Remodeling a Tiny House on a Budget - Beach Cabin Living - How We made a small bathroom feel larger

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is a life I lead in this city hurrying to C my tee I can take what I need to get by doesn't make it easy the other piece of my heart go slow somewhere in the great unnown when I return from the after Clow will you carry me like I am whole again wait hold on put me together take me back where I belong I want it all I had a feeling but the feeling is all gone wait hold on put me together take me back where I belong I want it all I had a feeling but theing is all gone all right so we got our first keeper crab we're out here at this little Bay and we didn't bring the boat today so we just have our our casting trap and then we put a couple out like crab traps with ropes on them I pulled it in like a little while ago and the bait had been eaten but there's no nobody there and then we I don't know gave it another 5 minutes went and walked around and came back and we got big old crab he's like a seven incher Pete just went back to the truck and he's putting like fishing poles and um the crab pots back and I was out here with one last Rod to see if we can get anything and I got a huge crab all by myself out here I was out here screaming I got one I got one and I think the only people that heard me are some people walk in their dog cuz Pete couldn't hear me down the beach but he'll be really proud of me when he gets back Pete just made the most difficult cut of all oh boy you're going to do it live huh yeah I feel like it's going to be a [Music] victory look at that length is wrong I might be able to nip this guy off and then just use the piece that we cut and and trace it again let's try it oh this is a nice one all solid wood it's got like gold hardware for the front and uh legs that we'll put on it and here Pete finished the floor and we reset our toilet can you believe what a difference I can't believe like how much better it looks well yeah I can but this was going really really well until we got to here and then Pete almost fell apart oh boy that can still happen I'm fragile you're in a fragile state I'm gonna put the faucet on myself cuz I've done it once before and Pete told me is like the easiest way to install faucet is to do it before it's all next to the sink and everything so we're going to set this up and then um put the sink on and then then I can put the fauc on before it's next to the wall so I have like more work room to see and everything our faucet I think everything's all wrapped up really well but it's it's really pretty like matte black we got it from that same place where Pete got all the um floor samples so it was a really nice like designer faucet and he got it for like I don't know like 90% off or something crazy but that's what it'll look like so match the shower and everything we'll still get like the touches of gold with um the detail in this and I think there's some kind of like big handles that go on this as well oh hi M I'm impressed with this vanity so far I think when it's upright you'll see it's supposed to have soft closed doors and then um it also has a drawer down here for storage which is nice for us because I think this is a 22in vanity it might be 24 but we only have that tiny space in between the shower and the wall so like any kind of storage for us in this house in general is like super um important yeah and plus I like to have my potions and stuff so it'll be nice have a little drawer uh but I'm just putting on the legs now and I always get nervous when the parts come with these like this come with the little allen wrench and you're like really you know but the bolts are like they're not the mushy um you know some of the brass ones are like really soft I hate that um but the legs are going on really easy so I'm just going to get those on and then put on the handles and then have Pete help me tilt it up when I'm done people are going to be like wow you guys are enjoying this yes we areer the exciting thing for Pete and I this week is like it's starting to feel like a home I think we're having Vision beyond the junk just the fact that we have walls in a floor now and all these things you take for granted and heat walls in a floor and heat yeah I I think like I don't know just for me like it was so nice getting up in the morning and like the house wasn't freezing just to have like my slipper socks on and be warm was like this is awesome it is I'm doing all the skills that you didn't think I had what are you doing now I told Pete I was like look please please let me do the um faucet because when my parents were moving out of their house that they just sold um their faucet was leaking and I had to take it all apart I was like totally being a plumber was trying to help my parents and also try to help them save money moving and stuff and uh so I got I crawled under the sink cuz I was the only one that could fit under there so it's like all there looking I found that like one of the gaskets like uh plastic ones were cracked so I like removed the faucet found the crack in it and then I went to Home Depot found the part reinstalled the faucet and I was like wait a second like I have plumber skills like that I didn't even know that I had so I thought I told does like let me install the the faucet here so I'm doing it I'm learning all kinds of weird things but like it's been a long time since Pete and I have done this stuff since we had our first house together like we haven't put like new Faucets in a lot of well can't say that I got the the nightmare faucet our house isn't there a whole episode