New Possibilities | Your Heart Will Beat Again| Bethany Church

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[Music] welcome to our encounter worship experience we're so glad that you could join us this morning as we continue to practice social distancing faith and common sense we're in the building live at the Plaza worshiping the Lord getting ready for service and we hope that you can enjoy what the Lord is gonna do for us this morning we're so glad that we can present a fuller presentation to you this week and we want you to do us a favor whatever platform you're on hit that share button let people know that to join the encounter worship experience God has something for us today his presence is still real and God is still in the throne there's been a song up in my spirit for the past couple weeks born Christ the solid rock I stand all of the ground is sinking Stan remember to stand on Jesus this morning because he is the only foundation that can hold you up we're going to worship the Lord today we are going to pray we're going to present the best of one of our c-fam presentations Bishop will preach and right now we're going to pray for each other the Bible says that this is the house of prayer for all people that when Jesus went through the temple he had to clean the house of God up first and remind the people that this is a house of prayer in this season when we can't come together God is reminding us that this is a house of prayer that the church should be the price where we come together and pray and watch things happen and I want us to pray for each other there are individuals who are suffering from this virus someone we know is suffering from it someone we know have died from it we want to pray for each other this morning so wherever you are if you're with family if you can't touch them touch them if you by yourself grab yourself and we're going to pray father we thank you for this moment we appreciate you for this time we thank you Lord for your presence being with us Lord we thank you that your presence transcends time and space the same God that is in this building is the same God in every household every car every job at this moment right now you are God that overcomes obstacles and overcomes difficulties we thank you Lord that in this time that we're going to see your glory we want your plans to be done your will to be done in this place as it is in heaven so we give you praise right now for what this service will produce we thank you Lord for the worship that's coming we thank you for the word that's coming I pray Lord that you would begin to move on the lives of those that are sick and infirm let your consuming fire burn up the sickness and keep the individual alive just like you did with the woman of issue of blood burn up consume the issue consume the plague and let us come out whole and healthy I bless your name for what you're getting ready to do and I pray Lord that you would save somebody today reclaim a backslider allow somebody to settle in a church home even a virtually this morning and we give you the praise the glory and the honor in Jesus name Amen [Music] you've been so good [Music] you are good [Music] you've been bad I can't breathe [Music] hi [Music] even [Music] so good [Music] so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so many doors you go so many ways you made so many times so many so many ways so he's making a way out of no way oh come on if you watch it at home come on take it up with us so [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] and I keep you present I lift my hands and I magnify your name I lift my head and I hope in my mouth I stand up on my feet and I keep you worried cuz you you you've been good keepo keeping take it away [Music] [Music] worship right now God we thank you for covering us love keeping the hedge of angels right around the sword guys keeping us from hurt from harm from danger guys we don't take your love for granted Lord God so we're thinking that we're able to stand on our own two feet right now God we thank you that we're able to lift our hands right now God in the presence of your glory Lord God so we lift you up we lift up your name Lord God in whatever atmosphere is watching me right now Lord God we saturate that atmosphere with your glory we saturate that atmosphere with your healing we saturate that atmosphere with your deliberate job and we lift up a word of song in this place [Music] better be good to me [Music] [Music] make me a house make me a house [Music] a house make me a house make me a house [Music] made me a house made me a house of crime [Music] be the fire of my own ten never burn out the flower on my own term never burned up near the fire of my papa never better make me a house [Music] never burn with me the fire on my turn [Music] I wanna seek your face seek your face alone Oh [Music] [Music] maybe your house I wanna seek your face seek your face with me there's a fire turn in the title of my chair never murder is a fire on my church [Music] I wanna seek your face seek your face or haha we desire tell me the fire [Music] there's a fire [Music] I wanna see [Music] [Applause] suffer [Applause] [Applause] [Music] day damn right day today may be a house of prayer [Music] may we pray they see your face man damn night [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my turn [Music] sorry mom my altar never burned up in the spiral model my turn my turn my turn [Music] this altar never burned out make me a house of prayer the Bible is so clear concerning the Lord's responsibility for creating us and to give us an understanding that we are not just bodies in the corporeal sense but we are a house that he has built he builds it for his own occupation and he calls this heart of ours an altar where a relationship in fellowship and the love of God and the worship and the praise ought to come not from that place not just for my mind but a heartfelt passion for the Lord and an appreciation for all that he has done it is amazing to me that we must become intentional about keeping the fire burning on the altars of our hearts that we have to be intentional about worship praise prayer fasting the Word of God being led by the Spirit of God so that this fire never goes out no matter where we are what an amazing concept when we begin to think that the moveable altar is now within you in your heart and that altar is something that fires of hope and love and peace must continue to burn but it will not burn without our participation i'm so honored you've taken the time to join us welcome to the encounter worship experience here at bethany the transformation church in Lindenwold new jersey what an honor it is for me today have this opportunity to continue to share what I believe is a life-changing series of conversations simply call it your heart will beat again I need to tell you some things you need to be aware of of course our internet families welcome worldwide now our internet pastor Jonathan Vaughters is in the chat room to meet every need possible during the time you're going to spend with us today and we hope you'll spend time with us several times today and several times throughout the week everyday we are present content to you that we believe will inspire you make you laugh and as you go through this voluntary confinement we have some things for you that I believe will make you smile there's one on it it's doing real good with me and l200 doing this dance I forget