♦Drive-In Classic♦ 'THE CRUEL TOWER' (1956) John ERICSON, Mari BLANCHARD

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] must be coming into a yard get rid of him [Music] so [Music] you go back to sleep all josh won't hurt you all josh wouldn't hurt a fly [Music] live huh why you got a name all right forget it i'll just call you string b well my name's casey although i don't know why i tell you you all right yeah i'm okay where are you taking me well i'll tell you i don't know and the little birds don't know what did they stop again make sense they could keep driving but no no they got to stop we gotta have another meeting how is he uh he seems okay he won't tell me what his name is though how you feeling where are you taking me we're taking you a hospital friend you got pretty well shook up i'm not going to a hospital take any easy take it easy what's the matter the cops after you i'm not going to a hospital i got a job up north oh stretch i looked him over pretty good seems all right but remember tony he didn't look too bad either yeah well friend i guess we got no other choice you're not taking me what's your name you got any folks i'm telling you better get that guy to a hospital will you shut up shuffle your cards i'm trying to think what's doing shh stretch is thinking and when he's thinking uh stupid people gotta be quiet josh i ain't stupid don't you call me stupid case you shut up lover he's calling i go for you josh so what are you gonna do i'm not gonna take him to a hospital if you don't wanna go maybe there's a private doc up the line that's a stretch suppose the cops are on the guy you want him on us too and we've got enough troubles without you picking up every that comes along did you feel his arms i did yeah yeah you seem strong enough all right my mind's made up he stays okay okay but i'm not staying back here no more this thing sways back and forth back and forth and it makes me sick and you make me sick okay josh you ride in the trailer when we get up to the job at websterville maybe the babe could curse him huh the babe she's no good the only reason you hate her you haven't got a chance with her someday i'm gonna kill you stretch and that won't be no sin that'll be the day see in a bit hey uh what do you guys do what do we do we're what they call risk workers steeple jets may the good lord smiling as regular because we sure uh-huh oh thank you been out of his head at times has he yeah talks to himself quite a bit all mixed up uh-huh do you know anything about nursing not much well see that he gets some rest he'll be all right oh that's good the thing that gets me how could he fall off of a water tower without killing himself oh he was wearing a parachute oh huh oh well uh keep him quiet you better buy him another shoot can i wake you up yeah enjoy the show buster i'm pretty good huh yeah good you should have caught me when i was in burlesque are you the babe that's what they call me the name's mary hey am i all right you look fine to me besides the doctor says you're gonna be okay mr kittrich why don't i tell you my name during the children's hour when you were asleep oh what else did i say oh stuff about getting kicked off a train about your father any other questions yeah a couple where am i what's the rest of your name and why did why did stretch pick me up you're in websterville i'm mary thompson and i guess church figures you for a replacement a replacement yeah stretch lost a man a while back i need some help how to climb are you kidding i couldn't climb a stepladder i got a hunch you're gonna learn yeah help me out doctor said to keep you quiet come on help me out hey it's your head but if you paint on me buster out of the bus to talk okay it's topic up and at him tommy [Music] enjoy the view out of this world isn't it i'll pick you some cold beans and whiskey you want some history for a bad head why not okay i've made a chance [Music] hey come on down let's have a con fab right [Music] here the lousy meal i'll fix you something better later on thanks what are they doing oh looking it over it's a big one isn't it sick just watching it drink that whiskey you'll be sicker i tried it oh what happened to the whiskey i gave tommy a shot i see you did hey uh look mister just call me stretch i'm gonna get the boys a boarding house we're not gonna sleep in this trailer this time come on mary we'll get you a room later gretch casey will stay with you tonight strange yeah thanks a lot ah forget it i better get back to bed that and drink hit me yeah maybe better yes she was so dark you're so far up so far up johnny i couldn't help it i tried i could now but i couldn't hey come on wake up you're giving me an awful nuisance always yelling your head off look i didn't ask to be here ah in fact stretches to blame him and stinking birds what's with the birds i just don't like them had a couple of them flying on my face once when i was working on top of a church staple i almost fell 150 feet what's your problem oh it's a funny world i chase all over the country and i end up with a bunch of steeplejacks and what's the matter with jax nothing wrong with you guys it's me you always playing with those things yeah yeah sure