Dumpster Diving "Heavy & Hot!"

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oh all right all right what do we have up in here today y'all look at all of that what is all of this stuff it's not in a box there's a bunch of wires let me see here oh there's little um let me see any kind of decent shape here let's throw this at the back of the truck take the box okay all right let's see what all that we have up in here just sitting right here on top there's stuff sand kim nuts and bolts hardware computer connectors lots of that kind of stuff computer cables and such that's a spiral winding for wires looks like uh yep that's an aluminum piece of aluminum plate you can tell aluminum by the weight and the and the look of it very very light bendable that kind of stuff i don't know what that is it's little faceplates or know what that something wires here here we keep the faceplate in case we come across whatever it goes to here's a little wire connectors here nuts and bolts here let's get most of it and then we'll sweep it with the magnet all this some of this is definitely not non-ferrous definitely dogs [Music] giving us a good little box put together some power chords what is this hardware nice heavy stuff all right aluminum plate here grab these okay we're getting us a full box eh all right oh well with the magnet huh yeah those are usually copper number two copper sometimes they're aluminum though another tree christmas tree here there goes the bark look at all that hold on just throw that whole box kind of tree we got here that's scrappable let's grab that it's not so much the base yes it's the metal brackets here [Music] all right this ain't bad it's not bad at all all right let's place here here here here with some phone system stuff more optical stuff more optical stuff boxes those shouldn't be in here i don't know what those are all right it's full of whatever these things are all right guys we're like at the bottom grab this puppy here all right another bad little first steps here what's up what's up what's up what's up it's a square d box looks like a square d breaker over there let's see here oh there goes some stuff we got here that's a big breaker switch all right look at that there's some grass get the bigger one and i've got plenty of acrobats guys so you know like that's something i find a a whole lot of that looks pretty nice a whole lot of out of my scavenging adventures lots of acrobats don't see anything else in here this is a little bitty stuff motors the stainless steel cabinet out of here all right chair what happened to you you got maxed out on capacity or what what is up light fixture what's in there it looks like it huh ew look at the potatoes y'all they're growing stuff growing more potatoes and there's lots of bugs that's all aluminum i believe that's die-cast aluminum not cash i could be wrong i'm still trying to figure that one out i've kind of got it but some things i'm still kind of eh eh but it's got the little circles on it like where it's released from the injected mold thing or whatever so perhaps yeah see those little circle things isn't that mean it's die-cast and it came out of a die i don't know this guy right here that's a that's a sheet aluminum but it doesn't want to come out all right yeah what oops no messes y'all i see a big cabinet i sure do big old cabinet right there i wonder how heavy she is let's take a look huh oh how heavy we talking it's not too bad all right all right there's some aluminum down here too all right sir good old duster backed up we'll just put that on the tail right there there's those flooring pieces again oh y'all want some lights is that better yeah there's aluminum right here grab that extruded as it sits this would be considered secondary because it's got some screws clean it up this black part is extruded like 6063 painted and then this piece that 6063 bear all extruded all right [Music] all right guys i will take the wall studs just for y'all just for y'all all right yeah that's a door frame these are common in offices [Applause] and they have the clear outs that's what they that's what they uh cut the doors out frames for this door probably look at that all right it looks like like a muffin sheet or something all right that right there it's quite a bit of aluminum but let's see can you see nothing over here oh there's a there's a vacuum some wire right there we'll just take the top part i find lots of those look at that southern pecan keurig stuff lasts forever i'll take it i'll take it i'll take the curated coffee let's see right here that's a big old box y'all that's our electric huh okay let's see who's that that's pretty cool looking huh no more coffee no more coffee scrub here a little bit here a little bit here okay let me get this aluminum load it up real quick and then we'll uh back up on it and get this okay all right correct put your throat real quick yeah let's get this big old cabinet oh you know what that's upside down let's flip it the right way up coming in all right coming in coming in heavy and hot heavy and hot lordy oh look at all them packing with windows and such reminds me of good old days working working on the shipping dock all right scrappity-doodle scrappy i wonder what's in this folks just a little little sippy poo whoa yeah what's up transmitters and such open top red open top let's see oh i see some pipes and such let's see what we got here ooh there's some all thread lots all thread here lots of metal pipes here all right i'll throw it back there metal pipes on the pipe again the heavy pot look at that is it a whole bag full is it a whole bag worth taking is it oh it's not a bag it is a tarp though full of cut cut pieces of metal all right yeah this crap [Applause] all right [Music] check these boxes always good to check them boxes leftover snippets leftovers [Music] that one's buried stuff down here yeah that's that's that's hung up on something on the bottom this one's good though that's good though yeah that's sometimes just a lost cause now if it were a big old piece of copper pipe we'd be digging it out there we go a little bit a lot of strips it's all stripped keep moving is that a plug it's a plug i think all right [Music] look rack what's up light i see some bx looking stuff any wire up in this stuff nope it's aluminum though that is good that is most definitely good that's a light open topping it up tonight all right let's see big pieces