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[Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your breathing is hard because of me or the altitude well it could be because i love being held in your arms and again it could be the altitude maybe i should have kept that date with marsha morgan tonight [Music] you know they're telling me i was due for the psychiatrist couch and to get out of town it's one of the best things that ever happened nothing had you in mind if it had to be anywhere anybody i'm awfully glad it was me [Music] like a cigarette no thanks i don't smoke you know i was just thinking los angeles gray flannel suit superior courts briefs trials grand juries suddenly they seem to have gone out of my life suddenly they see me 500 years away instead of 500 miles can i have utah how do they get here beth just got in your car and started driving didn't care where it took you you know i might get to like that car [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's marcia morgan at least i think it is hey what happened who yeah what's going on here huh get the sheriff why what for stay where you are get the sheriff will you sure [Music] [Applause] i hate pulling you out of bed for this ben but we have to hold an official inquest the boys that saw lake will be hollering for a report nothing's ever happened here like like this before i'm only used to marrying people and burying them from old age you want this one amos must you aim that thing so close oh sorry jess oh ben yes it's all yours doc let's get it over with george we didn't put the light down yes yes amos will you please now go ahead dog [Music] real psychopath knife drawn across the throat severed jugular vein here too quick for to cry out must have stood in front of her to do it no stranger then i'd say no crisscross slashes across the eyes and the lips this mutilation here speed 10 or 12 cuts this portion of her body same frenzy pattern of disfigurement even on the legs criminal assault i can't tell her i'd have to get her to a hospital run a test anything else doc awesome you got any questions ben you satisfied with what happened how [Music] that makes it official onion quests over you maybe just started jess they write case histories up in the textbooks on the type that did this they don't stop with just one [Music] julia put you a step closer to placing my king in jeopardy why do you ponder the sacrifice of a mere porn i ask myself about that sacrifice edmund the risks involved who or what is really important edmund or what does one wish to hold on to what is there in this world worth holding on to julia you leave yourself vulnerable my knight will sweep down on your queen slaughter and tear her to bits it's getting late i wish i could stop thinking about tomorrow wish we could push it back a hundred years you'll be needing all your strength too i have my strength not some muelling infant who tires of playing with these toes please get me a brandy julia [Music] why did you have to stay why didn't you just pack up and go it's over now she can't hurt anyone anymore she was poisoned like a disease [Applause] [Music] i've crushed all life out for you haven't i i don't know why you make such a sacrifice from your brother don't talk ellie edmund hasn't been that way at all oh what it has you scratch my ear when it itches blow my nose feed me the food that i eat all the accomplishments of a wetness now many women have mastered the art of blowing a man's nose properly i admit [Music] matter of fact my nose needs blowing right now must be our protector of the innocent make certain he wipes his feet first [Music] hello jess yes i know wipe my feet first [Music] leave it on holmes be briefing to the point folks around say i couldn't talk less without being dead that's a consummation devoutly to be wished i'll vote for it at the next election that's next november this is now i got a job to do i don't like it but i gotta do it a girl was slaughtered and cut up like a sign of beef tonight i must say the man-eating witch deserved it but she might have chosen some messy public place trailer camp at zion national park or bryce canyon please edmond oh she didn't she was checked in at your place someone crazies on the loose until i find out who you got some guests who stay put nice of you to take over i've got no choice in was your staff was you julia i think you'd better get out of here when i'm finished ed julian did you go out anywhere near three lakes tonight well yes i did i guess everyone from the lodge was there i i drove a couple of guests out myself you just stay well not for long we'd given beth the night off joe was here fixing edmund as supper i came back because i didn't want to leave him alone you're not unhappy about the dead girl [Music] unhappy romance on the gold standard common creature whose every word every breath every gesture was the shell of a empty shallow promise this morgan was an example of completely justifiable homicide [Music] is an opinion or a confession head confession all these years i would have given anything to use a knife to get back the use of just one finger testing very clever [Music] and now i think it's time for you to go sheriff i'm sorry it's all right good night no it's all right [Music] you find anything dried out around the draw anything yet hib more beard cans nothing that looks like a knife