on that there's a whole episode on nightmare faucet yeah look that one up well this is kind of cool because the uh hot hot water cold water these things just snap this is like new Plumbing I've never seen this these parts here just snap into this mixing valve maybe it's maybe it's does it line up with that so you can undo it so yeah so here you see how like there you know you see what I mean so like if you pop it in then you'll be able to undo it there yeah look at me and you're doing it the easy way sitting on a bucket with the sink not installed so if you guys ever get the chance that's how you do that so you don't have to lay on your back when it sinks on top of the vanity I tried to do my parents faucet at their new house the kitchen faucet I was under the sink cuz you know the kitchen has like a wider cabinet I was like this in there like had my knees up like this with a flashlight and a long screwdriver trying to get up in there you have to go yeah there's like 2 in back behind the sink and it was like corroded there was no com off so Hector like when he came in he just cut the faucet off he's like he he's like I can't get it and he's an actual dude who knows what he's doing he's an actual dude all right I know you guys are impressed you're welcome did you get it all done yeah nice Pete's watching some show about dopplers and I need a Doppler to fill in for this moment cuz I don't want to be part of it what did we just figure out well turn this around and let you know okay here's the vanity like how cute right and it fits like that's a celebration right there the fact that it just fits M but if you come in and take a look where the little drawer is and stuff there's the drain line back there yeah so our drain comes up through the floor cuz the last vanity didn't have a shelf or anything I guess mm-m and so they plumbed it to come straight up and the vanity is designed for a drain that comes out of the wall or goes into the wall so that's fine we will create one of those but it's going to be a little extra it's going to cost you a little extra this is a this is a change order who has to pay jeez there's been a lot of bombs in the roads in the road oh yeah yeah always carrying that oh so heavy [Music] Lo when you feel like there's too much on your plate too much just call on me call on and I'll help you carry some of that [Music] way I want to make you understand [Music] let's we're taking a slight intermission before we get back to work having a cookie and a little family beach walk before what before we get back to work no way work work work holy moly we don't need any more work today this is all we need wow tell the people these little chocolate covered raisins are delivered from the elk right in our front yard we haven't seen them yet but they always ose us little treats we got a little Sun break today in between the rain and stuff but it's still pretty cold out here but there's a little waterfall right over here on my left and I think it's only here like during the like winter and spring months when there's a lot of water around but um let's go check it out what is this oh my gosh it's a big like root ball thing feels like spongy I to show pee look at this thing Milly just ran over and sniffed this is that weird it's like my hair in the morning yeah throw it for Millie she'll probably get it let I can't let you go baby I just want to tell you that no no no all of my friends say girl you better take care cuz that man is trouble it best bew and thow it down I know I might be headed for tear drops now that you got me started I just can't stop no no cuz I love you baby so we went into the habitat here in town to donate some things we had the old microwave and like the stand and uh the Cur the curtain rod I was so excited about that I got for $2 too short for the windows so I had to bring them I red donated them back to Habitat they didn't have that was Peach truck by the way they didn't have any curtain rods that would fit so I had to buy new curtain rods so so much for trying to Thrift my thing but we got the ones that I need so I'm going to um hang curtains when we get home and Pete's stopping here at the lumber yard we're trying to find like this isn't ideal it's kind of like in the time till we actually put gravel outside in the driveway but it's kind of Muddy from us going in and out of the house so much so um I think he's going to get like a couple bags of gravel and stuff just to bring back but exciting thing I feel like it needs sunnies right now we went to when while we're at the habitat we found this cabinet you can kind of see it behind me here but the refrigerator is so cute and I love it but it feels kind of low in there it feels kind of short and stuff so I wanted to get some kind of like a riser but refrigerator risers are honestly they're expensive and they're literally just like a plastic box of a drawer so I was trying to think outside of the box and my mom and I were looking at different uh like wooden tables and end tables with a drawer and we were like okay we could cut the legs off and like it's like the perfect little box so we're kind of thinking about that but when we were at habitat we saw the perfect thing and it's funny cuz it's it's from Ikea I think it's like the only Ikea thing I've ever gun but it's this really cool cabinet and I think we're going to be able to put use it for storage like paper towels and um maybe cleaning products or something under there or or maybe I can put like a crock pot I don't know if that'll fit in there but any kind of storage is great for the kitchen plus it's going to raise up the refrigerator to like a