This SUPERACID Will Dissolve Anything!

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hi everyone do you also like pickled cucumbers most frequently it is a regular acetic acid that is used to give pickled vegetables a sore taste and to preserve them which from a chemical point to you is considered to be quite weak and safe to use but what strong acids are there and what are super acids let us find out when i started at school during chemistry classes we were given only diluted hydrochloric and sulfuric acids to work with and usually for safety reasons acid concentration didn't exceed it 10 even if you accidentally spill such an acid on your hand and quickly rinse your hand with water nothing bad will happen to you except slightly dry skin later in the university i worked with more serious chemicals for instance iron experiments with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acis which were used during our lab works for obtaining ethers synthesizing neutrophils and other substances it can be said that out of these aces concentrated sulfuric acid is the most acidic because even when it's spilled on latex or nitrile gloves it leaves marks and if you drip such an acid on your skin you may end up getting a chemical burn there are several scales of determining acidity in chemistry as well known to many ph scale specifying acidity of a solution usually it is used in analytical chemistry to adjust ph in solutions by the way ph is also used to determine acidity of pickled cucumbers however to determine acidity of concentrated aces without water admixture ph scale isn't suitable that is why a more advanced and precise acidity scale was created called hermit acidity scale showing potency of an ac to give its proton to another chemical or to put it simply how caustic and as it is 100 sulfuric acid is a starting point of this scale having the value of 12. basically this acid is quite caustic and can erode some natural polymers for instance a piece of cellulose napkin besides if you pour sulfuric acid over sugar the acid will start dissolving it that is breaking down molecules of sucrose into simpler compounds towards the end of the reaction the mixture heats up because sulfuric acid starts rubbing the remaining molecules of water and creating something like formic carbon along with obtained origin the content of which is similar to that of human polymer [Music] by the way human is one of the main components of soil that is why roughly speaking it can be said that sulfuric acid can be used to turn sugar into soil still concentrated sulfuric acid isn't the strongest in the world and there exist much more acidic chemicals however it's quite hard to get them that is why i had to order such chemicals from special retailers of rare regions and their prices are pretty high the first chemical i got was chlorosulfonic acid which is 100 times more acidic than 100 sulfuric acid and can be classified as super acid the chemical composition of chlorosulfonic acid is very similar to that of sulfuric acid the only difference is that in the more acoustic chemical one atom of oxygen and hydrogen are substituted for one atom of chlorine at the same time properties of the obtained chemical are far more interesting this acid is shipped in special silting cans resembling preserving tin cans such as thick packaging is used for a reason because this chemical is highly dangerous basically the only thing making this ac different is just when atom because of substitution of just one item the obtained chalora sulfuric acid began releasing smoke in the ear creating an aerosol from hydrochloric and sulfuric acids i think it goes without saying that inhaling such vapors is extremely dangerous that is why i work only in a mask and under a film hood besides i wore two pairs of gloves but why you may wonder look at what happens if i spill some of this acid on regular gloves you can say goodbye to your hands because fluorosulfuric acid burns through gloves in more seconds leaving only carbon and some reason what will happen if someone decides to work with this acid without gloves to demonstrate that i'm dripping this chemical on a chicken leg which in this experiment serves as human skin as we can see your hand hardly stands any chance of withstanding chlorosulfuric acid because this chemical protonates all the molecules it encounters turning everything into a mesh of countless fragments of fat carbohydrates and protein molecule [Music] residue [Music] besides animal tissues plant tissues also don't stand any chance of withstanding this acid this can be seen when a sled of apple reacts with chlorosulfuric acid and completely changes its appearance if you spill this acid and try to mop it with a regular sponge here is what will happen to it however no matter how strong chloro sulfuric acid is it doesn't react the same way with all materials for instance if we drip this chemical on a napkin the napkin will only grow slightly darker but there will be no holes or damage done to it the same happens to sugar when the acid is added the sugar only boils releasing a lot of acidic vapor it doesn't seem like this acid is 100 times stronger than sulfuric acid does it change will be more drastic if i spray sugar with hydrogen monoxide the sugar immediately starts sharing and growing black the napkin