best about Dune 2 is that it underscores how hard you have to fight in life like just constantly one character even screams I have to do everything myself and I felt that I felt the tension and the pressure that everyone in the movie is under it's incredible but you just have to keep pushing yourself you can't give up and and I mean also that there's always a path through there's a visual like that that I I also really made a big imp impression on me you'll love it when you see it and I love that that's the message I think with Dune 2 that just you just you just can't give up also Paul's leadership I was just I love when movies reflect like where you are in life right so Paul's leadership I was just having a discussion the other day about whether or not it's bad to be apologetic when dealing with others women in particular have this struggle right like you know should women be apologetic is you know is that the path forward for them Etc and so to see Paul not being apologetic that was very inspiring to me to see it in action I mean I loved it he you know Timothy shalam has some incredible monologues in this movie I just loved it visually of course the film is stunning oh it's gorgeous and after putting all the pieces in place and establishing this world with the first movie now Deni villanu and Company can play right all the pieces are in place Let's Go Crazy many times when I was watching the film I was just in awe of what I was seeing and I feel honestly that the visual elements are alone the visual elements alone make it worth seeing in theaters and again very inventive action sequences I don't want to give away any of the surprises some of the stuff was really neat I was like I did not expect that to happen that was awesome but I will say that the film really reminds me of Ridley Scott's early work with Blade Runner and alien uh which is not a bad comparison uh Denise now of course Deni villanu directed The Blade Runner sequel which tank uh despite some really inspired sequences particularly the abandoned Casino showroom that was incredible but it couldn't save the movie cuz it was just one sequence and Blade Runner uh Blade Runner 2049 did not have I think enough action it was too cerebral and I think the first dune was very cerebral but thankfully Dune 2 does not make that same mistake they have tons of that type of sequence which is fantastic Dune 2 again has the most action of a villain movie to date and something cool in action is as I said happens to about every 10 minutes or so like riding sandworms oh my God I love riding sandworms I didn't think it would be that cool the way it's brought to life on screen just blew me away I was like where is the theme park experience this is fantastic I mean I see a roller coaster here for sure it's amazing and or some kind of immersive experience and then there's the explosive third act which I said goes all out also excellent fight choreography and weapons that often seem very unique to Dune you're like only on a pus would we see that I mean boy are they good with everyone's pretty nifty with a blade I I was really impressed they like invent their not only their own weapons and spacecraft and vehicles Etc um but also fighting style which I really liked seeing I was I was like I could watch you fight all day polres uh but make no mistake in addition to all these Visual and action elements spending more time with the characters themselves is in the sequel is also crucial to why I think the film is so much better everything was so formal in the first film with the audience kept at a distance which you know from a creative perspective I understand mimicked where the characters and the situation was at that point but it still created a cold distance with the audience here this sequel lets the guard lets its guard down and therefore we as the audience are let in and it makes you feel much more connected to the story and the characters when I first tweeted about the film uh when the social media embargo lifted I said maybe villanu maybe could get himself a Christopher Nolan level following with this movie I think he's certainly better with character development and he's miles better with female characters and we'll see how Dune 2 does if it doesn't do as well as a Nolan film then we can consider what the differences might still be but honestly as I said I think if anything holds people back from seeing Dune 2 it might be the mixed reaction to the first film some of you adore it but some of you fell asleep that's why that onion headline was so funny but you don't need as I said to see the first dune to enjoy Dune 2 uh and I I some of you might say that's sacrilegious but don't you want Dune to finally do really really well I mean Dune 2 doing well is crucial to getting Dune 3 uh from what I've been looking at we definitely want Dune 3 so who cares if people saw the first dune it's over it's done it came out now we have a concerted effort to make sure Dune 2 does well all right now let's talk about the cast with Timothy shalamay I was worried I was just going to see Wonka uh that film I loved that movie Wonder Brothers is on a rooll right now Barbie Wonka Dune 2 wow uh and of course I just recently saw Wonka I saw it twice but you know what I'm so happy to say that I only saw not just Paul trades but I saw the evolution of the character from a space Prince to truly a space Messiah that again I don't want to have any spoilers we'll talk about it more in the spoiler review but it was an incredible thing to witness I and I I never thought that I would really see a messiah or feel that I was looking at a messiah but I was like I think that might be a Mah a lot of fans were bummed of course when Zena was hardly in the first dune but rejoice as she is the co-lead here and as always she does an incredible job I feel she's really ready to graduate from being the girlfriend to heading up her own movies which I mean even in Challengers though she's kind of still the girlfriend I mean we haven't seen that movie yet but I think Zena is ready to not just be the girlfriend she's very good at it but I think there's