QUAIL FARMING -Producing and collecting THOUSANDS of eggs everyday

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hey guys it's another beautiful day once again and yura here back at the extras world channel [Music] [Music] well today we are going to talk about quail again and we are so happy that our previous videos have sparked a lot of discussion about how to maintain a quail farm I told you that the secret of success for this farm is really less right kind of food and of course the water with Vitamix now today we are going to witness how we going to harvest again the thousands of eggs that was laid last night take note this eggs have been laid only last night and you will see that there are thousands of eggs down here you will see that this eggs are really fresh from the layers if you will touch some of them they're still warm because this eggs have just been laid few minutes ago you will notice that this layers will start lay eggs at 10 o clock in the morning until 12:00 midnight they are laying eggs after you will feed them their eggs will start to roll down plenty of eggs that are rolling down and you can see this are now the result well of course your kids must be inclined so that the moment they lay eggs the eggs will just roll and it's easy for us to collect [Music] one of the things that we do is to prevent them from being run short of water because if they will run sure the water then of course the feather peaking activity will really offer meaning that they will pick the feathers of each other which will result to baldness of some quills so the water is really that important in also we would like to stress it out that we have to maintain vitamins and I already have shown what vitamins we have used in this farm in the previous video that we have so this is the result of the feather picking this should be prevented but of course you can make it 100% because from time to time they're really fun of picking the feathers of each other but we have to minimize this one by way of providing them with enough food and enough water [Music] so it's feeding time and this is the request I'm gonna feed them now and they are all excited to eat their breakfast now [Music] so they will start eating now and they are so hungry this speech will be consumed at 10 o clock today the next feeding will be this afternoon so you will see them that they are really fat and conditioned well another issue that had been raised by one of our subscribers is that the kids is too small for them too short for this Burdick's well I have to disagree because if we provide them with our high kids the egg production will really not as effective as providing them with a very low kids because if we will mace them in the high cage they will keep on flying they will have so many activities that you will really become familiar if these things occur so this is the reason why we have provided only with short changes [Music] and then he have us next door why are you doing these things I am NOT gaining so much about this but what I am looking at is to help alleviate the malnutrition of our children here in our country because our country has been facing issues about malnutrition and by way of addressing to the problem in my own little way I have decided to just play this quail and sell this to the schoolchildren during school days and they will eat this one they can just buy this at a very low price very affordable and this will now solve the manga Christians of our children the Filipino children [Music] so case these early eggs that we will collect today you will note that one egg has softshell maybe you will ask Dexter what's the reason for this softshell egg this is the result of a stress layer maybe one of the layers had been very stressed to produce an egg with associate by the way I had to make a distinction between this eggs this social is the cause of stress and this egg that has lesser spots compared to this one is the result of immaturity of the Breeders meaning the layer is not that fully matured to lay their eggs but as soon as they get matured they will develop and eggs like this one so this eggs are the eggs that are perfect that is really very healthy and nutritious to it so we will try to eat this one and then he said this contains high cholesterol well you can make a research on this because there are sites also that promotes the eating of this because this contains low cholesterol I don't know but I am eating eggs more than 10 eggs a day and it gives me a healthy condition you can just eat this fresh very delicious egg of clear [Music] in case let me tell you that this quail will lay eggs only up to the age of one year so meaning that after one year we have to start telling them if they are not any more productive we will be forced to call them and to produce myth out of this layer quails sick squeals will weigh 1 kilo and we are producing a lot of meat and we are selling this to the supermarket's and even to the restaurants and that's the business also of whale meat after one year you can already produce the quail meat which is also very nutritious and delicious [Music] so we have collected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1,000 it's yes this eggs are just pressed from the farm and this 1000 eggs are easy to produce and very easy to sell [Music] so guys out of this firm we were able also to generate income for the people because the people on the streets the vendors are coming here and they will buy this one this egg at one peso and 50 centavos they will cook this one and once this is cooked they will sell this at four pieces each so you will imagine that its end they will earn two pesos and 50 centavos and if they can sell 100 pieces they are expected to earn 250 pesos for 100 eggs and that's pretty enough to buy for their basic needs I am always thankful to you guys to our followers and viewers and if you are new to our channel I'd like to have the asked you to please subscribe and hit that notification barrel so that you will be notified of our upcoming videos very informative videos only here at textures world [Music]
Channel: Dexter's World
Views: 11,060,517
Rating: 4.6310201 out of 5
Keywords: Dexters World, Betta fish, Guppy, fish, Guppy breeding, Betta, breeding, Food, First, food, Turtle, Rescue, Thousands, Saving, Quail farming, How to start quail farm, quail farm, largest quail farm in the philippines, cost to start quail farm, ideal area for quail farm, quail farm basic information, quail best tips, quail methods and caring, how breed quails, how to care quails, quaileggs, quail foods, quail best vitamins, modern method, caring quials
Id: bkG3JHKfj1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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