Scammer sends me a PIC of HIMSELF by accident!

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oh is that a picture from your call center hey is that you is that you you just sent me a picture of yourself yo guys what is up scammer vaults here bringing you guys another scam bait video now before this starts you know i always get these comments from people always saying the scammers are getting smarter they're always getting smarter you know this video just watches these guys are still as uh they're not getting smarter trust me these scammers are not getting any smarter at all so this is uh wow this is pretty crazy video but other than that before this starts if you want to follow my twitter instagram or discord we're almost to 20k on uh instagram i mean twitter so check that out but other than that i will see you guys in the next one i hope you all have a beautiful week day night when you know wherever you are in the world and i'll see you guys next time peace hello okay now i can hear you can can you hear me okay now yeah yeah i can hear you now okay yeah you called me before it was really like like i could barely hear you were going in and out and i was trying to call you back but every time i called back it just wouldn't pick up okay okay not an issue so just let me like uh install the security in your computer okay so just hold on the moment i am yes sir i'm installing the security on your computer and like how old is your computer uh well it's not too old i think it's about a year old or so is this going to charge me anything no it's not going to charge you any money okay sir you just need to type on the such panel you need to type over there www dot oh on the google page yeah yeah as you can see there is a search white search panel and just type over yeah okay yeah yeah and now what you need to do is just give a click on the blue color box it says download for free okay sorry where what do you want me to do you need to look left hand side do you see there is a blue color box which says download for free uh oh it already went to a page here oh let me see here yes yes yes a page came up it didn't go back away where am i supposed to click sir uh where the you need to go back to that page the one that i was just on yeah the one which were yes this one you need to give a click on the blue color block which says download for free okay all right i did that yes yes yes yeah okay and now what you need to do is i'm gonna go first uh just deleted all his files and uploaded a bunch you need to just look if you see any file is there stream viewer setup.exe okay yeah i see that and if you see it yeah so it will automatically get filled okay so no need to worry we are installing security welcome the team viewer page came up yes and you need to give a click on accept and finish do you see the option accept and finish it says like how do you want to proceed yes that is already being done and just look on the right hand side at the town of that box do you see accept and finish at the end of the that box right hand side what's asking me to select something here it's not like it's already been collected okay this thing came up here and it's not like hold on where am i supposed to click you need to search just give a click on the mouse just give a click on the mouse where it is right now yeah this thing it says waiting well let me see here it's not just give a click on just just give a click on accept and finish do you see that box do you see this box yeah it's not letting me click on it click that it's not letting you click on it waiting authentication it says waiting for prompt i don't where's where's the prompt at so you need to like uh give a click on accept and finish are you not able to give a click on accept and finish no this this thing's on my screen here it says waiting for prompt confirmation it says waiting for from confirmation yeah it says please select yes or no and it's not letting me click on anything here it's like a red thing introducing no no no teamwork an issue just hold on the man okay okay and like how will only your computer sir as you say uh it's not that old is there anything like wrong with it is it too old or something or what's wrong with that no no no no and like what i'm gonna do is sir like we will give you our free we will give you a free service from our side okay so what you need to do sir like don't touch the computer right now okay we are installing the security okay yeah so don't join the computer and like for what purpose do you use your computer uh this is my home computer this is your home computer yes okay okay okay so like you don't need to touch your computer so we are installing the security okay okay i keep like i'm hearing this sound come through my computer here and i keep seeing a thing come up it keeps popping up saying waiting for confirmation what is that about he's making a really loud sound on my thing like i keep hearing a really loud sound okay and like for what purpose you use your computer uh just for home use you use for luck protector no i don't use this for work at all just for home computer uh right now on the screen i see that uh any desk page popped back up with the numbers there okay just hold on give me a moment and don't you see the team viewer on your screen um i see a facebook page uh you see a facebook page right uh yeah uh don't you see teamviewer on your screen yeah i see a teamviewer facebook page teamviewer facebook page we're not we're not talking about teamviewer facebook page right now one just confirm me one thing don't you see a team viewer writing on your computer screen don't you see teamviewer i i can i'm talking about the icon no i don't see that you don't see that right can you please do one thing can you please minimize each and everything and come back on your normal home screen once minimize everything yeah minimize everything and come back on your normal home okay now on your computer home on your normal home screen don't you see a team viewer icon uh what does it look like a blue icon with uh two arrows pointing on opposite directions don't you see that uh no i do not i don't see that okay hold up okay just hold on give me a second okay [Music] hello hello yes you need to open up the teamviewer do you see that blue color icon with the arrows pointing left and right you see that the other guy don't see it i could see this facebook page and then okay so let's page what you need to what you need to do is just press windows plus d okay just press windows plus g and you will be back to your normal home screen icon okay yeah that's where i am yes and over there do you see there is a blue color icon which says team viewer no i don't see that you don't see that no and do you have a google chrome do you have the google chrome uh right now with everything that i got open i got um this facebook thing open and at the any desk page with the numbers no we need to do the another way okay because the any desk is facing some server problems okay so like we need to open up the google chrome okay i need to i give you another address so just open up the google chrome so have you opened up the google chrome yes yes what i see is i see this facebook page and then the any desk page with the numbers no no we don't need to follow that process anymore okay and as i am saying you need to follow that