Dune Imperium: Rise Of Ix - Full Game Play

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hi and welcome to watch it played my name is monique and i'm naveen and today we'll be playing the one to four player game dune imperium with the rise of x expansion designed by paul danon and published by direwolf who are helping sponsor this video join us as we continue our gigantic interstellar conflict that now expands into the planet of x yes we'll be using technology potentially now if you're interested in learning how to play this game along with a new expansion rodney's already made a tutorial video for it which is linked in the description below and if you enjoy gameplay videos just like this one and would like to see more we make more of them over on our own youtube channel called before you play which is also linked in the description now before we begin if you can all just a big favor and turn on your klingon subtitles just in case we make any rules mistakes we can make those corrections there we'll try our best not to have to use them and with that we are ready to begin so if you please direct your attention to the set of the table we are all set up here for a two player game of dune imperium with the new rise of x expansion as evidenced by some new overlays and a new um x board over here yes in addition to the new ix board that houses the technology tokens that we'll be able to purchase the new expansion also introduces this new chome overlay which will provide a new way for us to gain some some resources players also will have these new dreadnoughts at our disposal which will make conflict a lot more aggressive aggressive yes and we're gonna be playing with two of the new uh house leaders and so today i'm gonna be playing as uh the vi count moritani and so my ongoing benefit is i have intelligence at the start of the game i get to look at the top two cards of the entry deck keep one and put the other back on top so i essentially start the game with an intrigue card which is pretty nice that's nice and whenever i play my signet ring card i get to spend one spice to resolve this freighter symbol which has to do with this shipping track and so whenever you resolve one of those symbols you essentially get to either move up on the track or bring your token all the way back down gaining all the benefits from wherever you were and below we'll be doing this several times throughout the game and we'll basically talk you through it whenever that time comes around so i'm going to be playing as elisa ikaz and essentially what i have is something called one step ahead and at the start of every single round what i'll be doing is taking one card from my deck and putting it off to the side at the start of my second turn i can bring that card back into my hand and if i choose to use it to deploy an agent to one of these locations if it has exactly one agent icon on it i will gain a spice if it doesn't then i would gain one salary wow so that's uh i'm gonna kind of get stuff stuff that's kind of nice yeah there's some forward planning involved there is and then my signet ring allows me to spend a salary to gain a folded space card that's great you're gonna be able to go to these uh areas here pretty easily with those folded space cards yeah make sure i have money in hand i'm going to be on the lookout and also considering we are playing a two-player game we do have a rival and uh we're gonna be controlling the rival via the the direwolf digital app and so it's gonna walk through everything that the rival will do if you're not familiar with this third player rival they're gonna go after each uh first player's agent turn yes and so if the first player has three agents while the second player only has two then the rival is going to be going three times yes on that turn and they're also gonna be competing against us during combat so you're ready to begin okay so we're going to be using the app to also determine start player it is you so i get the first player marker which is right here okay and so have you shuffled your deck not yet draw a hand a starting hand of five cards and let's see what kind of magic we can do okay doom the desert planet and we're gonna be putting our uh our draw decks right here and our discard is kind of off screen yeah just for the uh convenience convenience of space yes and actually before we look at our hands i get to do my intelligence first and so i get to look at the top two cards of the intrigue deck keep one and put the other back on top also i know exactly what it is what's coming next okay well i will keep this one and this one is going back on top and we are going to reveal the top of the conflict of the deck and so this round we are competing for a freighter advancement as well as a a troop interesting second place is two spice okay and so as my one step ahead i have to place one of my cards off to the side and then in the beginning of my second turn i can pick it up if i use it to deploy an agent i get a benefit all right so i'll just put this one off to the side like that just kind of sideways all right so now we are truly ready to begin so i'm now going to start with my first agent turn and for my first agent turn i'm going to start by playing my seek allies card and so unfortunately this is going to be a card i'm going to have to trash sure it'll allow me to go to one of these four four places oops so i'm gonna send my agent to uh the still suits location here and so this is gonna do a couple of things for me first things first i gain a uh an influence in the fremen with the freeman i suppose i also gain a water and considering this is a um a combat space i can deploy up to two of my troops from my garrison into combat and of course i want to do that yeah let's do both okay starting off uh starting off again yeah so your first player so that means it's going to be their turn yes but first i have to trash this card you do it because i don't yeah that's important all right so now we have the first rival turn okay and here we go they are going to carthage so interesting which is right there and then it says they get to recruit one troop and deploy it to the conflict so it's going straight into the conflict oh and then it says deploy up to two more troops from the garrison to the conflict they don't start with any troops in their garrison fortunately for us so carthage is kind of a place i was eyeing super [Laughter] turn one start over oh boy all right alternate plan here don't forget your card that you set aside yeah oh yeah that yes i'm not forgetting that guard okay so i'm gonna play the my seek allies okay i'd like to gain a little bit of favor uh with the emperor oh okay some influence here where are you going oh well i'm i'll show you i the only legal place is here because this costs right right four spice so i'm gonna go there and gain uh two solari oh and i'm moving you are we're trying do i have regrets oh do i have regrets were you gonna go there you know that's always what i typically like to do try to get your swordmaster uh as soon as possible more actually for some reason my brain did not say gain slurry i mean this is nice yeah because if you move up here and claim that's five solari speaking of yeah i know what you're doing i'm gonna go ahead and take my my second agent turn and i'm playing my signet ring so for me uh well i'm gonna play it and i'm going to place my agent out here and smuggling because uh if you're not familiar this other space you can only go to if you have at least two influence in the the spacing guild which neither of us do nope so i'm gonna go there you know what i totally forgot that i have to pay a spice oh you just thought you were going to go up yeah i guess wow didn't collect the spice so unfortunately i'm not going to be able to um to resolve my my signaturing ability but this is still a great spot because i do get to move up for uh that freighter symbol yep i'm advancing on this track and i gain one salary and so if i can if i can potentially win this this uh conflict then i get to take my token back yeah yeah we'll see it's not bad ah that's that's really uh it's really disappointing it's a thing and at the end of my turn so now the rival i don't ruin my plans they're going to fold space oh okay so nobody nobody's there it's specifically this location so they gain an influence they do with a spacing guild it's a problem uh if and that's it that's that is their entire turn it's as if they picked up this card and uh didn't do anything just basically blocking spaces that's true okay so now it's the start of my second turn so i get to draw this card and so i don't re-put it back in and forget i'm going to keep it two hands going right here so this is the card i just drew and uh it's recon so if i play this and it has exactly one icon i'm gonna gain a spy so i will go ahead and play it specifically to put out an agent to put out an agent exactly so i'm going to play my recon and it's a blue symbol so i'm that's why i said karthag was big for me okay so you're looking at only only arakin i am looking at only you don't have another water and you don't have to influence right with the premise because you did this right so i will go here uh i gain a uh there's your spice spice for uh resolving that portion right there yeah i'm gonna be able to draw a card i also get a troop and so let's go ahead and just kind of divvy these up into their own little regions one i'll put them there and i could put up to two more is it worth it um i'm gonna put just one more okay i'm just gonna put one more we do have to remember that the rival is also gonna gain additional uh combat points here all right back to me and i don't have any more agents unfortunately so i'm gonna take my reveal turn and i'm just going to move this card aside so that i do not uh reap the benefits of that card so this these are the cards left in my hand which is going to uh grant me two persuasion and one combat point so let's just calculate this one half right now right yeah it's four for my my troops and one more for that yep that's simple so with two persuasion what kind of damage can it do there's a spice hunter okay you have a uh what looks like a benny jesuit kind of type of card no it's not a penetrator card it looks like one though protective bounty hunter this is one of those new expansion cards that have that uh that half agent there oh right so that symbol means if that if the space that i'm going to one of these spaces that i'd like to go to is currently occupied yep i can also go there so in a situation like this right here where there's agents there you can be like yeah no i'm going right had you had this you would have been able to go where the rival is if you used to send an agent to a board space with an enemy oh and if you do so you gain two solari that is not bad yeah you can actually buy two cards you can buy that one and then whatever that missionary uh sounds good oh so this this gains you uh benefits if you have another benny jesuit card in play i don't know yet hard to say but you only have one one uh um more to spend so right you know what i'm gonna go with the spice hunter okay yeah because i've already taken one step uh towards gaining more and more influence with a friend and this is specifically a framing card so at least it'll allow me to keep on going there if i can couple it with a feminine bond card it'll also grant me a spice if i use it during a reveal yeah that's right anyway that is that's it because those are all of my my two persuasions look at this new one spice smugglers oh this is a thing yeah spend two spice to move up on the spacing guild game three solari and during the reveal phase you also gain one persuasion and one sword for combat that's right that's pretty nice i always feel like stingy with my spice oh that's a problem that is yeah the the rival does not go again because that was my reveal phase it goes straight to you okay so this is my discard and these are the cards that are now in play so i also have a dagger oh yeah i know that's not good for me so i have uh two three four wow plus uh one so these are so we're tied yeah we're tied oh gosh that's good uh and then i have four to spend you know i will take that bounty hunter so that's gonna be one okay one of my four okay that's a nice card shoot oh that i'm one shot fantastic it'll still be there the thing is you had to buy it in order to reveal it so now i have three left the pain i know okay so i'm gonna i will take that spice mother since i i have a potential ongoing income of spice by doing this whole action maybe this might be something i would like sure and i can always use it for the reveal which is always nice so that's uh another two so i have one more to spend which i could get that missionary yeah i'm not seeing any other uh benny jesuits out there and i'm a little nervous that that might clog up my hand so i think i'm just going to pass on that last one right there that is a fair fair assessment fair decision all right all right so go ahead and discard everything we might be gonna go into into the conflict okay hold the klingon subtitles hold on hold on hold on hold on square peg round hole money this is a dreadnought i'm trying to remove a oh what am i doing you put another dot oh cute i was gonna put a troop all right oh my goodness keep that off what is going on okay that's that is right it's official now okay now let's go into combat um but before we truly start playing entry cards they get to add additional strength uh hopefully not much more ready i don't mind getting second here that's that's the thing