Dumpster Diving- Fingers crossed something good is in this box!

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] donated them with so many people to would they take him let me see if he's standing [Music] so weird throwing them away what am I gonna do with it it's not a big fan of Cherub in my yard foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay [Music] [Music] oh they're not candles they're just little little plant thing so cute there's place like this fell off how that works I can definitely glue that back on how bad are these that one's ruined foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] weird about throwing that in but thank you oh this came out too I forgot it's broken but the little tulips are cute you can definitely put those in another pot foreign [Music] get cashed oh it's from the register somewhere you'll see cashed [Music] I kind of feel like there's a second chance I can try that one [Music] foreign [Music] oh nice check these see if they can get on their second chance maybe there's a winner [Music] this is very strange trash to be in Burlington oh yes lotto ticket so in California I don't know where you guys all are but we have second chance on these you can submit them in California on the app like a Lotto app and win Maybe if nobody else has registered this little card number so all you have to do is take a scanner scan this little barcode with your phone and hopefully I still haven't ever won but I would love to it'd be so fun here's a second chance where we have a second chance on me super lotto plus I guess [Music] fun so the drones are like once a month I think or something this looks like registered trash from a gas station or something [Music] no idea why it's out here all right at least I got some lotto tickets I'm really glad I'm wearing these gloves I do want to see what that thing is right there so I'm gonna have to hop up [Music] [Music] all right let's see what the plant is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign gross this one's really gross today [Music] that's weird this was down here but hey take that um is it a game inflatable guy another vinyl blind box found without okay okay oh the original Labyrinth [Music] huh okay start a little bit I guess stay the ball to the exit oh cool foreign [Music] myself they're still pretty good we had some rain so that was a strange this bag doesn't I've never seen this bag at Barnes Noble so I'm gonna have to keep an eye out ew I just stepped in some sludge I'm gonna have to keep it helpful personal type Trash Pack but it's not personal because that was definitely Barnes and Noble stuff with their notes don't see any more of them [Music] if I can help from opening these bags contribute got a big one okay it's kind of nice these crates a good basement [Music] foreign [Music] to the next oh it's water bottles okay no this isn't bad it's a nice one let's take it it's in the wrong dumpster anyway gosh and I've been we're gonna go in here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 53,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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