The most iconic dreamnotfound moments

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[Music] all right we need like uh we need to we need to like i don't care okay no no don't go [Music] i've lighted i just left sword you're like let's go i don't care you just jump in and you die is my stuff still up i love you i didn't think it was that far george why am i starting where am i starting i'm ending the stream dream my minecraft's literally starting just wait a minute kiss me here no you didn't please i'm here george kiss us we want kisses what do you want us what kiss us all right dream kiss me what do you want to dream kiss me kiss me wait i i can't i i don't even have my cam on jordan kiss me are you gonna miss that you call me right on the nipples right on the nipples yes george kissed me yes george you look good in a suit thanks dream you're welcome what else do you want to say jeremy hello wait where are you why are you whispering i'm i don't know effect all right um i like your tie really it's nice okay you look like a businessman it's because i am a businessman we did business dream bad business oh i know i i won a million dollars off you you're you're a crappy businessman so jeremy what are you wearing right now in real life not a suit and what are you wearing i am wearing uh why are you asking me what i'm wearing just tell me why why is it so secretive it's not secret it was kind of like i don't know i'm just chilling i'm in um i'm wearing uh like sweats and a t-shirt a white t-shirt grace webcams they are and they're um they have the florida gators logo on there you know i'm not really a gators fan but can you send us a picture no send me a picture oh my god okay i think this is all right i'm gonna buy you're leaving you don't want me to no really you don't want me to why would i want you to leave i'm going to sleep okay well then sleep like an hour and come back i'm sleeping for like at least eight hours okay but then we're going to be out of sync again what's that my fault uh okay well i fished one there's two more you have to stay until i end the stream i'm fishing two more if i don't get the name you're running the stream after this you're ending it i'm going to end the stream just for you durian here we go i need a name tag guys i'm back oh just in time for the stream tonight but why not just for me why are you ending it for me if i'm going to go to sleep because we're staying up what we're going to stay out we don't know what's the other one we're going to watch you don't want to stream without me you love me so now where's the office we're going to watch the dream don't hear something crazy i messaged back in 2016. i didn't know how to code yet and i was looking for shut up um i was looking for a uh a developer for for prison right like to make a prison server because i had a prison server idea and i actually messaged you it was this was in 2015. i didn't know who you were i met you were just on like some developer website and because you were a developer and i messaged you and i was like hey like can you can you code this plug-in and you ignored me but what's funny is that if you had if you hadn't ignored me i probably never would have became a developer wait because if you replied and said sure i'll code i never would have learned incidentally obviously like without anything [Music] can you do me a favor maybe can you say and i quote no i probably can't i love you dream no george just tell me you love me it'll make me sleep so much better that's okay i don't have to do that just saying you don't have to but it'll make me cry if you don't why did i kill that chicken no it's fine we can move on but yeah um hopefully i can get partnered on twitch and then you won't get partnered unless you say it and then i can um no they're gonna ask dream and dreams can be like no don't partner him he doesn't love me so yeah hopefully they can pardon me and then i can get a little quality switcher because damn because that would be nervous but he just doesn't love me they made it up no one loves you except for you especially not me okay there was some donations that i missed george just tell me you love me stop storage come on i love you tell me you love me i'm trying to george please okay stop hey george i've been watching you enjoying for some while now and you guys made me really happy i made an edit of you and dream and it's on youtube called isle of dream all right oh oh i'm hitting them with a mutton what am i doing all right yeah um i will check it out i'll go back through these donations and check out the things that i need to check out but yeah thank you for donating and telling us about that i'll check it out death swap video i love dream [Laughter] yes [Laughter] that you're a genius answer me this then would you marry george [Music] maybe what you married george but not me baby have to think about it i wasn't even thinking about it ign well if you wasn't a woman oh my goodness [Music] all right i'm banning dreams i am convinced yes i'm sorry i'm sorry dream what if the only way george could get into america would you marry him or visa i i would definitely do that anyway i would definitely consider it this is what if he just married me then i wouldn't have to leave that's illegal but that's not the only reason it's one of those just a minute you're madly in love with dream when you're using this as an excuse to marry him no this is false i actually i'm in my hating dream arc right now [Music] wow i mean it's about to be in the different arctic why it just does it's just how the cookie crumbles oh we're finishing each other sentence as well wow we finished each other's sentences oh my god i wish carl was here yeah because you could kiss them yeah at least i would have someone to be like in love with jesus oh yeah george was trying to marry him the other day he was like talking about all the benefits so i married and i'm like actually like i'm not even kidding well this is just well skepty brought up when to go to america and i was like you can just marry me right and then it was just and then you were begging me for like 15 minutes about how like come on it's actually a good idea like marry me