chest we'll keep looking go under again boys any doctor would suggest this must have got his medical training at an aquarium give it a chance edmund we haven't tried water therapy before you don't mind my saying it's one of the best ways don't mind your saying there's always hope you must remember that mr perry i've had enough lift me out next you'll be putting plastic ducks in here and have me pushing them around the pool at the end of my nose you've only been in a half an hour and then i want to get out oh would you please help us with him mr houston sure where's joe boy isn't joe here it's all right mr parry i've got you [Music] here here wait a minute stevenson i want to see you good morning julian morning jess morning ed been looking for you got a few questions i'd like to ask i'm a man of few secrets sheriff holmes my family helped to settle this town and i've sweated life's blood to make this place a success i have an obligation and responsibility to my guests and i'll not have you now come with your cheap third-degree police methods and drag it all through the mud you had a date with a murdered girl last night you get around david mr was with me last night don't have to know what i already know miss dixon you could have seen her earlier that's right i could have been sitting around the pool having a few drinks she got a little high started acting cute i saw her through the window she was all keyed up like he was a meek coach she wanted to try on certain kinds of cute you can't act in public hers was one of them i could have been later at three lakes then when the drinks wore off and she maybe didn't want to acute anymore i got mad and killed her came back picked mix dixon up and took her to the dance just like nothing had happened what better alibi can you have if you're the one who discovers the body you make it sound convincing i knew you'd like it if i were prosecuting i could make a big case out of this only trouble is i'd lose you see it was all marsha's idea to have the date i never showed prove it there's two sides to the law sheriff burden of proof is as much up to you holmes prove anything don't push me too far ed he's upset jess he doesn't mean these somebody showed last night and even one murder's too high on average for a small town like ours you know it's the first time my life i've ever worried about having pretty girls around maybe lots of things got to be proved before this is over you perry they told me the one in the wheelchair i wanted to check in but the babe in the lobby said you were full up that right there must be a mistake number 29 is vacant follow me please [Music] do you plan on staying long mister phelp joseph a couple of days maybe maybe more maybe less want to keep stuff like that under lock and key sheriff takes only one little murder like this and bang puts new life in town get yourself a reputation overnight i'll show you where it is [Music] go ahead with the eating don't mind me got a cup of coffee for you sally thought i'd join the same mr grant here you two go up to three lakes together last night well um not exactly my agent rushed this trip up to me i had to read it right away let him know whether i'd accept the pot i joined here later thanks sally i haven't seen you thank you i haven't seen you in a picture for a long time mr grant an actor has to be careful the parts he plays he must watch you have to get them first too i imagine i remember another girl and myself standing outside his studio a whole afternoon one day after school in the rain just to get norman's autograph well you got one loyal fan mr grant success happens sometimes too quickly and overnight there can be too many harriets like too many drinks that go to your head then too many mistakes and sheriff when they stop asking for your autograph you're the forgotten man but it won't always be that way norman it won't this part they want you for i came here to get back into shape to give up drinking to bury my past meeting harriet helped restore the faith i'd lost in myself what about you and marsha morgan mr graham what about us nor no i uh well yes i met her when she was up here making that picture please shut up i can't get mixed up in this not now it would scare every producer in hollywood off me are you sure that's the only reason you're worried all right joe take it easy now i'll get back to you later by the way you and that young lady drove here together in louise miles you both work in los angeles that's right we room together she's with a telephone company i do professional modeling as long as you're here stay close to the lodge no wandering off alone at night come on joe what happened we found him running around crazy up the navy hogan he's waving [Music] this them along [Music] they picked them up with this this knife is from our kitchen joe you kill a woman with this well did you kill woman i find knife i go in hills and kill rabbit i think i kill rabbit maybe woman i get drunk i hate woman per woman he's crazy just lock him up fred got him take this knife over to doc aiken i want to know if it's human blood i'll be over later yo gets wild when he breaks he imagines things as a mental blackout that was no mental blackout just now when he saw beth joe meant no real harm he used to relieve julia taking care of me before beth came to work for us gets a little jealous now and again common enough human