Dream ANALYSIS FULL STREAM Minecraft Manhunt 5 Hunters

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seems like notifications went out all right well welcome to the breakdown analysis of the five hunters manhunt this is the uncut version that we posted on um uh my second channel stream xd i've never like i feel like it's gonna be kind of like i didn't plan anything so like i didn't think through what i'm gonna say or anything so i don't know might be kind of like whatever but i'm just gonna be watching it i guess but i'm running here and i saw i saw the ravine like i see i see i can see like the outline of like the ravine like here obviously so i uh i was like okay well i can't go that way so i need to go around and then kind of as i'm going this way more i see that there's a jump that that looks doable to me here and i was like okay i can do that and so now apparently so sapnap sapnap went uh around so off the beginning he uh like he wasn't ready whenever i ran and so he followed his compass and so he would he went around through the forest obviously and so instead of ending up on this side someone ended up on the other side of the ravine which i didn't know because there's five people and i wasn't counting heads but like i don't know do i do i ever even see sapnap i'm not even sure if i ever see him like i don't i don't i don't know where he's he told me he ran behind these hay bales because i asked him i was like where'd you even come from um but i don't see him so he must be unless he comes after this which maybe he did maybe he came after this but he must be right like just behind me or um i don't know yeah i don't know i don't know where staffnab is honestly ravine i'm going around then i was like oh god okay i was just just about to leave and then stuffed up knocked me down oh my god i'll turn this down there's a tree in the ravine this has happened twice in manhattan thing is i don't think i don't think people said how rare it is to have a tree in your vein like i don't think it's that rare when there's a village like crossing over ravine i'm pretty sure it's more likely because like the see the village pathing like to the left there like the dirt whatever that's there i think it makes it more likely i don't know i don't know how i don't know how that works um but i will say this um people before people always talk about like oh they always have like right stuff off the spawn like villages and you know so on and so forth and there's a couple reasons for that one because callahan scouts out seeds for us beforehand usually to make sure we don't have like some like we're not going to spawn in like an ocean biome or something like that'd be ridiculous um so that's the first thing and the second thing is if i die like super early then we just we just go again and so obviously i'm more likely to survive if there's something off the beginning that's gonna help me like a village or a portal or a chest or anything that can give me something um so it makes it way more likely that and in the main video i did a cut like right after this where people were like oh his wood turned like immediately into planks therefore he was cheating um i was trying to time it with the music so i was trying to hear like i took forever there but i was i was thinking i was like okay do i want to make a crap do i want to instantly make a crafting table um and then i thought ah i might need the blocks to tower out so i didn't make a crafting table where i could have made a sword um and then i i like i i see i was debating what what i should do here because i after um this is annoying okay well whatever i don't know how youtube controls work um but see here i kind of turned cuz i saw i saw the edge of this drop and i was like okay i don't know i i don't want to like fall and i thought maybe it'd be kind of steeper than here i'm like oh god this is this is much deeper than i thought it would would be um because obviously there's lava at the bottom so i'll say okay so i start to kind of turn and then i realize like okay well uh yeah and then all right then i realized like oh god they're gonna like he's gonna knock me off so i just quickly jumped to the water what's up zapnap jumped to the block there um so he was i think he got i think he was like talking about how he was trapped because he had nothing he didn't have anything so he couldn't like what he's supposed to do if he jumps down to me then i'll just i'll knock him back so obviously you can't really you can't really do that um yeah i quickly i was getting stone i wanted to get stone tools i didn't see the diamonds yet but they were back there oh my gosh i don't know what happened there there's just gravel just fell that was kind of cool can you give me some food oh my god i got my crafting bench oh yeah people were talking about this wood here um these two blocks but this was a mine shaft and if you go to the seed which is in the description of this video um it the basically there was more planks like crossing this entire gap here but it burned because the lava so that's why there's just like two random blanks there so that's just from the mine shaft oh my god oh my gosh i saw diamonds and i was like okay well if i can get these that'd be a really good start so i'm collecting stone i see iron i'm like all right cool i can get iron i didn't see there's a skeleton i didn't see it then i saw it too late i wasn't half-hearted i was like okay oh god i quickly need to block this off i didn't have any blocks in my hot bar i didn't want to waste my wood i'm just killing the skeleton i thought i could hit me i was i was so i was so afraid of it hitting me okay i was gonna i was gonna smelt the iron really quickly and get a pickaxe so i can mine the diamonds i used my wood um let's go let's go let's just go go go go come on that should be good and i thought i see i thought it was a three i thought here i only it was only three blocks i was like oh i can just get some blocks block it off but i had like it extends out here because i broke blocks and so it was like so much of a bigger gap than i thought it would be so i wasn't able to i wasn't able to do anything and i just realized like okay they have they have pickaxes i just gotta abandon the diamonds sadly i thought if i i mean i could have went for the iron there that i had smelted but i just thought i don't know i i just thought there's no way i i thought i want half a heart if i if i try and grab it then like i'll probably die so i just left it this is annoying i thought i thought it might be dead i was like oh god i was i switched to my crafting table because i was debating turning around and placing it behind me to like block off um block it off but i just thought oh well the waters if as long as i live here the water like the water is really annoying so if i block it off then it'll make it easier for them actually so i just left it but okay i don't have one awesome saying he's stuck in the cobweb which i'm guessing was the cobweb by like he's you can see his name you can see his name like here he's like shifting and unshifting because he's like stuck in the cobweb in the water and it keeps like pushing him into it like i'm lucky i didn't get stuck in that water because that would have been like there's water in cobwebs or not a good match but so they ended up getting through now i see snapdops getting diamonds they have no blocks at this point so they're like they couldn't just come right after me because they didn't have any blocks and i was they didn't know exactly where i was but they knew i was gone oh yeah somebody in chat said why didn't you consider blocking off the diamonds so they didn't see them yeah i didn't i should have that would have been the best play i did not think of that at all um if i just yeah if i just thought oh i can just place a block over the diamonds then they never they wouldn't have seen the diamonds i could have came back and gotten them um that would have been that would have been the best play but i didn't i did not think of that i could have just hit the diamonds so when i was leaving i don't even know why i broke this crafting bench um but when i was leaving i realized like okay well i i'd seen this ravine over here when