How to repair a hole in drywall (california patch)

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today I'm gonna teach you how to do a California patch because I got a hole in the wall so here's the hole first thing I got to do is cut it out square just needs to be not a circle one step two you need a square of drywall that is close to the same side so in this case this is a little bit bigger than I need so what I'm gonna do is hold it up here so that I have about an inch and a half here fun ninja nap here I can cut it down a bit I could use this piece just as it is but I want to show you the steps I use see how this way so that's quite a bit too big okay but an inch and a half inch and a half bath so this is just a quick way to do a patch in the wall very effective - okay so there we are the next step flip it upside down now what you're gonna do and I do this without a tape measure without anything I'm just gonna eyeball these lines right here and I'm gonna go not on the lines and I'm gonna go a quarter inch in doesn't have to be quite that much it could be an eighth of an inch in but you don't want to have to recut this whole thing so you're better to go a little more next what you're going to do is break it so from the bath and very gently peel this off being very careful to not tear it off the front of the board you don't want to tear too far here next I hold it up like this and I do the same thing through the top and bottom a little bit in I go roughly a quarter inch 3/16 7/32 I don't know do whatever works then you break this off next test it wonderful so the next part is very important first I'm gonna put a bunch of mud here when some people do this this is the only step they do I go an extra step to make sure that this doesn't fail because if you don't do this properly you get blisters nobody wants blisters so here is the extra step that I do I take the patch on the backside of it and I wipe mud in the corners because where you get a blister is in this little gap where there's no mud so instead of trying to make it too tight which you'll never get what I do is I know that I'm gonna make it a little bit big and I fill this part with mud and that way there can never be a blister there and it also makes the joint way stronger because you're gluing the sides of the patch together so there we have it my mucky little California patch next I'm gonna take my patch I'm just gonna plug that in there and I'm just gonna kind of poke down on the corners and try it you don't want to push it too far in so I'm flushing it up with the existing wall by pushing on the corners and now I'm going to start gently removing all this excess mud being sure to actually leave some under if you take out all the mud you take down the glute it's actually tearing wrinkles all nice and flat so one could leave it at this stage now I'm gonna push to make sure that it's where it's supposed to be it's good good nice and flat now one could leave it and come back and do another coat now I'm a bit of a cowboy and I'm gonna go get a bigger knife and put another coat on it right now because I've done this a lot and I know what I can get away with there you have a California patch I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna sand that when it's dry it's still gonna take two or three days for that to dry I'm gonna come back I'm gonna sand it and I'm gonna put one more coat over top of it and that is going to be a strong effective and quick patch so there was no backing no screws nothing just when you're a professional taper you're not running around with screws and wood and all these things what you've got is you've got a knife maybe a chunk of drywall and some mud so you got to make do with what you have and this patch works so I hope you found that useful I hope you can do some awesome California patches this is from a guy who's done a thousand of these and this is my fast effective method for a California patch I hope it works thanks for watching
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 2,941,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, repair, hole, patch, california, wall, easy, easiest, way, how to, DIY, fix
Id: 17awCvAA7Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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