This Chemical is Not from Our Planet!

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[Music] oh hi everyone have you watched the drone fly on mars yet they did it in such a cool way it's worth remembering that there is practically no atmosphere on mars that is why the conditions for flying drones there are really extreme by the way i'm wondering if there exist chemicals which don't belong on the earth and can only exist on other planets for instance such as mars or mercury let's find out [Music] remember when i told you about the brilliant a website that helps you to develop your logic and thinking process since then i myself have been using it and killing time profitably every day well for zeus who hear this for the first time let me explain brilliant is an educational platform where you can find over 60 interactive courses in mathematics computer and natural sciences this is a great opportunity to improve your skills in these disciplines while preparing for entering the university or training for different academic competitions and tests the main advantage of this site is a studying format everything is explained visually with animated examples and various tools so you'll not only solve a bunch of similar problems but delve into the very essence of them which in the future will help you to solve even more complex and interesting problems this is a great approach for studying any subject i'll leave the link in the description box so you can check it out yourself and develop your skills i think many of you have noticed that in nature there are almost no chemicals which are very chemically active for instance stones can lie around for thousands of years without changing sand is not soluble in water and the atmosphere only slightly facilitates the burning of natural polymers such as cellulose which by the way is a main component of the composition of trees in other words we don't observe any explosions self-ignitions or other chemical abnormalities in nature our substances on earth are in an energy equilibrium in relation to each other however thanks to additional energy the modern chemical industry has learned to achieve this balance having obtained many chemicals which can't exist long under normal conditions on our planet i know it sounds quite abstract let us better take a look at these very chemicals for instance if you place this iron cube on the stone and leave it there for for example 1000 years it will eventually turn into such a red powder which is iron oxide where is during this period of time the stone won't change at all the same is true about other metals as well almost all of them exist in the form of oak size or as a part of various minerals in the earth's crust only four of them can be encountered in their pure form but not very often it takes a lot of energy to obtain other metals to return several electrons to oxidized metals and turns them from seemingly regular stones into shiny firm metals the column of alkali metals which are called this way for reason are especially energy consuming to obtain and highly unstable metals under normal conditions they are called this way because upon reacting with water they form acoustic alkali you can observe this process watching how a piece of sodium reacts with water besides the alkali the reaction also produces such a flammable gas as hydrogen the reaction produces so much energy then when big chunks of sodium erect with water they can self-ignite and even explode does it mean that if such an active metal as sodium reacts with water it shifts the energy balance back and obtains sodium hydroxide and also hydrogen turned into stable chemicals no really because sodium is such an active metal even when interacts with water the obtained chemicals are not that safe i think you know that sodium hydroxide also known as caustic soda can react with clock in pipes breaking down the biopolymers it contains if you accidentally spill this chemical on your moist skin in a couple of seconds you can get a chemical burn by the way this fact was well demonstrated in the fight club finn what is this this is a chemical i've heard more than you've ever been burned i decided to repeat this experiment but instead of my hand i'm going to use something similar which is a chicken thai first i'm splashing it with water and then pouring some pure sodium hydroxide on it at first it seems like nothing is happening however at the moment when the alkali contacts with the moist skin it immediately starts reacting with the proteins and fats the skin tissue contains it turns fats into soap as a protein rich layer of skin into some sludge consisting of leftover amino acids that is why you need to be extra careful when working with this chemical this reaction however isn't as dramatic as it was shown in the film i mentioned earlier as if that wasn't enough even if you accidentally spill this chemical on cotton clothes for instance and leave it there for a couple of hours sodium hydroxide will absorb moisture from the air it will also be slowly eating away the cellulose that cotton class is made of if we try to remove this caustic alkali we can also get into a chemical trap because when sodium hydroxide dissolves in water it produces a lot of heat my thermometer in the jar with dissolved alkali was even going off the scale according to the parameters readings the temperature rose above 60 degrees celsius that is why it rains alkali of any surface you need a larger volume of cold water it's good that our atmosphere can easily neutralize this alkali however it does that quite slowly if we spill this chemical and leave it exposed to the moist ear sodium hydroxide will absorb as much moisture from the ear as possible and then it will start reacting with carbon dioxide in a couple of days this dangerous chemical will turn into sodium carbonate which is safer chemical and not as caustic i'm wondering if there exist even more caustic and unstable chemicals there are such chemicals indeed for instance there is an alkali which forms when the most active metal on earth's cesium are acts with water if we take a look at chemical tables we'll see that its dissociation constant in solution is the highest to put it simply when cesium hydroxide dissolves in a solution it produces the highest number of hydroxide anions which determine how alkaline a solution is according to the data given in the tables cesium hydroxide is about 100 times stronger than sodium hydroxide but still after running analogies experiments with cesium hydroxide and a chicken tie a close and dissolving this chemical in water i did notice that this substance reactivity was significantly higher what did differ through was that when cesium hydroxide was exposed to the ear it absorbed much more moisture from the ear and in a couple of hours this chemical turned into a puddle a day later this caustic alkali turned into harmless seasonal carbonate after reacting with carbon dioxide from the ear however in my opinion it was not that impressive i have just found out that there exist chemicals called super alkalize and they react more actively for my next experiments i have ordered quite rare and under normal conditions quite unstable chemicals first such substance is sodium hydride which is a compound of explosive sodium metal with a very flammable gas which is hydrogen when exposed to the ear under the influence of