How to make $2,000 a month with 25 ducks!

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take a look at my rain gauge here's this bucket wow that is a lot of rain in just one day it was at a couple inches the problem is is it flooded this place big time you know i'll be doing tonight is emptying out all these puddles wow there's the bottle baby [Applause] that baby's pretty funny [Laughter] check out these ducks they're like do we want the grain or do we want to go out these crazy ducks they just want to get out and eat some grass i thought i thought it was interesting that my uh my males have really completely so the males have the blackheads and they have completely changed colors they used to be like a solid brown another have a lot of white in them which is really interesting so uh so i don't know if you caught kind of my inside joke on the last video so at the very end i kind of threw out i said yeah my name's uncle chewie well that was kind of a inside joke so so i actually have some kids that are all grown up and they're not really kids anymore but that was kind of my nickname in certain circles and uh look at this gate here and uh so anyway i want to feed this little baby this little baby calf over here through this whole maze of big old cows there big old bulls little calves and over here this little baby my little baby snowflake he's my little bottle calf and i'm gonna give him a bottle so i thought today for today's video i thought chewie could tell you all about how to make money with ducks and not just a little bit of money you can make a lot of money with ducks believe it or not so i actually look at this guy he's so friendly yeah that's so friendly so i actually started with chickens and uh this is one of my first animals and i started started uh selling the eggs for you try to compete with the supermarkets and you're selling them for like a dollar a dozen and there's no way you can compete with with the supermarkets i mean at a dollar dozen you're losing money i guarantee it the only way you can come out ahead is if you had like 10 000 chickens and you have to raise like leg horns that are really small chicken and they don't eat very much and then if you really monitor your food intake you could barely skim out a profit and then if you had like 10 000 chickens you could probably do pretty good but i'm not really into big chicken houses so then what i did is i started hatching chickens in an incubator and that was pretty good so i was hatching almost all the eggs they would lay and i was thinking i was making a little more of them breaking even but not a whole lot and then i got into ducks and uh it kind of hit me that you can make a lot of money with ducks and there's different ways you can some people you know they'll they'll get ducks and they'll sell the eggs and if you sell the eggs for eating um you could probably get i'd say you could probably get you know most people get like six dollars a dozen for duck eggs which is you know a little bit better i think you can make some money at six dollars a dozen and then i discovered hatching eggs and hatching eggs is where the money is at let me tell you so i actually sell my eggs for 36 a dozen believe it or not so when i'm walking around here picking up eggs it's like i'm picking up you know two or three dollars at a time for every egg it's pretty incredible and these guys uh when i first started getting into ducks these guys actually lay all over the place so they'll lay like one over here and then back over here i have a little corner so i have a little handful of little handful eggs and these are actually khaki campbell's and they lay more eggs than any bird on the planet the only one that really comes close maybe is the leg horn chicken and it's one of the reasons i got them and it's actually how i promote the eggs too oh i almost need two hands for this you want to crack one of these beauties and hatching eggs you really have to you really have to get them and sell them fast because there the fertility stays up for about seven days and after that it really goes down so i have some a little spot back here that they like to lay in i got all these little spots i'm looking all over for eggs all the time they like to play in these little spots here and there and all over and then sometimes they look like this little spot right here sometimes they lay in here but a lot of the times what will happen i'm not really a die hard chicken egg guy or duck egg guy like i was before but you know if i was really into it i'd probably pin them up and keep the birds away but they like to lay out where i keep all the cow manure out here and the crows get them if you notice like in the tops of the trees all the crows will be just hanging out just watching waiting for an egg at first i thought i was like you know these crows they kind of like watching me it's it's kind of like i have an audience and i've come to find out they're actually flying away with all the duck eggs so and uh so i actually just sold some duck eggs yesterday and uh you actually box them up and ship them out to the post office which is pretty cool and i'll show you how i do that okay no video would be complete without a puppy update 16 days old these guys are great yeah 16 days 16 days of cuteness yeah and [Applause] and they are starting to get into the dry food i think technically i'm supposed to feed them soft food first now we have a little growl on here a little growler oh a little growler huh yeah and somewhere we have a little whiner somewhere a little cryer and then we have all the other ones just laying back so cute oh they're so cute so i got to keep you guys up to date on those puppies because you know in five weeks they'll be sold and gone so gotta keep you up to date all right so back to the duck egg so what i do from here i know it's kind of dark in here it's getting kind of late but i put them in this little uh it's actually a um this is a this is actually a rupture pro 6000 so it's actually an egg incubator but it's really it's really cool unit you can actually heat and cool and hatching eggs should be like 65 and what i do twice a day is i just go through and and turn them the opposite way and you're actually supposed to put them in with a point down so it's the air pocket is at the top and basically i just keep them in there until i'm ready to sell them so i actually have um a few ads on ebay and i'm basically selling hatching eggs in all different quantities and this time i sold a quantity of 10. so normally what i do so for hatching eggs what you really want to do is you want to find your best average size eggs so for example these small eggs here i would not sell these as hatching eggs and the real big ones probably not these are really huge you can't even close the the top so i would say nine i would say probably these ten are the best bet and then i kind of look go through and look if they're really really dirty um i i don't even these look really clean but if they're really dirty i don't use them hatching eggs as a matter of fact i don't even use them for for eating i just kind of throw them away so these are basically just the raw dirty eggs and and some people say don't wash the eggs but i actually wash them and uh what i use i can show you real quick is i actually use a solution of iodine so it's like a liquid iodine and uh i definitely need to go by the sink i didn't realize this was leaking or was spilled in there so let me go up to the sink and i'll continue okay so i'm here at the sink i put some water in here and i'd say um what i like to do is i'd like to keep it kind of uh like a lukewarm