trait he stumbled on the knife accidentally i'm sure of it too bad if that destroys a good solution eh sheriff sure just like the man who sliced his wife up into 52 thin pieces thought she was a deck of playing cards who's to say he didn't come across marcia and think she was beth maybe he'll make less sense sober [Music] we're not dealing with an ordinary killer committing an ordinary crime [Music] none of the accepted motives involved no revenge money no self-defense no premeditation here this killer is different on the outside he's calm normal perfectly adjusted but on the inside [Music] in the mind thought pressures are boiling when they reach a peak of intensity the brain explodes madness escapes then it's over flame dies down fire goes out until the next time miss miles yes want to talk to you for a minute why am i poking a few questions at you mind going over the pink poodle uh changing my own clothes yeah but uh [Applause] [Music] um you and frankie pierce had a question or a statement it's up to you past tense [Music] so is marsha morgan so let it be a lesson to her frankie stand you up last night [Music] don't ask me sheriff ask frankie [Music] beth would you take the board please did you notice if edmund was all right on your way in oh yes he's still by the pool he's all right very large oh julia placed the call for a mr joseph felton all right fernie you can put the call through hello well let's have it hello hello mr prentice this is felton yeah i'm in canada place in utah big tourist hangout i came passing through this morning town of around 1200 people only they're down to 1199. one of them died last night a dame somebody got nervous with a knife yeah don't worry i'm sticking maybe i finally got my nose into something well i'd like to smell around a little before i go talking to the sheriff yeah yeah i'll get back to it tomorrow morning okay bye [Music] master fountain wow the big bus nice layout ought to have a slogan terry with perry i should like some fresh tea mr felten thanks for asking you start in training for the night life very early don't you been traveling so much i forgot to set my watch back i'm still in eastern standard time three hours ahead cocktail hour i'm not one for tampering with the lord's time your conscience must love you for that just why are you here mr felton hanging around for the next murder you talk look and smell just like an animal out of a city jungle and all the time i could have sworn it didn't show same [Music] i'm going to be in heaven tonight aren't you frankie in the morning fix the drink and shut up no now frankie there's no way to talk yep stacked like a you know what should come up to the bar she'd say my cunning never let my eyes melt in an empty glass then she'd get out there on that dance floor and really fry eggs i said shut up mike just shut up not so touchy boy [Music] that job you got for the summer over the lumber mill [Music] that's not all you worked out as a frankie you grew yourself a pair of sharp horns since you hit command big muscle boy yeah i guess you'd go to any girl's head i guess you might say you could even get them fighting over you getting maybe even real mad you take that one over to lodge that louise miles girl that awarded you with earlier this afternoon that is she did most of the same as it's what's saying she didn't do like how she might still have been stood up at the dance even with you there like how she was running second best after marcia all the time i imagine it'd be an awful joke for someone having made a date with marsha going to meet her and finding her already dead like she was yep it scare the pants right tight on me [Music] i'll see you mike [Music] law's up late tonight working or playing i'm going like a nightcap another time thanks tonight [Music] whatever you're having two scratches please just enough ice to chill at the twist of 11 feet [Music] i'll get two people start out like we didn't then get so lost so many things seem to have gotten in the way yeah worst part of it is i don't think it stopped well enough of that let's talk about us to us that's much better we have another dance i promised [Music] you know i'm rare [Music] an unmarried man oh not just old just too busy fat and what about women sometimes like a cop never around when you need them not bitter or distrustful what do you trust i'd like to trust you please david could we go [Music] lousy night for lovers hi jack [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] look at that funny man so [Applause] [Music] [Music] this keeps up jess we're gonna have to start raising taxes to build a morgue are you sure he just drowned lungs swimming in water no awkward signs of violence or physical injury you want a full autopsy why holler no leave him be you might as well keep him at your place ben no i'm bombing no nothing till i find out more about him i wouldn't have to do too much to him anyway got himself the start of a nice suntan well here's all his personal stuff [Applause] sorry i didn't get a chance to run those tests on the girl in the knife sooner jess have my hands full with two babies till just this morning that's all right doc no rules for anything anymore can't set a time for getting born any more than dying i'll see you later y'all [Music] sit here [Music] i should like a cigarette oh no one of mine a king king-sized they smoke longer