God's Identity | Shawn Bolz | Expression58

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i love hohn and jen so much and i love doing life with him and just in this kind of a season when you have just a pandemic and political weirdness and you know financial you know instability and fires and all the kinds of things we've faced even an earthquake the other night in los angeles it's just so good to have friends like these guys and then also our community of expression 58 and i just think of like the play dates our kids have had and just some of the things that our personal families experience because of being so richly involved in the community this way has been a life saver and a life changer during this kind of weird year of 2020 but i have good news this is rosh hashanah weekend so if you're on god's timing and god's you know calendar we've just started a new year and i think that this is going to be a very very good different new year i think we're coming out of something to come into something and i'm excited about that i'm not going to give a prophetic message about that right now but i'm i'm very excited and i uh i think i was watching a a tick tock video do you guys ever watch tick tock videos at home i'm sure you do and it was this guy just counting down but it was actually the end of 2020. he's counting down he's like five four three two one and he's has his champagne out he's so excited that 2020 is over and he hears that mortal kombat video game boy say round two and i went no i sent it to all my friends and said let's pray that this isn't true and it's not it's not well we're going to talk about god's identities and i think it's really interesting that god revealed so many names in the scriptures and so many different virtues some are names some are titles some are virtues that he is known by or he wants us to know him by and he gives us incredible access to him if you know who you're talking to and you know all that they are and the benefits that they have by being in relationship to them you know how to actually live out of those benefits you know how to live in that connection to those relational purposes and so i think of it like this if you contracted for a company and there was an incredible ceo at the top you may never get to talk to them but you'd still have this team of i'm in this company i'm working with them it's amazing like i have friends at google i have friends at apple i've friends of different companies that are real microsoft they're really good companies and there there's a pride of working there there's just something about the you know or people who've contracted with those companies there's a pride of work you know contracting for ubisoft or one of the video game companies or one of the movie companies well if you if you just have that pride that's amazing like oh i get to work with them that's amazing but then if you're in the company it's even like one step closer where there's even actual benefits of being an employee there and then if you're like one of the management team there's even further benefits and you know the ceo you get interaction with them you know who they are and then if you are the ceo it's totally different benefits and then if you look at it and go my dad is the ceo or my dad owns the whole thing and i'm the son of this company that's even more benefits and so you start to understand there's role changes depending on what your status is to the one who owns or the one who's at top and we have a relationship to the one who has the name above all names ephesians one and he's just amazing he has the title above all titles he has the relationships above all relationships and so we have the opportunity then to know him in specific ways to where when jesus said in john 10 10 that i'm going to give you a life that's truly a quality of life that's above and beyond everybody else this is an abundant life we understand that when we know how to relate to him when we know who he is when we know not just what he can do for us but we know in intimacy and we're connected to his heart and to his nature and i know some of you in some of your relationships one of your favorite things about somebody you could define it and say they're so wise i love processing with them or they're so fun they're just an adventure to be with or they're so sympathetic and compassionate i love being with them when i'm working through issues those kinds of things are qualities in somebody that helped define who they are and god's given us these names and how we can relate to him because he's that good and he wanted to show off his goodness there's no other religion where their god went to great lengths to reveal themselves through different names and through different titles so that their followers could actually have this kind of quality of relationship god is a god who's so relational that he wanted to give you a thousand entry points into that nature which i think is so good so we're only going to look at about 14 of these today and i might skip over even some of my notes just because i don't know how long 14 will take i've never taught this before this way so i you know we'll see but i'm excited about doing it i was i was on my mentoring platform i run a ministry alongside of expression 58 with these guys i've launched a ministry and one of the things that we do in our ministry is we do mentoring and and i was on a live mentoring platform and somebody was asking me some questions and on our tuesday morning mentoring zoom call and i was like oh my gosh you don't know that god has this in his heart for you you don't know that this is who god is you don't know god the provider you don't know god the healer i was thinking this person is a radical on fire wonderful christian that doesn't have the full theology biblically that what they were asking god is already saying that's who i am you don't have to ask for