about it second they gain two okay two two strengths so that's gonna be so we both get second then right oh no we can we can uh reveal and treat cards we can do you have an entry card i'll be honest i don't but you started the game with one so if we leave it as is neither of us will gain the first uh the first place benefit we will both gain two spice that's right if only i had that for when i played my singing ring ah yeah your signet ring is gonna come back later not a good start to the game for me and you know what i am going to play my one intrigue card that i got to start the game with um as your benefit yeah yeah i mean that's why you start with them right this is probably not the best idea but i really want to win this conflict okay so it's the master tactician card it's going to gain me three strengths or i can retreat up to three of my troops and of course i'm going to use it to gain the three strengths okay so i go up to eight and that's that well that's so technically you can play an entry card but you don't have anything i have nothing so now we're gonna go straight into combat and it's looking like i'm gonna take the first place benefit here which i'm just gonna use for that that freight um the freighter symbol you're going to claim i'm going to claim i'm going to go ahead and spice or solari i hate that i have to give you a salary yes but i'm going to which you must i'm going to claim the i get to take five solari while everybody else gains one the other option is two spice and i'm gonna go with the five solari i'll take it so this is a five correct all right yes okay as long as we're playing by the same rules that's true we can say any denomination for it as long as we're both playing with the same dominant mission that's true and uh i get to deploy a troop to my garrison that's nice the second one and you get i get two spice spice is good spice is life there you go all right and now uh these go away a way away all right these will reset that is the that's the other round so nobody went to any of these spaces which means they're going to um collect this gets sweeped up yeah a little bit sweeter all right there's one two and three that's pretty nice a lot of spices do you like that and then we can go ahead and recall our agents one and two okay there used to be dreadnought there we go make that mistake again and there you go navin you are now first off control moving on to the next round clearly neither of us has progressed on this influence track we've got a long way to go but we are ready to begin so i have four cards but so that means i have to shuffle this and hopefully i can get one of my sweet new cards that's pretty nice that is pretty nice it's interesting though one of my cards wants me to go later in the round though um that one card remember the one that has the half agent on it yeah that's that's so like yeah i gotta figure that out i got a plan for that wait hold it right well yeah shall we reveal the yes next conflict card it is oh this is a money making battle wow six versus four hey second place is not bad second place is not bad you can squeak in there you just want to eat this one we want to see yellow not going hard on this one okay and since we didn't discuss this before the start of the first round let's just kind of briefly talk about what the three face up technologies are here yeah so the first one here is it costs three spices called detonation devices and essentially whenever you win a conflict using a dreadnought you can return a dreadnought back to your supply to gain um one victory point uh and so that's that's interesting because dreadnoughts typically don't go back to supply they typically go back to garrison right and that's instead of taking control of a space with it the next one it costs uh six spice but it also allows you to go up one influence in one of the four tracks i think says choose two or choose one oh it says choose too yeah it's like some really small small spot there that's actually really nice and at the start of each round you get two solari that is a nice one it's expensive though and the last one is the memo quarters it costs two spikes but it'll gain you an influence in whichever track you you'd like and at the end of the game if you have three or more influence in all four influence tracks you gain a victory point so that could be the difference it could be yeah yeah and those are all the technology tiles so go ahead naveen take it away okay first thing i have to decide is uh which card i'm going to put out as my one step ahead yep and i think unfortunately i'm gonna go with this one all right okay i'm gonna play my diplomacy card it got drawn back to me so okay that's nice i'm going to play that one out and i'm going to go up on i believe it's going to be well you place out your agent first yeah i don't know why i always do this but uh let's go ahead and go here okay i'm going to go up on this track i'm gonna gain a water yep and uh i'd like to deploy a troop i think a troop just one well i gotta you know yes i'm gonna deploy one troop right now okay let's see what happens gary i know that yep all right so the arrival shall go and they are going they're going to go to harvest harvest spice so with this card the rival sends an agent to the space with the most amount of bonus spice and if there's a tie then it's the most total amount of spice and so that means they're going here oh good and that's essentially it they also get to deploy up to two troops from their garrison to the conflict so we skipped that part thankfully yeah and we imagine that they clear this spice off yeah yeah i'm gonna play my reconnaissance card okay and so this is gonna allow me to send an agent over here to the research station i now have two water so i'm going to be wasteful and do and that's a really bad thing you really need your water so i'm spending my water you need it to spend it right that's true and i'm going to uh to be able to draw three cards and so while i shuffle i'm going to decide how many troops to send out yeah one or two basically uh well the thing is i only have two left here yeah we're sending both all right all right stay on your side here we're not in conflict yet there's no there are no rules in war right okay okay so i get to draw three cards and oh no that's it all right so my turn uh i get to draw this card that i set aside and i will keep them separate so i'm i set aside the dune the desert planet card oh i think this is great because uh by me doing this it does have exactly one space i'm going to go to this spot here so not only do i get that also because it's exactly one uh one um icon indicator for that agent i also gained spice oh in addition to oh my gosh that's so nice yeah ah i've squandered my my ongoing benefit my one injury card i have three dots on mine you have one dot yeah that's true i'm just joking uh so then i'm gonna move up uh on this track here okay and uh i think that's that all right here we go let's see where they're going please do not go where i really want to go they're harvesting slice again wow what are you doing with all this spice so they're gonna go here and they cannot deploy troops this is fantastic that they can't deploy troops yeah because that means they're not gonna gain additional uh strength either cool that means i'm getting at least second and for my uh my second agent turn i'm going to play my diplomacy card this sweet sweet diplomacy card that allows us to go up on one of these tracks okay so i'm going to use it to go up here in the the emperor with our influence with the emperor and i'm going to get in to solari so kind of go in the the solari way i guess and that's it that's that is my turn so back to you i'm out yeah i'm out of agents so uh these are gonna get discarded and then now i have not these three cards so i didn't even use my signet ring unfortunately oh wow well it costs the solari to get one of these fold space cards that are nice but yeah i couldn't do it all yes that's it okay so i have uh three to spend plus one uh dagger showing so i have two three so you're you're pretty good yeah i have regrets so i have three here and i know you have a card that requires frem and bond and i do not want to get destroyed in conflicts later on and this has the ability to trash cards and i hate doing the desert planet so yeah flashing cards is nice i think i'm gonna spend all three to take this into my hand so this is nice allows me to trash a card if i play it during the actions phase or if i do it in reveal i get all these benefits if i have another freman bond then i can do uh this one right here at the bottom so all right that goes into the trash pile all right that's the trash or into my discord file trashing it already all right so uh go ahead and refill the the offerings over here ooh ah this is a starter car infantry it's just for revealing you can't even use it during the agent phase but it gives you one persuasion and two strength in combat uh huh that's that's a quite aggressive card as well well i'm gonna go ahead and reveal my cards let's get these discarded and i have all these cards lots of cards because i drew i drew a bunch of cards a bunch of daggers yeah i know i was such a waste what a waste so let's do the daggers first i have one two three strength so that's four seven oh my gosh so i'm just gonna get these out of the way now and then um unfortunately i did not have a fremen blonde card showing so i don't get the spice but i do get two four five six persuasions that's a lot of persuasion yeah you know what the stilgar card is fantastic he's looking good yeah um so it's gonna cost me five persuasion which is probably worth it because it'll allow me to continue to go to the front end area over here and it also just gets me a water yeah or if i use it during a reveal phase that's two persuasion plus three strength yeah it's a nice card that's a nice card yeah so yeah one more i do have one more yeah so i could get the saudi car infantry although this is going to clog up my hand yeah eventually i don't have any uh benny jesuit cards so i'm just going to forgo my last persuasion this is i i feel like it's a nice card but man it's it's a little nerve-wracking unless you can draw more cards like you did here right i feel a little wary of that one yeah so we're not going to do it but uh we are going to move on to combat and so because the rival doesn't have any troops in here they do not to gain additional strength which is nice for us neither of us have entry cards so that's it it is what it is okay so you win so i win yeah i get the six solari and you get four i like it i like it here do you have one i do i'm gonna give you a five there you go okay all right that's that that's that so these go back out yes and okay let's see this recess pretty barren desert planet and now we are going to add one spice to the imperial basin since nobody went here and let's go ahead and take back our agents so still no victory points nope uh that is that's two rounds down and then this goes out yeah okay and then i think i get you are now first player [Music] all right so now we're going to be able to start making magic happen i think right yeah three times that third round yeah uh well let's reveal the conflict so this round we are battling for one influence in any track of our choosing as well as two entry cards wow that's a nice one should have saved up for that so i'll just turn these face down knowing that i'll just get them out of here and then we'll just put this off to the right so we know what we're competing for okay so for me my one step ahead i'm gonna place this card here and hopefully i can use it all right so i'm gonna go ahead and take my first turn i have a really difficult decision to make really yeah interesting you know what i have to do it it's really unfortunate because i don't have any spice but if i don't go and play my sword's master i know naveen will so here we go i'm playing my signet ring um and i keep doing this i don't have spice when i when i play this card so that means i cannot activate my signet ring ability but i'm going to use it to go and hire my swordsmaster so for eight so yes it cost me eight five six seven eight eight solari but now uh for the rest of the game i have three agents that means they're going to go three times on this turn because i have three agents yeah that's true starting with this first turn ready yeah here we go so this is interesting because this card this is a new um expansion card and it gives them two options because these two spots one of them requires them to have two influence and so if they don't then they go either to the other spot or you draw another card yeah so they're one influence shy of being able to go here so they're gonna go there which is definitely not good for me they're going to smuggling okay and the way that the rival works whenever they uh they go up on the freighter track is because there's only one symbol here they're gonna go up one spot but they're never going to progress up to the third spot anytime they they're in the second space they always retreat back and then uh okay and then we gain solari for them doing that eventually so that's actually not too bad of a of a move unless you wanted to go there that's okay all right that's it okay i'm gonna play my reconnaissance card and that's gonna be uh taking an agent and i'm going to put them in karthag oh my gosh way earlier so i'll put a cube and i'm going to put it directly into conflict but i'm going to hang this one back right here because i wanted to go there okay and then i get an intrigue