Drinker's Chasers - Lucasfilm STILL Hasn't Turned A Profit For Disney

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since we've been like stricken with division and Civil War within the open bar how about I bring us all together by laughing at Disney let's do it I think I can make that work there was an article from Forbes recently just a couple of days ago talking about Disney's acquisition of Lucas film they paid four billion for the company sounds like a bargain right well it turns out they haven't actually even made back the cost of buying the studio yet uh it says here box office profits generated by Disney Star Wars movies have fallen 2. 8 billion short of covering the media Giants purchase of the Sci-Fi uh saga's Creator Lucas film according to analysis of recently filed financial statements so they bought L Lucas film for 4 billion back in 2012 and I can't believe it was that long ago and soon H gave the green light to the trilogy of Star Wars movies blah blah blah they were all crap pretty much anyway this include merchandising rights can I just clarify did they buy all the merchandising the toy rights in they might not have actually they they do later in the article they do because that was my very first question it's like yeah Gary because you know why that is don't you because that's where because they make more money they make more money on t-shirts and toys and uh everything else and Licensing the product out but they do factor that in later that's how Lucas made all his money on Star Wars because he took a low salary cut but said to said to 20th Century Fox but I have the merchandising rights please and they hadn't seen Star Wars figures yet so they went yeah okay GE they're like this is ridiculous yeah fine whatever yeah have them have them millions of pounds so well what I will say is uh there's quite a lot of fluff basically in their financial returns about how they've made money and stuff but it's all um not factoring in the costs of making the film so it says here buried in the fine print is the Revelation that the purchase price of Lucas film isn't even included in the return on investment calculation instead is purely based on the box office performance of Disney Star Wars Trilogy it's of films merchandise whatever as revealed the methodology is questionable as Disney based the return on investment on the revenue generated by the movies and everything else uh rather than the profit that they made as it should have done using the revenue rather than the profit artificially inflates the result as it doesn't factor in the cost that Disney had to pay out which is four billion uh even this wasn't enough for the media giant so it also forecast the revenue that it expected everything to generate over a 10 year period and based the calculation on that too like there's fudging the books and then there's just straight up making [ __ ] up for see what South Park do with this I know in other words disn't Disney hasn't actually received the revenue that it used to calculate the the return on its investment in summary despite seeming to do so Disney's presentation doesn't actually reveal whether its Star Wars movies have covered the cost of its purchase of Lucas film so basically it still hasn't made its money back after 12 years damn man you would have thought brutal with an IP like that you would have thought you'd be able to do that but I wonder why they haven't been able to do that could it be content's been a bit [ __ ] Star Wars isn't like a money printer or anything it's not a very it's like a piddling little Indie franch never been profitable no it's a n thing it's it's for enthusiasts I remember telling everyone about it you know is since selling Star Wars uh to Disney George Lucas has made moreone than Disney on it yeah he has he [ __ ] has that's why he voted he's all oh keep everything the same I'm fine I'm good you know uh so he's he's doing good I love George no you're fine yeah you're good you're all good no that's that's Hollywood in a nutshell though I mean that's that's basic Hollywood economics all these [ __ ] companies who are out there trying to tell us how to live now with their new Dei policies we all know what they're there for it's the same with Nike and everything it's the cover up all the evil [ __ ] they do and uh some of the stuff that they do um they mentioned the article Drinker later on that they're still so they make these these separate corporations in the UK uh for tax purposes and they're still charging stuff to the force awakens they they're like literally still charging stuff to that movie to that Corporation yeah well it says here actually yeah so analysis uh of more of the company filings revealed that the cost of making Disney's Five Star Wars movies was 2.1 billion peing at 567 million for the force awakens however that's just the star mindful of the budget Disney devised an ingenious way to make money back on the movie instead of shooting it in the United States it chose Pinewood Studios in the UK where the original trilogy was made this enabled it to benefit from the UK government's tax credit uh which gives Studios a cash reimbursement of 25% of the money that they spend on the UK provided that it represents at least 10% of the film's total costs so tax credits that they get reimbursed to them just get reimbursed and they could keep just funneling money in and saying well you know it really wasn't that profitable and then they could like not pay out residuals or or not or just stop you know like all the writers like alen Dean Foster went through this a couple years ago he just stopped getting his residual checks because they don't give a [ __ ] uh and they're not making a ton of money off this uh they should be like act I'm sure the action figure sales for the force awakens were were great and I'm sure they made a lot of money uh but that has deteriorated a lot now to where people don't I can't wait for those acolyte action figures those will be selling out selling out everywhere can't wait to see them in barking bins everywhere it'll be a rast TI all over again I know right but uh yeah it's they haven't made money but Bob iger's this big genius and you know it's the fans who have been saying all along you know like like you said Lance it's a bit [ __ ] it's a bit [ __ ] yeah uh and and now we're in apathy we're in pure apathy I've got to say this about the acolyte as well if I may uh Drinker um it takes years for someone in the industry to build up a certain level of production confidence with credits uh writing directing producing a mixture of some of those as well as learning some of the technical skills um you know that just happen on a on a set and um for someone to sort of walk in to uh Disney uh SL Star Wars IP and be given their own show cart blanch um uh when they've got almost no history of that level of experience behind them you have to ask why that happened okay and why somebody else who's been grafting away in the industry I know loads of people that are um uh that would be that would die to IR to Star Wars film myself included it doesn't mean that we'd get to make the Star Wars film we want to make but I know lots of people that would be qualified to do that that job and they would produce good content how is it that someone has walked in the door and been given a show like that with that level of experience why you have to ask why okay I'm not going to give the answer to that question I'm going to throw that out to the panel this stuff is rif throughout Lucas film and Marvel and we know exactly why the the people that they choose always belong to certain protected demographics we know this it's it doesn't matter about their experience it doesn't matter about their talent it doesn't matter about their actual interest in the source