Dumpster Diving "Dumpsters N' Roses

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rock and roll all right y'all how we doing what is that what's this it sure is heavy optical fibers huh let me see something over here i don't think i'm gonna be able to take that looks like it's too much plastic take a better hook oh came in from the back these i take those those are some high-tech plugs right there y'all these guys like this one right here like the ends they look all great but then you've got this big long hard smooth tube right here and uh yeah that ain't gonna cut the mustard off the scapula all right what is that though yeah it's like all rubber and such says seep proof seat proof solution this is the same one i found that weird clear tube with the hair gel looking stuff too so just some really weird stuff but yeah yeah i don't think i'm gonna be able to take those they won't take those at the yard i doubt it anyway all right well it was worth a look like i promised you like these are stainless but that's gonna be way too much of a pain in the butt to uh cut them suckers off all right is that metal sure we'll make some brownies huh make some bricks or something you know i can tell by the rust that it's not non-ferrous but hey ah take that crap anyway this is like little gas tanks for weed eaters huh that's exactly what that is because there's the little hoses little holes for the hoses [Music] i don't have a clue i don't have a clue y'all [Music] come here brownie pans trays [Music] what we got up in some walkie-talkies oh it's empty they're all empty well that sucks they kind of look school though definite old school i mean not gonna lie y'all that was me back in the day you know kicking it with my big old knee pads on my knife skateboard and the walkie-talkie ranger what if these are worth anything i'm gonna date on here 87. huh look his his headphones say nasta not nasa but nasta nis that's nasta some jigsaw puzzles old school chicks puzzles old school sound like they're in there so huh there's another box let's see what we got in here [Music] oh that's some old newspaper there is a difference okay [Music] it's an old old stuff oh cinnamon okay okay well we'll grab it we'll go through it take a closer look at it here a little bit see what all we got ain't good any good nudie mags [Music] no [Music] oh wait a minute there's something oh my gosh it's heavy what is that it's her bottle jack this is for cutting something just like cutting piper cutting wire god it looks new i wonder if it's broken because it's not closing i don't know says it's a hydra shear model c-1750 golly that thing looks pretty new the box the box is falling apart yeah hydra shear wonder how that ended up out here i don't know i don't know it's heavy though oh my gosh it's heavy i'll keep it with this box see this says wire oh wire rope cutter hydraulic inch and three quarter capacity made in the usa baby shoe now that is a dumpster fine right there yeah all right i see a cord what you attached to is oh a nasty vacuum down in the goon see something here what the heck is that oh what is that bus is this like a waterfall it's a waterfall i wonder if it works we'll plug in to find out probably not seeing it's in the trash without his buckets [ __ ] buckets and blue buckets everybody's like might grab the buckets like why they'll just be a hundred more next week let's grab them as needed [Music] looking for pumps motors lights things of that nature no no no no no no no no okay all right well that was useless definitely gonna try out my uh my waterfall that's pretty cool i can dig it it's got lights and everything can't wait to try now that oh ooh we'll go here oh that's nothing that's negative negative i got score down there extension cord good one there look at that it's still got to it don't look like it's been chewed up probably still good i'm gonna go out on a limb and say it probably still works just a little twisted up but that ain't nothing that uh oh mike the scavenger can't handle oh let's go check over here oh look at that [Music] little gravity scrap oh it's like a a printing company or something let's see yeah yeah yeah all right oh i think i poked by and saw something in here i sure did look at that oh yeah there's some stuff in here we gotta get in we gotta get in for it though plastic bottles premium pizza mango [Music] down in the juice the dumpster juice the deuce is in the juice [Music] the juice in the juice squeezing the juice well i ain't gonna lie that's pretty disgusting that's pretty pretty gross okay here fruit juice smoothie i'm gonna pass on the dumpster fruit smoothie but i bet those are standard i'm gonna go out i think i found these before i in ooh that'd be nice if those are steep wouldn't that'd be really nice ah it's starting to drizzle a little bit i ain't afraid okay oh there's another one get them all get them all all the parts [Music] come on okay gross gross oh gotta get that dumpster goo off the shoe man i don't like this rain not lagging it got up in here y'all [Music] the heck is it looks like it's concrete y'all didn't see that this got a motor this is one of those water powered i think that's one of those water powered dealios ah look at that old bed bed headboard good board but look it's all rotted it got wet you can see it's splitting right there that's no bueno but what bud blood bud what's in your trash this metal stick down there those oh crap all right not sure [Music] bonafide oh crap [Music] yeah if that hadn't like it's completely rotted that definitely got flooded had they not done that we might have been in business not no moe ow ow hmm ah jesus well at least there's scrap in there anyway okay check that out y'all good script it's crap careful that though car parts i think some hoes there's some [ __ ] [Music] grab that get the stuff off of it yeah a little solid chunk of steel right oh there shiv exhaust box let's see i don't know what that is spring break spring break when's the last time anybody been on a spring break man i don't even remember what spring break is