Dreamlike Film Look in DaVinci Resolve

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hey everyone today I will show you how to create this creamy dream like film look in DaVinci Resolve [Music] and this is a clip we will be working on today it's been shot with red camera and I've already converted it to rec 709 and I have also color corrected it this is before and after and now in order to get our creamy dream like look we need to create a layer mixer note so let's hit option s first to get a Serial note and then let's hit option L to get a layer mixer and here on the bottom note I will be isolating the skin as I have noticed that this effect looks best when it's applied to the skin so I will label it as mask and now let's grab our qualifier and let's select the skin now let's turn the Highlight mode on to be able to see the selection not bad but let's improve it using our Hue saturation and luminance sliders and I have selected a bit of the hair as well but it's completely fine it will also benefit from applying this effect and then let's also not forget to soften the selection over here and let's denoise it and I will maybe blur it as well okay this will work for me and now we can turn the Highlight mode off and now let's go here to blur and let's increase the blur radius to the max so now we've basically blurred our selection and it doesn't look very well but don't worry we'll fix it with the layer mixer now so let's right click on the layer mixer and let's go to composite mode and then let's select soft light and to make it look more natural let's select the mask note again then let's go to our primaries and let's decrease the saturation over here to the max as well like this and this is before and after and what happened is is that soft light mode with the blur effect have added density to the shadows and softness to the highlights making skin look creamy and dreamlike but if you think it's a bit too much you can always go here to key and then you can decrease the gain over here so I'll leave it to you and I hope you liked the tutorial
Channel: Color Grading Insights
Views: 5,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: color grading, color correction, davinci resolve, DaVinci Resolve tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 18.6, color grading in DaVinci Resolve create film look, create cinematic look, how to get a cinematic look, luts, color wheels, nodes in davinci resolve, video editing in davinci resolve, DaVinci Resolve for beginners, the best DaVinci Resolve tutorials, how to use davinci resolve, waqaz quazi, Casey faris, morale tech, professional color grading, cinematic video style
Id: YNo6yUgcZB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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