Dungeons, Dice & Danger - How To Play

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[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is rodney smith and in this video we're going to learn the one to four player game dungeons dice and danger designed by richard garfield and published by ravensburger who helped sponsor this video so i've heard you're thinking of becoming a hero well if there's one thing that heroes can't resist it's a dungeon and the ones in this box are full of treasures and if you don't get them the other heroes will but it's not just treasures in here there's also cultists wolves a bear with a scorpion tail and i've also heard there might be some dinosaurs but you said you wanted to become a hero so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up the players will first need to agree on which of the four included dungeons they want to play on each of these pads of paper has two different dungeons in them on one side of the page you'll find one of the dungeons and on the other side you'll find another and the same is true of course in this pad as well now if it's your very first game they recommend that you all play the annoyed animals dungeon each player now takes their own matching sheet from the selected pad and one of the included pencils and in this video we'll assume we have two players i should point out i have my sheet on the board just so i have a firm surface to write on now the person who most recently defeated a monster becomes the first player and collects these five dice or you can just pick someone randomly and that's the setup inventions dice and danger players will roll the dice to cross off spaces on their sheets that represent exploring fighting monsters collecting treasures and other daring feats once all the monsters have been defeated the game ends and the players will check to see who has proved to be the most heroic by scoring the most points the game begins with whoever is holding the dice and they are known as the active player while everyone else is considered a passive player the active player now rolls the dice where everyone can see them and let's say these were the results each player now builds two pairs using the white dice for example i might pair this five and one together to make six and this two and one to make three or instead i might put the five and the two together to make seven and this one and one together to make two the catch is that players really shouldn't be moving or touching the dice at this time like like i've been doing don't do what i've been doing because each player will be making their own sets of two pairs the pairs i choose to make might be different than the ones the other players make so just create the pairs that you want in your head as you're looking at the dice the active player actually has an extra option they alone may choose to use the black die when making their two pairs so they might add this four and five to create a nine and then pair this 2 and 1 to make a 3. in this way the active player will have more numbers they can possibly create when picking their two pairs either way once the players have their final two numbers they now go to their own sheets and try to cross those numbers out your sheet shows a dungeon which has a variety of numbered spaces some will have different colored backgrounds others will show various icons and some are large spaces which show a monster that can be fought and monster spaces will also have several smaller empty boxes inside them like these let's say i was the active player and chose to make these two pairs from the dice creating a three and a five and remember only the active player can use the black die to cross out a space it must contain a number that matches one of the pairs you've created and you can always cross out a green space these are known as starting spaces or you can cross out a space that's adjacent to one you've already crossed out any green spaces you mark never have to be adjacent to each other so i could mark the three here and the five way over here now i actually will mark the three right here any space you mark is said to be visited and can't be visited again later with my remaining 5 pair i'll now cross out this space which i can do because it's adjacent to a space i already marked and spaces are adjacent as long as they share some portion of a side even if it doesn't show a little door in the artwork between them this space has a white background and it's known as a regular space players will mark their chosen spaces at the same time you don't have to take turns when the players are finished the round ends and the active player passes the dice clockwise to be ruled now players make pairs again with the new active player getting to use the black die and rounds will continue like this until the game ends which we'll learn about later but let's go back to our sheet and say that it is the second turn of the game with the two values i've created from the pairs i chose from the latest role i can now match them to any green space as usual or any matching space adjacent to one that i've already visited now we've learned about the start and regular spaces but there are other types of spaces too and we'll discuss what happens when you visit them in a moment but first i want to show you this area these represent your special abilities and at the beginning of the game the ones with a yellow background are not active yet so you can't use them but here at the bottom we have your starting ability which can be used from the very beginning of the game remember earlier i said that only the active player can use the black die when creating pairs well that wasn't quite the whole story a passive player who wants to use the black dye in one of their pairs can by crossing off one die symbol on this ability each symbol can only be used once so when all three have been marked off that player cannot use the black die while they're the passive player but of course they can still always use it when they're the active player now you'll remember i said that on your turn you must mark off two spaces that match the total value of each pair you created however on some turns you may not be able to create two values that have spaces you can legally cross off for each pair of dice you can't use you'll take one damage during the game each time you take damage you mark the highest empty space on this life tracker and if you ever take so much damage that you mark off this final negative 20 space then you've died you're then out of the game and can't win now that said it's quite rare that you'll die and if it does happen it'll likely happen towards the end of the game now with that understood let's take a look at some of the other spaces on the sheet and see how they work but remember to get to those other spaces you must have already marked off a space adjacent to them so in these examples i'll assume we're later in the game and you've already created paths to visit some of these spaces that i want to show you if you visit a space that shows one of these gems you immediately fill in one of the empty boxes in this area this keeps track of how many gems you've gained and these will be worth points at the end of the game when you see this symbol you found a gold space now you won't find any of these in the dungeon we're currently using so i've pulled out another sheet to show you this example if you cross one of these off you also mark an empty space in this gold area of your sheet to keep track of how much gold you've collected and these will also be worth points at the end of the game to visit a space showing this symbol you don't need a specific value you just need a pair of matching dice so these two twos would work but so were two threes two fours and so on now let's talk about fighting monsters these are the larger boxes with a picture of a monster a few numbers and some empty smaller squares let's focus on this monster as an example to fight a monster you need to have already marked off a space beside it then you can deal damage to it by using a value that matches the darkened number of its space so i could use any pair that creates a five in order to attack this monster which i show by marking one of the small boxes in its space and every time i get a five from now on i can use it to do another damage you'll notice that monsters have other spaces beside