i first jumped down in the ravine um like the second ravine i thought they're gonna like they're gonna be expecting that i'm gonna go up to the surface obviously because i need food and whatever um and i was like well i kind of want to get iron because i'm already down in a cave and i'm not gonna have time like later on to get iron and so that if i can just sneak around the cave then it'd be much it'd be much easier because they'd probably go up looking for me not be able to find me above and then i can just be mining iron um because their compass would point out of the ravine and they're not going to assume that i yeah i don't know if they knew that this ravine was here what did he make yeah so he makes diamond armor i'm just mining i'm being like i'm before i'm so afraid of like a skeleton i'm being like so cautious of like i need to see everywhere i was so afraid like a skeleton's gonna pop out of somewhere i'm like okay i see a couple miles i'm like i'm not gonna go down there where is it getting gravel wait put that back what oh sorry give me that wood back this one your ground better we're gonna go help our friends so now they're on the surface right now and they're realizing that oh well he's behind us so um they're they're realizing that i'm probably still down in the ravine yeah see now they realize that i'm definitely still down on the ravine because it's pointing right to the ravine but i'm i'm over by the other ravine now again so i was in caves before and i'm now i'm right next to the other ravine i'm kind of i'm kind of worried here like okay well maybe now now they're realizing so i probably should be be heading out and um so i try and go as far as i can from the edge of the ravine that way i'm i'm further from where they are and then i'm just digging up and i'll say okay i want i want blocks because the thing is i wanted i wanted the tower um and in order to smell and so i was like okay i need blocks i'm like mighty box but i didn't realize that i didn't have sticks so i think oh i can just i can tower up and um and i'm just collecting blocks still i'm like okay i'm just gonna craft a new stone pick now and uh wait for it and then i realized i'm like oh i don't have sticks i'm screwed i have a wood pickaxe so i need to get out now i need to go go go um so then i'm just like okay i just need to go i just need to go straight up and george george is just there so i think he just he was asking before like silently in the background um he was like he's like guys did we go do we place this cobblestone i didn't hear him say that but because i was i was too focused on the fact that i didn't have sticks for a pickaxe i was like oh my gosh um and so then but then george was breaking it and just happened to break it and if i just if that had been like one block further i would have just fallen to my death because i was on half a heart that would have just there's no way i would have reacted like it was so i had just no idea it was just a jump scare i just screamed [Music] and then i'm tearing up and i'm just using the rest of my stone pickaxe it breaks and george is right below me and then i'm realizing oh my gosh like i have a wood pick like there's no way so i check my coordinates i'm pretty sure cause i'm like i'm so i need to know how low i am can i make it to the top in time um where do i check it i check right there so i check my coordinates because i was like i need to know like how low am i because i have a wood pickaxe i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get up in time um and so i see that i'm at y48 uh like up here you can see i see that i'm at y48 and so i was like oh god okay i'm not gonna have there's no way i'm gonna make it to the top with a wood pick before they can get to me with the stone pickaxe um and so i'm like all right i kind of have to like formulate like a plan what am i gonna do here um and that's what i mine to the side and i get my gravel out like okay do i have any blocks i can kind of trick them and so i mine up a few blocks that way like they still think i'm going up and then i fill it in with cobblestone as i'm still towering mine to the side and i can hear them right now like they're so close to me um and i place the gravel there because that just looks like normal so it doesn't look like i placed cobblestone to like block off to the side and so now they're going to mine up they're going to mine the cobblestone that i was towering up and think oh you know he towered he was towering up further and then they're going to be blocked below so they won't even see the gravel um i'm sure they were close enough to hear the gravel at this point but but they see the tower they see the cobblestone stone still going up so they're going to keep going past it yeah now you just decide to keep going up yeah that was really that was really close like i was i was really worried i was just making sure from now on i just sneak oh my god and then here so i break the dirks i'm like i'm going up but i realized um awesome dude died so awesome dude died and i wasn't thinking about it here because it didn't like it didn't really matter and i was focused on whatever i was doing um but when i got when i got up to the point where i can go up to the surface i just realized i'm like i'm just like oh god wait awesome dude died he's gonna be up here so i go back place the dirt and go back down i'm like oh god i'm not gonna like austin dude's gonna be on the street all he has to do like he didn't have anything but all he has to do is punch me once and i'm dead so i go back down instead of going up to the surface because i was like oh god and then awesome dude what do you know it's right right there above and i was like okay thank god i didn't i didn't go to the surface um because awesome dude awesome dude was literally right there and then uh i think uh sapnap sees someone else's name that's not me and so he's digging down because he thinks i'm he thinks i'm like lower below i think awesome dude wanted to get his stuff because he died he fell in the ravine so he goes back down um and i was like okay well i need to i can go up now this is like my opportunity i'm actually not sure what i think i just grabbed with her because i had no wood for anything i was like if i need i just need wood before i i thought maybe i might need to tower right away um but they didn't see me so i got some food as quickly as i could and then they realize well so i'm shifting i'm shifting and then i'm not and they know like right after i stopped shifting because i had food they realized like i probably should have just kept shifting honestly but i didn't and then i'm just trying to get food i'm getting wood because i want more building blocks um i eat some carrots and then ice i need a diamond it's like what the hell how do you get diamond so how do you get it wasn't even just say a diamond he had diamond leggings and a diamond chest plate how do you have almost full diamond that was the best this is this is dumb i cut that out of the video you know i couldn't make myself look too bad there was a low iq moment you know i don't want to put that in the manhunt um but like i i was thinking i'm going to block i'm going to like place three fences and like you can't jump over fences obviously but but i could hit over a fence i was like oh i'm gonna place these three fences like back to back it'll be like in a line and then he'll uh he'll like run into the fences then i'll just crit him but i just like i guess it messed him up a little bit otherwise he would have gotten a good hit on me but um but yeah i run guys i'm just playing okay i just need a tower here so i'm waiting to tower i'm glad i could have missed that jump easily and i probably would have been dead but i made that jump i missed that one there's so many cows here there's cows here sorry sorry he's too far he's trying to get blocks okay um so i'm using i'm trying to use like all my useless blocks so that's why because i don't want to use like my cobble and my wood and stuff so i use like all of my random blocks i make wood am i okay i'm probably probably fine now i build out like a little tower i'm still going up make a furnace cooking iron i didn't know where the tower was i don't think