card you're not deploying this trip i am going to hold back on it interesting yes and the last perk of my leader is actually know what this entry card is yeah it was one of those people yeah interesting so okay so you know what i have uh okay yeah i know what you have that's pretty good actually then that means it wasn't just like a one-off it's a two-third it's nice yeah definitely okay well i didn't like that i actually really wanted to go there wow so it's good to know choose another spot and you know what i am a little bit jealous of that entry card i'm playing my diplomacy card it's gonna allow me to send my agent to one of those four factions i'm gonna go and get a yeah get a bump up with the benny jesuits they are very powerful after all it's gonna gain me an entry card now as a reminder had anybody had more than three cards they would have to give me one randomly yeah but that's not the case yet so ah i like that card that's uh that's the end of my turn okay so now now it goes to the the rifle they're going to steal suits oh boy right there okay that's that's that and so they get a bump up with the with the foreven kind of competing there they don't have any uh yeah technically they deploy up the two troops from the garrison to the conflict but still still nothing in the air said in there yeah cool okay so now i get to reveal this card or i'm going to keep it in my right hand and i will do this so this is a doom the desert planet and it requires me to go to a single agent spot to get that extra benefit so i will go right here and claim three spice so i actually get four spice because it's a single agent icon so i'm a spice monger yeah you get these two and these two yes ah many of you have so much spice what are you gonna oh tactiles there's a sweet sweet tactile that i i see you eyeing how do i get six spice in one turn i want it all right done yeah that's me okay i do have one more agent so i get to go again and i guess i will play my reconnaissance card and so um the only spot that i can really go to right now is this one because i you know what i i tried to do a jack-of-all-trades thing and this is actually not what you want to do i'm i'm realizing you want to gain two influence at least somewhere so you can go to these spots but we live and we learn yeah sure so i can deploy a troop and i can deploy the troop directly into the conflict which i will do seeing as the the rival here is not well we don't have their name they're going to take a turn yet not in the game yet and then i get to draw a card so let's see oh not bad i mean i'm going into a reveal phase soon so yep that was not bad at all so they get a third turn yeah because monique had the third turn and she's first player that's true please don't deploy any troops oh oh nope arakin somebody's there okay so we draw another card and they're going to harvest spice oh okay so they're just gonna block off the spot here yeah they're basically blocking off that spot which is not really functional um anymore oh it's a dreadlord you know i'm gonna put these dreadnoughts aside yeah they're all wood there you go okay uh so i i am done uh so i have to reveal so these are gonna get discarded and i'm gonna reveal these cards so let's go ahead and just handle the dagger so i have one two three daggers showing so i have two three four five oh it's nice yeah and then um i have only two uh to show for it so i mean maybe i do want this guy don't spend it all in one place should i tell you you can't and don't forget there's always the arrakis liaison which will just gain you it's a card that'll gain you two to persuasion to spend and it gets you places to go true i might take it actually because this this i like it but man it has no ability to deploy anything right it just it's literally for the reveal phase okay yeah i'll take the iraqis on yeah i think so towards the end so there we go okay that is everything so i didn't use that a half agent one oh okay it didn't happen because because they they ended up not going to any of those spots right and there's plenty of opportunity uh still to use that so now to me for my reveal phase my reveal turn and i have four for persuasion and i think now that i have a freeman card in my deck i'm gonna take that spice trader sure that's that's not bad yeah so again this is if i have two influence which i need to work on with a pram and i can discard a card to gain two spice and that's right you know i have been very short on spice sure yeah this game thus far okay so that is that that's it this is gonna come over here so you definitely have two i do yes i have two are you anybody entry cards i am i'm not gonna play an entry card um you get to to decide if you'd like to play you're entertained i will not be playing an intrigue card then that's it okay cool the combat is the conflict card goes to you yeah yeah so you get an influence in one of the tracks this is very important um you know what seeing that i'm in this margin here and this this would unlock this spot um i'm a sucker for the fremen for some reason so i'm going to go up here and we get our first uh point on the board i like the freeman as well yeah yeah so this this essentially unlocks my ability now to go to this this location that's great yeah yeah that is all nice and you get two two entry cards thank you that's pretty sweet and so uh since i won second i get one entry card and a spice so hopefully my signet ring comes around again and i can actually use it this time okay interesting oh there's some interesting cards though these expansion injury cards they do make things spicy okay so that's that's one of 17 don't read between the lines um let's go ahead and add some spice uh yeah just the one one one spice and take back uh your agents okay so now you get to take back three agents i do which is nice and i'm thinking that you will be doing the same next round so uh our little soldiers are gone our troops okay it's out troops is out and there is a third here we go yes so one card and i have to shuffle you are now first player this goes out oh yeah what are we competing for now okay this is an expansion card uh it is a double double advancement in the freighter track in a troop or an entry card in a water because again i want two player game we're ignoring the third space yeah yeah interesting exactly five cards oh are you oh oh no oh no okay well i don't even know okay what is this card that i have okay so this is the card i must keep and then i have four other cards to come come on naveen come on i need to draw something really specific okay okay i'm gonna be uh putting this card away as my one step ahead okay all right okay so my first action i'm gonna play this dagger card okay and i'm gonna move my agent up here ah so essentially what it's going to do uh when it comes time to reveal i have one persuasion to spend on these cards over here in addition i can either uh put out one of my cubes here as a negotiator so that in the future when we go to biotechnology i can uh get a one spice reduction on the cost here i'm not gonna do that now i'm gonna i'm just gonna take this one which is a one spice reduction so i'm gonna spend uh five spice to do this one right here one two three i'm in trouble four and five you're purchasing the shuttle fleet yes okay but it's only at the start of a round so that means i don't get to use it now correct immediately i do get to go up two two two of the four uh influence tracks to progress yeah so let's let's go ahead and move up let's definitely move up on this emperor track so i get another victory point nice and i'm thinking i'm going to want to just keep moving up this way oh we're just going to keep moving up the front all right let's see what's next here we have uh spy satellites so you spend three spice to trash this and you get a point yeah um or at the end of the game it's worth one point for each faction where you have one or less influence oh interesting that's exactly in conflict with the one below it right the one below it wants you to be at least at level three on all four tracks oh my gosh which one's harder one's cheaper than the other but one's harder than the other so right wow all right so now the rival's turn uh yes yes where are we gonna go do not block me harvest spice gosh the rival really really loves the spice they go in there right yeah because it's gonna be the most bonus spice first so and still no no troops in the garrison they're just never going to be in combat here all right for my first asian turn i'm going to play uh stilgar okay so and i'm going to use a stilgar's card to send my agent to carthage i think i want more of these entry cards they're pretty nice um so first i'm going to gain a water yep and then i get to deploy or i get to send one of my troops to i'm going to go and send them directly into into combat you're winning because i do like that and i gain an entry card yeah how many of those do you have total i have i have three wow i forgot about that there's a limit well there's not a limit but there's a scare can get bit off yeah scare tactic yeah all right that's me okay so back to me uh i'm going to draw this card and i definitely going to use it so this dagger is like a second dagger i'm gonna send my agent to the swordmaster uh and so because this is my second card in that one step ahead i am gonna gain a spice because it only has one so do you mind if i have a spice please yeah there you go okay and then i will spend all eight of my solari to get my third agent your swordmaster is master there we go all right all right so that means uh they are gonna go three times yes they are unfortunately for for us all right ready yep so they're going to secrets secrets oh they just talked about that they're moving yeah so good thing i didn't have four at that time yeah that's right yeah cool so now back to me yes i'm gonna play my spice hunter card and it's a little bit unfortunate i was debating if i should hold it back for the reveal phase because i had this is the other time that i had another bond card i had been able to take a spice but i chose to use it during an agent turn so i'm going to send my agent to the hardy warriors location here it's gonna cost me a water okay there's that water that still gave you yeah and now i'm on now i'm too up on that influence track and i get a point my first point of the game two and two troops yeah i get to put up two troops do i want to deploy them both that is the question you know i am i'm sending them both because at least you get a troop back if you get first there that's true so well i do have this third agent and so i'm going to be playing this framing card it's an arrakis liaison okay and so let me go ahead and just slide these down and i can either go to a green section or a blue section so let's go to arakin oh okay yeah because this is uh i want this but like i don't want to spin there you go yeah let's go there okay all right so uh i'm going to go one cube in plus one [Music] i do get to draw a card in addition to that so that's nice see what i have going on here now they're gonna go yes all right so the rival's turn they're going they're going to the dreadnought spot oh no that's really bad that's bad okay that's bad but it's also kind of exciting so they're gonna go here so they're gonna acquire their dreadnought and uh fortunately for us it goes into the garrison because uh it's not a combat spot yeah don't get to deploy it immediately but they also specific to their the rival deck they get to recruit a troop so now this whole time that we've been kind of in the safety net of no troops in their garrison oh no it's uh no longer not a thing yeah yeah shoot all right so back to me i'm just going to go ahead and play a dagger i'm playing a dagger card and i'm going to deploy my agent to the high council okay because it's still early i have to spend my five solari to do this but now i'm gonna have two persuasion permanently forever so that's good that's it for me very good back to you okay so you're done so i've deployed all three of my agents i am gonna go into my reveal phase so we are gonna reveal these oh and you know what i should keep these cards because there is a fremen bond going on so these two daggers i spent but this card is going to be in play to represent something here okay so uh the first thing i have is one two three four plus one five percent persuasion to spend i'm thinking i'm going to get uh to fear how what that allows you to go pretty much anywhere allows you to draw a card i'm nbs so i'm gonna take that okay yep so that goes into my discard now uh because i had played a freeman card during the agent turn right it didn't matter when i played it i could do it do it still in play yeah uh i'm gonna gain three um three strings staggers yeah so you have four plus three so seven yeah oh that's really nice for you yeah so that's that so now i can discard this into my uh because i've resolved that and so i think that was everything um i spent all of my persuasion and all my daggers so that is that this comes out whoa treachery that's expensive this is a new card this is for the new expansion so this is nice it lets you go to all four of those places and it says you gain two influence instead of one but you trash the card so it's about timing on that one yeah right that's not bad so i'm going to slide these all into my discard file nice all right so i'm going to do my reveal turn as well and i'm just going to go ahead and discard these now because they're not going to come into play for this i have one strength okay so i looks like oh wow we're tied so if we