Dumpster Diving "That's For Vampires"

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laughs I'm gonna see some chairs she's here she's open take a pinky poo H Dillard's I ain't had no Dillards yeah check out these chairs these benches that's some good stuff right there clean it up sell it or scrap it take care of it I'll grab these puppies I'll grab these I think there's another one yep two those are pretty nice maybe we'll do a little project or something get these all fixed up and Ship Shape you know what I mean you know what I mean Jelly Bean whoa whoa ah there's a stool check out that shoe that's an Astros van is the other one in here yeah it sure is look at that there's some barbecue stuff look at that who throws out Astros bands Rock and Roll Baby right on little piece of scratch okay we'll take it we'll take it guys all right get that we got a football I don't want that spray can there's a uh industrial heater gun it's a toilet paper dispenser okay let's get at the Box smarter not harder right our shoes scrap football why not why not why not there's a towel ring Creative Design logic wire there's a speaker stereo install kit there's a pump for the uh the thing wires in here some Mardi Gras beads with a power cord the other speaker spray paint and stuff a little tape measure those are always those are always handy dandy throw this throw this guy up in here the Dillard's box which is something right there right Dillard's paracord give these bags a squeeze boxes look good all right all right not bad not bad chairs to touch big blue open top the bunch of furniture well we got uh the cheap of the cheap the stickiest oh that's a it's a filing cabinet but the uh the sides are all wood so this ain't no good for those yo got us a light with the cord cut the cord get down here another crazy little plastic stuff broken glass table tops it's a good solid tabletop but it's all that cheap particle board crap more plastic yeah even the filing cabinet they just don't make quality crap like they used to you know they just don't do it let's go boxes and wire boxes and a hick vision box and then a piece of scrap steel down here can you check these boxes foreign something heavy up in here that's definitely the old one see all the dust on it definitely the old old stuff definitely that for sure yeah I always took these boxes these wire boxes sometimes I use most of it and then I'll leave like in a little 50-foot piece on there but sometimes I don't another Barrel another drum the drum the lotion drum the lotion that one's got powder in it a drum full of powder drum full of powder powder powder powder powder powder where did we parkour oh parkour parkour parkour Pizza there's some all thread and some Eunice shirt right here good good stuff you gladly take those scraps there [Music] oops I have to grab that all right [Music] all right a little bit a little bit not a whole lot [Music] oh pole here little piece all thread here then there's a bag let's see here foreign [Applause] get the fire truck Cha-Cha what is that it says Skyline like the Nissan ah let's check her out what do we got here what do we got here looks like different stuff sitting right here that looks like a little electronic stuff got some more little bag use these little e-board things okay okay oh look at that there's a motor this or a speed relay it's a speed relay Yeah scratch here whatever that that looks like piece of cast aluminum grab these guys they're good and heavy it's a pretty heavy dude okay oh yeah it's full of something there's another one down here holy crap look at all that probably should have should have backed backed up on it but that's all right easier to load the truck up and stay organized when you do it this way so what these are pretty interesting looking little gadgets huh place of some sort all right it's this I think that's a big ash tray I think ah little scraps all right your dumpster good dumpster oh I know what it is it goes to this thing I think somebody may have had a little issue or something all that stuff yeah oh I see wires cut of wires we got please please don't be junk please don't junk oh that's cow what ah yeah a good mess of it too I would say yep that's the goods folks that's the goods we got here let's see some more I think I do I think I do there's some power cords get down on some Boogie Woogie on some power chords y'all that's more Boogie Woogie on the power cord of wires I absolutely wired what is that it is definitely of the metallic nature something in the spot what do we got here it's a metal brackets okay metal brackets I feel you I feel you foreign er box timer box with some flies so leave me anything oh yes oh yes look at this oh yes look at this look at this look at this look at this take this box right here how about that thank you look at those t-nuts that we always find all right let's see here man that's good stuff too I ain't kidding that is good that's the good good they're good good baby yeah nice big big stuff big big big stuff six gauge six gauge that green stuff is six six gauge it's that's definitely a good size to strip please thank you man those are cool looking safety glasses or sunglasses they're missing missing some stuff though covering up my Scrap Box I think that's another timer the guys have one anyway all right set that out here we got down here in the abyss of this dumpster or something there oh there goes a little something more here I'll take that thank you he's over here beat it up it's a big box of scrap yeah yeah something in this bag it's in this bag look at that it's a decorative piece look at that it's a wood elephant it's in this bag he got up in his bag is it a snow bloom oh it's a picture framed snow globe it's a little tchotsky stuff there's something right here what is that a TV you see piece of scrap let's see what we got here that's the TV I think yep sure is all right gotta dig it out Samsung baby oh all right I was losing my grip there for a second for a second oh anything down here no in the new TV boxes no okay the TV isn't much stuff health food see some little bitty scraps let's hop in see if we got anything anything good hiding up in here anything good now I will face a pipe though it's all right it's all right I'll take a little bit of pot I promise y'all I do throw pretty well I do throw pretty well pipe right somebody's doing a good job good job good job I see glass and Pebbles big LED light there's a uh there's a lot there's a couple of lights up in here let's hop up and whoa my hand almost went into the foam oh wow having some problems here that's a pretty cool light huh here we'll grab these so that's a light out here got our Pole put our our sticks down there should we okay it looked a little big man looked a little on the big side and we'll set this right here because it's got glass on it we don't wanna do that with the glass smash out the glass that's a big piece of glass big old piece of glass all right got us a light y'all whoa there goes some more glass let's get out of here before we're falling bust my you know that's some wire right there boy I see some string actually I could probably use that grab that I could use it you see anything anything worth jumping in for eign a little bit of water some Sonic burger hello spray paint dumpster it's got lots of spray paint there's a Coca-Cola bucket oh in a license plate slice this place I can dig it there's a big old uh something or another oops