like it's been so long i started working i started working like my junior year in high school so i haven't had a spring break [Music] god i hate to say it it's been over 20 years oh my oh oh i'm old but not too old to get that scrap yeah yeah what's up all right kiddos starting to get dark i ain't afraid of the dark though these are those y'all i think those are those yard hooks man these are uh they're not cheap you look them up let's see if we get it out here yeah this is a nice one too this is a nice big one like this right here five bucks all day long at this eddie at scrapyard you're not getting five at scrap free hour for that uh five bucks all day long garage sale like these are really popular people buy these you know you hang your plants off of them you can even like because this one's so big that it will hold it you can put a little birdhouse right here shoot like five bucks boom all day long let's see what other kind of yard ornament crap we got up in here ah got some florida leaves on there but yeah there's there's a couple of these there's 10 it's 5 10. but i always give you know i'll work with you i can work with you at the garage sale but there's another five there's 15 bucks right there and that one right there i think i saw a little bit more scrap in here there's a lot of wood though a lot of wood let's see oh whoa whoa i just let you buy me a drink first [Music] okay so we probably get a buck or two a piece there's two of those you can put those in the uh in the garden all right was that a hose reel i can tell you right now that and that that's aluminum how light it is i feel it but it's a little probably just scrap here but like for how light it is tell me that's got to be it's got to be aluminum right there yep this piece in this piece you just gotta yeah just unscrews right there cast aluminum all right whoa there's about 50 cents of scrap right there all right let's do the tally all right watch your hand watch your hand all right so what we say 5 10 15 we get 15 bucks for those that that do as it said a dollar two so we'll just call just 16 bucks scrap 50 cents so all in all 16 17 bucks one dumpster was that oh three four minutes yeah oh man i don't know about this one i mean look there's the dumpsters and then there's the uh oh i want it so bad i want it so bad i can't take it though but let's do this we'll put a free question mark let's see that let's see here f question mark i don't know maybe i'll put a little note come on why can't y'all put that closer to the dumpster look at that but yeah that's i mean if it were next to the dumpster yes but this guy i don't know i feel like it's a trap i feel like it's a trap so we're not going to mess with it i am going to leave a little note though like get a little piece of paper tape into it put free question mark and i'll come back tomorrow i'll come back well tomorrow oh man somebody's gonna take that aren't well you know what at least i won't go to hell for it i'm gonna come back by here tomorrow i'll put a little thing on it or whatever but it'll be on tomorrow whatever you know but like my mom said mama always said at least i won't go to hell for it dang i know i know i know i know i know i know that thing is free for the taking some people would some people wouldn't but then good evening dempster how are we doing it's kind of heavy what we got over here yo like there's something really heavy in here what is heavy that's what's heavy what is that i don't know what that is but it plugs into the wall a printer oh like that's the most compact heavy little printer scan snap s 1500 like i usually don't grab printers but this one is heavy right up in here literature and such let's hop in i think i see some stuff in the back oh no that's just the trash all right hold up we're already here might as well check just just check you never know you never know pretty heavy oh it's battery like i said you never know may not be any new iphone or ipad or whatever you want it to be it may be something what is that oh i know what that is this is a little shovel little gardening said kashada casino and resort they give out a little gardening sense but apparently oh man maybe i need to go to shadow water a lot of bs that's what this looks like uh i mean when i went to vegas i didn't get anything actually i had to pay some sort of resort fee i'm like what the heck all right [Music] this is a diet coke they're full it was split that's why that crap ends up in the trash okay all right well we didn't get a whole lot of nothing as this one did get a battery though oh keyboard and a little gardening tool set you know get my little garden going where's my battery where did my battery go oh it's over there i thought they're out there i saw it come here battery oh it's real tight well look at that y'all there's a sailor fan big ass fans oh look at that dumpster roses dumpsters and roses man smells like death well i'm gonna take that fan because that one's obviously close enough to the dumpster also within a pile of crap and then all these boxes like they definitely upgraded their fans let's get it down set her down nice and slowly nice knees light you know what i mean it's a lot of plastic man a lot of plastic a lot of plastic i'm guessing that scrap was put out there for us because i reckon here now sir nicer nah sir look at all that water man it's all like junk water right there though crappy coax stuff there's a lot of it though right here oh there's this [Music] sound like the air look like some speaker wire ooh check out all of that holy cow all right pull my bridges up all right got my britches up look at all that oh this this is that crab where it's like that's the uh security camera stuff it's like there's coax on one side speaker wire on the other i'll grab it off i'll take it off jump that out there's some other stuff mixed up in there with it too why you mixed up in there with it the bad stuff stick with what you know man stick with the good stuff all right oh it's not much enough really this is all just junk wire well no there's some charger