stay like this naveen we can both get the not as sweet second place benefit here i don't like the fact that i have to go first and then i have two plus two so for persuasion to spend ugh i'm in the margins i can take that this is the benny jesuit card she's kind of nice because i can take this and the missionary project shiva oh wow yeah this allows me to take another turn immediately after this one meaning i don't have to wait for everybody else to go it's not bad it's not bad yeah i'm gonna take it okay so that's that's three three do you want to see the next one first yes please this one also has three oh it's the exact same card i i have oh it's the diamond bond yeah it's a death commando it lets you trash a card unfortunately i do not have enough exactly the card i was trying to keep away from you it came back in this huge stack can i take like the missionary sure please thank you very nice it says if you have another benny desert card in play you just get to go up an influence oh i'm i'm collecting a large deck of cards it's a problem i need something to be able to trash you know i'm going to take this though i'm just going to see what kind of magic you just picked up another benny jesuit card right so now it makes sense it makes sense to do it yeah all right so so that is that right that's it and we have a new smuggler's doctor this is the original uh that if that that benefits you if you have two influence in the the spacing guild that's not for us nope that's the end of player turns we're gonna go into combat again they have they're they're ready they're ready but they're not not in combat yet so starting with you naveen would you like to play an interesting seeing is that we are tied uh i will not play an entry card i will let you go first you are just okay with taking second if need be yeah it forces you to play a card and then i can react you're such a stinker yeah you know what i'm not gonna play a card really it forces us into a tie because because we both passed consecutively you don't get to play your card oh shoot oh yes the news yes all right so we both get the second place which is a water and a card i don't know how many cards do you have now i am going to have four oh so that's not good i got to spend i'm going to give you yours first since you were first player after all uh entry cards are just so intriguing they're very sweet yeah okay so then we lose these we do so now they are positioned to yeah they're going to take you over here let's go ahead and play some spice there's two spots only yeah one there one there is looking sweet take back our agents three agents each as they also have three agencies quite about a crawl here i'm missing one ah there's and yeah they also have their three where's the third uh they are right there yeah and that's it so then we plus a past the first player marker so to you this goes out and what are we conflicting over let's see we oh wow okay here we go crash terrible terrible purpose it's trash a card and you gain a victory point second place is just a water and a spice oh yeah so you definitely want first there you definitely went first yeah okay so it's the start of a round so i'm just gonna do this before i forget i gained two salary at the start of a round oh that is so nice for your troubles technology yeah let's draw our our hands i that's a good thing that is not a bad thing good cards might find some bad cards also kind of a bad thing because that means i have a large deck i've been acquiring how do i trash selective breeding this guy also and you want that feminine bond yeah here we go two three four five all right so now i'm going first okay this time and let's see where to go oh this is awful this is an awful hand oh okay i'll set this card aside all right there we go yeah ready yep okay so starting with me i'm gonna play i'm gonna play this the spy straighter card okay and uh i'm gonna send my agent out uh to our keen that's going to gain me a troop which i'm going to immediately deploy into combat and it'll also allow me to draw a card so that will be hopefully something good okay not what i wanted but i also have a bonus here it says if i have two influence with a friend which i do i can discard a card to take two spikes yeah that's good for your singing ring yeah it's nice it's just unfortunate that it's not trash a card that would be better oh i see so i'm gonna discard uh dune the desert planet sure and uh that it will get me the two spice um in addition before i end my turn i'm gonna play an entry card because i do have four entry cards in my hand and i am fearful them yeah so i'm playing this uh this expansion entry card called machine culture so this is either it can be used either as a plot or an endgame card and uh this will allow me to purchase a technology tile there's no discount but i can purchase one now had i not chosen to do that at the end of the game if i have three or more tactiles i would gain a victory point okay but i don't know if i'll be able to purchase that many tactiles so i'm just going to spend this now that would have been nice for me because i'm able to get spice kind of passively right yeah that is true that's good and so i do have an option of either the detonation devices or memo quarters i think i'm going to go for memo quarters for two spice and again uh because it has a benefit here i get to do that immediately so that's right and i'm going to choose to go up on the fremen oh interesting track and at the end of the game if i have three influence or more on all four of these tracks it's gonna gain me a victory point this is not a secret you know that this exists now naveen okay so i'm just gonna go ahead and put that down and reveal the next technology title all right troop transports for two spice whenever you recruit troops from the shipping track you recruit an additional troop and you may deploy any of them to the conflict and again this is the shipping track that's a nice that's a nice a nice little too spicy huh yeah all right so they're going to go i believe yes so now that the rival goes do not go i need to go please they're going to hearty warriors that was exactly where i needed to go oh oh i guess that was a good sacrifice for me oh now they're going to deploy troops monique that's bad for all of us they get an influence there they recruit that is exactly where i wanted to go this is very bad they recruit two troops and deploy them directly to the conflict and they deploy up to two more troops from their garrison now since this is a combat space the new updated rules are are calling everything units so they can deploy up to two units which means their dreadnought is coming into battle which is making my one troop here looking real bad so let's just write about that for ease three four five six seven so they're at seven right now we'll just help ourselves visually know exactly where they stand well naveen that was totally the spot i was going to go to wow because i wanted to go there to get in this battle right at the point and i would get this temporary point and the water i would have just spent it's just oh it would have been nice yeah it would have been really nice shoot okay so then i will use my diplomacy card uh that i was gonna use to go here uh somewhere else so i'm gonna move over to conspire so i'm gonna go here it costs exactly four spice one two three and four that is a nice out of the game uh i get to recruit two troops and i'm gonna go ahead and put them there i get uh five solari and an entry card there you go how many entry cards are you at now i will tell you right now give me one second because uh secrets i i have i have five of them so it's still my turn though i am going to spend this one it's called recruitment mission gain uh one persuasion during your reveal turn this round oh okay so oh wait the rest of it is it makes it even better you may put cards that you acquire on top of your deck knowing that i'm gonna get it that's awesome yeah so that's gonna be one all right that's gonna be it really how many entry cards you have i have four secrets shall i go to secrets naveen no well you know what um that was actually really bad for me as well i really wanted to go to hardy warriors but uh i wanted it so badly keep on keep it well yeah i must keep keeping on so your entry cards that live to see another day unless they go there by the way uh so i'm going to send my agent to still suits because i feel like i need to take that the temporary point yeah and so you're gonna move up here you're gonna get two water because this is the bonus here and the temporary point thank you so this is one point i actually get three water because it's two water for there plus oh yeah still water for that so we've got a lot of water here um there's a lot yeah i feel like i'm rich right because i'm doing you really need you need water or i'm going to be the target of some attacks you can steal my water yeah and it's a combat space but unfortunately i do not have troops in my garrison right so that's that let's see where they're going go to secrets karthag oh no that's where i wanted to go wow this is there's gonna be traffic strong nasty rivals so they go to carthage they go to carthage they get to recruit a troop and deploy it to the conflict and then they can deploy up to two more troops from the garrison but they don't have any in there wow all out for this conflict they know that we want the point and the ability to trash and i said no wow all right back to you you're gonna get more water though if you're just that's your own ranger i want more water all right so yeah so i'm gonna do the thing where i draw my card and i totally forgot what this was yeah well you don't have to use it so it is this one i think i will use it yes i will use it so it's going to be uh dune the desert planet and it's going to be a single um agent location so i'm going to go up to this spot here gaining myself one solari and i'm going to move up again right there awesome yeah that's all right because it was a single agent location and i did it i get one spice oh my gosh there you go you are mongering you are hungry gosh that's me and for my last agent turn i'm going i only have one card left that has a symbol on it so i have to do this that's my recon card i'm going to the research station since i have all this water so you can spend two i'm spending two to draw three cards i'm basically trying to figure out if i can get something which i guess i can't really say right now but uh we'll see but that's the end of my turn so now it goes to the rival ready their last turn what are they their last turn they're going to conspire is anybody there i'm there you're there so we draw another card and they're going to arakin which i am there so then they go to interstellar shipping okay here we go and uh unfortunately they can't go there because they don't have they're not here yeah you're more influenced we draw another card they go to fold space yeah they're gonna go there now they have the ability so they're gonna go there because they went there they are gonna now move up here and now if they draw that uh interstellar shipping this one go there they can then do that yes all right so back to you for your your final turn okay so uh i'm seeing that this is the perfect time i have that bounty hunter card which has that half agent symbol so i am allowed to go to any one of these three locations it's called infiltration infiltration yeah so i can infiltrate yeah we're going to infiltrate naveen ah i mean i kind of like this spot this is this is kind of nice a nice spot it gets me to draw a bunch of cards the problem is i don't remember exactly what my deck is you'll still have to spend the two water which i have yeah um but i can also go here which allows me to still draw one card instead of three and it'll allow me to get a troop here so that i can set up for the next one so i think i'm actually gonna go here instead of here okay uh we're gonna move into that spot uh so let me resolve the card if i do this and somebody was there i get two solari so can i have two solari please yes there you go okay so much money yeah yeah in addition to that uh i am going to draw a card okay okay and then i will put one troop into my garrison wow this is that's really looking real strong there's something i'm trying all right something done that's it yeah all right so it goes to me for my reveal turn because i don't have any more agents and i have all these cards now so i do have the card that gets me a benefit if i had played a framing bond since i'm going to discard these right now i just want to let you know that i have played friend and bond cards that's gonna get me a spice let's do that i'm gonna get these out of the way so don't forget you have two uh persuasion because of the high council thank you it's easy to forget it is that is true so i gain one one strength so it's gonna put me at three oops what am i doing it's gonna put me at three yeah right and then i get one two three four five six seven eight nine i'm gonna do it persuasion do i get the spice must flow the only thing is it does clog up your hands i know but it's a nice card ah but there's still so much gain left i could get treachery you could oh this is so good yeah it's a one it's a one off gain two influence instead of one trash this card i'm gonna take treachery yeah this is you know i don't wanna clog up my hand yet with the spice must flow when i'm taking treachery it's pretty sweet plus you took that technology card that wants you to be up on all the tracks yeah yeah so you have three left i do have three