one has to learn to live with oneself sometimes takes a bit of doing oh no in the holdout [Music] you'll have to do your own puffing [Music] what do you think did it huston well holmes has a long list we're all on it you're a lawyer i watched you react studying phases probing which were you the prosecuting attorney or the attorney for the defense if you were on trial which would you want me to be [Music] yeah but i told you once no no nobody's been arrested yet yeah we're sworn in plenty of deputies they're out patrolling the whole town no we're not letting children out nights yep we're doing everything we can to protect our women too [Music] well maybe there is more i can say but that's all i'm gonna say yeah sure call me anytime i don't mind it at all murder any more of those newspaper fellows from los angeles salt lake call looking for me you got trouble finding me understand okay thank you [Music] well didn't eat a bit almost passed out watch me eat my lunch boss many hammers in my head make big noise keep drinking that stuff you have a hole in your head now listen to me joe try to think what did you mean about a dim shape you saw down three lakes before you found the night was something different i don't know animal maybe i think then i go kill rabbit with knife that knife had human blood on joe you didn't kill rabbits you didn't kill anything we know you were drinking yourself into seeing things at the bar peaches the time the girl was killed but you could have seen something afterwards joe maybe maybe you give me drink i get drunk again maybe then i remember what i forget when i get drunk last night maybe you stay put until you make sense water's all you get water make me very sick roberta what was the name of that fella you said this felton called in pittsburgh harry princess do you want the number it's factory oh four eight seven five oh four eight seven five thanks and verda no matter what time day or night the call from the police department of pittsburgh comes through finally we and alberta no listening huh never a dull moment sure do something for you i'm sorry i forgot i'm still with suspect hot or cold did a pretty good speech you made yesterday and you're a pretty smart lawyer maybe you're looking for a client to defend thanks came up here to get away from that someone's gonna need a good lawyer so i guess maybe i can let down my air with you thanks this being the law i can get one feeling pretty lonely at times i guess maybe i got a yen to have somebody to talk to guess maybe you're human after all sure it wasn't he thinks he saw something i'm keeping him here because i don't want him remembering somewhere on the loose and getting drunk and forgetting this felton i never would have taken him for a private detective so that's what he was too glad he never learned to swim don't think it would have helped tell me about paris sheriff what happened to him oh there's been lots of stories everyone tells it different the one that tells most is about a girl goes back 10 maybe 12 years ago not here someplace back east supposed to get married something happened next thing she runs off with another fellow left parry with a broken arrow in his heart it's not a very different kind of story but parry is a very different kind of man went to move his hands next morning couldn't lift a finger he's been that way ever since been the doctor's all over nothing they can do for him i'm no psychiatrist but [Music] shock of losing her might have been too great for her might be trying to turn this into an escape hatch way of punishing himself not being able to hold on to her have her for himself his way of burying the hurt and shamed his pride don't know about that do know he's got a mean streak in him when it comes to women maybe not julia she's been everything to him but her wife what happens if another woman comes into his life takes him away from his sister i think i'd be the sorriest man alive having to come in with proof of what you're thinking you and julia grew up in this town together didn't you fred you better get going i'm sorry i didn't mean to get a person you need me i'm going across fredonia i'll be at the lumber mill thanks i'm gonna see frankie i gotta hunt she met the girl that night found her dead been scared speechless ever since thinking if he told us we'd never believe he didn't kill her fact is doc aiken says there never was any criminal assault frankie boy you don't know how lucky he is want to take a ride thanks i've got a case of my own to figure out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i was beginning to wonder about us and last night as a matter of fact i came up here to consult my lawyer find out what he had to say this phone message came for you able to postpone hearing gray versus gray urge you to return immediately and to take advantage of time to prepare case douglas julia thought you might have ridden this way she thought that maybe you'd need this as soon as possible i hate goodbyes [Music] it didn't seem that way last night seem to me that's what you were trying to say it wasn't that at all david nothing oh what was it then david why don't you leave because maybe i don't want to leave without you maybe i got to thinking what i said about being the last of a dying breed [Music] i don't want to die that way anymore oh david all right beth i knew i'd have to tell you