that you just have to apply it you just have to apply who i am and as i thought about that i thought man this is one of those subjects that when we when we pursue god we pursue him a lot of times out of an image of what we think he wants to be pursued as but we have a clear instruction book called the word of god that has all these different you know labels that we can pursue god in those ways that he is proud of us and happy for us to pursue him so hopefully you'll you'll hear this and it'll really help you just access some things even in this time like a time some of you are doing incredible and some of you are having a really hard time and the majority of the world is in a really rough spot and so if you're going through a hard time you're in good company with a lot of great people some of the greatest people on the earth if you're going through a really good time right now there are those who are for you know forerunning there's people who you know in every great depression every great recession every great turmoil there's always people especially christians who find a way to prosper in it because of revelation and so i'm excited for some of you who are going through great times we pray that god would multiply that those of you who are going through hard times we have compassion and i believe that god wants to really visit you and meet you today and we do have a prayer line afterwards we'd love for you you know call and pray well the first thing we're going to look at is god the creator this is the very first way he revealed himself in the bible and i love this way and if you look at the slide we're just going to look at genesis 1 a little bit let's say i won't even read it i'll just say in the beginning god created he just wanted to show us it's one of the only ideas that he revealed to us this is who i am and i've made you in my image but i want you to know me for what i am and who i am versus a lot of the other ways he reveals himself are for our benefit this is also for our benefit but it's also for him to be known and seen by us for who he is as god he's always creative he's always giving us ideas and ovations inventions that's just who he is and he can't help but live inside of us and pour out creativity inside of us and there's world issues right now whether it's environmental issues social issues racial issues you know justice issues there's all these issues political issues and there's a god who lives inside of us who before anything else before justice before you know uh before compassion he's a creator so he has creative solutions we only have like two options on the table but god always brings another option because he's so creative that even when we think it's it's only black white a b whatever he's saying here's here's another option i love that about god as a creator i'm going to go quickly past that one but we need to know god this way in this generation especially number two god is love now this is one of the strongest identities he reveals over and over and over and i want you to consider in john 1 where he actually says john says god is love this is his name it's this defining characteristic now if you took out all of the places that says love in the bible when it's talking about god's love and you put his name in it god like first corinthians 13 where it says you know love is patient love is kind love is long suffering you say god is patient god is kind god is long suffering it will help you so much especially when you hit those walls where you're like oh i don't feel connected to you i feel like i haven't been making the best choices i feel like i'm far away from you do you you know is is i i feel shamed so i feel disconnected do you still love me and then you read god is love god is patient god's long suffering god does not get easily anger when you're thinking are you angry at me god somebody have a a wounded father kind of role in your life so you're constantly thinking god might be angry at your god's frustrated with you because of your lack of performance and god doesn't look at your performance and use that as his qualifier for why he loves you he loves you because he's your father and he created you and so he looks at you with long-suffering love and you could take the whole bible and do a study over this the rest of the year and say wow all the places of love i'm going to substitute god and i'm going to think of god in those places like oh this is your nature this is your operation system this is how you define yourself and if god defined himself by one key name it would over and over and over be love that is who he is he's the lover he's the one who loved us and i think of that with my daughters and how i want them to think of me as love i want them to think of me as the one that they could always return to the one they could always talk to the one that even if i misunderstand them i won't mistreat them the one who will always be there for them i want i want them to think of all those attributes of love that are biblical characteristics of love i want them to think about that with me and also know that when i make choices that are hard where it's like love also makes hard choices and puts up good boundaries that they know it's a response of the nature of love that i'm trying to operate in and the nature of love that i'm trying to be not just operating but be because god's love i want to be loved and that's a very important characteristic uh first john 4 7 through 10 as well goes over who god is as love and i think it's so important we're going to keep going number three god is jehovah now the name jehovah a lot of us don't understand it in contemporary christianity but jehovah was such a holy name it meant you know the most uh self-com complete being the one who no one created the uncreated god the one who's the master the all-powerful the one who's the biggest and and jehovah was so so and it still is