normal height and give us bonus storage for 20 bucks like it was such a score so it's musical junk in the kitchen where we move everything again and again and again again but Pete is placing in the um refrigerator risor that we found and then he's also going to put some little brackets on the back cuz it's not quite the depth that we want but look at the color babe that's so perfect in here $20 will take it and guess what it beats spending a whole day trying to build a box right build a box we don't do that we don't play those games anymore it's all the level now I just got to pick this thing up and I don't think you can really help me oh you unloaded everything not everything but just easy stuff took 40 lbs out of it what why don't you like open the front door maybe you didn't get an arm in there do you want me to squeeze in between oh oh we're putting together something I've been looking forward to for a long time because we don't have any storage here in the beach house and I found this entry bench thing on Home Depot has like a bench in the middle and then two closets on either sides and like little cubby hole things for shoes what are we going to call it that's been the debate the entry bench thing yeah I don't know the cabinet we'll decide maybe after we get this thing together says it takes two people 3 hours to put it together we'll be done pretty soon wish us luck yes um but it's going to go right here we went have somewhere where we can like take our shoes off and hang you know ring coat anyways it's going to go right where Pete is right about like here all right so we've got the top crown piece unloaded and then this is the base over here so you can kind of get an idea of how how big it's going to be but I think it's probably going to come up to the top of the door here from what I see in the pictures I don't remember the measurements off the top of my head but this area here like where all the little pegs are is where the uh little like shoe cubby things go and then the bench piece like sits on top of that and then we'll have like the two skinny cupboards on either side but we started making piles here in the living room of like each of the components so we can kind of grab as we we still haven't found the instructions hopefully that's in the other box but I really like the color of it it's kind of like a off white like an heirloom white they did have an option to have natural wood or black and we liked the black one too but I was thinking like it might take away like might feel too heavy in here and I want this space to kind of feel more open and Airy and so my thought was with like the off white it would kind of blend in with the rest of like the walls and stuff in here wouldn't be like like a distractive piece because it's so big you know um but I think this is going to be really pretty I love the crown on the top piece here well lucky for Pete he downloaded the up yeah it's this weird AI voice that tells you like attach panel G to this thing attach the small left partition to the top middle fixed panel she's nice yeah not bossy like me huh hold it hold it I want another piece of peanut brittle yeah you're snacking I know you're like are you building or snacking in today quit slacking less snacking it's looking like a thing that's going to be so nice babe to have the storage M trees are in green the ocean is gray sky is a vague blue come my way my room is a mess it could use a hand my favorite TV shows to capture in I know must get it right must get back in the fight this can't be a surprise I think I let it slide I'm sleep walking through all of my problems I know I can't make it through every night it's the same I keep running fast left and right wondering where my head's going now I'm sleep walking through all of my problems know [Music] problem Pete's bringing in all of our window casings right now he ran what is that clear Cedar it's fur clear fur clear fur that he got from his dad's shop and ran it through the planer and everything so it's nice and smooth so we're going to like dry fit the windows today it's just starting to rain outside that's a bummer cuz we want to set the saw up let's hope that it's passing right now so our plan was to kind of like dry fit everything and get the cuts and stuff and set the outside so I I don't know we might have to wait this out a little bit and see how it goes but the first thing I did when I got here I brought in our uh little cooler with all of our fresh groceries and stuff and I ran downstairs cuz I was going to split kindling look what I did I was too look how ugly this is look how this finger I'm showing everyone my GR I give everyone the finger it's literally twice the size it's already starting to turn blue like I was splitting the kindling and one of the pieces went sideways and when my hand came down on it it's so gross like it's it's not supposed to look like a blue sausage oh my gosh it is dumping well I was just going to say right when we get things looking nice around here again then we end up moving all the stuff bringing tools inside and it's a mess again I was telling Pete that I'd like to put some hooks in this one they gave us shelves to put in here so we can like organize and put little things but honestly I'd like to have like a couple hooks in here to be able to hang jackets that way I can still like sit on this bench if we want to and then in here I need to go to Goodwill or look out for an estate sale that has good baskets but I'd like to get a couple wicker ones be nice to have like dog towel stuff beach towels and then like hats and gloves and stuff in here and then in this one I just put