Dune Imperium: Rise Of Ix - How To Play

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hi and welcome to watch it played my name is rodney smith and in this video we're going to learn the one to four player expansion for dune imperium rise of ix designed by paul dennan and published by direwolf digital who helped sponsor this video here you'll be exploring the planet of ix discovering new technologies and adding devastating dreadnoughts to your forces when you play dune imperium and i have the original version of the game set up on the table in front of me if you want to learn how to play this game we have a video for that which i'll link below but here we're going to focus on the new things this expansion brings so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up follow the normal steps with a few adjustments first add this charm overlay to the top of the board covering the previous spaces and creating these new ones that we'll go over later also set this planet of ix board nearby and shuffle the 18 tactiles which have this back creating three stacks of six tiles each that you set into the spaces for them here once in place you then flip over the top tile of each stack so that it's face up you'll also get some new conflict cards mix these into the ones you already have but still create the conflict deck the same way meaning you should still have four level three conflict cards on the bottom five level 2 conflicts on top with a single level 1 card on the very top of all that any extras you then return to the box as usual you'll also get 17 new cards to shuffle into the intrigue deck and 35 new imperium curds to shuffle into the imperium deck before forming the imperium row you'll also find these special control the spice cards but they're only used in the new epic game mode and i'll discuss that at the end of this video so you can return these to the box for now you also gain six new leaders to add to the ones you already have giving you even more options if a player ever takes tessia as their leader they should also collect these four snooper tokens which are used by her special ability which is explained here finally each person collects two of these dreadnought tokens in their color adding them to their supply and they also get a freighter disk which they add to this bottom space of the shipping track on the new overlay board and those are all the changes to the setup unless you're playing a one or two player game which has additional rules we'll quickly discuss later for now though let's go over the new components and see how they work starting with the planet of export here we have two new spaces that you can assign your agents to and to set an agent in one you'll need to have played a card with its matching symbol here as usual if you go into this tech negotiation box not only will you get one persuasion during your reveal step but you then get to resolve either of these two symbols and let's start with this one on the left when you see this symbol it means you can acquire a textile whether resolving this symbol here or from another space or card effect you pick any one of the face up textiles on top of these stacks and then pay its cost in spice as shown here if the action you're resolving shows the text symbol with a negative spice value this is a discount you get when buying the tech so instead of costing me two spice like it normally would i would pay one less so that i only spend one spice to buy these wind traps the important thing to understand is that you can never combine more than one discount on a single tech purchase if you're getting more than one discount that turn pick the best one and ignore the other and at most the cost can be lowered to zero after paying the cost for a chosen tech you take it from the stack and immediately flip the one under it face up and if a stack would ever run out of tiles you'll just have fewer stacks to choose from in the future the tech you've gained you'll set face up in front of you where everyone can see it and if it has a symbol here this is known as its acquire effect and you immediately resolve this so in this case we'd get one water in this area is the text ongoing effect and you would resolve this any time it would apply sometimes you'll see this symbol on a text ability this means it can only be used once per round to show this after using its effect you flip it face down and then at the start of the next round you'll flip it face up as a reminder that you can use it again we won't go over all the different tech cards as how they work is explained on them but here's a quick peek at a few of them in case you're curious and want to get a sense of the new powers you can gain by acquiring them going back to this space we see that instead of acquiring tech we could pick this symbol representing tech negotiation anytime you resolve this you may take a troop from your supply and place it as a negotiator into this space now if you have no troops left in your supply then you would just ignore this effect and there's no limit to how many troops each player can have in this space but in the future when you're resolving the acquire tech icon you can choose to return any number of negotiators you have in the negotiation space back to your supply reducing the cost of the tech you're buying by one spice for each and you can combine this with any discount you get from the acquire symbol itself so if later i placed an agent here and wanted to acquire tech maybe these invasion ships which normally cost five spice i would get a discount of one from this icon and then i could return these three negotiators back to my supply to discount it by three more meaning i'd only have to pay a final total of one spice to acquire this new technology and that's how tech works in the game so now let's learn about shipping shipping is triggered by resolving this freighter icon which you'll find on the board and certain cards when resolving this symbol you have two options you either move your freighter token up one space on this shipping track or you recall it and when recalling you resolve each effect at its level here and below so let's say my freighter was already on this space and i placed an agent here and was resolving this symbol if i decided to recall i would gain these benefits and these benefits and then afterwards you move your freighter token to the bottom of the track again and you can resolve the benefits from each level of the shipping track that you've earned in any order you like now if your marker is ever at the topmost space then if you're taking a freighter action you must recall it with that understood though let's look at each of these spaces and see how they work this benefit lets you acquire a tech at a discount of two spice here you recruit two troops and gain one influence in any one faction on this bottom space you can either gain two spice or you gain five solari and each of your opponents gains one with that understood these two new spaces on the board should make sense as they'll also enable you to interact with the shipping track now let's go back to the planet of export as there's one space on it we didn't discuss going to the dreadnought space lets you acquire one tech but it also shows this symbol which represents commissioning a dreadnought any time you resolve this you may take one dreadnought from your personal supply and then you place it into your garrison if you're resolving the commission a dreadnought symbol after sending your agent to a combat space you may deploy it