they started tiring yet oh yeah so sapnap's towering up he's right there um i see amfrost over here he's towering up and i'm like okay so i'm just paying i'm just keeping an eye on both of them all my iron cooks i don't even know i don't know what sapnap's doing here i think i don't know i have no idea i'd have to ask him he's like towing around so ant runs out of blocks and you can see he placed a crafting table but let's listen you want to block metal blocks okay i'm coming back i'm just going to be set i'm just going to throw this one reset okay so i actually i should have asked that but i didn't ask ant but what i'm what i'm pretty sure happened is that he ran out of blocks and he was like okay you know can i can i craft something like can i craft a boat or can i craft something to just jump down and live um so he placed a crafting bench or maybe it was just his last block so he placed it but i you hear him click it's like obviously he's in the crafting bench i don't know why but then he says oh i'm just gonna throw myself off and reset um because they had beds down there so he's like i'm just gonna like i can't get down without dying so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna jump off and um and reset and so i see him do this and then i watch check it out george is like confused he's like why didn't frost die but mine i'm still just keeping an eye on them so this happened so i see this this this is where this is to me like to me this is actually a bad play but i mean not not the book clutch obviously the clutch is insane but this what i do here is stupid so i'm like okay i just need to break i just need to collect the the furnaces right in order to um in order to keep my iron and stuff um but i didn't realize how slow breaking a furnace is with a stone pickaxe for some reason i was thinking it's like breaking like stone i'm pretty sure it's like much longer than breaking stone because it took so long to break two furnaces when i was expecting it'd take like like half a second but anyway as soon as i break the crafting bench so like i'm here and i broke i broke the i broke the crafting bench right now and then i realized like as soon as i break it i was like i was like oh god i didn't make a boat yet right like okay i didn't make a boat so i'm thinking in my head right now i'm like okay i don't have time to if i place right now i'm not gonna have time to um if i place right now i'm not gonna have time to get my furnaces if i place right now i'm not gonna have time to i'm gonna not have time to craft a boat then break my furnaces and then jump off so i was thinking okay well i need to break my furnaces and then place a crafting table and craft the boat um so i'm thinking through i'm realizing i'm gonna have no time i'm gonna have literally no time to craft a boat so there's a couple things i do one you see in my hotbar i have leather boots in my five slot so at some point i put them on by right clicking on them because i realize i need an empty slot but but i realize i need to do it after i break the furnaces because if i break the furnaces they'll go into my um into my hotbar so this is all before this is before this is before the actual this is before actual the craft um so i was realizing now okay i need i need to clear up that slot so that's why afterwards i end up putting the leather boots on before i craft um but secondly i'm realizing i'm probably going to have like next to no time and the thing is about manhunts is like if you die right off if i die right off the beginning the hunters get money so they have an incentive to go after me and kill me um but obviously we're not gonna upload a ten you know a three minute video or something on the channel so we just go again and so a lot of manhunts have like clutch plays off the beginning because you don't see you don't you wouldn't see the times how that i died to them when i have literally nothing and they're just like punching me in a in a snow biome or or like i run away from they get they get a blacksmith and kill me right off the spawn or something um so that you don't like you won't see that obviously you're only gonna see you're gonna see the clutches and the good plays right off this right off the beginning um but anyway so i'm realizing okay like reaction time is is a big problem so i knew i knew where my wood was and i knew okay my wood my wood's like right next to my right next to my um like because whenever you open your inventory your cursor responds like defaultly in the middle of your inventory um obviously i know that and the funny thing is from experiences i used to when i played on mcpvp which is a soup pvp server back in the day um i had uh you had to craft like mushroom soup really quickly and so always you would you would always put your bowls and your two mushrooms in the same place where this wood is where the wood is on the spoke clutch you would always have them in the exact same place and sometimes you would need to craft mushroom stew really quickly because you're getting crit out you know you need to craft soup and soup heals you in mtvp so like obviously that's kind of like very very very like muscle memory like back to like when i was playing in 2011 to 2015 of really quickly being able to grab that um but anyway i realized okay i'm not gonna have like any time in order to do it um so i'm like okay i need to prepare and so what is happening is i'm like okay i need to break these furnaces so i'm breaking they took so much longer than i thought they would but i put the boots on so now my inventory slots cleared up i was okay i put the boots on um i placed the crafting bench oh i placed a crafting bench okay well i'm going back i place a crafting match in order to craft the boat so the thing is like it's not this this clutch would be absolutely it would be impossible 100 impossible if i hadn't already thought about crafting the boat because you just don't have reaction time like it's just impossible like it it's like half a second right like you nobody like almost nobody has that fast reaction time like in the entire world and like including me so it's not like if i had not already been thinking okay i need to craft the boat i need to craft it super quickly then i i'd be dead i'd obviously i would've there's no chance i would have gotten it i wasn't sitting there in midair going i'm gonna craft a boat i'm gonna fling my cursor out my woods here no i had already thought of all that stuff so all i had to do was just do it um and then obviously a lot of a lot of luck comes into play and just literally like flinging just flinging your cursor like literally just the only thing that i think that um wasn't luck was just being able to grab the wood that quickly because i feel like that that's just kind of muscle memory like the actual boat craft was just me flinging my cursor and i was holding shift the entire time i just pressed shift flung my cursor and um and held down click and then and then spam clicked after and that's how it was crafted um now i would never like there'd be like this is like a one in a one in one in a thousand probably play where if i i did this a thousand times right now um i'd probably i'd probably be able to do it once from the exact same the exact same scenario um but but yeah so and then the quick boat craft and then the clutch luckily now luckily i do have a lot of practice with actual boat clutches and there's been many manhunts where i hit where i hit boat clutches like back to back to back to back they're not that hard if you know how to do them so that wasn't that one that that's not that's not as impressive as the actual craft itself but i didn't even it didn't even really it didn't even really hit me like how quickly i had i had crafted it at this point um it like it didn't it didn't really hit me until like afterwards when i was watching it because the funny thing is like i was sitting in a call with sapnap um like in the morning in the morning before the manhunt was coming out um and i went and it was when i was i had just finished editing the video and i was watching it back and i was like oh my god i was sitting with him i was like look i literally was saying i was like it looks fake i was like it literally