they're readers you know a mark deck yeah i'm not gonna work all my life with these i'm gonna use the noodle see i'm studying to be a crook then maybe i won't wind up like tony what happened to him he fell [Music] good morning oh good morning i brought you an egg sandwich for breakfast it's probably gold oh thanks you ever been up one of those yeah one i was on a steeper too sat in the chair and they pulled me up what'd it feel like ah felt awful and i've got news for you that's just gonna put you to work just like i told you oh no i couldn't work up there you want a job don't you well sure i do what we gonna do when the boys picked you up get a hotel job at a resort up there pays better [Music] how's it look it stinks [Music] scared i don't blame you i guess we're all a little afraid of going too high [Music] cops aren't after you [Music] no of course not you're running from something now listen i don't ask you anything about you or stretch or why you're chasing around the country so why don't you buy my own business you're right i like you tommy i'll try to talk stretch out of it don't bother because i don't do anything i don't want to do we ought to pay him back for taking care of you maybe you could work on the ground he has eyes like a hawk he sees everything [Music] oh him and the birds huh [Music] casey's funny isn't he i'm afraid of josh but i love casey you know i think stretch must be far sided maybe that's why he was such a lousy fighter stretch was a fighter [Music] how's it look bad real bad stretch should have checked the job before he took it luck wasn't with us i wasn't with us luck had nothing to do with it well you shouldn't undercut forced bids you should let him have it he'll try to get even i know forrest tomorrow you go to work we need a ground man and you're elected i'll pay you 30 a week in your food after two weeks i'll give you a raise you can pay back the steak when you can i don't know anything about this kind of work i'll get another job and i'll pay you back with you no you're well it's like this we need you once upon a time you needed us well now we need you we got to get this job done all right but i stay on the ground oh sure you will so long hero i uh you guys have been mighty nice to me feeding me and getting me a doctor i'm married taking care of me miss thompson's no good what do you mean stretch has a wife in oakdale her name is rosemary does mary know she ain't stupid she's just evil get out get out before the evil rubs off on you get out [Music] watch yourself tommy [Music] hello [Music] oh the case over there boy [Music] hang on man [Music] rabbit slides [Music] blow it away [Music] hey hey come on it ain't so bad case it's not bad well they can't crack that skull boy you're good boy case he's quite a boy he saw her coming hollered a warning first before he ducked that's a good boy you moved pretty fast i got to i'm the boss oh you're good too tom what happened ladder broke loose it comes from using old chair lines for slangs i suppose it's my fault that you got cocked i didn't say that did you take me off who else uh tom helped did good too well i guess i was pretty lucky at that thanks to you both you all right you're really all right casey you all right sure josh i'm sorry case i try to stop sorry all right sorry i forget it oh look stretch i'm through playing bodyguard at a time i am not sleeping in any more bunks just to see that they don't take off from now on we're all sleeping in a house and beds okay sure sure i had it in mine tonight we'll all go first class huh good bye you got quite a send-off in the jack word yeah oh casey's quite a guy something happened uh casey got cunked is he hurt he's fine did you get a job yeah and a diner down the street can't you get a real good job in a restaurant no i can't get a real good job in a restaurant and why don't you go soak your head okay okay don't get hot i'll tell you what i'll take you out tonight buy a couple of drinks huh big deal what about you invalid you busy tonight no join us right straight sure anything you say it's your party babe look at old casey ain't that something [Music] [Applause] well tonight we're going to live it up understand it for a great drink in here yeah this is it [Music] all right this is padres where'd you ever get that word i bought a book i'm learning six new words a day laughing i'll slap you in the mouth i never laugh at you maybe get mad but not allowed you know why would i do that why you got an education even murray went to school a little very little is there any help around this joint you've got a problem buster you bet i have i'm thirsty that ain't no problem what do you want three boilermakers from stretch okay two boilermakers the tom collins two bombs and a gin fruit salad you know i want to do so much for you mary flowers on the table stuff like that i'm gonna get it too i'm gonna be a politician i'm gonna be the richest toughest politician that anybody ever saw and all for you mary all for you right that's what you say stretch i shouldn't come along you two want to talk alone if you're going to be a politician you better start learning politics all you know how to do is climb a pole and maybe use