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100s at the top of it oh nice we're getting a bunch of quarters that Towers going check that out there it goes what's going on everybody I'm back with another high limit coin brusher video for you all today in today's video we're going to be doing a$1 billion buying this is the most expensive game I've ever played before and they gave me 150 quarters to get started today yeah I was very very nervous about playing this game and uh as soon as I seen this setup I just knew I had to give it a try so uh let's see what's the best way to go about this should we just push across the whole field they got a humongous Tower back there on The Pusher but one thing I have noticed there's like not a lot of quarters down there on the lower shelf as you can see there's a huge gap like right there it might take a little bit to fill up that Gap but uh anyway let's see we're about halfway through our quarters now I guess come on we need a good prusher or something and they also got a big old wall of chips and golden quarters and cash up front so that might be a little bit difficult to win it might be holding back the quarters from falling down oh yeah nice fush come on this ain't looking too good to be honest with you this it's pretty scary right now this is the most amount of money I've ever spent on one of these machines and uh oh my gosh nice there we go tower on The Pusher just lost some chips at the base of it hopefully we can get it to go come on nice push oh yeah big money come on oh my goodness you kidding me this wall up front is so close nice there it goes holy moly we just hit the jackpot big time on that one oh my goodness that is a huge relief right there I thought for sure we' just lost one billion holy smokes that was absolutely phenomenal so let's go see how many quarters we've won and we'll get right back to pushing oh my goodness W check this out we got around oh goodness what is that like 800 quarters now and uh let's see we've also won quite a few one out gold bars and $5,000 chips we also got one of them Stacks $100 bills out of there there's 10,000 bucks in each one of those oh my gosh that big old tower on the prusher super super close to going that is going to be an avalanche of gold for sure and $5,000 chips that Tower also has two stacks of hundreds at the top of it oh nice we're getting a bunch of quarters that to's going check that out there it goes oh my goodness wow nice there it goes holy moly oh my gosh we hit the mega jackpot big time on that one baby oh yeah there's probably 200 or more ounces of gold down there we've won so many $5,000 chips two or three more stacks of $100 bills a boat load of quarters my goodness this is doing absolutely phenomenal today you couldn't ask for a better game than this and check that out they got one of the ginormous dollar sign mystery bags heading inside that Tower there's two more of them over here on the blue shelves we could possibly win those later on we'll just have to wait and see how the game goes anyway the videos have been doing super super good recently they've been getting a tremendous amount of support so I thought I would just reward you all with a$1 billion Buy in today I know a lot of y'all have been waiting to see this for a long time and I was originally going to do a billion doll Buy in after I got to 200,000 subscribers but I've seen this super super elaborate setup today and they was offering a billion dollars to place so I was like you know what today would be a perfect opportunity to do that billion dollar buy in and also I cleaned out that loot shoot a minute ago and I got um the majority of the quarters out of there that was down there so that's how I'm continuing to play right now and uh one obstacle I think we're going to face today these towers are pretty big right here so they can potentially get stuck against the glass I mean they technically already are so it might take a ton of quarters to get them Towers to go and those are all $25,000 chips so we need to win you know like every bit of those we're going to make that billion back a million dollars is a lot of money to spend and matter of fact I had like just a little over a billion dollar in my account I think I had like close to 1.1 or 1.2 billion can't really remember the exact amount but uh anyway just know it was close to 1.1 billion so I mean technically I'm risking everything in my account to play this game right here so really really hoping it goes well it should more than likely really don't see no reason why it wouldn't if we can keep it going that's good if we can keep on winning all these chips quarters and stuff like that out of there we should be all right I mean I am super super nervous right now I'm a little bit shaky from it cuz I mean it is a billion dollars on the line it is a life-changing amount of money to spend yeah and sometimes they have games where it's a one quarter challenge with A1 billion buy and I was going to try that but I changed my mind that is just way too risky for me anyway so anyway we got this ginormous Mis bag out of here I think we should go ahead and open it up I've been holding it in my hand for a couple minutes now all right well I must say it feels really really heavy so that's more than likely a good thing probably so let's see what we got oh my gosh it was loaded up super super good wow there's so much stuff in there so let's see oh nice we got the 5,000 10,000 chip so if you don't know what this is for this is worth one or more free bonus towers made out of $5 and $110,000 chips so we'll cash that in later on and how many $1 chips did we win my goodness we got uh seven of them in total so that is 3500 extra quarters there each one is worth 500 quarters and we got the $5 chip that's super super special