the name of it but almost 200,000 of you all have watched this thing and we are having a great time in the Lord some fun times now we've got a prayer conference coming up a call on Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon prayer conference every day Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon where we get a chance to relate to you talk to you and and go to God and prayer together corporate prayer in a situation what I believe in God is speaking to all of us now the phone number for this prayer conference called Monday through Friday get ready type it in write it down wherever you can the area code is five one five then the number six zero four nine three seven four let me give it to you again five one five six oh four nine three seven four now you have to have an access code so I want you to take this down also the access code is six eight zero four four four six eight zero four four four as you join us on an international prayer conference call every Monday through Friday at 12 noon high noon as the famous Western says so that's five one five six oh four nine three seven four and then your access code is six eight zero four four four now I want you to stay tuned for all these updates we've got to you got to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and YouTube we'll give you updates all day long moments of inspiration and a whole lot more you're going to see us on there cutting up and doing some foolishness too but you'll like it I understand a lot of you are liking our twist on when Solomon had to decide between the two women to divide the baby in half and we're using something that's in high demand right now to substitute for the baby I believe you will be blessed by it you want to check us out at BBC of NJ that's Bethany Baptist Church or at at David G Evans one that will be coming Maya Bishop David G Evans at David G Evans one the number one and at BBC of NJ you can connect with us if you will come on let's pray for a second god I bless your name now for this opportunity you have provided I understand that you are still God and still sovereign I am blessed by the fact that you're so faithful and you're so loving and so kind I'm blessed by the fact that you would think enough of me to sacrifice your son I'm blessed by the fact that your spirit now lives in your people and that your grace now rests firmly on us not just the thing that saved us but the thing that is keeping us I thank you for your mercy lending us your power and your authority in this earth as we navigate this life your word gives us assurances and everything that we do you say you are very present help in the time of trouble and for that I say thank you you say you are the Shepherd that leads us through the various tests and trials of life and I say thank you for that you say you are the one that heals our bodies and then the one that mends our wounds and for that for you being that chief physician I want to say thank you today I give your name praise honor and glory because you said in the midst of trouble you would be not just help but you would be very present help and for that I want to give you glory this morning I want to thank you that when we are weak then we become strong through your power I thank you that when our minds are not clear you clear them up with your word when we feel fatigue in our bodies as we navigate the assignments and the purpose on our life when when purpose feels like an adversary from time to time I want to give you praise for your strength that you provide I want to also remind myself of just how good you are that in the midst of times that are very trying and unfamiliar days you have been that consistent one that is always there I thank you that I appreciate now more than ever just how good you are I want you to be secure in your relationship with me I know I make you insecure from time to time because you don't know what I'm going to do or say one day to the next but I don't have that with you I love you and you love me and if I know anything else you make us all feel secure today but I want to thank you for the other opportunity another opportunity to give you an indication of just how we feel about you I know you're a good guy I know you have power fully aware that you are a God of grace and mercy I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have always been there in the midst of trouble I understand clearly there was never a day that we have faced that you have not been there and understanding when the valleys of opposition come you're there in the very shadow of the thing that's giving us trouble and causing us to have some fear I understand that when things come seasons come and arrive and change but you're never never changing god you're always the same I thank you that you're relevant in whatever context of my life I find myself in your yesterday today and forever more I look back and I can see you now I look today and I can see I look forward hope and I see you there even in times that have not yet arrived I give you praise honor and glory because right now they're those watching us around the world thousands and thousands joining us from all over the world Lord and they need a touch from you this morning I thank you right now for what you're going to do I've been talking to you all week listening for your voice and once again lord I thank you that I've heard you once again I thank you that I've heard you in a deeper way I thank you that I've heard you for your people right now spirit of the Living God won't you please use me once again cause me to see things like you see them God caused me to think like Jesus thinks allow the Spirit of the Living God the rest firmly upon my life send your fire that my words would be your words and any strength I had would come from you that any effectiveness we have this morning would be because you are very present I thank you right now for what you're about to do there those watching right now involuntary confinement all around this globe that a suffering that needs some healing I asked you to go to these hospitals and even in these homes and do what only the chief physician can do open up new possibilities heal right now in the name of Jesus I speak with authority now against that spirit of fear you've not given us a spirit of fear but you've given us power and a sound man allow the proud of your love to overshadow us right now give us your strength this morning send your healing power to every hospital to every room you said if my people which are called by my name right now we humble ourselves and we pray right now we repent of all our wicked ways because we need to hear from heaven right now hallelujah I feel your spirit God hallelujah thank you Lord yeah unda most set day we thank you for what you're doing right now you said if we would do this thing and turn away look towards you and call on you if you would hear us thank you right now the days of Joel are in our midst you said if anybody calls on your name they shall be delivered deliver us right now in the midst of trouble show yourself strong show yourself mighty show yourself great God because you are greater than any adversary we face greater than any condition thank you that your word is so true we are not living by coincidence but this plague has come when the Passover is right around the corner this truth shall come to pass in the name of Jesus in the power of your shed blood make us obviously blood-stained that