our our vacuum which is nice extra light bulbs we got to wait it out a little bit I know all right we're going for it the wind is kicking up outside and a storm's coming there's supposed to be a big rainstorm coming tonight and uh the little little rainstorm the baby one that we just had finally blew over until uh Pete just ran downstairs and got the extension cord the so is getting set up and everything and so we're just going to go out there and brave the wind cuss okay you ready I'm ready hello Ron I can't shake the simplest feeling beyond the ghost we stand on the opposite Shore hello Ron I reach through mysterious ceilings my ho hope I look for the things I don't know does that remind you when we pulled the paneling off and we had to take care of a thousand little baby nails remember yeah and we pulled some out and then we'd pound some in and that took longer than pulling the paneling off was supposed to block that out how long do you think your dad had all this wood in this shop oh yeah 20 years of that can you get clear fur like this anymore yeah it's pretty expensive of course and all these had already been installed in a house nail holes yeah yeah but it was all unfinished right or no it was stained and you ran it yeah that's why I ran it through the planer yeah [Music] okay for all in this I stand alone good morning we stayed up last night well that let me refesh that we worked last night until like 6:30 uh Pete was down outside of the garage here cutting all of the um lengths no he cut all the widths and sanded everything like he was just down here like a sanding machine with the palm sander and everything and then he was bringing the boards upstairs to me on those saw horses and I was putting another coat of veranee on everything last night and so we got one coat of veranee or po thing on everything and uh Pete sanded it this morning for the second sand and then also final coat so he's doing another measure so we can uh get all the the length cut today and I think we're going to be able to do actual install this afternoon once everything's all set up but while he's doing that I came down here to do the insulation on our plumbing so since I've been keeping this a secret for so long I don't know I don't really really don't know when this video is coming out but right now as I'm filming this it's winter and it's supposed to get freezing this coming weekend with maybe like even a chance of snow on the beach which is pretty cool we won't be here this next weekend to see it um but I want to make sure that our plumbing is going to be all safe while we're gone one of the first things that we did was get a brand new hot water heater and this is like a heat pump hybrid hot water heater I know I'm totally geeking out right now but like it's so efficient we have hot water like that we were able to get a rebate on you know upgrading getting a more efficient hot water heater so it pretty much paid for this it would it hardly cost us anything to upgrade the hot water heater for this house and so that's new which is really nice and then Pete also uh did all of this peex Plumbing in here and so that's what I'm going to wrap today is like all of the um the peex lines coming in they should be good you know that's part of like peex Plumbing is that has some Flex to it and so if there is a frost you're not have to worry about your pipes bursting but what I want to prevent is them freezing in the freezing weather outside so I brought down our kitchen chairs and we got these like foamy pipe insulators so I'm just going to go through and wrap all of the pipes and stuff all right I'm just going to give this long one a quick little measure I don't know how I'm going to get all the little joints I guess I just need to cut little tiny pieces I need to get over here so we can see what we're doing see I forgot to mention how cool this is because our house is kind of it's elevated and it has like these two garage it's not really like a garage under it's like inclosed under house so Pete was able to you know keep his boat under here we got crab pots under here but also like what is so nice all the plumbing is right here overhead so there's zero crawling under house crawling on your belly with all the spiders and icky things it's literally all right here so when we did do the the replum and everything uh and then like the washer and dryer all of it was right here like easy access so that made Plumbing a lot easier and less expensive which was awesome what a fun little job he told me to go do today I'll talk to you when I'm doing something more interesting bye we used a bunch of wood that my dad had in his shop from old projects He was a builder for a long time and he had some really nice materials so we used a bunch of that and then we had to go buy more more like we had never really done the math and figured out exactly how much we needed we just grabbed a bunch from the shop and kind of got it prepped and then when we got into it we're like oh man we're going to need a bunch more and so we went to town yesterday and got a little bit just enough to do the the windows in the front room and then we realized that um one of them so they're framed slightly different sizes and uh so I'm going to have to do a little more work on that one to make sure there's enough room in between the trim to hang the um the blinds which is what I'm working on now because do you want to tell them because they're awesome and I did it out of order you did it out of order that's fine so you measured off the old windows before we so we didn't change the windows we just changed the trim you measured the old trim I would