your fists a little do it again i know enough about politics i can slap anybody around with these fists i've had 20 pro fights lost 10. you shut up just keep them coming honey just keep coming [Music] nobody can make me nobody i'm tough and i'm strong look at this [Music] how about that i'd like to dance it's been around time [Music] oh what a lovely couple mother and son [Music] come on babe snap it up you're slowing down you've got no right needling you're like that always prides he'd like to dance with me but he looks pretty silly on a dance floor you should have seen her on the runway time [Music] let's go back it isn't fun anymore [Music] what's the matter can't you take a ribbon i think you dance real well thanks i think i'll comb my hair i'll be my guest are you beautiful how about a beer oh knock it off buster hey wait a minute [Music] [Music] he's fun to go [Applause] [Music] and i'll tell you another thing about him he respects me it's hard to believe but he does respect me i believe you mary but he isn't right for you you'd never be happy no stretch has ambition he'll get what he wants well that isn't enough maybe not but i've had it i've knocked around too long and now i've run for cover and protection stretch can give me that [Music] what about his wife he was crazy about her he always wanted to be somebody she'd laugh at him did something to him made him bitter but it gave him drive too i guess it makes me happy to feel i can help him although people have to help themselves pretty girl like you could do so much better like like me tommy do you have any plans do you know where you're going maybe with someone like you i would i like you very much tommy but stretch is strong and ambitious and i'm a or hobo why didn't you say that it's true though stop feeding yourself [Music] i'm sorry mary don't be forget it take me home now tommy please [Music] tom yeah thanks for what i should have stayed oh no you're done right thanks for getting the babe out of there do the cops come yeah yeah i had a nice little talk room a couple of other guys said that those two hicks made a pass of my girl small town cops are kind of sentimental it's okay get out of them goodnight stretch [Music] oh man that water stinks let's get out of here another way that thing smells it hasn't been clean since it was built you know there must be two feet of muck at the bottom of that thing yeah i got three shovels maybe we could use four now they got to drain it so we got the weekend clear starting now start now there'll be laughter in valhalla tonight well i don't know anything about valhalla meathead but there will be in websterville let's go [Music] well it's almost enough yes siree it's almost enough hi ho hi-ho it's almost enough don't don't come nosing around me for coffee money next week fool me well i'm off i will see you guys i stretch you going to ogdale uh i don't ask you no questions the answer is no i'll see you meatheads well stretch is on his way yes sir mr clay is getting loaded him and he's stinking birds well i'll see you charming lads monday i'm off to find myself again you ain't gonna find no card game case you're looking for a bus station you're thinking again jess it's not good for you when you think so much i'm going to a movie jazz but how come you got mad at casey if you don't mind my asking she's evil he ain't gonna find no card game he's catching the first bus to oakdale yeah there's nothing evil in that when stretch's wife is meeting him right she'll meet him i can tell by the way he's dressed for cards he wears a business suit do you know how to stretch his wife i know rosemary before i i had my accident i used to see her a lot rosie liked me when i got out of the hospital they were married i got drunk for two weeks i'm sorry josh why do you stay here with him what else can i do i i can't think straight nobody else will give me a chance i gotta eat you got no family jess i got nobody tonight i think i will see a movie guys you want me to go with you i think i'll go alone but thanks anyway you're a good boy tom [Music] so [Music] [Music] i didn't expect you i thought stretch would be here i haven't seen him he didn't even bother to phone want to buy me a drink dutch of course okay let's go [Music] where's your pugilistic friend i have the slightest idea what do you care i'll have a beer beer two beers and uh i couldn't care less where he is all right you haven't come around the job is it because of the other night maybe i can't afford to like you too much tommy i like you very much but don't you'll just get hurt i'm hurt already i wish you were more like stretch that's a laugh i only imagine i wish you had his ambition his drive okay so i'll study to be a dirty politician if that's what you want oh tommy i don't wanna but not on the same leg let's get out of here what's the matter can i have a drink with you i don't want a drink it's too crowded let's go to the trailer no i'm not gonna let him chase me out of here please tommy don't argue with me let's go [Music] he saw us i know he did so what he was with another girl wasn't he was he ever who was she you know no [Music] so sweet and nice did you do that because uh you're hurt no because