chip right there we get a cash this in and they'll take literally all that stuff that is on the blue shelves they'll put it here into the Playfield for us to have a chance of winning it so that is amazing and we also got the my money keychain this could be worth $1 all the way up to 1 billion so we could potentially make our buying back just off of this Myst money keychain here that is awesome and uh let's see we also got six of the golden do so we get to roll these at the end of the game what have they land on the gold bars will multiply by those numbers wow that is exception right there so anyhow I think I might go ahead and call them back here just to save us some time because uh stack of cash is stuck here in the loot shoot on the left side and both of these towers are touching the glass so they'll probably like rearrange them put them in different locations or something so let's call him back here and we'll be right back all righty we're back let's get right back to pushing so I called him back here and they ended up rearranging all that stuff that was in there they put that stack $100 bills back there on the move platform and they took both of them gigantic 25,000 all Towers put them both right there in the center so that is a much better spot for those Towers I am really hoping we can get them to go a lot easier now but uh yeah if you're wondering why they rearranged those Towers it's CU they were stuck against the glass over here on the left and the right and uh if you've seen the videos before and you know the rules if anything is stuck against the glass or touching the glass or stuck down there the loot shoot they will do a free reset and move it for free so I just thought of taking advantage of that while we could yeah I just thought it would be a better idea to call them back here like immediately before those Towers fall down and like get stuck down in here cuz then they never fall down then like whenever they open the door of the machine the towers will probably fall straight down to the pay which means they would probably count them as a win and you all wouldn't get to see them fall down cuz you know they would count them as a win obviously so yeah I hope you understand why I called them back here right away but anyway that stack of cash it's in a pretty good location it's uh behind them two great big old Towers I think we need to push a little more for the right side what do you all think yeah I think we should push on the right that way this Tower will catch up with this one over here on the left it's always nice to keep uh both sides moving nice and evenly that way one side don't start moving better than the other yeah well we got tons of quarters and I still got those uh two or no wait how many $1 chips if we win seven of them yeah it was seven of them I don't know where I got two from yeah I'll turn in all seven of them $1 chips here shortly yeah I think there was a whole bunch of quarters hidden inside that big old Tower on The Pusher back there that was in there on the original setup you know the one with the $5,000 chips in the gold cuz we definitely have a ton of quarters and I definitely didn't see that many quarters in the machine so that Tower was probably loaded with quarters then again I guess it is a billion doll buying so it should have a lot more extra stuff in there than the regular games do so anyway uh let's see what else else do they have in there today that I haven't pointed out well they got quite a bit of stuff on the blue shelves oh my goodness that Tower crashed into the one on the right it's going nice there it goes that fell in a lot better spot right there much better than it being stuck against the glass right here nice that right side's going now as well so let's see yeah way back there in the back they got uh two ginormous walls of $110,000 chips it's technically as tall as the whole entire machine it's touching the ceiling of the machine so yeah those are very very tall towers back there you can either call them two walls or uh three towers on each side like all put together or something so anyway let's see I think we need to try to get this Tower over here on the right and all these uh chips on the left as well yeah I put a whole bunch of quarters in there on the right side using that skill stop button a second ago seems like it was working pretty well yeah that skill stop technique is a very very effective technique for winning these towers out of here especially the stubborn towers and also rapid firing a whole bunch of quarters in there once I've done that a couple times already that seems like it gets things moving a lot quicker than it would if I was only putting a couple dollars in there at once oh yeah nice there we go oh yeah we're going to win all this stuff out of here today wow that was incredible look at that all right there we go had to get that loose shoot cleared out it was getting a little bit too full uh for the ones who don't know there's actually this little Opening space like right up above the uh payout shoot now I'd say it's big enough for one of them mystery bags to fit down in there so uh if it's big enough for a mystery bag it's obviously big enough for chips gold and quarters to go down in there and uh if it gets too full a lot of money sometimes falls to the owner it goes in that little Opening space and it would go to the house and I would not get to win or keep any of the money so we do got to be a little bit cautious about that especially if there's a lot of chips in the Playfield or not goodness if there's dice in the Playfield or mystery bags always have to make sure that loot shoot is cleared out at all times speaking of that I think it's about time to get it cleared out right now yep you see what I'm saying it was getting pretty full right