looks fake it's like oh yeah because it's just you're you're not used to seeing like crafting so you know you're not used to seeing somebody craft so fast and even even myself like i don't craft fast and because most time you don't need to craft fast and if you try and craft fast you just mess up like if you try and craft craft fast then you end up misplacing a block or mis misplacing a wood in the crafting recipe and so it just makes it like you end up crafting slower by trying to craft fast so it just doesn't it just doesn't uh make sense but anyway i ran oh my gosh oh my goodness so i'm right behind you man i'm right behind you yeah we're in the same house but still doesn't mean he's gonna always come like be careful guys be careful sit with me or something i don't know why i planted that sapling but so here i wanted a flint and steel i don't remember why but i saw that the grass was here i saw there was a couple of pieces of like tall grass together so i got in it to craft it and then they tried to hit me and they hit the tall grass i'm sure i'll use that more in the future but that was very intentional oh i messed up my sprint oh my gosh that was insane him off he didn't have a boat i think i just i just get away and they're they're they're like they're accusing steven up like they're like did he write off and he's like no because you were saying that and saying oh how did i don't know he didn't have a boat he said he said i didn't have a boat because they were saying did i write off in a boat he's like no he didn't he didn't write off anybody he didn't have a boat um but then they they end up like southampton was taking forever to get down um they end up getting back together and then i don't think anything really happens there's just a desert temple uh oh yeah by the way going back to uh the uh the mlg boat bit so um people who are trying to recreate this you're not gonna be able to in in survival mode um so somebody made a really good video on it i don't remember i don't i can't remember their name um but if you just look up like uh i tried dreams boat clutch or something like that has like two million views now it's a really really well put together video um he talked about it but basically like single player so you have you have a certain number of blocks in order to before a crafting bench closes um so if you're falling uh then the crafting bench will close after like i don't know how many blocks it is five eight blocks or something um but on servers and certain servers the crafting amount is different either because of lag or because it's actually different and so i had a lot more time to craft than you would in single player so there's so many people are going in single player and trying to be like this is literally impossible because you can't it's like it's like well yeah obviously if you're doing it in single player you're you're not gonna be able to do it because you have you have like so you have like one third the amount of time that you have than on you know certain servers or uh or you know our server so um yeah i just thought i'd clarify that because there's people confused about that but yeah i saw a lot of people do i know fruit berries posted a clip on twitter and he's cracked obviously um i'm sure he'd be able to do it way more consistently than even i would he's really good at crafting so but i think this is just like i'm just getting more iron because i didn't have enough they're kind of meaning around i happen to find another mine shaft they got more diamonds i think like right here yeah i don't know what else happens you have one more iron i can have bed for a bucket yeah yeah um i'm just cooking iron i have a bat i don't think anything interesting is happening here it's just typical just typical gameplay this is such a dumb thing i don't know how this happened i thought i was shifting i just walk into the lava so here i'm sitting here deciding i'm like okay there's not a lot of lava here like i can't do what i normally would do and just like block it so i'm like i need to i need to be careful so i'm thinking okay well there's some over there uh all right i'll go on i'll do the other side this is fine and i just fall in the lava i was like i'm not gonna place the water down i'm just gonna wait yeah make the portal this is a really crappy really crappy spawn um but i run around some here's another big big big brain play you ready ah there we go i light the i like the tnt with my water it was a big big brain play there's something that happened that was ridiculous here i'll show you you see that so that fire yes oh we'll see in a second so this fire up here i'm about to break somehow is keeping lava in so i break this i break this fire and then it just makes lava flow on me and i'm like what the hell like how does that even happen it doesn't that's not even fair it doesn't make any sense i just punched that fire out and then lava's like behind it and starts flowing into me it's like how does fire stop lava from flowing i thought i might die here and i was like that's gonna be the most ridiculous like dumbest thing ever but i didn't i'm just running around looking so then they got to the nether but like their compass wasn't working um like they're in the nether now but their compass isn't working like they they just they can't use it and so they keep they're trying to fix it and um i'm just like all right well we need to pause and they need to fix it so i just stop and i'm i'm asking callahan if he can fix it because he's our standby dev to make sure there's no problems going on and callahan's like yeah he's like okay i'm i'm messaging george because george coded like the nether compass thing where it's like the the x that shows up so callahan was there and then i just suggest just re-adding everybody and that works so it's fixed then we move on i find the fortress i'm about to i think i already did there's this biome is like the worst for fortresses i think there's been two manhunts where the fortress has been in this biome and they're both like so crazy in the nether they just suck so much it's so annoying oh no so here i can hear if you listen closely i think he knows that i can hear sapnap like i mean i don't know what's up now but i can hear somebody walking and eating yes so i know someone's there and i heard someone take full damage i'm just like i'm like okay i just need to book it they're right there right they're right behind me look who's behind you drink everyone's saying like seth shouldn't have said that but he knew that i knew like he knew that i knew because they were eating and taking fall damage and cetera et cetera the whole time so like he knew i know [Music] i realized okay well this is just a dead end so i just need to i just need to run away i ran out of blocks i'm just killing uh i'm just killing blaze while i'm running like i just need to get i seem to i need the blaze rods i think bats and they they just get destroyed by blazes i thought this was funny so i run up here and i see there's two wither skeletons i'm like oh hell no oh hell knows i just jump over bad and somehow bad just was like what and then there's like a million wither i'm just putting those those juking moves on them someone made like a good meme on reddit i don't remember and it was like uh somebody like in football and it was like they had like my skin on their face and then it's like the wither skeleton they like broken like broke their ankles and then like ran in i thought that was funny there's so many weather skeletons okay guys guys guys guys just defend the place this is just bad play by me but i was realizing okay i don't know where they are they could be coming in any moment so i just need to get out of there even though i was on pretty good health and there's just there's just more and more and more weather skeletons i was like ah i'm just gonna run around them of course this guy's still there so he wasn't there this would have been perfect i would be able to get a bunch of blaze but yeah they just do that i'm just getting destroyed by them and then i'm like oh no there's too many blaze of course the weather skeleton's there somehow just oh i got him i got shot randomly by south now then i real i realize there's