too many jewish people so holy that they wouldn't even say it it's the name that could not be uttered it's the name that only priesthood could say on the holy of holies or on sacred days because there was this thing about trembling and saying like i want to fall down at your feet and worship you god you're so good you're so all-powerful and this is one of the names of god that i think has been basically stripped away from modern christianity we don't think of the god because of hebrews 12 where we're approaching a mountain that can be touched and and because we're more like unveiled faces where moses had a veiled face in other words moses had to hide in the cleft when god revealed himself to him and walked in front of him but we get to see god somehow face to face we get to you know boldly approach the throne of grace but they're still the jehovah god that name that he's all powerful and there's something when you behold the god who created the heavens and the earth in your life and you start to realize how good he is not not because of how powerful he is and he can smite you but how good he is and how everything in the world in the universe is something that he has control over and it will serve him in the end of the age and the end of all things we will understand why certain areas took longer certain areas it felt like he had long suffering love or patience for even though they looked undone we're going to look at him and go how are you this good how did you work everything perfectly for your good and for the good of us we're going to be shocked and so jehovah is such a key name and we look at uh genesis 22 9-14 that's a great picture of that we can put that up on the on your screen it's the next slide it's coming when they reach the place god had told them about abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it uh this is not the maybe it is the right scripture no it's not it's okay the exodus 3 13-15 it's okay you guys can go there we're gonna go to number four god is good now he says in in to moses when he's passing in front of him basically my nature my name of goodness is passing in front of you and this is so important because god's caring he's kind and he's full of favor towards all creation psalm 919 65-72 i love how david personifies us this one of the longest psalms but it talks about goodness quite a bit and how it's interchangeable with god's name it's part of who he is and when you understand goodness like i don't know i would watch my dad growing up who's a colonel air force and he didn't cry a lot and and he was a you know man a man's man and i don't actually cry a lot either and but i cried just like he did when there was a goodness in a movie or when there's goodness because someone was getting adopted or because of extreme home makeover back in the day they were getting this incredible house or something that was a good moment i would see my dad get tears in his eyes he wasn't moved necessarily when he saw something die or something get hurt unless it was something really close to him like my mom would cried all that stuff but my dad when goodness hit he would cry and i saw that there's something in our nature that becomes so overwhelmed by goodness because it's so rare on this earth goodness for the sake of goodness just doesn't happen enough on this earth especially right now so god himself he's good for the sake of goodness he's good because he's good he's not good with a motive ulterior motives he's good because he's good and if you've ever had somebody touch you or reach you with goodness they did something for you out of a goodness not because of an ulterior motive especially you know even christians a lot of times we only do goodness of as a plan of salvation for somebody we don't do it just because they're worth it because god loves them we have this ulterior motive and that's not bad to want people to get saved but sometimes it feels like a another like almost like a small business loan you're giving away versus a free gift you're like here i want to do this for you because you're worthy and you're worth it not because i have the solitary motive that you have to get saved but i want you to be saved and that can be part of your desire god is good because he's good and he's good to everybody because he's good and this is one of the hardest ones which is weird for our generation especially here in america or in los angeles for those of you who are here with us i know we have people over the world viewing but for those of you who are here it's weird because there's so much goodness around us the fact that we have a hard time relating to the goodness of god like coming to god and sometimes we beg him for something thinking or not thinking that he already pre-planned it for us and he's already jesus has prayed to the father for it before we even thought of it and he's so good that he planted the desire in our heart that we would cry out to it not begging but saying god i agree with what you already have in your heart because you always have good thoughts towards me you always have good desires whether you're a drug addict you're saying god i just want a normal life and you're crying that out and he's going i've put that desire in you or whether you're somebody who's living a moral life who's just saying god would you please help my daughter who's sick or would you please lord help us financially and we get into this begging mode and there's this god of all the universe who's like no no i've already appealed to the father before the throne jesus is saying to you and he's like i've already done this and i've just planted the desire in you and i'm already willing to answer it i just wanted you to catch up to my desire i want you to be hungry so you could recognize it's me not your begging that's how good he is and so many times we don't understand that we're going fast i know but it's because i want to