left and i'm looking at that that's right another benny desert oh trash a billy okay wow this is better than that because it's trash and if you have another bunny desert card and play you get two spices which is exactly what you're gonna try versus this where it's just a trash i'm doing it that way i have more uh benny desert cards um in circulation yeah because now you want to get your benny dresses ooh firm grip look at this one firm grip send solari to go up on one of those i'm the salary monger and it's interesting because this is an emperor card but you spend the solari to go up on one of the other tracks love it so i mean you need four persuasion to be do you have at least that we're gonna find out now i guess right they do i think i do okay uh so you're done i'm i'm finished all right so these are going to get wiped i don't think there's anything that combos combos yep so i have exactly four solari are not for solar what are you talking about persuasion yes you have ten solari yeah so uh i'm not it i have no troops or units deployed so this uh dagger is gonna be nothing but i have two three four and i really like that card that we were just talking about the firm grip okay so i will take it nice and that'll be the end of me the end of years the end of years all right go ahead and refill over there okay so local fence yeah and you can spend two spice for five salary or vice versa five salary for four spice this is great for you oh my gosh leave it for me go first you do have a card monique that i recall in a couple of rounds ago that allows you to take two actions in a row yes just saying that's true okay so then because the rival is finally in combat we're gonna draw a card see how much more strength it's added that's right let's see is it moot two so they go up to nine and i wish they drew the secrets card well you know what i do get to play an entry card because i'm part of the battle here do you have that retreat card you know what i am going to play an entry card i'm going to play allied armada what is this so in order for you to play this you have to have a faction alliance which i do i am allied with the freeman make sense and so i get to spend two spice uh-huh to gain seven additional strength okay so that'll put me to ten oh wow so yeah that's my dinner for you that was why i went here to gain more cards because i really needed another spice so i'm going to spend the two spice and wow so you're going to 10. i'm going to 10. and i believe that's it because they don't draw into the cards so uh amazing so i win this combat i get one point which is nice because that nobody can take away that point and i get to trash a card so you can trash either the top of your of your draw pile right or randomly or something you don't want something in my discard let's try this one yeah i know doing the desert planet these can be useful uh yeah let's just put that over yeah i died i didn't wanna hang on hang on to that i don't blame you so then their troops go away away but their um their dreadnought goes back to the garrison oh and i totally forgot uh for my recruitment mission yes i had one extra but i didn't want to spend it um but the card i acquired goes on top of my deck oh okay yeah that's huge because you really if you really like the card the firm grip that's the one we were talking about you have some uh some future planning for the next round it's coming in so for the maker phase all three of these locations are getting a spice spice is gonna be real nice this upcoming uh upcoming round i'm gonna reset our conflict thank you and go ahead and take it back take back your agents our new conflict and oh oh you get the menta so if you if you win this you you get to take the men out so nobody nobody gets to go to that space and you get an entry card and two two solari and now you are first player it is the start of the round i'm going to claim my dslr no no we're not there you go it can kind of ramp up though and then draw your cards with solari four or five two cards the rest of my hand oh no that means i have doing the desert plants in my future you did discard one though right yeah i did i have to shuffle but still okay so for my one step ahead i am going to put down i'm gonna put down this card here oh okay yep okay so the first action i'm gonna take is i'm actually gonna play one of these because i'm scared of losing it okay so i'm gonna play this uh glimpse the path and it's gonna be spend one spice to gain a water and a uh and draw a card nice so hopefully draw something very nice good luck fermis okay up so i'm gonna play this signet ring uh so the first thing i will do is i'm going to spend because this is my uh my guild contacts i'm gonna spend one of my solari to gain a full space card okay i'm gonna acquire it so it's gonna go into my discard nice for future use might as well right um and then i will send my i'm gonna send my agent here to the great uh flat so i'm gonna pick up um basically five here i'm giving you a five maybe five yeah sure there you go there we go it's a lot of spice you have there yeah so you have to spend two water to do that no problem trying to do it for free i see i am tricky and uh do i want to deploy the problem is they have a dreadnought now so there was a bunch of things happening earlier on when we were drawing and they were not going into conflict now they are and you have to deal with that three every single time yeah so i'd rather hold off so then it's the rival's turn please don't block me off oh oh okay here we go so this is the imperium churn we have uh we didn't say this earlier but we have assigned numbers to the market here seven two three four five right so it says trash and replace the first and fourth cards first and fourth cards okay okay and then uh you just draw you just draw another card that's all that they do on there no this is before their turn okay so we have a couple cards all right we have looked like oh the chris knife okay this is a freeman card let's get to solari and it's got some benefits for if you're in the front and bond um alliance and then the web of power of any jesuit card wow this is interesting so when you play it it has that that symbol that allows you to go to the same spot the infiltration and if you have at least two influence in those tracks then you get those benefits wow that is an awesome card oh my gosh okay so now where are they truly going our key yeah there they go there we go so we go to our key and they get to recruit a cube a troop and deploy it to the conflict and covers the garrison they're going to deploy there they're uh you know what that means that means that we need to build ours we've waited half the game but we got to go up against this this rival maybe we do monique oh no i never have another maybe we do at the right time okay i'm gonna play um this card the weirding way this is benny jesuit card and this is the one that allows me to take another turn immediately uh i'm going to use it to go to the imperial basin so that's just gonna get me three three spice nice and go again i don't yeah i'm gonna go again okay so i'm playing my dagger and this is going to allow me to go to tech negotiation now that i have some spice so i'm going to get that persuasion at the end of the uh during my reveal phase but i'm also going to purchase one of these textiles do you get a one discount i do so i'm going gonna spend one spice to take the troop transports what is that again so if i if i start going up on this track which i haven't been um doing much whenever you recruit troops from the shipping track you can recruit an additional troop and you can deploy any of that straight into the conflict so this is going to help in the future that's nice i'm going to put that right there what do we got and what we have now is training drones so once per round you could put this over to recruit a troop well it cost three spice so now it goes back to you okay so this is the card that i kept off to the side and it does have that green symbol okay it's so it's a single so i am going to uh you can find spice there you go that will deploy here spending three solari you're gonna build your dreadnought building my dreadnought nice and underneath it uh i can also get a tactile so okay i'm gonna take that middle one this one spicy yes spice yeah okay so it's four spices it's going to cost four so here's five thank you okay so again what it says is i can spend three spice to trash this for a victory point right or at the very end of the game this is going to be worth one point for each faction where you have one influence or less i notice i'm not doing anything at the beginning jesuits and i'm not doing anything with the spacing building that'll be worth two points if you continue this or if i feel like i'm right at that cusp and i have spice i i can just you know turn it so the one all right all right so then we're replacing it with restricted ordnance uh and so during your reveal turn if you have a seat on the high council it's gonna be worth it strength oh no i know what you're getting for it i have not had much uh spice so we'll see we'll see we'll see all right so let's go rival they're going to wealth and uh they just they go up on this track on the emperor the emperor faction track so now it goes back to me for my my final agent turn and i'm definitely gonna play this missionary protectiva because it says if i have another bendy desert card and play which i do i can go up um an influence on one of the tracks i'm not here at all it would be nice to start gaining influence here so that i can start taking that spot so let's go up here make sense i know it doesn't get me a point immediately but it's set up it's set up it is it is so now i can place this out it has to go into one of those spots either one of these three areas here you know i'm going to go here i'm going to karthag um and i'm going to put my troop directly into my garrison because this this conflict isn't really worth it too much they already have five strength here just put them at five and the other two benefit is besides the solari is just an entry card which i'm gonna get right now yeah so might as well just just leave it at that yeah that's that's the first pick of the litter yeah that's a nice card the bunny jesuit they are very uh very powerful uh well that firm grip card that i acquired earlier in the because i played that plot card that went on top of my deck i'm gonna play it unfortunately they went to wealth so i'm not gonna do that but the good thing is there is a green symbol here so i'm gonna go to the high council so um okay so it's gonna cost me five yep well you gotta put your agent there sure okay so there you go five yep okay that goes out also uh i'm gonna spend two to then go up um any any one track that's not this track here so i'll put myself there okay so i'm going to move up on the framing track here uh-oh we have a little competition so you get a water but you don't take my my alliance token just yet i hate that you're kind of neck and neck there well don't forget i got this thing that says stay back on as many tracks as possible so that made the most sense and i can't go on this one because it's not allowed yikes so that is that one okay so that they do take uh one final agent turn and they're gonna go to to the dreadnought space it's occupied good uh selective breeding they're gonna go here they are gonna go there okay and they gain one influence on that track all right and that's that's it so it now goes back to me and i'm all out of agents so i'm going to do my reveal my reveal phase my real turn and so these are doesn't get discarded these are the only two cards that i have to reveal i'm not going to gain any strength because i'm not in the combat at all but doing the desert planet saves the day yeah it does it okay well it gives me one persuasion so i actually have one two three four oh yeah which is enough to take the sweet web of power i wanted it ah this is gonna be great although it's gonna go into my discard right now and i really haven't been trashing cards so that's not good wow okay so i'm also in my review oh my god thank you thank you this is that same one that you had oh another machinery of protectiva okay okay so i will uh go into the reveal so let's clear these off and i'm going to reveal these cards and unfortunately i didn't get to use him yeah i wanted to oh buddy get to an entry card it does give me a trade card yeah so i'll go ahead and grab that entry card now okay there you go thank you and now i have one two three four five to spend what is this freeman bond you just go up on this track in the reveal phase if you have another feminine bond and play yeah you go up on the fremen the front and a faction i like it i'll take this one so that's three okay so you have two more yeah oh oh wow oh he would have been nice wow that's five five percent you can spend a spice to go up on the uh the spacing guild and you get to draw a card that's great okay i'm gonna take this infantry card the one that we were yeah that we've been kind of laughing and we said was not not ideal conflict is gonna get intriguing more now oh we're right riders this is a freeman card uh it gets you two spice if you play it during an agent turn but if you play during the reveal turn depending on how much influence you have with the freman it's going to gain you additional strength yikes that's good that's great yeah x okay that's going to be me i'm not going to take this last one from my last point so that's going to be it all right so let's uh go to combat which is non-existent right now because