Drywall Taping for Beginners Guaranteed Professional Results

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okay so the next thing I want to show you is something called a staggered joint and what's a joint well a joint is two pieces of drywall coming together and let me show you what a staggered joint is so what we have here is we have two pieces of drywall coming together that's forming our joint but you never want to have a joint and then a joint right below it so you want to have a joint up against a solid piece of drywall and that's what we have here now this down here that's just a pencil mark it's not a joint at all okay because I you know I marked this stud so we could screw in this here is an actual joint of two pieces of drywall coming together so why do you stagger the joint it has a lot to do with the settling of a house maybe you'll get cracks in that joint and then that way the crack does not go from the ceiling to the floor okay now we're going to start the taping process and these are the things that you're going to need you're going to need a mud pan you're going to need paper tape or you're going to need the mesh tape I recommend that you use the paper tape you're going to need all-purpose joint compound or a hot mix it's going to be really a personal decision that you make you have to decide what you're going to feel comfortable working with I'm going to show you how to mix a hot mix and how to apply it but you have to remember that a hot mix it sets up because there's a chemical reaction where an all-purpose joint compounds such as this well it's air dried that's what controls the drying process the air so you got a lot more time you also want to have tools of varying size okay or varying widths because when you lay down the tape you're going to have to expand the area that you're covering with each coat and it's going to take a minimum three coats so I'm going to add water I'm going to make a hot mix and the water you use you want to use a cool water such as this and then I'm going to add the dry mix to it always want to add your dry joint compound okay to the water not the other way around the reason for that is you want the water to absorb the material you're going to get a nice creamy mix but if you do it the other way around where you add the water to the dry drink compound is going to be lumpy not consistent you have a very difficult time taping so I've got it mixed up took me about a minute okay and the one mistake I think that a lot of people make is they add too much water it doesn't take a lot of water okay and you want the consistency to look like thick icing that's what you're looking for that's what you want to aim for so now we're ready to tape so I'm going to show you how to put on the mesh tape but we're going to be taping with paper tape but I want to show you the process so you play your tape down right on the seam okay and now you just follow it follow it down so this is what you want to be aiming for the good thing about the mesh tape is it adheres to the surface and makes mudding a lot simpler in terms of coats because with paper tape we're going to have to do a betting coat with mesh tape you don't need to do that okay so it's time to start mudding and I'm going to lay what's called a bedding coat for my paper tape I want to take some mud and just put it on the joint putting it on the joint you just basically want to lay it up there and I like to go sideways because if I go in this fashion it's going to put too much mud on but if I go to the side it's going to put on less okay put have to lay it down just a little bit now right just going to lay it down okay so that's my bedding coat I've got my paper tape here and I'm just going to lay down in that scene start in the corner I'm going to go across I've got my tape over the joint now I'm going to lay it down and embed it in the mud and so what you do is you just take your tool and bring it across okay so we're going to take the broader tool I'm going to lay a little pressure on the back of the blade and just now a nice clean smooth consistent pressure all the way across the scene now here's the next thing okay so that's our first coat there's going to be a couple more but now we have to get these screw a heads it just takes a little bit of mud that's it but you have to make certain that the screw head is counter saw hear that sound clinker so it's coming out to the too far that's going to interfere with a good drywall job so in that case you take a screwdriver and you just screw it in a little bit so it's buried in the paper a little bit okay mixed my second coat of mud and when you mix up the second batch you want it to be just a little bit looser is okay so the first coat is dry I want to just knock down a little bit of the high spots that's what I'm doing here it's going to run my knife across lightly just to get any kind of dry material that might wind up in the second coat of mud you don't want that in coarse mud is joint compound because you don't want a dry material to uh to etch the new joint compound so I've loaded up my knife with joint compound I'm going to start laying it down and ideally what I want is I want the second coat to go beyond the first coat so I'm just going to get it up there first I'm going to come back over it as soon as I get it up and smooth it out okay so I've got my mud in place now I'm going to lay it down and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my knife and I'm going to apply just a little bit of pressure to the back of the blade as I bring it across now you're going to need to just clean up the edges just a little bit that's what I'm doing I had a little bit of joint compound grip just going to clean that edge off and then when it comes time to put my third coat on it's going to go on a lot better okay so it's time to put the second coat on the screw holes and you just want to again it's the smooth coat not much it doesn't take much so what we have here is the dreaded butt joint okay and what that is is it's where two pieces of drywall come together and it's not a tapered edge when you hang drywall most of the time you're mudding or putting drink compound on a tapered edge these are really tricky and here you want to use paper tape okay so the technique is take a little bit off your knife just about that amount and you want to apply it sideways come on down like so that's it then you want to give it a little bit more mud come on down now it is this once-over now we're going to apply the paper tape okay so this is paper tape and I want to show you how to cut it just a quick way just a little quick trick lay your blade right on the paper tape and you're going to use that as an edge I mean really dig into the wall a bit and then just pull your tape across okay so just lay the paper tape right on that joint and you're going to want to lay the paper down in this case folks less is more less joint compound the better off you'll be and that's all you want that's a good first coat for a butt joint okay so this is set up and then knock it down a little bit it's time for our second coat on our butt joint just run the your your life over get any dry pieces off clean off your tool a little bit and now we're going to put the second coat on and again our second coats got to come out beyond beyond the first coat so let's just get the mud up there so what I did was I put a lot of joint compound on and did you notice how I had it like I cleaned it off and that's what you want to do you want to clean off the excess I'll just do the once-over that's it now for a final coat I'm going to use an all-purpose joint compound you don't have to go with the all-purpose joint account how to actually go with a topping compound you could just continue to mix dry joint compound use a material you feel comfortable with but I want to show you how nicely the all-purpose joint compound will lay down before you scoop it out of the pail you'll want to mix it take a mixing wand stir up the material you'll be glad you did here's the thing you can use this for all three coats but because it's air dried it takes a lot of time between coats and if you've got a big job it's no big deal you might want to go with this but if you've got a small job and you just want to get it done you probably want to use a hot mix I'm putting um an all-purpose joint compound on as our third and final coat because I want to show you how easy it is to use now the trick with laying the final coat on is you want to lay on as little as possible it's not going to take a whole lot just trying to get some of the imperfections out and you want to make certain that you span over the second coat now you may want to run your knife over the joint just make certain that there's no dry particles because what will happen is you'll get little tracks in the fresh Joe compound so that's what you want to do and now it's time to lay on the final coat I'm taking my blade and I'm just going to run it across and you can apply some pressure not a whole lot you just want to get the excess mud off the thing is you're not putting it on too heavy putting it on white you're just trying to get the imperfections out and and let the sandpaper do its job so I'm giving my screw holes those heads the final coat so you learned how to take drywall today and you learn the first coat second coat third coat you'll learn how to apply the mesh tape and the paper tape you learn how to do those dreaded butt joints this is Leah saying you can do this see you next time you
Channel: seejanedrill
Views: 1,251,689
Rating: 4.834147 out of 5
Keywords: Beginner, Technique, Power Tools, Tools Operation, Tutorial, drywall, Home Repair, Techniques, how-to, Diy, install drywall, tape drywall, joint compound, drywall tips, drywall techniques, beginner drywall, beginning drywall, do it yourself, cut drywall, hang drywall, drywall knife, drywall tricks, diy drywall, drywall tools, butt joint, drywall joint, drywall screws, drywall help, how to drywall, beginner guide, drywall guide, drywall instructions, drywall tutorial
Id: omZb0HoXLHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2013
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