have thought it would be the same but it was a little different um but it's all good like there's a there's a solution I just got to run them through the planer and get just a little more clearance well you'll never know like you'll never be able to look at and go oh that one's different cuz all you see is the front side so we just got to take some off the back but it looks nice huh the warmth of it yeah now it's starting to look like starting to look like a house a house yeah yeah Pete this morning got up and refilled some of the holes that I missed but and then put new Poly on there but I love I love the warmth of this I think it looks really really nice so yeah we're we have electric blinds which is so high-tech for an old house but they are like a remote blind so I can push a button on my phone and it'll raise and lower all the blinds at once so it's pretty cool Pete just text me and said he's on his way home we got off work a little bit early today which is so nice uh we have a long stretch this weekend together a whole like 5day chunk to be able to stay at the beach house and get some work done so I'm really excited for that I need to kind of put together some of my uh work clothes and new pajamas to bring up there and stuff but I'm just I'm feeling really good today my mom and I just went to Costco and got some things that you know I can bring up there for our dinners and lunch and make it easy but I just got my hair done today too look how shiny it is like it feels so good like feels like really nice and fluffy and healthy this weekend we are going to get some stuff done we're going to uh put the stone up the fireplace and start working on the Hearth and stuff and I'm kind of hoping we might be able to actually get it completed and then we're also going to hook up the vanity in the bathroom I think that's step one for us is just kind of getting that piece done cuz if we hook up the sink and everything the bathroom will be like 90% done right now we've been going to go brush her teeth in the kitchen which you know it's like 5T away in that little house but um it'll be nice to actually have a working sink in the bathroom so yeah and then I can order a medicine cabinet which will be so nice to have a little extra storage there in the bathroom as well but yeah we're just kind of looking forward to getting away I think it's going to be quite a um rainy weekend but you know what it's it's so wonderful because we have those wood ceilings there and you can really you can really hear the raindrops and it's it's super relaxing and it's just a fun place to be I feel like whether it's sunny or raining we just love being there so um I'm looking forward to it cuz we're going to be pretty productive this week and I can already feel it well I don't know how useful piz going to be today cuz he started the day off with a massage that's a good start is it it was you been very productive so far and it's noon yeah I haven't told Selena yet but we're just going to relax today no there's no relaxing oh we do have the wood stove ripping today which is awesome feels good yeah it's actually pretty warm in here I cracked open a window till it's a mirroring um and I also was like messing around with the furniture over here for a new layout and it funny cuz we went for a little family walk this morning and then when we came back in the house I was taking my shoes off I look at Pete and I'm all he's like why are you cuz I was waiting to see if you'd notice have you told them how I never notice when you change things yeah I mentioned it it's pretty funny oh do you remember I little reminder remember that little iron table that I got at the flea market put in the bathroom with the plant on it and I was like let's see how long it takes Pete to notice so I did not say a word and it's really hard for me to like hold things in it is I waited a month and I finally couldn't take it anymore and I soon I just got used to it I was like and he's all oh you got a new plant you still didn't even know I was at the table so yeah what you say it's cuz we have so much stuff going in the house you don't know a lot all right what are we doing today Peter uh today hopefully we will finally get our bathroom sink vanity connected to Plumbing so the old vanity that was in there the drain line came straight up through the floor into the cabinet underneath when Selena found the new vanity I didn't notice until we went to put it in that it has uh a shelf and like even a drawer I think down below which means the the pipes can have to come out of the wall instead up through the floor so it's a new drain line the new drain line Selena's excited I'm not excited it's going to be kind of hard cuz it's right next to the outside of the wall well and we already finished the wall so we had uh we had sheetrock done in there and unfortunately we're going to have to cut that open so that I can get in and then try to drill a hole down through the the bottom plate in the wall you know what the good thing is we have a drawer in the vanity like yeah hello thanks drawer you know what we could do too is use a piece of that uh like the beadboard paneling to clean it up we could put that like bind the vanity open it you don't see like unless you want to cut sheetrock I don't but we could just use that paneling see good ideas already I'm full of them yep we got to get the vanity out of here oh what there's one thing I want to add onto your pile of stuff pile it on it's right behind you so I thought I would try something new and I turns out turns out this is very personal by the way I am more of a traditional toilet paper person we put we