like we can get married like he's like if you ever actually want to like marry someone else then maybe we can like get a divorce but we can just marry me oh my god make me sound weird now it was well that's what happened i'm just i'm talking about what happened i'm building our wedding this is like where we're gonna be and then it's like a carpet is it meant to be red i don't know how weddings work look how many friends we have george they're all here yeah i'm just finishing up a little wedding i am i'm not wearing socks really should i take mine off i don't know i just realized he's not wearing socks someone asked in chat this is pretty nice this little wedding place just two bros chilling at the altar [Music] and then like when i was at the very beginning stages i actually went to george and he didn't have a channel either and i was like i was like george look i'm gonna blow up like come with me and he was like all right and made a channel and then we're like all right let's go you see this call that we've been in has been active for 10 hours do you see that when i went to go join the call 10 hours yes i guess we've been streaming for three we've been talking to each other for 10 hours yes there's two people that have my number dream and carl no one else has it no one else has it all cool not even snap nab no not even up no not even no i'm gonna ask this when he gets back where no one has my number the only people dreaming up no dreaming call why does dream you like dream more than me no dream has my number because dream needs me sometimes so he can so i um yeah he needs me sometimes for things um and i have it set up so his call goes through like silence and stuff so he can wake me up if he hasn't [Music] georgian sapnap um fighting like siblings arc that's true we are except we're not siblings your honor george and dream's brotherly relationship is so iconic brotherly it's kind of the weird arc someone said someone in chat said the alabama ark [Music] hey let's go on a journey okay just hold s three two one go yeah oh wait what i hit a wall yeah if you go left okay hold a three two one go hey dream we're holding left oh oh we hit a wall hey jim hold on hold w okay three two one go hey dream wait i'm faster than you wait am i wait i'm doing my task what oh we're in the stars we can look at the stars wow yeah don't don't don't get too close they're beautiful it's pretty cool they're shooting stars over here oh you want to stand on i think that's snow but oh it's snow but you can pretend [Music] also you are adorable george no wonder why dream is the same for you dream is a symphony that's kind of genius actually you can just protect me james just don't let them take me away that's not that's not how it works we'll set up like a little uh we'll set up a defense what are they gonna do come steal me dream i want you to edit the video for me edit the video dream how it's like that video is so easy i just don't want to edit it i just don't want to edit why don't you want to edit it i'd rather i'd rather just go to sleep and wake up and then you have edited it for me of course you would dream please i don't ask you for much please why it's a weird thing to ask me though you want me to edit the entire video come on jamie you said that you could edit it better than me anyway that's true are you know what george you know what what upload the file it's already uploaded on google drive yes send it to me no way i was lying about that i just sent you four thousand dollars no no he didn't i just sent you five thousand dollars wait wait everything you've done for me five thousand five thousand dollars five thousand us dollars five thousand us dollars yeah it's already in your pay pal let me check oh my god you actually sent it here's my inventory i've got an iron helmet an iron axe a wooden pickaxe there's a stone pickaxe so get yourself some iron okay come on come on just take this take this you can have some iron pick accents you need some more you need some more you need to wear stuff yeah give me more i'll throw you i can't believe we're taking iron you can have like you could hear you can have um george hurry up i know i just i'm thinking oh my goodness or you can have this stone actually you can have the stone axe you can have it what do you want what do you want he's meaning you i'll give you another piece of iron give george your chest play how about that yeah yeah and you hand that over that's like ball come back i'll give you my chest plate no so as you can see okay okay first okay all right never mind it says drew nothing all right anyway okay that was that's part of the mod but okay that's part that's that's that's okay that's actually not part of the mod that's part of okay i didn't do that i didn't do that that's that's all that's all i have to say i didn't do that okay i'm whatever i'm moving on anyway um so okay whatever [Music] late nights in the middle of june this is true this is true i don't want to be alone what y'all got it [Music] you're so wrong to think you're [ __ ] i read heatwaves you're just cops i'm sweet as honey you're [Laughter] do you have a song that makes you think of dream probably road trip huh probably he waves that's true though that's actually not true really i don't know maybe [Music] what george you know we're surrounded by clay hardened clay uh what i'm so tired but i'm still here doing mcc training because you're gonna edit my video for me i'm grinding for you jim thank you very much [Laughter] i wanna kiss you like prince let's get it on like marvin get out write a song for you like this you're over my head i'm out of my mind thinking i was born in the wrong time one of a kind living in a world gone plastic baby you're so classic [Music] when i think of you i think of course suck my dick then leave you bum i'll eat you for breakfast my mouth wide open i'm not corpse but i'll leave you choking what is wrong with you that's just like usually i didn't mean to make it sexual okay sticky i'll read me and george's text further um yeah look at all those twitch friends you're such a guy i texted him i said i'm in the hot tub right now he said prove it i sent it i sent a picture of the