there all right so let's see what's our best bet for now I'm thinking we should continue pushing on the right side try to get this uh $25,000 tip power to work its way out of there and we got quite a bit of quarters loaded up on that right side as well guess it wouldn't hurt to try to win all these quarters back while we can and uh let's see the plan after winning all those $25,000 chips I think I might turn in that 5,000 10,000 chip now that way if we do end up losing anything to the blue shelves on that round drop there they would automatically put it back into the Playfield whenever I turn in that $5 chip so yeah would come with a free reset if you're wondering so yeah well the $5 chip we get to turn that in they'll put all that into the Playfield plus say if we were to lose like a whole entire Tower of $510,000 kits that would go back in there as well so it's just the safer bet turning in the 5,000 /1000 chip first and I'm pretty excited to see what they're going to build today it seems like the larger the buying is the larger they make the bonus Towers cuz like on $1 million buying games if we win some of the special chips the towers aren't nearly as massive as they would be if you did like a100 million buy or something so hopefully they build some towers that touch the very top of the machine I guess you could also call those a skyscraper Towers nice there we go it's starting to go check that out we got like one more basket of quarters left setting up here on top of the machine let's try to win all this stuff out of here before we completely run out of quarters it's time to get that loot shoot cleared out again oh yeah nice there it goes holy smoke wow that was a big win right there for sure oh yeah we're definitely on the road to making that billion dollars back oh and also I asked them what that mystery money Q was worth today you all are not going to believe it they said it was worth $10 million $10 million today just for that Mr Money keychain so uh yeah just so you know if there's any wat dots in there we got some of the gold dos already but if there's any white dos in there the white dos would multiply the value of the chips the cash and the value of that Mr Money keychain so yeah we've technically already won I'm going to say like over $20 million cuz we've won a lot of chips today already so anyway I'm going to get that loot shoot cleared out and then I'll probably go ahead and uh turn in that 5,000 sl1000 chip and all seven of them $1 chips so let's do that and we'll be right back all righty we're back let's get right back to Pion so I turned in that 5,000 10,000 chip and all seven of them $1 chips they gave me $ 3500 extra quarters and uh they built two ginormous towers made out of5 and $10,000 chips in there now let's see the majority of it is all $5,000 chips and all the the base or the main part of the tower is all $5,000 chips so we still should be able to make some pretty good money from this uh bonus game right here so wish me the best of luck hopefully we can win all this stuff out of here yeah look at this ginormous Tower over here on the left side that Tower is humongous the one on the pressure it's pretty big also but the one on the left probably double the size of the one on the pressure oh nice there we go got the one on the presser to go already that's pretty nice so let's see after we win all these five th000 and $110,000 chips out of there I will go ahead and turn in the $5 chip and they'll put all that stuff that is on the blue shelves into the uh playing field so I'm really really looking forward to that pretty excited to see what's inside of those two Mis bags yeah those ginormous Mis bags are always exciting yeah yeah typically the dollar sign mystery bags are loaded up much better than the regular mystery bags what I mean by regular mystery bags like the uh blue mysty bag red mysty bag brown mystery bag just those type of mysty bags yeah the dollar sign ones typically have a lot of stuff in there cuz it can hold a lot more stuff than those smaller mystery bags so uh I haven't asked you all that in a long time uh which mysty bag you all like better the regular ones or the humongous dollar sign mystery bags well typically whenever they got the regular mystery bags in there there could be anywhere from like two to 10 of those inside the machine but whenever they have the dollar sign mystery bags there's probably about two or three of them in there at most like today there was three of them but most of the time they'll just have two of the dollar sign Miser bags on each side of the blue Shelf and that's the only couple mystery bags they have in there so uh yeah just let me know what your favorite mystery bag is oh nice well it looks like we got some of the uh $10,000 chips that was up top here to fall backwards I can see them behind that great big old Tower yeah with this Tower is so humongous over here on the left might get stuck against the glass it'd be nice if it like fell toward the right side or who knows it might end up falling backwards that'd be a good scenario if that happens oh yeah there we go just move forward a little bit nice there we go we're starting to get it to move now but if we don't win that Tower by the time we're out of quarters I'll go ahead and turn in the $5 chip cuz they would leave this humongous Tower in here regardless they wouldn't like take it out or nothing if we don't win it matter of fact they'd probably do the complete opposite they would probably reset it and put it in a better location cuz they do that most of the time now we're still doing pretty good on quarters we're doing really really good matter of fact we got uh oh gosh probably 84 8500 quarters now which is absolutely outrageous [Music] yeah that should be more than enough quarters to win all this stuff