sooner or later i just didn't know what words to use david i've been married before i was very young very immature and very inexperienced things happened that made me feel such a horrible shame i was very unhappy i had to leave him [Music] later i felt our relationship made me unfit to marry any other man i had to get away i went from place to place finally mr perry gave me this job i began to think more clearly and then you showed up then i showed up david i'm sorry i'm sorry too only i'm sorry i didn't show up sooner before you got hurt [Music] [Music] so so so look out [Music] poor frankie and all the big man scared out well this is delightful sad mournful dinner and now a lively little week i for one shall drink to frankie [Music] bright hot flame in a cold dark world i shall miss him i shall miss also the beating of female wings as the moths tried to fly through that flame pity the flame was blown out too soon why [Music] before [Music] delicious [Music] oh come now no one drinking that isn't very warm or brotherly besides rapidity with which our sheriff is solving matters we should live dangerously before the murderer has us all nicely chopped up and put away i shall have another i'm having a wonderful time you know something if we hadn't come here i never would be having such a wonderful time isn't that right louise and because i'm having such a wonderful time i want to thank you for having a wonderful time i want to thank you for having such a wonderful time thank you for my wonderful time [Music] i got lipstick on you let me wait i'll do it thanks i'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you i only wanted to thank you for my wonderful time i think mr perry understands hurry come on greedy and primitive no more art or cunning than one prehistoric animal creeping one another well it was a nice party one consolation in nature's plan for the survival of the fittest creatures like that will one day be as extinct as a dinosaur well on that happy note i'll say good night and thanks i'll change my dress i'll be back [Music] did you see the look on parry's face when she kissed [Music] i thought julia had cut her throat it's funny how that slipped out [Music] cigarette i forgot you don't smoke [Music] it's a mess isn't it [Music] i'm going over to holmes see if he's got any word in that felton character he seems to think felton might be mixed up in all this you know homes may be small town but he's got a big mind [Music] and you i'll i'll see you tomorrow all right go ahead and say it i'm an idiot i don't even know how to say goodnight to a girl don't change you're gonna love living in los angeles [Music] a little insurance to protect our wonderful time wonderful time beth will be back in a few minutes do you mind if she takes you home i have a dreadful headache oh it doesn't matter can i get you some hot milk before i leave milk i'd like to get so drunk i can look in a mirror and spit in my own face how about a drink a little enough reward for your being my witness i'm sure being here alone with me shouldn't give you a mr houston cause for worry i always knew someone would sweep you away from here someday you must be tired yes i am tired i'm tired of being surrounded by lipstick and love and women's fleshy turns to jelly at the sight of a man men who set up a howl like a backyard cat at the sight of a woman's leg in a black stocking i don't care whether you join me in a drink or not you may pour me a large whiskey let it fit neatly into a large glass [Music] [Applause] not much hope for me [Music] i think i understand i think i understand how you felt tonight and harriet put her arms around you and kissed you i also think i understand how you felt when marsha didn't but tried to make you want her to [Music] i think i understand how you feel look at his hands all dead [Music] and they shouldn't be able to hold the woman close to feel the softness [Music] of her skin to touch her hair her eyes [Music] [Music] what makes you so different from the others [Music] i think i've let it go now is there anything else i can do for you before i go just leave me here well good night good night ever since i met you i've had nothing but yearning for you no that's not the right word it goes deeper than that much deeper and i've seen things in your eyes warmth and passion and an infinite tenderness which even you don't know about if you'll just give me a chance i know how to bring those things out of your eyes into your nerves and feelings if you just give me a chance i love to rehearse with you norman then walter pulls diane into his arms and this time he does kiss her oh no that was beautiful it was [Applause] [Music] so [Music] famous outside it's dead within the last half hour still some severed your blood from my wounds it's like the same killer all right throat slash the same those arms cut up like a jigsaw puzzle these different mutilations are beginning to tell a story jess i'm just an everyday gp but i'll add our courses in psychology i don't have to be crazy to know i got a real crazy one in my hands the way i'm beginning to think this character will carve up any pretty thing who throws yourself with a man yeah yeah jess you go find something like that homes later we were here we were sitting right here i was kissing her that something hit the other hand i was knocked out i came too i was next to her we were