we'll get it there's the other plate otherwise displayed they are aluminum you know you guys want to scrap them out but I hang on to them got quite the collection going on and it doesn't look like it's real real old but hey it's still kind of cool huh ironing board grab that suck up all right there was something I think that's like what for a motorcycle but it's missing like the wheels where's that it this is it down here yeah there's one one of the wheels is there another wheel goes in here I don't see it oh wait a minute here it is yeah Motorcycle Accessories that's not the wheel though it's another piece of it keep digging keep digging before we find it will we find it no no the wheel's not in here oh well still got some stuff though it's for vampires I'm almost positive yeah ah we got us many fridge I don't see a cord on it though we got here got a panel panel for AC looked like it's a road hey what's up y'all my name's rug oh and I like to drink but yeah it looks like they uh cord all right it's a Hamilton Beach Hamilton Beach they sure did cucarachas hey it's a happy box it says it's happy let's see I see an extension cord over there whoa it's about doing this in those Blues look at all of that holy crap holy crap y'all let's see why it's called the Happy Box we're gonna have to get in here with our magnet and uh go to town Happy Box oh that thing's full of acrobin there's some wire in there though okay let's see how far down we going there's a piece of aluminum a piece of aluminum okay there is a lot a lot of stuff down here like a lot it's got a large here maybe not it's destroyed okay okay destroyed [Music] all right all right let's see right here wire here it's there smoke detector tester he died oh I see wire in this bag y'all well that bag was heavy you got a lot of smoke detectors in it [Applause] but it's got a lot of scrap in there too actually I don't see many smoke detectors at all it's that one okay coming down coming down plastic get a little box going here huh huh foreign Tools in there too that's cool all right I gotta probably get this box out of here because it's probably gonna get too heavy here [Music] here yeah it's a little heavy not too heavy though yeah box of goodies there's a brand new packaging 2032 with you see how it's not picking up that u-bolt because it's stainless there's a good stuff wow is that a black widow I don't know let's now find out I mean let's face it the only good spider is a dead spider am I right all right all right so we did uh holy damage huh there we did we worked it good is it good baby real good baby get that box up scrap what's up what's up what's up I see a uh old some old DeWalt cordless tools and then there's some metal back there let's see let's see whoa whoa that going water lines go ahead and grab those you got more scraps here yo more scraps Snippets here big bolts lots of uh Hardware tonight is that right yeah that's a there's an oldie [Music] grab that these a lot of times are stainless steel here we go foreign for a belt good heavy scrap we got two mirrors two mirrors and uh look at that it looks like some solder huh brand new they're soldering stuff what's this some sort of uh protecto wrap I'm a good I'm a good I'm a good that is a piece some where box full of drywall screws come on okay look at all that all of that hey pick that up okay pick that up son door stop all kinds of good stuff lots of goodies to go through lots of goodies lots of juice yeah those are little doorsteps all right bro here well alrighty scavengers we're gonna go ahead and call it right there I'd say uh it's kind of successful out there get some stuff in the urban jungle found some uh some tchotsky stuff this was in that bag with the airplane this airplane that we found it's made in Spain well that's definitely not Hobby Lobby uh but yeah we got some tchotchke stuff it looks like a beer stein with a handle interesting interesting must be for must be for tea or something yeah I got some uh started off with the one dumpster got the interesting things uh the benches I was able to break those down and get the the legs and everything off them they were like just kind of wobbly wobbly wobbly and they're just kind of you know the wood just split right off uh so yeah we started off with that got the uh the awesome Astros Vans they're about a size too big for me but I'm still gonna try them on see if they fit uh I think that's pretty cool must have been a Dodgers or a uh a Yankees fan just kidding but anyways yeah uh hit hit a couple of really good licks on uh just random Parts out of these dumpsters like uh like when these electricians and stuff they clean out their Vans this is kind of what what you get and like this is really cool I love going through these kinds of boxes tons of wires over there a couple of new open top there those are uh uh display sign for like uh like if you go to like say like a technology conference or a uh something like that like where you have a booth that's what those are they pop up and uh you know you got the uh you know your little business and whatever it is you do that you know at the front of your tent went ahead and grabbed those with the cases material on those is usually aluminum 6063 a lot of the time I find so we'll dig into it and find out uh but I grabbed the cases anyways the cases are pretty pretty hardcore cases so somebody may be interested in those for sure I got a drum back there full of scrapped and I mean you know all in all I mean we don't have them top but we definitely got some non-ferrous and some you know chachky stuff for sure for sure for sure but anyways like I said scavengers that's gonna conclude this dumpster diving route is always it was a total pleasure to be sure to like the video subscribe to the Channel all that good stuff share with your friends appreciate everybody who bought some merchandise to download Teespring you'll get y'all some stuff I want to say shout out to the uh got a couple donations come in when I had to blow out on Dottie uh a couple people helped pitch in and and uh we went and got us a new tire well not a new tire I'm a regular up at the used tire place around the corner uh he gets tires that are off of like total vehicles and things like that but got a pretty decent time for 70 bucks I mean uh you know last me about six months until you know time to replace it out again I mean that's just part of it with the scrap truck you know you go through tires and uh I probably I probably go through I go through a set of tires a year or something like that but thank you all so much for the donations that was so cool appreciate it love you guys but already got a little bit of cleaning up to do get it emptied out and we'll go hit it again thank y'all so much peace [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 197,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving 2022, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving 2021, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving is fun, dumpster diving police, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster dive, dumpster diving illegal, daytime dumpster diving, dumpster diving for free food, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster diving food haul, dumpster diving filipino, night time dumpster diving, dumpster diving at apple store
Id: iCvL9mWiCKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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