out of here today it'd be nice if there was another special chip inside one of them mystery bags like the uh let's see $10 chip or the $50 chip the $50 chip that would give us a second chance of winning everything that is falling down in these side slots right here on the left and the right you see those anything that goes down through there goes to the owner I do not get to win or keep any of that money so and also when the loot shoot gets too full it goes to the exact same location as those side slots on the left and the right so yeah everything that we've lost they will put it back in here for us to have another chance of winning all that stuff that's see if we win the $50 chip so let's just hope it's hidden inside one of them mysty bags but I'd say considering it's a billion doll Buy in they probably have more than just one or two special chips in there today like typically it's the $5 chip and the $1 chips and like one extra special chip that gets us bonus towers and that's pretty much it but uh I'd say for a billion doll buying game there should at least be two if not three of the special chips they get us bonus Towers let keep in mind we're going to need to win Millions out of there we're going to make a billion back and uh there's no sign of any white do spin in there so really really counting on them Miser bags to have some white do in there yeah the wat dos will get to roll them at the end of the game and whatever they land on my winnings will'll multiply by them numbers oh yeah well this Tower's moving a little bit do you see that I think I can see some $10,000 chips on the right side of it yeah there's like two of them stacked on top of each other oh yeah we'll get them to go like here in just a moment I think oh nice did we get them yeah I wasn't really paying attention I'm just like focused on the pressure back there trying to strategically get the quarters in there trying to play more for the left side but uh the quarters like to roll over toward the right that's a common problem with this machine it might be unlevel or something like see when I put quarters in on the right side they like to roll over toward the left and when I put them on the left they roll over toward the right side so I don't know yeah we' definitely made an absolute Fortune off of this game already like right now if I just uh counted up everything that I'd won the gold bars the Myster money keychain the chips the cash all that stuff put together I'd say we probably made around $ 30 or $40 million I don't know that for sure but it seems like something around that so anyway we only got a couple quarters left let's just drop men on the left well at least we got one of them ginormous Towers to fall down but uh we'll get this Tower over here on the next round but anyhow let's go get that loose shoot cleared out then I will turn in that $5 chip and we'll get right back to pushing all righty we're back let's get right back to pushing so I turned in that $5 check and they took all that stuff that was on the blue shelves they put it all into the playing field and check that out they even rearranged that John normous tower that was over there on the left they like cut it right there in the center pretty much two mystery bags are on the presser we just now got them to fall down to that lower shelf that's pretty nice and let's see there's two towers of gold and $2,000 chip Towers on the corners those might be a tad bit difficult to win don't know that for sure but usually the towers on the sides can give you an uphill battle pretty easily and let's see the big old wall of $10,000 chips it's on the presser oh no wa we just lost a ton of it to the blue shelves that ain't good wow we're getting so much of it to go though look at all that money oh yeah jackpot baby this is doing absolutely amazing now oh yeah we're going to get the big old Tower in the middle to go oh my goodness it got stuck against the glass Wow Come on break free I know you can do it oh my gosh that's actually going to help us get that that tower on the right do you see that moving forward tremendously all right there we go well you know what I think it's time to load up a whole entire basket if not two baskets of quarters in there at one time to try to get a large base of quarters stacked up behind all these towers especially over there on the right we really need that Tower to get going but anyway all those chips that we lost to the blue shelf over there on right and the left it would usually cost an extra $100,000 to have them put that back into the Playfield but uh we'll check the mystery bags first we'll see if there's any more special tips in there cuz if there's any more special tips that would get us out of paying that extra 100 G like I uh stated earlier so anyway let's see how many quarters is this right here I'm going to say it's about 600 700 of them so let's keep on piling it up real high in there try to stack up the quarters to the ceiling I'll tell you what I'm just going to finish out this basket like one more handful left are you ready for this this is going to be insane absolutely insane nice there we go we got the one on the right and we need all this money right here in the middle to go yeah I think there's a uh or two mysty bags under there they might be holding up those chips from falling down it's the unfortunate thing oh yeah nice there we go we're getting them to go now sweet look at that nice there we go holy smokes that was absolutely exceptional wow that was incredible oh my gosh it just keeps on raining out of there look at that holy moly the amount of $510,000 chips this down there is insane absolutely insane yeah be sure you leave a guess in the comments section and let me know how much money and gold and quarters and all that stuff let me know how much