all good with what grant are trying to tell me did you see who it was did you see anything you're sitting here i'm sitting right next to it and something hit me over the head knocked me out but i came to i was right i heard he's a sick man belongs in the hospital i'm sitting right next to her not a crack on his head any chance it might have been self-inflicted i don't think so knocked me out i'm all through with her if you uh i came to and i got another one for you ben wrap her up and get her out of here one of these days i'd sure like to be marrying somebody holmes at the party early tonight holmes will you come to parry's house with him hey miss you're gonna blind someone with that thing sure all right jess all those ben waller's coming out with the body homes i've been trying to tell you harry had got tight she had her arms all around her i don't have to worry about her doing it anymore do they know about it yet uh one of the men from the house i don't like it i haven't seen beth i'll see you later [Music] so [Music] julia is that you [Applause] what are you doing in my house hurry i must talk to you perhaps you had different ideas about my physical handicap julia julia she's not here i went through the whole house harriet's dead perry her throat slashed just like marshes i saw how she went up to you tonight threw her arms around you kissed you it was the champagne but i also watched how marsha would operate she had no ceiling on men you you were money a word she knew how to spell a lot of money can change a girl's mind about a lot of things now they're both dead sister's love for her brother can be just as possessive and jealous as a mother's love for her son when some woman tries to come between i'm sorry you had to say that i'm sorry too because you're not going to be able to prove a thing i'll alibi for her right up to the hilt what good's that gonna do you you've got yourself to live with the rest of your life i stopped living with myself over 10 years ago i've been all dead inside ever since murdered murdered by my own sister when she wrecked the one love i ever had you wouldn't believe this but i've forgiven you you're forgiven isn't that charitable what about marsha morgan and harriet ames what about the next woman your sister thinks is gonna try and take you away from her what's going to happen to her parry you're going to go on forgiving forgive once more and you're just as guilty of murder as if you could pick up a gun and blow my brains out to keep me from leaving this room right now well i haven't got a gun you and i know why she did this susan you just make sure they understand for you [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] david it was horrible i drove mr perry home and i was on my way to my room when i saw her coming from grant's college that was before i knew what had happened she found me to my room and she had this in her hand she made me drive her car all right it's all right we got here i ran away she caught me and that knife in her head i i tried to get away from her but [Music] david help me help me she'll be all right gotta get her to a hospital [Applause] [Music] so david [Music] don't let them take me please don't let them take me [Music] please don't let them take me [Music] don't let them take me please it's going to be all right you couldn't help me no no she couldn't help [Music] hmm thanks dave dave you better start forgetting sure jess i'll start forgetting why couldn't i have figured it your way i figured nothing it was more that phone call felt and made apprentice best husband he'd been hired by prentice to find her and bring her back he picked up her trail and he was following it when he ran smack into the marsha morgan murdered he knew the signs all right so he stayed the only thing was he didn't know who to look for pictures he had meant nothing she changed her name and the color of her hair and she could have been any of the girls in town or at the lodge it could be just as sweet and fresh as apple pie if you didn't know now i was just leaving and i will i'll make arrangements for harriet sorry things turned out this way saw julie at the hospital this morning she's the one who put in that call apprentice for felton when prentiss got on the line and beth heard her own husband's voice well and that story about julia coming to her room i bought it every last word of it after the murder we called the house julie had a feeling in his best and she didn't tell perry she went right to beth's place and faced her with it you know the rest the only one who could make the whole thing sure was prentice and when joe said he saw a different form the night that marcia was murdered he saw a woman i picked the wrong woman well so did prentice only he married her after he found out what he'd married he did the only thing he could got her committed for treatment and she broke out and ran away all the way from pittsburgh when beth saw women like marsha and harriet white her own sense of shame and guilt must have recurred killing them must have been like like killing herself yo get me away from here yes boys miserable predatory creatures [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Rob W
Views: 136,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dZtH8zodXW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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