water you don't want it too cold and you don't want too hot because if it's too cold or too hot it'll actually um make the suck the the water into the egg or push push it out of the egg so you kind of want about the same temperature of the egg i guess and what i do is i use this povidone iodine that i buy from the feed store and it's kind of like just a general antiseptic so if you have animals with a cut or with surgery or anything this is this is what you put on them it doesn't sting it doesn't really hurt them at all and it's it really works good for a disinfectant so basically what i do is i just take one of these green uh it's like a scotch brite pad and i just kind of you really have to scrub duck eggs and a duck egg has a really tough shell what i do is i give it a really good scrub and i actually had an incubator once before and i i kind of tested a whole bunch of eggs scrubbed down with the iodine and right out of the duct not scrubbed and uh it was almost the exact same hatch rate there was basically no difference then i just give it a quick rinse with water and put it on a towel and continue through the rest of the eggs okay now that you have the clean eggs um what you want to do is candle them so i use my little flashlight and uh let's see if we can see uh might be kind of hard to see on the camera but i basically look for cracks i don't know how well you can see that but uh the crack is pretty obvious and you definitely want to candle them so so the eggs are perfectly sterile on the inside until there's a crack when there's a crack it basically breaks that sterile barrier and uh and basically that's not even good for eating once it cracks unless you're cracking it in the pan to eat but uh these all look really good so far and sometimes there's like a little line and see if there's a line this way you can kind of push on it like this put a little pressure and sometimes it's it's just in the egg as a natural part of the egg but if it's a crack you'll actually when you press on it you'll actually see it open up a little bit wow this one is really white that one's interesting so yeah these all look real good okay so here's my setup for shipping so i actually get these uh priority mail flat rate boxes they're actually free believe it or not i can go to the and you can get whole cartons of these i get like tons and tons of them by the huge box fulls and they just send them for free and uh oh yeah we'll tip this one up while i'm working so so basically it's 18 to ship and you can you can actually you can hold up to 70 pounds that's actually a little off let's see if i can do a better job all right so that's basically it for the box now what i'd like to do is uh use i use shredded paper i have a paper shredder in the basement and uh fill it about halfway and then put the eggs on top and i'll show you how i do that i actually have a special wrap for the eggs and and on ebay it's fantastic so on ebay you can go and you can purchase the postage and you get a discount on the postage if you buy it through ebay and you can print out the postage label and what i do is i print out uh care and incubation of hatching eggs is something i found on the internet and it tells you all about you know the different birds and how many days and what temperature and when to turn them and when not to turn them and uh it looks like i think i think it's just professional to have you know some kind of hatching instructions in there so if you get someone who's buying the eggs and they don't really know anything they can kind of use this as a guide which i think is really nice [Applause] and then i also they also have these stickers that you can put on the box with the perishable uh fragile live embryos and what i do i actually just get found these and then i just print them out with a printer and then i cut them out with the scissors and then just tape them to the box it's it's pretty easy okay so the biggest thing that i want to show you is how i wrap these eggs i've tried so many different ways to ship eggs and i had a lot a lot a lot of broken eggs and i found this is the best way so basically i buy this bubble wrap and uh like uh staples i think i buy it there so what i do is i just wrap the egg until it's a little more than a full wrap then i'll cut it and then i'll just flip it in half and cut it the other way and that's good enough for two eggs and then what i do is i just take the half you can see that and then i'll wrap it and then i'll just use a little scotch tape get it off here and i'll tape it this way and this way this way and then what i'll do is i'll put it just right in the box and the shredded paper okay so i finished all the eggs and what i do is i just kind of bunch them in the middle and i try to keep them away from the sides and now i'll just top it off with some shredded newspaper okay so i have all the packing material in there that i put in the hatching instructions i also put in a packing list and uh this guy actually his total was 31 and 50 cents for 10 eggs pretty incredible and at one point i actually had about 25 ducks believe it or not and i was bringing in about 2 000 a month in duck eggs i was like bringing like three of these boxes to the post office every day and i kind of have this little kind of a tag line that i use on ebay so i actually sell these instead of campbell ducks i sell them as extreme egg laying ducks lays more eggs than any bird 10 hatching eggs which they are you know khaki campbell's are one of the best layers out there so and from here what i do is basically uh just tape it up and then attach all the labels so for the labels on top usually what i do is uh some of these i say for the side but i try to kind of stagger them one way and another way and different labels let's see kind of like that maybe another one over here so i don't know i just have certain labels for the sides and then these other labels for the top and i try to angle them so you can see them from if you're looking that way or this way and i just kind of lay them all out and then oh that's loud just tape them all on all at once and then for the sides i usually put one per side right there all right so that's it i have the labels on each side labels on the top it's pretty painless this one's actually going to north carolina and believe it or not the furthest one i've ever shipped was all the way to hawaii which is pretty incredible but uh you can ship them anywhere for the same price and the customer always pays for the shipping so um so you figure you know you know khaki campbells i'd say um they're not really hot like they used to be so it used to be i could i would sell every single egg that i would hatch and i had two dozen ducks and it was incredible and now with a dozen i'd say i'd sell maybe 20 maybe it's enough to pay for the ducks and the duck food and and maybe help pay for some of the cows but um it's not like it was and you can actually and there's actually um if you go on ebay and look for hatching eggs you can see all the different ones i mean peacock eggs sell for like 50 an egg but they don't lay a whole lot of eggs so you kind of have to to catch the right bird at the right time so that's pretty much all i have and that's how i make money on my ducks thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
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Views: 862,294
Rating: 4.437191 out of 5
Keywords: making money with ducks, khaki campbell, hatching eggs, chris hardwick reptiles, chris hardwick animal adventures
Id: QzLHoLu5VyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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