DREAM OF CAR BEING STOLEN - Evangelist Joshua Dream Interpretation

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[Music] in dwell chapter 2 verses 25 to 26 listen carefully the Bible says and I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten the can column and the caterpillar and the purple on my great army which I sent among you 26 the Bible says you shall eat plenty say Amen and be satisfied say Amen and praise the name of the Lord your God that has dealt wondrously with you I my people shanab it shall never be ashamed [Applause] they all not give me the solution to any problems I'm facing in the name of Jesus say all not give me the solution to any problem I'm facing in life in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray amen you are welcome to evangelise Joshua activity item is the sound I will teach you how to interpret your dreams if you are looking to the right channel for dreams interpretation this is the right channel what are we discussing today our topic is dream of car being stolen dream of car being stolen that Jeff is a criminal adds under any given law criminals have used several of adopted several gadgets and various myths to silicon I'll be entered into people whom to Babu cars to steal a will car body parts that is why you see so many people today car owners adding extra layer security to the occurs when we are talking about cars we are talking about self reminisce when we are talking about cars we are talking about reputation when we are talking about car we are talking about carrier when we are talking about car we are talking about position when we are talking about car we are talking about finances when we are talking about car we are talking about direction when we are talking about car we are talking about concentration Prince the living Jesus have you been dreaming about a car being stolen if this is true then it is something that even though you have a car in the real life it is your curiosity that will make you to go and check if your car is the intact in your working life press the living Jesus when we are dreaming about car being stolen it means it symbolizes your ability to make a right decision when we are dreaming about a car being stolen it means that you have to take control of your seat tuition a car a very cool cannot move without the driver even though you see so many passengers in the car in the vehicle and the and the car and the driver seat is vacant there's no way that can move which was that the car driver asked the power to control as the power to direct as the power to organize as the power to take people to the place of their destination press the living Jesus so for the purpose of this broadcast we shall be going into some minis about a car be stolen as a Christian what are been stolen in your life is it joy happiness your marriage your position your promotion what are those things which the Bible has said in the book of do it returns that it will restore everything the conquered Babylon like a table as eating in your life is it that testimony doubly true that victory today everything the God of restoration Jesus Christ of the today he will restore you back in the name of Jesus we also reminisce about the Kaaba stone number one number one it represents glory when you are driven about a car being stolen it means your glory of is stolen away number two it represents destructions of repetition number three it represent loss of precious gifts they give the blessings with the Lord has given you a be stolen away number four it represents loss of position as a man you are losing your position you are losing your stand are you a man watching this progress you have been working in a certain organization for years no promotion they dream about carbon stolen its me that your promotional be denied you are a woman watching this broadcast now and you dream about a car being stolen it means that your happiness have been taken away if we occur on now watching these brokers and you don't buy a car being stolen then it tells you that something that you attached so many potential it could be your asset your house your beauties and everything that is very peculiar to you that dream is telling her that you are about to do something the Bible says in the book of son that the fall the Bible says the righteous cry the long year at them and deliver them out of the atropos there's no ow when a when acquainted and Humbaba invented the house and stole a car the car owner will regret will be crying that is the agenda of the enemy to steal to kill and to destroy I pray for you today every POW what I want to destroy and steal your destiny today desert restore your destiny in the name of Jesus and some pieces wherever you are do me Webber your car being stolen then as I said it means you are losing so many good things in life you are losing your direction you are not taking control of your situation again people are making mockery of your life people around your environment they are making mockery shame will come in this acquaintance will commit disgrace will come in somebody who is going forward at the end of the day somebody will be standstill a car in your dream it's something that has to do with asset it's something that that brings that they should the status of a man when that is stolen away it's in the DNA me I've stolen your gift in some cases were bad your car is being stolen when your car is been stolen your car keys been stolen away it's means that somebody is taking something from you you're cocky you're cocky in the dream is something that has to do with the instrument of your open doors the car keys has to do with the blessings of God when somebody take away that cocky from you it means that the person has now control over your life the Bible says something the Bible said I am the God who opened the door gunshots and when I shot no my can opener so when automatically when somebody is taking your car keys that's in your khaki from you it's not somebody is taking away your identity so money away is taking away their blessings of God in your life now the khaki does not mean that your khaki in a real life will be taken away that crack is symbolizes will be your marriage it could be your finances it could be the profit in your business as a minister of God and your car keys been stolen in a dream then it tells you that that catalyst means Tony is talking about your anointing you are grace