put the thing like this cuz I saw it in the magazine like how upright you see it on Tik Tok no I saw it in one of my was it a life hack do T I'm too old for that and I'm I'm more traditional I like it to go side so that's the other thing I'd like for you to do why don't you do that when I'm doing this okay oh we should cover up the vent hole to to there's so many things we we already got a pile this is the thing about being here is that we'll get one room cleaned up and then we'll work on a project and then that room turns into a little mess again cuz there's no room to like can we say what it's called the squirrel nness the sh the shuffle the stuff Shuffle yeah the you know what Shuffle that's what we call it so far just to cus eating some cheese I made the mistake of going to Costco and buying the 100 pack of string cheese all right so this is what we're working with here M we have the floor drain which needs to actually be coming out of the wall instead so here we are under the house our little workshop and this is where so we're like right below the bathroom here this is under the toilet and so we got all the water lines in here all the drain lines and of course the water heater is right sits right where we need to work because we've got to get this pipe all the way into the outside wall a little bit of a champ chenge the drain line that we have to move it's pretty going to be hard to see but it's it's clear back here so it needs to go back like 6 in cuz here's I if you can see any of this stuff but like that's the water line that goes up and we know that's in the wall this little piece here I was actually hoping was going to be under the wall but it's not I can tell just how far off far off it is but it looks like they plugged a hole that was already there so my Hope was I could take that cover off that plywood piece and it's like oh the hole's already there like we don't need to drill it but that's now that I'm looking at it again that's not going to work but I'll have to cut it from above so that's next we got to cut into the wall make a hole that's big enough to get the drill in there and then drill our hole down through like two 2x4s so I might have to do it in like sections let's just start cutting holes [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I to take the like all the handles and stuff off of this drill so that I can fit it into the wall so that'll be fun you have to go cut a hole into the wall stick that down and go straight down from the wall exactly yeah that's why I've been so excited about it it's going to be nice to be able to brush our teeth again we haven't brushed our teeth in months just kidding gross gross so now we're going to cut a little hole in the sheetrock and try to keep it just big enough to fit my whole saw through y [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm using Selena's Hammer again and I don't know if this is going to work very well but I think it's getting me a little bit I feel like some some contractor is going to watch this hopefully and have a and then he's going to show up and finish this project for us that would be amazing if you're out there we'd love to see [Music] you you see the hole PE in a hole everybody wow wooo smells like The Sawmill in here yeah love it cool it's probably the easiest part of this project on is making whole Peter said we going to go to town everybody as predicted yes okay should we take inventory though like kind of no dry fit things and see exactly what we need yeah we're going to go do that downstairs but it's funny cuz we did other plumbing like for the kitchen and different things and usually when we go to get plumbing parts I'll just grab like a handful one of everything two or three of everything and then uh we thought we were done so we're like oh cool we'll just take all the stuff back and so we had what we needed here at one point and we took it back and got our six bucks or what no dude we brought bags of stuff back and we got like $300 back that felt good but part of it was this stuff we needed today oh well here we go we'll go see our friend Diana right now we're going slow through this one little uh dip in the road cuz we always see salamanders walking across cuz there's like swamps on both sides and Selena loves salamander so do I and so we always when we see him we jump out and move him out of the road and I bet we've done it like 10 times yeah they're all all the time they're here why do they need to go to the other side of the road Peter we saw one last night we were coming home after dinner it was dark and he was just like walking around well we went to town and we were headed home and we started talking about the sink again and we realized that we don't have the water lines to connect the hot and cold so this is our second trip back to town we just turned around we got like halfway know I thought about just doing it tomorrow but whatever Pizza on the wrong aisle looking at fishing stuff now knives crab beer okay we got to focus I think they're in the back along the back wall there bab they're way far away from all the fishing stuff yes oh yeah oh now you got to remember what size you need well didn't you want to get 12 that's 16 look they got all different oh you kidding me is it this is it this how am I supposed to know I'm pretty sure good so this this will go on your your faucet and then this should go in the wall pretty sure that we might be coming back to town no Peter salamander savior okay somebody ran over over a look at his tail they got his tail yeah look a a I was wondering cuz his his little back legs were going out long not he wasn't walking