a dead end and like like very soon all right i'll run this way let it go oh it's a dead end oh no where do i go or i'm gonna go on the wall i'm gonna burrow and of course he's a diamond pickaxe and so i was like okay i just need to go back i just need to go back i did that and i did that in one other manhunt i thought this part was impressive oh he's over here oh my god i'm coming it's just minecraft minecraft pvp plays i don't know how awesome like awesome got lucky there was a block there because i'm about to pull him off and he somehow lands on the one block and then i try and punch him i don't know if he falls or not i don't think he does oh my god oh he did i don't know how he lived oh my gosh so i just tower and then i accidentally go into full screen i play minecraft in windowed by the way i wonder how many people actually play in windowed archer you know what let's wait for george be careful how many of you play put one in chat if you play in windowed mode and put two in chat if you play in full screen wow a lot of people playing windowed that's more than i thought i thought it would be less very cool um so here a lot of people again a lot of people like point out stuff and go like oh this is weird so i'm just keeping an eye on him because he's like he's telling bad about something and i'm keeping an eye on him and then he says look at this i realized that they they tossed an item so i switched to my fishing rod and i look at awesome and austin's like oh no i'm backing up and then sapnap's just like he's showing him his diamond enchanted axe that says nightmare and i missed the first fishing rod barely then bad's like bad's freaking out that said like sapping up grab it or something but then again they don't know like i didn't realize i saw i saw some like manhunt tips thing on reddit um that i scrolled through and this was one of them that was in there it was like you can fish and rod items i was like what so i went in game and i was realizing like yeah you can fish around you can fishing out a lot of stuff like i didn't know that you could fishing rod entities like i mean i knew you could fish your rod players but i didn't realize you could fishing you could fishing rod items like to me that's really cool what what what yes what happened so i thought for sure snapchat would die here and that this is this is why i jumped down it's a dumb play in hindsight but i pull him up and then i'm watching and he doesn't like he doesn't block clutch so he falls all the way so i was like okay he took a lot of damage so i'm going to jump down i'm going to crit on him and like there's no way he lives like all that fall damage and then a crit from me so i jumped down i crit thinking he'd die instantly and i he you see i get his pick so when he tries to hit me he drops his pick and it's just it's just right under me and so i pick it up like i was just totally obviously totally i wasn't trying to steal his pick it was totally unintentional and i saw so many people saying like how do you drop a pickaxe that's so staged like who would ever like drop the pickaxe and then i go back real quick let me go back here let me go ahead and check this oh my gosh so here i don't go here let's watch this let's see right at the beginning oh what'd i do watch let's let here let's watch in slow-mo it's watching slo-mo oh i dropped my pickaxe i didn't mean to do that it happens like it happens all the time to everybody like it happened to me in this video at the beginning at the beginning of the manhunt where i accidentally throw my pickaxe somehow um it's just cause like q and w are so close to each other and if you're using q as your drop button then if you're trying to like quickly switch and press w you just and you and you press q and zapnap was holding his pickaxe because he was he didn't have a weapon because i took his weapon and so he accidentally did that he was trying to press w or trying to switch to his or he was trying to be trying to switch to his blocks and press two or something and he pressed q so i mean it's very very normal yeah people people were talking about that and i was just like oh come on who got my thing i dropped my diamonds from us here i had uh austin did really good here see he timed that really well like it was right when i looked at bad so he was able to get my shield and then here i just messed up [Laughter] you hear my scream here i've never screamed like that like what is that i'm playing that back oh go go go go i don't even know how that's me that's literally me that's not anyone else i don't know how i screamed like that i don't usually i don't usually scream like that i almost missed this jump right here i'm so i was so close to missing that yeah then there's just so many mobs like this was just ridiculous be careful oh my god run right it's so funny listening to this because they're all like like this is so funny to me but george's reaction is so funny like just wait until george is like wait what or something i don't know like just listen to george listen to george this is so funny i was when i was editing this i was laughing he's like there's so many mobs what what is what i don't know i'm watching that that's so funny to me just the way he says that is so funny what do i do get out just blogging i'm dying run george run don't die again run george so many mobs what is what george this is the way he says that it's so funny it's so funny he's just i think he's he's just like so confused he's like what do i do what do i do i'm in the fortress wait what there's so many what is what like oh my gosh that's so funny he's just like getting destroyed by this one he didn't want to die again because he had already died what is happening guys i'm i'm leaving the place guys we gotta meet back up where's everyone at i still needed blazer on so i was just like all right and when i was here i didn't realize i had no food i had food here but you'll see in just a minute these places are actually right here oh my god good chance of drinking an army like for some reason here i thought i thought i had food in my inventory but i didn't so like i i do stuff i shouldn't have like i thought i had through my inventory so one i should i probably shouldn't even i guess i could have killed this place but like right after this i thought i had food so i was like okay and i do this i just like run out in the middle of this fortress like what am i doing i have no food i was like oh god i might die i need to run i block myself in i realized i have no food i'm just like i'm like oh god and then i make bone meal i was like maybe bone meal could help me like somebody asked me they said why did you make bone mail and i was like i don't know i was like in food mode and just bone meal for some reason making me think like food like you can like make food with bone meal so i just saw the bone and i was like you know what i'm crafting this into into bone meal um so i did i crafted in the bone meal but i didn't do anything with it but i don't know i mean maybe technically if i had dirt and a seed like that would have been fine i could have made but even then i know i would have gotten one weed i only had one bone like but i was thinking see i it was it was going through my my mind i was i was just trying to think of what i could do so i remember red biome being this way so i'm like i have to go over here and i'm just like oh god there's a skeleton they didn't do anything i searched this whole area oh there's a skeleton there that's after me i searched the whole area and there's nothing i was looking for food no i just need to travel this gas is like my best friend like watch this i'm just thinking like oh gosh it's going to shoot me it's right there i'm on one and a half hearts how does it not shoot me i don't understand it's my it's my bestie that's my best friend and then i so i live oh my gosh i get more blocks with tnt um i continue along oh my goodness this gas was scaring me yeah i kill these guys for food i'm so lucky this baby didn't hit me i thought the baby couldn't kill you so i was sitting here like oh this baby can't even touch me like what a stupid little baby but i did tower up but i thought it couldn't i thought it couldn't kill me yeah i kill the