DUCK FARMING│ How this farm raised thousands ducks & Produce thousands of eggs everyday

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i hi guys it's a beautiful day once again and welcome back to dexter's world channel [Music] hey [Music] this day is really beautiful because my friends allowed me to be in in this beautiful duck farm of course last video that we had they allowed us to have a film on their goat farm and we learned a lot of lessons out of that video and today we are going to learn many lessons out of duck farming because this dog farming is actually a good business but if you don't know the basic rules on racing dax it will make you poor or it will make you rich no businessman would like to invest money just to become poor we always wanted to have games we always wanted to become successful in our business the tips that we are going to learn today are actually now going to be revealed by our friends well we are here in the busy duck farm they have here so many animals and this is also an integrated farming and we are glad that we are here and with me is the part owner of this business a very young and talented businessman none other than my friend ruel polisko and did i pronounce your name correctly yes yes is a promising businessman also gaining knowledge and inspiration from the big boss mr benji chong and we are here to give you some tips on how to become successful in this kind of business so mr well will give us some tips based on experience and of course study of course and i'm so glad that partly he gained also his knowledge about our experience in that farming we have uploaded so many videos about dog farming we give some tips but today we are going to formally inform you about the basic very basic tips on how to go about this farm so sir well thank you for accommodating us here thank you and i would like to ask you when did you start this business actually we started last 2018 late december we started from growing ducklings and we started may of 2019 uh that's our first harvest and we started like 300 heads actually i started this business with actually zero knowledge but i would like to say thank you mr dexter because of his videos i learned a lot and it helped me to run my own dark farm business actually guys it's an honor and a privilege to to know about those things but what we gave in our video are only the basic tips and what he will give to us now are the experiences the do's and don'ts that will warn us in order to become successful if ever you wanted to venture in this kind of business so he said that he started with only how many heads 300 300 heads and now he has how many 2 600 but the maximum capacity we have here is like six thousand heads so he started with 300 heads now he has 2 600 something or more so it it would mean that this this is a business actually and we will ask him why did you choose this dot farm venture or business as a as your business actually dark layer farming is a very potential business because it has a very high demand especially here in zamboanga city as far as i'm concerned there are only few farm here in zamboanga city in which most of around 90 percent of the ballot here in zamboanga is coming from manila so if you guys will know manila is our capital city and we really run short of the balut supply you know this balut is the incubated eggs the eggs of the duck that were put inside in the incubator for 18 days and then we will harvest that and we will eat the egg with chick inside so that's the balut the local term of the incubated egg so the demand is really very high and he said that this is a potential business well i agree because i myself have proven that this business really is a good business but if you will not know the basic tips it will make a spore because there are certain times that our ducks will stop playing eggs and we would like to learn that from our friend bruel we said that balot is really high in demand in the market now how we are going to produce the value before going to harvest you need to understand that you should go through some classes okay we have a process yes for example here in zamboanga city we usually start from ducklings unlike in manila they have reliable sources where they can have the rtl or ready to lay but unfortunately here in sambuanga if you do that it's one reason that it will make you poor yeah i think you also have yeah we're saying that we don't have here reliable stores where to buy the rtl or then maybe to lay ten hence that are at the age of four months or five months they can lay eggs immediately so if we're gonna buy that there is a tendency that a supplier would sell as old ones meaning that those ones that will no longer lay their eggs so it is better to start from ducklings because these ducklings are certified layers after four to five months so you are sure that you are feeding with breeding materials that will really lay eggs rather than buying this from other sources rtl which we don't know if those are really young that haven't used yet because uh you know ducks are productive so from the ducklings we are going to wait four months before they're gonna produce these eggs but i would like to know how it is to raise ducklings from day one to formals because i know that the feedings the feeding of this uh animals are you know different according to its size according to their ages can you share that to our friends so if you start from ducklings from i mean ducklings as in day day old first two weeks you will be giving them booster so there are like five stages you have to undergo before laying eggs number one is two weeks uh you give them booster then after three to four weeks you start giving them the starter layer okay after a month you can give them uh like grower because grower is more affordable compared with the starter after around four or four and a half you can switch them to pre-lay during the six months you can give them the layer that's the time that the ducklings will start laying eggs and you will start also harvesting the eggs every morning yes this is a