neither of us are in this so they're just going to outright win that and they go down technically you reveal a card and you add strength but it's really pointless and so their troop goes back but they're dreadnought because they want a conflict with a dreadnought it gets placed out in one of these three locations it would be a little bit more powerful had one of us had a flag there but it didn't they just go to the flag yeah they just go to imperial basin and that just lasts one round the good thing is now that dreadnought is not in circulation for this upcoming upcoming round so that's nice okay so maker phase uh just this the spot yep the hagga basin and then we can go ahead and recall recall our agents two and three and they also have three one two three and rotate first player marker okay here's you thank you and now we are moving into the the next round uh we need to get some more points or else this is going to end on am i might yeah well the more points are going to come on these cards so this is going to go out right yep all right let's see there it is so it's a battle for karthag so we are battling essentially for control of karthag and two points this is gonna be a very strong round um to be engaged in battle yeah right big one okay so go ahead and draw some cards let's start of the round so i'm gonna get two solari please if you don't mind oh yes ah that is great there you go so what am i what do i have going on here i think i'm making best use of my tactiles i am not too fond of the card combinations that i have in my hand okay ah i wish i was i'd been trashing cards it's so hard to trash cards in this game so i'm gonna play my reconnaissance card and i'm sending my agent to research station to try to draw a few more i might as well send that in there okay so but first i have to pay my two water sorry and now i'm going to draw three cards one okay two come on three you have to a good spot there monique okay well the rival goes oh yeah so let's see where they go conspire okay they're going up there negana uh they get to recruit two two troops to their garrison to their garrison correct so i have dispatch and envoy and says this card you played this turn has one of these four icons so i am going to it's nice i'm gonna play doom the desert planet okay and it's gonna represent though the fremen so we're gonna move up oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me so we get a swappy ah a swappy okay so my agent has my agent is going here okay that's what i was doing with that oh okay all right so because of that it cost me water okay i gained uh two troops which i'm gonna deploy directly in okay and i'm gonna move my dreadnought and another and another so this is three four f three four five six seven eight nine yeah i think i'll leave it like that i had to monique you're gonna kill me if not [Laughter] okay so back to me i'm gonna play my diplomacy card okay so this is a card that i had just uh drawn and i'm gonna place my agent out i'm gonna go over here to wealth so it's gonna get me a point nice for for finally meeting that that threshold i gain two salary again and then i'm going to play an entry card so i'm playing bribery i'm driving i'm driving someone spending two solari to do it and it's going to get me an influence in one of these tracks i'm going to go up in the spacing and at least this way i've met that threshold to now start going to into uh interstellar shipping very nice so thank you yeah let's get discarded all right so now it goes to the rival let's see don't block me reshuffle okay well so we just reshuffled and draw again we get to see the animation yeah that's cool so now that is true shuffling okay no no no no no all right so they're gonna go they go to the dreadnought space they get to acquire their second dreadnought because we all have two of these oh no they get to recruit an additional an additional troop oh no okay so you know in the beginning of the game how we were saying that they weren't really involved in combat now they're involved when it actually matters shoot i regret not putting an extra troop in back to you naveen good luck all right so i have my uh one step ahead so i'm going to reveal it was a uh blue circle spot okay and i'm gonna go so i i am going to deploy an agent so i get one spice yup yup there you go thank you so nice and we are gonna go to iraqi okay so i'm going to take one and i'll just i'll just plop it in here just to kind of maybe hedge against whatever they can potentially do and then i'm going to draw a card please be something good yeah okay oh this is my card from a while back that i need to discard all right so what round are we in we are in how many guys have we played one two three four five six this is round seven it's around seven yeah all right yeah well for my final uh agent turn i'm gonna play still stillgar over here um and i'm going to send my agent to interstellar shipping because i now have two influence in the spacing guild i do so i'm going to use it to go up twice i'm thinking but the next conflict card will also be pretty sweet probably and uh this also gets me a water yeah so at least i have stuff finally stuff cool so they are going to go again yes this is their their final final turn don't do anything crazy around harvest spice okay oh there's no one yeah they are wipe out they get to deploy troops now that's true units so they always deploy dreadnought when they can and then they'll do another one so good luck naveen so j let's just uh so we can make a decision here for me six seven eight nine ten eleven i have eleven total right is that how you account for three plus eight yeah yep you have two and they have i have five five okay i'm gonna play my dagger and i'm gonna go to the mend at location so i'm gonna go here i'm gonna spend two oh so i can draw a card uh there we go allows me to draw a card please be something you're lucky nobody got the mentor last time and so that's it so now it's your turn all right so i am done with all of my agents so i just do my reveal phase and nothing here requires me to have these showings and discard them now okay and um i technically you know i do have some additional strength here although it's a little bit laughable yeah i guess i mean you might be able to my daggers you might be able to sneak out uh if you play your intrigue cards god i want to trash those daggers yeah so anywho i have two three four five six seven seven persuasion not quite enough for spice the spice must float are you warm right enough for the worm riders yes please although the other one's nice too you know what instead of the worm riders i am gonna take this one yeah it allows you to trash yeah this one's a bit better because i don't have a dreadnought in play and so my ability to win combat is so much more stunted now and we're towards the end of the game so i'm gonna take this because it gives me opportunities to gain resources and go up on the spacing guild look at that jameis and i can take that card how many total do you have i have sev seven i think so two four five six seven there you go i'll take that one as well a trash card it lets me trash even though we're a little bit late in the game for trashing that's okay i've trashed a grand total of one card several games sorry satellite band is the next one uh you can go on to either the fremen or the spacing guild nice uh allows you to uh discard a card for spice and water or you can retreat up to two of your troops and also have one persuasion during conflict that's nice i do like these a new combination of faction spots that you can have with these new cards yeah but that's the end of my my reveal so it goes too you have one more agent turn yeah yeah cause i have the mentat so because i went first even though you have another agent turn the rival will no longer go because they don't do a reveal yeah okay so i have the mentat so i'm going to take one more action and so i'm going to play the spice smugglers and so i'm going to go to this blue location in karthag okay it's going to allow me to recruit a troop so i will and then i'm gonna take uh the intrigue card okay sorry i'll switch i just want to get it all done right now while i can well you're in a combat space interesting are you gonna deploy more troops uh no i think i'm gonna leave it this way okay i think i'm hoping i'm good i really hope i am so yeah they're not gonna take any more turns they're gonna add more strength but it's not gonna be seven i don't know i think the last time we played this there was one where they had like a six or seven i don't remember we didn't memorize the the deck there and it got reshot okay anyway uh but i'm gonna take uh these two spice yeah and i'm gonna go up uh on this track here yep that's mason gilles racing guild and it's gonna get me three sorry such a nice card okay there you go and i think there's a little bit more to be done right what is this and so um i have four plot cards in i do not like the fact that i have four plot cards so i'm gonna play finesse i'm gonna go down on the spacing guild okay to go up over here oh my gosh no you know what i'm going to go up here and just be done because you have a lot of these these people over here yeah i was worried that you were going to do a double boom boom you have to take a second action i i i can't i should have i should have taken it well it's back to you again i think that's that right that was everything so you just revealed now yeah so these all get wiped okay so i have two and then i have so i was gunning for these a freeman bond just in case some funny business is going to happen that's not going to happen so it's one two three four five you did not play another bond card i did not have another framing and play no okay yeah that's why when i kept trying to gun for cards like here and yeah it didn't happen okay yeah so you have seven i have seven yeah what you can do that the worm riders is still there definitely taking it um yeah that's just gonna make you stronger yeah stronger hopefully it'll show up yeah so that's gonna be that uh let's reveal i'll see if there's anything where's doctor ewing when you need them leo will get kinds oh so of course they are a uh a friend oh prevent and emperor interesting and this is just an ability to go to the freman location which is probably not that great now but upon acquiring this card you get to go up in the emperor faction in influence yeah so wow that's pretty cool and the thing that's interesting is during a reveal phase you get two persuasion for each remnant card that you have in play including this one so if you have a bunch at once and that's a nice way to get to the spices and it's pretty interesting right there cool i think that was everything for me okay and that is that is the end of the the actions phase essentially we're gonna go into combat and we do reveal it hard [Music] wow nothing gets added i mean they did block a couple spaces for me in previous rounds so that's shocking uh well starting with me we can play entry cards so i do have that entry card that gets me um eight eight strikes no i'm just kidding even if you had eight strength i'd counter you i'm not going to play an entry card would you like to i will not be doing that well then you win the battle i do yes so real simple real easy so naveen gets two points so you're red right two victory points and you get to place your flag in uh car thanks specifically excellent okay additionally you won with your dreadnought so you place that dreadnought out i'm gonna go ahead and place it in iraqi this is the area where you get to draw cards so i feel like that's gonna be a good spot that's nice that's temporary but it's great their dreadnought also comes back to them as well as this one and their troop goes into their supply and so does yours so do yours there they go you'll be set that is the end of the round let's go ahead and add uh some spices one and one yep one there one there okay and take back your agents agents so we are really nearing i need to return the mint head also the end ish we have two what is it three three it was round seven that was round seven so we have eight nine ten yeah three more rounds although you we're getting closer here this is gonna this can happen yeah you are now for sure perfect so let's reveal the new conflict cards this goes out and now into round eight another battle another battle big one for arakin oh where i am okay two points whoever gets second though gets to choose two of those that's kind of nice okay so i'm gonna go ahead and start by getting uh my two salary that's right here you go and draw your cards so i have a huge deck yeah um i basically cannot count on anything showing up because of the way that i built my hand all right naveen take it away don't forget to set aside a card yes that that is true okay i'm gonna set aside this card okay okay i'm going to go to uh doom the desert planet this yellow and i'm going to send my agent out to the smuggling board there okay so i'm going to gain a salary yep there you go and then uh i'm just going to claim for my one uh one uh action point here yeah i'm going to claim everything down so i'm going to go one two down uh two troops two troops so let's go ahead and put them here they do not get to go directly into the conflict correct uh i will go up on this track here okay and then in addition to that uh five solari or two spices two spices ah naveen didn't want me to do that no donations to get a salary because then i would be able to get one there yep well that's unfortunate okay so then let's see where the arrival goes and looks