the enemy when he tries to approach can see the blood of Jesus and realize I cannot touch this now God as we have this conversation we need the assistance of your spirit open our minds open our hearts help us Lord hear and see what you have to say I pray for those we have a loss of loved one even up to today I pray some loved one has gone on some some heartfelt rejection some dilemma where grief has come and mourning has begun thank you for the authority to speak to our own hearts everyone that hears me that sees me God give you permission now to tell your heart to beat again and I thank you and I give you praise for life is returning destiny is returning new horizons are being seen and I give you praise as we raise our hands no matter where we are in our homes and our jobs whoever well we give you glory right now and we say thank you thank you for your power thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy but most of all thank you for your love could this is your love that has power cuz your love your love revives restores and resurrects you still your love gets power and direction I give you a praise right now thank you for your love in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name thank you for your blood thank you for your spirit thank you for your power in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen god is so good I want to draw your attention if you will to two passages of scripture first samuel 16 is where i want to suggest a thought and then luke 17 and then we will endeavor and have this conversation around the third installment of your heart will beat again for Samuel 16 verse 1 reads simply like this and the Lord said unto Samuel how long will you mourn for soul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel filled einhorn get your oil and go I will send you to Jesse the Bethlem I'd well I have provided me a king among his sons go to Luke chapter 17 and I want to raise another thought and then we'll start on this conversation this morning I'm so glad that you've taken the time to join me today we love we love the opportunity to share the Apostolic anointing on this ministry welcome once again to Bethany the transformation church located here in Lindenwold New Jersey why don't you tweet somebody text some inbox them and let them know we're about to have a conversation that I believe will change your life for the rest of your life Luke chapter 17 go down to verse 5 and the apostles those that know God that have been empowered and promoted by God said unto the Lord increase our faith I'm amazed by the text not even getting to with the subject yet but all of the Apostles were included in a need for an increase of faith unbelievable no apostle is left out there's always something in some area our lives that we need our faith to be increased and the Lord said watch how God teaches regarding this the Lord teaches regarding this question this request if you have faith just a little bit as the grain of a mustard seed you might say unto this sycamore tree I need you to see the words if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed just a little bit you might say unto this sycamore tree be thou plucked up by the root and be planted in the sea and it should obey you I need you to see now they've asked the questions increase of faith Jesus comes back and said you just need a little bit of faith but this is the kind of faith you need the need to advocate faith that you can express and talk to something like a sycamore tree and tell that tree to be plucked up by the root and we plant it into the sea give it a destination and it should obey you I'm going to talk to you how this conversation with you about new possibilities Jesus is in the habit of making these breakthrough statements that in declarations and always kind of amazed me because he makes these statements in the most unlikely of situations and he's speaking of the possibilities available to his disciples the possibilities available to you and I am we know he's a God of possibilities but we also know that there are some possibilities that are not available to us because our faith is not at the right place it is not strong enough if you will it is not firm enough in our belief deep enough in our leaf of God the strength of it I don't want you to get that confused it's not like strengthen our biceps and triceps we're talking about the strength of a relationship and understanding of God producing a strength in your faith so when I'm thinking of strength and faith I'm thinking of relationship with God what I know about him watch these words what I believe about him watch these words how I operate in that knowledge which produces and ever-increasing strength in my faith so as a child of God if I'm looking at the example that Jesus uses to teach us about increasing faith we've got this young these Apostles we have been gifted by Jesus himself who have reached a point in their lives I love this where even they need Jesus to increase their faith now the request seems as though they believe that Jesus can just speak the faith into more strength but then Jesus begins to teach as the how faith can be increased he says it's not about the size of it because if you have it the grant the size of a grain of a mustard seed which can be almost invisible if you drop it on the ground if you've got faith that size you can do some things regarding things that are much larger than what the seed appears to be because what's in the seed it's not any kind of seed he's using a seed a mustard seed to talk about how faith appears faith appears to be inadequate as it relates to what you want faith to move so he said if you got this faith the size the grain of a mustard seed you might say into this sycamore tree look at the juxtaposition Jesus begins to use a grain of a mustard seed as where they're starting in their faith where they are and watch this it may imply whether or not and he says if you compare it to this sycamore tree and your faith can stay strong while you're speaking to something that appears to be greater than what you believe now what's this because visible things always appear to have more strengthen those that are invisible I believe more at times and what I can see and the doubt that I have is what I can't see so he says if you take this invisible faith and he tries to give a comparison something so small it's almost invisible against something so natural that's so big you begin to speak to this thing and it will be plucked up by the roots not just dried up not just dried out like the fig tree but literally disengaged from what's giving it strength that the strength of what is a small mustard seed is greater than a tree that has been planted for decades pluck it up by the roots meaning detach it from what's feeding it now this is important a lot of times when we are praying and believing God for a thing we are only dealing with what we can see but there's a network feeding the opposition so not only does the manifestation have to be defeated but my faith must uproot what is providing strength and nourishment to the thing that is opposing me at the time I hope you're getting this so he says now you got to know where to put it you have to cast it into the sea put it in a place where you're allowed not to remember it again and he says it should obey you it gives the sense that it just might not so there's this conversation that I believe is going to add some strength to where we've