Why Become A Spacing Guild Navigator? | Dune Lore

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Whatever faults the Spacing Guild may have had,  when the day of the Steersman ended, a real   beauty passed from the universe. The experience  of the Steersmen, breathing and drinking melange,   rocking to the beat of space and time,  swaying with the music of the spheres,   led in their dance by the  pulse of life around them,   alive to every note in the pavane both  composed and played by their quartet,   is beyond the power of words to describe or the  imagination to conceive. ~ Dune Encyclopedia The bizarre post-AI future presented in Frank  Herbert’s Dune series features an interstellar   empire largely built on a foundation of several  strange and fantastic elements. Many of these   elements involve mankind’s evolution to fill  the void left in the wake of the banishment of   thinking machines. Perhaps the most peculiar of  these evolutions came from within the powerful   Spacing Guild with their Navigators who  enabled safe and fast FTL travel. However,   the long process required to become a Guild  Navigator would see a human’s mutation and   total transformation into a being which was  confined to a chamber filled with spice gas,   and thereafter would be entirely  reliant on others for their survival. Because of this, a common question that  many readers of the Dune series have   is just what would motivate an individual to  undertake such an extreme and life altering   transformation. In this video, I’d like to  answer the question of why someone would   become a Guild Navigator and how this reasoning  fits into the overall structure of the Duniverse.   Spoiler warning if you are unfamiliar  with Frank Herbert’s Dune series. In order to fulfill their function  as an interstellar steersman,   Guild Navigators rely on the mind altering  abilities unlocked through the consumption   of large quantities of the substance known as  Spice Melange, found only on the desert planet   Dune. Along with the clairvoyance made possible  by means of the spice, several health benefits   are said to come along with its consumption  including a greatly increased life expectancy.   To ensure that the required levels of spice  saturation are achieved and maintained,   Navigators are continuously immersed in containers  filled with highly-concentrated spice gas. Over   time, this high level of exposure to the addictive  melange causes a human body to mutate and atrophy   until the point where they would become vaguely  aquatic in appearance. A fish in a strange sea. Through their monopoly on interstellar travel, the  Spacing Guild amassed almost unfathomable wealth   and as a result, it stands to reason that  they were easily able to secure the resources   to provide for and protect their members, granting  them access to all the comforts and benefits that   such riches could afford. No doubt, this eased  the transition of Guild members into Navigators   as they would become entirely reliant  on others in the transportation   and maintenance of their enclosures  and regular supply of spice. However,   considering the established societal  systems in place in the Imperium,   it’s highly likely that not many are presented  with the opportunity of becoming a navigator. In Frank Herbert’s Dune, a rigid class system  called the Faufreluches (Fa-fre-loooshez) exists   with its motto being "A place for every man and  every man in his place." This caste system stands   to maintain order, civility and control through  the enforcement of a strict social hierarchy   with most of the population having their  career trajectories predetermined from birth   with little chance for upward mobility.  Therefore, it would make sense that to many,   the prospect of rising to the top of the  power structure of the undisputedly most   powerful organization in the universe  would prove to be enticing. After all,   there are not many who get to travel the universe  with the supreme level of reverence and respect   afforded to those who hold this illustrious  position at the core of human civilization. Once they begin their journey of transformation  and develop an addiction to spice, it’s probable   that any Guild member’s interests would come  further into alignment with the Guild itself,   as they would realize their dependence  on the organization as the best reliable   source to constantly feed and fulfill that  addiction without the prospect of withdrawal. While the confines and limitations of a Guild  Navigator are significant, these restraints   are purely physical in nature. The freedom  granted to a Steersman through the spice melange   places their mind on an entirely different plane  of perception. Although it pales in comparison   to the Bene Gesserit’s Kwisatz Haderach, the  knowledge and understanding available through a   navigator’s prescience serves to completely alter  their comprehension of reality. As a result, their   consideration and concerns over corporeal matters  are entirely transfigured and greatly diminished. While an individual's initial motives  may in fact be driven by curiosity   and the prospect of attaining such a  venerated and even deified position,   the enlightenment experienced through  prescience no doubt serves as a powerful   addiction in of itself. Although limited, their  vision likely also results in the revelation   of many well guarded secrets, long held by both  visible and clandestine powers of the imperium. In performing their function as Steersman these  beings must look forward in time to see many   futures, relying on their mathematical training  to select a thread of time resulting in the safe   transport of the Guild’s Heighliner vessel.  In performing just one single journey through   foldspace, the wonders of the universe are  revealed to a Navigator. The ability to   discover these wonders through their unique view  of space and time doubtlessly grants a sense of   fulfillment and unquestionably serves to maintain  their continued devotion to the Spacing Guild. As individuals become acquainted with the power  structure of the Imperium, they are quickly made   aware of mankind's reliance on the Spacing  Guild. This reliance serves to guarantee the   Guild’s survival as their services are viewed by  many as being too critical to be allowed to fail.   While the various Houses of the  Landsraad may rise and fall,   while the Emperor may be overthrown and  replaced, Space Travel must continue and thus,   the Spacing Guild must survive. As a result,  those who ascend to the rank of Steersman   effectively achieve ultimate job security as their  services are critical to the continual function   and operation of all economic affairs across the  cosmos. The Guild’s monopoly also ensured that it   would never be threatened or negatively impacted  by the various conflicts between the houses of   the Landsraad save those few events which might  hinder the flow of spice. Consequently as long as   the spice continued to flow a Steersman’s life  was largely free of fear or immediate danger. As mentioned at the outset of this video, the  post-AI universe of Dune features many evolutions   with various factions having developed formidable  physical and mental capabilities. At the apex   of these evolutions were the Guild Navigators  who came to be viewed as gods of mathematics,   space and time. It is for these reasons  that the Steersmen are so highly venerated   and until the arrival of the  Kwisatz Haderach, Paul Atreides,   it could be said that these largely unseen  bizarre and fascinating beings stood firmly   in their place as the true masters  of humanity’s interstellar empire. But I’m curious to know what you think of the  evolution of the Guild Navigator. Do you think   it seems logical for someone to sacrifice their  human form in order to attain this distinguished   and illustrious rank? Let me know your thoughts  in the comments section below. I hope you enjoyed   this video, leave a like if you did and be sure  to subscribe for more Dune and other sci-fi and   fantasy news and lore. Thank you all so much for  your support and as always, have a very nerdy day.
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Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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