camp on a couple of these number five god is jehovah jireh this is one one of the ones i want to camp on for just a minute uh this name means a god who provides and we see this in genesis 22 9 through 14 and which is the scripture we were just reading a minute ago which was when abraham went up and god asked him after he promised him a son he has the son miraculously it shouldn't have happened he has isaac and he asked him god says i want you to take your son up and offer him as a sacrifice a human sacrifice to me now this is one of the weird stories in the bible that like it's hard to even relate to nowadays modern days we we don't have human sacrificing anywhere legally in the entire world right now that i know of so this is very foreign to us so for god to ask one of his people they did have a sacrificial culture but not humans but they would you know still kill lambs and the the different rams these different lambs of sacrifice cows whatever and so to have a sacrificial culture they understood it more but when god said the very thing i promised you i want you to sacrifice before me and i and abraham brings up his son and was like i'm willing to do this because you gave him but i'm sure he was also very human and saying but i don't know what's going to happen if you make me do this i got to know where my heart's going to be afterwards i'm sure there was a human part of him that was like that i'm not i'm not sure he went up like oh yeah it's my turn to be obedient to god i think he he actually went up and was like what am i doing what are you asking this isn't even in the nature of the love of god this isn't the nature of a god who gave me a promised child this isn't even that you're not the god i know who's asking me to do this and in the end god provided a ram of sacrifice said no no here's a ram and and abraham called him there jehovah jireh the lord who always provides because he had provided a son and then provided the lamb of sacrifice in the midst of it but in this when you study this out in a jewish tradition this is also speaking of god was saying i'm not asking you to give up what i'm willing to give freely on my own i'm going to sacrifice my son for you but i'm not actually asking any human to do this but i'm going to do this for you so there's something in the messianic picture that jesus embodied in this moment that couldn't be seen until more history played out and until more of the prophets emerged and prophesied even referencing this encounter but for abraham in that moment he said god is jehovah jireh and jehovah jireh meaning our provider it's not just a spiritual provision at the last second for something we might sacrifice jehovah jireh the way god wants to be known in that is that before time began he planned us for good works that's what it says in romans and ephesians and so he planned us so he pre-planned our lives for good works and he planned every resource we would need to fulfill the fullness of our destiny in that and that place and i think so many of us we don't realize how good god is and that he is our provider it's emotional provision spiritual provision natural provision and this is one of the ways that god wants us to know him so that we could really live out the john 10 10 life the life that's truly abundant and i think in this time you know where the world's so confusing that we should want to know him in this area more than ever because god is your provider there's things you're facing right now that in your human strength and effort you can't get a god result and you're going god i need you to come through and he's saying hey hey i am the god who wants to come through again you're catching up to my desire you're seeing the gap be to the human gap between what you can perform between your skills your talents your financial ability right now between your creative ability your relational ability you're seeing the gap and you might even become depressed over that gap until you see god as jehovah jireh where you're walking up the mountain going god this doesn't make sense this isn't working how could how could i be in this place and it even feels like you've even put me here like how can i be in this place and then all of a sudden the ram of sacrifice comes through and you go oh my gosh you did something you pulled a rabbit out of the hat that i had no idea could even happen now those of you who walked with god for a while you can reverse engineer and look back and go wow you came in provision here you came in provision here and if you can't do that i challenge you are you living a life of faith because faith requires you to see the gap between what you could perform for god and where he provides something for you whether it's an opportunity like a job or ministry or whether it's something like a relationship or whether it's emotional stability we live in a world right now where there's so much attacking us and there's so much gap that it should be easy to see where god's showing up and bridging those gaps with provision and when you see that you get to celebrate that and you're not celebrating yeah you did something for me you're celebrating you are the god who this is your nature you're saying i worship you because you are the god who constantly cannot not provide for your children it'd be like being the child or the spouse of a multi-multi-billionaire who when you're desperate for money and they're going ah you got to learn your lessons that's not who god is that that person would be planning for your children's children that person would be planning futures that would be long-term legacy god's planning even beyond that he's planned your everlasting life and he wants this part this gift of time has given you he wants to provide everything he can that's why he wants to be known as a nature as a provider so that you can know him that way because he's it's a short window of time that you want all of