started if you can go with me to mark chapter 9 I want to show you something that I believe will add some understanding to what we're trying to accomplish today mark chapter 9 and in this particular scripture a very familiar story of a young man who has been brought to Jesus by his father and in the context of this text the father believes that the possibilities for the young man have been limited or eliminated and that's why I want to call this kind a new possibility all right so we're having this conversation sending around a spiritual condition that has a natural manifestation now we're looking at Luke chapter 9 let's go to verse 14 and see what happens and when he came to his disciples and he saw a great multitude about them a lot of people surrounding him the scribes questioning with them so the scribes the scribes the doubters those who doubted Jesus was questioning those that were gathered around Jesus and straightway all the people when they beheld him were greatly amazed and running to him as saluted him so Jesus shows up crowd breaks the scribes lose their attention everybody mobs Jesus and Jesus says Jesus asked the scribes watch what Jesus attention is what's your question why are you questioning them and then one of the many not described one of the multitude answers headmaster I have brought unto thee my son which have a dumb spirit now this is a spirit which is causing something invisible causing something visible to happen so the spirit that is possessing this young man is taking away his ability to speak now there's some things about the spirit I'm going to explain in just a few moments that I believe were gonna blow this scripture up in our presence and watch this and wheresoever he taketh him talking about the dumb spirit he tears him he foams he gnashes with his teeth he pine it away means he kind of Withers in front of us I speak to your disciples I had a word with your disciples and they couldn't cast him out they couldn't they say I went to them your guys you're empowered people can you cast him out they could not Jesus answers him and says old faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer with you just bring him to me they brought him to him and when he saw him straightway the spirit tear him gonna explain that to you too now that they brought the boy to Jesus and the spirit acted out again the boys fell on the ground wallowing and foaming again now that this is all going on in Jesus turns to his father says exactly how long has this been going on and he said since he was a baby since it was a child and oftentimes watch this it has cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if doubt if you can do any have compassion remember that word and help us and Jesus said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes so the conversation is centering around a spiritual condition that has a natural or visible manifestation of evidence something invisible producing something visible something invisible and producing something visible now when we drop down to verse 17 something amazing picks up the conversation picks up man said his son has this dumb spirit a spirit that prevents him this is real important from speaking why would the enemy want to attack your ability to speak watch this now this spirit this influence ceases or takes control of him from time to time so there are times when the spirit is not trying to dominate and it's content just to be present and observe and watch and wait for opportunities that when this young man is in position to be delivered by something he might speak by faith he causes him not to be able to speak in other words when words of faith are needed he can't step up to the plate now what blows my mind in the text is that the spirit is causing him not to be able to speak and later on we're going to learn that causes them not to be able to hear so he can't hear words of faith and he can't speak words of faith but we're going to hear later that this spirit can hear so the spirit can hear but it causes the young man not to hear or speak stay with me now so how does it manifest itself convulsions a lack of control have you ever just been a person that's just emotionally just out of control a lack of control over himself he foams at the mouth he grinds his teeth he seems to wither away before our very eyes says his father he says I talked to your followers and they couldn't do a thing Jesus asked amazing question how long has this been going on now you would wonder why did Jesus need to know how long why does he need to ask the Father how long I don't believe he's assessing difficulty I believe he's assessing the father's idea of permanence of his son's condition and then the father tells him how long he says he's been doing this since he was a child and Jesus says you know you guys will not get this right bring him to me take it to Jesus the first stage of deliverance watch this often appears that the condition worsens instead of getting better because watch this the demon is not afraid to show off in front of the Lord and even though deliverance has begun to happen because the Lord has shown up I need to say that again deliverance has started to happen because the Lord has appeared on the scene the demon takes one more opportunity to show that he's still in control so even in the midst of deliverance the condition gets worse instead of better immediately I need you to hear this you have prayed for people and it seemed like the harder you pray the worse they got it means you've in it you've engaged in the warfare and whatever is occupying your loved one is getting ready to be evicted but they must fight for their position because willing if you will places they can live are not common so the demon knows his time is up one more demonstration now it looks impossible because time watch this now especially those of us that are in the midst of this everybody is in the midst of this crisis is Vybz crisis time can become a source of anxiety but time offers or offers us opportunity so on one hand time can offer you anxiety on the other hand time can offer your opportunity your faith and the strength of your faith will depend what perspective you want to take am I going to look at this time that we have in isolation as a time for me to build anxiety or am I going to see it as a divine opportunity that God has given me and I need for God to tell me exactly what he wants me to do my brothers and my sisters is not about you working on yourself not about me giving myself a facial ain't about all that it's about whether I'm going to allow the Lord in my relationship with God to mature during this time it's not about me time it's about him time so if you're in the season and you've decided I'm just gonna work on me number one you're working with a faulty thing the product has has a whole lot of faults in it all right and you can't work on you without God doing most of the work the clay does not work itself the clay responds to the hands of the product so if I've decided to work on myself I'm not going to be able to work the Mars out in the clay I'm trying to help you with something I can't get rid of what I don't like about me just with me alone I've got to let the Potter get in there and show me how this thing is done and cooperate with what God wants to do in my life I hope I'm making sense to somebody out there so it looks impossible because time is making the boys condition look impossible becomes a source