baby yeah i guess i get some food i'm in the nether for so long i get some food i finally heal i try and do some trading i try and get some more food i get i get nothing nothing's really happening this is just me going around the nether and trading and getting nothing and then traveling around getting more gold trading getting nothing i found another fortress and that was good because i needed more blaze rods i kill some endermen in the blue biome get some pearls and then i keep traveling the nether and doing trading here's the funny part [Music] i don't know i don't know how that started but anyway more trading uh nothing's really happening oh did i fall i think i fell in the lava here what's this what's this big brain play guys this is going to dream 100 1000 iq montage big brain let's go here i almost got like destroyed by this enderman i jump over here and then i i get this and then i just i was like i'm just gonna kill the centerman and then i realized like wait i'm by the edge that's not good so i just like let it hit me a bunch so i could turn around imagine that knocked me off that would have been that would have been bad out um i'm still just trading i'm not getting anything like i have six pearls so i'm kind of like halfway there i'm so lucky i found like this bass j wherever i find it i'm just like looking everywhere and i finally found it and these are these are op i didn't even know i didn't even know that this could have this good of loot like i i didn't know that this this could even have like netherrite diamonds diamond armor like like everything like this literally had everything i didn't know that you could i don't even know that you could have half the stuff that it had but you can you can check the seed this this bastion has the salute but i didn't know it did i didn't know it could oh never yeah but i got so much stuff oh my goodness what what is this that's so much stuff like the most op bastion i've ever seen in my life i i honestly didn't know you could even get half the stuff that i got like i didn't know you could get enchanted diamond armor or nether right anyway i do all this trading oh no these guys are annoying like i'm killing the guy who's killing me and they get mad at me they almost kill me i didn't know that's what happened like for some reason i was killing like the guy the brute is killing me and i kill him and they get pissed at me they're like why are you killing our friend like he's killing me what am i supposed to do i have gold on you're not supposed to attack me but they attack me anyway so i need to learn the uh the routes for these i don't know any of the i don't know any of the routes but then again that's more for like speed running speed running whereas this is like manhunt's different but still anyway i do all this trading i get a lot of good stuff people were saying pointing out i should have up i shouldn't have upgraded my pants i should have upgraded my axe and that's true i should have i didn't think about that i've never gotten i've never gotten netherright so i wasn't thinking oh like i was just thinking oh i can just i can have like netherride armor and i thought of the prot 2 leggings and i was like oh the axe doesn't have sharpness or anything so i didn't even think about the axe i forgot i even had the axe i was just thinking about stuff because i had the axe before the bastion in the basket i got the diamond leggings and diamond boots so i was thinking about the stuff i had just gotten and so i was i wasn't thinking about putting on the axe but i should have i should have put it on the axe that would have been the better play it would because it does more damage for sure yeah i put on the pants which i shouldn't have done but insane surprise there's another 30 minutes of pearl trading i don't know so here i'm just pretending that i'm pearl trading when in reality i'm going back i was in the nether for an over an hour that's like almost half of the entire the entire time i don't really care um yeah i'm just traveling back i realized that the portal's there and i'm like okay so i didn't think they were going to ambush me inside the portal but i thought okay i need to have the my i need to have iron armor ready because like my armor is very unique and noticeable and obviously so is my skin so to me it's like uh i was like okay if i have iron armor um and i replaced my and i replaced my armor at some point i didn't think it would be right outside the portal but i was like at some point if i replace my replace my armor then uh it makes me less noticeable obviously because i was planning on doing the am frost skin thing it's so annoying well when they run out here that people are saying like oh i waited i waited too long here because i should have ran but like i still if i block my shield and stand on the portal i might be able to get through because like if i can like kind of because i'll have to stay in the portal even if i take damage i just stay in the portal but i took knock back and got knocked out so then i then i ran i'm gonna get him oh my goodness and then and then at this point i realized okay i can do the perfect plan i can run away and purl back and then i can do the skin thing right then and it's like it's like completely perfect and i chose i'll say this i chose ant frost and people people were speculating on all these different reasons why i chose ant frost but i'll tell you why because in testing where i was testing on a server to see whose name looked the most similar to mine when i was sneaking it was ant frost i that it's as simple as that that's literally as simple as it is when you're when i was sneaking because both our names are short like aunt frost is short and dream is short um when sneaking our names look similar like they look fairly they don't look that similar but they look similar enough that it's like sapnap sapnap's fairly close but and frost looked better um i think it's just because probably the beginning of the word or something i don't know um but they look they they look they look they look fairly similar and sapna uh also oh yeah i know also sapnap um i i was considering between afros and snap now but snapnap's skin has a lot of layers so anne frost's skin only has the only layer he has is his whiskers that that looks different but but snapnap's whole skin is like layers a bunch of different layers on it and so when i was trying to do it i was like okay sapnap's looks the weirdest um so and frost looked fairly normal when i was in testing so um that's why that's why i did anthros because amfrost had the shortest name with the least layers so like bad bad's name is like long and there's capital letters and um and and he has i think he also has layers um george's george's uh george's name is again he's long and he has capital letters like george not found um but ant and sapnap both have uh only the first letters capital they're both very short but sapnap had a lot of layers and ant didn't that's why i chose that he went down he went down he stuck he's stuck just chase him you can't go anywhere oh my goodness careful careful perfect so here i hit sapnap and then i realized oh wait it makes them glow i don't know how long that lasts so i don't want to like i don't want to shoot them anymore because then they'll be glowing and they'll know oh which one's you know which one's me so come on we got him we got him i decided i'm just going to hit them oh my behind you i fell i fell i fell like i fell careful i got him [Music] so i take off my armor i put on iron armor and the thing is like i think people don't realize like in manhunt especially but like just in normal minecraft too but in manhunt um like you're not there's certain things that you expect and there's certain things you don't expect like in this case there's five of them and i'm running away and i just got through with another there is not a i bet you not a single one of them even had the potential thought that i would be anywhere like that that i would be on the surface near the portal right like nobody's gonna think this that's the first thing the second thing is that i have like the most purposefully purposefully i have the most noticeable skin like in minecraft basically like lime green