you think I'm going to win today for a billion dollar buying I mean we should be able to make at least a billion off of this game I would hope considering that's what the buying was I mean I sure do hope so yeah like I said this is the biggest buying I've ever done before I've done a half a billion dollar buy in two times I think but uh this right here is my first time doing a billion buying so we'll see how this plays out it's doing real good though there's tons of $10,000 chips about ready nice we got them all right there in the center sweet and I'm holding on to this mystery bag right here we'll check it out here in just a minute so let's see let's push on the right hand side that mystery bag it's stuck down there some of it stuck against the glass some of it stuck in the uh loot shoot we just need a lot of pressure buildt up on the r I'm pretty sure we should be able to get it in no time I guess so uh be sure you comment the number eight if you made it this far into the video that just lets me know that you're still watching oh nice there we go we're getting that Myst bag to go do you see that actually I think in the best plan is to try to get that corner to go try to get all them chips right there to hit that myy bag yeah all that pressure build up behind the mysty bag might push up on down to the loot shoot or the payout shoot come on nice win nice push come on oh my goodness it's so close oh yeah there it goes but it got severely piled up let's get that cleared out oh my goodness wow I let that loot bow over way too much but all righty we're back let's get right back to pushing so let's push all these uh $110,000 chips out here and we'll check out both of these Mis bags I'm just going to hang on to both of them in the [Applause] meantime let's see yeah I'm still hoping that $50 chip is in there yeah we've lost tons of chips to them s slots today and a couple seconds ago whenever that loose shoot was was filled up really really high in there it was stacked up super super tall with kits I thought I heard something fall down there in the machine maybe a whole bunch of stuff fell inside the machine and we just lost a 10,000 ol chip right there on the right well anyway I think we got it pretty much as good as we're going to get it so let's see let's go ahead and check out the Myst bags which one should we start with here I mean both of them feel like they're loaded up with a lot of good valuable prizes so I'm just going to start with this one let's hope this one's loaded up super nice let's see do y'all want a little sneak peek of what's in there all right there we go so let's check it out and see what we got oh my goodness wow check this out we got three more $55,000 chips so that's 15 grand let's check both sides to be sure we don't get another 5,000 10,000 chip no we didn't so we got 15 grand right there that's pretty nice and we got another $1 chip so that indicates that there could be another special chip inside the other mystery bag doesn't always mean that there's no guarantees but it's still pretty nice to win oh yeah and check that out we got five of the white dice so those are the first couple white dice we' W today so hopefully this my bag right here has some more of the white dice in there and a special chip that'd be awesome all right so let's see what we got come on big money oh my goodness got a ton of white dice here and we got two more $5,000 chips that's 10 grand right there and we got the $50 chip no way holy moly so this is very very fortunate right here we get to cash this in and they'll take that stuff that's falling down in there they'll put it back in here for us to have a second chance of winning it that is awesome and two more $1 chips that's 1,000 more quarters and uh let's see six more of the white dot so that makes 11 of the white do that we've won in total that is amazing right there holy smokes this is going to be a giant win today I can already tell you that hoping we can make our billion dollars back anyhow so I'm going to go ahead and turn in that $50 chip and then $1 chips and we'll get right back to pushing all righty I'm back let's get right back to pushing so I turned in that $50 chip and all three of them $1 chips they gave me 1,500 more quarters and they took everything that had fallen down in the gutters today they put it all back into the pl field right there in the center you'll see two ginormous towers of a $25,000 chips with some gold on top of it they got two more Towers in there made out of5 and $110,000 chips gold bars at the base of those as well and on The Pusher back there there's tons of chips and they got a like tan Mis bag in there or a beige Mis bag whatever you want to call it so uh hopefully we can win that out of there oh my goodness well we just lost a ton of chips to the blue shelf so uh that would definitely cost us an extra 100 Grand to have them put that back into the playing field so yeah we'll definitely be paying that extra $100,000 today anyway let's get that loot shoot cleared out getting super super full that Tower in the center is going nice there we go that was all $25,000 Y and a whole bunch of gold that is what I'm talking about oh yeah we're making an absolute Fortune today you all this is absolutely incredible all right so let's see I'm thinking we should uh push on the left side well the good news about paying that extra $100,000 later on uh if this Tower's being pretty stubborn they might rearrange it put it in a different location but I'm going to try to get that Myster back in the middle there hoping it loaded up super well and we could really really use some more of the D today especially the white dice cuz those multiply our winnings and I think we only got like 11 of them in total now or something 10 or 11 12 possibly I can't really remember so