you're nice [Music] nice i'm real nice [Music] what's eating you tom what could bother a guy like me huh [Music] well something's bothering you what is it nothing [Music] you can't give me that sometimes it helps to tell somebody about it nobody's ever quite as bad as they think they are aren't they is the truth i should be dead mary that's a terrible thing to say it happened after i got out of the army i haven't been back from korea a week [Music] see i had a younger brother he was a crazy little guy always doing things that nobody else would even try one day he climbed a cliff 300 feet up broke his leg and couldn't come down i was always afraid to hike mary but i went after him i got up to him all right i started to let him down and i froze and i dropped him 300 feet he dropped 300 feet [Music] the next morning the rangers got me off the ledge and he was dead my father he'd never let me forget about it he's just by that window and he used to say you should have taken care of your little brother you should have [Music] finally i couldn't take it any longer and i took off tom you gotta forget it it happened a long time ago i'm a coward mary i haven't even got the guts to try to climb that tower [Music] you're getting ready to run again no now i can't even run it why because i love you i would have left a long time ago if it happened to you mary [Music] where you going [Music] for a walk come on [Music] you're crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i wanted to help you and you had to help me i'm just as scared as you are we've got to go down there's nobody to help us there's going to be a storm we've got to get off this thing i no i can't i've got an idea [Music] i'll try this line around [Music] it's not gonna be afraid [Music] here it comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] that was a crazy thing i thought i had everything figured out now i'm not too sure i'm losting up everybody you and me and stretch and everything it's not your fault larry i have a right to hurt myself but i shouldn't hurt you too you've heard me listen i need you and i love you i'll work hard and get some place for you believe me [Music] don't talk just kiss [Music] cut clean as a whistle yeah and that ain't all you should get a load of that staging up high we're lucky we checked these lines first it's forest i told you he tried to get even forest yeah yeah it looks like it well we're gonna have to stand night guard two at a time tom and me first up on the catwalk with some stones why not get the cops they'd never help us it's you and me first well you and me have something in common we haven't discussed it yet but you might say we have a common interest well mr catridge you're now a steeplejack at 60 bucks a week [Music] it was kind of shaky coming up huh so was i the first time [Music] you seem kind of busy it's not even business keep away from now isn't that up to her no it ain't [Music] my friends [Music] [Music] see what we caught [Music] i'll take the guy with a gun and then [Music] man he's out like a light let's get him out of here [Music] [Music] the army teach you them tricks yeah judo i'll teach me judo sometime sure let's see who this guy is i know him it's rocky milliken rocky hurry it's me harry clay hey wait a minute he's got something in his pocket ah that's no gun it's a bottle of whiskey i load down ugly miserable my tank mine you did this to me i tried to talk him out of a stretch honest i did we ought to take you and throw you in the pond and hold you under want a drink least i could do this is tom kittbridge rocky he works for me he could have killed me you could have killed me drew this the guy taking tony's place that's right now you're working for me i'll kick the living daylights out of you seems fair i can't work for force no more after you run out of me like that i'll come in no hard feelings oh dear me no that's why i'm only paying 80 bucks on this job right right give me a drink when you stretch well you comfortable first you try to kill me and then you steal my shoes is there anything else we can do for you my old pants too and they just fit morning boys you lousy no good what you want to go cut our lines for you know how i hate splicing it how you been good joss knew i'm at peace okay forget the talk did you damage anything except the staging and the limes it wasn't time stretch you're safe remember it's your neck too i wouldn't lie all right up case joss inside with a bucket stomping me on top oh rocky you stay down for a couple of days with that head um don't fall off you don't get paid while you're in the air [Music] heads up line coming down [Applause] you're going to be sitting on top of here in the hot afternoon huh josh yeah just try all right send up the shovels and buckets and we'll start buckets and chills coming up down boy hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your matter with you guys [Music] no it's a good joint a lot of damns yeah who needs stretch you shouldn't all the time be thinking about the flesh you know you're thinking i'll do mine i wonder what's good in town yeah yeah i wonder you know i think it's gonna be a wonderful night yeah every time you get that feeling