directly to the conflict as usual you only have two dreadnought tokens so if none are left in your supply you can't commission more each dreadnought you have in a conflict is worth three strength and you don't have to have any troops in the conflict to count these and having them here lets you play combat intrigue cards and count sword symbols you might generate towards the conflict again even if there are no troops in there with it but that's not all if you win a conflict where you have at least one dreadnought you then immediately move it to any of the board spaces where a control marker can be placed which you'll remember are the spaces that have this banner outline now the space can't have a dreadnought in it already but it can have a player's control marker you just set your ship into the space and now you control that location gaining its benefit anytime the location is used and if another player had had their control marker already there you just set your ship on top of it and they no longer control the space now you do at the end of the next combat phase any dreadnoughts on control spaces return to their player's garrison and if they've been covering another player's control marker that player gets control of that location back if you had one with more than one dreadnought in the conflict you move only one of them to a control space and the other returns to your garrison not your supply other players who didn't win but had dreadnoughts in the conflict also returned them to their garrison so dreadnoughts compared to troops aren't just stronger they're also more durable and they introduce a new term to the game units if an effect refers to a unit it can apply to both troops and dreadnoughts but if an effect mentions troops it will not target dreadnoughts and if an effect mentions dreadnoughts it's not referring to troops this retroactively updates one of the rules in the original rulebook which you can see here on screen from page 10 of the expansion rulebook now when you send an agent to a combat space you may deploy any units you just recruited which means both troops and dreadnoughts to the conflict area and then may move up to two more units to the conflict from the garrison and that leaves us with just a few new icons to go over and we'll have covered this expansion anytime you see this discard icon it means you pick any one card from your hand not including intrigue cards and put it into your discard pile so here i could discard a card from my hand in order to be able to trash a card here's another new symbol well actually it's two symbols and when put together it creates what is known as the unload symbol and you'll find this to the left of some reveal boxes as you know normally the only way to gain the benefit of a reveal box is to reveal it during the reveal phase but not anymore if a reveal effect has the unload symbol it means whether you discard or trash it you then get to resolve its reveal effect box at that time here let me show you what i mean let's say i had both of these cards in my hand and i played this guild chief and picked esmer to discard esmer's unload effect would then resolve and i would get two spice and two solari but of course i'd have to discard it then going back to this guild chief's effect i now get to trash a card and i could even pick esmer which means its reveal effect would trigger again as it's being trashed giving me two more spice and two more solari just know that if a reveal effect has the unload symbol it still also works as a regular reveal effect meaning that if you reveal it during your reveal phase you just resolve it as normal you don't have to discard or trash anything and that leaves us with just one more symbol to go over on some cards you'll now find this special half agent icon beside the card's agent symbols this is known as an infiltration icon when placing your agent you may put it in a space with enemy agents they no longer block you from sharing the same space you can even go into a space with multiple enemy agents maybe they had used infiltration as well however you cannot use the infiltration symbol to add a second of your own agents to the same space infiltration only works against enemy pieces a couple of quick clarifications though infiltration does not let you ignore the effects of this voice card from the base game that says you choose any board space and opponents can't send their next agents there this round so you can't use infiltration to get around this effect likewise if you play this intrigue card to add icons to a card with the infiltration symbol you can't infiltrate any of those newly added locations only the location that's on the infiltration card itself and of course you can play a card with the infiltration effect and just go to an empty space as usual and those are all of the new rules for the standard three or four player game if you're playing solo or with two players you'll find included components and instructions for that here in the rulebook though i should point out there's a slight error in the first printing of this expansion solo rules in this setup box at the very beginning there should be an additional paragraph that informs you to remove the two hall of oratory and rally troops cards from the house haggle deck but these rules for the two player and solo game i'll leave for you to discover on your own however if you'd like to see a full playthrough of a solo game using this expansion you'll find a video for that here on this channel and i'll put a link to it in the description below and don't forget there's an app you can choose to play with to assist you with both two-player and solo games if you want also this expansion introduces a brand new epic mode of play this is an optional variant for players who want a longer more intense game here you'll play to 12 points instead of 10 and other than some setup changes the game is played the exact same for this epic game mode during setup you don't use any of the conflict level 1 cards in the conflict deck instead use 5 random level 2 conflict cards stacked on top of 5 random level 3 conflicts in your starting deck you also remove one copy of dune the desert planet and replace it with one of the control the spice cards we set aside earlier in the video each player will also draw an intrigue card during the setup but if a player has the vi count as their leader they should wait until everyone else has drawn their intrigue cards before using their intelligence ability which here says they get to draw two of these intrigued cards examine them pick one to keep and the other they return to the top of the deck finally each player begins the game with five troops in their garrison instead of three otherwise all the other rules are followed as usual and that's everything you need to know to play the rise of x expansion for dune imperium if you have any questions at all about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and i'll gladly answer them as soon as i get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page at board game geek and i'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video and if you'd like to support us directly you can join our patreon team which i'll have linked below but until next time thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 49,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Dune Imperium, Rise Of Ix, Dire Wolf Digital, instructional
Id: gn2qIOdPcd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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