cords in here too cat wire yeah there goes some cat water all right so there's a plethora of wires here ground ball we're gonna have to do a little short cat wire charger cords all oh that stinks that's like a insulation mixed with dumpster goofy that's not a good recipe not a good recipe at all y'all all right pop it out watch your head oh my well alrighty scavengers top of the morning to you how we doing all right it's a lovely day good day to be alive that's for sure anyways a uh somewhat successful evening out there getting some stuff in the urban jungle actually i think it was uh it was quite successful to be 100 honest with you i will start off my little waterfall here i plugged it in the motor you can kind of hear humming a little bit but it's not it's not happening uh put some water in it and you know plug the stuff in but just there's just nothing there's just nothing nothing going on here yeah you can barely hear it humming so but that's easy fix easy to replace i may like try to fix that sucker up you know like those are pretty cool actually you know the lights and stuff which i might mess with it you know i see what i could do with it if not you know maybe throw it up in the garage sale a few bucks i might probably be interested in it ah the uh the hydra shear the wire cutter i looked this sucker up this thing is expensive new like we're talking almost a couple of grand but let's see i went ahead this is that that uh fitting we found let's see if she cuts we'll cut it just just curious ah it doesn't seem the blade's not moving it's just going back and forth so it's probably defective i guess huh is that what that's all about or am i not doing something right yeah that's supposed to be like [Music] yeah see how the blade just goes back and forth it's supposed to be like closing up on the and it's not okay so that's why it's in the trash this thing don't work interesting yeah it's supposed to like be like a bottle jack but uh el crapo that's what that is oh crapo that's why it's in the trash man i thought we were like on to something too huh well that's a bummer total absolute bummer man bummer i was hoping that work i'd get some money for that but it's not working right it's supposed to close up and it just goes back and forth back for oh wait a minute there it goes hold up there it goes well she ain't cutting though or maybe i'm on some metal yeah there's a kind of cuts you know probably just not cutting the right thing or probably not for cutting metal wire but okay so i guess it does work very very interesting here anyways okay all right i'll play with that a little bit later very interesting could cut some really big wire with it if i ever found really big wire but really big wire it's hard to find but hey cool fine there uh over here we've got our uh our empty boxes of walkie-talkies and puzzles yeah these are they're they're empty completely empty got the foam but that's about it nasta nasta that's funny yeah like a total rip-off of nasa nasa nasa owns space so yeah i don't know i mean is this kind of stuff worth anything i mean i know some of the older boxes but this isn't that old what we say 86 86 yeah that says error 87 that says 87. i don't know maybe jigsaw puzzles i know somebody i can give those to loves jigsaw puzzles and we got this box over here randomness we just want to kind of instead we go through here some ashtrays we got here it is a baster old school baster just the box old newspapers there's another tray garage sale stuff that's like an orange juicer i think seal a meal oh my that looks bold as can be there's nothing in there though empty old boxes interesting stuff let's see here's another ashtray okay looks like some kitchen stuff mostly just junk we got here deluxe cake decorating set it sounds like there's stuff in there but it's like in the top hold on oh there we go mmm yummy it's what's for breakfast y'all looks like the bugs bugs had their way with this one yeah this looks like somebody's old kitchen stuff this is double rosette and timber iron the power puff girls that's not that old yep another ashtray howard johnson then our old cinnamon jar just some kitchen utensils and such nothing too hot hip and happening in here that's for sure the original checkerboard cake pan said mostly just empty boxes you know crap crap for crap for days that's for sure but uh anyways yeah and then uh yeah back here we've got all of our wires most of it is junk wires but we do have some cat wire i saw some hdmi extension wire so we got to clean that up got these little juice machines over here clean those up uh there's copper you got to like the little condenser thing the compressor uh my scrapyard will actually buy this thing whole like an ac unit they actually have a price a set price for ac units but if you take it apart you'll get a few more bucks battery little gardening set uh some more garden stuff over here like i said be able to get you know 15 bucks out of that one dumpster nice and easy and then yeah just a little bit of this a little bit of that all in all bummed about my uh waterfalls but it's like they say don't go chasing waterfalls but uh anyways guys that is gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike the scavengers always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel hit me up on the gram special shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate that guys if you are interested down below teespring go get y'all some t-shirts coffee mugs koozies hats you name it i got it uh you know help help out support if you can uh but already guys weather is beautiful i have to go to work this afternoon but i think we're going to get out there again this evening hit it while the hitting is good you got to get that screw you all take care have a lovely day be safe wash your hands cover your face in public see you on the flip side peace what we got here y'all it's gravity scram a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 482,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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