i get in trouble you like it you know it oh here comes the boy wonder now hiya tom hi tommy i've always liked that let me have a beer where have you been it's none of your business [Music] bring your glasses to the parties [Music] all we need to make this complete is the baby tell me that i like them you're doing the talking what if there's any action around here [Music] [Music] i don't believe in fighting okay josh relax tom you take the guy with the curly hair and the blue jacket [Music] just mute yourself [Music] [Music] that's right any jobs lined up double wide that's good if you know you're gonna need them that's hawaii [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe shuffle those cards and make him [Applause] he's calling the cops [Music] [Music] well i gotta hand it to you josh cops will never look for us here shut up we're happy to see that our brother mr jossman has brought friends to our service tonight oh so this is where you've been coming now on them and you all place the cloak of thy blessing and thy protection amen let's get out of here [Applause] hello josh it was nice of you to bring your friends you'll have to tell me about your work sometime i can't get much out of jaws yeah well there are days that i can't get anything out of them either we gotta go well uh you do great work i don't know i i hope so let's go we really have to go man come back soon won't you [Music] oh you're a smart boy josh real smart you pick a writing church small my office pretty well stacked too i got to hand it to you why don't you knock it off stretch she's a nice girl i bet she's nice one nice i think she's real nice so guys i'll kill him i'll [Music] rosemary you were evil with her and he will be gutsy well you think casey is playing cards every saturday night don't you don't just stretch what do you mean simmer down there let him along [Music] see if we've got somebody wants to tell me go ahead josh say what's on your mind well he ain't playing cards he's an oakdale that's where he is with your wife rosemary that's interesting joss yeah that's real interesting don't pay any attention to him stretch you don't know what he's saying [Music] i'm sorry case i hadn't just said that i'm sorry i know you didn't mean to say it's sorry jess it's about time he found it out plenty of time well that was a short party what happened it's casey what about him josh told stretch that casey's been seeing rosemary oh no you should have seen the look in his eyes i know that look you start that chimney job tomorrow yeah we'll keep casey off that stack for a couple of days at least he'll stretch cools off i know and he'll start drinking and when he's drinking he's dangerous listen let's get out of here something sick about this place maybe joss is right maybe the evil does rub off on you and then nothing makes any difference until it's too late if i run out on him now he'll take it out on casey for sure he wouldn't have a prayer yeah you're right casey's been a good friend to me i can't let him down i'll stay you've been kidding yourself tom what do you mean you're no coward when the job is over we move on promise you make it sound so easy find casey and get him out of town okay good night i gotta talk to you a minute how in the middle of the night oh wait a morning no it can't okay you got a problem don't go up on that stack stretch i'll kill you don't worry nobody's gonna kill me and i'll see you in a morning you listen to me mary knows him better than any of us she says at least stay off the job until he's cooled off time i got a job to do i gotta live in the make i'm not staying off the job for nobody in a spacely stretch now will you let's go to sleep i see the morning beauty it got any idea what we're supposed to do to it yeah repair the top and the lightning rod anything else we can find that's going to be a tough one you know that yeah real real tough i wonder why stretch ain't here don't worry about him he'll be here come on let's get out some lines couple of seats what chairs do you want to use the rig in the back of the trailer jason here he comes no hard feelings no of course not that's none of my business you've been drinking this morning stretch that's none of your business it's my business if it's not gonna be safe to work with you listen kid i've just about got to the end of a long line of patience with you one of these days i'm gonna take you apart in little pieces why not try it now you know now's a good time i'd like nothing better than a teacher come on knock it off you two guys let's get to work come on hey stretch these are new lines not the usual yeah good lines casey and i will finish rigging her the rest of you guys stay below we're done you got to forgive me stretch what i said last night i'll go up there today he's been drinking you don't know what he'll do look tom let me tell you something first of all he's a jack one of the best in the business how will you stop worrying all right stretch let's go what's the matter with you yeah what are you waiting for over time i i don't feel so good a little busy maybe you could you mean you want me to rig her by myself i wouldn't ask your case but it's easy though don't do it you're