material none of that stuff matters it's just all that matters is getting them in there and making them do stuff having them produce things did you see the uh the thing about Star Wars Outlaws where they were like this is the first time a woman will be the protagonist in a Star Wars video game or something what the [ __ ] yeah you completely forgot the other time I honestly thought we'd finally gotten past that is like you've covered every possible permutation of everything every minority every group has done everything in entertainment at this and you can't have a first of anymore but they still have reflecting on the directors right three-hander the first dos is a three-hander it's a a love triangle layer lukee and solo they all pretty much get equal screen time maybe Luke gets a little bit more so how is this the first Fe I think Mar's even talking about the video game side of things Battlefront 2 already beat them to the punch right she's diverse as well so she beat them on two counts so well and and of course to reflect it back to what you're just talking about it's a matter of like it does uh apparently get them points to be able to mark it that way to be like look at who we have because you know like the Marvels for example it's like we have to have a woman direct that it wouldn't it would be bad if we didn't it would look bad if we didn't it's like why it's like cuz it's the Woman movie like what should you get who's best suited it's like no that's bigy talk more you can't think like that well it's um it's funny too because it doesn't help these people I don't think to to be we we know from Black Widow right that there were certain people I can't remember the name of the the director she was brought onland yeah and then and then told like you'll be doing this and she's like what more imp more you won't be doing this yeah you won't be directing any of the the effects or the fight scenes and she's like well that's half the [ __ ] movie well Nia D Costa like straight up saying we were shooting a whole bunch of scenes that had no [ __ ] clue what they were for or how they fit into the movie you're the director it's your job to know these things but like they wouldn't have cared the thing is didn't Bob say she didn't have enough supervision like supervision apparently yeah that is that just real that's the worst of Both Worlds where she has full control and she doesn't know what's going on because done some good stuff on television um but you you need to have a bridge between doing a couple of episodes of something like top booy before leaping into a $300 million Marvel film you want to do an indie film or two where you're directing the hel maybe one that's got some special effects in and then you leap into a big effects yeah yeah franchise that's too big a leap for any director at that level you sink or swim and you you know you're probably going to drown yeah it's like taking someone who run like a little [ __ ] coffee shop in you know in a in a small village or something and then making them the head of a Fortune 500 company like they're not going to be able to just move into that role I mean it's great that people are getting opportunities that they didn't get before that is good I'm all for that but look at people's resumes and ask who is the best person for this job and I just don't not doing that anymore um in the film industry we're just not Star Wars is now a toxic brand so like if you're a director and you've got any experience you know you're going to get [ __ ] with yeah Kathleen Kennedy are going to come in and just change a story so anyone who's actually good and wants to do something won't be able to well I mean that's why we heard the rumors of all the infighting with um the guy that directed the movie swingers sorry his name's gone out my head who did war yeah yeah exactly and there was there was a lot it was it was all those stories were going through the industry my end uh every week that there was fighting on the show about what was going to be in it and what wasn't and I kind of wonder what kind of show we were going to get I was amazed it was as good as it was so all you're gonna get is people who are willing to be controlled because it's their big break yeah that's all you're gonna get yeah you're not gonna take it no one's gonna take any risks sorry Gary no no it's all good uh no because it's it's produced that's all it's producers running the show now uh a director is you know with TV it's different but with a film it's it's the same thing you have too many producers too many cooks in the kitchen who aren't really creative at all and uh they want by the way you know diversity it's casting it's not hiring uh is is a very cheap and easy way to control somebody so you don't uh your budgets don't get out of control with hiring directors they certainly get out of control with like re-shooting your movie TW you know twice uh but Captain America for hey it's going to reset the MCU with a bunch of uh without a Captain America in it it's got a it's Captain America movie without Captain America I want to release all three release all of them it and president Ross is probably gonna be a trump stand in so I I [ __ ] I actually really have enjoyed this time where we haven't had any Marvel movies come out it's been nice it's been nice it's been a nice little we can talk about desert planets the giant lizards or a post-apocalypse worlds we don't have to deal with Marvel is that great I would quite Happily Never See Another superhero film again honestly I've I've had there's so many about that point isn't that isn't that sad though like it is it is sad but they should have drip fed them us every few years you know like when the star originally released build up a big audience for the next one not like five or six in two years it was just saturation overload and yeah more and it's not sad because it's like it's like giving me a chocolate cake [ __ ] three times a day and the the cake itself gets increasingly [ __ ] as time passes it the sad part is lad saying he doesn't want to see a Superhero Movie like ever again which is I mean can't I ask you guys particularly Gary who you know look at the wall behind him he's obviously a big superhero guy didn't you find in the last few films the over CGI fights didn't you just find them they just got boring because the there seem to be no real Stakes because most of the time none of the main characters are going to get killed or even if they do they're probably going to come back again soon in some sort of Resurrection deal or whatever so you just kind of feel that the fights just start getting pointless because there's no real tension because they don't really mean anything and it's just loads more gobleg that's it turned into gobbledygook uh you know superhero storytelling is supposed to be different genres that's what you know Sci-Fi Action Noir uh and it just turned it into a Disney film a Disney product uh and and it's pretty sad because they had it is sad because they had a lot of great Comics they could have adapted if they kept Iron Man and Captain America alive that they that could have taken them out for the next 10 years even if they recast them which what is still been tough but you know Bond survived uh they could have done it uh but no they they wanted to rush into the freaking MCU and now they have to stop everything and we're having to rely on Deadpool 3 which is it could be good could be crap I mean like I have no idea uh it's GNA be a gimmick film though
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 232,190
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Id: 2AhL_jduVFE
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Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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