procedure like i just now want to confirm from you like do you want to cancel your services you want to save your money right yes so you need to follow the process which i am saying okay yeah i'm telling you so just open up the google chrome yes no no no you need to open up the google chrome as i said yes yeah no just type over there what just type over there so you need to type that okay yes yeah have you seen your desktop what are you saying what i was seeing in my desktop i have already cleaned that up okay have you seen your desktop i said i just saw my desktop so what do you want to say you see how it says hey bench did you see how all your files got deleted huh idiot uh let me show you something then what you want to suck my toe you just got all your crap deleted like an idiot i'll show you something right now oh show me something show me something i just sent you something just have a look do i got any changes on my computer screen oh is that a picture from your call center hey is that you is that you you just sent me a picture of yourself [Laughter] look at this everybody here's a picture of the scammer right here you can see him in the reflection of the monitor oh he hung up on me he just what he just sent me a picture of himself i don't think he meant to do that he wanted he did like he deleted the he deleted the text files and then he wanted to send me a picture that his computer was okay and then he ends up sending this you can see him in the reflection what an idiot this guy just voluntarily sent me a picture oh my gosh you can see his call center too you can see like the the cubicles in the back all the curtains over here here's his buddy taking the picture and here's here's the other guy sitting on the sit at the desk oh there's another guy here with the headset on oh my gosh what complete idiots oh a gateway monitor here's their phone right here oh my gosh what complete and utter idiots wait so he has this text wait so this text now account is on his phone here yeah so that's how he sent me the picture because the text now account is on his phone oh my gosh this guy's a complete i i have oh you know people keep i get comments sometimes that people are like scammers are getting smarter this is not smarter this is not smarter this is like 20 steps backwards man this is like 20 steps backwards i'm calling him back oh my gosh it's ringing oh yeah he really showed me man hello hello yes which camera is this is this the one wearing the headset or the one with the phone or is this the guy sitting in the middle in the in front of the gateway monitor okay with whom you want to know with whom we want to talk which scammer is this is this the one with the with the cell phone they told me you wanted to shop i wanna with you ben chode you showed me a picture of your computer you didn't show me your directories where all your files are deleted send me another picture of your call center why don't you can you do that for me and send me some more pictures of you guys huh he doesn't know what to say oh this is uh he doesn't even know what to say i mean he i mean scammers always like to to to pretend that they're the smarter ones they always go oh you're being over smart with me i there's no way he could say anything like that with this i mean when you're a scammer and you literally voluntarily send pictures of yourselves and pictures from your call center with with a you know instead of taking a screenshot he sends it like this this is amazing this this just shows like oh this just shows how dumb they are this is freaking hilarious i i'm gonna call again you you guys know i always call back i'm gonna call again oh oh i think he he blocked me he blocked me okay let me call the call center what what okay i'm calling i'm calling the call center number he blocked me on his little cell phone all right i'm on hold hello hello yeah hello sorry who is this yeah my name's roger yeah yeah i was calling about three individuals working at your call center um at the gateway monitor the individual wearing a black shirt um can i speak to him so who do you want to talk what's the name i don't know his name man but he's sitting in front of a gateway monitor with two of his other friends and he's got a black shirt on you must be getting it wrong now no no no i got a picture of him right here from your calls oh i could tell he was suspicious of me right when he picked up the call i think you have round number hello hello no he just immediately wants to hang up on me let's fight they always try to play it off all right i'm on hold again you know every time every time hello sir first of all you don't remember the name i don't yeah i know his name is robert robert benchod the third there's there's no there's a gnomes to robert here yes yes he is i i've got a picture of him right this guy right where he picks up sir you do not know the name oh my gosh you be better i'm going again i'm on hold i might have to call from a different number because i keep getting that guy sir you do not know his name so you cannot speak to mr benchode right now okay yeah they're not picking up to that number let me call with this number hello why do you keep hanging up on me because you are just is it because you're a bad child also yeah you're a chutya scammer you can't even speak what the hell man all right i'm going to call one more time hello is this benjamin calling the refund and cancellation department how may i help you yeah hi my phone call got disconnected yes yeah i've got the any desk page open no no what you need to you need to open another another page because we are we have been disconnected on that page yeah another page what you need to do so what you need to do you need to type on the google like no i can't do that i can only do any desk i've already got any desk then suck my [ __ ] suck my dick banchod oh my gosh what was that okay all right i'm gonna end this video here um you know for the people that really actually think scammers are getting smarter here you go i don't know what else to tell you other than this if you think scammers are getting smarter here you go i don't know what else to say so here you go i don't know what else to say they're not getting smarter they're never gonna get smarter they're idiots that's why they do these jobs well not jobs that's why they scam people they can't get normal jobs because they're they're idiots uh all right well i'm gonna end this video here i hope you guys like this video uh this is definitely i don't think uh this has ever had this has never happened before so definitely unique so yeah i'm gonna end this video here i hope you guys enjoyed it if you liked it please give it a like and i will see you guys next time peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 142,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, Pro, scambait, event, rage, scambaiting, Exposed, accessing scammers computer, scammer rage, scammers face, scammers pc accessed, refund scammers, refund scammer, Revenge on scammers, scams exposed, scam reaction, scammer reacts, scammer picture of himself, Scammer sends me a PIC of HIMSELF by accident, scammer destroyed, funny scammer call, scammerrevolts, Scammer Revolts, SRArmy, scammer prank call
Id: bzptAF59eG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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