hot tub and he said i don't see you in it though and then he had like a blushing face why does he do that with you and not with me i asked him why are you wearing like hard eyes and [ __ ] yeah i don't like reading our texts ready you said i said um you said just woke up and i said me too in sync bb and then you sent back hard-eyes emoji let's go and then i said now we can have sex and you said sure wait wait let me read alright i don't even remember that why didn't we even say that [Music] it's too hot okay it is i need to cool down okay okay hair reveal i could do a hair reveal this we have to do take take your hat off right here just you have to do everything i say okay with no hesitation are you ready okay all right take your take your hat off yeah all right take your headphones off yeah you're not going to hear me wait can you hear me if you take your headphones off yeah okay so your headphones are off yeah all right now just totally mess up all of your hair why just do it why i just completely ruffle all of your hair what if i get it like wet and then it likes go crazy will it yeah watch wait where's it going just tell me no no that's where it's going go do it do it and then walk i can't tell you i can't tell you after i can't i can't tell you i can't tell you just do it is it wet okay i can't see you hang on the camera look [Laughter] oh my gosh holy cow what i've never seen your hair like that now that now that's a good instagram photo i wanted to see what your hair looked like it's just it's like messy it's like messed up but now what no that was it how's that a tick tock it's not a dick so you just wanted me to take myself for no reason well not for no reason i was curious what it looked like [Music] this is what george said george george is george's george's body shaming no i'm not ready so he said he said what if i bought a 5xl hoodie as a joke and then wore it and and then posted on saying i just borrowed dreams hoodie i said that wouldn't be funny he said it'd be pretty funny i said it wouldn't be funny he said it'd be pretty funny i was like no it wouldn't be funny at all how would it be funny i mean no he's gonna know he's can't because for body shaming i don't even know what you look like how's it buddy it's like what the hell and then he and then he he got he had my merch and he put it on and he stood on his bed him on camera i took tons of thick pictures they just killed me if i posted them so yeah we're not allowed i mean he might they're so good the screenshots are so good that he might be fair the screenshots aren't they he would he wouldn't like them but he was wearing like an oversized dream smile hoodie and he was standing on his bed to show how big it is i have several pictures of you which pictures yeah yeah exactly well i have the cat one the bed one the you with the massive lips i have several george okay i have the one of you and the guys listen listen i have the one of george in the in the dream hoodie standing on his bed i have it that that that is nothing compared to what i have i'll post it guys i'll post it listen this is how you get me to post [Music] george do you wear cologne please the people need to know i'll answer this no doesn't even shower i actually sprayed cologne before the stream why it's like i don't know i smell you wait i was good i don't know i bought i bought i bought another thing of color i sprayed dreams hoodie with cologne [Music] you are a little in love with your best friend [Music] it says you're in love with a few things about your best friend so it's likely that you could fall entirely in love with them if things keep up the way they are right now wow if you're it's got a flowing ad if you're worried they don't feel the same way you're gonna have to find out how to shut your feelings off you don't want to ruin what you have wow i don't want to ruin it it says your feeling for your best friend is infatuation maybe which is like it looks like it's like kind of the middle towards them towards the higher middle it says your feelings for your best friend are really complicated sometimes you think him as a perfect partner but sometimes you know that you'd better keep the friendship as what it is now in a weird way he might notice that feeling as well you guys really need more time to see what kind of destiny life has in store for you wow it's like a fortune teller wow crazy yeah there we go does it give a percentage um it it doesn't it has like a little like chart and it has like a line it has like a little thing on it looks like it's probably like 65 or something like 68 or something i don't know [Music] incredible i can't believe it you are infatuated with me that's crazy [Music] clearly kind of cringe yeah i'm sorry i'll stop no has your valentine been taken by dream dream i don't know i don't know you can be my valentine if you want george no i don't think so [Music] what the hell what the hell happened [Laughter] oh my god what was that i can't believe george and i do i george all right listen just explain your reasoning for dying man you have to at least give me reasoning what did you even ask i just asked if you'd be my valentine you didn't mean it why not what do you mean why not you can be my valentine it wasn't it was not a joke probably not yeah i mean maybe though why not um yeah you didn't mean it no i meant it i 100 meant it i 100 meant it okay so what does that mean being my valentine you just would be my valentine that's it and then what happens i mean nothing you just you're just my valentine okay maybe next yeah i mean if you mean it need an egg farm you need a sugarcane last year yesterday valentine and he said maybe next year does that mean he's your valentine yeah he confirmed it to me he did tell me i didn't do that well he did but he wouldn't admit it but he did it's okay mm-hmm [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: LiterallyNotFound
Views: 387,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnf, dreamnotfound, georgenotfound, dream, dream and george, iconic, literallynotfound, dnf compilation
Id: U3OHyP2DcvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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