uh yeah we'll probably need a ton of white dice in order to make that billion dollars back today yeah I'm still kind of shaky from doing that billion dollar buying yeah I thought for sure once I was down to my last couple quarters there thought for sure we'd lost it all but luckily we got the whole entire front of that wall to fall down and it had a quarter pyramid on top of it got that to go pretty much instantly and uh there before too long the big old tower on the pr over that gave us a ton of gold for sure there was a ton of gold on that big old power but anyway if you've enjoyed this video today and you want to see more videos like this one every single day 7 days a week uh be sure you subscribe to the channel and uh turn on the post Bell notifications that way you get notified whenever I post a brand new video it would help out tremendously we are on the road to 100 well actually we're on the road to 200 200,000 subscribers my goal is to get there by the end of this year so yeah let's try to get to 200,000 subscribers that be amazing and I appreciate all the support recently over the past couple of weeks over the past couple years you all truly mean a lot to me appreciate all the friendly comments all the people who subscribe to the channel and hit that like button and most importantly watching the videos every single day I mean I pretty much make these videos full time every single day and each video takes about oh gosh I'm going to say 8 hours by the time I film the video and edit the video it takes a long time so now there's a lot of work that goes into these so but I mean it's all worth it in the very end I get to entertain you all make a good living at it I get to play these amazing games all day pretty much so it's a win win everywhere you look at it and I don't think I've missed a video in probably a couple months now I mean I think I missed one probably about a month ago or something but I made it up the next day with h two videos in one day so I mean I guess technically I didn't really miss a video it just come out a little bit later than I anticipated it to yeah I try to post anywhere from 2: to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time of the day but uh that always sometimes it don't always work out uh sometimes the games last longer and I thought they would then it's a little bit later before I can post the video cuz keep in mind I got to go home and edit the video which could take a couple hours on its own depending on how long the video is cuz I have to edit out all the boring footage and I have to uh I mean I can make the colors of the video look a lot better by increasing the brightness of the video like I mean there's a lot that goes into it if you're a video creator and you edit videos you know how you know what I'm saying you know how it is so I mean I wouldn't say it's an easy job I mean it just takes a lot of getting used to it takes a lot of practice just like anything the more you practice something the better you're going to get at it but anyhow that was the last well not really the last of recorders I just don't see any point in continuing to push right now so anyway I think we should go ahead and open up that tan mystery bag to see if there's any valuable stuff in there so we'll be right back all right here's this tan mysty bag let's go ahead and check it out see if there's any nice and valuable goodies in there y'all want a sneak peek of what's in there I'm not looking at it just yet just letting you all take a peek and see what's in there oh my goodness well we got looks like 3 o of gold that's pretty good right there all right well there's still a bunch more stuff in there so let's see let's check it out and see what we got oh my goodness I think we got some dice indeed we did we got three more of the white Dice and uh two more golden dice wow that is exactly what we needed right there so that's going to put our uh money count up there pretty high now so anyway let's see I'm going to go ahead and pay the extra $100,000 they'll put them chips back into the Playfield and they'll probably do something with this Tower so we'll be right back all righty I'm back let's get right back to pushing so I paid an extra $100,000 and they took all those chips that we had lost to the blue shelf and uh they also took that tower that was over here on the left and they just combined everything into one enormous Tower back there on the pressure so that's honestly the best thing they could have done yeah that Tower should be uh semi easy to win I guess we just got a push it on up there to the edge of The Pusher then hopefully it falls down and lands straight into the payout shoot that would be the best case scenario we're about to get a $1,000 chip right there it's going to go right there nice what I tell you that was a nice P right there so uh if we can get to uh 10,000 likes on this video today tomorrow I will try a one4 challenge with another another $1 billion buying well then again I guess that all depends on how much money we make off of this game cuz I technically like risk every single thing I had in my account to play this game like I said I had like 1.2 billion almost well actually I don't think it was close to 1.2 billion at all it was like 1 billion 100 million and 20 million or something 1 bill1 120 million that's what I meant to say so yeah it was just a little bit over 1.1 billion so uh yeah if we can make at least a billion dollars back today tomorrow I'll try another $1 billion buying with a one quarter challenge how does that sound that big old Tower's about to go back there on the cluster though see that it's like about to start losing some chips at the base of it oh nice there we go we got it wow that is absolutely marvelous right there wow look at all those $5,000 chips yeah