oh so he's he's dying I think I put him in the grass sad salamander day a you I want to see if these are going to [Music] fit it's going to work yay we should have filmed at the hardware store cuz well we did when we were looking at them and we're like which size is it and then we get up to the counter and there was like a couple people there like this guy was just talking to the lady at the counter and they see us carrying up the hoses like oh you're doing Plumbing like haha what if you got the wrong size like all joking about us like oh go she's like oh yeah whenever we see people with plumbing we feel bad for them cuz we know that they'll be here a few times all right what do you want me to do uh put the tail piece on and kind of look at the directions cuz there's a couple different yeah you want me to follow directions there's a couple different things you got to seal one any leaks I get to go actually I think that I'm I'm pretty good with the basic pluming your putty if you need putty oh I I hope I need the putty that's kind of fun you can make the worm out of it just like Play-Doh oh it's probably something important okay plumers putty Plummer putty plumber putty dreams the thing is that reading directions it's very much like you want to play the board game you just want to play the game you just want to do it you don't want to slow down and read instructions about how to play the game right and now I have to do that disassemble the drain apply plumers putty yes Peter we need plumers putty you yep I'm going to do it app plumers putty to the underside of the flange that's this part oh my gosh I'm so proud this part okay how do I know how much plumber putty I need you just want it all squirt out around the edges and then you peel it off yeah just make like a quar in snake and then it'll oo out this is like Play-Doh okay I have to put it around the bottom of this flange like can you come look and make sure I have the right thickness of it you have to buy the big old tub and all you use is like a teaspoon of it like that okay um is that piece you're supposed to put it on though it said the underside of the flange and then this goes like this is that thread on there see disassemble it you're right cuz yeah cuz that goes in the sink I have to take yeah so this gets mushed down yeah you got it can you hold the sink upright while I do that you can do it I know you can listen listen clown okay I've always wanted to say that to somebody else actually so take this one off I think no it goes like this okay this is adjustable for whatever height you want I think I think this part goes right here right cuz that's the yeah stop this guy pointed back you want me to hold this one I want to do it oh well you're doing it right this is hard takes patience that I don't have much of today why not I don't know I just cuz it's raining and I'm wearing a sweatshirt and I just I just want to watch like how your clothing's involved it do you know it's the one you pick certain things to wear that it very much reflects in how much you'll accomplish that day it does for me like if I if I put together something nice to where like I'm on it for the day I get a lot done but if I look like this I usually don't get a lot done change my outfit and my attitude I'm tired of it now [Music] you're doing good couple more hours and you'll be there this is going to be a real long video that's what everybody likes though that's what they're always asking for you make your videos longer here it is it 45 minutes is sling and turnning a nut with some Putty oh wait yeah so it's going to hit the putty and then it's going to start it's going to go it's go that's cool I thought of something else that you should do take it off and put it back on again no I was I've been worried about something Ser I'm worried about the drain of the shower a the drain of the shower damn all right well you're going to get some expert experience on this one so then you can fix it oh Selena's worried about the shower drain because it it drips like one drip every couple showers I have PTSD from D it drips on floor of the garage so well I don't like that this one of our least critical things right now that we got to worry about I think about all these things all the time de hold this you can rest up can we put putty on more things today yeah looks good I think we're there I kept having like these drips coming down I'm like looking at the ceiling is it is it leaking it's like no I'm just sweating like you're sweaty stink too a but I still love you oh it's good so now we're going to use silicone to stick down on the top we got the vanities installed I screwed it to the wall so it's nice and solid it's level pretty much we should be good we're going to match to the front off are you pleased well now we have to hook the water up though there's that part yeah but yes I am pleased you did the hardest part babe getting it in that wall you did it [Music] [Music] take a train or right just to see you f for hours just to please you you don't know how much I need you cuz you're my home away from home away from home away from being alone oh [Music]
Channel: Vintage Bombshell
Views: 60,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we bought a tiny home, we bought a house, house tour, beach house, living at the beach, renovation vlog, home tour, cabin living, living in a cabin, fishermans cabin, oregon coast, home makeover, we bought a cabin, living in a tiny house
Id: pfcexkkEqHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 9sec (3069 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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