my entire body my entire arms my entire face is like the brightest weirdest color in minecraft like so you that's it's super noticeable super bright you see it all the time and then i also had netherride on i had i had a very noticeable armor i had a diamond helmet diamond boots and i had netherright which is so noticeable like none of them had netherright none of them had anything like that so it's obvious like that stan it's like i basically was standing out like a sore thumb like there's there's there's nothing that could stand out more lime green skin another right armor piece and and you know that and so that's basically that and then so when i went through the when i went through the portal with them here anyway i switched my skin to aunt frost it's just through layering um and then i'm waiting so i'm like okay i go through at the same time as them again they're just not they're not going to even be looking like they're not going to be they're not a thought's going to pass through their mind that i'm going to be standing amongst them like one i didn't have the skin on so they knew i had my skin so even if they even if they did think something was weird like they're not gonna sit there and be analyzing it and be like oh wait you know this is weird like they're gonna be thinking that i'm gonna be long gone ready going i go through with them i'm waiting i go okay this is long enough they said shields up so i put my shows up and they didn't have their shields up they said shields up and then i guess maybe like it's lag or something like they didn't i had my shield up and they didn't and then of course i'm standing next to aunt frost and i'm like oh god of course like the one person i'm standing next to is like the person whose skin i have so i try and back up and luckily aunt frost we kind of everyone kind of spread out and again people are people are saying like oh why did they dig down so basically the way the compass works is that it doesn't it just points to me wherever i am right so whenever they come through and originally it's pointing forward so they start to walk forward and then it's pointing backwards and they walk backwards and that's pointing forwards and they walk forwards right and they're not thinking hmm maybe this guy that's standing in the middle that has the same armor and that skin doesn't look anything like stream it doesn't have another right armor like dream and doesn't like you know there's nothing any sneaking so you can't really see the name like they're not thinking oh let's analyze this let's look at his name let's see let's see if this is dream obviously so the compass moves around and when it does that you're either above or below and then obviously there's no tower and i don't have time to tower so um they went down they were pointing out like yeah you can't like how would i have dug down and and not had the sand i mean there's a big lava patch here where there's stone and there's an decide and so on and so forth i could have gone down there um it is kind of stupid like thinking about it but at the same time if i had dug down this would be the smartest thing for them to do because if they all dig down in different locations which they've done before they'll dig down in different locations like above me they're gonna find me and then they're gonna kill me obviously but if they one person digs down and then gets blocked off then i could just kill them one by one potentially or run away or whatever um there's a cave yeah i see them i see them digging down and then i think i actually target george and george got lucky because george fell into a cave if george hadn't fell into a cave then he would have died but i'll say this people people people ask me before like why do you like why i target i target george usually because george is the easiest best player i don't know if that makes sense like george is actually really good like he's very good at the game he's very like he's very fast he's very like he's pretty good at like chasing and he's very like he's i think he's the second best at like 1.16 pvp surprisingly i think it goes nap and then him at 1.6 in pvp but by catching him off guard or targeting him he's the easiest good player to take out like almost even though he's better i think in terms of 1.16 pvp than like some of the other hunters he very he like if i target him i don't know i think it is kind of he does get kind of flustered or whatever so he's like the easiest i don't even know how i don't even know how to describe it he's like the easiest uh the easiest good hunter or whatever i wouldn't say he's the easiest to kill but he's the easiest to kill that that's that's good at 1.6 in pvp and then ross just gets like blown to smithereens um and then it's just kind of it's the same it's just kind of being chased i missed a couple shots here put my good armor back on oh i got hit so everyone every hunter at some point learns that you should never say that you're low and george is very like what how do you call like a motive or something where he's like if he's low he's like ah like he's like screaming at the top of his lungs but uh sapnap i mean awesome dude uh just said he's low so you'll hear like all the hunters learn eventually like you shouldn't you shouldn't do this but it's such something that you usually do you naturally do in minecraft i'm low i'm low if you're low so it just comes like naturally but they learn eventually they learned that they shouldn't do it [Music] oh he turned around back up i don't have a shot i don't have a shield just rotate right here no i'm low i'm low i'm low so i wasn't going to go after him then he goes i'm low i'm low i'm low and so i just abandoned batting do after awesome [Music] pick up his stuff get him yeah i got it but anyway um [Music] um i don't think anything interesting happens for a while it's just running running running running trying to find the stronghold if you were talking about every time i would throw an eye like people they would they would go for the eye and they wouldn't focus on like attacking me not in that case like in other cases where they were close enough to get the eye and like i mean the thing is i think it is probably they probably should have a strategy for that where somebody goes after me and then everyone else goes for the eye or something um but two things one uh if everyone if they're going for the eye then everyone's kind of like together and so obviously they'll be hitting each other too if they're trying to hit me um and then secondly if they get the eye like if i don't have enough ice to go to the end then i basically lose because i'm gonna have to go back to the nether i'm gonna have to get more blaze rods i'm out to get more pearls et cetera et cetera so if they can steal enough of my eyes then they win but if they try and if they try and you know try and go after me and then i get the eye and they focus on hitting me instead of getting the eye they have a they have a smaller they have a small there's five of them and there's one of me they have a bigger chance of getting the eye than they do of killing me if they try and kill me in that moment when i'm going for the eye that's what that's why i think that it's it's a fairly logical thing for them to go for the eye instead of trying to kill me because they're already trying to kill me they have a higher chance of getting the eye than they do of killing me in that moment but i would prefer if it's closer too like it's how is it my choice i never uh what did i say was your choice nothing really interesting happens my chest plate breaks oh there's a horse i forgot awesome dude got a horse this was completely cut out of the video but i just killed his horse [Music] i just went down in the water in order to craft one and block myself in and then [Laughter] so after like it's funny after the manhunt like seven was it was like yelling at him he's like why the hell were you doing that um and so snapchat was like like could have just been like fighting with me he would have lost because i had i had the better stuff um but he could have just been fighting with me but amfrost kept placing the water and then like i would start swimming up with snapchat so amfrost would like block