Dumpster Diving- This Dumpster is Packed!

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this is packed down it is down oh man i'm not even gonna grab it steve's allergic to down hopefully somebody else will save it he's allergic and really allergic so i'm not grabbing it i want to though i love dan but this is all broken wow so so okay so okay so oh that's pretty i'm taking that that's cute i can get that paint off welcome back huh [Applause] broken but it's okay wonder if i could get that does it work okay hours don't stay i might be able to fix it anything over here all right okay what do we have in here not grabbing that i lost my diving stick at the last location so i'm gonna have to get um creative with my lid proper hair look at this maybe it is okay microwave sterilizer oh it's so cute it's only spray painted on the inside oh and the outside i don't know if i can get that off i can take it and try okay this cut slashed okay i think this is part of microsterilizer [Music] okay so please turn good job it's wedged i think it's sprayed in there but i don't know for sure okay they spray painted it wow some gift cards now what you're seeing right now is me grabbing gift cards out of these dumpsters and then i take them all home and then i check a huge pile of them and sometimes they have money on which is the best and what i'm hoping for oh how rude somebody went in there with a sephora back rival okay i'm sure they're taking a nap happy card can use lots of places i don't take the in-store credits because i can't check them online everywhere else you can pretty much but ulta plain orange ones that are in-store credit like that you can't check them you have to go in the store to check them and i'm not going in there because they might know me they might say something like don't go into dumpsters and so far they've never said not to so i do i hope they wouldn't tell me not to because it cleaner than when i came some really nice plastic bags it's trash and uh makeup and stuff okay next best thing to find in makeup though animal week feels heavy oh arrival week okay let's see what's in this box anyway the next thing is why would you use her name yeah it's empty okay if anybody needs boxes that are clean without food on them ulta is the place to go we got really good boxes and lots of them i'm sure they'd be happy to have you take them and there's always a bubble wrap too by the way so look at those nice clean boxes not this one but the other ones look at that okay you guys i got spray paint all over the front of my shirt i had to try to get it out when i got home okay let's plug this in and see if it's working i used alcohol in here coming off so i don't even have to do graffiti remover maybe on the plastic because i may not get it off but uh let me plug it in i'm pretty sure this sucker's gonna work no problem because why sprays paint something if it's not working right and this little lamp that'll come off easy let's check it okay i don't know how to put it on there it is lights coming on okay so it's a timer let's see if it's getting hot in there oh yeah it's getting hot let's check all the burners so it's got two ceramic on the bottom two on the top and it's getting hot in there sweet i bet you this wasn't a cheap uh toaster it's pretty big i've got the trees in there [Music] yay okay that's gonna work so it's got an airfry wow toaster oven and an airfry this isn't gonna be cheap that means it's got a circulator fan circulation in there somewhere it must be that hmm let's see how they how that um air fryer works oh i hear it okay so it's got a fan in there yeah it's hot and it's circulating fun oh yeah i'll look this up okay i think i found it right here that's it right look how expensive 89.99 is on bath and body works his website 89.99 and they just threw it in the trash is it missing it's missing an airfry rack darn it that's okay it might have been in there too um but that's okay somebody else could use a different basket but 89.99 right now get it all cleaned up and uh donate this puppy yeah somebody's gonna be happy
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 125,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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