Fishing for Bluefin Tuna at the Outer Banks (Captain Dave Explains!)

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[Music] so the banks dave you talk about the banks all the time and we don't even know what the hell you're talking about and so for that i apologize everybody we're going to talk all about the banks what they mean what the number means and all that stuff so most of the ocean off of southern california is thousands of feet deep for it goes out not very far maybe up in huntington a little farther than anywhere else because we have the flats there but in most places you get a mile mile and a half off the beach and you're in a couple thousand feet of water if not three thousand all the way to catalina you're you're in except for up there in huntington but from dana point newport marina del rey you are in two to three thousand feet of water so fish just aren't free swimming out there in the ocean all fish are attracted to bait so all the fish in the ocean are attracted to food i don't care if they're size of that you have to look in a microscope to 300 pound bluefin everything is food based also all food needs somewhere to hide that being structure that's why structure is key in every type of fishing we do you go to cabo you go to southern california you go to florida you go to alaska you go east you go to um new jersey you you go to the gulf states everything is all about structure wherever they fish they're fishing some type of structure if it's an oil well and what we have along southern california coast different than most places is we have these giant pieces of water that are so deep and then we have a little mountain in the middle of the water can be 300 3000 feet deep then all of a sudden there's a spot where it comes up to 182 fathoms and then it pretty much levels off 200 2 000 feet all around it and then it's got an area we call that a bank it comes up to 182 and then you go again and you don't see that for it's 80 182 fathoms deep because that's the highest part of that bank that's why we call it that there are places all over the ocean that are 182 but they're not a bank so the 209 is another mountain in the middle of what you would call a desert there's just nothing around so then all of a sudden here's a little mountain that's going to have the bait congregate around the mountain for safety and then if the the chain reaction just occurs and then all of a sudden here's the big fish current tide water temperature all that matters yes but you still got to have structure that's what the banks along the southern california coast are that you hear so many people talk about all the time the 43 is 43 fathoms deep that used to be a really really really good rock cot area that's where we a lot of the boats in the 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s they went to the 43 to catch rockfish that's what they went there for well now it is all change now everyone goes to the 43 because rockfish area is closed to catch the giant bluefin because why are they there because it's a high spot in the middle of a giant desert where the mountain comes up under the water and all the bait hangs out around the edges of it 43 fathoms is the highest that it'll come to what do you mean by fathoms dave a fathom is what the depth of the ocean is measured in the depth of the ocean is measured in fathoms so therefore 200 209 the 209 is 209 fathoms deep the machine that you look at your fish on that you hear captain dave talk about all the time the fedometer it's not a fish finder the machine is called a fedometer because it's look made to look under water to find out where the bottom is bounce off the bottom bounce back up okay by doing that when they first invented this technology they found out that it would see fish the sounder it was just a sounder and it would see fish and bounce back up over time they figured out that it would see fish and as they fine-tuned them you could almost tell what kind they were by the way it flashed on the screen back in the day with a flasher when they got the flashers my dad thought there's no way that any of the fish are ever to make it now we can see them once they figured out they could see them but they don't see them anywhere they see them on high spots on rocks a big mountain of rocks in the ocean and those are your banks 109. or excuse me 209 181 182 the 43. now the nine mile bank that's not nine miles deep that's nine miles off the coast but it has so many high spots all over this thing that and a lot of them are the same depth so there's not really one high spot that comes up to like 109 fat it comes up higher than that it comes up about in some spots almost as high as 600 feet maybe four on but 600 is no the nine mile but it's nine miles off the beach 14 is 14 miles off the beach okay and there's banks like that up and down the coast but most of them are the banks are called after the highest part of the bank on the fish finder fedometer so that's why the machine is called a fedometer because the ocean's metered in fathoms fado meter and it was all discovered by the flasher that's why the machine never got changed the name never got changed because that's what they were looking for just all they wanted to find out was the depth in the ocean and depth is measured in fathoms and six feet is in a fathom so if you're like me and you didn't finish school i can get up as high as my sixes on the and then i have to go to my 10 times sixes but uh i'm just joking but that's what the banks are all about i'm gonna leave you guys at the end of this video a list of all the gps numbers of all the banks that we normally fish in southern california hopefully this helps if i left some out or missed some just leave a message and i apologize for never going delving into this thing i could talk about the banks forever then there's a video series i have about how to make the bank work for you that will help you even more to understand what's going on with the banks out here and what what do i mean by the numbers and all that stuff so hopefully that helps you guys sorry it took so long for me to figure [Music] out
Channel: Your Saltwater Fishing Guide
Views: 3,344
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: fishing for bluefin tuna, bluefin tuna, tuna, yellowfin, how to catch bluefun, how to catch yellowfin, yellowfin tuna, tuna fishing, tuna fishing tips, outer banks, the banks, souther california banks, captain dave hansen, socal fishing, vlog, fishing vlog, fishing, deep sea fishing, bdoutdoors, how to fish san clemente, how to fish catalina, how to fish the banks, dave hansen, yellowtail fishing, dorado, bluefin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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