warning that we are going to give to those aspiring duck farmers if you really are serious about you know engaging this kind of business yes this is lucrative but we have to prepare a big capital if you will just raise a hundred of them you did not have a big capital but if you will go by the thousands then our warning is you prepare a lot of money [Music] actually there are three methods on how to do business with this dog farm number one is what we call pagala pagala means in tagalog like free range duck they just get their food what is available around them so it's very cheap it will not cost you that much number two method would be the hanger type so hunger type is the most expensive one for example just to give you some ideas one building around three thousand heads if you build a hanger type of duck layer it will cost you around 1.2 million for the infrastructure itself the heads will cost around 250 for example you will be spending another 750 000 so most likely you need to prepare around 2 million or 2 plus because you have still to feed them the third method is like combination it's what we call the confined method for example what we have here is the confined method the place is like very spacious they can roam around they can have their water i think it's the most practical for me because since i started with zero knowledge i still need to study those technicalities with this business my friend raul will tell us how much per dog will consume in a day and how many trances of feeding do we give them in order for this ducks to effectively produce eggs in order for your ducks to be productive you need to feed them around 135 grams per day per bird per day yes for them to perform well here in our farm we feed them like three times a day so you are going to divide the 135 yes and that is 45. three portions oh yes so more or less 45 grams per peeding so if you have like 500 ducks in one cage you will multiply that to 45 grams and the total weight of it will be given in the first feeding but he said that 45 grams will be given in in the morning 45 grams will be given in time because it's free three times a day and another 45 grams will be given in the afternoon per dot another question that maybe you will ask is why why are you not giving them one time or the 135 grams will be given only two times actually uh feeding time should be three times a day 45 grams per feeding you should start around six o'clock in the morning yes usually our dogs they eat a lot when the weather is like fresh because during lunch time especially summer the temperature is high they they will not really eat in the evening we should also observe if they finish the 135 grams if not you have to adjust adjust the lightning program lighting program you should at least give them 16 hours of daylight for them to consume the 135 grams and for them to perform well so that's one tip that you should really consider i made this channel very informative and i really asked his help because i wanted you guys my subscribers and followers to learn from our channel every video that we are going to upload we made it sure that you will learn at least one basic tip about all these things the farming of ducks quails and even this fish and even the goats so we are really lucky enough to have my friend and of course i would like to shout out sir benji chong he's not around because he's too busy man his partner in business also and i'm so excited to see eggs and even this incubator how they incubate their eggs and what type of incubator they are using hi guys uh allow me to show you my first building when i started this is the first building we have actually we have like uh four pens here 200 per pen we have the total of like 800 heads here our ethic penis is like on their peak we are harvesting around 640 to 650 per day in a total heads of [Music] 800. [Music] so allow me to share to you for example you're feeding grover pellet to your ducks no if you transition them from grover to layer or prelay you should consider the amount of mixing the feeds first you have to have like 75 percent of your grower than 25 percent uh layer after five days you can add 50 50 so that is 50 percent of global 50 of layer then another five days you can give them 25 grower and 75 percent layer then after another five days you can give them fully uh layer it is very important to consider the transition because abrupt change in feeding can also affect negatively to your ducks [Music] guys you will see the eggs that are produced by the ducks by the layer ducks and the methods that he has employed is very effective with this production of eggs how many eggs do we have here two thousand two thousand one hundred plus yes there's a two thousand one hundred plus eggs that they have collected just for today and it produces eighty percent i think eighty percent roughly 80 so this is a good business actually and this is already a milestone for a duck farm owner producing 80 of eggs out of the breeders the process will start from of course gathering the eggs and then after gathering these eggs what is the next process the next process is to place this egg to the incubator and that's the thing because this incubator plays a very great role in this business because if you have good methods employed in production of the eggs then we also have to have a good incubator in producing this balut or the sticks if we have a bad incubator and that will spoil the whole system so we have to have a very good and effective incubator and that's the thing that we are going to feature you guys because they are also fabricating incubators if you wanted to have your own you can just contact the number below and you can have an arrangement with the secretary of course and maybe he can guide you where to avail the fabrication of the incubator so we will proceed to your incubators i'm really very excited to see how this is going on so this is a massive production of balut and we are privileged enough to be told about the secrets actually these are the secrets that are revealed and this is for you