if you are into a deliverance ministry Prime Minister I know cut it means tool in a way it mean that you we have no power to deliver to him to deliver your press people in some cases whereby you dream you some contraband you do value are you you are not offending your car again with the car stolen you're not funny you're kaya game that is a great disaster tragedy now the car is stolen you don't know where you parked the car phone in the car then it tells you that something is missing in your life something is the enemy diff Devorah has come into your life and you a Christian who is not fair to in it your tithing you are not suing your sin your opinion offering automatically you will find so many things in in your dream you will not be able to find them because the devera has come to take away your finances to take away your office meaning express that in Jesus name in some pieces were bearing in some cases rubber so on you discover that so on and is driving your car when someone is driving your car it's been as somebody is taking control of your life it's been as somebody is directing you in the wrong part of life take for instance now you are you you are under a leadership and a person and you discover that that leadership the person in charge ahead of you it's not doing the right is not a good leader the automatically that person will lead you astray so when somebody's driving you in the dream you don't know where you are going that can bring confusion and disappointment at the edge of picture I prefer you any stranger that is driving you to destruction I command a stranger to die in the name of Jesus in some cases in some Chris's Rabanne you discard that your brothers stole your car when your brothers to your car or somebody's to you or somebody your family relatives to your car then you have to be very very careful you are going to explain some losses among your family members then tells you that a particular person is about to steal your money as a man as a woman so if you can see that person then you have to pay close attention to that person activity that in some cases whereby you saw you saw that your car your stolen car is is brought back when your stolen car is brought back that is a full recovery now the the captive stole your car but now you dreamt that the cut you can able to get that car back then it means that whatever the enemy are stolen away from you as which to has been recovered and will restore back to you I pray for you today the God of restoration will restore your destiny will restore your marriage will restore your happiness in the name of Jesus Christ in some cases rubber you discover that a car stolen in the street your car is stolen in the street your kind stony in the road your kind stolen in the torch then that tells you that we are if for example now you have a car in the real life is telling you that you need to add extra security to your car if I corner you discovered that your car needs to loot in the street in your new road or in the church or as we are outside a public place if you don't have a security on your car is telling you for you to add a security it may be your car it may be your children it may be your asset it may be your wet it may be your prosperity it may be a post position it will be your career it may be your business your ministry you need to pray that God you protect your possession press the living Jesus there in some cases were bad in some cases you are value discovered when you pack your car is stolen when you park your car is being stolen then it's personal message that method is pass it is it means that the environment where you are is not safe for your destiny that craft also represents you as a that cacti also represent a ministry that CAC also represents a business when you put a car in a particular parking space and it's been stolen then automatically according to that dream it tells you that you have to start praying for restoration press the living Jesus so when we are dreaming about carbon stolen then you have to put into a concentration the glory of God in your life your spiritual gifts the fruit of your spirit you have to put them into a concentration because the enemy can use this kind stolen in the dream to steal your peace to steal your joy to see the love of your life to steal your spirit your spiritual gift with the prayer your tongues which is interpretation of dreams and chunks and so many things show you how to start praying for restoration in fact full restoration so what are the words the way out is to be born again the way out is to live a life of absolute obedience to God the way out is to never give in to fear and depression according to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 the way out is to seek God and let me show you the way the way else to learn to give out the most powerful seed the way out is to cast your bodies to God instruction instructs em back on two days faster than prayers between 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. [Music] say everything the enemy has to do from my life I repossess them by fire I represent them by fire everything that the enemy has to live from my life and I posted them by fire in Jesus name we pray amen said glory robust what are you doing with my Destiny's glory rubbers what are you doing with my destiny return there by fire responded by fire return there by fire glory robust what I do with my destiny returnable fire in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray amen I wanted to show this prayer point like a wounded lion say welder they devil like it or not I must own a car in the name of Jesus this is especially for those who don't have a car say whether they would like it or not I must own a car in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray amen say every agenda of the enemy against my marriage against my finances a guest my children against prime ministry I guess my business and guess my foundation dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah in Jesus name we pray amen bless badeff dreams about prayers right your dreams point you to join Ibaka being stolen we say interpreter once again the same ventilator shaft from Legos [Music]
Channel: Evangelist Joshua TV
Views: 22,127
Rating: 4.9470201 out of 5
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Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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