of anxiety so time to the Sun watch this now appears to be an adversary but to the S Oh N Jesus it's a moment of power and faith so I've got to decide whether I'm gonna build anxiety during this time or whether these moments that you're spending away from work in the house where I'm gonna make them anxious moments or whether they're gonna be moments of power in faith the man says Jesus can you help us now he's speaking directly to the heart of the Lord it is virtually impossible to speak to a compassionate person speak to their heart and you not do something compassion without action is no compassion so the request put a burden on Jesus heart for the father and the son because not only is the son being affected but those that love him are effective also there's some times when people close to us in our lives and this is so true we know their trouble we know they have a problem and what we've done is make a nest for the comfort rather than asking the Lord to tear the nest of their condition up so they can be freed from what has bound them all this time because it is easier to condone a thing than it is to change a thing you didn't hear what I said I can nurture my child that has difficulty and mature the problem that they have and then be upset because the problem is worsening and then decide I'm going to deny that the problem exists or I can ask God to put their hand on them take my hand off because I can't fix them and cause a newness a new possibility to come out in my child my father my mother my loved one you see when we get when we let God in we don't remove ourselves completely but we stop trying to do what only God can do God can move in and fix our heart a mind a spirit a soul a life so they ask for help and Jesus says something that blows my mind I can help you but I can only help you if you believe I can't surpass your faith I'm limited by what you believe I can do but this man makes it makes a statement that saves every faith person that I know and it saved me several times before myself he says how you know if you believe all things are possible then he throws in if you believe then the man makes a statement that all revolutionize our walk of faith I believe but it helped me with my doubts he admits an apostolic admission my faith needs to be increased because even though I've seen you work before there's some doubts still lingering in my relationship with you now every honest Christian has to say Amen so time and the severity of the problem diminishes faith for this area of deliverance time and the and-and-and-and-and problem time and and the severity of the problem seems to have diminished the faith for this type of miracle can faith helped me with this that's the question can faith helped me with my frustration can faith helped me with my emotion what blew my mind about the text is that this man is grieving over his son mourning his son and his son is still alive he's not grieving over someone who's physically dead but he seems to be grieving because he believes his son is dying to him he's mourning because he's acting as though the child is already lost but the text is clear he's still alive now correct assessment of what you're praying about and what you believe in God for is essential the man says this dumb spirit Jesus says the deaf and dumb spirit so the boy can't hear and can't speak he can't hear the words of faith he can't speak the words of faith how many times has this happened to you and I especially those of us that have gone through a season of grieving for someone that was very important to us whether it was through death or broken relationship or broken broken employment situation business failing how many of us have gone through a grief stage a mourning stage where sadness and depression was so strong that we couldn't hear words of faith and if you're anything like me you had a hard time speaking the words of faith so Jesus speaks directly to the spirit it hears him it hears his authority so when I'm going to move something even in my own life I'm going to be grieving and and it's turned into a grief without hope because there's a difference for us and I'm and I'm acting like I have no hope I've got to take authority over that feeling because the battle in the text is a fight for the boy it's a fight for territory if you're grieving right now and depression is kind of crept in depression is battling for the territory called you they want the ground that you have given to Jesus so anytime you're grieving in a way that shows your mourning without hope because grief is designed to get you to a place of acceptance you're in a fight for your future but the spirit in the text has to obey Jesus mm-hmm the boy is delivered and this blows my mind but he looks dead so he's laying on the ground everybody said okay he helped him but now he's dead it looks like okay I got delivered but my life stopped I'm trying to help some people in here but Jesus like he always does we just down lifts the boy up and the disciples the disciples those that follow him those that know him those that believe him ask him how did you do that and then an amazing thing occurs in the text that blew my mind he says in verse 25 when Jesus saw that the people who came running together the crowd was coming he said thou dumb and deaf spirit I charged they come out of him and enter no more into him leave and don't come back and the spirit cried rent him sore started antagonizing the boys again but he came out he left the boy has one dead and so much that many said he is dead but Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose you see it and when he was coming to the house his disciples asked him privately here they go again not wanting to embarrass themselves why couldn't we do this and he indict their lifestyle says the reason you can't remove this thing that's so personal is because you have to have prayed and fasted before the problem presents itself because prayer and fasting not only prepares you for the normal things prayer will move but fasting as a lifestyle prepares us as something you do systematically strategically periodically prepares you for watch this the things that appear to have a mind not to move out of your life so Jesus said you can't just jump up and do this you have to have prayed have a prayer life fasted have a fasting life and then when these things come you'll be able to move them so Samuel in the text the first time was 16 is morning's all what is morning what is he morning he's morning a disappointment y'all not hearing me he's morning a desire that wasn't fulfilled he's morning because he had expectations for Saul Saul has not come Sammy has not come to the end of his grief he hasn't accepted the fact that God has moved you didn't hear what I said grief is designed to get you to a point of acceptance Samuel has not accepted yet that God has moved soul my god his morning doesn't appear to be consistent with his anointing because his morning as if he has no hope so as Samuel now you know he must have been doing some terrific morning if God had to come down and say Samuel just how long are you gonna mourn over someone I have rejected Wow we mourn over good people but truth be told we can live our whole life mourning over a disappointment in our lives mama wasn't good daddy wasn't good grandma mom was mean grandpa was mean stepdad was good stepdad was was bad stepmom was bad not so evil brothers and sisters siblings crazy we mourned over sometimes