Dumpster Diving "It Don't Get Much Simpler Than That"

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I didn't do it out of duty set those up put in some ice in Italy not me let's go dumpster ooh ooh the base didn't hook up very good right there oh there goes a microwave take a gator shall we yeah it looks like all's in here I see lots of gloves and stuff so we won't jump in this one just get there and then when taking these things up make sure the door is at least facing outward or up I can at same times I have picked up one of these and the door come swing up and yeah make a man cuz he here it's got the stuff in it it's a KitchenAid that's a nice one I got the plate people say these plates are worth money I've honestly never tried to sell one but me I prefer not to try [ __ ] her I prefer to not have the ship glass and B and this is such a specific item it'd probably be hard to sell locally but I [Music] got the ring grab it too bad it's not full of that when it's free Thank You playwright I know I can't guys you guys are not gonna believe what I just did came up to this dumpster it looks like there's some stuff in here maybe I noticed some things and I come and put my foot on this bucket right here and I pulled my shoe out it's full of watery old paint oh yeah yeah look at that hey honey time for some new shoes but anyways oh my gosh oh dude Oh barks tape some strapping tape oh that's the white stuff I don't have the white gun I still use it though oh that red jeez I'm still working off a rap that I found like a long time to get all this stuff hold up oh my gosh it's full oh yeah that's cool too holy cow all right we got a good one why'd it cost me my shoes though but although when it gets beat up sometimes it's no bueno get a box full of tape what that is it's like stepping all these bodies well we might just have to start throwing stuff go through it later what is it clover I'll have to look that up it looks expensive don't know it's their mattress bags tape huh got back here hey there's some garage sale stickers $3 they're a little overkill there's a $1 there's a $4 6 or a 9 depending on what day of the week it is look at all of this stuff not so much but I mean if these these are not cheap y'all these are not [ __ ] cheap tape of gay boom now that's so much wrap wrapping it up sticky notes and these boards almost look like could be cutting boards or somewhere maybe it'll make something out of those I don't know I'm gonna do with that extra wide tape but being that I have that meeting oh yeah probably byah extra wide tape gun might be worth my while to the bottom okay cool just a clover saying tons of rap I'll take the ones in good shape the ones that are beat up we'll check it out made in America I think we need to start making more stuff in America again oh my feet I mean I could be wrong I look like somebody tossed out a bun yeah that's like Justin would nasty old channel I see a whole song be messing with that so I'm guessing everything is black bag are you no no no no oh it's not real ah dude oh my god it got me look at that another clover no red that bad $100 bill oh my gosh my heart stopped whole song yeah up there's some more wrap on this strap and the ratchets are with them - huh we know what's might toss down the hole punch stationary grabbing it all but oh my gosh I'm gonna put it up as a lot on Craigslist anybody what's that mofo all those mofos power cord no pad Paperclip somebody cleaned out it - your son did there's that whole song hmm poor rat listen rubberband cord there's a check 648 buzz knew how to catch it top dad I think somebody went out of business that's what I'm thinking more strap to go through them and see what we got ratchets for all of them how do you power bank huh hey it's got lights I think the lights are on Thank You spits I think I saw the win to this over here no I saw the legs of that where y'all think take the mug yeah all right settle box I know I saw that way there's a power cord post it there's another check $2,800 check those are the checks I like that's a yeah that's a gauge oh man it's been a while uh I think it's for measuring maybe the OD of something that's actually pretty nice let's be a little careful with that not to drop it too much right there yeah that was keep David he will popped up yeah there's a bunch of pencils number two pencils for your scantrons kids a lot of checks in here all right dude yeah there's the lid there's another ratchet the biohazard look at that Zephyr marshmallows marshmallows and such there's a license plate Florida may be a big role nother row golly what a well we fill er wasteful Society lose really are all of it up I can't put wanna Craigslist free nice picture we're getting there that's a good yeah that one looks best yeah all right well geez guys what y'all say you know with it flies the more stuff golly that's what I'm talkin about oh I don't know what I'm gonna do with all this red but hey hopefully I fetch it out there get a new pair of shoes although Oh No whoa my shoes falling off the beginning oh it broke well it's not even that okay I even made a wood oh well it is what it is it's got a pulse pulse a peat man that would be so much fun but they put a pole there hey girl ooh two to the three voted Bob let's see why I think we're kind of dumpster diving since I can't work ya can't five huh I would think a new sensor with only let's cast didn't it casts no be this heavy poop at the bottom so we won't go there look at that there goes a battery from parts of limited and no they did not sponsor this episode their stuff just happened to be in one of my dumpsters all right let's get out of here gotta get it good I think it's off of there now I didn't tell them oh yeah oh look at that I see some wires right off the bed I hear birds where did I hear birds it's not that early it loses a lot of wire in here ooh there's lights here guys this time the year at the places that do the the pool maintenance and repair you're gonna get a lot of stuff I have been getting a lot of stuff with