them that are darker these are called activating spaces you can visit these just like any other spaces as long as they're adjacent to spaces you've already visited so perhaps with this 9 i would then mark off this space once an activating space is marked you then find the matching value within the monster's space and fill that in from now on you'll be able to damage this monster with either a five or a nine if you later visit this activating space then you'll get to mark off the three and now you'll be able to use a three five or nine from a pair to damage this monster as soon as you have filled in all of the square spaces within a monster's box it's defeated at the end of a round where you've defeated a monster you must let the rest of the players know you then circle the reward shown to the left of the slash here and gain it in this case two gems which you mark on your sheet all other players now cross off that part of the reward only the first player to defeat the monster can gain it all other players who defeat that monster later on their own sheets no matter when they do it instead get this secondary reward a single gem in this case though i should mention if more than one player is first to defeat the same monster during the same round they all gained that first reward also when a monster is first defeated every other player gets to mark one box of damage off on their copy of that monster for free and if that causes their version of the monster to be defeated as well they still only get the secondary reward the other players only get this one bonus damage on a monster the very first time that monster is defeated even if more than one player first defeats it at the same time no bonus damage is given if and when other players defeat the same monster on their own sheets once you've defeated a monster the space it's in is now considered visited and that means you can now use values to cross off spaces on the other side of it so with this enemy defeated i could now use an 8 to mark off this space some monsters are labeled as a boss and these are a little different they do take damage and are defeated in the same way as other monsters but you'll notice they don't have a primary and secondary reward a player who first defeats this boss will get this reward six gems in this case and they also resolve these symbols which each represent damage that they suffer as a player so here two damage they now cross off that number of life boxes from their track here just like a regular monster each other player now gets to fill in one damage box on their boss monster for free but since there's no secondary reward they won't gain anything immediately for defeating the boss on their own sheet if they do manage to do that later that said at the end of the game the other players will earn some points for the damage they did to the boss as we'll see also don't forget if more than one person defeats the boss during the same round they each earn the reward and that's how fighting monsters works next up we have these treasure chest spaces which have a yellow background when you visit one of these come to the special abilities area of your sheet and pick any one of these options which are separated by a dotted line and you select it by filling in the white space beside it once you have a special ability you can use it right away so let's see how each of these work this is the extra life ability with this checked off you now mark the next three damage you take on these boxes instead of your life track you also immediately gain one gem this special ability is the torch and it can be used up to two times once you've acquired it each time you use it you mark off one of these spaces which lets you mark any space on the board adjacent to a space you've already marked and you can use both torches in the same round if you want in addition to your dice pairs you can also use it to damage a monster if at least one space adjacent to it has already been visited this is the extra black dice ability it lets you use the black dice an additional three times when you're the passive player crossing one off each time and those are all of the standard spaces you might encounter on any map but there are also some other spaces that are unique to this map which we'll go over as well to visit a space with a fist you not only need to create the values seen there as usual but the values on the dice must match so to visit the space that needs a four i'd have to use two twos and any time you cross off a fist space you also cross off one square of damage on every monster of your board that has an open one even monsters you haven't visited yet if you managed to cross off enough fist spaces you could completely kill a monster you never even initially drew a path to and if so you can't just mark off squares adjacent to this monster with future values not until you've marked off at least one path of spaces to it after that point you can then continue the path through it to other spaces also anytime you mark off a fist space fill in one of these fist boxes at the bottom of your sheet as well the first player to fill in all five of these gains these three bonus gems and as usual if more than one player is first to complete the five fists within a round they each get the three bonus gems everyone else removes this reward from their sheet and then anyone who marks off their fifth fist in the future gains just this one bonus gem instead and finally we have this possible reward which means that the first player who can trace a path of visited spaces connecting any one start space on this side to any one start space over here earns three gems and the rules for scoring the primary and secondary rewards here work just like they did with the fists and those are all the rules for the various spaces of this map and rounds will continue until all the monsters have collectively been defeated let me show you what i mean there are seven total monsters pictured in the dungeon if i've defeated three of them and my opponent has defeated the other four then all seven of them have been defeated and the game ends in other words it's not up to any one player to defeat all the monsters the game will end as soon as every monster has been defeated at least once by somebody if you have a first edition printing of the english rulebook you'll discover this rule was translated incorrectly so follow what you're hearing in this video instead with the game over it's time to total your points on a sheet that shows gold you'll earn two points for every gold space you've marked off on the map we're playing there's no gold but you will earn three points for every gem you've collected if you weren't the first player to defeat the boss monster you gained one point for every three points of damage you dealt to it so in this case the player would earn two points you then look at the top most empty space of your life track and record it here subtracting that value from the points you've earned so far leaving you with a final total the player with the most points wins in the case of a tie the tied player who crossed off more life points on their tracker wins and if there's still a tie the tied players share the victory and don't forget we've been looking at just one of the four included types of dungeons that come in the game and these other dungeons have additional unique spaces and dangers to face which you'll find explained in the rule book there's also rules for solo play but all of that i'll leave for you to discover on your own otherwise that's everything you need to know to play dungeons dice and danger if you have any questions at all about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and i'll gladly answer them as soon as i get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page at board game gig and i'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video and if you'd like to support us directly you can join our patreon team which i'll have linked below but until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 13,294
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Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Dungeons, Dice, Danger, Dungeons Dice Danger, Richard Garfield, Alea, Ravensburger, instructional, instructionals
Id: vUlsnAKvfCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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