people that have not treated us correctly so we can mourn because someone has realized their purpose and we can mourn because someone has never achieved their purpose I don't know about you but I've got relatives in my family that I know they're geniuses but they're undiscovered by themselves they've been discovered by other people everybody knows them though is this smart but they've got this quirk this emotion thing what we call around here a dominant negative emotion that's ruling their lives even though they're highly intelligent people because what they do highly intelligent but they destroy relationships as they go along and in this life of you fail at people you fail so God tells Samuel get your oil I've already prepared another possibility for you Lord here we go new possibilities there is a future on your horizon grief is a gift to us by God because grief is to get us to acceptance grief is God's Way of moving you past shock to acceptance with the help of God we are more we are we are moved from shock denial watch this through the process of pain guilt and regret land on a field where we start to bargain sometimes get angry only to find that some depressed days you heard what I said some depressed days does not mean you're depressed and come out with a new sense of loneliness what it really feels like but followed by some reflection so God graciously takes us from shock and denial to pain guilt and regret and then takes us where we're angry sometimes we start to bargain with God we go through a couple depressed days there's a new kind of loneliness that comes when you're grieving but it's always followed by some reflection and he does this that the focus might shift stay tuned with me now from the cause of the death or the separation to the way the person lived that you're mourning if that's possible because sometimes you're mourning someone who did not live well I'm trying to help you now if the way they lived will not help you get to acceptance then the few breakthrough moments you can remember will move you closer to accepting the will of God after that happens there's something I'm calling an upward turn that comes next now let me talk to you feeling better is not a betrayal or a disloyalty to the one you are missing or that you love feeling better is not a betrayal but sometimes we resist feeling better because we think it's betraying the memory now this is more felt than spoken because most people can't articulate that emotion it's too wound up but the reality is there are times my brother my sister watching me from wherever you are that even though I'm feeling better somewhere in me I feel like I should because I don't know how to carry the pain in a way that displays it rather than pain anchoring me to a particular decade in my life now this is important remember the guy by the pool Jesus tells him to take up his bed and walk so when when when you are taking the upward turn and you start to feel better you have taken up the bed it is not a betrayal of a formal position is you're being delivered with the experience to the next chapter of your life is this making sense to you all so an upward turn is not a betrayal of the loved one it is God getting us closer to accepting his ultimate will in our lives in other words the Sun Sun in the sky the Son of God begins to rise on your emotions and that's what I call your horizon bright tennis all right let's talk about what horizon is horizon is a skyline it's where you observe the sky if you will and the heavens the heavens and the earth coming together it represents the present it represents the future horizon divides into two categories visible two visible directions are seen in the rise two categories those that touch earth and those that are restricted to heaven when you look at when you look at the ocean from the beach I know you've done this and you look out far enough it appears as though there's a line out there where the ocean the earth and the sky meet that's the horizon that's a physical horizon our personal horizons depend on what we know what we know what we experience and what we're interested in the word horizon actually means a limiting circle because as you look around you the horizon basically stays the same now what's amazing about horizon the lower you are the less horizon you see the higher you are the more horizon you see so what I'm walking on the ground I see her but it's limited if I get an airplane I look at the horizon it almost appears unlimited because the height you are if you will dictates how much horizon you see I'm trying to help you with something so ignorance as a strategy will limit your horizon what do you mean by that Bishop when I purposely avoid knowing new things when I Busters now when I purposely avoid discovering new things good or bad about myself when I'm in denial about what's wrong with me and I'm only affirming the two or three things that are right with me when it when I'm when I'm when I'm superficial in what I do and do not work on substance when my substance me working on my substance is connected to my superficiality I limit my horizons because real substance will broaden or brighten your horizon so when I'm looking at things when it went up when I watch this new kinds of people will broaden my horizon new interests will broaden my horizon reading things that I never read before saying I don't have an interest in things that I've never even researched limits my ability to have a brighter horizon what you want or what you're interested in can open or limit can expand a limit your horizons what you want to do what you're interested in doing can expand your horizon life can shift to the next dimension the next chapter when your horizons experience new cultures new information will expand the way you see life so when Jesus Saves you took you all the way to tell you this he introduces you to salvation introduces you to the kingdom introduces you to the word introduces you to faith because God intends to expand the horizons in your life he wants to take the limits off and give you a whole new spectrum of unlimited possibilities now you can close your eyes if you want to but you will not limit someone else's horizons you can close your own eyes and think you're limiting your possibilities but no no you can decide not to participate in a new horizon but closing your eyes won't eliminate the fact that it's real and available to you People of God God opens up his word to us to reveal to us all these new possibilities and when we don't read his word we limit the horizons of the kingdom that God is trying to reveal to us so if I lower my position or maintain my lack of knowledge I limit what God can reveal to me if I expand my faith and expand my knowledge of the word my knowledge of God my horizons expand watch to where we're going now I see things and communicate differently depending on the horizon that I perceive and Aeronautics there's something they called attitude flying not altitude but attitude flying and what that simply means is the pilot has to understand the relationship between the nose of the plane and the horizon that he or she is looking at they call it attitude flying because if I understand the relationship between my nose and what I'm seeing if my grand mom used to say if I keep my head on straight that I'll be able to understand what I'm looking at and keep myself headed in the right direction and not fly into things that are destructive for me