the provision that's possible to bring jesus's reward at the end of the age and this is one of the ways he wanted to be known let's move on shall we number six jehovah shalom man this is one we need right now god of peace his name is peace we're meant to know the fullness of god's perfect peace or shalom judges 6 16-24 is when this first really appeared i think we have that up on the screen as well the lord answered i will be with you and you will strike down all the midi nights leaving not alive getting replied if now i have found favor in your eyes give me a sign that's really you talking to me please do not go away until i come back and bring the offering and set before you the lord said i will wait until your return i think there's another scripture we're going to keep on getting one inside prepared a young goat and from that e-path flower he made bread with the yeast putting the meat in it a basket and broth in the pot he brought them out and offered them to him under the oak the angel lord said take the meat and unleavened bread place them on the rock and pour out the the broth and gideon did so then the angel of the lord touched the meat and uh and the unleavened bread with the tip of the staff and it was in his hand fire flared from the rock consuming the meat and the bread and the angel lord disappeared when gideon realized it was the angel lord he exclaimed at last sovereign lord i have seen the angel of the lord face to face but the lord said to him peace do not be afraid you are not going to die so gideon built an altar to the lord there and said the lord is peace to this day it stands now here's the deal he was facing i mean odds that were just completely against him the people of israel were going to be annihilated and gideon in the midst of that said wow in the midst of my hardest turmoil where i thought there could be no deliverance i couldn't really fully believe it in god he has a visitation as he walks out in obedience something that happens and then out of that visitation he sees god for who he is he is the god of shalom the god of peace now this is important because we live in a day and a jesus even prophesied it's going to get worse and worse nations are going to rise up against nations there's not going to be peace but jesus's name according to isaiah 9 is prince of peace so we have jehovah shalom we have prince of peace so there's something about walking with god that brings you a measure of peace that as the bible says passes understanding this is where you're called to live now we have i think it's 20 percent of americans are in some sort of uh a medicine or something that they're choosing to to to battle anxiety right now that's what i read it did it in a psychology today website and so 20 of americans are battling anxiety out of christianity i'm sure our statistics statistics are very close and yet we have the god of shalom jehovah shalom living inside of us now that's not to condemn anybody who needs help right now if you excuse me if you're battling peace issues because there's a lot going on but if you know you can if you read the bible and see this and you know you can access god's nature and his name this way then i want to invite you to say okay what does peace look like in this kind of season for me because gideon was in a place of turmoil he was not in the easy place he was in a place that was one of the hardest in israel's history and he didn't choose peace he didn't just go okay i'll wear a piece like a garment he said i'm desperate obeyed god and god revealed himself the angel lord in this case meant the lord himself and god reveals himself as peace and he stepped into gideon's world as peace and the trajectory of gideon's life changed some of you need god to step into your life as jehovah shalom as the prince of peace and if you need that he wants to introduce himself that way to you that's why it's in the bible so that you can know him this way and you could also bring peace and be peace how many of you have been on a social media conversation or a zoom call with family or whatever and somebody brings up something so political and so wretched and so hard like i was on one the other day that was so bad someone brought up something someone i really love brought up something that was so negative because it was somebody in their other political party died and they were like thank god now this person could be raised up or a person in my political party could be raised up and i was so devastated because i was like ah and everybody was just fighting just just fighting and in the sense of that i said god i need the operating system of your nature and your name of peace because otherwise i'm just going to be one of those who has a loud voice fighting for an agenda versus fighting for who you are fighting for your perspective i love that people would go to see solomon to hear how he talked because he didn't talk like the world he talked with the heavenly system he talked with a processor that was higher than what people were thinking about on the earth i don't know about you but i've been disappointed with some of the christian rhetoric right now over political issues and the black lives matter stuff and all these other things there's so many people have said the wrong thing with the wrong spirit but they've said it in a righteous way so they sound good and god's looking at this going you're my representation but that was not me it's kind of like when somebody says thus saith the lord ninety percent of time it's not the lord it sounds like him because it's the right kind of language but it's not the lord and i just feel like there's this place inside of god that's saying i am jehovah shalom and in me you can find peace and even when you look at issues if you don't operate out of a place of peace you will enter into the human war not the spiritual battle and you'll fight against flesh and blood not against