worried about him you go up with him look this is no time to argue but stretch i want a 20 bonus 20 bucks okay i'll go with you you stay here i'm pulling you off no stacking now he's right tom you've never gone this way but your time's coming boy your time's coming real soon case i'm never gonna forget what you've done for me you're never gonna forget that's nice stretch okay maybe i'll have rosemary come down and the three of us go out together yeah sure let it be realized [Music] my [Music] birds [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] those were new lines good lines there was i don't understand [Music] stretch [Music] where you been the past three days you're blaming me for what happened okay saturn maybe that wasn't my fault don't kiss me hold me i gotta have it's all been wrong stretch why don't you go back to rosemary it's that kid ain't it it's a kid no stretch it's you all your life you've been trying to prove something to yourself whatever hurts you or you don't understand you try to destroy you do think i kill case don't you all i know is he's dead stay with me mary i'm leaving i'm sorry goodbye stretch you're mine nobody else ain't ever gonna have you don't you forget it yeah stretch came by the boarding house this morning he wanted me to go away with him i'm afraid i'm sure he killed casey i'm sure he did rock and i checked chase's lines one of them could have been cut but we can't prove it and unless you get out here kill you too i know now i never belonged here being with stretch was wrong everything's been wrong and maybe if it hadn't been for me casey'd still be alive stretch is a cycle i've seen plenty of them anything can set him off don't blame yourself anyway i've decided i'm going to go home and face my family you've got nothing to be ashamed of mary i've got nothing to be proud of gonna go tell my family a few unpleasant truths what about us [Music] you'd like my family tom [Music] will you take me home please i'll tell stretch i'm through when we finish the stack don't go up there anymore quit now tonight i've quit running mary [Music] there that'll do it ah thanks for regular i suppose you were a big help weren't you sonny boy you know he hasn't got any experience rigging get experience today plenty of experience right boy i'll take anything you can fish out straight ah good oh i brought us some italian food for lunch i think you guys are gonna like it first we're gonna have us a drink and then we're gonna go to work nothing like a good fella whiskey to get the day started off right there you go [Music] shouldn't drink whiskey whiskey's a sin especially you should come up stretch cut it out let it go tom [Music] you guys think i don't feel bad you think i've been goofing off for three days sure i haven't you know why in case he was my friend what a whiskey a day i've been drinking you get the feeling you get to thinking that the other guys are claiming you and you thought there was no hell shut up josh will you simmer down take it easy nobody's blaming you we all feel bad about it here take another drink you'll feel better okay i'm okay now gotta climb work to do all right up you and me and rock josh you stay below let's go [Music] [Applause] so [Music] junior could use a drink let's take a break men need a break once in a while a couple of drinks or a woman right tom of course it ain't safe sometimes like a couple of guys i used to know i think i look down tom all those two guys i mentioned one was a young slob and he figured the other guy was stupid so he moved in on his girl the guy that got moved in on was willing to wait real patient you understand he waits till he's ready you understand tom i don't know what you're talking about oh yes you do i saw you with a babe last night i saw you kissing her i overheard every word you said about her leaving you follow those you may be leaving but but you're not going to do any following i think you're sick stretch made sick but you're going to be sick you won't know about it you're not going to get it back by killing me nobody ever walked out on me and nobody ever will you can't take mary to the chair with your stretch come here tommy both been silly oh that's announced about a cigarette what's going on up there john [Music] gonna be an accident nobody can help an accident judah judo stretch you ask for it you said you want to meet a teacher judo now you're going to get your first lesson what's the matter stretch don't you want your lesson tom stretch what's happening stop it [Music] you killed casey didn't you no you did [Music] i didn't mean to hurt him he's got himself a tough break you know what's happened i didn't do it stretch tap cut it out look we we both said some bad things let's forget it huh okay no tricks a long way down you want to make it alive stay away from me he's going crazy rocky what are we gonna do [Music] we gotta [Music] where are my pray [Applause] you
Channel: Rob W
Views: 158,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drive-In, B-Movie
Id: 9883O4acT5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 30sec (4710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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