so my nose has to stay in the right direction the Lord has Samuel how long will you limit your horizon I admit to you Samuel something will be missing when you look into your future again but I'm going to take Saul out and put David in Samuel like David is about to experience an upward turn their horizons are about to share I'm telling you that despite what you've been going through your heart will beat again now I've got just a few minutes I want you to turn the second samuel chapter 12 as we see what a upward turn looks like second Samuel Chapter twelve we'll take a look and see what an upward turn actually looks like when it's working all right second Samuel twelve when you get there say Amen you can say it in your own houses all right ain't nobody in there but y'all in the spirit of God says Amen all right now second time in Chapter 12 now go down to verse 17 we're talking about an upward turn now I told you before that an upward turn is not a betrayal of the one that you're mourning that you are grieving over the one you used to love getting better is not a betrayal now a lot of times in ministry watch how this works we can be birthed in a certain environment and you begin to be inspired like we I came from a very conservative environment my church environment was extraordinarily conservative very traditional that's saved in a Baptist Church went to the Church of God in Christ and remarkably both of those churches have a consistency in their loyalty to tradition so when I began to pastor the church I began to hear some things from God that were different then the environment I was raised in I began to have a difficulty because at first it felt like if I was hearing something different as as it related to the way to do church do ministry preach and teach the Word of God it felt like I was betraying those that had nurtured me and what happened when they heard I was doing some different things I came under criticism but my problem was my resistance to doing what God was asking me to do as a pastor and that I felt like I was betraying my tradition as if those that had birthed me in ministry were going to come down to the church with a clipboard and evaluate our methods but I also felt like I was betraying those that had trained me for ministry and didn't realize that upward turn I was experiencing was not a betrayal it was God showing me that where I was birthed and what I had learned you know and being a pastor in managing a ministry was the infancy of what God was trying to do and that if I resisted growing because I wasn't betraying my foundation I'll never betray those they're there and but the tradition is not to be discarded here's what Christians make a mistake traditions are not to be discarded they ought to be built upon so most Christians spend their whole lives welcomed with Christ starting again starting again starting again because they're discarding something valuable called their past and starting over again so watch what happens I can't discard everything about my past because it's the foundation for Who I am but pastor you don't understand how terrible it was I need you to understand that any time you see a city in Israel called tell anything Tel Aviv Tel Aviv all those cities were built on the ruins of another city in other words the good and the bad from my past number one or foundation for my testimony also they are evidence that nobody can see other than me and those that were there with me in the projects the degree of deliverance I have experienced from God so I don't want to forget where I came from I just don't want to be influenced by where I came from I hope I'm helping you this morning so so you can have a loved one grieve and mourn start feeling better and you're still being loyal to the individual so I don't have to grieve in a way that appears as though I don't accept the will of God because I feel if I start feeling better I'll be disloyal to the one that I love all right let me keep moving now I hope you're getting this verse 17 second Samuel Chapter 12 verse 17 and the elders of his house arose talking about David now and went to him to raise him up from the earth but he would not so they went to lift him up and he said leave me here in other words in modern language leave me alone don't touch me I don't feel like being bothered get away from me mm-hmm have you ever said that okay so they went to raise him up those that cared about him came to lift him up off the earth and he would not be lifted so it's safe to say the text is revealing he's in the grieving stage he's in the morning state he's down but he's not yet grieving as though he has hope he's not mourning as though he has hope are you hearing me but he would not neither did he eat so a lot of times I don't have an appetite and sometimes we won't eat because we're trying to make sure you understand how upset I am ain't nobody talking to me I need you to I need you to get this thing I'm really upset I'm not even eating becomes a testimony rather than a physical difficulty came to pass on the seventh day that the child died servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead but they said Behold while the child was yet alive we spake unto Him and he would not hearken he would not hear and obey us unto our voices how will he then vex himself what's he going to do to himself now they became afraid for this man of God if we tell him that the child is dead so people coming to you afraid to come to you because they don't believe you can handle the next stage of your reality I'm trying to help you now and when David saw that he's certain his service whispered David perceived that the child was dead so David had to get get all suspicion out out of the way and David said to a sermon is a child dead and they said he's dead watch this upward turn he rose from the earth washed anointed himself change his clothes went to the house of the Lord and worship that's and up would turn because now he shifted in the way he morning watch the words now his he's shifted in the way that he's grieving I'm going to worship in God's house then he went home and said y'all bring me something to eat then said his servant unto Him what in the world is going on with you you fasted and wept for the child while it was alive but when the child was dead thou this rise and eat bread and he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept yea for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me I'm in the bargaining stage while I'm in the shock stage Walton you didn't hear what I said he said who can tell whether God will change his mind but now he is dead why should I fast watch the hope I can't bring him back the one thing I'm certain about I shall go to him but he shall not return to me acceptance so he's gonna mourn differently now because he's gonna mourn with hope so now he goes through what I call reconstruction he's working through it because he's accepted it and he has hope now so now he's got some new horizons and some new possibilities I need you to give your heart permission to beat again it's not a betrayal to the one that you loved it's an acceptance from God pain is a process not a companion listen to me pain is a process not your companion pain is something you know not your closest friend your heart will beat again simply ask the Lord Lord increase my faith Lord I believe I need you to help my unbelief I need you to lose whisper to yourself right now heart I give you permission