spiritual principalities but when you're in a place of knowing jehovah shalom you see the spiritual battle and you don't see the woman jezebel you see the spirit jezebel that's operating behind the system and you go you know what only the lord can rebuke that but i can do my part i can be wise i can walk with god and through my life something some measure that system can be taken out through my life some measure of love can be imparted that displaces the darkness and that's how we're supposed to operate doesn't mean we don't we aren't political at times it doesn't mean that we don't take strong stands but it means that we allow ourselves to be teachable and hungry and humble enough that when we're not operating out of peace then we say what spirit are we operating out of and if we ask ourselves that then maybe it's not jehovah and then if it's not jehovah is it an antichrist spirit versus a god spirit and we need to know these things so that we can operate and discernment and keep ourselves in check because if the world has to put you in check or if somebody in your life has to put you in check it means you're showing signs of deep immaturity over and over when that happens and god's saying i want to be able to give you meat not milk i want to give you such a mature gospel and you're still stuck and stumbling over these things you don't even understand my nature's peace and you're you're giving over to the battle and you're actually becoming a part of the opposite spirit i can't trust you i want to transform the world through you and we have to have god jehovah's the shalom i like that one number seven this is one of the ones we care about here at expression 58 a whole bunch god is just justice defines him as a name it's it's many different ways in the bible but i'm going to look at this one god is righteous and holy and fair and equitable in all things in all things he's equitable in all things we can trust him to always do what's right psalm 75 1-7 i'll read a little bit of it here to the pure and shining one poetic song to the tune of do not destroy god our hearts spill over with praise to you we overflow with thanks for your name is the near one or the just one all we want to talk about is your wonderful works and we hear your reply when the time is ripe i will rise and i will judge the world with perfect righteousness though i have set the earth firmly and on its pillars i will shake it until it totters and everyone's hearts will tremble pause in his presence god warns the proud stop your arrogant boasting and he warns the wicked don't think for a moment you can resist me why would you speak with such stubborn pride don't you dare raise your fist against me this i know the favor that brings promotion and power doesn't come from anywhere on earth but no one exalts a person but god the true judge of all he alone determines where favor rests he anoints one for greatness and brings another down to his ease knees and i just think of you know this this place of justice and god where we see you know jesus the righteous judge in the book of revelations this place is so misunderstood because we're not we're not just looking for god to judge evil we're looking for god in this generation and right now we're looking for god to bring justice as an operating system to christianity to where we understand that we're at the forefront of environmental issues children's rights issues women's rights issues racial issues because we know what equitable looks like in the kingdom that i didn't deserve this and yet he raised me up here when we look at those who've had impact throughout history in the kingdom of god it's always the least likely there's very few people who are like that you know the white man who's in his 50s who started out a revival it's always like these random small groups of people these women i think of joan of arc i think of teresa of avila i think of children in africa i think of like children in asia like there's been these massive moves of god and it's very rarely what we think it will look like and it never starts with majority it always starts with a minority and it's people who are trying to grab hold of the heart of who he is not just the works of what he can perform and part of justice is not just looking at what god will judge as far as the performance but it's looking at the justice heart of god that he wants to bring and replicate the love and justice on the earth not just get people to align their works right not just to penalize people who haven't done the right works but he wants to bring a nature change a new creation and what we understand as christians we're not just looking for people to change and just have better behavior and not sin anymore we're looking for god to baptize us with his nature on the earth and change whole industries and people groups and that's way different so god being the god who's who's just and that he is the king of justice and when he his righteousness is you know resting on his shoulders when you think of that we have to think bigger than just judging sin because otherwise the things we say out of our mouths will just be against works versus against heart and asking god to change the hearts i think of like the leaders of our nations right now and it's a weird time we have kim jong-un who's you know sick and his sister may be taking over in north korea which could be a huge turning point we have you know the prime minister of of canada is you know very liberal and strange right now and we have you know the england right now the uk is so strange and our nation is so strange and brazil is so strange like you have these people who are you know there's conservative people but there's these huge personalities in some nations then you have these extremely like even communist type parties and there's these huge personalities driving behind him and we're looking for god to come and not just tame