she's got more in her uh Austin Butler he looks super were cool in this movie and he reminds me so much of the artwork of this comic book artist Nick drod East of West it's this little comic that I think only a couple of us read but it kept going and it also sometimes never made sense uh and it just this he in particular in Dune Austin Butler looks like he stepped right out of that comic which I think is really interesting but also what's what one of the things that makes him look like he comes out of that comic is that he has very small delicate features which is unusual for someone who's so physically big as he is in this film but really I was like if he opens his mouth and still sounds like Elvis it's going to really hurt this movie but he didn't sound like Elvis hooray he did it and in fact I think what might have helped is that he's doing a very different but also very severe type of accent a hearkening accent how cool is it that this movie created a hearkening accent I was like oo this is what hekinan sound like he did a great job so good so um I also feel that this sequel does a fantastic job of depicting hearken in culture and Society instead of just making them the kinky weird villains I mean they're still the kinky weird villains but at least now we know where they're coming from I thought it was great and also any fan of blueeye Samurai will get a kick out of this but I thought it was great that they decided to have the hekinan or at least some of the hekinan the high higher level Harkins dye their teeth black just like they did in some parts parts of ancient Japan and what's explored in the blueeye samurai show uh so that's fascinating to me me I love when fantasy melds with like history and reality cuz it makes it feel more grounded and more real even though of course it is still fantasy javar bardem's role is much bigger this time and he does a lot of heavy lifting bringing both heart and humor to the film while everyone else is fulfilling their Destiny he's just a regular dude which makes him very relatable and likable also that he can have such strong religious faith and devotion while still holding his own still remaining his own person I think is really nice to see because Hollywood usually depicts religious people of Faith as sacrificing their own self they lose their self and just become you know this movie is very much about the bigger group and something bigger than yourself but it doesn't ask you to sacrifice the individual you can have both and I think I really like that that to me seems the most appealing of the many things I've seen put forth uh recently uh Florence Pew has a has a she has a very small role I'm sorry to say but it's a Testament to her acting and star power that she really still makes an incredibly strong impression she's great she's just really good she I really she's her her role is like almost stripped down very natural right and so I think that makes it seem even more authentic she's great really really strong uh she of course was in uh little women with Timothy shalamay and I never thought of that while I was watching the movie which is fantastic this was very much its own thing uh everyone does a great job great cast again good job casting director from top to bottom uh even Rebecca Ferguson who becomes space Ken that's totally how I would describe her and she does it with Flare she talk about not being apologetic she's like yes her character has totally become a space Karen but she owns it uh also I want to give a shout out to H soila yakub who also I thought really stood out as channie's friend she was great the only actors who don't quite fit in if I had to give notes it would be to Josh Brolin Leah seu and Christopher Walkin who are fine they're fine they don't disrupt the film but I would say that they seem more like themselves in the world of Dune like they're in a dune photo shoot rather than in the story of Dune they don't they don't transform as the rest of the cast does so no matter your reservations and I know some of you have them I really honestly highly recommend you see Dune 2 in theaters I mean come on do you have like a theatrical subscription like amca list it probably won't even cost you any extra go see it cuz it's a rare combination of truly High art that's still a blockbuster so it's still a lot of fun it's visually stunning and even though it's a sci-fi film it manages to be a great War film as well plus it's much easier to understand and follow than the first film and I believe you'll actually find yourself emotionally engaged instead of just intellectually not to mention this is a cinematic work of art if you're an all into film you owe it to yourself to at least see what villanu is doing here he's doing some really fascinating and interesting stuff and as I said this time he finally realized he needed to have enough action to keep you know even C to keep you know people who even for me sometimes that's not enough the action is really important and the emotional connection you know um allowing us to connect with the characters that's the huge difference from the first film so that's my non-spoiler review of Dune part two hitting theaters March 1st in North America and a couple of you you lucky bastards are getting it early uh don't spoil it for anyone all right share your thoughts down below subscribe today and of course as always you can check out some more videos right [Music] now
Channel: Beyond The Trailer
Views: 106,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune 2 Review, Dune Part 2 Review, Dune 2 Review Today, Dune 2 Review No Spoilers, Dune 2 Reaction, Dune 2 Trailer, Dune 2 Today, Dune Part 2 Reaction, Dune Part 2 Today, Dune Part 2, Dune 2, Trailer, Movie, Review, Movie Review, Reaction, Today, 2024, No Spoilers, Spoilers, Denis Villeneuve, Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Warner Bros, Official, Beyond The Trailer, Grace Randolph, Clip, Part, Part 1, Full Movie, Scene, Reviews, Blu-Ray, This Week, Dune 2024
Id: wyJQqAvaB0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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