like they're gonna harvest spice they're gonna go here they're gonna go yes they're gonna go there and remove that okay seems appropriate so back to me i'm gonna start by playing the weirding way okay so i'm playing this card and this is the one that lets me take another turn immediately after this one so i'm gonna get to go back to back but i'm gonna use it to send my agent to the interstellar shipping before it gets blocked off by the rival and um so you get two points of movement i got two two move two uh two advancements over here and i'm just gonna go up one and i'm gonna go all the way down to claim all of these things so starting with up here i get to uh purchase a textile at a two spice discount you can buy anything i'm gonna spend both of my spice let's get that to take the restricted ordinance because during the reveal turn i get to take four i get four strengths which is better than two with the training drones right so there's that pretty good yeah and then the next one is artillery it's one spice reveal turn plus one strength for each revealed card that provides one or more strike this turn that's cool that was nice yeah yeah that is nice i also get two troops and i get to go up on an influence track let me do the influence track one first i might as well go up here to benny jesuits because it'll get me a point and it's in my best interest to get to try to have three or more in all the tracks because of my my end game here yeah so you've done it for one and you're basically in the margin for all the other ones yeah i need to do it for all of them before the game ends so now i get to deploy uh two troops but because i have the troop transports whenever i recruit troops from the shipping track i can recruit an additional one and i can deploy any of them to the conflict so i'm going to recruit uh three and send them all into the conference yeah just like that and i can choose to take either two spy i'm gonna take solari you have so much sorry i don't know if it's not gonna hurt you take an additional so like it doesn't hurt me i guess there's five six and now now i get to go again oh yeah i played that one yeah because i played that card okay i'm gonna play this gene manipulation which is another benny jesuit card and so it's gonna allow me to trash a card finally and if i have another benny desert card in play which i do then i gain two spice are you ready to trash something so yeah well i can trash them from my discard do you have a disc oh yeah you do of course my whole deck is in there basically for some reason that we reshuffled and so i'm going to use it to spend my to send my agent to i'm going to send my agent to the dreadnought spot now that i have some salary the go again by you oh i'm spending five i can't believe it two two solari i can finally build my my dreadnought although it goes into my garrison and i can also uh purchase a a tactile so i'm going to spend one spice to purchase the artillery so during the reveal turn this is the one that gets me one strength for each card that gives me one or more two guys drink this turn so oh i'm in trouble um wind traps two spice you get in a water immediately and when you win a conflict you get one water so it's a cute card and okay and then i can i can trash a card here wow where is doing the desert planet i think i'm in big trouble now you have a lot of i'm gonna contact modifiers i'm trashing reconnaissance okay didn't find doom that doesn't planet or else that would have been gone okay so it's not back to you yeah wow so this is the card that i had set aside it's that green to go right over there yeah still use it i could to go to the men to draw cards yeah the thing is you won't that's the only dreadnought spot unless you have a card that lets you build a dreadnought your dreadnought's not going to be in play that's not happening this uh for this combat so i don't have to play this card though it my option is if i play it then all these other things happen so let me it's the jagger card so it's just gonna come back into my hand for right now so you don't you don't have to feel pressured to play it exactly all right you know what i will use it for the menta so i'm gonna i'm gonna spend it i'm gonna put the agent out here it's gonna cost me two yep uh because it's exactly one on there i get a spice yep there you go and you get to draw a card and i get to draw a card be something nice okay that's me well you get the mentat as well and to get the method yeah that's right that's right all right so you went first right which means the rival is going to go reshuffle okay reshuffle and draw here we go again another uh another animation dreadful but not i am there so selective breeding they're gonna go here okay so they go there did you begin an influence they do they're on that track uh-oh trying to take take from you yeah okay so now back to my turn for my last agent i'm gonna play uh my spice trader card so um i'm going to use it to deploy my agent to karthag which means naveen gets a solari another one because you control that location uh this is gonna gain me a troop which i guess i'll deploy straight into battle and i'll also deploy my dreadnought into there and i get an intrigue card oh this is tricky how many like three cards you have i have three three is my third i also have three yeah okay well i'm not gonna use the entry card just yet but i do have two influence so the the card says if i have two influence here then i can discard a card oh discard a trash discard i can discard a card to take two spice which means i'm not gonna have much spending power which i guess is okay because we're late in the game so i will i'm gonna discard my signet ring and i get two spice so that's it that is the that's my last asian turn so that goes back to you naveen yeah well i think i have to play uh this gentleman here to fear hawat and so uh it will immediately let me draw a card so let me go ahead and uh decide where i want to go an incredibly smart gentleman yes by the way so i'll go here and spend all my spice all four spice to do this one two three and four wow this allows me to now move up here getting me this alliance token to get me a point yep you also get five salary and two cubes you get four cubes because that's the benefit yeah one two for having an alliance here you go you also get an intrigue card so does this mean you now have four uh it does mean i have four yeah you better hope they don't go to secrets naveen yeah there you go i'll just spend it now oh if you have a seat on the high council to uh spice to spice there you go might as well protect myself from that problem true okay and i think that was everything did i draw a card i still need to draw a card for him that's right okay ready yep all right here we go they are going to go to harvest spice again so there they go to this spot because it has the most bonus spice okay that's it so yeah i'm i'm done oh no actually i'm not done it goes back to me for my reveal so i it's gonna be very anticlimactic it's just one card in my hand um if i had played a fremen bond card which i did the spice trader i get a spice on top of that it is going to give me one strength and so i have three let's see i have four times two eight plus we have eleven and then plus this one strength that's 12. um my restricted ordinance i have a high seat hi i have a seat in the high council that's additional four amazing and then my artillery i get plus one because i have a revealed card that provided a strength so i'm at grand total of 17 this turn that's a lot um i also have one persuasion plus two so i have three totals to spend i want to muddy my hand with any of these you know i'm not i'm not gonna purchase anything yeah i have so many cards in my in my deck totally just gonna try to make them work for me but uh it's the end of my turn so i still have a mentat and i think i should use them okay i'm gonna play my diplomacy card this is the one i drew after twofer help me out so i'm gonna go i know i have this one that says like hang back for two points but it would be nice for me to push the end game potentially so i'm gonna move up in this spot right there okay and well you have to put the ben cat out and that will go you don't like putting your agents out no i know uh and that's a full space card okay yeah there you go like you it goes back to you i'm not done you're done huh so it's your reveal phase so reveal so nothing is gonna be a combo thingy so i can just wipe these out okay and we're gonna put these out now because i have an alliance with uh the emperor yep that's gonna be four five six seven eight nine the spice must flow [Music] the first spice flowing of the game it has to be done i get a point oh no i need it maybe this isn't gonna end in rounds you just need three more points right there naveen yeah that's why i'm like you know what this is nice you could trash i could just trash it yeah you have to spend three spies to do it it's okay yeah that's not good it's not too bad yeah well that's it right that's your reveal turn that's my reveal turn yeah that's the end of the round no daggers i am uncontested i put too many troops in this combat but i guess that's a good thing i i'm gonna get two points one two this is this is good this is tight this is good and i get to place my my marker on our keen so they you you go back there i get our excuses and because i won with my dread knot i also get to place it out here sure because it covers it might as well you might as well but unfortunately i lose all of my troops that is that's it that's that yeah that is the end of the round let's uh fill some spice the one one spice spot right there take back our agents and we are we are nearing the very very end of the game here yeah this this might end on points um yeah it's hard to say it might it always kind of works that way where it zooms in on the end there uh but now i have the first player and we begin again so we need to reveal a new one a new conflict you didn't even want that second one huh oh i did because i wanted other things oh double bump for first it's not points it's a double double influence bump that is an entry card so now we'll go to the last round grand vision you get two salary right mm-hmm the start of your start of the round uh yes and you you also uh you get to put a city card [Music] what i need okay i'm gonna place this one aside all right there we go so starting with me i'll take my first agent turn here okay for my first agent turn i'm playing the web of power that's my bendy jesuit this sweet one that i just got nice um it does have that infiltration symbol but i don't need to use that part of it i'm just going to go straight to secrets okay how many entry cards you have there i'm good i have three okay safe as do i and it's gonna bump me up here which is what you need i get to take an entry card oh every time oh they're nice yeah these cards are nice i'm gonna play an entry card by the way it's a plot card it's gonna get me too salary just like that i don't want any funny business later on so there's no point in holding that one back yeah yeah that's right that makes sense um in addition this card if you use it for an agent turn it doesn't say choose one so i'm assuming i get all all these that apply if i have two influence in in any of these tracks which i have in all of them oh yeah then i get these bonuses so it's gonna get me two salary a card and water a card and a water yeah amazing so two salary one water i draw a card please out there that does require it all right i'm gonna play one more entry card actually okay so i do have this card chome shares seven i can spend seven solari one two three four five six seven all my money all of my hard earned money for a point we're getting there oh no we are getting no air that's it that's me so interesting ready for the rival yeah where are they gonna go arakin good arc i'm sorry and they get to recruit a troop and deploy it and then they're going to deploy not so if they're not in interesting i mean good thing it's not for a point yeah the double point thing wow wow wow yeah that escalated quickly this is three six seven eight they got eight strength now yeah they're at eight nasty all right this is just gonna be a setup for the next round i think so i'm gonna play my dagger okay and i'm gonna move on over here and get another dreadnought okay nice so three solari three solari one two three and now your second dreadlock is the rest of the game uh i will not be spending any spice by that because uh just get you water if you need water when you win a conflict you get water you also get one immediately yeah no i'm good not enticed all right i'm gonna play my signet ring finally finally i can use this thing okay um well i'm gonna use it to deploy over here and that'll get me two bump ups one two and i'm going to use the signet ring again because i really haven't been doing this this entire game my ability let me spend one spice to to do one of these advancement symbols so i'm just going to use it to take back my uh token and gain these benefits so again with my two transports that'll gain me an additional troop so i'm going to deploy them all into combat oh you want this one huh maybe that's specific to my my token by the way when you when you recruit there they don't go into combat i get one bump up in a on a track uh which i guess i might as well go here right and take this so it gets me a point and an entry a game an entry card so it'll be able to end the game this is there's a lot of words on here i'm just gonna have to read that in a second and then i can take either