Dry Water - The STRANGEST LIQUID On Earth!

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[Music] hello everyone in this video i want to show you a very unusual substance which is often called dry water the reason why i didn't show this video earlier is because nowadays it's quite challenging to buy this substance that is why i managed to buy 2 liters of this liquid only through my acquaintances besides being so hard to get this substance is also quite expensive at a liter bottle cost me 120 dollars in reality this so-called dry water also has a more scientific name which is novak this fluid has created by the 3m company in the 1990s as a refrigerant to substitute for ions which depletes the ozone layer molecules of this fluid are similar to ethyl isopropyl ketone where all 12 atoms of hydrogen are substituted by fluorine atoms as a result of such a substitution reaction properties of the neochemical turn out to be nothing like what people had known before today there exist several types of fluids bearing the name novak with different boiling points and densities i have got in the bottle novak 449 as soon as i took this bottle with my hand i immediately felt how heavy it was the density of dry water is about 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter that is why two liters of such fluid can be used as a dumbbell when pouring it into an evaporation bowl i immediately noticed an unusual sound when the fluid was being poured because of its extremely low viscosity which is two times smaller than that of water it pours even better than alcohol that is why wetability of this fluid differs greatly from that of regular water and this can be demonstrated with an experiment if we submerge one napkin in dry water and another one in regular water we'll see that the napkin submerged in regular water quickly becomes soggy and the one submerged in dry water doesn't get soggy at all excess liquid drips out leaving thin fibers and damaged that is why this fluid was called dry water because it seems not to wet anything also in reality it just easily and unabstractibly drips out of the napkins small pores besides the boiling temperature of this liquid is just 49 degrees celsius which is why you can easily dip your hand into this boiling fluid and not get burnt also after running the experiments i noticed that the dry water was evaporating off my fingers almost immediately when i was just dripping this fluid onto the palm of my hand it disappeared in seconds not leaving any traces on my hand this is yet another personality of dry water which is the extreme volatility of this substance besides of having this property dry water disappears extremely quickly even if you spill it on the table in half a minute there will be no trace left if we take regular water and dry water and compare how quickly they evaporate we'll see that the dry water instantly evaporated of my left finger where is the other finger is still wet if i cover boiling dry water with a glass filled with ice water we'll see how much vapor leaves the boiling fluid and condenses on the bottom of the cool glass if i hadn't covered the boiling dry water about 300 milliliters of this fluid would have evaporated in about 10 minutes not only does the water quickly evaporate but it also doesn't have a smell however it is not advisable to inhale its vapor when exposed to the ultraviolet light and moisture in the ear this fluid can split into hydrogen fluoride and other unpleasant chemicals the released vapor of dry water is extremely heavy and easily fills up the vessel i'm wondering if this substance will burn as we can see it hasn't that's not surprising as the fluorination level is very high that is why carbon atoms in the molecules of dry water cannot be oxidized and it's hard to make this fluid react with other substances if we compare a regular water with dry water we can see how vapor of regular water almost doesn't affect the flame in contrast to the later vapor besides because dry water molecules are quite heavy its vapor weights several times the weight of air even the smoke coming from the blown out match flows above the vapor creating a real cloud it looks very beautiful [Music] [Music] if you pour out the heavy vapor of dry water from the glass onto the burning candles they'll immediately blow out because oxygen will be pushed away from the candle flame if we just pour this fluid into the middle of burning candles nothing will change because the releasing vapor is so heavy that it immediately starts flowing down from the table not reaching the top of even such small candles because vapor of this fluid is so heavy and inert nowadays dry water is frequently used for extinguishing fire in offices and especially in data centers because dry water instantly evaporates and easily pushes oxygen out of the room preventing fire from spreading when dry water evaporates it actively absorbs the heat around it speeding up the extinguishing process besides having a lower activity fluidity and volatility dry water also almost completely doesn't react with any other chemicals for example if you write something onto two sheets of papers with a marker pen and submerge one in regular water and the other one in dry water will clearly see a difference regular water easily dissolves the marker pan dye whereas the dry water doesn't affect the dye the same happens to a tea bag which doesn't breathe in boiling dry water this fluid cannot dissolve the agents contained in a small ground tea leaves in regular water however tea breeds very quickly if we try to mix regular water with dry water we don't manage to do that because they can hardly dissolve each other we can easily dye the top layer with food coloring whereas the bottom layer just