stainless there's a lot of wire wrapping [Applause] look at all that it just keeps coming [Music] places every so often percent sorter powders keep hitting my my hand on this thing with the Stig standing on top of it keep coming baby that's all right you can just keep down it as long as you keep coming oh my gosh you pulled up the bottom of the dumpster here pretty soon yes sir yes sir I think that one's attached to it no there's a big old chunk of that really hard plastic noelite are you holy crap talk about do them down there would be body board the holdup this extension cable - that's a good stuff that's the good stuff some aluminum down here here we got it we got it alright anymore that extension cord pretty good right there over here see men going on going down anyway alright get up out of here holy Mack man one down sir all this was on its way to the landfill and now I can make money off I mean don't get much simpler than Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan John yeah look there's a computer shell oh my gosh I don't think it has anything in it ho let's get it yeah necessary I'm just a scrap right there everything's missing it's all gone huh Dell Precision t 1700 I'd say it's more like t7 can't pass up on a big old TV oh that's not a TV all right we got a little something great I think fooled me it looks like a big old TV doesn't it you're sitting there in the grass what to do it you're just a fake TV TV alright well you just won't pass this thing I saw this I thought it was like a little mini fridge tips oh geez look at that thing dude yeah well alrighty scavengers another successful evening getting some stuff out there in the concrete jungle whoo whoa got a little bit of a little bit of scrap back to reap ick - I picked up an iron sink got some extension cords got some stainless to clean up a little bit of this a little bit of that not too hot on me yes the whole scrap end of things for the evening but I think what we did in like maybe possible resellable items definitely made up for got our wrap over here I've got all this tape over here like I was saying I'm probably yeah that's - it I think yeah that's the super wide tape good stuff but being that I found so much of it I'll probably just go ahead and break it off with a tape gun I've got tape for days tape for days and then over here this guy this is some just some heavy-duty I was kind of hoping it was like big trash bags but it's the it's liner it's big heavy gauge liner use that like if you're a like weight setting a foundation for like a storage unit or something you lay it on the ground probably under some flowerbeds things like that they probably used it because I'm thinking it was like a packaging place they probably used it to line crates and things for shipping but it's super heavy hopefully I get a couple bucks for it got some office stuff back here this guy this guy right here they got me man it got me big-time yeah that little black thing that's a pay printer paper and I'm thinking the printer paper goes to this clover machine I plugged her in yeah it's it's on oh but you have to have a PIN number to access it hmm interesting let me see if this guy works over here the buttons big blinking oh this is like ADT that's what that is it says ADT so that's part of the reset removes setup it's coming on it's coming up see what happens with it but anyways let's go ahead and kind of peek through this a little bit see what we got out of all dudes desk definitely some broad sell stuff and there's some coasters yeah there we go arms stay on the way the date and time are wrong huh but the system is ready to arm that's really cool that these actually work see these like metal metal containers all right we grab my trash can alright go to this get the trash out use that it's pretty interesting garage sale stuff another metal box here cigar sois here another coaster it's a bottle opener with a too hot and exciting there's another I think that charges your stuff on the go if you need charging on the only girl you glad sell items for sure let's see okay so that that that panic fire emergency touch and hold a button for two seconds Oh [Music] well that was no good it's still beeping I got it on the side of the house over there we'll just let the battery go dead and if not I'll have to take it out and pull the speaker out but check out this lamp y'all was awesome you seen a plug like this this sucker is old extremely old I don't know can y'all put a date on it I'm gonna say like 20s 30s 40s somewhere in there maybe maybe maybe no y'all let me know let's see okay and then the speaker guy let's plug it in I don't know what to do about that beeping okay I heard a little pop we got a power light see but the only way we're gonna find out if this sucker works is if we have an amplifier uh it sounded like it stopped beeping thank God yes we're gonna need a little amplifiers and speakers I think I have a something in the storage unit I can hook to it we'll check it out it looks like it's a little bit older but hopefully it works and hopefully it gets super super loud be totally cool but let's see let's see well all right all right well that is shoot that's pretty much it guys that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to LIKE the video subscribe to my channel [ __ ] with your friends extra special shout out to everybody bought some merch appreciate that a couple more t-shirts we just sold yesterday diggin it love it go get y'all some stuff support the SCAF all right well as y'all can see the weather's not all that great it's supposed to clear out of here so I don't know we'll play it by ear tonight but if not you know I'm gonna get working on my little of my little woodworking project but anyways guys y'all take care have a lovely day be safe out there wash those hands [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 279,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: 45Z3Vol4XRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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