How to Catch Tuna | Live Bait Rig FOR Sub Surface to DEEP

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[Music] hey your saltwater guy captain dave hansen i'm gonna we're gonna be doing something a little different today we're going fishing for yellowfin tuna underneath the dolphin now first of all i hear this all the time people say hey we're getting bit on the purpose the hell you are there are no porpoise there's no porpoise carrying tuna anywhere on the ocean there are dolphin there are like nine different species of dolphin but if you're listen if the captain of the boat is telling you that we're gonna get bit on these porpoise but there are no porpoise out there they're dolphin there's several different types of dolphin today we're going to be looking for spotted spinner dolphin and we're going to be looking for common dolphins and that's pretty much what you have in southern california are common dolphins and those common dolphins are always holding the tuna that's the schools and we'll go into this more as the video goes along today as we get out there and we find the positive dolphin and i'll show you how they react how you can tell which part of the dolphin are holding the tuna but what we've learned over the last 47 years of fishing for a living in southern california is that this fish this tuna is suspended underneath the dolphin schools there's not a lot of times they don't come right up to the top when they're swimming with the dolphin so what we've done is we've started fishing them with the inline torpedo sinker now this is a four ounce torpedo sinker and i what i do is i tie this in line it's different why in line that way it doesn't tangle up we don't use the rubber band system i tie it in line first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put a san diego jam not on here so i'm going to tie my sinker just like this get in here closer chuck please we're going to stick the line right through the hole here on the bottom if you can see it we go right through there and then we go back through the little hole we made on the top and then we pull this tight grab that little tag in hold it with your teeth and pull that down tight there's your san diego jam nut that's how we're going to connect our sinker okay then because everybody's and i like to use this little piece of uh high viz and this is 60 pound high biz coming to my sinker coming off of my 60 pound braid i got 60 pound braid going to the high viz going to the sinker that way i can see where this is at when it's out there then i take a nice piece of floral carbon about 2 24 inches long not very long just 24 okay this is 50 pound fluoro i'm going to tie a san diego jam knot here on the end of that where i take it up like this make a little loop spin it around seven times one two three four five six seven then i'll go through this bottom hole again that little bottom hole i made i'm tired here oh excuse me i look like i don't know what i'm doing here then i'm going to come back up through the top where that little hole is i made with the loop it's super important to tie the san diego jam when you're doing this because i've seen many guys with this sinker rig and it comes untied so i grab that little tag in and then i pull it down tight and there we go san diego jam hook the hook to or the weight to the piece of floral then i trim that piece off then what i'm going to do is i'm going to tie a circle hook because we're using small mackerel or sardines today for bait so we're going to take a circle hook we're going to put it right here on here and then i'm going to put the improved cinch knot is what how i'm going to tie my hook on seven times around through the bottom back out through the top get a little wet slide it down and there it is okay so then now why did i do this because what i want to do gang is when we find that here the reason why i tie it so short because this is how i'm going to hold it just like this i'm going to have my thumb on the spool i'm going to have my sardine hooked on here when the captain tells me we're going into the school of dolphin i'll have my start i don't want to kill my bait because we don't have a phenomenal amount of bait so i'm just going to tell you i'm going to nose hook my sardine on here side to side through his nose on that hook i'm going to hold this in my hand when the captain says let him go i walk to the back of the boat my sardines right here and i just drop it do not cast drop the boat's gonna be doing six or seven knots i'm gonna drop this back it's to go back there right into this the the school of dolphin or the pot of dolphin if you will and what's underneath the pot of dolphin hungry yellowfin tuna that are going to bend the out of this rod that's the key is to get this rod bent most of you i see you all the time you stand there fishing like this with your pole straight nobody wants to fish with their pole straight everybody wants their fishing pole bent that's what we're doing today we're looking for the dolphin so we can bend the rod but this in-line fishing this way is killer it's awesome it's the way to do it this is the awesomest setup i've done it every other way you could possibly imagine this is the way for you to catch fish in southern california underneath the dolphin not the porpoise there's no porpoise if someone tells you that you're fishing on the porpoise run because they're lying all right
Channel: Your Saltwater Fishing Guide
Views: 6,579
Rating: 4.9509201 out of 5
Keywords: how to catch tuna, how to catch yellowtail, live bait tuna rig, live bait yellowtail rig, how to catch deep tuna, how to catch bluefin tuna, how to catch deep fish, how to catch yellowfin tuna, live bait for deep, dave hansen, deep live bait rig, deep tuna live bait rig, how to catch tuna rubber band, how to catch bluefin, tuna live bait, deep sea, sportfishing, tuna, tuna fishing, sinker rig for tuna, san diego jam knot, fishing rig
Id: fK2AT460xW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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