it off and so then sapnap would like be dropped down and then starting up like instead was focusing on getting out instead of focusing on like fighting me obviously and so he's like yelling he's getting pissed he's like stop not placing the water that's so funny stop not placing water george goes what's happening of course george does that come on so here i realized i found that i found the uh the eye room but i realized i didn't have any food and i didn't have a water bucket and like there's no way i'm gonna go to the end without a water bucket like i'm just dead if i go to the end without a water bucket [Music] so i decided i'm just gonna place all them but one so i can just run in and place the last one and i'm like i'm just gonna mine up here so i know exactly where i'm going down where the portal room is and so i go up and i get water and i get food i go to the plane's biome i get some food and then i get some water and then i go back down and then here people are being so dumb about this part like they're like oh how do you run by them are they not stopping like even if they're all standing there attacking me like i guarantee we could go right now and have them all five stand there i have to place one thing like i'm getting in no matter what no matter what happens here i'm getting in like literally no matter what happens here i can just run in and place one eye like i can just go buy them no matter what like obviously they're they're all like like i think sapnap's crafting awesome's in a furnace it looks like ants in the chest to my left like the chest is open you can tell the chest is open it looks like i think ant's in a chest saturn's in a crafting table awesome's in a furnace like there's furnaces here he's smelting sand and then bad's like not looking not looking this direction like the only person who might see me is george we already know how incompetent george is and i just run in i mean it's like they have no doubt like how long is this it's like like how long is it i want to say from like they would have this is like the closest point they could have possibly seen me 20101 i mean oh two three four two seconds i mean it's two seconds it's only two seconds and they all were doing things so there's no way they would have there's no there's no way they would have seen me but of course george just reacts i mean i just ran by that that's very very standard i felt pretty good here i'm pretty sure i hit all of these perfectly even the far ones which is which is pretty good i hit that one i hit that one and then you can tell i hit this one because boom like the light goes away i was per i had perfect aim there it was great um i'm just killing the dragon oh my goodness where is he careful be careful i take george's water here i'm pretty sure it's up here yeah i think so i take george's water oh he's getting away he's getting away he blocked it off george i think george's water i got him once i got him he's gotta be low nap this ain't not i don't have any arrows or anything here right here no no he got under i just get eaten up in the air right away got a really good hit there that was really well played i see stuff here i'm like oh god he just tossed his stuff there i can burn it and then i'm like oh no i can't i'm low and there's an enderman on me i don't think i was in reach though i might have been though i lost my water though like aunt blocked my water off there that'd be detrimental because i couldn't i couldn't do as much because i had no water it's like the dragon goes down i don't have any water it's like i'm being very what happened here is i just get as many hits as i can and i just run because if i get hit by the dragon it'll like eat me up and so i just get out of there because i have no water and no pearls and then i have a pearl so i decided okay i'm gonna go back and then i realized okay they're all here i can't i can't go back yeah so i had no i had no water so i was relying on my pearl here the dragon knocked them but not me the next time i go into the dragon it's like so fortunate it's really funny actually i don't know how i didn't get it here see i'm wondering like did my nether did my nether right pants here does netherrite pants affect the potential for the dragon knocking you back because i don't know if it does and that if it does then that that could potentially have like saved me here because i get hit a couple times with a dragon and i don't i don't take much knock back and i have nether i know netherright pants like affects your knockback so i landed look how close that is look how close that got like that could have been imagine i fish his helmet here like watch this look i ca ah it's so annoying this was so close like i so i i hear him saying he needs a helmet and like oh he's gonna do it he's gonna he's gonna throw a helmet down again so i prematurely throw and look how close that got if i had hit that if i had hit that helmet i would have hooked that helmet and i would have got i would have stolen another another one of sapnap's items that would have been so awesome that was so close that was just me like me predicting it like i just [Music] where'd he go i go in the dragonfire for some reason so bad so as soon as bad gets hit the dragon turns around and like he eats him up in the air like how lucky is this so it's like bad bad finally gets around the other side he's like all right i'm sort of going the other side people were saying like why are they not just going under the dragon like as soon as bad goes to go under the dragon the dragon like eats him up in the air and then turns and then now he's the other way and then awesome gets in and then he get he gets he hated by the dragon too that's so he goes so high like he's like a speck on the screen like that is awesome dude like that right there is awesome dude like you can't even he's just like a little speck in the in the somehow in the middle of the sky like how is that awesome dude that somehow that is but i don't know um and then the dragon flies off and i run so far like i don't think i have a pearl at this point or water i think like if i had gotten needed there i would i would be dead i mean most likely dad gets a really good crit there and i'll say i'm here and i just realized like okay they've had a lot of trouble getting down the dragon's low enough that i can probably kill it in one thing i'm just gonna jump he's running i can't catch him i go around awesome gets heated bad comes up comes over i hit him a couple times he gets heated awesome dude gets you dude ant's there and the dragon turns again like look at that look how fortunate that is like i had a really good dragon luck like it turns right now just in time to eat and frost away and stop stop snap naps from be able to do anything and then like uh it's awesome dude's falling right there i think i think that's sam and um and sapnap is like screaming awesome dude because he wants uh what's it called he wants uh he needs the crystals from awesomedude so um that's why he's focused on that okay [Music] man you can see i i didn't kill the dragon so at this point the dragon when the health bar disappears like the dragon is gone like there's no there's no like there's no dragon it's because he had placed all four of the uh all four of the crystals the thing is what is this what if you watch the extra scenes obviously that's not how it works in regular minecraft and i was pretty pissed about that because in regular minecraft you can't
Channel: Fast Poster
Views: 89,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fastposter, dream, dream minecraft manhunt, 5th hunter manhunt, dream minecraft manhunt analysis, dream minecraft manhunt analysis 5 hunters, dream manhunt analysis, dream manhunt analysis 5 hunters, dream analysis 5 hunters, dream minecraft manhunt breakdown, dream manhunt breakdown, dream manhunt breakdown 5 hunters, minecraft manhunt vs 5 hunters, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt dream, manhunt vs 5 hunters, manhunt analysis, dream vods, dream manhunt analysis full stream
Id: ifK2uGSCuZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 34sec (4654 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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