won't get dyed because dry water is one of the worst solvent however after steering for a long time i managed a slightly dicey dry water layer with food coloring it's very easy to separate these two layers with the help of a syringe and small wastages of regular water can be mopped by cotton pad because of its extreme fluidity dry water just drip back whereas regular water stays trapped in between cotton pad fibers dry water doesn't mix with regular water but will it mix with alcohol i'm pouring some alcohol into the colored dry water and stirring the two liquids at first they seemed to get mixed but then they separated and seemed to swap their places in reality through since alcohol dissolves food coloring much better than dry water die from the bottom layer floated to the top layer creating such an interesting effect since dry water is a bad solvent it doesn't react with other materials either for instance it doesn't react with rubber for my next experiment i inflated two balloons and after that i dropped some dry water on one of them as we can see nothing is happening what will happen if i pour some white spirit on the other balloon it immediately bursts because white spirit dissolves a rubber very well whereas dry water doesn't react with it for my last experiment i decided to see what will happen to a smartphone if i submerge it in this liquid it's an old nexus 5 which is not water resistant as you can see when i pour dry water into the glass with a smartphone almost nothing is happening the smartphone continues to work well because dry water is an excellent dielectric which doesn't short-circuit the contacts of the circuit board inside the smartphone after taking a bath in such dry water a lot of liquid ran into the smartphone and in some time there began to appear some dark spots on the screen probably the dry water got into the screen slightly having changed the polarization of light however a couple of days later the screen was back to normal apparently all the dry water evaporated and the screen started working normally again it was also interesting for me to check how effectively dry water can call off computer processor to test that i assembled such a testing setup i am using my old i3 as a processor here first i measure the temperature of the processor with quite a powerful radiator and regular thermal grease on average the temperature of the processor reached up to 50 degrees celsius now for submerging this setup into dry water i have glued one more wall into the aquarium in order to decrease volume of the tasting vessel because i just have two liters of dry water after placing the motherboard into such a diy compartment i wired everything and it was time to fill the compartment with dry water in a short while i filled the compartment with two liters of this unique liquid when i turned out the computer submerged into the compartment i was surprised to see it all work like a charm bubbles started coming out of the processor because the dry water was boiling around the heat spreader block to check the effectiveness of cooling with dry water i ran a 50 minute stress test at first the temperature of the liquid inside the aquarium was about 30 degrees celsius as the test progressed the processor heated up more and boiling slightly intensified it was quite interesting to be held beside the processor other computer parts also cooled off in the dry water for instance such as ram memory and some transistors after the test the temperature settled at 75 degrees celsius which points to the fact that the efficiency of my setup is quite low that is not surprising as my experimental setup is not equipped nor with a capacitor neither with a heat exchanger however this setup is fitting for demonstration you can even watch a youtube videos which such as it up nowadays equipment used for complex calculations is sometimes submerged in dry water for cooling off because this fluid is almost the best refrigerant and one of the safest ones for electronics towards the end of my experiments the temperature of the dry water in the aquarium settled at 43 degrees celsius because excess heat was escaping through the glass walls after all the experiments i also decided to check if dry water can be carbonated like regular water it turns out it can't carbon dioxide from my seafoam dissolves well in dry water so we can make real dry carbonated water in a few seconds unfortunately we cannot drink it however if you consider dry water as fluorocarbon regular oxygen can also actively dissolve in it in theory such an oxygen enriched liquid can be used for liquid breathing just like in the film the abyss by james cameron basically nowadays dry water is mainly used for extinguishing fire in data centers with expensive equipment this liquid is still too expensive to be used for cooling of computers commercially although the chinese manufacturers are beginning to produce this same liquid several times cheaper that is why commercial use of this liquid for cooling off may be cost efficient in future so i think that video was useful for you and if you like it don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and also support channel on patreon link in the video description you
Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Views: 1,018,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dry water, strange liquid, unusual liquid, liquid fluidity, strange properties, water properties, solvent, inert chemical, experiments with dry water, novec, carbonated dry water, strange water, fluoridation, molecule, organic chemistry, cooling by submerging, chemistry video, experiments, 3m, Thoisoi
Id: cR4Mutf1kQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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