water vapor this chemical immediately starts to break down into sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas but for now the process seems slow let's imagine it has suddenly started to rain on first contact of sodium hydride with water so much heat is released that this white powder ignites after that it starts to break down into drops of caustic metallic sodium and such a flammable gas as hydrogen i think it goes without saying that it's dangerous to handle such chemicals if i keep splashing it with water sodium will start reacting with it again turning into sodium hydroxide which is that same very caustic alkali it turned out that this reaction seriously affected the glass just look at these stains on the black plate it means that such chemicals as super alkalis can self-ignite in the presence of water and even destroy everything around that is why the sticker on the container says that this chemical should be handled without being exposed to the ear but if we continue to ignore all the safety precautions of handling sodium hydride you can accidentally forget to put on gloves in the laboratory and spill this chemical on your right hand as we can see it wouldn't result in anything good the chicken thing imitating human skin will fare badly because the sodium hydroxide and hydrogen produced as a result of the reaction between sodium hydride and water have left nasty burns on the skin there is even more sodium hydride is so reactive then even a small amount of these chemicals built on sweetie claws can do some serious damage that is why i'm handling this chemical wearing all the necessary protective gear and under a powerful fume hood but if you handle this chemical properly sodium hydride can be used as an excellent reducing agent in the chemical synthesis and also as a proton acceptor by the way in chemistry the word super in super alkalize signifies how well an alkali can attract a proton which is a hydrogen ion rather than how caustic an alkali is nervous some super alkalis are also highly dangerous to handle in relative true sodium hydride is relatively mild when compared to more acoustic and hazardous chemicals such as third bottle lithium which has recently earned a rather bad reputation just like sodium hydride this chemical is sold in tin cans with thick insulation at first there seems to be nothing remarkable about this bottle with solution strange things started happening when i opened the can what is it and how i am supposed to get the liquid out it turned out that just like sodium hydride turbo telethon really doesn't like to be in our atmosphere that is why this liquid needs to be drawn with a syringe and with a supply of an inert gas to do that first i am filling a balloon with such an inert gas as argon and i'm inserting the syringe inside the balloon after that to start supplying gas i'm piercing the protective membrane in the lid which helps to seal the connection using another syringe now i can draw some liquid from the bottle this process needs to be done very carefully and it's important not to till the syringe if you accidentally do that exposing the content to the ear as soon as a drop of turbuletum solution gets on the tip of the syringe needle it will immediately ignite setting on fire the rest of the accidentally spilled region this is why it's so dangerous to work with turbo teliton because there can easily break out afar in the laboratory what makes it even more dangerous is that usually turbochalitum is sold in the form of solution mixed with flammable chemicals such as hexane or painting this is the only way to safely transport this chemical when turbo teletube gets spewed on the skin it immediately reacts with moisture on the skin thus creating butane and lithium hydroxide at least it doesn't self-ignite however the lithium hydroxide formed on this skin is a fairly strong alkali that is why it can easily leave a chemical burn still if you get distracted just for a couple of seconds and leave a drop of this chemical on the tip of your syringe needle all the spilled turbo toleton will ignite setting on fire the evaporating solvent when it gets peeled on classes this chemical can even burn holes in cotton fabric because in a matter of seconds this super alkali turns cellulose molecules into a mix of charred organic molecules and carbon also if you spill this chemical on objects with low thermal conductivity turbo telethon will also easily self-ignite [Music] and that's not surprising because this substance is 10 billion times stronger alkalized and sodium hydroxide also on reaction with water it breaks down into such a flammable gas as butane and lithium hydroxide which is quite soluble in water that is why these chemicals properties manifest themselves quite obviously only when it's not exposed to moisture on ear by the way do you remember i said earlier that this chemical has earned a rather better reputation in 2008 terbutalitum became a cause of a highly tragic accident in the university of california when a student named sheri sanji died as a result of this chemical's self-ignition according to mass media reports when she was drawing turbo toledo from a big container the syringe she was using came apart and the spilled chemical immediately self-ignited sitting on fire other nearby flammable solvents i think you can see that even when this chemical is in a syringe it can leak out of the relatively white needle thus turning a regular syringe into real flame thrower with lithium-ion dyed flames besides in the case i have just mentioned the student didn't wear a lab coat which is why her fleece sweeter immediately caught fire this is why you should always wear a laboratory coat glasses and various gloves depending on what chemicals you work with in the laboratory i purposely spilled several milliliters of third water lithium solution on the table with aluminum sheets in order to show you how flammable this chemical can be nervous in spite of being so dangerous terabitolitum is still frequently used as a metal organic acceptor of protons in organic synthesis and of course this chemical is handled only in an inert atmosphere for instance all containers for solutions are first blown with such an inert gas as argon and the gas inside test tube is constantly dried in order for tetralytion not to break down and interfere with chemical reactions that is why basically it's extremely difficult to work with super alkalis in our planet because of how highly treacherously our atmosphere reacts with such chemicals but it will be much safer to work with turbo to lithium on mars because there is practically no oxygen in its atmosphere so i think after watching this video you'll know more about such chemicals as super alkali and their properties and if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting [Music] you
Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Views: 320,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alkali, super alkalies, atmosphere, hydroxide, superbase, from another planet, reaction with air, self-ignition, chemicals burning, pyrophoric, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, experiment, chemistry experiments, laboratory, chemical, sodium hydride, caustic chemical, tert-butyllithium, Thoisoi channel
Id: 4EkbcBJnJk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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