a personality but change a world that's what his kingdom does is change a world i'm not afraid of the big personalities i believe god can use it all to change the world number eight jehovah rapha this is such a good one it means jehovah heals you know god alone provides remedy for man's brokenness god alone can heal through his son jesus and the gospel is about physical healing moral healing spiritual remedy and we see this in exodus 15 22-26 i'm not gonna read over all of it but we can put it up on the slide for you guys at home and uh just seeing jehovah i'll just i'm actually going to go over this one really fast anyways but seeing jehovah rapha the lord healer the banner of the lord over his people knowing that in his nature he never intended for us to have brokenness or in our bodies or in our family systems or in our government systems he never intended that so his plan was through jesus who came as a restorer of all things and showed us what restoration could look like in his lifetime by raising people up who knows that peter or matthew are different disciples or mary and martha who were his best friends who knows that they would have been in a much different position if adam and eve had never delineated and he was picking people who were already chosen from the beginning of time for the greatness of his love we don't even know all we know is that those are the people who were ready and willing and eager for him when he came and we watch this incredible exchange as jesus comes into the world and starts physically healing people which was such a signpost but he was always speaking of the spiritual healing and cleansing that had to happen he said i didn't come just to do this i came to restore all things now if he can't restore it which means to restore means to uh recreate it as though it never sorry no restore means to bring it back uh to the point before it was broken and if he doesn't do that he'll redeem it which means to recreate the opportunity as though it never needed to be restored he does one or the other over and over and over in jehovah rapha we watch him do that in bodies and family systems and structures and relationships all these things that's who he is and a lot of us have only been taught to pray this over maybe a physical you know you're sick or something that's amazing and beautiful if you're operating in the gift of healing and you're going after it and that's part of the nature of god but we also have to have that place of jehovah rapha over racism right now jehovah rapha over our nation that's so divided right now in america or wherever you're from we have to look at jesus say your nature and your name is rafa we speak rapha over this nation we speak your healing power to restore or redeem over an entire people group over the whole world because for god so loved the world he came he didn't just come for like a little people group he came for the whole world and this is that's why it's so beautiful that all these names are regardless of if the world turns to him right now or not those who are the remnant if they turn to god and call on his name he will come for him all that's how beautiful god is number seven this is a beautiful one too god is jehovah nisi which is exodus 17 8-15 the same means god is our banner and i don't have a lot of time so i'm going to skip over this one but it just it's about the lord being the victory and we need to really practice knowing jehovah nisi he is your victory right now wherever you're at whatever you're going through i'm going to encourage you to go after that number eight god is our comforter he was called like holy spirit is called the comforter in the new testament several times he is the one who brings you comfort if you have no one who's comforting you right now you have the best comforter you could pull him up over your head and hide so many one in the shadow of his wing right now because he's such a good comforter and that's second corinthians one and then three and four john 16. number nine god is el shaddai which means almighty genesis 49 22-26 he's all sufficient he's all bountiful he's the source of blessing it's a very awesome name to search out and seek out number 10 i would say he's our father and that's one of his most important identities we have matthew 6 9 the spirit of god you know teaches us in romans 8 15-17 teaches us to cry out abba father this is so important because one of the ways that we get to relate to god is through his fatherly nature that he loves you and if you have you know your own children you know that there's not a lot you wouldn't do for them even you know if somebody has a kid who's rebelled and is terrible and maybe in jail right now and you're going man they made the worst decisions there's this hope against hope they're still my child they're still worth it they're a leader they're they're powerful they're important they have talents they have skills like i've talked to so many mothers whose kids are in jail after i visit them in jail or after i've you know met moms and meetings and the moms are still advocating for these kids who are totally made corrupt decisions in their life as if they're still fully worthy that's who god is for you today because they are worthy and you are worthy number 11 god is our intercessor this is an important one hebrews 4 14-16 before you've ever even thought to pray he's already prayed it everything you're concerned for he's way more concerned than you are he never takes his eyes off an act of injustice he's looking everything in your life and jesus is before the throne of the father with perfect knowledge saying god work all things for their good work everything that's going in their life bring about the most beauty of your nature in their life and he's doing it all the time for you number 12 he's our breaker you if you haven't heard my message on breaker it's right here on expression58 youtube