we've definitely made an absolute fortune on this game today and let me know what you all thought about the amazing setup on today's uh game yeah I don't think I've ever seen anything like that it seems like over the past couple of days and over the past couple of weeks the employees have been doing such a good job building all these ginormous Towers I mean I have been seeing some brand new employees here so maybe they've hired uh more experienced people I mean it takes a while to learn how to build all those uh poker chip towers and quarter Towers but uh yeah whatever employees have been building these towers over the past C couple days definitely know what they're doing yeah they've been doing a miraculous job at it and I usually give the employees good money for building the towers and stuff and helping me out while playing these games I usually give each one of them at least a $5,000 uh chip just for being nice and stuff so anyhow we got it all cleared out of there today that is absolutely amazing so this started with 150 quars and uh we barely got it to go at the very beginning of this game but uh luckily we was able to win every single Tower every single chip every single gold bar out of there and we've done super super well on this game so anyhow I want to go ahead and call them back here I think we have won 22 DS in total we got 14 of the white Dice and eight of the golden dce still put all 22 of them dice on The Pusher shelf back there and we got to Rolling one down to that lower shelf whatever they all land on we're going to get the multiplier winning Center golden Rec quarters well actually we didn't get any silver di but we'll get a multiplier winnings in or gold by those numbers so let's call him back here and we'll get right back to push him all righty we're back let's get right back to pushing so this is the most exciting and the most intense part of the game right here these dce right here determine whether or not we're going to make our billion dollar buying back so this is super super scary oh no well that one of them white do flipped over to a one it was originally like a six or a four oh my goodness well the one still not count at all but uh some of them are doing decent I guess nice there we go we need some more like fives and sixes we got a two on that white dice I'm mainly worried about the white dice today the gold dice can land on whatever they want but I'm hoping the white dice do pretty good all right well thing is I don't know if those landed on good enough numbers to make a billion dollars back oh nice we got a four right there on that gold two more gold D to nice so we got an extra 10 right there we got a six and a four on those so anyhow I'm going to go ahead and stop right there the majority of them di landed on some pretty decent numbers I guess so I'm going to count everything up a multiply Our Winning Center gold ball that and I'll let yall know how much money we have made today from a 1 billion $100,000 Buy in we'll be right back you all are not going to believe how much money I've made today this is absolutely marvelous oh my goodness yeah I was super super worried we wasn't going to win our billion dollars back but uh anyway I ended up winning $ 4,762 th000 that is the chips the cash and that mystery money keychain all put together and the white dice totaled up to 33 so I'm going to get to multiply my winnings by 33 and in total I ended up winning 1 b345 m146 th000 from a 1 billion $100,000 buying that is super super amazing right there but it seems like on the lower buying games like a let's see uh $20 million buying $10 million buying games uh we can make a lot more profit I mean we can make a lot more money but we can make a lot more profit on the smaller buying games if that makes any sense cuz it's going to be hard to make like way over a billion dollars you know what I mean but then if we would have done a $10 million buying it would have been much easier to profit off of that but still this has been absolutely amazing game today though this is uh first time doing that billion doll buying and it actually worked out pretty good I will go over the winning amount again I got 1 b345 million and $146,000 so that is a terrific win right there for a billion dollar buy in it's not bad not bad at all and it's not over yet moving on we won 243 oz of gold which is incredible and the Gold Ice total up to 31 so I'm going to get to multiply the gold by 31 and in total I ended up winning 7,533 oz of gold let's multiply that by 2100 and 50 I think that's the spot price of gold means we got an extra 16,1 195,00 950 in Gold that is a brilliant win for the gold right there and uh last but not least we ended up winning I believe it was 3,572 qu so let's divide that by four to get the dollar amount that means we've got $893 and4 so I'd say decent win for the quarters right there so anyhow that is not bad not bad at all for a $1,100,000 buying so if y'all enjoy today's video uh be sure you hit that Thumbs Up Button hit that subscribe button and turn on the post Bell notification that way get notified for whenever I post a brand new video and also if you want to check out a whole entire playlist of my videos that will appear at the bottom right of the screen there and if you want to check out my previous video yesterday's video that will appear at the bottom left of the screen there and uh if you want to subscribe to my channel you can click that button at the top right of the screen so with all that being said I'll see you all on the next video y'all take care and have an awesome day
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 129,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lg53_XMqXOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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