in the pot yeah there's some really long ones here some really long ones here we go [Music] lots of long pieces of scrap tonight long pieces i'll just sew all these ends here we don't have to keep going back and forth back and forth back and forth all right oh it's another wall stud oh this has got wire on it okay that's what i'm after good stuff good stuff that one don't want to bend [Music] a little bit thicker of a little bit thicker of a piece y'all stupid wall studs that's any wire just scraps check that bag real quick oh there that's a little piece you can hear nope dirty trash this is what we want right there that's number one all day long all right let's roll this crap back of old monster here that's a really long piece like such a stupid wall stud [Music] uh-oh i think you all know what time it is the resmed dumpster look at all that hoes people say there's a little piece of copper in there but i mean it's such a small my nude amount it's crazy it's crazy oh speaking of crazy look what we got here y'all oxygen machine another one man oh man man oh man looks like about it huh no wheelchairs tonight no medical beds none of that good old stuff all right oh i see bearings got bearings looks like something a little more hold on hold on yeah oh man hold up holy cow look at that what is all that oh man um let me just back to probably best to back the truck in because i think yeah this thing it's balloon too all right y'all let us dig in what the heck they're all magnets it's all magnets a little rain over here today let me stick in everything in the back of the truck yeah there's no real easy way to pick these up these boxes are they they're flipped upside down and wet oh yeah yeah all right y'all get cozy get cozy at least they kind of stick to the enquirement and clumps and clumps sort of oh these don't want to come in clumps all right that's insane [Music] up and down up and down what my wife says about me watching tv man i can't can't just stay put up and down up and down up and down all right this kind of sucks going to feel it my lower back in the morning that's all right i got me a teeter hang up there compliments of my mom-in-law i see a box over here [Music] there's wires and cameras okay let's get all this crap yeah i guess i don't need my magnet sweep for these bearings just pick them up all right then over here there's a piece of copper look at that there's some cameras cameras in the juice how long has it been since we've had juice y'all been a little while huh it surely has oh e-x-s-d-i it's a digital video it's another video recording i mean i've been finding these pretty crazy lately all right get this out of here these boxes camera there that's a little bitty camera it's a little guy record here all right let's get some bearings y'all get some stuff we are magnet fishing in the dumpster juice and the dumpster juice look at that aqua look at me now oh what if he watches the channel it's kind of where i got the idea of my channel when i first started it river scavenging all right y'all want to grab a tv it's in the dumpster ooh hold on little slick little slick y'all see how the back panel of this tv is all metal that's scrappable people ask about tvs and they're strapworth and some of the cheaper ones though they're all plastic but these these nicer ones like yeah it's scrap it's definitely scrapped it's a tv stuck in the window come on tv stuck in the window oh see this box over here mac pro smart sound bar there's something in there the box got wet though i mean i'm gonna take it anyway let it dry out yeah it's not even open it's taped shut but look it's it all got wet but they say electronics let them dry out right give them my knife yeah look at that it's brand new but it got wet although it is wrapped in plastic look at that a mac pro how do i get away with that isn't that like a copyright thing or is it the macbook pro oh yeah look at that the whole bottom just fell out okay believe that we'll take this with us this actually doesn't look like he got wet y'all there's no cords or nothing maybe it's all bluetooth mac pro it's a sound bar man be good for uh my workbench is that any good i hope it's good we'll plug it in and check it out yeah it says wireless so probably just i don't know well alrighty scavengers gonna go ahead and call it right there i'd say we had a pretty successful outing out there that's even getting some scraps in the urban jungle hopefully it was uh informational educational entertaining and all that good stuff ah yeah so i think these are parts to motors i'm pretty sure something on here like this little outer piece it's a magnet and then i think this is what would spin like inside of the motor there'd be like i guess it would just kind of like yeah i think that's i think that's what that is but that's pretty that reminds me like the little tool yet little toy had as a kid where you just kind of go back and forth and the little wheel goes down uh yeah but yeah so we got some cameras aluminum oxygen machine lots of scrap tons of scrap that first dumpster we hit it out all kinds of stuff in the packaging so all kinds of interesting things to go through there if i come across anything super interesting i'll let y'all know but for the most part it just looked like nuts balls hardware somebody just kind of cleaned out uh maybe a van or something like that but uh yeah pretty good lick on the extruded aluminum department for sure but all righty scavengers thank you all so much for tagging along as always it was an absolute and total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your friends all that good stuff you know the bit all right y'all rinse and repeat baby what we got here y'all little scrappy scrap scraps mike's a scavenger [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 375,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving 2022, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving 2021, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving is fun, dumpster diving police, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster dive, dumpster diving illegal, daytime dumpster diving, dumpster diving for free food, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster diving food haul, dumpster diving filipino, night time dumpster diving, dumpster diving at apple store
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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