to beat again let's pray God I bless your name now for this time that you have allowed us to share in your word thank you for this conversation that yes even though we're in the midst of grieving because of relationships or the death of a loved one or a child I ask you now Lord to speak to our hearts give us the authority to speak to our own beings and give us the permission to live again I give your name praise right now because of all your wonderful goodness all of your mercy and in the midst of feeling as though we were sometimes the Walking Dead I actually increased faith that we might speak those things that will cause our horizons to brighten and our hearts to beat wonderfully strong again I thank you for those watching around the world for those who do not know you I pray right now that you would save their souls allow your spirit to lead them into a confession of being a sinner and the plea that I need your Lord and I need you right now speak to our hearts this morning say something that we need to hear lord I thank you for those that know you but walked away from you but are watching this morning from wherever they are in their homes some are working I ask you right now Lord that you would reconnect them restore their Fellowship and restore their relationship with you put a yes in their hearts yes in their mind I thank you for those as followers who are geographically locked out but we'd love to be a part of what we're doing here at the transformation Church I want to thank you that they can connect become a part of our great Internet congregation that is worldwide bless us now as we prepare tell somebody Lord that you love them so they can say lord thank you in the name of Jesus I pray amen why don't you call somebody tell somebody text them in box and let them know about this message that you have received today this conversation that we have had there are some new horizons available to you they're just ahead of you yes when you look into that arisin some things someone may not be there but God has already decided not a replacement not another dislike but something greater is in front of you new possibilities new horizon I want to thank you for joining us here at Bethany Church the transformation church for the encounter worship experience I'm Bishop David G Evans I'm so glad you joined us right now there was a response to the Word of God that we all should make by faith the Lord tells us to return to him a part of what he's given to us one of the things that the Lord taught me very early in my walk was faith without works is dead that faith without action is dead faith next thing I learned at any time I hear the word of God it is absolutely important that I show my faith God is a God that loves sacrifice and he loves obedience even says obedience is better than sacrifice does not mean that he does not want us to sacrifice it means that he sees obedience and sacrifices two important elements of relationship with him and he needs to us to understand how important they are not only to him but to you Bible says things like given it shall be given unto you but it doesn't come back the same way all those scriptures kind of point to the Malachi scripture which says return unto me a portion of what I've given you I want you to take that seed called a tithe because every seed must have a name because every seed has a future that is dictated by what it is called I need you go to the icon right now and share with us those gifts there are some things we need to do I need you to help us because what we need to do is maintain the strength of the ministry so we can continue to minister to you during this unpredictable season we don't know whether it's gonna be four weeks or six weeks but we need the church to remain strong so we can minister to you several times a day every day of your life come to you on Wednesday night and on Sunday mornings and release a word to you that I believe will not only help you with where you are but a word that's going to help you understand why God is taking you through helping you navigate this portion of your life and the proper response to a word is to give when I receive the proper faith response is to respond with giving so I want you to go to the icon right now and begin to do what others are doing all around the country and around the world and that has released that tithe at offering at tithe and that offering that God has commanded but also the Bible calls the for us to release the sacrifice now what do you want me to do pass through this is what I need you to do that tired that you would so it's time for you to sow it in the tithes and offerings you see it on your screen we've got the instructions up so you can follow all the prompts to electronically give so the tithe and the offering is a separate offering the sacrifice is another the tithe and the offering is a seed that God has commanded the sacrifice is what God expects he expects us because he gave us the greatest sacrifice he could ever give us and that was Jesus himself on the cross so I want you right now to join us at this part of worship as a tangible act of faith and compassion as you help us maintain the strength of this house so we can continue to serve you in the best way we know possible content day and night 24 hours a day helping you get through a season a voluntary confinement I don't want you to be afraid they're resources on this site that we're gonna help you understand why we're in the season we are in give them an assurance less fear more faith and allow the fear to be replaced by wisdom and common sense so your your faith and wisdom or faith and common sense person I want you to go to the icon right now and so your gift very plain instructions now if God is laying on your heart to do something extraordinary today something special there's a special offering section you can go there right in what you know took God told you to do put your offering there and let us know why you're sowing that unusual seed for you I don't know about you but the Lord revealed to me that we're in a season like Abraham he was in the midst of a troublesome situation he dug a well that got opposed he dug another when that got opposed he finally dug another one and that one made room for him he kept on digging kept on sacrificing until the breakthrough came I want you go to the icon right now and join me and others all around the world as we sow as we give by faith expecting a kingdom return the seed I sow into my future changes the horizon of my life changes my possibilities cause the seasons to contain what I believe by faith it will contain for me you shall receive the desire of your heart you do season is in your control seed in your hand will never leave your life oh my god the harvest that God has for you he's waiting for you right now just an act of faith believe in God he will keep you he will sustain you go to the icon I'll see you the next service I want you to stay strong and stay Savior and remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so won't you say to yourself several times a day new possibilities new horizons new possibilities new horizons I'll see you real soon
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 2,894
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BbIa2zFw9go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 27sec (5427 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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