five salary or two spice i'm gonna take five solari so [Music] yes i think i'm sorry which means you get one cool and that's it that's me so that's let's see where the level goes ready interstellar shipping oh oh good thing i went there now debating what what order to do that in okay so then they go to smuggling and yep they're gonna go there they're gonna go there it says how much influence do they have here two well you're you're in the other one right and actually seeing as the rival has two two influence here they're technically supposed to go to interstellar shipping but because i'm there i believe we draw another card so harvest okay oh yeah oh gosh so what are they adding then three six seven eight nine twelve yeah all right back to you naveen okay uh so i'm gonna pick this up and i'm just gonna put it back in my hand i'm not gonna be using it because i did something very inefficient but i'm gonna be playing my signet ring and so i'm gonna move out to the research station it's gonna cost me two uh one two okay goes out all right and man i don't like what they've done here this is terrible okay so i will uh draw three cards so let's go one two three i'm gonna make a decision on those troops in just a second okay okay you know what i am gonna move i'm gonna move in so we're gonna go one two three so my total is now seven wow i have to wow wow wow i think i have to are you done because i'm gonna play the treachery card so this allows me to i'm gonna use it to deploy my agent it's gonna give me a double bump it says gain two influence instead of one and then i have to trash the card so i could either go to the spacing guild oh yeah if i go up twice here it doesn't get me the point no okay so i'm gonna go here to fold space okay and it's it's gonna get me uh two pop-ups here i get this three solari which uh really doesn't matter too much and that means this is gonna be the end of the game at the end of this round unless you somehow lose that temporary point right that is true uh so i have to charge this card which means i do i do resolve this new type of uh it's called the unload box i guess and this is another way that i can i use the reveal benefit and so i get to deploy two troops to the conflict not that i'm gonna win it and this gets trashed so what are you at you're at ten i am at ten right so i know we're we're kind of we're a little bit anxious about it so we're keeping track in this way but let's see where the the rival goes they're going hardy warriors oh my gosh is that where you wanted to go no but that's just a lot of cubes so the gain here and then they get to recruit two directly two troops and deploy them into the conflict they don't have any more in their garrisons that's it so that's 16. [Music] oh man back to you naveen oh it's tense so i am going to play my fold space card and i'm gonna so this allows this forces me to trash this card so it goes back there okay uh i can go anywhere with that card so i'm going to go ahead and um don't forget it also allows you to draw a card yeah so so i'm i'm going to go to the menta the is going to allow me to so i'm going to spend two since i have all this money yeah to draw a card let's take the mentat mm-hmm plus draw a card because of the full space space nice that's not bad so if you really really want to do something grand now you can well i'm i'm thinking uh having a bunch of i can just go buy a point you know with all with all the value of these cards here yeah that's true so that's what i'm think i don't know if that's going to be good enough but let's take a look so i'm going to do my reveal turn now and uh i have these three cards uh unfortunately i guess that card that i trashed was a freaking card wasn't it i think i don't remember now maybe not i don't remember but either way i don't get that benefit so i'm just gonna go ahead and discard these since they do not apply and so it's gonna get me i have two additional strengths so i go to 12. i have four additional strength from restricted ordnance plus two more for artillery so that's 18. 18. just like that it doesn't matter this is the last turn of the game so i'm not gonna buy anything it's not going to bite yeah yeah there's nothing that'll hassle there's nothing this will get you a bomb well get something to pop up there but yeah yeah yeah okay i have to be smart here so let me just allocate just like a mentor yes exactly it's like you know okay so and to be clear i believe mentats are they're people who are smarter than robots because i think there was like an age where robots were taking over and they're like that robots take over we have people who can be smarter than them and thus uh came the vent at the mint yeah okay so uh i just gotta go i i i'm desperate here so i got the bounty hunter with the um the infiltration are you going to try to go infiltrate here so i'm going to take oh so you're not really infiltrating oh yeah not infiltrating sorry yeah i don't get the two yeah but uh i'm gonna go one in here and then one two oh i also get a salary by the way i get an intrigue card you get an entry card there you go please do something good okay i might as well play it it's a favorite subject just go up on this track right here okay mine at all yep okay uh and then so what is my strength here i have six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so i'm at fourteen i'm at fourteen okay i'm just gonna keep doing stuff right now so i'm gonna play double cross spend one solari an opponent of your choice loses one troop in the conflict and you deploy a troop from your supply to the conflict so i'm gonna do that yeah i'm gonna boot you out me yeah why me because you're leading oh okay so you're gonna lose one yeah so that goes takes you down to 16. and then i'm going to put one in which puts me now at 16. so we have a three-way tie here yes which means nobody's gonna get it yeah yeah it kind of makes it makes sense why you did that but the reason why i was shocked you'll see in a second so it just goes back back to me okay so now it's reveal time and let's go ahead and do that so i'm gonna reveal all this stuff so i do have some fremen bond stuff going on here so let me wow you have a lot of cards so i have some daggers here so i have uh one two three because i have a fretman bond because another freeman's in play yep four or five six so i get another six so i'm gonna go to 22 22 yep flip your token over perfect okay and then now i have two three four five six seven eight nine this spice spice must flow i have to buy that perfect time to buy it because you don't care about it clogging up your hand no so that's where you're at you're already at yeah that's it that's it now we're gonna go into combat yeah what do you what do you got well actually um you got something cool they get to add additional strength sure to their to their uh combat here so let's draw a card three okay so they go to 19 19. you have something really good no it's not really good it's not gonna hurt you oh it's just gonna help me so now we're into the combat we're gonna play a tree card starting with me and i'm gonna play staged incident oh i can lose three of my troops in the conflict so i'm losing three to get a point yeah that's just too good on a conflict like that that's why when you took that away from me i was like me because it didn't matter i wasn't gonna win i wasn't planning on winning this battle but you didn't know that so that that makes sense why why you took one from me so uh are you playing an entry card combat entry cards only by the way the ones with red yeah oh man anyway so i will play this uh retreat up to three of my troops i will uh do that so we're going to go from 22 down back to 16. uh you're you want to retreat you're two but then you have like those other cards but oh yeah yeah i think i'm at like eight sure actually you're definitely not here what are sixteen minus uh six is only 12 that's three yeah so 12. i think something like that i don't win anything you're definitely not there yeah yeah okay so then it goes back to me i could play another entry card i won't okay back to you that's it that's that's it for me okay so then they win this you win the second three please be an end game scoring condition is it oh my gosh should have gone the other way i'm one short of something oh i cannot believe it wow what oh how horrible oh that's terrible okay well it's the end of the game shoot you're technically supposed to still do the maker phase i don't think that matters now so we're going to end game because uh we have reached the threshold here to end it so now we can play entry cards that that are endgame ones this is the one i i technically have this tech token but i don't think i need it i have to have three influence or more on all four i was one short yeah yeah yeah well i have that one that i was talking about so this is a end game worth one point for each faction where you have one or less influence i have one here yep and i have none here so i get two points nice you won't believe the card i drew well i have a i have another card here oh you have something else yes this is the one that had a lot of text this is my only other thing by the way it's a grand conspiracy so there are four different parameters they're having um if i have any three of these then i get a point if i have all four it's two points i think i might have three so you do not have two dreadnoughts do i have a spice must flow i don't think you have a spice mustard oh no i don't oh no i don't think you ever got one i did i knocked this whole time i don't think you did this whole time maybe in my head i thought like well i'm going to be able to buy one oh i didn't so i don't i don't mean it but okay if you wanted to know what it is if you have two dreadnoughts one at least one of the spice must flow four or more influence on two um of the influence tracks which i do have and then a seat on the high council i could have gotten a point or two points if you have all four which is super hard but alas i do not get that point naveen would you care to explain this is unbelievable so this entire game i was solari king i drew this card purposely going down to like do this whole thing right here if you have 10 or more solari oh i have nine solari that would have been the extra point and i think i think in this game the tiebreaker is the most spice i think and i would have had five and you know what's funny you won the dreadnought by you putting here me going here for the mentat would have got me that one it's just solari so that was the play right here you putting the dreadnought over my flag wow stop me from getting the solari i needed to get the tent solari to get the extra point to go to the tiebreaker ah [Laughter] i think that's a tiebreaker i could be wrong you are correct the first high breaker is the amount of spice yeah because everyone's fighting over the spice oh my gosh well one fortunately that's the end of the game it was really close extremely close wow oh sorry oh thank you i mean i could have maybe we made a mistake yeah claim a slurry but you did let us know because maybe that victory should have been yours thank you but if not hold on good job it was it was a good fight till the end there um i think the true winner here are these tactiles because i was able to accrue a few of them that really helped yeah very good and then just the combination of these new uh the new cards that come with the expansion really you can really uh tailor your deck a lot more there so like getting the money jesuits together yeah getting the fremen together yeah just a little bit more uh action there that you can do yeah the new board um makes things a little bit more interesting that dreadnought technology also really instills fear they do yeah but it's it's interesting because if you uh put a dreadnought if you win with a dreadnought it's out of commission for a round you only have two of them there's only one space really where you can go to uh put a dreadnought into play yeah so so that was tough with the rifle now i regret not getting that technology that said uh if you win you can kick out your dreadnoughts i could have forced a win here kicked out these dreadnoughts for the points but i never got that thing the detonation devices yes yeah that's nice the thing about this is if you uh remove your dreadnought you get the point but you have to go back to that spot to build the dreadnought again but it's worth it i needed i needed one more turn if i had one more turn i could have i could have went out there and done that but i had one extra turn with the mentat twice so that didn't work out nice well done well played well played thank you well thank you all so much for watching our video today we really hope you enjoyed our playthrough of dune imperium with the rise of x expansion and we do have plans to be back here in the future for more gameplay videos but in the meantime if you want to see more like this you can always check out our channel which is linked down below and if you enjoy solo game plays paula has a table for one series where she also played the doon imperium with the rise of x expansion right here on this channel but if you also enjoyed this video please go ahead and like and subscribe here as well and until next time thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 31,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Dune Imperium, Rise Of Ix, expansion
Id: yks7ktL75m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 44sec (6644 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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