reacts the same way to such a change what is actually happening the thing is the hydrogen monoxide is just another name of regular water most probably as soon as i sprayed sugar soaked in chlorosulfuric acid with water a lot of heat began to be released and the acid itself began reacting with water which is why the reaction intensified and everything began to char quicker and turn into raisin fluorosulfuric acid doesn't like to contact with water that is why as soon as i add this chemical to water there forms a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric and sulfuric acid in the solution maybe this is the reason why some foods such as puffcorn simply grow slightly darker when reacting with pure chlorosulfuric acid but as soon as i add a few drops of water the puff corn immediately starts dissolving i'm wondering how this acid might react with metals to test that i dripped some chlorosulfuric acid on the aluminum cap and waited a bit strangely enough there wasn't any reaction should i use a more active metal like magnesium instead it doesn't work either most probably metals don't react with such a strong and concentrated acid because they form a firm film on their surface preventing them from erecting any further however as soon as i add a drop of water onto this mixture the metal actively begins reacting with the mixture because the oxide film on each surface is being dissolved towards the end of the experiment i decided to see how this strong acid will react with one of the strongest bases which is cesium hydroxide this chemical is an extremely caustic alkali capable of burning even through a glass as we can see the reaction with this chemical happens in tenths of a second and most of the acid evaporation now let us up the end and test an even more caustic chemical for my next experiments i'm using a very expensive acid which is 100 000 times stronger than sulfuric acid that is fluorosulfuric acid the only difference between it and the previous chlorosulfuric acid is that chlorine in its composition is substituted for fluorine thus making the end product more caustic because of its incredible ability to protonate practically anything and even burn through glass this acid is stored in special fluorinated plastic bottles which can withstand practically any chemical properties of this plastic are similar to zeus or well-known teflon which practically doesn't react with any chemical when exposed to the air fluorosulfuric acid fumes even more than the previous one and i'm even getting scared still i decided to continue running tests with this chemical and check what will happen to regular glass if i drip some super acid on it because of the gradual breaking down of fluorosulfuric acid in the moist ear the exit fume blocked the view and i left the glass for seat for 10 minutes when the time was passed it became apparent that there were rather small white stains on the glass which indicates that this acid can burn even for glass by the way a ceramic tire also got damaged by the acoustic films of fluorosulfuric acid not to mention pitiful gloves which dissolve in this acid in mere seconds the same happens to a napkin and to sugar too [Music] [Music] a dish sponge also can't withstand even several drops of this caustic acid seems like any organic material breaks apart when reacting with a super strong fluorosulfuric acid if it gets on your skin such an acid can do some serious damage as we can see due to this acid animal tissues immediately start changing its color and breaking down into its constituents in comparison the weaker asset formed more but it seemed to do less harm plant tissues also get broken down in seconds i even managed to dissolve a small slice of apple in a few seconds i also decided to check if a regular candle dissolves in such a strong ace to do that i dripped some of this chemical on the melted paraffin wax and waited a bit seems like it is not reacting evidently this acid isn't as strong as the so-called magic acid which as some say can even melt paraffin wax does this super acid reacts more intensely with metals not really pure floral sulfuric acid almost doesn't react with aluminum and magnesium however as soon as i added some water into the mixture the reaction began [Music] of course all these quite expensive aces are used not for dissolving just about anything such acids are used in petrochemistry laboratories where they are used as catalysts of alkylation also the strain of an acid which its ability to give of a proton won't always equal to its corrosion so i think after viewing this video you will know more about super acids and their properties so if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting and also don't forget to support my channel on patreon link in the video description
Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Views: 562,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superacids, the strongest acid, strong acids, caustic acids, acids burns through, caustic mixture, acids, inorganic chemistry, chemistry video, fuming acid, acid reaction, caustic chemicals, dissolving, liquid acid, chemicals, acis versus gloves, acid vapour, aerosol, acidic medium, Thoisoi channel, experiments
Id: sDuPYsHldNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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