micah213 it's one of his names and then number 13 i'm going to camp on for just a minute god is el roy and uh he never looks away from us and he sees us in our loneliest moments and this comes from sarah in genesis 16 through 13 or 16 13. she she gave this name to the lord who spoke to her you're the god who sees me for she said i have now been seen by the one who sees me and i love that god is the god who when you feel invisible and hidden and like nobody cares or nothing's gonna break through or nobody who would be an opportunity giver is in your life or nothing can happen because you're alone or isolated or any of those things that there's this god who has promise and provision and life for you that he's looking at you when you feel totally unseen god he's looking into your eyeballs and he's looking at you with full love face to face and he's the god who sees you there's so many people who don't feel seen who are even watching this right now and i know for me one of the ways i learned how god sees people is he would tell me to go up to different homeless people and do an act of kindness to them and then say you're not invisible god sees you and every single time i did that for the season that he had me do that i still do it ever a little bit here and there but i had a season where i i just was on a mission with god and i would tell them they would start to cry and some of them would tell me like two of them told me one of them she said it's been a year since someone talked to me nicely people have given me stuff and whatever but they just give me and they get away as fast as possible she was a prostitute for homeless people so she looked a little odd and she was older and she smelled and so people just didn't want to be around her but she said no one's even had a kind word for me in a year i can't believe you're telling me i hugged her and i said you're not invisible to me and you're not invisible to god he sees you this is who god is and there's so many people in the world right now who feel so unnoticed so unloved so invisible there's somebody else or a whole group of people out shining them in their lives they're not anyone's favorite they're not important to anybody but god's saying just like a child if he had you which he did from his own spiritual womb you're his child just like my children harper and hartley there's never a time that they won't be two of the most important human beings in my life besides my wife i will think of them every day they're on my thoughts i see them i think of them with everything i'm doing whether it's a project or i'm trying to make money or through a business venture or whether i'm ministering i'm doing they're in the back of my mind if not front and center because as a father you see and as a mother you see them and that's who god is to us even when you feel unseen this is one of his names and one of the ways he wants to be known by you and then number 14 we made it you guys we made it number 14. we're almost done jehovah shama the one who is there or is connected and never disconnected the god who promised to restore his beloved nation and reestablish his presence in jerusalem ezekiel 48 35 he prophesies that uh my name will be the lord who is there and so this is huge in our generation because we've learned that our generation feels disconnected and yet god's name is connection god's name is i am present with you god's name is i am with you i'm not looking at my ipad myself on everything else i'm looking at you i'm face to face you engage me i'll engage you i am jehovah shama and i feel like we need to present that kind of god to the world around us that we care about you we care about your issues we care about what's important to you we don't just have our agenda on our thing but we actually are going to listen and and learn from you and grow from you and we're going to be jehovah shama to be connected to you we're going to have empathy we're going to listen with empathetic ears and if we would do this the jehovah's shaman nature on the earth we would be like him man we can connect to things he will give us authority in areas that we thought no christians have ever gone before or christians have only compromised together god will give us so much connection and power through that connection to change the world all we have to do is be present so i'm going to pray this over you right now holy spirit would you come and would you allow us these names and all the other ones you have would you allow us to go on a journey of seeking you until we find you in each of these areas and god if we've had a deficit show us even in the word how there's no deficit in you so lord let us look like you i pray lord if there's areas that we felt frustrated because we didn't know you in certain areas introduce yourselves god who has all these all these names lord you're one being but you have so many titles and ways to access you let us know your identity so that we can come into your fullness and god we pray right now that you would introduce just jesus and all these aspects to our spirit and that we would go on a lifelong journey to really get to know you and then represent those identities to the world around us and we thank you god that we're not limited to us but we're limited to your nature in jesus name amen well i know a lot of you have prayer needs and i want to encourage you call our hotline or prayer line right now the numbers are going to be on the board and we love you guys thanks for joining us we miss you we'll be together soon [Music] you
Channel: Expression 58
Views: 3,839
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shawn bolz, bolz, cherie bolz, expression 58, expression58, e58, church, los angeles church, revival, jen toledo, jennifer toledo, jona toledo, bolz ministries
Id: wpJY7AYEadA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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