guys our subscribers and our followers guys we are here inside in this incubator room this is a building actually this is a big building and at the back you will see that there are big incubators so i would say that success is a product of hard work the clear example of the success that i am talking about is this man it's been so successful because of hard work of course we will not become victorious or successful if we will just keep on thinking about what we are going to do without you know action so we have to do the plans we have to plan and we have to do these things and make these things possible so i'm so glad that he's willing to share with us these incubators the the specifications of this incubator you will see that it is huge how many eggs can we load in this particular incubators our incomplete or can accommodate or has the capacity of 23 000 eggs more or less why 23 000 because if you use electricity it's more practical to to have lots of loads so that your cost to produce will go down on a business side so this incubator has the hatch ability of around 85 percent this incubator is what we call semi-automatic you have to turn this to move your eggs this should be done like three to four times a day so this is semi-automatic and he said that we have to turn the eggs yes because if we will not then the cheek will just stick to one side and it will cause the death of the cheeks it will not hatch and the main business is actually balut well this balut as what i have said earlier are eggs that are incubated for 18 days so if we are going to send that to the market it's just like selling hotkey because of the law of supply and very high in demand i would like to ask if my friend ruel will also sell chicks because some of our viewers are interested in getting some of these ducklings because they also wanted to start actually i i have seen personally the kind of ducks that he has here in the farm and this is not an ordinary duck this is the ducks that are hybrid and can really produce eggs these are the typical yes just to give some information to those would like to avail our ducklings actually in my experience in my own experience if you go for the chop soy chop soy based on my experience will only give you less than 200 eggs per head per year so the option is the mixed breed yes mixed bread yeah that's what we call here with my materials which is the epic penis luckily i was able to be part of the dost program which is epic for life yes yes they they give me some parent stocks so we could produce quality ducklings so just some information eating peanuts can produce around 250 280 eggs per year per year yes there's so many eggs yes the difference of uh around maximum of 80 eggs per year compared to the other breeds yes compared with the other breeds if you consider the expense will be the same but the performance is way way higher yeah so epic pinas is actually a product of scientific research and they use the mongrel ducks even the skaki kampel ducks to produce this kind of duck that will suit to our environment here in the philippines and the government of the philippines the through the dost or department of science and technology is giving some seminars and also materials for those farmers who are capable of raising ducks and he's one of the recipients and we are glad that he is now able to produce cheeks of this ethic pinas and i would like to repeat that if you would like to unveil the chicks maybe you can just contact the number below we will provide uh that's the number of his secretary and maybe you can make some reservations i don't know but uh if you are encouraged and if you are uh if you are enlightened with this kind of business well of course we have to say that you in this entails a big capital for the housing for the the fields and also for this incubator but this is a good business actually this is one of the incubators we have here just to give you some example it's something like this then it has you you need to date them for you to know how many days can you show the heating element to us actually we have it here as you can see we have six nichromes then three electric ones so the heat will go down then it will surround all the incubators this incubator has its uh what you call compartment so that if you open this this part it will not affect him it will not affect the other compartments as much as possible we do not frequently open our our incubator because it will affect the eggs and one thing more that we have to emphasize is the stun by power well in our place we always experience this power interruption and we locally know this as blackout or brownout and i saw that there is an industrial generator right here standby power that in case of power interruption this will supplement the generator so guys i am really very honored to be here in this prestigious farm shout out to sir benji chong for allowing us to be here the business partner or my good friend ruel polisko and if you wanted to ask for more details about the business well you can avail of the the balut or maybe the chicks you can just contact the number below and i hope guys you are enlightened and i hope you will still continue to follow us we are making this channel very informative we are making this channel also very inspiring because in life we have to be inspired in order to fuel us to do something good and i am so thankful that he testified that he was actually if you will inspired by our channel yes the videos of the ducks that we have uploaded so i'm so glad he's giving us back that is why he allowed us to be here and he generously gave us all the secrets actually all the secrets are already revealed so thank you guys for watching please subscribe if you are not subscribed to this channel we are uploading videos every five days only here at dexter's [Music] there's world heavy load above my [Music] it's back [Music]
Channel: Dexter's World
Views: 167,754
Rating: 4.8738685 out of 5
Id: L8oLeATfgFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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